Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 26, 1899, Image 11

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    Tic Success of the Season.
ig o
SU lie U W T IU ! i CsBU
A Rjchly Illustrated and Beautiful Peri
odical , Covering the Whole Field
of Popular Reading.
of ihe nw for liautyml l ' .v price. AVith
its ArtistKI.ithoirr.tphif dl'wil foyers.
Sujiorli I'VltTtn ! lilus r.iljons. Serial : iml
Short KI.I rios by -ndlm ? Writers of the
World. : ) : > . ! Hpi-cta : iJppnrlmcijts of Do < - -
oriilve Art , Kr.ibroitU'ry , Hume Kinploy-
jnoitt for W < MKt u. : U' < 1. in j'-u-t. every De
partment of Lome improvement \vlrich adds
to the economy : : : ul chnnn of imiie life , be
1t iidoors ur oiitil-jora , THK LKDtJKU
MONTHLY is ! > pyoul < jicsilu. : . tt Ji't ai-cord-
the Kic-tf vr'-n-.lr-rftil prodtu-Linji for its prirp.
Shnp'y ' to see A f py of TIIH IJ-I > IKK
MONTHLY is to I.e 11 : inly : oivIwcMl that
no si-h ; - > s'ly periodical bis r-ver been < > ' -
f'.M'pil to the : iul)15c for so IJttii * money. Your
sample < - ! > " v.-il ! prove this t. yoj.
Your I'ost.iinst'pr .vil ! show ym : a sn.ii.il"
-on.v r 'miLKIHKI : MONTHLY and
: tso talk * yi ur sulisiriptir.il f > i T1110
LHDGElt MONTHLY for \vln.le year for
only . " > ( ) -ejils.
Don't fall to asl ; your I'os ! master : o let
yon icok nl : i sr.iipic > copy , niul you will lie
nure t > jriv ! iiin v nr Hu routs for a venr's
subscription to TIIK LKIHJKtt MONTHLY ,
the ( Jivat Kanii-y ila aaine.
ir.fl Ld.r.u'ldn : . No-.v Y.rri ; Cy. ; :
_ _ _
< T < FOR g4 CENTS
g \ TCl
' \o uir-li to rain llir : 7car /I,009 !
„ > . new oiutoLcrs. c.n-i henct on > " '
Viz i
K ! (
Vic i
iker. .10c i
.200 '
10c (
.15c <
Worth Sl.OO.forUCts. ? LOOJ
Above 10 pkss. , worth $1.00 , we will
mail j on f po.tojrothnr our Rrent '
Plant nii'i J-eed Catalogue , upon 10- I
riij.t of lllii-r.otlcjnnd J-lcpOhtnKO (
Wo invite jonr trnclonntl kuon when (
: ou once try SiilzcrV Sccdo jou will j
. , n"vcrcealoniwitiotJt ] them. OnIon -
' . " - - Ion Bcccl fifec ftiid np a Hi. Pole- !
to--M r.t > l.iIO n UJ I. Catalogue '
alorer c iit3. 2\o. O. X. I
JOHN A. SA LZ : it Mill > CO. , Lu CrosHCWi . |
or ncC7i'irci : ri. Search free ,
PAT ; i r V C'i > I'St WashingtonD.C.
ivfcnstr nation , the balance \vhecl 01
woman's life , is also the bane of exist
ence to many "because it means a time of
great .suffering.
" \Vlj51eno woman5y entirely free from
periodical paiait docs not seem to have
I been na
ture's plan
that women \
j healthy
j should suffer
j so severely.
LydiaE.Pinl :
table Coin-
pound is
tlie most
thorough fc-
male i-egiila-
tor Icnown to
medical sci-
ence. It relieves the condition that pro-
j dnccs so inrich discomfort. and robs men
struation of its terrors. Here is proof :
i BKAH Mis. PJXKHAM : How can 1
I thank yon enough for what 3011 have
j done for ! nc ? When I wrote io you I
was sufferingv.ntold pain at , time of
| menstruation : was nervous , had hcad-
j ache all the time , no appetite , that tired
i feelin % aud did not care fc r anything- .
J have taken three bottles of i/ydia E.
