Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 19, 1899, Image 12

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of More or T ess Import
ance Arc Being Introduced at the
Present Session of the Legislature
of the Business.
Tuesday , Jan. 1O.
The senate Avas called to order at the
Usual tme with most of the members in
their seats. The journal Avas read entire
and approved after slight correction. The
committed on rules submitted its report ,
recoirrniending the adoption of the rules of
1895 , except the rule regulating the make-up
of the committees and that relating to a
call of the house. I'mUr the new rule
nine members are required for a call of the
IIOUKO , AvhiJe if mab : raised ba majority
of those1 presenJ. The standing commit
tees for the session Avere announced. Mr.
( H Crovof Douglas offered a resolution pro-
HI I Tiding for H.o adoption of lonMitutional
amendments , ns follou.s :
Suction 1. Thai section 1 of article \v of
the ccFtifution of the'state of Nebraska
bo ai/jcded so as lo read ai > follows :
iScisl'on 1. iMther branch of the legisla-
i § ' turc may propose amendments to this con-
stiirtH-'innrJ ; if Ihe same be agreed to by
three-fifths of the members elected to e Vh
house suc ! propose ! amendments shall be
entered on the journals with the jeas and
nays and published at least once each week
in ni leaht CUP newspaper in each county
where H re'.v > paper is published for three
month1 ; immediately preceding the next
generai : ? atc election , at which election the
same si/nil b ? submitted to the eler-tor * . for
approve ! or rejection. If a two-thirds ma
jority of the elector * Aoting at such election
for ora.csi'fsi the same adopt such amend
ment ; ; tne PHIUC shall become a part of the
: onsliiiinan. When more than one amend
ment is snhnuted at the same election they
> hall be so submitted as to enable the elect
* > ors io vote on each amendment separately.
A resolution was sent up bj Noyes of
Douglas , directing the committee on ju
diciary to investigate the legality of surety
lionds such as have been ghen by Treas
urer Reserve.
Fifl-evei ) bills were introduced in fhe
bouse , the most inipoitmit of which are :
3iy Jt-r. Ikmnan. a bill for an act licensing
and regulating pawnbroker- , dealers in
second-hand goods , junk dealers and chat
tel loaning and providing penalties for A io-
lation thereof : Beerl.an . act to limit and
regulate the employment of children in
manufacturing , mechanical ami mercantile
establishments , lo pnnidea penallx for its
violation and the employment of its pro
vision and to repeal section 24oaa 240bb and
245cc. chapter xxiii. of the 1S97 compiled
stathles of Nebraska : K\ans. a bill for an
? act to create and maintain a reserve and
.guarantee fund for the protection of depos
$ itors in b-nks : llaller. relating to duties
of. village and city boards ; llathorne.
a bill for an act to transfer certain
funds lo the general fund and to provide
for the crr-dit of lhe.-e funds direct hereafter
and tLi payment of any warrants outstand
ing agaiftVt said funds : Clark , a bill for an
act defining and determining the effect of
conditions in fire insurance policies , mak
ing void the contract of insurance in case
jf a change in the title , ownership. Interest
or possession of fhe insured in the propeily
which IP the subject of insurance or if liens
" are created thereon , and likewise condi
tions providing for a forfeiture of the con
" tract of insurance in case notice of loss is
not famished AAithin a certain time or in a
prescribed manner : Fi\nnan act proud-
ing for the branding of penitentiary made
jjoods and proA idingpenalties for violations
thereof ; Thompson of Merrick , a bill for
4.he appropriation of $10.001) ) for incidental
vpcn'-es of the legislature.
Wednesday , Jan. \ \ .
The house had an easy forenoon. mo > t of
Ihe time being devoted to the reading of
bills. Thirty-four new ones were intro
duced. Main of these were of the Wheeler-
Sheldon list of statute revision bills. Two
or three invitations to attend special lodge
exercises were read , alter Avhich the house
took a recess. After dinner the second
reading of bills and reference to committees
AVUS completed , house rolls No. 05 to 124.
inclusive , being referred to committees.
The secretary of stale s'ent a formal com
munication to the house , announcing the
delivery of the papers and ballots in the
Gage County. Fillmore County and the
sixty-seventh district contests in the house.
