Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 02, 1899, Image 5
FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Capital 91 < JO,0 < :0.00 : Director * : Stnlcttnu'ii : F. W. FLATO , Ju , Pn-flident. En II. REID [ PAUL FLATO , Vice President. JIMS HORN f Battle " ' ' n' J. C. DAIILMAN. Secretary. E. W. CAIIOAV. ( Ing Salesman JOHN D.SUITZ. Hron HITCHCOCK , Sheep " ED H HIED , JOHN IJ CLAKY , Cashier SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500.000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. 51. LOUIS STOCK OF RESTAURANT. 01' EX I\Y AND MGIIT. E. T. MILLER , Proprietor. LODGING FOR STOCKMEN NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' N sf'Er ' South Omnliii. Thro > Doors From C rin r RATRS.iU.nn to n oO Per D y. 'elrplione No. G7 So 00 to S7.00 Per . ' e k. D HOTEL. MixS. JOHN H .KlPropnVlress. STOCKMEN'S PATROHABE ESPECHLLY SOLICITED , # ? . 't is 8 at.li Omaha , Nebi A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. ft haw boon rrpt' ( lri osiMtrci < ' l iia the past that Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself as to tlse truth of that .staremt'iit by comparing the sales at. sjoux City , hist year , wiih those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold caMle at Sioux City. Tins year Sioux City is in the iir-ld for fat cat tle as well as feeders HIM i rKir beef slaughtering plant of the Ciubihy Packing Co. is ready for business The capacity of the Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. No charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market The Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN H. KEENT2 , General Manager Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Pieforenc-e Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. . OMAHA , XEIJ We charge no commission. LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Etoom SOS Sxrlu.iiC ' IS let ; ; . . . l.'eferor.ces : UNION STOCK YARDS PACKERS * NATIOM A L KATIOKAL BA.NJC HAW K. Telphone 141 Wo liavrn lar iM-llriiti-Kf ainosip NHiniska Fccili"-s uiul rin always neat Onutlia prices tf > Uanc-h rnstom.TS IF NOTIFIKI ) UKFJJK- ! : -.IIII'MK.N I\ r - For a dr > p-head machine when you can get a fir t-class machine for $21.00 by writing to 'I. H , EMERY , Valentine , - Nebr. I P. O. Parsons i | Photographer Has rented the 4. G Shaw Ait Calleiv in this City for one year and will be here trom 1ST TO 12TH OF EVTKRY MONTH First-class Work in every Parlic.'ilar Guaranteed. See Samples of Work at the Kcd Fron Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods GALL AND GET PRICES ' COB A GILLETT. v < WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEST GOOD , Editor and Publisher Tlie Nebraska legislature is trying to dismiss an officer from the United States army , a case never before heard of. It takes a republican legislature to give us lessons in politics. When the chairman of the republi can committee on contested elections takes a vote he says : "All in favor of expelling this fusion member and giv ing a seat to a republican say aye. Those opposed signify it by the same sign. The ayes have it. The republi can is seated. ' * Lincoln Independent. Ten da > s before the war was do ciared against Spain , siiys the Noncon formist. the presidents-aid in a message to congress : "I .speak not of forcib.e annexation , for that cannot bo thought ' o of. That , by our code of morality , would be criminal aggression. " Does the president now moan to acknowledge ho was wronir in saying that ? j G. A. Eckles , "the smoothest poll- ! tician in the northwest , " has been appointed - ' pointed postuia > ter at Chadron , despite violent oppo > ition from numbers of re publican * . Merit wins iu iho republi can p.irtv every time , and tf Kckles luul been charged with obtaining $ ? , OJO of camp 'gn boi > , ll * instead of $7. JO he wouid prob ibly liav-- wen made am bassador to JU ay ward is undoubtedly the choice of the republicans of this state for United states Senator , but L ) E Thompson of Lincoln has the bar'l