Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
Metzger Bros. , I'illiniii ! Neb ( 'In rry To. iriml : on left hie Khiniar : ; , si.iir | : Top riirbt otl- Miutliern brMidi ealtle have 1m ; un < * Icill-diatnoiid h ' o - ft side - \aiive ealt.ihi Itaneoon Gordon and M.ak < M-reeks' ' Horses have saim- brand on lelt thluh offsfSOyill be paid to n. leading to the an e > ! an < eattle - - . ; . " . ; K'rson or persons btea. with above brand oflT ; liornee tiraiideil same on left hip. Also has stoek hnunleci H on .side or shoulder , or JK or WorO VL ere or FZ. Also ( he following. &vs\ \ GEO IITOOINS 1'ostoffiee address Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; sonic HJt-ft side andthi li lian II onleftthi h se Duck hake uulee N. 1 , / rjuuu. li. K SMITH Postoflice addri-8 * 'Vnitman , NOn - On le t siihlior. . e > ui left shoulder i Irft p-de \wht'r ° OP ' .r thi h K 1e n < til proni ; > Middle LI-up river and r.nffalo I.ike I \ v u KN > i. , u .1 ( ? COOLEY Postofflce a ldress en richt side ; h > r FC * same on rijrl t fthon'd r n - lx mil s nai th nest of Moth er Lake pieclnet ? ? : T5JilVr'V"M : ) as li-nWBitvHf A J PLU5IKR Postoffiee address Jlyani-is. No- ! nmndnd on right s-cte.m' h Also liave tock hi andod on right side and hij ) on ri ht bil Range-Sontlnvestei n herr\ Count j. j.W W K STANSBIK AND I ) 0 BATCH FoBtofflco address hyannis. Nel On left bin am Jeft Bide Also on left hip and leftside horses same brands on shoulders Ranpe 23-milcs orth of Hyannis r "osiofliee address H.vannis , Nel' On njrlil hip : ' either side ( in ses rijrbt er Bango st-ren miles north of II\anni-- . SWEEVEY HROS Postofllce addrc s Pul'mano ' Catt e branded ion lit ; horses branded ame as cattle except iever > ed S. ee bloe.k and Stephen i m Lakes and South ostofiVe a ' 'res Ilyannis % eh TJrinded anvwhen on rijht side : horses f * ses same on lef sh-mlder ? n < rt ii-ast f J. A IM ! ! . On Vftidf ir hip / 4 left On 'eft s CIIA.MBEJtLAIN' & OO UrownU-e. N'eb P.raiidMl on either side satinus on e.ut , ( ) h Jaws MiLrsIlilll \VoIffMdcill Ki-nnedv - , Neb. = n the Morses ron left xhonlder Hrand i small Kannarlc : Quarter -l-p belniid halfir , -ir- i ele tonvard on leit ear ItaiiUe Lone Tree oain Iludsoii Simeon Neb Left hip on cattle I < -ft shoulder on horses Sonic horses L zv on leftsnoulder Kange between Gordon and Snake Hiver and Niobrara _ River ' .eti A U eati le dehorned tt'illiuin M. Diinbar Lessee from Heine & Cody. Neb IUn KiJhorside low Als Oh right Left eai < > i cattle split Ifan.-e head of.IIax Creek Amelia Young. Cody , Nebraska On right side. Uight ear split liange , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon. N'ebraskn On ripht side ; r o- rht hip. P hors * brand and T on ritrht shoulder AIco THttle brande \i \ on left side Kanie. fi.xvl nii.e south of li win Cody. NYbrask.i Ilorstlirmd fi ] \ ) ii lelt > hoiilder H Y Cattle , right ear split , Hantre. l.ittic li < lil f . 11 I i it- > . J \ \ bite river , s. I ) . V/ " " Wy tiwwihv 3. , , iX- * " v W.f 'i- > Carl Tinentiageii Kaiii ! 10 miles north and 0 miles easi of G rdon I ) ( ' . . Nelson. Podv , Nebraska. On ri ht hip. Range. .Medicine 1 ake to the. Snake river 11 tilt Brothers. Gordon , Nebraska Kanpe.14 n.ilcs north of ( Jordon. F. t1. Diierfellt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska cattle also branded HO on right hip Horses and mule ? . .randed same as cut on left shoulder J. 0. Jordan Goidon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut on lelt side One bunch bianded < I , on left hip Horses .1 on left shoulder Hange. 