The speaker opened the en\ elope contain
ing the Ashby-Chittenden contest papers
from Gage County and the clerk read the
record. It showed that the basis of the
-contest-was the fact that Chittenden Avas
already a member of the legislature at the
time of his election and , -implj questioned
the right of a member to be re-elected.
On motion of Burns of Lancaster this con
gest matter AVUS indefinitely postponed ,
without a dissenting A'ote. Fisher of Dawes
offered for consideration the Stotsenberg
resolution , being a copy of the one adopted
l > y the senate in the forenoon , and moved
that it be made a special order for Thursday.
The motion prevailed Avithout opposition.
. Expectant applicants for minor places
on the senate pay roll Avere numerous
when the body convened this morning , but
the majority Avere not prepared to an
nounce the completion of the list. Owing
to the decision of the special senate com
mittee that all bills should be read in full
< m three seperate da.As to conform to con
stitutional requirements , the journal \\as
corrected to show that bills I to 9. read
Tuesday , Avere on their first reading in
stead of second and their reference to
committe'es recinded. It Avas adopted.
After the reading of billson first andsecond
cading. Avhich took considerable time , a
committee of three , consisting of Proul of
Gage , Holbrook of Dodge and Miller of
JBuffalo. Avas appointed lo arrange for com
mittee rooms and bill rooms. The resolu
tion offered yesterday , authorizing the sec
retary of the senate to draAV upon the sec
retary of state for all necessary supplies
jaud furnish the same to the senate and also
Instructing the judiciary committee to ex
amine into the legality of Treasurer Me-
serve's guarantee bond , wa.s adopted. At
the afternoon session of the senate bill. ? 42
lo 47 were introduced and read for the first
time. Upon motion of Currie of Custer the
secretary of slate Aas requested to furnish
1899 blue 'books ' to Ihe lieutenant governor
Thursday , .Tan. 12.
Senator Reynolds of Dawes introduced a
joint resolution by request which reads as
-follows :
Whereas , A joint resolution for a six-
4eenlh amendment to the federal constitu
tion lo prohibit the states from disfranchis
ing citizens on account of sex is before the
congress of the ITnited States , therefore ,
Resolved , That the legislature of the
jtate of Nebraska respectfully asks the im-
laediatc passage of { his amendment that it
way come before the several state legisla-
jnresfor their action. *
Canady of Kearney moved that the sec
retary of stale be instructed 'to print 2,500
copies of Gov. Holcomb's message and Gov.
Poynter's inaugural address. His motion
prevailed. Chairman Holbrook of the
committee on joint rules , handed in a re
port. The rules of the last legislature Avere
adopted , except section 17. At this junc
ture , Trout of Gage , opened the Avay for
the first interesting debate of the session ,
the resolution of Senator Cnnv of Douglas
carried yesterday , reprimanding Col. Stet
senberg of the First Nebraska and asking
that he be detached from service at Manila ,
being the cause. Senator Trout moved a
reconsideration of the vote on the resolu
tion. After considerable Avrangling OA'er
the subject a vote Avas taken resulting in 25
to 5. Talbot of Lancaster moved that the
resolution be referred to the committee on
military affairs. Van Dusen Avanted a
prompt report and amended the motion ,
calling for a report today. This gave the
senators another opportunity lo loosen up
and test their vocal qualities. After a num
ber of senators had expressed themselves
in the matter the resolution was amended
lo give the committee till Friday to report.
In fhe afternoon the secretaries continued
the reading of bills on second hearing.
When the order for the introduction of bills
v.as reached the secreturAvas again de
Bills on first and second reading
taken up this morning , a number of
ones being introduced , and house rolls
< J25 lo 149. Inclusive , were given the second
reading and referred to committees. At 11
o'clock , the hour for the special order on
the Stotsenberg resolution having arrived.
' Jan&en of Jefferson mo\ed that the resolu
tion-be referred to the commander-in-ehief
of the army with power to act. Evans of
Adams raised the point of order that the
house had no power to refer matters to the
commander-in-chief . The
- - of the armies.
point was sustained , Iea\ing the substitute
motion before the house. Evans then spoke
in favor of the original resolution. He said
the welfare of the Nebraska boys demanded
action. Fisher of Dawes. introducer of the
original resolution , made an extended
speech , which was sometimes applauded.