and he says nit. Wonder how our republi can friends feel , anyhow. The legisla ture adjourned over Saturday for Hay- ward's express benefit , bnt the former candidate for governor received two votes less Monday than he did the pre ceding Friday In the Montana legislature several weeks ago Senator Whiteside laid down § 80,000 and declared the monev had been given him as a bribe to influence the cause of a certain aspirant for U S. Senator. Whiteside's seat was prompt ly contested and we see by the daily papers he has been unseated , a majority of his party colleagues voting against him. Whiteside ought to have known better than to expose the attempted purchase of a senatorial seat , and in stead of turning the "boodle" over to the state he should have pocketed it and been a statesman. A bill introduced into the state SPU- ate by a subservient tool of the money sharks provides that in foreclosure cases , where a defendant wishes to ap peal from a decision of the court below , he must give bond for the payment of reasonable rent on the premises from the time of the appeal , in case his ap peal is not sustained. The law night as well provide that no defendant in foreclosure shall have a right of appeal. Such a law would have the same effect and it would be a great cal more honest. When a farmer reaches the f > rec.O3urc stage his means are utterly exhaust- and it would be as impossible > r hi f 10 g ve such a bond as it would b3 for him to biry the Union Pacific railroad.Ve do not I * now what the title of this bill is but it should be labeled "An act to steal a poor man's land by due proces of la\v. " ' Such a bill is unnecessary as well as unjust , because the mortgage draws interest on his b > nd clear up to the time of the s eritfs j-ale and ihcr'f-iro he cannot possible MI tor any loss. The first time the reformed republicans get u wh.ick at the farmers they nail them to the cross. N ouconformist. The Illinois state boar-1 of live stock commissioners filed their thirteenth an nual report I > < comber 21. It contains many items regarding the contagious diseases of animals. It sa\s that dur ing the year there were three otitbrea s of southern fever among cattle in the state , and exposure in each case w.i.s not due to illegal importation of south ern cattle. A full account is given of experiments conducted near Uockford by the board , and these demonstrated that southern cattle dipped in extra dynamo oil and sulphur are incapable , as has been claimed by the bureau of animal industry , of conveying southern fever to northern native cattle. Re garding tuberculosis in cattle the report calls attention to the liability of a spread of the disease to humans through milk and beef ; speaks of tests which proved the efficiency of tuberculin as a diag nostic agent ; savs that fewer dairy far mers than usual sought to have s.ucb tests made because they had to sustain the loss if tuberculosis was discovered and the cattle consequently were con demned to be killed and then asks the legislature to appropriate $ ' 20,000 a year for the reimbursement of farmers whose cattle are so destroyed. Tuberculosis is found to be wide-spread in Illinois , j and the appropriation is urged as the best and only efficient way of stamping out the disease..National Rural. r Live Stock Notes , I Take care of your horses : the day is not far distant when they will bring you fair money. Prices are advancing slowly but surely , and good horses are not hard to sell. The stockman who finds himself short on hay after wo have had such a pleasant , open winter , will certainly lav himself liable to being charged with gross carelessness if nothing more. Speaking of Sweeney 13ros. ' ranch in this county the Whitman S'MI 5:138 : "All of the cattle on the range are in prime condition and have not been fed j previous to the late storm and only now in order to hold them upon their range there being no weak ones. i'iie late calves are grained , have fine shel ter. . They have thirteen pedigreed bulk , nine of the thirteen being