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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
C A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signattiro of whentas far us the eye could reach on either side what you rnightcji'.laseaof wheat" - was wlAit a lecturer , s peliking of Western Canada , said wh'lc refer ring to that country. " For particulars "as to routes , railway fan's , etc. . apply to N. Hartholo- mew. SOS 5f , s p-n , les Moines , Iowa , Agent for Ihe Goyprnni-Mi of Canada. "I liavo been troubled a great deal willi a torpid liver , which produces constipa tion. I fouii'l PASC AKETS to bo all you claim rorthem.aml secured such relief the llrst trial , that I purchased another supnly and was com pletely cured I shall only be too Klad to rec ommend Oasoarets whenever the opportunity Is presented " j. A , SMITH. 2020 Susquehanna Ave. , Philadelphia , Pa. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK REOISTErJEO Pleasant , Palatable. Potent , Taste Good. Do Good , Never HfUen. Weaken , or Gripe. lOc , 25c , Cc. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago , Montreal. New York. ' 530 , . gists to CURE Tcoacco Habit. al POPHAimSTH&A SPECIFIC ' ' - - tf'ffvtvij - - - vi-j i4b ? > S-u "l tsrC'tt ii HYE minuter Send . jfSci or a FIIICE trial pacfcago. Sold y ' " ' ' ruggthts. ' > nu liox scr.t " SIzbnirs 83.00. ENSIGNS , PATENTS , CLAIMS. . . W. MORRISWASHIHGTOK.D.G. I * to Print p.l SitiaJaer TJ. 8. locslon Bureau. 3 vrs in i * . ' war. 13tdjadicafIEJZ clkhni. ttr. * - Value of Columbus' Autograph. A French autograph collector says that the signature of Christopher Co lumbus caii always find a buyer at SOO. Very Soothing. There is something very soothing in the use of St. Jacobs Oil for the cure of Neuralgia. It soothes the pain , while it strengthens and restores the weak nerves to a natural condition. It is prompt and sure. The amount of gold coin in actual circulation in the world is estimated by the Bank of England officials to be about SM ( ions. Ont * 21 1-2 Inches The Oat marvel what will 500,000 such long heads per acre weigh ? 35.3UG Ibs. 4SO TUislieN ! Such a yield pays big ! Cut this notice out and send 10 cents postage to .JOHN A. SALZER SEED COMPANY , LA CKOSSE , WIS. , and | get their great catalogue and 10 Farm ' Seed Samples free ; including Broinus ln- ormis. the greatest grass on earth. Pota toes ? 1.10 ! a Bbl. ( c. n. ) Nearly ail the cotton raised iu Egypt js England. Factories do not nourish there on account of the dust nud the excessively dry air. To Cure a Cold in One I > ay Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All drutruisls refund the money if it fails to euro , line.'ho " genuine has L. 15. Q. on each tablH j Unlettered Women In Itiaia. It is said that out of 150,000.000 women in India not move than 1,000- ono can road. _ Vor lung and chest diseases , Piso's Cure is the besi medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Norihcott , Windsor , Ont , Canada. In China doctors are employed by the year. Their salary varies from a half penny to sixpence a day for each fam ily. You use ? oap in the laundry every week. Try Diamond "C" Soap next week. Tuberose Is no rose , but the tuberous polianthes ( Polianthcs tuberosa ) . Jhc Czar's Car. The height of luxurious traveling has been reached by the Czar and Czarina- The Empress' private car is upholster ed in pale blue satin. The electric lamps are all in the form of lilies , and it contains writing and tea tables made of mother-of-pearl. The nursery is the next apartment , and is as comfortable and handsome as the same rooms in any of the Czar's palaces. There are dining rooms and drawing rooms and several sleeping apartments ; in fact , this train is a miniature palrjie. The wheels are covered with India rubber tires. Tit-Kls. Delegates representing a number oC neighboring farmers in Clay County , Minnesota , who visited the Edmonton district of Western. Canada last sum mer are evidently very well satisfied with the result of their trip. They think BO well of the country that in addition