Several other member's spoke on the reso
lution. Tending the discussion Mjersof
Douglas moved a recess and that the dis
cussion be again taken up at 2 o'clock ,
which motion prevailed. After recess
Prince of Hall took the floor and spoke on
the resolution and offered an amendment
to the substitute. On roll call the amend
ment Avas defeated. The roll Avas then
called on the motion of Easterling of Buf
falo , lo refer to a committee of three , ai" '
the motion was defeated ba vote of 09 tc
29. The roll call on the original resolution
re > ulled in its adoption In a vote of 72 to 28.
The house decided to print but 500 copies
of the governor's message. A resolution
v , as made ( o immediately ratify the Paris
peace treat\ and "to observe in dealing
with the Philippine question the same
course marked out for Cuba in the inter
vention resolution. " The resolution was
referred to the committee on federal rela
; Friday , Jan. 13.
When the senate convened this morninp
little time was consumed in reading the
journal. Tinier committee reports , Van
Dusen of Douglas , called for-the report of
the committee on military affairs , to Avhich
was referred the Stotsenberg resolutions.
The committee reported a resolution for
adoption In the senate. Crow of Douglas
offered a substitute \\hich in part is as fol
lows :
Whereas. It is common report , coming
from Manila , from the sous of Nebraska
parents , of unjust and unsoldierly treat
ment of men in the First Nebraska regi
ment be Col. .Stotsenberg.
Jte&olved. That our senator.- * and repre
sentatives in congress be requested to urge
the honorable secretary of Avar lo take such
steps as in his judgment seem proper foi
the investigation of the truth or falsitj of
these reports , and if found to rest upon
substantial facts , that said Col. Slotsenberg
be then temporarily detached from the
command of said regiment ; and.
Uesolved , That upon the return of the
First Nebraska IJegiment to America ,
Avhere testimony can be heard , that these
charges , so generally made and so univer
sally believe : ! by the friends of this regi
ment , should be carefully and fully inves
tigated and such punishment , in case they
are sustained , inflicted as the circumstances
Uesolved. That the .secretary of war be
requested to hear and determine all chargeb
now on file in the off ice of the adjutant gen
eral of the army against said officer for violation
lation of arm\ regulations toward A-olun-
teer soldiers from the state of Nebraska.
Uesolved. That a cop j of these resolutions
be transmitted to the secretary of Avar and
to members of congress from this stale.
A substitute to the substitute" Avas offered
and voted down. The Crow substitute . <
then adopted by a Aote of 5 to G. The
senate adjourned till Monday.
The house performed no duties aside
from the reading of a number of new bills
and the reference to committees of those in
troduced .Thursday. At noon an adjourn
ment Avas taken to Monday at o'clock.
Onthemovi ) to take such adjournment
there was some opposition , but on a rising
\ ' < ) te only twenty members were against
the motion.
A correspondent reports an occur
rence Avhieh took place at a night
"Williams. " asked the instructor ,
"which is the largest island in the
world ? "
"It's either Asia or Africa , " replied
the young man to whom the question
was addressed.
"I am speaking of islands , Williams.
Those are continents. "
" 1 think not sir , " draAvled Williams.
"When the Suee/.e Canal was cut , It
made islands of both of 'em , sir. Come
to think of it , sir , the largest is Asia
and Europe. It's all one piece of
ground. "
A Drawback.
"My boy1 said the man of ideal tem
perament , "if you want to become a
master of your profession you must
study ; study day and night. "
"Yes1 replied the energetic youth ,
"and while I'm away off in a corner
studying sonic other man will bo hus
tling around getting all the business. "
Washington Star.
His Business. '
First Passenger My friend , are you
an anti-monopolist ?
Second Passenger That is my busi
ness. I am a divorce lawyer. Cincin
nati Enquirer.
Snuft-takiDg. which was once a fa
vorite form of using tobacco , is ap
parently'dying out. At any'rate , irs
use Is confined to a small fraction of
the population.
Senator Hoar Argues Power of Gov-
meat Is Limited.
Senator Hoar's long-expected and
much-advertised speech against expan
sion , or imperialism , as he is pleased to
call the sentiment in favor of keeping the
Philippines , was delivered in the Senate
Monday , and for two hours the venera
ble Massachusetts Senator held the close
attention of his associates. It Avas a re
markable speech in many Avays and was
filled Avith lofty sentiments and constitu
tional argument. Much Avithering sarcasm
\vas leveled at Senator Platt o Connecti
cut and some at the President.