regis tered. and some registered cows , these ail belonging to the Durham family. ' We ure correct ! } ' iu.ormed that the lleiefo.ds have bee disposed of and in the future different metho Is will be p.irsued. " The Tuesday World Herald says the reivipts of cat lc that day wt-re 100 ear. > aga.nst ! ) G the week before and 80 two weeks ago. ft was in fact the best run of.hr month excepting Janu- at10 when 1 1 cars \veie report ed in the yards.V iih more cattle than usual - * al to make selections from the buyers could allord to discriminate a little but as they wanted i he cattle the\ bought most everything. Stackers and feed ers in first hands were not very numer ous , but there were quite a good many in the hands < f speculators. The re sult was that the market was by no means active. Good cattle were in demand and sold fairly steady. 13eef steers went as high as $ . " > 20 ; cows sold for $3.2.fj ( § 4.25 ; while stockers and feeders ranged all the way from § 4. IS to $4.75. John Clay Jr. has returned from an extended trip , during which he visited the principal western livestock markets. He found matured cattle scarce , with prospects of a decided shortage of beef cattle for many months to come , and he e < pects to see prices go considerably higher , with prospects for a decided advance after next April. Mr. Clav has advices from the northern ranges the numbers of cattle on the open range are mush smaller than in recent years. V The early winter weather in Montana was intenselv cold , but of late it has been very mild , with not much snow , and cattle are in generally good condi tion. Sneep are to he placed in Washington Park , one of Chicago's most beautiful pleasure grounds , in the coining spring to beautify the landscape and to take the place of lawn mowers. The sheep are expected to earn their board by keeping the spacious park lawns closely cropped. Druid Hill Park , in lialti- inoiv , ha.s had a sheep colony of several hundred for years Of the 300,000 shee that were put on feed around St. Paul and Minne apolis not over 80.000 are left , the others having been marketc-U. Nebras ka is reported to bo feeding from 25 to 40 percent less bheep than a year ago. Only a few of the Colorado-fed Mexican Iambs have been marketed as vet Feeders are selling their sheep at a great sacrifice , having bought them at hi irh prices. The lo s will average probab'y SI per head on fat heav/y .sheep , and considerably less on lambs , although heavy lambs are selling very j badlv. National Stockman. 1 f Stolen. One white faced heifer.coiningtwoin spring , branded v _ on left side and M on leit hip. Liberal reward is ! i.'fferi-d by Chns Jen son. Gallop , Neb. ; KnfrtiH Satire ' j Taken no by the subsc-rib r ii\in i\velye j nulfs sontlr.vi'sTt < ) : Co Iv on scciuin . ' : . loariMiip 3,5. ran i' ' . oiu * imbt { , ' ! " > ' niir 10 or II ycurs ! i > ld wtMfilit alioui 7.'ii ! no marks i > r brands in bo' si-en , . aid in incanif nto my | ir 'inisi-H about ' tlie Intb i i August , is.ts , and lias been to my I premises contmu.'lly smuo. \Vll.MAM 31AYRKK. At mv plaro near Wood Lake , one two-year old * teer , of Hereford stock , branded 01 I , on hoih hips , ; snd Xon li-ft side just bark of fern leg OxMser is requested to n move said steer or it \\ill be sold according to law. 45 I'ALM. KhNXK'OTT. A'ofire \on-wstilciit II. I ) . Crooker , full cbnsti tn and trie unknown mid . I. F t > . 1'lnlN. lull cliMstiau a 1 true name unknown , non-resident defendants. I Yon and each of yon are hereny notified tli.il ' on the loth dav of .January. 1390 , Osear S. t'uin- ii'gs as plaintiff , filed in the district court of Cherry county. Nebraska , his petition agaii-st you as > defendants , the object and pra\er of which is tohave an acconnuni ; of the a'mount paid by plaintiff for taxes , interest , penalties and eoals on the follow ing described premises and leal est-ite. to-ult : The southeast quarter of section nine. o\\i.thip thirtr-three , raiure thirtj-one. in Cherry cnmitv. Nebraska , for the vnars 1895. 