Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 19, 1899, Image 7

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    Metzger Bros. ,
Cherry Co.
Brand on left f.ide
Ullfl tlligll
KHrmsTk , sq.iarc
croj ) right ear
Southern brando <
cattle have but on-
"half-diaiiiond K" o-
It-It Hide
I Native rattle liav < §
T , throat wattle
Kanee on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A lletcarfl of $ % 5 ( > will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal-
I ng cattle with above brand
PoBtofficc address
Brownlee , Neb
On left side or any
part of animal. Kar-
mark right ear cut
off ; horses branded
same on left lilp.Also
has stock branded II
on side or shoulder
or JKorWorO'VL
orO or FZ. Also _ _ . „ „ , . . . . , . , , -ltlll.l.T.n.rn ,
the following , the first on bt-ing nn side and hip
Brownlee Neb
Ou rlffht side , eLK
LK on sanm sld <
also LE1J on lei
I "S side
Kange , north
B9 , 2 to
SK !
Postofflce address
Brownlee , Neb
Branded on left
side ; some H Mt
nide and thigh-
un < li
on left thigh
Kange Duck Lake
1 r-
Postofflce addres *
Mr-jwnlee Neb
On ihf. tside
Range. Horse
PostofTlce address
Whitman , Ne
On left side ; horses
same on leftshotilder
OT9 in left side
lK3 nywhero on
Kfm inlmal. Oum
nip or thigh R&
Bange north prongjsj
Middle Lonp river
and Buffalo Lake
Postofflce address
Brownie" Neb
Acorn just back oJ
i ft shoulder blade
Horses same on
lelt shoulder
Range east o ?
Heaver I ike
Postoffice address
Hyannis , Neb
on right side ; horses
ses same on rigl t
ne six miles
northwest of Moth
cr Lake precinct
t Postoflice address
- ?
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on right
s fleand h p
Also have stock branded
on right side and hip
Horn- ?
on right hi )
Range-Southwestern ( hen
Postofflce address
Hyannis , NH
On left hip and left
side Als
on left hip
aud leftside
horses same
brands on shoulders
llange 23-miIcs
ortb of Hyannis
T'ostoflice address
Hi minis , Neb
On right hip ;
' . either side
On right
i sidi *
ses right
seven miles north of Hyannis.
Tostofflce address
ruUman , Nel ,
Cr.ttle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle cx
reversed S.
See block
Range Stevei
and Slephenpon
Lakes and South
I ostoflice address
Hyannis , Xeb
Branded anywhere
on right side ; horses
ses same on left
Range - - sixteen
miles northeast of
J. A. Adamson.
Valentine. Neb
On left side or hip
ft 4- left side or hip
On left side
Rangoon Niobntra
Po tofficc address
BroTrnlee , Neb
Branded on cither
side name as on cut
also both Jaws
Marshall & Wolf en den
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left
Horses K on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip beluiid , half cir
cle forward on leit ear
Range Lone Tree
oam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
2 on left shoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
_ _
Lelt ear * tauged All eatile dehorned
William M. Dnnbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Either hide
Alsr Oil
Left car 01 cattle
Range head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Little
White river
Peeler Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right sideT ; on
right Lip. c horse
brand and T on
riuht shoulder
AIco cattle brandc' '
9 * on leftvside
Range , fowl milu
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand in
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Kangc , Little
White river , S. D.
Carl Tinenhagen
Range 10 miles
north and G miles
east of Gordon
D. C. Nelson.
Cody. Nebraska.
On right hip.
Eange , Medicini
sike to the
Snake river
JJutt Brothers.
Gordon. Nebraska
Kange,14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. V. DuerlVlIt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Cat tie also branded
DO on right hip
Horses and mules
.randcd same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch branded ,
as on cut on left side
One bunch branded
t" Ij on left hip
I lories t ? on left
Kange. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany ' , Neb
FI on lelt ribs or
right shoulder ; SI )
' SD FD on right hip and left
ribs ; Con left hip
Horses FD or SD on
right shoulder
Kange 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand V on
li-ft shoulder
iMngc to ni'les
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also B on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Marqnardt & Howlns
Merriman. Neb
Cattle brand OM on
leftshoulder. . Spine
of cattle have various
ol ter brands. O S on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Bailee Formerly
Gee \V Monnier
ranch 5-miles east of
Mi-rriman. from F.E.
& M. V. R.B. south to Leander Creek , Mar-
qnardl ft BonKrs , Bcribner , Nebraska.
' ' .
VALENTINE , Neb. , Jan. 10. " 99.