10 miles soinhuvst of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon [ Albany. Veb ttl < ? branded on lest ribs or riuht shoulder ; * > ! > SO on n ht hipmxl b-fl ribs ; con left hip Ijor-es FI ) or SI ) on riK'it ' shoulder Han eT nil north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur RUicIt Leg Vaccine Fic-kel Gordon Neb \lso Horse bnniil V o : ft < bnndr ! ti.iiivt * i'1 ni'les iribeast of Gordon Wheeler HroB. Cody Neb Also U on riRht -ide Uanpe Chamhrrlain Flats and Snake Iliver Marqusirdl Mnwlns OTTO STKUT.K. Manager. Neb CatUe brain' ' OM "ii lefi bi ilde | See of eattle have vaiious oliierlipuid * OS en 'eft ' hip llorsbraM \ MII left > h < uildei R.I.ire Foime'Iy . Gee W Mi "ider nuii-Ii r miles eat of AT iri-ii ni fr 'in F.K M. V. R II suiith to Lemder : Creek. Mar- " ' " ' - B , ricribner , JSel ra luu Educational Notes I , By Prof. R. H. WATSON i Let over } ' teacher remember the ! teacher's meeting to be held in the high school building Saturday , 1'obruarv ll. > Miss Brown \vtll conduct a class drill on the elementary pounds of the letters U \V and Y. There'will also be the regular round table discussions in lit- erature and the methods of recitation. FolUnving is-the report of school dis trict Xo 16 , Crook.xton. for the month ending January 27 : Number of days taught , 20 ; number of pupils enrolled -22 : average attendance 2t The e who were neither tardy nor absent are Helena , Viola and Rudolph Viertel. Mabel Johnson , Win. and Blanche Rhine , Blanche and Roy SearbyMarion Gee and Douglas Uliss. Those who were tard\ but once arc . \I\rtlo Searby and Win. \iily . Mrs. ( J. A. Gee , teacher. Enigma I am composed of 38 letters. My 18 , 12 , 23 , 38 , is a grain. Aly 22 , 15. 17. 21 , It , something to amuse children at a picnic. My 26 , 23 , 28. 36 , 18 , 2 , is part pt a r.iilro.-ul. My 5 , 20 , 33 , 39 , something used in cooking. My 3 1,8 , 27 , 11 , is a business trans action. My 39 , 31 , 27 , 33 , is an animal My 7 , 28 , 29 , 30 , is a musical instru merit. My 16 , 30 , 10 , 19. is boarding house food. My 1 , 9 , 21 , is something dug from the earth. My 32 , 6 , 33 , is a drink My 4 , 33 , 13 , is a color. My whole is a quotation from Young. Ralph Watson. The farmer's Institute , February 16 and 17 , promises to be the best ever held in Cherry county \\'o do not ex pect a single failure on 'the program. i'rof. Tailor has jfistvntren u that every in. in pro.nisfti by the state de nartment of farmers institutes will be here on time. Let everyone of our own people do likewise. Send copies of the program to your friends an 1 have' the meeting thoroughly adver tised in every neighborhood. The hal should be full at every meeting , es- pecialh for the evening lectures and Friday afternoon. Thc answer to the enigma furnished by Glen llonig in our last column is : All that I am or ever hone to be I owe to my angel mother/ ' Correct answers given b\ Laura Tillson. Walter Thorn , Carrie Tillson. Ralph Watson , Nettie Kneeland and Martha Maxwell Alreadv . many of the young folks have * / O itegun to work out the beautiful texts presented in the enigmas of the Sunday School papers The time spent by young folks in solving enigmas , etc. , is \vell spent. When I was a boy three or four hours spout on i\c. algebraic- problem found in a Sunday School paper gave me a better knowledge of equations than I could have gotten in several days from the text book. Tin- problem was as follows : A man has a tract of land fenced with a eight rail fence. There are as many acres in the Held as there are