- t v - . " -"s. * LOOK of * at ftfr those BARGAINS 9 SAMPSON O * in 49 4 ? CLOTHING c O * * 4 ? 4 4 ? ? at O * 49 49 49 RED FRONT ftfr 6 * 49 49 49 49 ftfr We shall offer for sale for-the next 2 * 49 49 49 60 Days , 200 Suits 49 49 Of Ofents , Youths and Childrens c 49 49 Clothing at just 49 49 49 49 49 25 PER CT. 49 49 49 below actual value 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Don't fail to call and look at 49 49 49 those bargains and thereby 49 49 save money 49 R.O.R. JACKSON If DENTIST Office over T 0. Hornby's store Stairway on west side Operations as nearly painless as possible. J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness nnd accuracy Office at Estabrook House on Cherry St. VALENTIN E , NEB- J O.W.MOREY \ | THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties ASKFO Syringes We have 3-qttart foun tain Syringes with 3 hard rubber pipes for V5 cents. Good Bitlt > Syringes 3 hard rubber pipes 5O cents. A full line of Rubber Goods. Quigley's Drug Store We are -I gents for HlacJtleg Vaccine. A. M. MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB 0. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. ENTISTSI Office over Cherry County A N.COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-EON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Nights-Upstairs-Red or Stolon. Several head of horses and tie , branded Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. Why pay $45 to $ b5 _ one T WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLIbHKD EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t h e Post-office at Valentine. Cherry conntr. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its suboviribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Events. K. 1' , Mask Carnival. January 20. Crookston Tcacliers- January 28 Groundhog Day February 2. St. Valentine's Day February 14 County Commissioners March 21 Assessor's Meeting March 21 Charley Wcllford is convalescent. Beals & Torrey shoes at Carpenter & Rice's. A full line of feed always on hand at Pettvcrew's. Rumor says a smallpox case has de veloped at Sprinjjview. J. O. Vincent has been laid up ivith throat trouble this week. Pete Donoher is working- county treasurer's office this week. E. J. Davenport is having- rock hauled for his new dwelling1. Geo. Ross is doing a nice business with his livery barn at the Fort. The Micky Ward vs Carl Freeman case has been postponed to Feb. 13. Kate and Wi en Donoher spent last Friday in Chadron visiting" friends. D. Stinard is closing1 out all his heavy goods suits , overcoats , etc. Peter Hoffman , of Nenzel , was in town yesterday , to consult Dr Dwyer. C. J. Anderson was up from Neligh this week looking- after his stock in terests. J. R. Lee , of Brownlee , was in Val entine several days the past week on business. Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelled corn and 500 bushels of oats at W. A. Pettycrew's. 48 The editor has been sick for a week with grip , part of the time confined to the house. Wm. Ballard , who has an extensive stock ranch south of Woodlake , was in town last night. Robert Lee , of Brownlee. is assist ing the county clerk to bring the de linquent tax list up to date. To Cure a Cold in One B > ny. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it tails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on eauh tablet. P. O. Parsons , photographer , will take a few pupils in photography at the low rate of $15.00 per month. Miss Leona Baumgartel was down from Crookston the latter part of last week on a visit with Mrs. John Smyser. C. W. Gaskell , of Creighton , is in town for a visit with relatives , the Gaskells and Cramers of the north table. W. F. Morgareidge took the train Friday night for Harrison , this state , on a visit with friends and relatives for a couple of weeks. A new crossing has been put in leading out of the alley between Hornby's and Davenport & Thacher's , and greatly improves the same. J. W. Burleigh was in from his Simeon ranch Saturday and declares that range cattle are continually taking on fat as the result of this fine winter weather. Walter Jackson , E. J. Davenport , Val Nicholson , M. G. Hopkins , Lew Brownell , C. C. Thompson , J. H. Quigley and Wm. Ward have all wrestled with the grip this week. ' Let thy light shine , " is an adage which Clarence Walcott believes worth putting into practice and now has a large signal light up in front of his livery barn , to guide the weary travelers at night. N. Elliott , of Kilgore , dropped into our sanctum one day this week and informed us to continue sending him his paper , as it was the only 12-page country paper at $1.00 per year he knew of in the state. Simeon is to have a new store in a short time. Mr. Nolan , of Harrison , is an interested part } ' , so rumor says , and will erect a two-story frame building , upstairs to be used as a hall for lodges and public meetings. Special excursion to Hot Springs , South Dakota , at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Tuesday , January 24 , Valentine to Hot Springs and return at $7.20 , good returning thirty days from date of sale. The K. of P. mask ball tomorrow night promises to be a swell affair. The grand march begins at 9 p. m. sharp. Spectators will be charged 25 cents admission , and supper will be icrved at Hooton's. Music will be Carrie B. Hall of Colorado Springs , daughter of our townsman A. H. Fer guson , and her husband , will return to Valentine to make it their future