Board met in regular session. Pres
ent W. A. Parker , Chairman ; T. 1' .
Spratt , and L. H. Trowbridge.
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on county general fund :
School Dist. No. 6 , use of house. $2 00
On County Bridge Fund.
J W Hover new bridges as per contract
with commissioners 1935 00
On motion M Katie Noble was grant
ed a refunding order for $26 67 for
taxes erroneously assessed in 1894.
On motion the claims of J. 11. Lee
for bridge material and E. . McDonald
for a refund of taxes on lot 13 , block 10 ,
McDonald's addition to Valentine were
laid over in order to secure information
The bids for grading approaches to
new bridges across Gordon , Boardman ,
and Snake , were opened and the bid of
C. W. Massingale was accepted for
grading the two bridges across Gordon
at 10 cents per cubic yard. Bids ior
grading Boardman and Snake bridges ,
On motion the following estimate for
county expenses were made for the fol
lowing year :
County bridges $ 4000 Ou
'ouiity jury 4000 00
Precinct ollicers 4000 00
County officers 3500 00
Jail and boarding prisoners 2000 oo
County roads 200000
Supuliesfor poor 200000
Sinking fund and interest 1COO oo
Rent for county house 800 ( HJ
Bounty ou wild animals 500 00
Fuel and repairs 300 00
Books blanks and stationery 350 oo
fu ginentfund 20000
On motion the following county officers -
cers salaries were fixed as follows :
County clerk § 400 00
Djputy ch-rc ! . 70J 00
County superintendent , per day 3 5' )
Clerk help district court 30 00
In consideration of the fact that the
county superintendent's office requires
a new stove and county attorney Morrissey -
rissey requesting that he be permitted
to retain his office away from the court
house , the board entered into contract
with said county attorney granting him
fuel in the amjimt of $30 for the year
1891) ) and the usual privileges allowed
such officer. It being understood and
agreed that said A. M. Morrissey p.iy
his own office rent for said year.
The bids for supplies for the county
forlS99Avere opened , the following
parties bidding : State Journal Co. ,
Fremont Tribune. The Republican ,
, con
tract for stationery being awarded to
W. S. Barker of the Republican , he be
ing the lowest bidder. The State
Journal Co. being the lower bidder for
che remainder , of the supplies was
awarded the contract. The bids for
county printing being opened and the
and the Republican bidding the same
rate , the Republican was awarded the
contract aud designated tli6 official
paper of Cherry county.
On motion Christopher Elling was
appointed road overseer for Dist. No.
On motion the county treasurer was
granted clerk hire to bring up the de
linquent taxes to 1808 tax list not to
exceed $25.00.
On motion the county treasurer was
instructed to collect all delinquent per
sonal taxes prior to the year 1897 by
distress sale of pro-ierty if necessary.
On motion clerk was ordered to ad
vertise for bids for a bridge across the
Niobrara river 12 miles e st of Valen
tine at place known as Berry's bridge ,
said bridge to be 150 feet span of
wrought iron or steel material resting
on steal piers filled with concrete , to be
8 feet above lo\v watei mark.
On motion C. W. Massingale was
hired to tighten up Minnechaduza and
Woodson bridges.
On motion the bonds of W. S. Barker
and the State Journal Co. for supplies
and printing were approved.
Whereupon the board adjourned to
January llth.
Jan. 11. 1899. Board met pursuant
to adjournment. Present W A. 1'ar-
ker , T. P. Spratt and L. II , Trowbridge
On motion the clerk was ordered to
notify ex-county superintendent Mor-
gareidge to make his report for 4qr
Alfred Lewis appeared before the
board by Ed Clarke , his attorney , and
made a demand that he be issued a
warrant for $120.18 and interest which
had been applied on delinquent per
sonal taxes , the same having been a
judgment granted by district court.
The board claiming that he , Lewishad ,
received that amount in tax receipts
refused to grant his request.
On motion the board proceeded to
draw jury list for Apiil term , 1899 dis
trict court.
On motion the clerk , was instructed
to procure the necessary blank coupon
bonds to be issued in the issuance of
the $12,000 bonds voted for the erection
and furnishing of a court house in Val
entine , Cherry county , Nebraska. -
Whereupon the board adjourned to
January 12th. g
Jan. 12 , 1899. 'Board ' met pursuant
to adjournment. PresentW. . A. Par
ker and T. P. Spratt.
On complaint that the approach , to
the Parr bridge was being washed
away , the board preceded to inspect
the same and found that the bridge
was in no danger.