rails in the fence , al lowing two panels of fence to make one rod. How main acres in the Held ? Gallop. llev. Hunt is holdl . % a series of meetings at [ 'enter school house with good success. Miss Mann returned to Gordon last Fiid.iy to it tend .school. Andrew Henderson spent part of hist week on liis homes tend near Lavaca. Win. Speuce came over from Eli to get a load sf rye from J. B. Sones. Mrs. Gallop was called to the bed side of her sick eon in O'Mcill List week. Mr. Hill w-iso.tlled to Gordon where his baby iioy is under the. doctor's care anil has left 3Ir lohi'son to batch it ilouc. Then.- will bo an oyster supper at Center school house February 10. Everybody invited io come and bring his b-st girl an.l a basket full of good things to eat. A good time is e.x- tcctcd ; 50 cents i couple. UETFIK. Kii fVcciiict. Bert Nichols and sisters were up the river iga parti 1 last \\cs-k. Alex Uobsonnsthrougii here one day last i\cek buing horses tos'ijp. Kev. Hunt was up the river hoi ling mco''ng last week. Miss Clara Crowens visiting her sister Jeti- iiiu's scluiol one daj last \viok. U m. Mchols and wife. John Selder and Lee Sellers all visitrd tlie school in district 55 at one iinie last week v eoupli- IS eke & DU.J m's in were : i OUR , iie Mver last week onki.'iy : up eallie that pot ivifrnm ; ihem la t sumti or i r.'i lu n Mfa.ue'of Chadron. .who is i.ieitilm. . a ii'oulh ere with his sister , .Mrs. .t m. crane , inn-it ) of Murriinan. ww on the - over itijrht ia-.t week. Clyde Me ulenhall. of Hay Spna s , is working for.i. li Seulcr. SANDY. SOU. The s 'i uv l-c it a'.linn : sri'li 1 bore [ or some littie tim- .1. K. Se.der reiur d f om K'ushville. .Mn . DahLjr niil > ooi : le 1 H-UU-O in he nwn < > f MeiTiinau. Mrs. K. Crane is rec'iveritig s m .vhat ui : < er , hu nii'dieal truatuiijn ! of I ) a i S'l-m. ' G Crigger' " bud t'ie misrort mo to louse their . unmixes eliild from Ihe measles. MisLnra Gallop has ncen vi I ing i.i he S llo i vii-inity for sum weeks past , b-itie- turned to her j-choo a thort time ago. h piwnlee people in iy well eongnitiilale ihein- elves ni ' belntr sn f.trt nate as to pt Miss .nra to vaeh their school She is an e.\eellenl earlier : i id tie % best priiuniu in the eounty. be- di s she N ore of Cherry e. > un y' * fairest , girls. NVni. Bnrrib lias recovered from \\l \ \ < Hik spell. Bio .ET. Nebraska Press Association Like all good members of the Xe lu-aska Press Association the editor ol this paper threw cares to the winds , dug up all the cash he could , left tlic paper in charge of the foreman and went to Omaha hu > t week to attend ihe I twenty-seventh annual meeting of the association , which took place at the Pax ton hotel Tuesday and Wednesday. The editor missed hearing the presi dent's message , arriving just in time to become interested in the discussion of Bro Julian's paper on the "Reciprocal Relation Between Press and Part- , " which was one of the best things of the association. Bro .Julian has a high ideal in connection with his subject , and believes it is not good policy for a newspaper to accept money from a candidat.