to the privilege of obtaining a free homestead of 100 acres of land they have also purchased land. In a recent interview on the subject Messrs. C. E. and A. Hughes of Barncsville , Clay Co. , say : "We are well pleased with Western Canada. It is far ahead of what we ex pected. We flild the climate to be warmer than we expected. As for the crops AVC have never seen anything that can compete with them. We have lived in Minnesota and have farmed some of what they count the best lands in the Red River Valley for ten years and have done very well in that part of the country , and have farms there at pres ent free of all encumbrance , but be lieve that this country ( Western Can ada ) is so much better that we have bought from the Canadian Pacific Rail way Company one section of land northeast of Edmonton in the Beaver Hill district. AVe have traveled through that part of the country and have seen the grain in the granaries and the amount of land that it was taken off and find that tJioy have grown as much as fifty bushels and over to the acre , and they say that this has not been a good year , and very little , if any , grain has been touched by the frost. Hay seems to be plentiful , and if you wish to put up log buildings yon can get the logs within a few miles. Coal can be had at the mines for 73 cent's per ton , or you can dig it yourself. Nearly all kinds of garden truck can be grown in abundance. We find everything that can be grown in good demand. The farmers tell us that they can got four and a half live weight per hundred for ho rs , and for three-year-old steers from fifty to sixty dollars per head , providing they are good. We will move into that part of the country next summer. All the people in that part of the country seem satisfied , and we do not see any reason why they should not be so. ' ' The Messrs. Hughes also stated that they would be very glad to afford any one desiring particulars about the coun try they had visited the fullest information mation , on receiving inquiries , at Barncsville , Clay County , before the 1st of .Tune next , when , it is understood , they propose to return to the Edmonton district. It is said that every thread of a spid er's web is made up of about 5,000 sep arate fibers. 1C a pound of this thread , were required it would occupy 28,000 spiders a full year to furnish it. $100 Howard , $1O . iiic leaders of this paper \\ill be pleased t < learn that there is at least one dreiiletl disease that -eiein.'e ha * been able to cure in all its stages , and tliat Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i-- the only positive cure now known to the niea- k-allraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional tlNwiae , miuin-s : i constitutional treatment. Mali's Catarrh Cure is taken internal . acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system , thereby destroying the foundation of the disease , and giving the patient strength by building up the ( .onstitution and assistinu nature in doing its work , The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oiler Olio Hundred Dollars for any case that it failto cure. Send for list of testimonials. A-ldrcss , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. ii * Sold by Druggists. 7oc. Killed in Spanish liull-FijjJits. The average number of horses killed in Spanish bull-lights every year ex ceeds 5,000 , wkile from 1,000 to 1'JuO bulls are sacrificed. All fabrics are left in the most desira ble condition after washing with Diamond mend "C" Soap. The largest sewing machine in the world is in operation in Leeds , En gland. It weighs G.500 pounds and sews cotton belting. HEALTHY MATERNITY. Two Grateful Women Tell of the Help They Have Beceivecl From Mrs. Pinkham. The climax of life force in woman is capable motherhood. The first requisite for a good mother is good health. r Health of body means health of the g-enerative organs. Jteaci what Mrs. GK A. N Bluffton , Ohio , says about , Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , and hov/ well it prepared her for maternity : ' DE AH MRS. PIXKIIAM : I