A Lewis again appearing by Ed
Clark , his attorney , the following settlement -
ment made in full satisfaction of his
judgment recovered against Cherry
county. The clerk was ordered to
draw a judgment warrant on judgment
fund for the sum of $31.25 upon receipt
of which the said Lewis is to receipt
the judgment record and discharge the
said judgment. The sum of $25.92
being to apply upon the principal debt
and § 5 33 being the interest due on
said judgment , it being a part of the
settlement that claims No's. 1559. 1634
and 1761 be canceled and holdouts for
same amount of claims be withdrawn
from treasurer's office.
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants , les-i taxes due.
ordered drawn on county general fund
W S Barker publishing bond notice $12 50
Ed Clarke insane case Sarah Miller 3 00
Alfred Lewis , ditto 8 00
Abel Bailey " 4 CO
J W Daniels " & 50
State .Journal Co supplies cl'd 27 25 al'd 26 25
W S Barker liar docket and bridge notice 25 25
Amos Strong- insane case Sarah Miller 4 50
L II Trowbridge com fees 28 30
A Lewis post mortem exaraina'n Underw'J-iO 00
" medical attendance Mrs Hoffman 3 00
' " ditto c oo
" Leu Squires 3 35
" " ' Mrs Hoffman 5 50
T P Spritt com fees 10 10
\V A Parker ditto 33 05
Amos Strong insane case Miller 16 78
On County Road fund.
James II Lyon road overseer dist 28 12 oo
Ira Johnson ditto 2D 14 00
On motion the following amounts
were deducted from the above allowed
claims and applied upon personal taxes
due :
Alfred I/jvvia 51 I.VJU' A Parker 26 70
' { V S Barker ai2 : . } \V Daniels 5 50
\VSBirer ! 331 Ira Johnson 555
\V C Lyon irorn .1 il Lynn's claim 5 55
James II Lvon c 45
Whereupon the board adjourned to
March 21 , 1899. J.V. . DANIELS ,
County Clerk.
Good value in shoes at Carpenter &
Whereas it has pleased Divine Providence to
permit death to enter the household of our be
loved brother , G P. Crabb , aud remove from
him a loving sister.
UESOLVKD ; 1 hat we , 'icmbers of .N-irthern
Star Chapter , No. 59. Order of Eastern Star of
Valentine. Neb. , mourn our brother's loss and
that we tender him our sincere sympathy in this
hour of bereavement.
HKSOLVKD ; That a copy of these resolutions
be presented to o"r bereaved brother : that a
copy be spread upon the minutes of our order ,
aud that a copy be furnished caoh of the Valen
tine papers for publication.
( MAITDK Fnrns
Committee { JKNNTK LKWIS
( L. C.Sl'AKKS
S'Ui I'rcciitct.
Win. White , of Merr iiv-in. wa ? down this way
on business one day last ucek
School commenced m district 55. Monday ,
after one month's vacation.
Mrs. E. E. Crane went to Gordon Saturday to
see Dr. Langson. Mrs. C is still under the doc
tor's care.
The measles left Kdgar Adams deaf.It seems
he has more than his s'v.ire of misfortune , as ha
la > been a cripple for more than a year
There was a dance at Otto Strubb's last Friday
Mrs. Dahlgrin is preparing to move to Merri-
Goodfellow.s were gathering their cattle last
week. Cactus .Jack and .Soap-weed Jim were
doing the ridm- ; .
Oscar Smal'.ey has taken up his abode wit'i
Dad Hay.
J. K. Sclder went to Rushville after some
horses hist week.
Chas Nichols had busi loss with Squire Fol-
soin , north of Mf'rrinvm , last week.
Brother Hunt commences his protracted
meetings at Center school house , Sund iv next.
We hope and trust he will have a successful re
Perry Warren is still on the sick list. Cheer
up Perry there is a better day coining.
Mr. and Mrs. Thnckor , < f Pine T'idgc , are j
visitingfrienns ii : this vicinity this week. I
Threshing istili on the program ; . ! 15. Soncs
Just finishing up his job ,
Mr.V. . Price brought ihe school mam out
from Merriman , Saturday , the I4rh.
Phil Holmes , who once resided < st Gallop but
now living in Gordon , had the sad inHfortunc to
ioos" his wife bv death as tli > result or thi j
nipa le.s. Mr * , ll-t'.mrs h leavi-m minv fri < : i N i
to mourn her dep I'ture , alstw > liltl gsils and !
a < on grown. j
The Center school closed 0:1 : tvoi'it f the'
me-isles. The children nil s\y tey an : nl id
they won't get tint' kiwi of a C'lristm is pivsent j
more than once. Sell nl oponcd again on the !
