Corn-Ifuskliijr Horse. The horse is made of light material. cut explains itself. The rung.B should be IV'i-iiich stuff , put in with elioulder * cut down to 1 inch where it goes through the legs. The rung is put down so the ears of corn will not catch when pulled forward. Corn-husking makes lame backs and sore hands. The' her e will help the back and the following recipe will help the hands : .Take white wax , one-quarter ounce , spermaceti , one-quarter ounce ; almond oil. ono ounce ; g vceriue , two ounces. Mix. melt the wax and stir in the oils they are perfectly mixed and still IIUMUXG : . continue to stir until cool. Apply to the hand * two or three times a day. Wash the hands in warm water and apply the salve while the hands are still-quit - damp , and rub them until dry. uhio Farmer. J'attlc Dipping. At : \ meeting recently by the Texas ftate Live Slock Sanitary Board , at 3'ort Worth. Inspector Dean , of the TJureau of Animal Industry , said the department was satisfied with the dip ping experiments recently made there and ciM'wliere. and insisted on uiain- ir.lnii .ir the present quarantine line and ii close season. He says dipping sta tions will shortly be established along * le quai.-iiiiine line. Inspector Dean I satisfactory results attending dipped and shipped I pi g in iuod- , : lvokl tl10 ° 1'- - , ! \p''s'iig the cattle to either heat or col \\hie 1 ! tin ir hair was sat- wiih the oil. The formula of preparation which lie recommends , ami which has been adopted by the Government , consists of parfiiu oil , known as dynamo and sulpluTr. ' "iVa iron-Wash inn Device. On uiauy farms it is possible to wash the-carriages and farm wagons by .bnckinir them into a stream or shallow [ river.The conveniences of the loca- ition are usually offset by the incon veniences mud. and the wetting of clothe * . The cut shows a plank walk , .set on post * on the edire of the stream , into which the wagon can be backed , when 5i"an be washed with great com- ' ' i roi : WASIUXG VEHICLES. forr. A slat platform , sunk into the walk , will keep the wheels from the mud of the bottom. American Agri- ctilturi t. Farm Accounts. Close up all the little outstanding farm accounts. Make a list of the bills you owe , and the amounts owing to you. Th-se little bills in the aggregate amount to : i large sum. Make a settle ment if you can ; if you cannot , get the full amount -of 30111bill ; It is always li-lsT to know exactly what 3-011 do owe , 4iud it is very bad policy to keep a run ning account unless a settlement is made every mouth. Farmers are un usually careless in their money trans actions ; the only safe way is to keep a strict account of all outla3'S. Pay as voti go , and take a written receipt for every bill paid. These bills should be it pasted in a book kept for this one pur i pose. This work should be done eveiy evening. It is not selfish to be correct ijc in 3 our dealings , nor parsimonious to be economical. The American. AV ntcr Ration for FO\TS. Hi-re is Prof. Gilbert's winter ration : Uran. : ' pounds ; fine feed , 3 pounds ; ! cormneal , 2 pounds ; fed with clover ) hay steamed and cut , adding also a ' very small quantity of salt , and two or ; Ihrec haiidfnls of coarse sand and fine 03'Ster shells mixed. Sometimes boiled [ vegetables are used in place of the hay. ! At noon he gives a light feed of oats , j r and a good feed of wheat in the even ing. The grain ration is varied as &imich as possible. lie keeps raw vege tables , including cabbages , carrots- and turnips , where the hens can peck at them-at any time. Prof. Gilbert has faiargc of the poultiy department at me Ottawa ( Canada ) experiment sta- TOII , and has done some good work in bringing out the egg possibilities of icns. Agriculturist. Diatnnce for Apple Trees. es should be planted at distances apart than has usually 7SX been the custom. The best soils are none too good for the apple orchard , and such Avill develop much larger trees than will the poorer hillsides so commouly chosen for orchard sites in the past. For the stronger growing kinds like the R. I. Greening , Bellflower - er and Baldwin , a distance of forty feet is none too much , while those Avith less spreading heads like the Northern Spy and Ben Davis should have thirty feet space each Ava3r. This assumes that the orchards are regularly to be cultivated - vated , a practice that UOAV prevails in all good