W. D. 7 icGAA Ctestou , S. D. Left or either side * of cattle ; also V left side m neck. Swal low fork rh.ht car , underbit h'ft ; car nunbed off : dTbit If oir Some on loft jaw ; n.d some . . It'.L left jaw Ut.u r brants left oulc or any part of aiiinia' ' . tt.1 io or auv part of animal , iriu the following , left - ! Also some cattle bearing the follow ing brands : Alfit neck ; X left bide or leu lnj > 01 IhlL'li left norse brands as shoul lows der leii. IMC ii-u icit m | or thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be nrobCfiiU'd. Information regarding theft libcr.uly rewarded , Hange at iiarney Springs and Cottonwood. HERBERT O. BISONETTJ5. MANAGER. Posl office address Tine Ridge , S. D. . .j-Lj..MJL Cattl Iirandcd as on ? & | SL * " * . HOB on left & bide ; someKWT i on t-ithersidc ; TZZSfS Some & \ Vs $ on loft siiic ; H MXi ; omo older W jz z stock , .any . where on animal. Horses K li on left hip Some anywhere on Itanpe-Seven miles nonh-FS ! cast of Pine Ridge , in | ? Shannon Co JOHN GHOST BEAR , MANAGER Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle branded B C on IcfthipofcatMoas on cut : some branded on hftsidcjalsoo n on left side ; horsi-s same on left shoulder ' Range Wounded $ | Wg Knee and Waltpam- / Javaa..vM _ _ g1&V' * inlLake.ShannouCo. Sffggy S Jga ! L. C. Peyton. vz.- . Lavaca , Nebraska. On I'jft side. | ifinge Pole Crek. . SHOUT IIORN BULLS for silc Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside Eaoge-10 miles south of Merriman P. W. Pruden. Merrhnnn , Neb. Some inuded same as cut on both l/r / , . > . u ncje Northc i--t of Morrimaii Geo. L. Coleman. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses O p | p eft shoulder Wfcra wS-s Jlj " ' - K"- nance Ten miles < S xbv webtof Snake River Kails rfT Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses same left shoulder. nerd marJc-Dew lap Range Brush Lake aud South Geo. W. Monuier. Jlcrrlman , Neb. ir. . Left shoulder and left thlchsomc g" onleftliiphor- ; ECS same left thigh liangc East and Southeast Llernman Grant Bixler. _ - - . - rrMerriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Merri J * man. H. E. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly on rightbip eomeonborhhlps Rainge-ZVIedicIne j Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut : horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson. Cody. Nebraska On left side and thigh ; horses Bamo on left side Range Between , < gnake and Niobrara. MARTIN RED BEAR. Pos'.office address riue Ridge , S.D. On left sd- ; . horses same left thig-i. Range "Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON wa esp ssn. . roBtouico Aacresr fe SfeQ Simeon Neb Stock brcuclo * same es cut DC- hlnd leftsnoulder Range on the Schlagla 17 0 CARSOH Postofflc Addres' Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip same 33 cut Range , hcad- of the ichlaglo D M BEARS BEARSPostofflo Postoffloaddres Kennedy Neb Cattle branded ; ' oncuteftsldcsonx ! ; en left hip norse ; same on left shoul fjl Range , Square 2z3 Lake 2JGRGAREIDGE and SON Postofflco address Simeon I\cb Cattle brand a as on cut ; or IJ or V m left hip with hole % in rghtcarwhon uu- N Icr2-yrs old ; hoisea same as cut and I J Kangs Gordon Creek and Niobrara Kiver ALBERT Postotllco address Rosebud. S. D. - * Branded on left either shoii ! FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address " -P5 * ? Kllgorc. Neb. -L..bv.v tS * " - si/i j ys - Tfr ] Cattle branded on either side as on lg5j ? S . cut. same on hip rq Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postoflice address . s ' 'eft liir. Range Cora Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb Onleft sidccar-m.u"k ; under slope Horses , J S on leit shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Bterri- man. S. U. KIMMEL. RO O' < ' d. S. D. Also B U u left side Ca tie un 1 rent on both cars ; horses branded < u left shoulder Range Onnte - lopj and Spnn ? Creeks Joseph Fail-head. Lavaca. Neb. left' side f ? esil Ala Ij. on left side ? t S'SS SSf n , W SJSf& shoulder HKTA ! < ' ff W _ 1 5 river"M. . r.ange-Bi-twecn Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side on lai'gi cattle. On - * = . small stock ; Kv U'ft side ; M ii - " horses Ai SSH i 3 left shoulder ffj Range-Southeast o Cutcomb Lake Sliadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew la { , . Range nanges 86 and 37 , between Nio brara and the Snake. Janies Goodfello\7 and Son. Cody , N On left side ; nor. es JG rlgnt bi and mostly on j.r.v iance Between Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. rostofflce adddr ss Cody , NebnisKa. On left side ; some X T left side , horses T left shoulder SHOUT nonx stock. Range Between Niobrara and the Snake. HORACE WALLTNGFORD Po' tcflJr e address Uie-'terfleld xeb % * ' - i 2 l Call o bran led on 'eft * ke and h'-i ; left c r crop edgS D ' , -t 5 Id ; & g " , . . ni horses l.raml - -iS.