ICth. i
Mrs. Anna Hunt and Andrew Henderson have j
been guests of Perry Warren's Sunday afternoon !
The young man Smart from Iowa , who has j
be-Mi visiting his father and brother , started for i
home the lotli. i
Br.lSIK. ;
In order to clear up all conioctnrn as '
. * !
to the true value of the vaccine tiv.it-
ment for blackleg in cattle it is suggested - ,
gested that the means of conducting an i
experiment at the state u < perimental
farm at Lincoln be provided and that
the Pasteur Vaccine company and the
chief of the bureau of animal industry
at Washington , with advocates of
"nerving , " "rowling , " etc. . be invited
to practice their methods of treat nent
on calves selected for the occasion and
then all subjected to the most malig
nant form of blackleg as a test of the
virtue oC the treatments. Nebraska :
owes the cattle industry tliis consideration -
ation , in yiew of the absence of a state
veterinarian or other authority to ad-
rise or direct in cases of contagious or
malignant animal disease.Arorld -
V r
' * < * * , . _
, Ffew i
l > }
4 ? Anything in the line of Clothing , * J
4 ? Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , &
4 ? Staple or Fancy Groceries , j *
49 49 Stoneware , Dry Goods &
4 ?
4 ? Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , aBe
Be sure to call and get prices at
49 ' - jCl
49 i >
/ !
Cl LAn \
"Cap' ' Capwell was down from Pull
man Tuesday of this week.
John Yar3ran was in from Pullman
this week , looking1 as fat and hearty
as ever.
Mrs. A. Burr and daughter , accom
panied by Mrs. Burr's mother , were
visitors at Pullman last week , having
been home ou their ranch during" va
cation at Whitman.
Joseph Sweeney , of the incorporated - ;
ated firm of Sweeney Bros. , was a I
Pullman visitor Friday last.
S. H. Dye and wife , since their re
turn from Alliance where they were
visiting with friends during the holi
days , have both been confined to their
beds with the grip. We learn that
they are somewhat better. However
they are pretty sick 37et.
We are not in the habit of placing
ourselves in a position where it is
necessary to offer an apology but the
censure that we inflicted upon the
editor of the NEWS-DEMOCRAT , we
have since learned was not deserved.
The editor did not ask us for an
apolog- , but he deserves one , and it
affords us pleasure to conscientiously
say that we are wrong. Pullman cor
respondent Whitman Sun.
IJarprnter & It ire's Price Ijist.
O 1 Sardines per box 03
Oregon Salmon per can 10
B P Oysters per 2-pound can 13
One gallon sorghum or sjrup 40
Five gallons Head Light 0
Hams nnd Bacon per pound S&io
Everything at lowest prices
Grdsjpys .Spiced Pickles are the host.
J/i// .
iJr-in , bulk . . . . 50c per cwt $9.00 ton
S lorts bulk - GOc per cwt $11.00 ton
screenings . 40c " $7.00 "
Chop Feed . 70c " $13.00 "
Corn . 600 '
Oats . $1.00
Attention , Stockmen
Farmers nnd the General'
I f you are in need of ]
A. Supply or Stock Tanli
or : iiy 1 in'l of
Carpenter Worli
We are pr-mred | to accommodate yon
at leasnn.ihle. prices and
guarantee to give satisfaction
When Visiting
Per Day
Good Service
} , A , Hornback
"North-Westem Line" is to bo
to and from the
Taken up Octobers , 1S03 , ten miles south of
Cony. Nebraska , one white cow bran eu
on left side and one red calf with no brand U
Taken Uj > .
At my place near Wood Luke , one two-yen *
old steer , of Hereford stock , branded O I L or
boih hips , and X on left side just back of lore
leg. Owner is requested to remove said steer
or it will be sold according t J si.
Hugh Jtoviil , Manager
Merriman Neb
also 3 J
A 111 inleft eideor
hi ; )
Ilange north of Eli
Charlotte E. Hovill
Merrimai Neb
Left side or liip
Kange north or Eli
B 15. Teeter ? Bros.
Newton , Neb.
Horses same on
left shoulder
IJ mire between
the Gordon and the
Gorsuch Bros.
Newton , Ncbraik
Cattle branded
sis on cut
eft Side orhij
Uanze on Gordon
I. T. Richardson.
Kennedy , Nebraska
Some on left 5gff > |
hip MB ]
Horses n
left shoulder
Stotts & Stetter.
Branded on Mt side
11 uige. Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
11. A. McQuade. ,
"Valentine. Neb
Branded on cit !
side . ,
llange betwe
Thachcrand Jfw