orcharding. Vick's Monthly. Care of Tomato Plants. Tomatoes ma3r be forced in winter like other plants. The house should be light and warm , the roof five feet above the bed or benches , plenty of light be ing essential. The temperature should be from GO to G5 degrees at night and 70 to SO degrees during the day , the soil to be rich , and close personal attention should be given the plants. The floAvers must be polleuated by hand in winter , Avhich is done b3- knocking the pollen from the flowers Avheu the atmosphere is dry and catching it in a spoon into j Avhich the stigma should be thrust. The plants should be well Avatered as re quired , instead of a little and often , and should be traincAl to stakes , the surplus branches cut away. They may be also groAvu in large pots or boxes. The Miccpfolcl. The fine wool breeds of sheep are most subject to foot rot. Perhaps the best Avay to treat it is to cut off the dis eased portion and apply nitric acid. Sulphur should be kept in ready reach in the sheep house ; insects and vermin do not like it , and it is preven tive of maii3' ills. Further , a piece of roll brimstone should be found in the feed troughs of the horses and the cat tle. Ma 113 * of the internal parasites Avhich cause" losses in the flock are taken in while watering at foul drinking places. Unless ihe water supply is Avatchc.i carefully , there is likely to be at least a loss of condition among them , if there is no more serious loss. Indiana Farmer. A Milking SiooJ. The accompanying sketch is of a milk-sool that * vas found to be yciy convenient in fly time or in milking restless cows. The two upright pieces forming the legs and end of the stool I I FOU iESTI.ESS COWS. are made of two b3' fours , about a foot long. The support for the bucket and the seat are made of inch boards. It is well to put three-cornered blocks under j I , the seat and bucket boards as stays or ' braces. The most restless cow cannot upset a bucket on this stool. XCAV En gland Homestead. Paint Against Rabbits. At butchering time ac by a visit to the local butcher , secure a qufiiitity of ! blood. Set it aAA-ay until it begins to emit an odor. ' Then lime , which has been thoroughly slaked , should be mixed with the blood , stirring it until about the thickness of Avhitewash. A little sulphur may be added. To appl3 * to trees , take an old while- AA-ash brush and cover all parts Avhich the rabbits can reach Avith the mix ture. They Avill not trouble a tree treated in this manner. One painting Avill last a season , and it is much easier to put n than winding with paper trunks in any other Avay % be sides being more effectual. The lim in the mixture also is beneficial to the trees. Orange ,7ndd Farmer. Labor-Pavers. Labor-saving implements and labor saving animals on the farm should b the rule. There is 01113a certair amount of butter and milk to be deriv ed from a bushel of grain , and there is i no more reason for feeding tha * bushel 1 to three cows instead of to on 1t than to use three horses to do the work of one. If one cow can produce all tin butter ix a bushel of grain it is cer tainly expensive to feed three cows and therely add to the expense of food , labor and shelter. IJreed is the mos * important factor in stock raising , be cause it enables the farmer to use laborsaviNg - bor-saviNg animals labor saving because - cause they reduce his labor and alsc1 give kiw an increased product. product.'J llrcssiiic : I'owls. ' 'JI. The Massachusetts Plowman think ; I. I.Ii that t in dressing poultry Americans have j considerable to learn from the French. j Not only do the French poul terers knoAV how ( o stuff the fowls to < get , a plumper carcass , but they whitei and , mold and manipulate the foAvl af ter killing until it looks almost gooc enouifh to be eaten without furtlie' preparation. American markets migh not 3'et appreciate so much care and at tention to the appearance of dressec fowls , but it is Avell known that car casses prepared with the greatest canTo b3' American methods : ihva3s bring thf best price. s To protect passengers from the ex tort ion of cabmen in Havana the lamj posts are painted in various colors- red for tke central district , blue foi the seeend , green for the third , etc. BLIND , BUT CAN NOW SEE. Strange Case of a Woman AVho Must L.earn livcrytliinc as if a Baby. Oculists are greatly interested at present in the strange case of