IMnkhair/s Vegetable Compound , one
of Blood Purifier , two buxcs of Liver
Vills. and to-day 1 am a well person. I
v.-onld like 10 have those v.-ho suffer
know that I am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
Miss VhxxiE : K. MrLKS. Leon. Wis.
jf you are suffering1 in this way , write
as Miss r.iilc.s did toIrs. ] . 1'iiikham at
Lynn , JIass. , for the advice which she
offers free of c.hare to all women.
Of Pc
"Who started the commercial abbra-
\5ai3on 'O. K.'V"
"Umar Khayyam , of course. "
jc that. Costs.
There is a way of trifling that costs
a heap of money. Neglect rheumatism
and it may psit one on crutches , with
loss of time and money. St. Jacobs Oil
will cure it surely , right away.
The poor are the charge of the neb.
HTOSS o ? th
with S
J32.ndj oF them , &re suF-
ferir.g From lingering dis
eases induced by life in
poisonous southern c&mps.
the result of changes of
climate , or of imperfect
nutrition caused by im
proper and badly cooked
Food. Sleeping on the ground
has doubtless developed
rheumatism in hundreds
who were predisposed to
the disease. In such ciises
the Boys o ? ' 98 may t&Ke
a , lesson f-vom the experi
ence of the
neroes o1 the
Hundreds of the Boys
o63 h&v/e testified to the
efficacy of Dr. Y/illi&ms"
Pink Pi'iis For P&le People
in drivinri out mdkl&ri& ,
. . .
rneuroaktisr.n &nc ? . otner
diseases contracted during their d ys of hardship
d.nd privation in the Army. These pHls &re the best
tonic in the world ,
A n Uobiiison , of Mt. Stt-iliiig , 111. , is a veteran of the Civil war , having-
scn-etl in th'Srd I'tuinsylvauia Volunteer , litv.cnt to tin ? war a viRor-
ont ! farrier's boy and cniiie back broken in health , a victim of sciatic rheii-
iint ! iu. r > I hi of the time he was iiufittcd lor manual labor of am- kind ,
crd his bufferingsvtre nt all times intense. lie says : "Nothing seemed
.o fjivc me pcimanent relief until three veare ago , wlieii iny attention VPS
called to FOIRC of the v.onderfnl discs tlttcted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
< jr Pale People. 1 had not taken more than half : i box when I noticed an
improvement in my condition , ciui I keep on imjjrovinfr steadily. To them
I mvo mv restorf.tioii to health. They are a { jiai tl rcmedj. " Mt. Sterling
De > : : eci at-1 f\agc.
At a-U drugcists. or sentpostpaid.on receipt c ? price,50 cti. per
boby the DT. WiiVi iT.i Medicine Co. , Bo < V , Schcncct&dy.H.V.
} < fz * fr&sM &
oo Know le
The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe , "J. T. , "
Cross Bow , Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing1 tobacco besides.
Every man , woman and child in America can find something
on this list that they would like to Inuear.d can have -FKKK !
Write votir name and address plainlv and send evcrv tatr vou
* W * f
can yet to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows :
1 Mnlch Box , quaint n- 19 Alr.rni K. nid.cl , warranted . . ' OU
ported from j.ipan. " 0 Curve's , liuchhoni hnndle , rood "
1 Knife , oic blade , good steel Mecl
3 Scissors , 41 -iiic1 ! , teed sice ! . . . . y."i j 21 5-\ Jvogcrs' Te. ! pcKusf bestqu : ! . -J ,
i CinU's Set , Ivriifo , Fork and Spoon 23 iTJ Kicsaitl Fork-- , six each , bncli-
5 Salt anJ Pepper , cnv each , qund- : : ! liiiiid'c- , . 250
ntplc pate on w liitc metal. . . . 23 Clu. 1. fc-day , Calendar , 'I heincm-
C Razor , hollov ground , fine English cicr , Hrrcmeter
sscel 0 j 21 Stoic , Vi'ikon licattr , fic Xo I'D
7 Ijiit'.cr Knife , triple piste. bs.-.t qaal. Ci ! j or No. 40 rGQ
K SuijarShcll.tripicplale , l > estcjaaliy CO . 2. > Toul Scl. not play tilings , l.r.t real
tl Stamp ! tex , sicH--.s ; silver " . T'J | lee ! * . . . . . " CCO