must say a word in praise of your Vegetable Compound. I used three bottles of it when I was preg1- . r nant. and labor was not neai-ly as long as it wasv.ilh my other babies ; and iny baby is so healthy to what the others were. I think every woman should use your Compound , when preg nant , it will save them so mch suffer ing1 and misery. I cannot say enough in praise of it. If ever I need medicine again , I shall use your Compound. ' ' The most successful tonic known to inedicino for women approaching- - ternity is Lydia E. Piukharra's Vege table Compound. IL is a safeguard for every woman who uses it , and the fullest benefit coines from its \ use with Mrs. Pinkham's advice freely offered to all woman. Her address is Lynn , Mass. 'Here is a , convincing statement , bearing directly on this subject. from Mrs. E. llignop , of 1S4S Pacific - , ? r V [ treatbelieCompound. . I v , uj almost despairing1 of ever again being well , as I v > . . . . -cits sufferer , and had been for years. I suffered from womb trouble , an nad terrible blind fits. After writing1 to you I tried your Com pound. Tl % result was astonishing. I have used it and advocated it ever since. In child bir i it is a perfect boon. I have often said that I should like to have its raeritsthnn. .ion the sky with a search-light , so that all women would read , and be convinced that there is a remedy for their sufferings. " A Million W. men have teen Benefited fey Mrs. PinKiiatn's Advice asdMeSidse I' ' ! THE NEWEST THINGS. WHAT THE GOOD DRESSERS ARE WEARING. Clotli Skirts that Will Go with Differ ent Waists Are Popular An Old Bodice that Stays , as Well as Sonic I < ate Arrivals. Ne\v York correspondence : T is quite the fancy to have a gown of broadcloth , ladies' cloth , or some well- chosen novelty. Bodice ice and skirt are to match , but not in such a way that | | they may not be | 2 worn with other skirts and bodices. The gown in this in itial picture matched in its two parts , but the skirt was made with a view to its use with other bed ices. Hosts of fine , , , new gowns are plan- jfjl ned along similar ' lines. lines.While While this trick of economy can be easily managed with sufficient adroitness to disguise it , it should be remembered that many women are up to the same game , so Avill be quick to discover it in another woman's gown. So it is espe cially desirable to employ some material that is superior to criticism either be cause of fine quality or newness. A good one to choose was that in which the art ist found this dress. It was a new corded cloth intended for use Avith cloth of plain surface to match. In this costume the bodice was entirely of the corded stuff , the skirt plain except for trimming of bands of the corded material. The color of the dress was a rich red , which is so much worn this winter by women of all complexions. Such a skirt of red cloth is esteemed an entirely correct part of a dressy costume when worn with a fancy waist of silk , satin or cloth elaborated with fancy yoke , and it was very attrac tive with its own bodice , so a deal can be accomplished by imitating such planning. The fancy bodice still lives fashionably , CLOTH SUITS TIIAT WERE NOT TLAXXED IN ECONOMY. init when those of the current styles are compared with those women wore a few seasons ago. one must admit that the gar ment's fandfulness has greatly diminish ed. The blouse open over a front re mains a popular design , and a charming example of this is in the next picture. It was yellow corded taffeta , the rovers turning back from the front with facing of white satin. The front was a pretty bit of white net with applied figures of yellow satin , all laid over white satin. Such a bodice may be worn with a black broadcloth skirt , of fashionable design , or the skirt may be of cloth to match the taffeta , the resulting costume being a charming complete dress for reception or home wear. The very simple collar , just folded satin to match the taffeta , coulo be varied prettily by a collar and sash to match the turquoise velvet. Though the round waist and blouse front bodice of the kind just described seems likely to remain in favor a long time yet , and certainly is not a bit out of fashion now , the little jacket bodice is newer. Beautiful ones are made offig - A STYT/E TIIAT uroil taffeta , n light ground sprinkled . . .L - . . : . lu.MtJtuls I.