a 25- year-old girlwho has just been endow ed Avith vision after being blind from birth , and is forced to learn by sight Dbjects thoroughly familiar through her sense of touch. Marie Duplessis Avas born with Avhat is known as a double cataract of the eyes , Avhich deprived her of sight. She c-ould distinguish light from darkness , but objects were entirely invisible. In cases of blindness the other senses are frequently much more acute than those of ordinary persons , and with the girl her power of distinguishing objects was remarkable , and she learned to know most of the articles that entered into her daily life , estimate their weight , and call them by name. Of late 3-ears operations for cataract in the 03-03 have become numerous and comparatively simple , vision being made possible by removing the A-eil which has descended between the iris and the reflecting nerves in the back ) f the organ. The cataracts Avere taken from Miss Duplessis' e\-es , and in a few hours floods of light and color'dis tances great and small , the varying shapes of a myriad of objects , Avere cast upon retinas that had never known anything but darkness and shadows. The effect Avas terrific and extraordinary. For fully an hour after the operation was performed Miss Duplessis could see nothing ; then outlines gradually became visible. For a Aveek objects were more or less indistinct , although the sharpness of form increased each day. The very act of seeing Avas ex ceedingly painful and occasioned se vere headaches. For the first feAV days Mi-s Duplessis could only find relief by keeping her eyes closed most of the lime , opening them at rare intervals for a few moments. Even then she de scribed the sensation experienced as fs the objects she beheld striking the eyes r. severe bloAV. Colors caused her acute suffering , and of these red Avas the most irritating and offensive. The forms of things were not such a complete surprise as their color , for she had been accus tomed to comprehend bulk and shape by her sense of touch , Avhile the hun dred different tints with which Ave are familiar were entirely new and bej-oud her comprehension. It seemed impossible for the girl to obtain any idea of distance by using her vision. One of the doctors held his hand close to her face and told her to take hold of it. She reached out AA'ith her hands and seized the empty air sev eral feet aAvay. Then a bottle Avas placed on the table at the other end of the room , and Avheu asked to reach it t Miss Duplessis extended her hands as K to grasp it within arm's reach. Another curious series of experi ments was to induce her to name a number of objects placed before her , with all of which she AA-as familiar through her sense of touch. She made errors in the names of almost every one. Avhen depending solely upon her sight for information , "mistaking a cat for a dog , a pencil for a key , a feather duster for a bunch of chrysanthemums. Then { a canary Avas placed upon her . finger , and when questioned she Avas , totally ignorant as to Avhat it was. The bird was placed in its cage and the girl at once identified it by feeling the bars of its little prison. The girl was then blindfolded and given in turn each of the articles that had previously been placed before her. They Avere all des ignated by name Avithout an error. Her mode of AvaIking is greatly changed when she uses her e3'es. While blind her steps Avere like those of an ordinary person , depending , as they did , entirely upon her sense of touch. She could ascend or descend flights of steps with little difficulty. Yet she says that when she looks at the floor it ap pears to have a steep slope , and she steps out as if going upstairs or as cending a hill. Doctors say that it will take several * llg months for the muscles of the girl's eyes to be trained even beyond "the ru t- dimentary stage , and that never hav ing had sight she must observe and learn to know the things about her without the aid of touch , as if she were a baby. Philadelphia Times. Australians Disappearing. At the close of the last century there . tvere supposed to be 1,000,000 abori gines in Australia. There are now les.-- tlian 100.000. and among them are still 11d sume cannibals. The men are sad ( specimens of humanity , being under- sl'ed. Avith bushy whiskers and hail iii. which grows to considerable length i. never kinky , but coarse and tangled. 