10 Knife , "Keen Kuacr , " tivo blr.drs 71) ) , ' 20 Tcilct 5-c : , f'cconf.cd ] : urcclan ,
31 Butclicr Knife , "Keen Kiuter , " j veiy ha d'Uin < ? . . . . . tO
8-inch Wade " . " 27Vaci ! , s < lid iver. ! fall jcv.t'cd 100
"K = iii Kmter. " 8-incli , Sewinu M..u.inc. fiift class , witli
nic'xel 7i > j all dtucliments l-'Od
13 Nut.S = tCr.-'Ut-r and G Picks , siher C 20 Kc\ol\er. Colt's , I.CM quality . . . .IsVS'i
14 Nail Tile. Mc-ling iilxcr , aniethj-it ' 0 Uiflc.VincleScr. . lG-Miot.22-c. 1.1T.OO i
set , 0-uich 100 ! 31 f-ho : Can. douMe banel , I-iiiicr-
15 Tooth U'si ! , stciHng silver , r.nic- less v.u ! . t is : 20vO
thyst 'el. 0-irch . ] 00 82 Ouicr { ' .Vnshburn ) , ro e\vocd , ii-
10 Pi'.pcr Cu'ter , sterling silver , air.c- 1 nd with n.o.l.cr-rtf-pear ! . . . . 2000
tliyst tc : , 7-incii 100 33 15cy.ltcrduid m.e. ! ladies'or
17 Base Ball. "Assouati'sn. " res : ijm.l 100 r iiii' 2 fie
18Vttch , s tcm wind and set. ; j rjr.- I/ ' : OX1X1 rhcicr se'.ccioRsr ! : .e
ttcd geed time keeper . . COtl t. 4.0 lagcrs.Ii. .
This offer expires Hevs&bsr SO , ( BSD ,
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about 'hern to
DRUP.1P/1OND BRAMOK , S t. Louis , PJ5o.
i' '
Sninetliinu that Will Interest the Ju
venile Members of Every Household
Quaint Actions and Uricht Sayiujja
of Many Cute aul Cunning Children.
The shrike's ordinary method of cnp-
luruins prey closely resembles that of
the lly-cateher , to which , however , it
is not really related. The resemblance
is merely one of those due to similar
ity of ha hit.
Every weli-conduc-rcd butcher-bird
has a settled perch or pitch on which
ha sits to watch and wait , and to which
j he returns after each short excursion.
Flies and bees he catches 011 the winjj ,
darting down upon them suddenly
with a swoop like a kiug-flshcr's ; but
he also often takes them sitting , espe
cially when they are seated on a leaf
or a branch , or are eating carrion.
One of his favorite hunting-boxes is
a telegraph wire , and ho prefers one
that crosses the corner of a wood ; there
he will sit with his head held sapieiirly
on one side , keeping a sharp lookout
from his beady brown eyes in c\ cry di
rection. If a bee light on a head of
clover , if a cockchafer stii' , if a mouse
move in the grass , if a llcdgling thrush
make a first unguarded attempt to ily
woo betide the poor innocent : our
butcher-bird is upon him , with a fierce ,
darting beak , and in ten seconds more
his writhing body adds to the store in
the shrike's larder.
A good place and time to watch a
butcher-bird at work is in a quiet iield
by a copse just after the mowing. But
you must hide carefully. The short
grass is then full of beetles , crickets
and grasshoppers , as well as of mice ,
shrews and lizards , which can conceal
themselves loss easily than they were
wont to do in the long hay before the
At such times , hawks and owls made
a fine livelihood in the fields ; but their
habit is to hunt their quarry on the
open. They hover and drop upon it.
That is not the butcher-bird's plan ; he
is a more cautious and secret foe ; ho
sits casually on his branch or his tele
graph wire , with his head on one side ,
till his prey stirs visibly ; then he
pounces on him from above , making a
short excursion each time , and return-
dug to rest on his accustomed position.
"When ho catches a bird , and eats it at
once , he begins by spitting- on a
Uiorn : then he attacks the skull first ,
breaking it through and eating the
brain , which is his favorite tid-bit. lie
also raids on tlie nests of other birds ,
and carries off the nestlings. Grant
Xiord Faunic ! o.r 7s
"When Ivittle Lord Faunlleroy was a
long-haired , wide-collared boy he was
devoted to a ball some one had given
him , so his faithful chronicler says.
