Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 26, 1899, Image 7

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    Merzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left side
! vuin thigh
I Earmark , sq.ian-
! crop right ear
.Southern branded
L cattle have hut. one
r-half-dhimond K" on
Jleft .side
Native cat lie have
, , _ . throat wattle
Itanec on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same , brand on left thigh
A It Clear ( I of $2o will he paid to am
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
Ing cattle with above brand
Postoffiec address
Bnrnnlee , ] , , . , .
On left Hide or any
part of animal. Ear
mark right enr cut
off ; horses branded
same on left iiip.Also
IIRS stock branded U
on side or .shoulder ,
or JK or WorO'VL
orO or FZ. Also
the following , the first on gTmsi'd'eAndlTip '
Po.itoffloe a < 1dre.
Brownloe Nel >
On rljrlit suln.
Lli OQ vanvt sld
also LEE on It- ,
* nortl
J to
Postolflce address
Brownlec , Neb
Branded on left
side ; some
side and thigh anon Elf
on left thigh
Range Duck Lake
- '
Pr innlee N.-l.
f > ' HJ. ts-.le
rostofllce address
Whitman , N
On left side : tiorses
same on left shoulder
[ lj ni left side
jyBj iiiiin.ii. Ourn
nip or thigh IA
Ramre north prougR3
Middle Loup ri\er
and Buffalo Lake
> t M A\
V , orn Ju- > * '
eft shnuidfr hi.i .
Horses sit uitoik
left shoulder
east >
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
on rizhtside ; horses
ses same on right
nse six miles
norths est of Mother -
er Lake pro ci net
ros'iofllec address
I Ij ann is , Xcb
Branded on rijrht
s deand h p
Also f'ave tock biai.ded
on nphtsidcai.d hip
en rijht lii )
Range-Soutlnvesiein i herr\
Postofflco address
hynnnts. N
On left hip anc left
side Also
on left hip
and left side
horses same
bni 'dj on shoulders
Range 23-niil "
ortl' of Hyannis
.P. Neb
ii n-l i hip :
* oil her side
ses ri-'l't
shoul er
Rxtiire - ven miles north of H > anms.
PostoiTicc address
Pul.man. Neb
C.ittie branded a on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
Fee block
and Slcphen oif
lakes and South
post office aldres-
HvHimis. Neb
P.rii'ded anywhere
ou ri 'ht side : horses
ses same on left
Range - - sixteen
miles northeast f
J. A
Valent'ne. ' Neb
On left side or hip
/ 4'eft ' ! > id or hip
On 'eft s df
Postofllee address
Brownlec. Neb
Branded on either
side same as on cut
also both Jawa
Marshall & Wolfendcn
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
ilorses s on left
Hrand is small
harmark : Quarter
clip behind , half Mr-
cl < - forward on left ear
Kange Lone Tree
Jam Hudson "
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
on Icftsnouldcr
Range between
Gordon and Snake
? River and Niobrara
Lei I ear- tagged All eafile dehorned
William M. Dunbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUfl Either side
Left ear 01 cattle
Uaime head of.IIay
Amelia Young.
Cody. Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Kange , Little
White river
i'eder Thorsen.
Gordon. Nebraska
On right side ; ! ' . .
r ght hip. o horsi
bran < l and T on
riizht shtMilder
Al.-o cattle brandei
I , 4 on left'side
Kanue. foul mile
south of Invin
Ileurv Young ,
Cody. Nebraska
Horse hrand SI V
on left shoulder
Cattle , right car
Range , Little
White river. S. I ) .
Carl Tinenliagen
Gordon Neb
Range- miles
north and G miles
east of Gordon
D C. Nelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
i ake to the
Snake river
Gordon , Nebraska
Kange.H n.iles north
of Gordon.
Ir. . Dii'Ticlit , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cattle also branded
DO on right hip
Horses and mules
.ramled same as cut
on left shoulder
.1. ( \ .Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One hunch branded
as on < Mit on lelt side
One hunch bianded
I. on If ft hip
Ilur-es .S on left
l.'ange to miles
- niMisi of Gallop ,
id * * i-ike n\ers
, . Albany. N'eb
SPctu , . branded
FI > on lest ribs or
riuht shoiilder ; - * 8 >
[ so FD on ri hthipaud left
ribs : ( on left hip
Horses FlorSIon
right shoulder
IJanjie 7 mi north
rast of Albany Neb
Ajrent forl'asteur
HJauK Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand V on
ft .shoulder
Kanue in ncles
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Hros.