1.c The expression of the face is repulsive and the whole countenance coarse and brutal. Fish Tabooed by Indians. The Navajo , Apache and other Indian , dian tribes of the far Southwest will not eat fish nor have anything to do with articles made in the shape of fish. This "taboo" with the Xavajo extends to . all ihingji connected with Avater. A probable reason wh3 no more children Iic Iio these tribes are sent east to be edu cated is a fear that they might be re quired 1 to overcome this cherished "taboo" supersition. which is as firinlj rooted as any religion. Thickest Coal Seam JinoAvn. The thickest knoAvn coal seam in tne world is the Wyoming , near Twin Creek , in the Green River coal basin , , W3'oming. It is eighty feet thick and upward of 300 feet of solid coal underlie - lie -1,000 acres. After a woman gets literary notions , she : has her picture taken with her head resting on one hand , to give the impres sion that her brain is heaAy and needs support. Marrying a girl for her beauty is like eating a canary for its singing. Good Roads and Country JAfc. An unmistakable demand for good / ommon roads is being heard in all parts of the United States , says Popun iar Science Monthly. This demand is rapidly growing in volume and is taking on the systematic organization which is essential to the success of such a move ment. That bad roads in this country cause an enormous loss of money each year to those who use them may easily be proved , but this fact is veiled from many persons because they have never known anything better. The farmers are the greatest sufferers. Where wag on - sink hub deep in mud at some seasons , a farmer Avho lias much haul ing to do must keep one or two more horses than he would need if he bad only hard , even roads to go over , and his loss in the wear and tear of horse flesh , harness and wagons is a heavy tax on his income. It often happens that a farmer finds the roads absolute ly impassable with a loaded wagon just at a time when his produce would bring the highest price if. he could haul it tea a railroad , and he is forced to Avait and take a leAver price later. Livery stable keepers and all other owners and users of horses and vehicles suffer from bad roads in a similar wa3 * . In order to obtain better roads IAVO things are necessaty. The first is to create a general conviction that the im provement of our higlnva3'S is impera tive , and that the money Avisely expend ed for this purpose is sure to return. The second requisite is to place all road- making and mending under the charge of competent road builders. Various efforts to secure these ends are being made and the aid of country and State authorities , and even the national Gov ernment , has been invoked to further the movement. While it is very desira ble that the higliAva3s of adjoining localities - c-alities should be under some central supervision , so that they may be made to perform a connected Avhole , it 11103 * be questioned whether the national Government could be an effective igency in road improvement. Why , for Jistance , should the dwellers beyond 1t : he Mississippi and on the Pacific coast DO taxed to maintain in Washington a 1i school for road engineers and a museum of road construction that few , if any , of these distant communities could de rive any benefit from ? A more practi- nl scheme would be to have instruction in road engineering given at each of the State colleges of agriculture and me chanical arts. In a country shOAVing such Avide differences in soil , rainfall , temperature and topograph3' between different sections as the United States does , road building can be taught and administered far more efficiently by the State or the country than by the nation. There is need of much intelligent care in framing legislation in the interest of ( he movement for belter roads. Annoy- ing prohibition should be no part of the policAof the road reformers. For instance - stance , large loads carried on wheels having narrow felloes and tires do great damage to roads ; hence it has been proposed - posed to prohibit narrow tires on heaA-y wagons. A much beller policy is that adopted in Michigan , of giving a rednc- tion of one-half their road tax to those Avho will use broad tires. The move ment for good roads shows a lusty vig or. The success that it has already ' ' achieved is splendid testimony to the yefficiency of voluntary association