-d cross uu- clor on left shoulder , 8 E and A B 3ICALVEY Postofllce address Kennedy Neb Cattle anded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder itange on Square Lake G W f'OHtofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut or on hip ; horses sauie. Some on leltsido and bar on T * j * " MK * i ( S W " .one Tree Valley nange , Ititesssrfffli FLOYD KI3IB Po.toffiCS address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left hip or side 01 both Horses with n on left shoulder , Range RUSH Lake , Gordon i and KOrth i.oup N S ROtVLBY 30 address L-J5 Kennedy Neb g " Cattle branded on Y-gSSyJssa tt side : nd hirlmr- os on If'ft gT- gen on either hiue , Rinse. Bordraan between i Big ueiid and the Springs rostofflpe address Valentine , Neb Cattlebrandodsaine r > s on cut ; some on lelt side and hip ; horses same on left shouldor. Cattle ran ere , Gor don and Bordmau ; Horse range. Steer Creek , betwee" tlse ud Snake D L iTcLANE I'ostofi'.ce Address Rosebud , S 1 > Cnttlo branded s cut on either > < ! e ; a'sa F L R . : : d F R Horses branded three links mouth of Cottonv.ood , RED SHIRT , Postoffice A ddres3 fg-SiS. . gPaa' SS Rosebud , S L > S Sg aS fej Cattle branded on " w 5- | > 3 13ft s c same as Vf S r ' i'fi'iSS.'T. "j .t.don Horsesbi"nU don left shor',1 with a K. Rancl. in I t'--e Whto : , ii\cr PEKRY PA RICE H 'ostoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded inc as cut. Horses , P on left icuider IJange.ilouth of 'ordraan rr.EMENT WHIRL Postofilcc A duress Rosebud , S D Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses braniJe.l same on ieft shoul der. Rnuge , on Big White River - THKODORE DOYLE 'usofflop r.d KcnncdvNeb rattle branded on tt iido and hip orses same 0:1 left Some on left side - and North Postofflce addresa Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears cropped square norses samp as cat tle but on leftsboul- der iiPS Weir's cat tle , also. U BI nange.Gordoa Creek O \ > stofico address Newton Keb Cattle branded me as cut or on hip liorseu L on left ink Range , between . > rdon creek and e Loup B ETO2TER Postofflco address No.vton eb Cattle branded a : on cut Also U on shoulder , won side. I OH hip leftside Also O on left jcv in addition to U B : on side Range o ' Gordon creek and south B W RAYMOND "ostofflce Address Ro&ebud , S. D 'attle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded tvith only one 9 oa Lft hip GEORGE PETR Iionestoel.SD Borne A B E left aide and IcJthlp Horses Mon left lilpand some same en left shoulder No horses sold un less brand is invert ed making K Range head of Whet Stone L TVAL-KER Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded or riant side ; horse * sarnoonleftshou- ! der. Range , sura rnsr. on nake river or , 4 miles from xnouth : u inters wiles south of Sim lOU C W BENNETT Postofflea Address Simeon Neb Stoek branded \ ith 7 en left hip alsjsime as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake J : ostoffice Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on leftside Range between Gordon and Smkc creelcs and on the Nlobrara river N B LORD Postoffica Addres Simeon N eb Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postoffice Address Rosebud B J Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Rr.nch on Elacl Pipe Crcei TODD SMITH. i'ostoffice Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded same as cut a Dla- nond T Horses branded he fame. Ranch n V in 10 Thunder * Jreek l ? ; 5iVK.-rtTS = S S . j ROBERT FTNLAYSOX Postofiico addrcs Newton Neb Stock brand * ' same as cut I.'angeonGon'o GEORGE Postoffico Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same aa cutHorses Horses branded 'J D on left. hp : Ranch on L na tind Antelope creek east oi Rosebud BEN EEAUOVIS Postofflce Addresa Rosebud , S I Stock brande.1 li ; ; ' . shoulder three inclivi long ; sice four indc. ongr. Brand ret-on ! 