Cody Neb
Also B on richt
Flats and Snake
MarqiKirdt & Bowlus
Mcrriman Neb
Cattle brand OM on
left * hnuldt-i Some
of cattle have various
) [ iierbrands OS on
eft hip. Horsf bra'd
\ on left shouldei.
RUIITP - Formerly
Itov Monuicr
-nnch 5-milcs east of
M-irim in from E.E
\ M V. R R south to Leande.r Creek. Mar-
k Buwlus , dtribuer , Nobiaska ,
I'rogram of Fsirmor's Institute to be
held in Cornell's Hull , Valentine , Feb-
'ruary ' 16 and 17 :
10:00 to 10:15 Agricultural Metiiods
C. A. Whitford
10:45-11 Agricultural Experiences in Cherry
County O W. Halm
10:00-30 ! ; General Experience Meeting of
Cherry C unty Farmers
11:30-I2no Sheep for the Market : a Host Breeds
b Where to Get Them , c How to Care for
Thorn G W. Horvey
1:30-2:15 Brooding and Feeding Cattle for Bcof
G \V. Hcryey
2iXu : ! Does it Pay to Keep Blooded Siock in
the > and-hhls ? Win. Wilson
2:40-8't General Experience Meeting of the
Cattle Men of Cherry County.
3:30.4:00 How are Farmers and Cattle Men In-
tercsti d in Nebraska's High School Frco
Attendance Law ? lion W. R. Jackson
7:30-7:45 : : Music.
7:45 Address : Best Education for the
Maos lion W. R. Jackson
10:010:10 : Some Points in Horticulture.
C. A. Whitford
1040-11:00 ; Experiences in Horticulture in Cher
ry County C. .M. VanMcter
11:00-11:20 : Questions and General Discussions.
11:20-12:00 : Scab and Olher Diseases of Sheep.
Dr. A. T. Peters.
1:30-2:00 Black Leg in Cattle. Dr. A T. Teters
2:00-2.15 : Experience With Black in Cherry
County Cattle M. L Walker
2:15.2:45 General Experience Meeting of Cattle
Men of Cherry County.
2:45-3:10 Poultry tor Profit ; a , Best Breeds ; t ) ,
How to Care for Them J. i. Brewer
3:10-3:30 Does it Pay toRcise Thorough Bred
Chickens ? O. sAlorey
3:39 Chicken Cholera and its I'revcnUon.and
anything else Dr. Peters may have for
gotten to tell us during the daj.
Dr. A. T. Peters.
7:30-7:45 Music
7:45-8.15 The Farmer Boy's Future -
James Lawless
8:15 A Moro Practical Education for Far
mer's Boys C. A Wiiltford
This promises to be the best far er's
institute ever held in Cherry county.
The State University sends us four good
men : Messrs.Vhitford , Hervey ,
.Jackson and Peters This array of
talent joined with our home tale -t
gives us a program worthy the atten
tion of every one who can possibly at
tend the meetings. L. II PERKINS.
With this issue of the WESTKUX
NEWS-DEMOCUAT the paper enters the
fourteenth year of its existence , which
has been a checkered one. Starting as
the Democratic Blade it finally became
the Gazette , next the Independent , and
then the Valentine Democrat. Jn Sep
tember it was merged with the Western
> cws.and bears its nresent hyphenated
name with modesty and decorum. The
paper speaks for itseli , and for it we
have no apologies to offer , except that
we would make it better were ik not
for our straitened circumstances. This
obstacle however will we hope be
gradually removed , and as our ambi
tions soar no higher than our paperthe
readers of the XE\vs-DKMOcnvr may
rest assured that they will be made
richer as we grow in wealth. Our cir
culation is now larger than that of an } *
other country paper on this line of road ,
and we shall strive to make of every
reader a friend. True to its principles
and its clientele , it will always be found
standing up for the right and the inter
ests of the stockmen and fanners vho
are the "bone ami sinew'1 of the north
west. We are proud of our paper , and
hope that our readers may always be
proud of it too. With this wish \ve be
gin the new volume , and hope to begin
many more the same way.
A letter from a friend in England to
the Shelby Sun contains the following
significent item : "One thing demon
strates the gigantic fraud which the
people of the United States amot : un
consciously submit to , and that is tin-
sugar trust fraud. Here in Eng and
where there is not a pound of sugar
produced , granuh'ted sugar retails at
three halfpense (3 ( centt > ) a pound , but
in the "land of liberty" where sugar is
produced , the government , under the
guise of tariff dues , throws its mantle
of support over one of the worst mo
nopolies that ever cursed a nation , and
the consequence is that the people arc
made to pay between G and 7 cents a
pound. "
A special press dispatch from Sioux
City states that indications go to show
satisfactory progress of the negotiations
for the purchase liy the Milwaukee
Railway company of t'.ie Pacific Short
Line road between that place and
O'Neill. The line is to be sold under
foreclosure soon. President Miller , of
the Milwaukee , is intending to extend
the road through Northern Nebraska
so as to be a carrier of cattle for P. I ) .