home. Jesse Hayter , who visited friends in Ainsworth , returned Saturday and ! accompanied John Hayter , father , to I the Rosebud reset vation where the } latter is in charge of a larp-e bunch of cattle. Geo. H. Seager , a heavy holder of cattle and sheep near Cody , was in Valentine Monday on business. He paid this office his usual pleasant vis it , paying for two copies of the paper one of which he has sent to a friend in York state. Dan Fitzgeraldwho absconded from the Wagner sheep ranch , south of town , last fall , taking with him a horse and colt , a trunk , $70 in cash , and other property not his own , was captured recently in South Dakota and sent to the penitentiary for thefts committed in that state. Muslin underwear in all prices and styles is a new departure for Valen tine. The prices range from 20cts. to $2.00 , and the finish from the per fectly plain to the fine lace and in sertion trimmed. We are proud of our stock in this line and consider it a pleasure to show it to all comers. Oblige us by calling. T. C. Hornby. Coyotes are becoming ferocious. A dozen in a bunch caught and killed a watch dog that was following Harry Gore's wagon to town , Saturday. They were about three miles west of townand after killing the dog started to carry him off , but were compelled to drop their booty upon the inter ference of Mr. Gore. Mr. Thisen , living near Trunk Butte , came along the same road shortly after , and his dog was attacked and killed by the pesky brutes. Chadron News. The innocent little item which we published two weeks ago , concerning the Superintendent of Cherry county being in Gordon in search of a pri mary teache , has , it seems , caused that gentleman no end of trouble. His office is besieged with applica tions from school ma'ams and widows. We might , in a measure , right the wrong we have done , by intimating that applications from the latter class will not be considered and the successful applicant will be given a certificate for life. Gordon Journal. Educational Notes By Prof. R. H. WATSON Cutting off a tadpole's tail Avill not make it a frog any sooner ; nor will cur tailing the years of childhood make a child a man or a woman any sooner. Prof. Kiehle. The no recess plan with a shorter session is proving a benefit to the school in many respects. If there are still some who think the plan a hardship in any way. such persons should come to us and let us explain fully and I am very sure all will soon see the merits of the new arrangement. The teacher's meeting held in the high school building last S iturdav was probably the most profitable one held this year so far. We have reason to hope that the one on the 2nd Saturday of February will be even better The persons who took part in the discussions last Saturlay are Misses Burleigh , Mor gareidge , Towne , Carlson , Watson , Efner , Hills , Shaughnesy , Hubbard , Stark , Brown , Mrs. Harden , Mrs Crawford , and Mr. "Watson. The enigma in last week's paper when properly worked out gives Shakespeare's famous temperance qm- tation : O that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains. Correct answers were handed in by Edna Maloney and Glen Honig. Edna Maloney being com pelled to remain at home this week to help her mother with the housework , Glen Ilonig is to make the enigma from the words of one of America's greatest statesmen. Enigma : I ain composed of 43 letters My 13 , 2 , 15 , 19 , 17 , 9 , 34 , 40 is a large wild animal. My 4 , 1 , 23 , 3 , 20 , is a piece of furniture. My 7 , 41 , G , 21 , is a relative pronoun. My 35 , 16 , 8 , 19 , is what so many suffer with now. My 38 , 26 , 27 , 2443 , is a farmer's inple- nient. My 5 , 30 , 31 , 36 , 12 , is a noted poet of early days. My 14 , 25 , 39 , 37 , 42 , 29 , is a spring flower. My 10 , 33 , 32 , is one of the months. My 19 , , 1 , 34 , 18 , is a musical instrument. . My 22 , and 11 are vowels. My whole is a famous quotation from Lincoln. Glen Hoenig. Program of the Crqpkston Teachers' Association to be held in the school building , Crookston , commencing at 1:30 : p. m. , January 28 : Busy work for primary pupils Miss Marcy. Literature Mrs. C. A. Gee. How to interest teachers in association work -Miss Cena Downing. Civics Miss Etta Bro-vn. Current events MrJKramer. . Question box. < / \ < l4GTE ; m 1 m By trading with THACHER GENEEAL MERCHANTS We will have a bigger stock duriDg the year 1899 than ever before , and that is SAYING A WHOLE * ? ostofflcc sddreas IT IB TRUE " " Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on -Ranch orders a specialty Fartlham & w All our Heavy Weight Suits , Our prices on Boots and She Overcoats and Fur Coats , in men's are lower than anybody's , quail boys' and children's , go at a sacri and fit considered , and we have ; fice. styles and sizes. fice.Our Our spring stock will soon been Practical Tailoring in all on hand and we must have room. branches. D. Stinard , Clothij-7' ; Tire Wagoi ] { ; Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing I \ demand I ordered and \ HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE In addition to tin's 1 have just received a car of ,5 "WIND MOTOE" WIND MILLS \ V "VVJiich I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine. Nebraska D. S. TD JL * Photograph ; Has rented the A. . G Shaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be here fri. 1ST TO 12TH OF EVEBY MONTJfi' ' First-class Work in every Particular Guaranteed. ' See Samples of Work at the Millinery and Ladies' V" CALL AND