W. D McGAA Oreston , S. D. Left or cither side of cat tie ; also V left side ot neck. Swal low fork rl ht car. umu-rbit left ; right -.r nn'ilictl off : 'n- 'l'-islt Ipf oir : K"sme on left j.i\\ and sonic utJltlole.ftj.iiv ut u-r brunus leu wiy p.ut of ; rii .iiU. : etc-i us or aiv part of .i'ii-n : 1 , 51 si ) brv.i.luil the folium in , : , Icit , -1" Ale some v titlij A -ft X lett s.do O ! siic..tui , \ > dtp 01 Horse IT..II. lo\\s In II It lirlt ml' ILigh th.gh thi.h , ortnigh , hip. Anyone sriiinuiiorses or cattle hearing tin above bra ; d- , will he prosecuted. Infoimatioi rogai din- I ift lib-rally i cwanlcd. ilanc-a ; iinriicy t > i.nn ; > and Gottoiuvoud. HKnmru o. BISONETTE. MANAGER. J'O'.lfifnco address Pine Ridire. S. I > C.ittl br.x'idcd as o- nit. HOB on It-f , some II V'f Lni snip : borne on left side ; . .onie older stock , , an\\vher < "ji nM'-.iai. liorsc K j on left lii- anvwhcic- 01 Har fcx on miles nor h- euetoi Piiiv itidge , 1:1 Shannon Co .TOIIN GHOiT BEAK , MANAOEIi address Pine Kidfe. S. D CatJlo brtr.ik-il 15 ( J on It-It 1 m of cat' IP a i on ri ! ? : Minirbunded on hftb ilr .ils' ) r > n on leuuli ; horvs same or. left s'n.sldi r RantriVouiuled Knee an-l WaUpam- imLaKc.bhamiouCo. L. C. Peyion. Livaca , Nebraska. HH Sffi side , itango P.ilo Ci ok. . snor.r IIOU.N nui.r for saic Geo. II. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leftside uangc-10 miles f-outli of ilerrini in i ) Mornumn."cb. . Some M i'tlo.1 same as ci : ! on both I M' > . u ir p N.utl o tel ol : ui Gco. L. Golem an. Corty. Nebraska On leflsJde ; horses O eft ihoiilde.- itansc Ten miles we of Snake ni\er Palls Alex muT. Pullman. Xcbr. On right side ; brsr > sinjo left thonJder. nerd ni-i Si Dc\v lap Range - Brush Gco. W. Monnier. Jlcrrlman , Neb. Left shoulder and lef t thleh ; somc'F on left hiphor- ; - ( ECS same left tlnth iKingc Ea : t and Southc-jst u Grant Bixler. _ _ " - Merriman , Neb. Some ou left' bide ; some on lels hip : horses snr.To lef' thtsh. jtansp Six miles Northeast of Merri man. H. E. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly on rightbip Bomeonbotl ) hips Itange-Medicine Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same , Kange North ol the Snake C. Even son , Codr , Nebraska On left side and thigh ; horses same on left side 1'C. Range Between .Snake and NJobrora. 1' MAKTIN RED BEAE. Poe'office address PmcIUdgeS.D. On left b d - . horses same left thly i. Uange--Wolf Creek. -A THOMPSON Postofllco Addres.- Simeon Neb Stock branrtet ? same as cut be hind leftsiioulder Bange on the Schlagle W O CARSON PostofTlco Addres-- S.inoon Neb branded y&frttf&tzZXv&fZ * . v&.Jf-XzfSsi' ? > V-I ? ? : D M 6KAUS PostoToadIre Kennedy Xpb 51ORGARODGE ami SOIJ G 01 dnn CrjfJ : anJ A'icbrarn rss i 'S xv r vvi. , J-w-t. * A y , - - t\ . _ S r ALBERT W1IIPPLR < . _ _ _ . * ) Postotttrc arfil. . 