-1'Ing .1 favorite pat tern iu the silk. Often the jtickets are cut very short in front , with suggestion of the zouave curve , or the fronts may be longer than the rest and hang down in panel fashion to the knees. 'Almost al ways the fronts are open , or turn hack to show waistcoat or underbodice. Usu ally the cut about the chest is modified to show the yoke. A very pretty jacket of gray taffeta figured with tiny scarlet lines was sketched for the left hand model of the next picture. It was made over .1 blue tucked muslin front , the collar of taffeta being prettily lengthened into yoke shape. At the shoulders was drapery of the sill : over muslin sleeves , and it r onii/l--hi'il drapery there very ingeniously without breaking the rule for simple shoulde/ finish. The skirt intended to be worn with this bodice was gray broadcloth , and if it didn't have its own broadcloth bodice then its owner had missed a good chance for making her money go as far as it might. Coat and skirt costumes appeared first on the street , and that fact makes some NJAVII : TYPES OP FAXCY BODICES. women feel that they art fit only for that use. True , they are especially well suited to the promenade , but they are being worn indoors , too. A novel one is shown beside the jacket bodice just described. It was violet silk , the coat open over a tucked front of purple taffeta. Belt , bindings and coat strap were in a velvet darker than the violet of the silk. The skirt matched the coat. Costumes made of several shades of violet , or of blended violets and blues , are greatly in favor , and it can be said of them that when the biending is accomplibhed tastefully , every observer will be bound to give the wearer much credit for her judgment in colors. There are fine chances for econoinv in cloth skirts suited for wear not only with their own cloth bodice , but also with fancy bodices , but she who is able to have more than one cloth dress will want one of them to defy suspicion of economic de vising. Such a one , in gray vicuna cloth , is at the left hand in the pictured group. Its bib-apron overdress was especially graceful , and the tiny belt hardly inter fered with the princess effect of the rest. The embroidery was hand work , some of the "natural color' ' work so fashionable , and the pattern included pansies , with green leaves and brown stems. The cord ed .silk yoke was lettuce green. With this was carried a velvet and chiffon muff of violet , with a great hunch of orchids pin ned at the top. Orchids of violet gray j and pink made a very dainty touch , which some women would insist calls for a dain ty bit of a headdress. But most women delight in hats , and the one with this cos tume was green felt , trimmed with or chids. The combination of colors , gray , pansy shades- , and lettuce green , the or chids adding a pinkish tone , was remark ably fine. In tlie matter of harmony be tween colors our domestic dressmakers are excelled by none. It is when they come to color contrasts that the import ed gowns and hats stand out finely. All the economical devising that cruel necessity could mother fails to do much when opposed to the present extravagant 1 fancies in embroidery and applique work. I It is .not so much that this style of ornamentation - j mentation is becoming more and more im portant , but that it has irrowu so elab orate in the finer kinds. Beautiful scrolls are cut out of net , the net is set over silk , outlining is done by hand embroidery on the net , and here and there emphasis is given to the design by velvet applied on the net. This sort of thing costs a lot , and. even when a woman is able to do it her self , takes so much time that the fancy would be likely to be passed before she could finish her task. The elaborately embroidered gown of this picture