. ) * * . " LOOK is- at those MOKINLEY BARGAINS * 2 * in & § 4 ? $ 41 49 4 ? CLOTHING 49 49 FRONT at ftfr * i * * fcfr ? * 4 * 4 ? 4 ? We shall offer for sale for the next 4 ? 49 49 49 60 Days , 200 Suits 49 49 49 Of Gents , Youths and Childrens 49 49 Clothing at just 49 49 49 49 49 49 below actual value 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Don't fail to call and look at 49j j those bargains and thereby 2 save money R.C.R JACKSON DENTIST Office oyer T. 0. Hornby's store Stairway on .vest side Operations as nearly painless as possible. J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness KIK ! accuracy Otfica at Estabrook Ilonse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- g jFV.jftdfir - Jfrftr V O.W.MOEEY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER 5 Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties ASK FOR. . . . . / FOR SALE AT ALL SALOONS il IN THE © ITV Stationery , IFr have just rece ii-cd a fine assortment of oooc papers Wh iYe , Tinted , ruled and unruled. Prices , lOvJL5cf 2Qc , 25c. Tablets , .Rw/eel or unruled---Note packet and Icttersi7.es. Quigley's Drug Store We trrctyents for Ifffickletf Vaccine A. M. MOERISSE1 ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEI 0. A. WELLS J. 33. WELL WELLS BROS. NTIST Office over Uhcrry County Ifank A. N. COMPTOE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigley's Drug Stor < Is ightsUpstairsRed Front Strayeb or Stolen. Several head of horses and cat- tlebranded Amos Strong , Valentine , Xob. . . . ' WI9K RJXCfi.- Str , . c l fo.icc on lh < a market. i < porf retl > < : lfa and na cffecdi : ! barrier j'lrniHHt a : ' formf ofUioU. . flia ! c i No. s .ja steel rc t ri - bccurjtt clan n d. ! s - . _ _ .r. r _ b OLD WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT ROBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Per Yetir in Advance PUBLIuriED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t b o Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Homing Events. Crookston Teaolicrs- January 28 Groundhog Day Februarys. St. Valentine's Day-February 14 County Commissioners March 21 Assessor's Meetinj-March 'Jl Beals & Torrey shoes at Carpenter & Rice's. A full line of feed always on hand at PettvcreTra. Lynn Parker , of near Kilgore , was n town Monday. The grippe seems to be losing its grip this week. Quigley's drug store made a change in their ad. this week. Judge Mogle was down from Cody on business Saturday. Section Foreman Spencer was up from Thacher last Tuesday. Sadie Dewey spent Friday and Sat urday in town , from Woodlake. C. M. Bailey and wife were Wood- lake dancers at the masquerade. P. Viertel , of Crookston , attended the masquerade ball last Friday. D. Stinard is closing out all his heav } * goods suits , overcoats , etc. J. W. Spirk. of Pierce , visited friends in town Saturday and Sunday. I. C. Stotts , of Cody , spent a few hours in Valentine Tuesda } ' evening. Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelled corn and 500 bushels of oats at W. A. Pettycrcw's. 48 To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it tails to cure. 25c. The genuine haa L. B. Q. on each tablet. In order to live conveniently to his livery barn C. R. Walcott has moved into the Ferguson house. E. Mae Davisson , of Longpine , is visiting her sister , Mrs. Good , during the editor's absence this week. Good value in shoes at Carpenter & Rice's. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joseph , Wednesday , Jan uary 25 , Washington Honey was up from Woodlake Tuesday and before return ing home made this office a call. P. O. Parsons , photographer , will take a few pupils in photograplry at the low rate of $15.00 per month. E. J. Davenport has been under the weather the past week with lagrippe in which he had plenty of company. W. A. Taylor's baby was very ill last week but we are happy to state that it is entirely out of danger now , Nye & Bachelor , a prominent stock firm of near Kennedy , were both ir town several days this week on busi ness. Johnnie Stetter is down from Cody spending a few days with his family , He says Valentine is a good town , bu1 so is Cod- . D. S. Ludwig wn.s laid up this week with pneumonia , but at this writing is on the mend , which we are pleaset to chronicle. Leona Baumgartel was down fron Crookston to attend the masquerade , and remained visiting with friends until Mondaj' . Ned Jones , merchant at Norden was in Valentine Monday and shippec a car load of hogs from this point t ( Omaha Tuesday morning. Minnie DeWoody , of Ainsworth was in attendance of the masquerade ball last Friday and remained over s short time to visit friends. C. W. Bennett , of Simeon , was ir town Sunday , bringing in his daugb/ ter Maud , who teaches a school oul in the Williams neighborhood. Mrs. W. E. Waite was in town Sun day and Monday from Chesterfield , tc meet her daughter Mildred who re turned from school at Omaha Sunday night. Wm. Wagner , of Woodlake , has bought the draying interests oJ Joseph Large , and will move to Bas' sett and do the dray work for the citi zens of our town.Bassett Eagle. Dr. Walter Tucker writes to have the address of his paper changed t ( Warm Springs Indian AgencyOregon He is 75 miles from the railroad , anc seems to like his new situation verj much. Beginning with this evening Gee Ross will run a hack line from the Fort to town "every evening rain en shine.5' Hack leaves the canteer twenty minutes after supper , anc leaves town at 10 o'clock sharp. Peter Hempel , section foreman at Crookstoii , was in town this morning and made this office a call. "Bob" Gillaspie has recovered suf ficiently from the effects of a broken