2 J k i : - ' " . s.i' . . „ ° " 'l'n ' M < Se h 3 / Q VI 11 o * * shonl- t6 * * & * \ . - - - < J ft ' . - " 3 > KC\ ' f7 3 'sn-SS-rr. W H " ' 'innile < l o : FPvANX KO rii ! EUTXCU , Some oi , j- : rr HAD vo" i Pos'o'h.c : i l ! ress Ailt"1. S l.oft s' e ' ' i ti-'l tn - > - rbi0 { 01- ' , -ft ! il . -.JPL _ Wffl Ruuc-Cora Crook T F. PRAN'ICS VfSts.fT. c atlirs3 Mcrrnr.nn. N-1 Oi-.left sidecar inuk 'iiivlor slope liorses J S on left Haurc ; ten miles northeast of 3lerri- .aau. S. uo e d. s. D. Also B U u left side Ca tie mi rout on bath o-.rs ; horses "ys SSfHS " - ' 5 SJ bran..i-.I ; * .n left sS.er . „ Joseph Fairhcad. lelfcj side Als rms ? on l"It ; bide LlR-JJ- ; also s.imt ro- \ertedonleft thigh , ' ' jSSit \ V ' irVJi , ti 5 riorsf-s Ih shoulder , r. I - - een Fair iieacl Lake and Snake rivoi Clarence Guieonib. horses leftbhonldi-r r.r.nue-Soi'.theast Cuteomb L-iko Shadbolt and Fleisbman. Coilv , Nebraska Left sSco ; S F lelt shoulder ; hcrdmark- dew lap. nange nanges SG and 37 , between io- brara and the Snake. 9 James Goodfello\T and Son. Cody , Nehrisk-i On left side ; hor. -cs JG rlgiit M , , and mostly on J.iw nanse Ret\\cm Jlcdlclne Lake. W , H. Garter. postoffice adddrss Cody , Nebraska. On left sldo ; some XT left eldc , horses T left shoulder SHORT BORN stock , nange Between Nlnbrara and Ujo Snake. IIOHACE WAL"LT3TOrOIlD Postofflce ndrtress Chciterfleld Neb Cattio bran-led on left sice ana nin : left nleftilde left BliouffJer horsca brand ed cross an chor on left shoulder. S E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horsss same on left shoulder nr.nge on Square Lake G K1MB fostofflce address Kennedy xeb Cattio branded as an cut or on hip ; liorses same. Some oileltsido reH and bar on s hip "ange , oae Tree Valley FLOYD KI3IE & Pcrlofnce address ' + * * ? ! & & ] ? * ' Kennedy Neb \ # fg.ttt ± i'Ar tiV > 2i * I * JJKSin Cat tie bran d.'J on left hip or side ci both iiorsrs with n en AU lefc bhotjlJer , nange : ' " ' 01' * = tWE&a i g f-rt-f rr jasfPr gjfrf. < .IT ivtnr.c , ! ; . > .c Cate ! bir.iule on it on on ( .r.jjer.iirte Bonlman between ug ! ccud and the Springs KVU & rosroRVo address V Icntino. Net/ 'on ' a'ld , JH Ilor o r.ingf. Steer . - - K-ttV'V' j CrecU , bet'\ee the D L McLAXE . 'o6tofT.ce Ai'drcss P.OicI ud , " 3 i > CatJj b : s i-iit on .Jf , .1 > r L U ! .d - V U Horses bn.ndeu ji : it-It UJtow and cuits a a. -53 t\ ! .u : < : c n outL of Cct'.oin I'ostonice AclJresj Rose ! 1 , S L Ca'tlo liiv.ulcd ( , 12ft iHle same p. ci.t. Horses btanc ) eel v.ith a K. Kane : lIu v > 'bie : PKP.P.Y PAKKEM odder U.inde.Mor.th. ol CLP. : IINT \ \ uini IND s-"i DIEI P.nseln.11. , S ! Pal lib bra' d OB left h'.pl.kecut Horses branded s.inie on ie.ft shoul- 'f r. P.angt1 , < 'U Big .VhlteKi.cr T1TEODOK32 DOYLE ndrt-osa KonneiivNeb rv.tllo branded on t side and hip ' - left 'orst-s same on Some | on Icit s'do ' . . Ln-ejordou and North I'ostoffice nddress KennedrNeb Cattle bran 2-od or. left side with both car cropped sqnan- norscs samoas cat tie baton leftsbou- ! ilpr iins Avoir's cat tic , also. U III uan.eGordoi Greet O W LADELY stofflce address Newton Neb Ca'.tlo brand oJ me as cut or on hip uortes L on left .r.k Kango , between irdo i creek and e Loup P B 6TONF.R Postofflce addreca Ne.