122vrs Ranch ui lorse Creek. D. B1AY Postoffise Address Rosebud. 8 D Cattle branded on ! 'ft thigh or hSp - cut --amo as Horses branded tame on left shoul der BEN TUKGEON Pjstofflee Address Bonesteel , S r Cattle branded r > i left &ide same as cu and right ea : croj > Horses branded 'J left shoi Ider Also with circle clo A WM. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflce Addresa Rosebud , S , D , Fraaded same as on ait or with uncttr the S ; rignt ear clip \nd dulaped. Horses branded ; ame on left hip ALEX BOPvDEAUX. - _ Postofflce Address Rosebud , S i Horses are brandon - c on left thigh ; cattl on left side with hn crop on left car , crop on ear Gustave Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses i on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak ir.d the Niobrara JOHN H HARK AH. Postofflco addresa Brownlee Neb Same ns on cut Also and & & AE ba , iv3 Horses en left shoulder , o Creek and North Loup K BEL-DIN O Postofllo"1 address Biowni Neb On right aide or fi I n On loft sfde hl5 &y _ r , left hip. Range , Calf Creek J B and E T SMITH Postoffice aadrcss Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right sida Rause.Goose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice addresa Erov. n'ce. Neb. Same as on cir Rin e beivneu Goose Creek ; .d North Loup J. M. HANNA. Fostofilce address Seneca. Neb. Branded ns on cut ; some P E. E. ORR. Postofilccaddress Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on loft side ; horses onleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Lo-jp and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofllce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Uange , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postofllce address Pass Neb Range , North Lou : River I. L. MEKCURE. hip'P. P. GR1ER. Poslofflce addrcs- Seui-cu , N b. tw.-en Kc c.a B Norwr.y on B W PEARSON Postofllce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on , . . * i * i --ililX1 : "ft shoulder W5 E flange , Goose Creek < & 2 * gz SJ ? xJ& JOHN H SALZilANN Postofilca addres Brownlee Neb On left hip. Ti ! herd mark is a dev > . lap Range on Goo- Cicck- FRANK T LEE Fostofflce address Brownlee Neb kittle on left side ; her < fs same on left shoulder. Range 4 miles northeast of ftrownlce I. A GERMAN Pcst.Tlce address Newton NeU Cattle branded p'f ersdehor.sps : aiiM onleftbhoulder .IM have care branded SPundti lined. uange-Nori Loup DICK MCNALI. Pestofflce address Brownlee Neb fin left sidcand hip ilso 8 OA loithlp Range , North Loup CHARLES H FAUL-3ABEF. Postofflco address Brownlee. Nebr Either right or leftside on cattle Horses same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut off of caUle Range , Loup rlv- sr HENRY FAULHABER Postorricc Brownlee. Neb Cattle on left nlrtC- Horses same oo > left ehouIJer Racge. Lcup rive- DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside ITas cbary of cattle branded i riRhtelde Horses rib. ES < t > Some horses dcr JOHN CHALOUD PostoP address- Bro'\nl"C , Neb Calllo and hcrseB' on right s.ite Range. Llg reeli D E PERKINS Postofllce addrjss Ilalser , Neb On left hip ance , loup River TALBOT & GALLOP Pesto ° " a'11 Aaa a , Ntb. Cattle Litilef ea left < idf braimcil' . leftshw Ranpe . _ tweri ? I. . L u andDls- : . GEORGE GRAY PostofTlce address resU. * Lo o.d.Nebr t On left hip . ggg V- , - 41 ] DrAO on right hip or side Range. Loup and Dismal ' -ass sas - T3Sj ! - . i fclclt/iS.B'iirr. > = . .u , . _ S CRONIN BROS. r 1 trejo Tliedforl.Neor WeS t On right * : < ! ; > & - Ssa aa : Range , be- : . \ - EJ ! J i'y/ " WW J * &vaiKi x * & )6&SBSJS ) 2SS > WALT HARDY. Postofflcc atidrees Seneca , Neb. Left side on cr.ttle ; horses , k ft .ihoulderial on left side n 1" ! ht 3l'P ' an esoutn , 3Mtildlu Loup. JULIUS IIECK3IAW. so i 05 M. DUNHAM. Postoniceaadress Kennecv , Neb Stock branded on left sde : as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. Creek."W "W K GRANT Postofil ? * ' ' Ireja Browclea Nab Onleftsti-e IRA SFENCEI * . rostoffice addresa Brcwnlee Neb Branded on leftalda Kange , Call Creek and Swan Lake Val ley B B ORB J R WALLINOFCRD PostoSce address Kennedy Neb > tock brandol amsascut on left ido Some branded "Ith barunderaearlj V any.rb.ere oa Ief4 " " " las ; , .1 .