shoulder as to warrant his return to the ranch this morning. ! A cousin and brother of Mrs. Farn- ham of Iowa , and Sutherland this state , respectively , are here on a , visit with Mr. and Mrs. Farnham. Gus Carlson has opened his hard ware store and will have something to say through these columns next week in regard to his business. Gua is a straight honorable business man and we predict for him a liberal patronage. Len VanKirk , living" near the state line , had a public sale this week and disposed of his surplus effects pre paratory to removing to Missouri , i Geo. Tracewell was auctioneer and informs us that things sold reason ably well. The M. W. of A. had a candidate to initiate in the mysteries of woodcraft Monday night , but on account of ex erted trials of the goat in prior feats , he was more tame in this case than usual. Ask Neighbor Camm for fur ther particulars. We are in receipt of two copies of the' Shoshone ( Idaho ) Independent , published by Geo. W. Fritz , at one time of Brownleebut later of Spring- view. George has many warm friends here who will be pleased to learn of his success in establishing himself , and we with others hope he will make a barrel of dollars , all silver. Muslin underwear in all prices and styles is a new departure for Valen tine. The prices range from 20cts. to $2.00 , and the finish from the per fectly plain to the fine lace and in sertion trimmed. We are proud of our stock in this line and consider it a pleasure to show it to all comers Oblige us by calling. T.C.Hornby. The editor of this great family journal is hobnobbing with other bright newspaper men in Omaha this week. Before he left he announced his intention of entering the race for U. S. Senator , and hopes to make a neck and neck run with Bixby of the State Journal who received one vote , and then had it changed to Allen. After a short illness of diphtheria , Roscoe Vincent , aged o-years , died Sunday moi ning about five o'clock , and was buried on the afternoon of the same day , Rev. Baker conducting the services. The little one was the son of J. O. Vincent and wife , and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to the parents in their hour of affliction. Carpenter & Rice dissolved part nership last Friday , Rice retiring. Andy Folks purchased the retiring partner's interest and his son Harry has. accepted a position in the store as clerk. Fred Folks then resigned his position with Farnham & Dikeman to accept a situation with W. A. Pettycrew , made vacant by Harry's change of location. The Ainsworth Star-Journal says there is altogether too much cattle and hog stealing going on in Brown count } ' , and intimates that there will be a frontier necktie party down there one of these days. Brown coun ty is rapidly attaining the reputation of having within her Borders a num ber of go-betweens who dispose of stock stolen in Cherry count- and on the reservation. A letter from Miss Maggie Martin , ( nee Herring ) at Bonesteel , S. D. , or dering the Star-Journal , states that she and Miss Luella Miller have en gaged schools in that county and will begin teaching immediately. Success attend them. Miss Fannie Clark returned to Omaha last Saturday. She intended staying a week longer , but her sister Lila was taking lessons in la grippe and Miss Fannie was necessarily called home. Ainsworth Journal. The masquarade ball given by the local lodge , K. of P. , Friday night , was a success notwithstanding the fact that large numbers of people who wished to attend were prevented by illness. About sixty maskers were present , and the fun was fast and furious both before and after the masking , which resulted in many sur prises. The grand march was led by M. Christensen , master of ceremonies , and Edna Fischer , who looked very sweet and dainty in her butterfly cos tume. The costumes were as a rule very appropriate and the lovers of dancing hope for a repetition of the pleasant event ere long. Following is the list of jurors drawn for the April term of the district court. Begins April 10 ; jury called April 11 : S. S. McClain. E. R. Mason. W. H. Kenned } ' . John Shelbourn. A. Thompson. S. H. Dye. Charles Latta. B. F. Boyles. G. M. Lynn. G. H. Seager. D. Henderahott. D. M. Sawtell. C. W. Bennett. H. VanSteenis. C. F. Sherman. E. R. Vandegrift. H. E. Dewey. Chas. Kilgore. J. W. Groves. G. W. Davis. M. B. Trussell. H. F. Miller. Hugh Bovill. W. E. Haley , 1 4i 111 m By trading with 31 ° * * GENERAL MERCHANTS We will have a bigger stock during the year 1899 than ever before , and that is SAYING A WHOLE LOT , BUT IT IS TRUE CHANT Doesn't care for large sales. He wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits arid lots of 'em. That's what coiuits. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Eanch orders a specialty Famham d Dl ( IKtt 1 All our Heavy Weight Suits , Overcoats and Fur Coats , in men's boys' and children's , go at a sacri fice. fice.Our Our spring stock will soon been on hand and we must have room. Our prices on Boots and Shoes are lower than anybody's , quality and fit considered , and we have all btyles and sizes. Practical Tailoring in all its branches. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged to he the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS Which I am Felling very cneaply Try me before buying am thing in my line elsewhere Valentine Nebraska D. S. Ludwig P . Photographer Has rented the \ . G Sliaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will b here from 1ST TO 12TH OF EVERY MONTH First-class Work in every Particular Guaranteed. See Samples of Work at the Bed Fran Millinery and Ladies' FurnisMiig Goods CALL AND GET PRICES. CORA GILLBTT ;