Aunour's packing house at Sioux City ,
and who is also a heavy stockholder in
the Milwaukee. The project looks
State Treasurer Meserve has made a
call for $30,000 worth of state warrants
! e h-s also given notice that he has
on hand $100,000 of the permanent
school fund to invest in state securities
in addition to the above , for the benefit
of tbe schools of the state. How is
this for an honest state treasurer ?
Editii Warren , from this vicinity , is up a
Pine Ridge visiting her grandmother.
Grant Kregers and wife lost a iiltle hey lij
death on the 2u , and they have the sympathy o
the community in their hour of afflict ion.
There will he an oyster supper at -tersehoo
house some time in the future. Wateh thlf
piper for further particulars. The supper will
be givou for the benefit of the minister , and a
good attendance Is hoped for.
Andrew Henderson was in Gordon Saturday
on business.
Mrs. George Hill 13 in Gordon where she is
earing for her baby at the hospital. Mr. Ilhl
and A. C. Johnson are hatching it during her
Mr. Swan , of cordon , has 1,800 head of sheep
on the Murphy place , near widow Lt'ener'-s.
Lynda Man i , who has been working In Gor
don , Is home on a vfrit.
Gertie Cady is reported quite sick.
KU ire
The measles are still on the warpath in tbis
> art of the moral vineyard.
Mr. and Mrs Len Winslow are the proud
riMits of a new hoy.
Henry Heckel was under the weather las
week with the grip.
B. O. Goodrich lias moved hack from Valen
tine. Ben can't stay away from Eli precinct.
Wm. Spence was over south on a trade last
The dance at Struhe's was enjoyed by all pres
ent except Rubber Neck , who had a cramp in
his stomach and was not able to take part.
Gustavo Gunderson and Mr. Sherman were
through here last week looking tor cattle.
Geo. Heckel attended the flancj at Mr. Cass's
Friday night.
A Mr. Reef , from Iowa , was on the river last
week. Heume out to sec his sou. who was
working for J. E. Selder. We understand the
son will return with hi < * father to To\\a.
I. B. Nichols is in Cody workir. ; , ' at his trade
of plastering.
Why d-'ii't Am t Betsy , of Merriman , send in
items every \vaek , or is she waiting for someone
to get married so as to give th-jir pedigree ?
Strrt'/cil of f
One Avhito-faced heifer.coiningtwoin
the spring , branded * ' - * on left side
and M on left hip. Liberal reward is
offered by Chris Jensen , Gallop , lSreb.
Tstkon in by the suhserihor iiving twelve
mile's outhwi-st o ! Codv on section . ' ! . township
33. range : . on ' Unlit pn v mnro to or 11 years
old. weight about T.'ii ) . no marks or brands to be
f cen. Said UMIV came nto mv premises about
the lithf August , isiis , and has h-jen to my
premises roatinii . ! ! > .since
.sinceWlL ! I AM MAP.KK. .
jj fAt / ; ; .
At mv pl.aro near Wood like. ; ono two-year
old % tecr , of lien-lord stock , branded ( ) 1 f on
both hips , and X'in h-ftsido just hack of sore
leg Owner i * requested to n move said steer
or it will be sold according to law.
43 I'\fi. KKXXICOTT.
Appointment of A ftmi nisi rtttor
In the County Court of Clu-rry County Nebras
ka , in the M > tter rf the Estate of D M. Under
wood , Deceased.
Emma E. Underwood hivinz tiled in mv office
a "otillon prayinsr for he appointment of John
Fnderwood as administrator of the estate of I ) .
M Underwood , dcccast-d All persons inter
ested in said estate will Jake notice that I have
lixed Siturdav. Febru irv 11. 1S99 , at 10 o'clock
a in . as the time , and nif olhce in Valentine ,
Cherry county. Nebraska" , a- the place for hear
ing of said petition athich time and place all
persons interested in said estate may appear
and .show pause if any there hevhy such ad
ministrator should not bo ai pointed.
Witness my hand and the seal of the cou ity
court of said county this IfHh diy ; of .January
SKA i. County Judge.
\otlce to Xoii-fpsitleitt Dofctnlantit.
II. D. Crooker , full christrin and tr.ie name
unknown r.nd J. K ft. 1'hilis. lull chneiian a d
true name unknown , non-iesident defendants.