was green cloth , its applique work bt-ing wreaths of gray net set over i-i > : ct.vk -green silk. Blue velvet centers empha sized the flowers. Such scroll work is buttonhole stitched to the goods with silk , and the gown is usually lined with silk to match that put under the scrolling , to sug gest that the cloth is cut away. Copyright , ISO'J. Frills of Faaluon. A silver 5 : ! } : feather clasp set with pre cious stones or imitations , for a boa , is the latest uovelry. A useful novelty for the table is a bone holder of silver for use instead of a fork in eating poultry or game. Red mouselline de soie over red , trim med with cream applique , makes a stun ning evening gown , with a touch of black , which may be tulle , iu the corsage. Information Desired. "I wants to know , " said little Rasttis. "Wants to know what , boy ? " asked hi ? father. When dc paper talks about a knight o' de razzer. do it mean shaviii' er fight- i : : " \ . Reward of $20OOO Offered. A wealthy lady lost a satchel containing jewels worth $1.0.000 , and offered a , re ward of $40,000. The loss of health is far more serious , and yet it can easily be re covered. A little money invested in Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters will restore strength , purify the blood , regulate the bowels and help the stomach to properly digest food. Sixty thousand tons of corks arc used for the bottled beer eonsutred annually tu England. In AVIntor Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During winter your feet feel uncomfort able , nervous , and often cold and damp. If you have perspiring , smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet , blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for chilblains and frost bites. Try It to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olrnsted. Lo Roy. N. Y. The largest wrought-iron pillar i ? at Delhi , in India. It is sixty feet high and weighs seventeen tons. .Loaded Do n. The air is loaded down with pains and aches , and some systems take them in like a sponge. St. Jacobs Oil rubbed in will take the pain away and leave a cure. As early as the year 47 B. G. the great Alexandrian library in Egypt contained over 40,000 valuable books. A catalogue of 'JUU puzes. suitable t every taste arid condition , mailed on in quiry. frizes given for saving Diamon "C" Soap wrappers. Address Gudah.i Soap Works. South Omaha. Nob. Salad oil is not oil of salads , but oil for cleaning sallets or salades I. e. , helmets. IUrs. YTInsIow'.H SOOTHING MYnur ror Chi ! ( ! ' teething : BOlteus tlio tfiims. reduces Inflainmatio-i allays ram. cures wind colic. * i ctnt * a boUlo. WANTED. Casf ori > : itlic.illltiiatK-rP'A-K-STvl ! ! ! not liciipiit. Seii'I 5 centi to Hi pans Chemical Cc. , New York , for lOpanuiloiniut 1.000 testimonials. It is worse to apprehend than to suf fer. Bruyere. Handsomely Illustrated Catalogueof HOUSE HOLD GOODS , CARPETS , BICYCLES , SEW ING MACHINES , OFFICE and CHURCH FUR- ftT'JRE , GROCERIES , DRY GOODS , HARD WARE , SADDLES , also SPORTING-GOODS , BOOTS and SHOES , CLOTHING , FURJSH- ? IKG GOODS , Etc. , sent FREE on application. m.vr.rni'.j. . . . .iuj.'nmB ' m ' it contains thousands of articles which we Retail at Wholesale Prices. CARPETS , DRAPERIES , LAMPS , DINNER SETS , etc. , shown in colors. People all over the world buy from it. Why ? Because it brings to them EIGHT FLOORS ( EACH 2O5 BY ISO FEET ) of goods in compact form-6OO pages to select from. 148 , 150. 152 , 154. 15G. 158 , ICO , 162. 1G4. 16G West Madison St. . CHICAGO , 5LL. Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness ? Be Ise and Use The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe , "J.T. , " Cross Bow , Good I uck and , Drummond Natural L/eaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man , woman and child in America can find something ® on this list that they would like to have and can have FKHE 1 Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above ® will be accepted as follows : TAC2 TATS 1 Mitch Bov , quaint design , tin- 19 Alarm Clock , nickel , warranted . . 