of individuals , and if its leaders continue f ' to carry it on without the paralysing patronage of the general Government L , : it is likely to attain great results. J ! Villojre "as a Flan. i The Bear Lake Council has ' tumbled" to the fact that good roads and passable street mean more trade from the farmers i- , ers of the vicinity , and it has purchased ' a gravel pit , the gravel from which will be used in improving the streets of the i village . -o they will bo fit to use in all ' 1 . kinds of weather. Detroit Free Press , The New York Tax Is FniaH. The fifty thousand dollars appropri i- ated for road improvement by the State j ' of New York is but one cent on each ' ' thousand dollars of assessed valuation ' in that State. 1 I'x'-essive Grades a TJetriiuciil. A road is not , strictly speaking , 'good. " even though it have a hard sur- race , if it has excessive grades. All thcJHflercHC in the AVortd. ( Jood roads save money , time and la- jor ; bad roads waste them . Bsuicsii in Mvitxerl ml. Some of the methods are sufficiently . -.niiquated , according to our standards. For instance , it reouires fifteen minutes ! utes in which to make a deposit at a hank. Every banking-house has nu J. merous chairs outside the railing , and ' the visitor is expected to sit quietly and i-ultivate a spirit of patience while the I .nachinery is getting under way. A ; , customer who wishes to make a deposit sees to a window and hands in h.'s 11101103 % together with a memorandum of the The employe behind ! the railing counts the money and pre j pares a receipt for it , adding his sigua- J ture by way of preliminary. Then a small boy takes the receipt upstairs and submits it to an official , who studies it ito and then ponders for a while as to whether it will be safe to take the money. If he decides that the bank can undertake the risk he passes the re ceipt to another man , who prepares a duplicate slip and makes several en tries , and finally signs his name. Then , ns soon as another man has examined { the receipt and added his name , It is I taken downstairs and turned over to : . / the ( V.'positor. Tnore Is one atisfacrtiou me 11101103 * is thoroughly deposited. An American residing in Zurich went tp the bank the other day with a check which \ had been given him by a busi ness man in a large town near here. lie nh handed in the check , and twenty min utes later received his 11101103 % less fourteen 11ti teen cents charges. The American was tiv well known at the bank , having been a depositor for about two 3'ears. He had endorsed the check. A busy and nervous Chicago man would have rorn down the railing before the twenty minutes expired. DIED BY HER HUSBAND. Tlic AVife Kef used Life Unlc&s He Co ii Id Be Saved. I will stay with Al if you cannot save him , " said Mrs. A. C. Howe , when the windows of her room in the Hotel Dakotah at Grand Forks were veiled with flame-shot smoke. And she knelt down beside the bed where her husband lay in the chains ; of paralysis and hid her face in his bosom , reports the Chi- cage Journal. Outside was the tumult of voices , the clatter of horses' hoofs , the roll of wheels , and the sharp clang of fire bells. A ladder had been thrown against the blazing Avail , and a lithe young fellow with a fireman's helmet on his head ran swiftly up to the window of the room where Mr. and Mrs. Howe were known to be. "Come , " he shouted from the midst of a pillar of flame. The wife struggled to lift her husband in her arms , but she was powerless to even move him. "Al , dear one ! " she cried in agony. "See the fire ! Try , oh , try to lift just a little. I will hold 3-011 ! Oh , help ! help ! " The fireman leaned forward from a background of flame. "Come , " he cried , "the ladder is burn ing ! I can only save one of you t" Then it was the woman nestled down beside the man she loved. "I will stay with Al , " she said simply. The ladder sprang outward and the fireman made the ground in a flying leap. A. sound of a woman's voice in singing came to the cars of the horri fied watchers below. Then there was a crash of falling walls , a mighty , up ward shoo'ting cloud of spark-filled smoke and yellow blaze and all wa ? still. Buried with Military Honors. At the breaking out of the ten years' war in 1SGS , the Spaniards in Cuba adopted the sparrow as the symbol of their pertinacity and fighting qualities , and applied the name of ' "cat" as the most contemptuous word to the ua- tives. In March , 1SG9 , a Spanish sol dier saw a cat seize a sparrow with teeth and claws. Clubbing his mus ket , he disabled the cat and took the dead bird from its mouth. The occur rence being reported , the cat Avas tried by drum-head court-martial and sen tenced to death , AA-hile the body of the sparro-,7 was ordered to be buried Avith military honors. The best knoAvn Spaniards in Cuba were ordered to at tend. There were eight battalions in HaA-aua , and the wife of the coin- mander : of each sent large offerings of flowers. i A bier was prepared and the ! sparrow i was placed on a fragrant bed of ( roses and lilies. The drum was mufllod i and the G,000 soldiers Avere given the order to march. With sol- emn ( tread the long line proceeded to the i cemetery on the outskirts of the cit3 % and there the victim of the cat was committed to the earth with mill- tary honors. Bacteria in Dust. In a recent number of the Annales dt Micrographie , Dr. Miquel gives the re- suits of some interesting observations ma do bAr him in respect of the vitality of disease germs. In"Iay , 1SS1 , he took some earth from the Montsouris Park at a depth of ten inches below the turf. This he dried for IAVO days at a temperature of 30 degrees Centi- in grade ; , and then he placed the dust in hermetically : sealed tubes , which he put aside in a dark corner of the labora- itoiy. . When taken the soil contained an ; average of G.500.000 bacteria per gramme. : After desiccation the ntm- ber had fallen to rather less than 4.000.000. Sixteen years later he stil ; lound . " . . "i.OO.OOO per gramme , and 11e was enr.l-'ed to isolate the specific microbe - ' crobe of 'etanus. The inoculation of this soil in guinea pigs determined i death , t'i.n { : tetanus after an iucuba- tion period of two days , showing- the remarkable vitality of pathogenic mi- crobcs under favorable conditions.- Philadelphia Record. Willed His Pension The will of the late Isaac Lloyd of Philadelphia disposes of an estate val ued at about $ i)0. ( ! ( ) . Mr. IJoyd was a veteran of the late war and drew a small pension , which he saved with the intention of returning it to the gov ernment , providing he was never in want during life. When the will was probated it was found that his inten tions had been carried out. and the will concluded with the folio wins paragraph - graph : "Mj * pension , which I have not used , I have always expected to return to the United States Government , ex- cepting I should be in distress or want. I order my executor to return the pen- si ° i- " . _ Quinine in India. There was a time when the govern meat of India had to import annually 2.0,000 worth of quinine and did not t get enough of it even then. After a great many experiments the cultivation of the cinchona tree was made success ful in India , and now there are 4.000.- | 000 trees in Uo ngal , and ever3' rural lln postoffice in India sells a five-grain packet of the drug for half a cent , while the government makes from ? 2OCO to $3,500 a year out of the profits It makes a man turn cold at the man- uer in which \voman puts his hard earned money into a pocket book , car- ries it loosely in her hand and leaves It on the first counter she reaches. MARYTODD'S HOOP-SKIRT. Aft Incident m the Knrly Life of Mrs , AhraliHin Lincoln. In an article upon Mary Todd Lin coln , wife of President Lincoln , printed in McClure's Magazine , an interesting account is given of Mrs. Lincoln in her girlhood. She is described as a bright , Avarm-hearted girl , far beyond most girls of her age in education. An old schoolmate narrates ono of the young girl's efforts to make a fashionable ap pearance : Maty and I each had a white dress , but Maiy was not satisfied ; the dresses were too long and narrow. She liked pretty ' things , and wanted to be in the j. fashion. Hoops were worn at this time by women ; not the steel ones those came Hi later but home-made affairs , with small reeds , basted on the inside of the skirt , such as milliners used in drawn-silk bonnets. Properly worn , their effect was quite prett3 * . Mary admired them above all things , and was frantic for one , but it would have been an unheard-of request- ' to ask for it. After much Avorry ami 'thought ' , she at last said : "Liz/ie , I am going over to Mrs. lies- tetter's and ask her for some of her weeping willows. We can