Mr. Hoar confined himself pretty close
ly to the constitutional aspects of. the
question , disclaiming at the outset an in
tention to discuss except in an incidental
way tlie policy proposed by the adminis
tration of entering upon an expansion of
its territory , but making a clear enough
statement of his personal position on the
subject. He based his argument princi
pally on the declaration of independence
and on the national constitution , saying
that if the doctrines of the fathers were
to be preserved , no right exists whereby
we could govern subject peoples. He de
clared that labor would suffer , that the
national debt would be materially aug
mented , and that the necessary increase
in the army and navy would be a menace.
The Senator , added that It Congress
should vote for annexation it Avould be in
palpable violation of its declaration a few
mouths ago that "the people of Cuba are
and of right ought to be free and inde
pendent. " Mr. Plait of Connecticut made
a terse reply , saying the Massachusetts
Senator had been building up.a . man of
straAv , and that he stood in fear of a mere
Illinois Man Tries to Aronsc Feelinc
for Filipinos.
Senator William E. Mason of Chicago
Avas the star attraction in the Senate
Tuesday , and the galleries were filled to
hear his speech against expansion. Sen
ator Mason Avas just as earnest and en
thusiastic in his "appeal for the Filipinos
as he was for the Cubans last spring ,
when he declared himself for war and for
the independence of Cuba. . He spoke for
an hour and a half.
The keynote of the Senator's speech Avas
the belief that in considering the welfare
of the natives of the Philippines we should
be in reality studying our own best in
terests. In the course of his speech he
said :
' It : s easy to drift with the tide , but
it is not always safe. The simple resolu
tion I have introduced has nothing neces
sarily to do with any treaty nor do I
intend to speak of any proposed treaty.
The resolution does not involve a question
of. law , but is a question as to the future
policy oC this republic. I am Avilling to
trust the people and I want the people
to hear both sides of the case before the
verdict is rendered. In speaking of the
Philippines I am speaking one word for
them and two for ourselves. A black
man said to a Senator the other day : 'I
thank you for speaking for my race , ' and
the Senator replied : "I am speaking one
Avord for your race and two for my own ;
nothing ever dwarfed the Avhite race so
much as stooping for 100 years to keep
the black man down. ' 1 may appear to
speak one word for the Philippines , but
two for my own people. Avhen I plead for
the broad manhood of the man who Avrote :
All just powers of government are deriv
ed from the consent of the governed. '
You cannot govern the Philippines Avith-
out taxing them. You have not yc-t their
.consent and the proposition of taxation
without representation is made again.
Look out for tea parties ; those little semi-
social functions are likely to break out
even there , for 'Hail , Columbia ! ' and
'Yankee Doodle' have been heard in the
archipelago. * '
His Messajre Deals vritli Necessity of
Stopping Outrages.
In his message to the Legislature Gov.
McLaurin of South Carolina deals with
lynching in a most emphatic manner , lie
says :
"The remedy suggests itself. See to it
that laws are so enacted and so adminis
tered that conviction and punishment
shall follow crime. It is'necessary in
mere protection of society and vindication
of justice that a stop be put to dihitori-
ness in the administration of justice ,
Avhich tends not so much to the protec
tion of individual rights as to the subver
sion of the rights of society. It should
become of itself a high crime and misdemeanor
meaner for a sheriff or constable to allow
a prisoner to be taken by violence from
his hands , even though his own blood
should lniA'c to be shed to protect the
criminal. I recommend that any county
in which the crime of lynching is commit
ted shall be liable to the heirs of the vic
tim of the lynchers in the sum of $ " > . -
V000 , and that men who shall be convicted
of participating in lyiichings shall bo de
prived of the right to vole or to hold office
in this State. "
Declare U. S. Consul Holds Independ
ence Fund of $47.000.