\ioa Neb Cattle branded ni on cut Also U on shoulder , w on side I on hip left side Also G on left Jnv In addition to U B ou side HP.nge o < G'-rdon ereok and gouth RAYMOND "cstofUce Address Ro bid , 0. D "attle branded left boulder end hip Ilorsei brae Jed rlth ooJy o&e 8 co Honestoel.fi D Some A B K left Bide and left hip Horses M. on left hip and some same v en left shoulder No horsps sold un less brand is Inverted - ed making jc Itange head ol TVhet Stone SI T , V7AT.KEU PostofJlce Address iJlmconNeb Cattle branded 01 rltilitsule ; horse. fiameonleftshoul. der. Range , sum raer. on sija prlv or , 4 miles from mumlivintcr. ; . - : nUL'S south of Sim toni C BENNETT i Address Simeon Neb Stock branded \ lib 7 en left hip "s 8 mo as cut Har.ge , between Gordon and Saakc creeks and ou tLo Niobrarn river J w P.TTRLEIOIT stoi ce . Neb. Catt-cand - horse , , . branded snine ac cnt on * 5 a , . . , . . -M , * , . . . hi < * r ? * crocks aud on th < & $ & ! % Wa $ & > xiobr-rarncr JO .IN 15 LOKD Postofllcs Addroi Simeon No' ) RiUnP.K QUICK CEAR. Posrcfliec Adtlres > Koiebisd S I Cattle cr.uueil ! sr.m a < eut or on liip Ht-nch on Bia-jl Pipe Creek 10BD SMITH. sd KosebudSD _ Ilorso-j branded ! e ram ? , Kanch n \N niii ; Thuiiuer ROIEP T FIXLAYSON Pcstoffice nddres Newton Xcb Stock I rand i- ? anie as cut ir.n 2or. Gor < c Cio.if croucn DcronY. \dJrcss IOSL-I ; . d. S D Cnstle I : indcd r-i iffl sideaaiiii.'as Cl.t Horses branded ' ) O ( .n left hi ; > Hancli o.i LI no ii < d Aiit"luiectcuk east ol iio- > ' EEN Posto.w.ce Address Kosebu.l , S J Hra : .1 > ecoi 1 & 5 M-s. Uir.eh t. wfj ior.j0 ( 'reck D. P.AY "estollce Address Rreal-r.d. S D Tattle branded on ! fs thigh or hip > ame as cut Horses bi ended , ; ne on left shoul- .er BEN TUROEON P jbtoClco Adt'reis Bo-estccl. S 1 left Rl.le same as cu . v.ov " - * v -i : branatdTopfiSJrfe l"ft shnnldcr | 3f > Also with eir Vzi&as ij ele A \VM. F. SCHMIDT. f'ostofflce Address Rosebud. S. D. ra ided same as on : n ; or with uaa < r he S ; rtgnt ear slip * nd dulaped florsos branded same 011 left hip ALEX BOEDEAUX. - Postoffice Address " Rosebud , S J Horses ere brand i on left thlgli ; c-.ttl on left side with ha' crop on left ear. Also cat- lie MB with no op on ear Gustavo Gunderson. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses I , on left shoulder. Range-Between Snak mi tli JOHN H F ostofflce address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Also - and AE Horses on left ihouldur Goore Creek audNoith Loup L K BELDINO . Brown ! Neb On rigLt side 01 hip Onleltsfde or hip ; cr . L on. left hip. Pvange , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofilce actdresa Brownleo Neb Cattle cr.d horses on left side ; also hor- csou right slda Uanire.Goose Creek E. P. VA.N'DEi.'P.IFT. a Urcss