Once , when it rolled beneath a dray , lie
wept to see the thing he had loved and
cherished so mangled by cruel wheels.
A few weeks ago Little Lord Fauntlo-
roy Victor Burnett was an active
participant in a foot-ball game. Of
A < = ins Moninii s IIICKO AXU AS nis COL-
course , every one knows that Mrs. Bur
nett was merely historian of her son
when she wrote her famous book. It
interested a great many persons to sec
how Victor Burnett treated the ball.
He kicked it so far that ho came near
making a Jicw football record. He
kicked it so hard that ho was a herewith
with a mob cheering his name like
mad. And for the second time ho was
a hTOthis time a football hero in
stead of a book hero.
"Where Ifcasoiiiiiij I7aietl.
"Mamin.i , have I any children ? "
a ked little . " 3-ycar-old Ella upon her
return homo from Sunday school.
"Why % no. of cours ? not I What put
that idea into your hondV" replied the
surprised mother. "Because , " an
swered the little lady , "our lesson at
.Sunday school to-day was about pee
ple's children and their children's chil
dren. "
Knowledge of tli2 Abstract.
"What is an abstract noun. Xeilie ? "
asked the teacher , of a bright little girl.
"Don't know. " was Ui2 answer. "You
don't know ! " exclaimed the teacher.
"Well , it's the name of something you
can think of but can't touch. Now.
can you give an example ? " "A red-hot
poker , " was the surprising and prompt
Queer Facts About Cli'nsi ,
China , or "the Celestial Empireas
it is sometimes called , is a land of mys
tery and curiosities to most of us. From
an American point of. view the Chinese
do many things "upside down/ ' and
even nature seems to ape this , to us ,
contrary system. For instance , the
Hwang-no , or Yellow liiver , one of the
two largest rivers in the empire ,
through a large v/tion of its course is
higher than the surrounding plain. An
other river , the IIan Keang , is only 200
feet wide at Jts mouth , hut grows wide !
j as the distance from its mouth increas-
I os. In the summer this river is higher
j than its natural banks , with the result
that , were it not for walls that hold the
wafr in check , the surrounding coun
try would be under water for the great
er part of the year.
Jack's 1'oint of View.
His little sister pouted :
"I tliitik it was a shame
For you to get the scolding
When you were not to blame.
Why didn't some one tell them
The-truth about the ball-
That Freddy Fearing threw it , -
And it wasn't yon at all ?
But that's the way it always is ;
It's just the same old song
When any mischief happens . j
It's Jack who's in the wrong !
And other boys , I'm sure of it ,
Are every bit as had.
I'm sick of such injustice ! '
It makes me hopping mad ! "
Jack kissed his little sister :
"Oh , dou't you fret ! " he said ,
With a twinkle in his laughing eyes
"And don't yon peach on Fred.
I told the little beggar
( lie was scared to death , you see.
When the ball went through the window )
To leave it all to me.
Nobody iilibed about it :
But t'ne fellows ran away.
'Twas just the situation
Somebody had to stay.
Of course I caught it heavy.
But bless you ! think what fun
For me to get a scolding
For a thing 1 hadn't done ! * '
St. Nicholas- .
An Incomplete Kdiicition.
Visitor Well , Tommie , how are you
getting on at school ? Tomnile ( aged S )
First rate. I ain't doing as well as
some of the other boys , though. I can
sland on 1113- head , but I have to put my
feet against the fence. I want to do it
without being near the fence at all , like
some of the boys do , and I can after
I've been to school long enough. "
A Texan has patented a billiard cut
which is chambered at the end and fill
ed with chalk , to be discharged through
a small opening to the face of the cue
as each shot is made.
In a now English bicycle saddle a
metallic ring , supported by "braces , is
strung with straps or olher flexible ma
terial to form a Hat seat which springs
with the weight of the rider.
To ascertain the size of finger rings
a new measuring device has a Hat base
on which the finger is placed , with
graduated bars to surround the finger
and indicate the size of ring needed.