The Filipino committee at Hong Kong
has broken off all relations Avith United
States Consul WHdman. The commit
tee 1ms issued a writ in the Supreme
Court to recover the sum of $47,000 ,
Avhich the Filipinos claim to have depos
ited wilh Mr. Wildman as treasurer of
the Filipino independence fund in .Tune
The members of the committee further
allege that sensational disclosures are
probable , showing , they add , that the
American Government recognized the
Filipinos as belligerents by affording them
assistance in arms and moral influence to
co-operate against Spain , "thus indorsing
\he agreement made wilh Aguinaldo at
Singapore in April. "
Great excitement Avas created in ship
ping circles at Philadelphia by the arrival
at that port of the Norwegian tramp
steamer Fram. Everybody thought it
was Explorer Xansen's historic craft.
A solid five-foot vein of 'copper ore. 20
per cent pure , just below the surface , and
containing silver and gold , has boon struck
by Tacoma men at the Lcola mines , in
P'ierce County , State of Washington.
A letter from President McKinley has
been received at Macon. Ga. , requesting
half a dozen badges of the Confederate.
veterans , thc'samc as the ones pinned on
him on his recent visit to Macon.
Farmers of New Jersey having failed
Avith sugar beets are going to experiment
with sorghum caue.
North Dakota Senate amended divorce
law , fixing time of residence at one year.
Missouri Senate passed bill appointing
committee to investigate alleged munici
pal and State political crookedness.
In California Burns men claimed 35
votes , while 32 were pledged to opponents.
Charges of bribery made against Grant.
In Delaware the House deadlock was
broken in ninety-one ballots , regular Re
publicans beating Addicks faction.
In Kansas Gov. Leedy sent message to
the House demanding the evidence of Rep
resentative Brown , who openly charged
him with being influenced by use of
Bevertdge seemed to gain strength in
Indiana senatorial light , four doubtful
legislators announcing themselves in'his
favor. Opposition candidates organized
to beat Hauly.
Senatorial fight in North Dakota re
mains practically unchanged.
Utah Legislature assembled and active
canvass commenced for senatorial vote.
Contest for Speaker jmArkansas J > pg- ,
islature seems likely to result in a dead
In Indiana Perry S. Heath broke into
the senatorial fight , using influence for
The Oregon Legislature convened and
continued the organization oC the special
Organization of the Wisconsin Legisla
tive Assembly is made an issue in the figlit
for United States Senator.
The Legislature o Washington organ
ized , electing E. H. Guie , the youngest
member , Speaker of the House.
Utah Legislature met and organized. A.
Nebecker was elected President o the
Senate and William M. Royiance Speaker.
In Kansas the Populist extraordinary
session adjourned without attempting fur
ther legislation. Stanley took oath at
Tiicstla3 * .
Massachusetts re-elected United States
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.
Arkansas * deadlock was broken by the
election of A. 1 \ Vandeventer Speaker.
The Texas Legislature met and the
House organized by electing Shcrrill
In New Jersey the Republican caucus
nominated John Kean for United States
Missouri appointed ! i committee of six
to investigate the municipal government
of St. Louis.
In MinncbOta bills were introduced im
posing more taxes on railroad and express
In Indiana the Republican caucus nom
inated A. J. Beveridge of Indianapolis
for United States Senator.
In Colorado Charles S. Thomas was in
augurated Governor. His message dis
cussed State affairs only.
In South Carolina Gov. Kllerlu- urged a
law to prevent lynching and reconyiieudcd
the submission of the dispensary question
to a vote of the people.
Republicans in Nebraska fail in their
efforts to bring about a senatorial caucus.
In Minnesota Assembly House commit
tees Ave.ru announced and IICAV bills intro
In Washington efforts of Senator Wil
son to bring about Republican caucus
met Avith failure.
In West Virginia presiding oflicers of
both houses were elected and contests
over seats commenced.
Caucus of Republicans in Wyoming
unanimously nominated C. D. Clark for
re-election to the Senate.
Michigan House and Senate commit
tees were announced and Gov. Pingree
submitted a list of appointments.
Senatorial caucus in North Dakota took
two ballots Avithout result , except a loss
of one for Johnson , who still leads.
Republican majority in Connecticut
chose Joseph R. Ilawley for United
States Senator on the ninth ballot.
In the Maine Legislature Senator Hale
was chosen as Republican nominee and
Samuel L. Lord as Democratic nominee
for the Senate.-
The California Legislature voted in
joint session for United States Senator
without electing. Phelan led with thirty-
four complimentary votes.