200 ported from J.ipnn . 20 Carvers , bucfchorn handle , good 2 Knife , one blade , good stsel. . . ' . . . steel ' . . . 2CO 3 Sci or ? , 4--inrli , ; ; end steel . . . . 21 Sis Ucgers' Teaspoons , best qua ! . 1:23 : 4 Child's Set , Knife , Fork and Spoon 22 Knives and Forks , six each , buck- 5 Salt and IVppcr , one each , quad horn handles 230 ruple plate on white metal . . 23 Clock , S-day , Calendar , Thermom G Razor , hollo. v ground , fine Knghsh eter , -Barometer 500 steei . 24 Stove , \ViI5on Heater , size No. 30 7 Butter Knife , triple elate , be-t qual. or Xo. 40 SOO 8 Sugar Shcl. , triple plate , bf.tquaiily 2.5 Tool Ser , not plaj things , but real 9 Stamp lov ! , sterling silver . tools GoO 10 Knife , ' 'Keen Kiitfr , " f.vo Islndes 70 2G Toilet Set , decorated porcelain , 11 Butcher Knife , "Keen Kutter , " very handsome SOO 8-inch blade . 7 27 Watch , solid sihcr , fall jev.-cled . .lOOw 12 Shears , ' _ ' Keen Kuittrr , " S-tru n , 28 Selling Machine , first class , with nickel . 75 all attachments 1CCO 13 Nut Set , Cracker and 6 Picks , silver 0 23 Revolver , Colt's , best quality . . .loOO 14 Nail File , sterling silier , amcthvat SO Rille. Winchester , IG-shor , 22-cal 1CCO set , G-inch . ' . . . 100 31 her Gnrr , double barrel , hammer- lj Tootii Brush , tterlins ; silver , a.T.e- h , stub tv.-ist 2000 thyst 'et , C-inck . 100 32 Guitar ( Washburn ) , rosenoco , in- 13 F'per Cutter , sterling silver , ame bid with mother-of-pearl . . 2000 thyst cet , 7-inrh . 100 S3 Bicycle , standard make , ladies' or 17 B3seBall'A' , < : o < .iation."Lc qtisl. 100 cents' 2oCO 18 Watch , stem v.ind and set , guaran BOOKS 30 choice selections same teed good lime keeper . 200 as last year's hat , 40 tags each. This offer expires November 30,1839 , Address all your Ta s and the correspondence about them to S3ANCK , St. Louis , R3o. @ @ @ @ ® @ 33@e $ @ @ ® @se@3 ® We wish to pain thte year 200.000 - , new customers , end hence e > 2 r 1 Pkg. 33 Imj H.-uHsh t u- ' 20c Knrly DinnerOaion lOc ' . , . BrilliantTlowerSeeds. . . . .Lie ( f > Worth $1.00 , for 14 Cts. jucog Above JO pLworth $1.00. we will S mail yon free , together with our great J3J Plant ana tieed Catalogue , upon receipt - & coipt of this noticL- and 1-la postage @ ! c invite your trade nnd know when M you once try Sulzcr'd Seeds you will fa never get along without thaa. OnS loc Seed GSc and up a Ib. ! otsS I toes at $1.20 a blil. Catalosuo 9 ? alone 5 cent4. No. O. N. * JOHN A. SALZKR SEE CO. , In Cros eWl - ill 01 We are sure you do not. Nobody wants it. But it comes to many thousands evsry year. Itcomes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat is raw , and the lining membranes of the iungs are inflamed. Stop your cough when it first appears , and you remove the great danger c ? future trouble. stops coughs of all kinds. It does so because it is a sooth ing and healing remedy of great power. This makes it the great est preventive to consumption. Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A Witclo RZcdical Library Froa. For four couts In. stamps to pay post age , wo will * end you sixteen medical booki. FfiQtHoal Atlvlsa Frcs * We hava the exclusive service * of iomo of tlte most eminent physicians in the United Stated. Unusual oppor tunities ami lone experience emi nently flt them for piviuff you mcdlc.i' advice. Write froelv nil the partic ulars in your cnse. You will receive n prompt ronlv , without cost. Addreu , DR. J. C. AYER , Lowell , Mass. CURE YOURSELF ! I'ea Hit ; G fir iiun.itural to Ddi. dis. kargcs , iMIa&juuiriuna , / GcLracKed irntati > ai or u Iteration * . net to lriiar ot : iiucon * EcmLranes. Prs'eats cDat ; ; * * , gent or poisonous. Sold byJJrcfipiat * , or eont in plain vrrapper , by express , prepaid , for Jl.CO , or 3 bottles , C.75. Circular teat on reqnsjt. D ? TF ! Tsccured or = :7ailtst = : ai. . Saroh fres i M S El ? \ CoHamtr&Co.4FSt.\V 3l S. C. N. U. CUflES V/HEHEAinLSE / FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Teatea Good. Use in time. Sold by drugziata. KVMW i BVBMI BaBIB Q Ha&in K