In an improved footrcst for boat-
blacking stands clamps are provided
for the sole and heel portions , which
can be adjusted to fit any foot and
clamped in place by a lover at the side
of the base.
In a new jack-screw for raising
heavy bodies the spiral ribs inside the
frame are replaced by a series of steel
balls which mesh in the grooves on the
threaded shaft and decrease the fric
tion as the shaft is turnr-d.
A handy hitching post has a spring
drum inserted in the top , on which is
wound a cord with a srap hook at the
outer end for attachment to the bridle ,
the spring pulling the rope Into the post
when not in use.
A handy cup for drinking purposes
has a weighted section formed under
the flange in the bottom , so that the cup
can be dropped into the spring when
not in u e. the weight keeping it in an
upright position as it floats.
Bags can bo quickly fastened by an
Ohio man's device , consisting of two
steel members pivoted together , with a
yoke un one which locks over teeth on
the other member as they are pressed
over the mouth of the sack.
He Would. Not Believe It.
There is at times excuse for incml-i-
lity. A certain representative of the
Sultan of Turkey on one occasion was
perhaps to bo excused for unbelief.
It was when the Duke of York now
the heir to the English throne , and th *
commander of a battleship was a
young midshipman , and his ship was
in Turkish waters. The story is vouch
ed for by Admiral Sir Frederick Bed
ford , under whom Prince ( Jeorge
The vessel railed at a Turkish port to
coal , and during this operation a ivi > -
resontative of the Sultan came to pay
his respects to his royal highness. lie
was courteously received by the cap
tain , but in response said that it was
for the 1'rince his visit was intended.
"I am in command , " said Sir Freder
ick , "and the Prince is an officer , but
here he comes. "
At that moment the Queen's grand
son , who was in command of the coal
ing party , and who was noted for ener
gy in the performance of his duties ,
came up. That he was in command of
the coaling party needed not 10 bo ex
plained to the visitor. The fact was
apparent , lie was as black as any of
the men.
The Turk turned away in disgust , re
fusing to believe that he W.MS face to
face with an English" prince , and left
with the convii-tion that he had been j
hoaxed. Youth's Companion. 1
A Dismal Outlook. i
"Why should you worry ? You've got i
a riali uncle who is on his last legs , and !
you're his nearest relative. " j
"Oh . I know , but
, yes. n grass widow i
has just moved into the flat across tue j
hall. "
Tlicy Arc Slow ,
"I was doAvn at New York las ; : wed
and had a queer experience. "
"What was that ? "
"I couldn't find a burie-que of 'Cyra
no de Bergerae' any of the theaters. "
People are very charitable aboiit
scandalous things Joey don't find out.
Aii Example to
"My wife never bought me : i cigar In
her life. "
"Well , she's n wise woman. "
"Yes , she knows I don't smoke. " i
Fliall Tor to Kico re a i-'tate ?
Oi'.r public in. n arc trying to dm'ido
what action should ! > e taken rvjranlin ; : the .
status of I'orto Kio. . We have- never before -
fore had Io deal with a similar wmlition. i
Neither have we ever hail such a reliable |
medicine for dysK.'psia. [ indigestion mid j
nervousness as Hosteler's Stomach T.it- ;
tcrs. It makes strength to resist future i
'i Hacks.
. i. mea. . < Cliem * .
"Kitty , how di l yon luinpen to give
me this pretty card t.-iLrifV"
"Why. Jac-k. I needed one more foi
1113' euchre club. "
In Winter Uses Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powdc-r to bo shakei into the shoe . j
Durinic winter your t'ct feel uiicomfort-1
able , nervous , aud often cold aul damp , j
If yo.i : have iersp5rinjr. smarting feet or
tight slioes/Try Alien's Foot-Kane. It
\varmrs ami rests the feet anil : nak < s
walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet , blisters ami callous spots.
Relieves corns ami bunions of all pain
and is a certain cr.ro for chilblains aud
frost bites. Try It today. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores for lfx' ! . Trial
package mailed FHER. Address Allen
S. Olmsted , Lo I toy. N. Y. i
Keecnt statistics show that under in
years there are more bo\s than girls ,
but over T"J years there are more \vom-
DII than men. and from the ages of 90
to 100 the proportion is about three to
two iu favor of the women.