AVonsin Legislature organized , elect
ing ollicer.s in both Houses , and named
Senate committees. Caucus committee
agreed on Wednesday , Jan. IS , as day for
first meeting.
In Montana W. A. Chirk gained in the
Kcnatorial contest , receiving lit votes ,
while Conrad fell to ' ! " .
In"New York the Republican legislative
caucus unanimously nominated Dr.
Chauncey M. Depew for United States
In Michigan the Pingree and adminis
tration legislators clashed ever appoint
ment of committee and result was com
The fourth ballot in California was tak
en , leaving Knrns and ( 'rant tied , Avith li < >
votes each Burns having gained two. A
deadlock is predicted.
In West Virginia the Avi-anjjle. for seats
to gain balance of'power began. Com
mittee appointed which will in all prob
ability unseat two Republicans in House ,
Republicans vill retaliate in Senate.
Telegraphic Brevities.
The United States troops keeping order
in Havana are encamped in the heart of
the city.
The American flap flies from the wreck
of the Maine , blue jackets from the Texas
having unfurled the colors.
Gen. Wheeler ascribes his hardihood to
regular hours. He goes to bed at 10
and rises nt 7:30 in the morning.
The residence of Alderman Enoch Bth-
eridge , in East Scdalia , Mo. , was destroy
ed by fire. Loss $2,500 , insurance ? 1,500.
At Lyons. N. Y. , LeAvis Doam was scar
ed into convulsions of a serious character
by the antics of a crowd , one of wlioui
impersonated a gho > t.
At Amsterdam. N. Y. , Mrs. Anna Scan-
uel was burned to death by a lamp explo
sion , and Mrs. Ruth Hopkins died of
fright over the accident.
One thousand Cubans have been select
ed for duty on the police force in Havana
by Gen. Ludlow. A detective bureau L >
also beinir organized therc-
On Saturday the House , in committee of
the whole , resumed consideration oC the
bill making appropriation for the legisla
tive , executive and judicial expenses of
the Government for the year ending June
30 , 1900. On a point of order made by
Mr. Dockery ( Dem. , Mo. ) a paragraph ap
propriating $12,000 for making a series of
charts of the coasts and harbors of the
Philippines was stricken from the bill. In
the Senate the District of Columbia ap
propriation bill was taken up. As passed
by the House , the bill appropriated ? C-
3(50,000. as against estimates of ? 1).230.-
000. As reported by the Senate Commit
tee on Appropriations , it appropriates $7-
251,905. The appropriation for the cur
rent fiscal year was $6,426,880. The
House bill granting extra pay upon mus
ter-out to officers and enlisted men of the
United States volunteers was taken up
and passed without amendment. The
Senate then went into executive session ,
and afterward adjourned.
In the Senate on Monday Mr. Hoar of
Massachusetts made a strong speech
against territorial expansion. Mr. Platt
of New York replied. The Nicaragua
Canal bill was then taken up and Mr. Caf-
fcry continued his speech in opposition to
it. Messrs. Bacon , Money and Chilton
engaged in a general discussion of the
binding power of treaties in general. The
House reversed the decision ot ! the com
mittee of the whole last Friday , when the
appropriation for the support of the civil
service commission Avas stricken out of
the legislative , executive and judicial ap
propriation bill. The House by special
order decided to proceed Avith the consid
eration of the na\-al personnel bill as soon
as the bill for the codification of the laws
of Alaska Avasout of the Avay. About
seventy additional pages of the latter bill
were covered.
Senator Mason of Illinois occupied the
attention of the Senate for nearly an hour
and a half on Tuesday Avith a speech in
support of his resolution declaring that
the United States will never attempt to
govern the people of any country without
their consent. 'Mr. Turley was then rec
ognized to speak on the Nicaragua canal
bill. lie announced himself as an advo
cate of the canal , but said he was opposed
to the pending bill. At the conclusion of
Mr. Turley's speech a bill was passed di
recting the President to appoint Paymas
ter General T. H. Stantou a major gen
eral and retire him at that grade. The
House devoted its undivided attention to
the bill for the codification of the criminal
laws of Alaska , and when adjournment
was had all but ten pages of the bill had
been disposed of.