- oflice. If politicians were the men they should be this would be all right , but they are prone to forget a favor. A luncheon was tendered the a-so- ciation at the rooms of the Commercial Club at six o'clock , followed by a theatre party at the Creigh ! on Orpheiim. Tuesday morning the business of the association began in earnest , and con tinued throughout the day. The papers read and the discussions which followed were models in every respect , and de veloped sufficient thought friction to insure the reading public of many good things in the country press during the present year. The business session Wednesday evening resulted in a victory for north Nebraska such as she has never before gained , W. N. Iluse. of Norfolk , being elected president , and E.V. . Julian corresponding secretary. Mrs. Claflin , of Ord , vas elected vice-president for this congressional district. From S o'clock until i ) a rece > tion was held in the parlors of the Paxton , followed by a banquet in the main dinn : _ room , whereabout 30j per.sons were served. The alf.tir was enlivened by music until tSur io-ists were an nounced , when began MIC : ' a How < f wit , viMlom and eloquence as we never tixpt-ci to hear ext-elle.i. response uf Rev. Mac-key of All S lints ( . 'hnrch mid editor of a weekly relig'.ous paper , ' was especial 13 * line and was tilled with many suggestions to the editorial fra ternity which we are sure will bear ijood ftuit. Will Owen Jones , of the State Journal , responded to ' 'Our Sins if Omission" in a manner which kept his hearers in constant convulsions of merriment. At the conclusion of the banquet goodlne's were said and with many regrets the editors parted. Every man , woman and child in Omaha seemed during our visit to bo iloing one of two things : Nursing vac cination sores or singing "corn" ' songs. Most of them were doing both. t'roiun of O'Neill , Julian of Cliadron , mid the writer upheld the-dimrity of the northwest. The first two distin Ljuished themselves , and this entire section of the state basks in the reflec tion of their glory. The editor who did not purchase a L'opy of "Limnings" with a per rait of the author while in Omaha , did n t do liis duty by himself , his profession nor the state of Nebraska , and should im mediately reform his ways. Omaha redeemed herself in the eyes jf many of the boys by her handsome treatment of them , and many who were unacquainted with her resources took this opportunity to learn. This writer for one is proud of the metropolis now ; 5iir eyes have been opened to many ; hings and we will never agai i say uirsh words oi the city. The World-Herald is to be compli- nented on the endeavors it made to intertain the editors while in Omaha. Hitchcock , Metcalfe and Maupm ex- rted themselves to the utmost to make ? vcrything pleasant for the boys , and ; hey succeeded. The World-Herald vill lose nothing ' > y its generosity , and j f the Mee doesn't notice a sharp falling j ) iY in its subscription list we will miss j nir guesr. i JMisa Eva Peyton's school has been j xdjourned three weeks on account of j jieasles. She went to Valentine Wednesday night to spend a few da\s : isitin < j friends. Sam Chestnut purchased five greyi i lounds last week. Two from Ulia j Po.vell for $ : ! 5 ; two from Fred Hoyt j ior $12 and one from Frank Arnot. expects to make a clecin sweep jf the coyotes in his ncck-'o-tlie-woods. j Uiiis leaves Ulia with only one and a i lalf doss in his kennel. lie wants to another half dog somewhere as a j starter in the business. - Gordon ' Fournal. ' ! ' . . it resolved tlut we the bmtheis and sisters if tin- Sons an I Dauuhtt-rs of Val- mine Lodgi S'n ( i. do heieoy extend our heartMt suniiatii.\ o Sistjr Vincent and lamiiy in tin * heir be-i -e.tve i ent l y tli - de.-rh o > tin ir V'imgot MMS. ittii ; K't-s and ill iy ihtgrae ot t'.ol : sustain i .hem in their sorrow. AUKI.IA E. Pi-.rm'KKW j HAIMMI'TTA MOICKY j G P. ru.