You and each of .you are hereny notified that
on the 10th dav of January. 1890 , Oscar S. Cum-
jpgs as plaintiff , tiled in the district court of
Cherry county. Nebraska , his petition against
you as defendants , the object and prayer of
which is to have an accounting of the amount
paid by plaintiff for taxes , interest , penalties
and costs on the following described premises
and ieal estate , to-wit : The southeast quarter
of section rune , totti.ship thirty-three , range
Ihirtvone. in Cherry county. Nebraska , for the
vnars 1R93.1800 and 1837 , with interest then on.
and un attorney fee of t n per centum of the
amount so found 10 be due ; that the amount so
found to be due for such taxes , interest , penal ,
ties , costs and attorney fee be fixed and estab
lished as a valid and subsisting lien on said t.ixud
premises and r al eiiaie. and superior to all
oilier hens , eq-uties < > ' citaten therein ot the
said defendants , or either of them , or anyone
claiming l.y , through , or under them , or either
of them ; that the said premises and rjit est.ite
he sold for the sati-laetion ibt-reot , together
with ibe costof Milt and n > st.uf sale ; that the
defendai.th he fnu-yer barren , foreclosed and
excluded out of all right , title , iulero.-t or equity
of redenipti n'in nn.l to the sanu or any 'part
And you are further notified and required to
answer said petition on or hefore tiie iUh : day
of Match. 1SW. A. M. MORKISSEY ,
2(5-17 ( Attorney for Plaintiff
"Squib Bob" sends this paper a
news item to the effect that Money
Butler thinks nothing- runs on the
range he can't rope and hog-tie , but
that on the 18th he found his match
and had to call on .Mrs. Dr. Jolmson
to assist him ; his wife presenting him
with an 8-pound bn\- . Mother and
child are iloinjf well and Money well
he stands with his high-heeled boots
on four feet eleven or eleven feet four
inches , plagued if we haven't forgot
ten which.
'North-WcstcMii Line" is to bo
to : ind from the
lias recently started in business and
oilers bargains to ull cash
buyers of
Chopped Feed
GHrfden Wire , Soft find Hard
] Pine , 1'fiittfn , Oils ttnd till
kindtt of Untie/tern' Supplies
' !
| j Anything in the line of Clothing ,
f Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes ,
J | Staple or Fancy Groceries ,
Stoneware , Dry Goods
Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
4 ?
sure to call and get prices .it
O f
49 i >
49 6 *
i *
when you
can get a first-class
machine for § 21.00
by writing to
Valentine , - Nebr.
Stoom 1O8 Kxclianze
Uefererscos :
Telphone 141
We haven large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always neat Omaha prices to
11 A. McQ'iade.
Valentino. Neb
Branded on eillier '
side '
J R Range between '
Thaelierand Swan i
i-ake i
* r ?
Attention , Stockmen
Farmers ami the General
If yon are in need of
A Supply or Stocli , Tanli
or any kind of
Carpenter Worli
We are pi > pire ; < l to accommodate yon
; il reasonable prices and
p to give smisfaotion
When Visiting
Stop Q * jg gT J
I at
Per Day !
Good Service
} > A , Hornback
TsTel)7-'aslcn :
AH work r.rnmptly alf 7rri
Taken up OetoiierS. 18J5. ten miles south of
Coi'j" . N 'bniska. \\liiteeuwbraii en
i n left s > : ie and oisc icd nilf with no bnutd U
Taken uj'b >
Hugh Hovill ,
Merriman Neb
J-D also 3 J
AlUon left side or
Range north of Eli
Charlotte E. Kovill
3I rriman Xeb
Left side or hip
Range north of Eli
I3 U. T Urns.
Newton , Neb.
ame enl
l * f t shoulder
Ranee between
the Gordon and the
F I'd i'w *
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , X
Cattle bninded ni
as on cut
r-ft s : < ic or hi |
I'anuc on Gordon
I. T. llicliarrlson.
Kennedy. Ncbns
Some on left
Horse * on
left shonld r
Stotts & Stettcr.
Cody , y
Branded on Irft5idc
R-inge. Tin Can Uike
and Morgan Flats
1 iiuvf u-taliiNhvd a 1'ced and Saw Mill
9 miles south ftf Cody , at the mouth of
Medicim- CUM von. ami am how prepared
to grind rci-d. Com Meal and Gnih.nnt ,
t tur.i out all kind- [ I.ijul.t-r and di-
'meiiM.m viiir , ani Native Sliiliic $ >
( Jive in R r : l nrrtrr.