In the Senate on Wednesday a sharp
debate was precipitated by Mr. Allen
( Neb. ) by some remarks he made upon a
resolution he had introduced. Mr. Hoar
( Mass. ) and Mr. Gray ( Del. ) Avere drawn
into it. Tiie resolution stated tha ? any
aggressive action by army or navy on the
part of the United Slates against the
Philippines would be an act of war un
warranted on the part of the President
and the exercise of constitutional powers
vested exclusively in Congress. Mr. For-
aker of Ohio was recognized after a short
debate and proceeded to deliver his set
speech on the general question of the pow
er to extend our territory. At 3:10 p. in.
the Senate , on motion of Mr. Davis- , the
chairman of the Foreign Relations Com
mittee and in charge of the treaty of
peace , went into executive session. Sen
ator Davis reported the peace treaty and
moved that the treaty and the proceeding- *
of the peace commission be made public.
This motion led to debate. The discussion
was brief , however , and the motion to re
move the injunction of secrecy prevailed
without division. The House completed
and passed the bill for the codification of
the criminal laAvs of Alaska.
The supporters and opponents of tin-
peace treaty in the Senate had their first
contest over that document on Thursday
in executive session. The debate was
upon a motion by Senator Berry to con
sider the resolution of ratification in open
session. The discussion continued from a
few minutes past 1 o'clock until about r .
when the Ss nate adjourned for the day.
without reaching a vote. There were no
set speeches in the usual 'acceptance of
that phr-e. It was a running- debate , in
which Senators Berry. White. Hale ,
Hoar. Vest and others in opposition to tin-
treaty met Senators Davis. Frye. Teller.
Gray and others in advocacy of it. The
House passed the diplomatic and consu
lar appropriation bill Avithout amend
ment. During the general debate two set
speeches were made against imperialism
by Messrs. Carmack and Gaines of Ten
nessee. The diplomatic and consular is
the sixth of the regular appropriation bills
to pass the House. The bill as , passed
carries $ ] .70. > .533. A bill was passed au
thorizing the Little River Railroad Com
pany to construct a railroad through tht
Ghoctuw and C-hickasaw Indian reserva
Report Fails to Censure.
The report of the proceedings and find
ings of the court of inquiry to determine
the cause and fix the responsibility of the
grounding of the battleship Massachusetts
off Governor's Island , has been received
at the Navy Department. The court finds
that the accident might have been avoid
ed if Captain Ludlow and the pilot of Hio
Massachusetts had provided themselves
with the latest charts of New York har
bor. Beyond this no blame is attached to
Lives with a Broken Neck.
Physicians at Columbus. Ohio , statt
that the bones of Corporal Tracy's broken
neck are uniting again and that it is pos
sible that he will recover without au op
eration. Tracy is a member of the Seven
teenth regular infantry and broke his neck
two weeks ago in a fall from a horizontal
Nevrs of Minor ICote ,
Driver Hushes of the fire department ol
New York Citysaved ten lives at a recent
tenement house fire.
In 1000 Iceland will celebrate the 000th
anniversary of the introduction of Chris
tianity into the island.
There are forty-five colleges and seven
teen State Christian associations among
the colored people of North Carolina.
P.esides the rinderpest , South Africa's
worst plague consists of the "myriads of
grasshoppers , which are sometimes so
dense that they stop railway trains.
fhe Flayer Performed n Great Feat ,
but Didn't Know It. .
Harpers Round Table contains a
capital football story , in Avb'cb r.'ie fol
lowing vivid description of the fiensn-
Hous of a contestant in a game between
the Harvard and Yale teams is given
by one of the Harvard players :
As the play Avas started I was shor
forward , tipping the opposing guard
completely over , and we all went down
together. I can only remember scram
bling savagely over two men. jumping
wildly from one man to another , Avith
the ball just ahead of me under tbu
legs of what seemed to be a thousand
people. Then I beard a wild , unearth
ly yell. Nothing like it had ever come
to my ears before , and I remember
wondering Avhat it could be. It sv/elled
and grew with each moment. Now it
died away ; now it spread out stronger
than ever. I had a. queer feeling of
wonder if I were still playing the
game. Nobody seemed to bo near.