make hooj - skirts , and wear them to Sunday school ito-morrow. " I agreed to it. and she put on her sunbonnet - bonnet , and with a basket started on her errand. It was a long time before she returned , but she was abundantly supplied with the material , and depos ited her basket with its precious burden in a closet in our room. After tea we began our preparations. We seated ourselves upon the floor and lost no time , but worked diligently. We were satisfied to find how late it waa .when my aunt , Mrs. Todd , on her way to her room , tapped on our door , telling ns it was time to be in our beds. We did put out the light , and waited until we thought evetybody was asleep ; 'then we relighted our candle and work ed until late in the night , when we hung up the finished garments with a thrill of delight. Our sleep was too short to be satis fying , but we managed to get to break fast in time. As soon as it was over , we rushed to our room. Mary was al ways quick in her movements , but now she made uncommon haste , and was dres-sed and out upon the street as I reached the front hall door. One moment and we should have been safe ; but as fate would have it aunt caught a glimpse of me. One glance was enough to show her what AVO had been striving for. She reached the door in a second , and called Mary back. 1 There we stood , a burlesque on van ity , as 'grotesque figures as ej-e need ever ( fall on , in hoops that bulged in front and at the back , while they fell in on the sides , and with our narrow white dresses stretched over them to- their utmost extent. We had basted the willows in just as they came off the tree ' , one end being very large and the : other ' very small. Aunt looked us over from head to foot , and said : "What frights you are- Take those things off and go to Sunday school/ ' It was well our displaj" was confined to our own premises. If we had gone to the McCord Church , as we were so anxious to do , the congregation would have been convulsed with laughter , and aunt too < leepl3 * mortified to lift up her head. New York in 2OOO A. 1 > . How the people Avill live in 2000 A. I ) , it is impossible to guess , but it is not : likely that the3r Avill live In the closely huddled habitations of the pres ent day. The indications are these : The tenement house Avill be nnknoAvn , and no man , rich or poor , will live in a house of which eA-ery room does not open freel3 * to the outer air. The pres ent tendency to aggregation and con glomeration Avill lead to heaven IIIIOAVS Avhat method of free , easy and cheap transportation. ( He Avould be a bold man } who , recalling the short interval of time between the daA/'s o the ubiquitous omnibus and the rapid and pleasant trojley car of to-day , Avould venture to predict Avhat Avill be our means of urban travel. A quarter of a century ago no one would have be lieved that old and young , rich and poor , Avould be flying about our streets and over our countiy roads on rubber- tired bicycles. It would have been as- absurd to predict then what AVC are now } so familiar with as to predict now that , there will be some safe and uni versal method of aerial or subtemi ; nean mode of comeyanee. Muuicipa/ Affairs. Deflection of the 3In5.netic obsiirvations have been made recent ly to determine the extent and cause of - the extraordinary deflection of tli&- inairnetic needle Avhich fakes place over * a \i t tract of Central Russia. The- line selected for observation was one of about SoO miles , between Moscow and Kharkov. The widest abenations are found to exist in the province of Kursk , the capital of winch is about (5UU ( miles south of Moscow. In the southeast portion of this province , about 1-0 miles south of Tim. the nee- ( IK5 5 < deflected more than 0(5 ( degrees' , and points nlm.- due east and west in- N-u-ad of north ami south. Hijjh-l'ric-ed Chaperon. A Paris P IKT recently contained the following advertisement : "A laily iaov-- ihir in the be-t society of London is de- Mrou < of taking out and presenting at ceui-r a young American Jad3 * . The- hiicht t ret'erencv * will be given and" ivMUlivd. High remuneration expect ed. Address , in the first instance. C. , caiv \Villinni Negus. Eq. , : jO Blooms- bury < quare. London. W. C. " As a rule' men laugh and \vomea \ve-ip : it a ,7s.lding. . The fact that they are not the principals in the affair : il > Iy has sosietliiuj * to do with it.