I r3a < ( - . Neb fiamoasoncii .I. M. IIAKVA. c iiuc.i. Nt b Brairded , on cut. some $ \ P on ? i"iit and > n rit'lil 'up ' 'reek Valley iu .uii- ; oun'.y E. C OKH. I\.itoffice address Keuton , Neb. usj l-iYt il" " f " -b s ; n-cS JOSIIPH KENNEDY. I'ostofncc address randcd ou left bide E S L , r hip * ! &Ky&&Si ilar.ge. North Loup ft. U. FADIJ1S. Postti'Hre address Pass Xeb R ni C , North Lou ; I. L MEKCURE. v.stofF.ce r.ildress ? Seneca.Neb . ? ga On right " on o'lther % , P T hip fe wax % & $ & si ige , South nest 1J . PosioTlce addres Stu ra , N h. fnl.'ft ! ! G uT ( 11 r jrlr < r ! . > t ti p Tlai.kt' , bc- tw.ea fc'eneca a 1 0 ? ' $ Norway ci : M.rd' ' & Losp B W PEARSON W Wi . , r . * * ' c v- - t * < -VX f - = = iJf- > - JCIIN SALZMAlfN PostoSic on Goc-f FHANK T LEB , i"o jtofflce address Erovrnlee Neb kittle on left side ; iTon'Teh 'lorsf" ' * same < : onlder. Ittmgei 'Miles northeast oi Srownko L A GERMAN P < stfce address Newton Neb Cattle branded eit' ersidehorsp ; i same onleftshoulder.aEO have care ati - - branded SPundei lined. HanRO-Nort ; Loup DICK SICNALL [ 'estoffice address Brownlee Neb Dn leftsidcand blp ilso 8 o& le't hip [ ange , North Loup CHAKLE3 H FATTI/JABKlt I'ostofflce < uldrc.S9 P.rownlep , Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on tett shoulder Left ear cut off cl cattle ltar.ce , Loup rlv- : r HENRY FAULIIABER PostoSlcc address Brou'ttlee. Neb Cattle on left Horses sn.m9 oa left sho-aldur l , linage , LoujrriYea DAVID STEADMAS ? Postofflce address Pass. Neb Clttlo Oil tff L side lias ebBrgp of cattio branded C ? S * * right side ij [ 3s > y horses ri , . . . gff-jfsy & & % & ljtl & 3 3 ' &j & s < me nors.es * S&&M o.i Ic.t shoal- yVfeg der JOHN CHALOUD D E PFttKIJ.'S Postofflce r.'ldr.-S5 3 tf ' * ' I'VSStS - - Halsey , Neb S&S S j wr On left hip igc , Loup River ' yyv V K&a S > a TAI.nOT & GALf OP PobtoiHn ? i Uggggaa Senoc . N'eb. r S H t Cattle bra t : gs gi j lefi-ific HCJ C rsdigwc sgaSSS twr Mr : < l- * & ? " ? . * ? * ' * r = * > :2&a and Dismal GEOltGE GRAY [ 'ostofT.cer to 'o d. Nt.br C * On left hip t'Sir ; DrAC ou i ut hip . , or side I.o p and ( ; ! str.al CKONIN BR03. Postofflcc r.0.dreaa ThedJord. > b * On right uid Range , betvv ten Loup ecd Di raa \VALT HARDY. PostofRce R-ldrcss Seneca , Neb Left side on citt.c ; horse-5 , Hft r on lef i side g | scrneiiar Si on ngl.t i.Ip JLLIUS JIECKMAN. Postofr.ce r.rtdreaa te 5S/012 > < ! 23 Mft-S1 I.toxvntcc : - ' ' , a eTrvrfiSi e-Trv-r- - pi : 8 me M on Itansce-soulh " " ma M. DUNHAM. Postofllceacdrcss Keener y. Neb Slock branded oa left sidaasoncut. Kange Gordon Creek. K GRANT Brcwnlee iteb On left side l : u 2. Loup Kirs IRA SPENCEr. I osto.lice address Brownleo Neb Branded on leftside Range , Call Creek andSwtn Lake Val ley ORK POStOulCO B'.tfl.T- Bmwnlco Neb On leftside Range. S va v I7 I J H WALLINQFORJ ) Postofflce address Kennady Neb Stock brandol tame as cut on left Rome branded with bar underneath W anywhere 02 ielj