Then a black-faced , fierce-looking fig
ure rose up in front of r.u * . I must get
out of his way atr any cost. I moved
aside and thrust my open hand straight
into his face , caught his hair and ear.
and scrambled all over him. He seem
ed to be the only one out of the game
except myself , and the maddening feel
ing that I had made some mistake lent
me the strength to throw him roiling
away on the ground.
There was that same Avild , exultant
yell again. It swept over the Held as
have seen a cloud of dust sweep up a
street. And then all in a moment I
knew the cocaine had given out and my
strength was gone. I got a sAviuging
blow on the head , and lay quietly down
with the feeling that I was tired ot.
Still there seemed to be no explana
tion for my being alone , and I started
to get up , saying betAveen my teeth ,
"Get 'em IOAV , Jim , get 'em low ! "
"Oh , Jimmy , my boy ! Jimmy ! Jim
my ! ' * cried a Aroice , and an arm Avent
round my neck niid lifted me up.
' Low , Jaek , 1-o-w ! "
"Oh , Jimmy , ' ' said Tack himself , hold
ing me up , "it's over , and look at the
crowd ! "
I could scarcely see , but over to the
right someAvhcre there Avas a wave of
red color that sAVtmg back and forth.
Then I looked up at the faces about
me , and they wavered , too.
"Peter , " I cried , with tears rolling
down my cheeks for the life of me I
couldn't help it "Peter , get me up !
I'm all right. We'll stop 'em yet. They
can't get over that line. "
"lie's gone , " said somebody ; "he's
mixed. Take him over to the house. ' '
But I couldn't let them take me
now. It was too critical a time.
' Why don't they go on wiih
gameV I'm all right. I tell
"Go on , man. go ou ?
know where you L'er *
1 looked up and saw ga' posts over"
ni } ' head , and the next * | tl"t there
was another Avild. AvaveiTugNili erand
a ball Aveut sailing over the crossTBai-
"What is it , Farragut ? " I asked.
"Good heaA'ens " said . '
, some one ne.'ir
by , "he doesn't knoAv ! Why , man.
you've run the leO yards of the fie.id
through the Avhole team , and that's a
goal from fhe touchdown ! * '
Painter's Secret.
The living Avorth of good Avork is aJ-
ways recognized , even in small things.
Sign-painters do not usually achieve
Avealth or fame , yet the Chicago News
declares that a fortune awaits the man
Avho painted a , station sign at Harper's
Ferry , on the Baltimore & Ohio Kail-
road , shortly after the completion oC
the line at that point. The Western
Society of Engineers has the sign on
exhibition at their rooms.
The engineers are- trying to ascertain
who mixed , the paint and applied it to
the sign , which Avas placed in position
at the Harper's Ferry station about
thirty years ago. The summer's heat
and Aviuter's storms have ip no way
dimmed the luster of the paint used
to make the Avords " 'Harper's Ferry. "
They stand out as boldly as the day
they were formed by the artist's brush.
The Avood around the letters has been
worn about one-sixteenth of an inch by
sand beaten against it by tierce Avinds.
but the letters have Avithstood the ele
It is asserted that no paint manufac
tured nowadays is equal in durability
to that Avhieh was applied to the oltS
sign , and if the person Avho mixed it is
living and will take advantage of the
secret he possesses as to its composi
tion it is said he can , by engaging in the
paint-manufacturing business , soon ac
cumulate AA-eallh.
The Bicycle in German Politics.
A somewhat remarkable movement
is being started by the devotees of cy
cling in Germany. It is nothing less
than a demand for the due representa
tion of cyclists' interests at all elec
tions , AA-liether municipal or state.
Wheelmen in the Fatherland have
cause for bitter complaint against the
police regulations. Avhich in many
cases are not only A-exatious , but also
uouseusical. They differ too so much ,
not only in the various states , but even
in the toAvns. that no Avlieelman on a
long rour is able to master them. The
taxes imposed upon cyclists too have
approached the intolerable point. As a
consequence of- all this every candidate
for a parliamentary or municipal seat
will henceforth be asked to ansAver the
question , "What are your views re
specting the cycle police regulations
and the cycle taxV That the move
ment is a. formidable one may be seen
from the fact that one in every four
electors OAvns a bicle. .
One Ahead.
"What are you crying for ? " asked the
"Will Spratt got ahead of me , " ,
bawled the child. "His papa was
killed iu the Avar , and mine wasn't. "
Philadelphia North American.