18IK5 and 1897 , with interest vheivon. and an attorney fee of ten per centum oftlie amount so found 10 be due ; that the amount so found to be due for such taxes , interest , pen.il. , tics , costs and attorney fee be lixed and estabj j lishud as a valid and subsisting lien on said taxed i premises and r. al estate , and superior to all other liens , equities or estate * therein ot the said defendants , or either of them , or anyone claiming by , through , or under them , or either' of them ; that the said promises and re.il estate ne sold for the satisiaction theivot , together witn the e' > > , ts of suit and costs of t , lie ; that the ( iffriid.mtM be futvyvr baric ; ! , foreclosed and excluded out of all right , Mile , intere-t or equity of re-lempti n : in and to the same or any part thereof. And yon are further notified and required to answer t nid petition on or before the ih : ; ; day of March. 1853. A. M. MOKUIHSKV , 2iVi7 Attorney for Plaintiff : AT -r GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. This market always kccpe : i supply of In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , H .ists , Dry Salt Mcata Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon , ; . Vegetables AiStetter's Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA SALOON t wAt zJLjXXWi 1 HEADQUARTERS FOP I * Wi. ! ES , LIQUORS AND CIC S Of the Choicest Brands 3 ? VALENTINE NEBRASKA MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Tuits < * and s Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent , First door South of Valentine Bank. The DONOHER 1 Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped , and most comfortable KIRST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA -si Hat end Cold W-ier Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Poem to * < * HERRY OUNTY HANK Valentine , Nebraska Kvery fncility extendftfl cuatoniprs consistent with conservative banking hxchango bought and sold. Loans tipon good security solicited at reasonabi : rates. County depository K "sPA If K . President Gil A HLES SPARKS Cashier C. 12. CORXEL.L. Frer i < U'ist. 31. V. VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A Gcnrra ) Hanking ! 5iisiji < 'KTj'nnsnct < Ml azsd Xrlls IJo.rjrwtif : . ? ud Foreign Kxchangjo Chemical National Hank. Nv York. First National Bank. Omnlin Nrbr. 0. Hair cutting and shaviim. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. T. 0. DWVER. K. II. DffVJCR DWYER BROS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A. Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. 'ALENTTNE , - - NEBRASKA THFDFORD HOSPTAL _ _ Motlcrr equipment. L'p-to-datc prDccd- lires. All the newer n-ietlnxls in - MEDICINE and SJUfiERY SMTialttcs | Hav fever. Catarrli. Canr-er , liuiilire ! and Tiles cured without tlie kniiiUisea e of the eye. ear. stomach and of women , and all chronir. diseises. Will answer calls by mail or wire within a distance of too miles. Ifepular days : THUllSDAYand FRIinY at SENECA -and MULLEX- Thc balance oftlie week at TIIEDFORD. Dr , M , . OLABK , Manarar FIRST CLASS MILL I have established n Fei-i : a'id Saw Mill ! ) miles south of Cody , at the month of Medicine ( \tiifon. and am now prcpiircd to prind Feed. Corn , Mtl and Graham , c- turn o-.it all kinds of Lumber ami di mension Hiutf. and Viitivc Shin k't > ( live us a trial order. J. F. HOOK The SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , I Suscjuphanna Hye.and Cfdar Creek 1 ! ouisville. Kentucky , Bourbon Wh'sky. PirnUrapf & Cognac Brandy's ' I'JliBSt Tt'kaAn2ollica.Port.Sherry and Ilack her y in wood , claret , RiWling , S utriifs. . Cooks Imperial ; Casts ami Clicquot in Imt- tl'-s. Damiana and oth er Cordials. so Agen for Frad Kings Derated fe- ? i Jals Ba jr fjp f jnilj as \ and P ists tob-t Efi r C. H. THOMPSON , THE Win. II. Walters. Prop. - . - NEBRASKA Jlill I'ricrtt for Fcetf. Urin , hulk f > 0 < - per en t 900 ton Mutrts Inilk GOr j-.er cv\t $11 00 ton > erri-mngj 40c 4- 7.00 " ' Fred 70c ' ] :3.JO ( " Corn Go > _ - ' Oiils . . . $1.00