I'iso's ( 'ure for Consumption has sa
me largo doctor bills.-- ( " . L. Baker. 122 % ' '
Regent Sq. . I'hila.IHphia. Pa. . Dec.S , ' 93
Ceremony i.s of the tenses ; religion , of
[ he . oul. I
Ij j
First n Cold , Tliosi Uroncliilis. CiiecU the fii > t > ritli I
( Title's Honey or Horehouinl nn < l Tnr. Of Druggists j
1'iLo's Toothache Props , Cure iu ecu Minute. i
The luw > are n.s ju.-vt as 1 he-people they |
govern. i
WASTED. Cisc .rl > : nt ! ioilth tli.it U-ri".VN-S vll !
not Ix-iielit. Si-ii.l . " > i-ciiw to Uli > ais Chemical Cs. . .
New York , for ll ) < ; aint > li" < niil ' ( < ) tcsMMoiials. !
SI r < . H'itiMoiv's soo.'HixuiVhUi' ser ( TUildron
( eethtc ) : soilens tlie ; iitn.s , lecuces inflammation
i-uros ivuxl colic. 35 cjstK abottlit
A man loves to live , bat a woman
lives f \ lovn I
Of the Supreme Court cf Ohio ,
Had La Grippe Praises
Dr. llrrtman is rpfi-i\iii : ; hnstrc-Is ! ot
letters every t5y nliotit his fi.ios rem
edy fur la Rvil'liP. Onlintry remedies
i-een of no ! .se. Pe-tu-na is tlie < > ! ; ! y roru-
eily that ei.tiro'y i-rtulifciti's ihss stnb-
born tlisp.ir.e from llse system. The rea
son for this is that I'e-nt-ni is a scien
tific catarrh re-.ueily ; U cures < - tnrrli ! ti
nil stages and phaaes. La jripi > f is epi
demic catarrh.
lion. .losiali U. Allen. Clerk of the Su
preme Court oC Ohio , writes I r. llart-
inan on the subject of hi grippe as Col-
io\vs :
Coi.rMisrs. O. . April Ifj , 1S07.
The IVninDrug MTV Co. :
CJ cut lemon I have been aillirtetl with
a disease , commonly known as la grippe ,
every winter since that disease was dis
covered. 1 have tried many n'medies
without success. This spring 1 was in
duced io try a bottle of Pe-rn-na. 1 have
now taken two bottles and havi- received
much benefit therefrom. In fact , all
symptoms of the disease seem to have left
me. Therefore I elieerfully recommend
the virtues of Pe-rn-na.
Yours truly , Josiah 1' . Allen.
Address The Pe-rn-na Dr.ig Manufac
turing Company , Columbus , Ohio , for a
free book on catarrh , written by Dr.
llartman. entitled "Winter Catarrh. "
ted Scrvons Prostration , Rheumatism ,
Catarrh and Stomach Trouble.
[ . !
TRADE MARK. SWAXSOX RHErMVTir ( CRE Cf ) . . Olli A .O. .Ttllj 2 : ; ' ! ? .
" 5 1) " > 1JS " her vri-ifrht wiino down to 146 poundsIUT nonnal wi-iyht ami she is ail rij-'i.'t a -
She thinks there iscver was fcneh nvdicim * . I myself think it is splcn-lid.
: ? . M A. MATtixr.iT , rollbrnn. < < > ! .
Mr. Ini Saruunt. Dnnb.ir fNb. . ) . also writes tinder date of .Inly 2T . VS. that he ii ? cMin-il < Rhvu-
miti--in : Stomach Trouble and Catarrh. " 1 want to writ- ; you in r < > i to mv cast * of STOMACH
PROUHLK and RHEUMATISM. 1 commenced one \ear ao to takf DKOPfrV and Ian tfll
> ou to-day that though I am 75 YEARS OLD and past , I fi-el like a new per > on. I don't \\.ti.t to he
without ' 5 DKO1J- . ' ' 5 DROPS' has the praise of hoinf ; UKIxst nn-diciuc on the mark * t. It.
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SWANSON RHEURffATIC CURE CO. , 167 Dearborn Street , Chicago , lit.
For perfect Comfort , Durability and Attract
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