\in. i Eva Fe\ton , of Lavaca , who is I fri-nds in Valentine , will re turn to her school work Merri- nan , next Monda } * . Her school ; losed for three weeks on account of the measles. * a tr * i c fli a y c " * a > Hh NFVr H i I I ! M i V L 3 4 Anything in the line of Clothing , Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , Staple or Fancy Groceries , . 1 4 4 ? ? Stoneware , Dry Goods Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , tote tote to Be sure to call and get prices at tote to tote 49 to 49 9 I A D CT K I LAHLN SUCCESSOR TO THEO. TILLSON , PROPRIETOR NOW SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE A farm to rent to a farmer for one or three years , cash or grain rent. Call at this oilice for particulars. Taken iij ) Octoiiers. iRJi' . ten mile1- south oi C' . Ni-hraska. onevhittinv l ' - y. one \ \ > ratu en - on left side and c e u-d calf \\iib no l-vand U Taken upb > dKOUCSC B .itNt r n. All work nromt'ilv sffnoed to \V71 \T * * jf When Visitmj ae M& f. , ' W , * * tfi fjt Stop $ & at THE $1,00 Per Day Good Service , A , Hornback , fit tl RAILROAD. 'North-Western Line" is to Ue to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD i NORTH NEBRASKA J\ A f . C. NELSON il-ss starlrd ia IJIIM'IIPS ? : u d j brij : tins tuill rash j bi\ : ! ' . of I * f- > / > , ' 7 5isi < ' . S ix etiifl 'til iitdti of 50 YEARS' EXPERJENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . v , . - .ww YrMGHTS &C. Ar.vonc senillnij a sketch and description in.iy niilekly .iscertnin our opinion free whether an invention is prob.TMypite'Uablc. ComiiiuntPa- tions strictly Handbook on Patents s"ist frco. oi'lcst .nsency for sccunnp patents. I'-jteuts nUeu throuch ilunn & Co. receive tyflal nnticf , vrithout clnrec , in the \ handsomely ilbiatratod weekly. I-nrsest. clr- ulntion of any scientiUc Journal. Terms , $3 n r : four months , SI. Sold by all newsdealer ? . UHH&Co.3618"1 New York Brunch OPicc , ffi5 F HL , "Washington , D. C. In the County Court f Chrry County Nebras ka in the M tterof the Kstate of D'M. Under wood. Deeeased. Knima K. I'nderwood Invlns filed in mv ofllro n etiM'ti | ii.i > ii > tr for hpapiointment | of .loiin rnderwoo.l as ndministntior of the estate of I > . M l'nder\\no ( ! . rli-eeasi d All per on < ? inter- e.sled in smd est.-ite will Inkp noriee that I have lixeil s tnnlsiv. Fi brn m H. ISfln , at 10 o'eot-k a in . as 111- time , and my olneis in Valentine , < 'berr * eountv. N"ebra--l ' : i n thi place for hear- in } : of .sii" ; neiifon athich Jinio and p'nce all PCIVIHK i"ler sted , n said eMato nriv a ; je : r and sln'W a < e if any tln-rc n - wliy fliieh : id- iiiiiNtrit-i ! .su > ; ild ii"l l a pointed. U'itne-s mh itnlaiid ih'eal ol ihe con ty court ol said countv ' this lirh dy of .Jnmiary 1809 - - W. i : TI-WXK. SI-.AL ( "t'U dy Juduc. - 1 Attention , Stockmen nnci lhs Pubiic If n Supply or Stock Tajik urm kind f er \Vr. are pr pired ( < uccominodate yon at reasonable prices and i guarantee to give satisfaction I JONES . & DUNN Niigh Uoviil , Manager Merrlman Neb al o 3 J Alllonleft eicleor hip Ran c north of EH Charlotte K. UoviSl Merriman Neh Left side or hip Range north of Eli J3 H. Teererp Jims. Newton , Neb. Horse ; on leftsho.iirter Ranco between the Gordon and the Snake Gorsnch Bros. Newton , Cattle branded n > as on cut cutSomt Somt eft s'deoi hi ) Kani'e on Gordon Creek J T Richardson. ka _ _ Kennedy.N'pbrr * on left lefthi hi nor"e.on left -honlder S'nti.Sti il\ * I jf lU-.nde-toi'l ft side VI I i L > . Til' tisi ake | " " " " * M' r : ii l"lsi > \ It - -.1 Quaiit * Valentine. b Dntiid. d on either J R IJange betweun her and Swan J Lake * ' U , - .