Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 19, 1899, Image 11

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    'i the children get their
feet Wv t and take cold give them
a hot foot bath , a bowl of hot
drink , a dose or Ayer's Cherry
Pectord , and put them to bed.
The c.ances ! are they will be
all right in the morning. Con
tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few
dys , until all cough has dis
Old coughs are also cured ;
we mean the coughs of bron
chitis , weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor fcnows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throatr r.nd lungs.
Or , Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
T&a BaoS
Atlvsco sF t ° sof
\Vo ii. . li.ivc Bomeof the most eml-
jipi-t piciaiis ! in the United States.
Uiius.is.r ' | iiorHinities | aiul long experi
ence cm.ally ! fit tliein for giving you
medicilulvioc. . AVrito fiecly all the
pariitsuiai 4 in vour ease.
Address , Dr. J. C AYER ,
Lowell , Mass.
"CA8CAKJ5T8 do nil claimed for them
a truly wonderftit medicine. I have often
a vac'liclue pleasant to take and at last
't iu Cascarets. Since taking them , my
ve oun7ta uuritled and my complexion has im-
f"u xia-w iiiaettc'ly and I feel much hetter in every
way " MusiSALLIE J2. SELLAiis. L'jttrellTenn.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent , Taste Good. Do
Good Never S , Uen , Weaken , or Gripe. lOc , 25c. 50c.
ns Remedy ( ompanT , Chlraro , Jlnnlri-al , New York. 319
Af * Sold and cnnrantecd by alldrng-
r&iJ gists to CUKE Tobacco Habit.
nnil cafalofiiH1 . of the latest sheet inn < ic ] > ul > -
lishcil , at iMit r iU > < ; . All for three 1-cent IKMHK- *
stumps to im-pay the postago. Get your
money's worth. Cheapest sheet inuMr
toroon earth. Address ,
F. P. Jcau Sheet Music- Store ,
Sioux City , Iowa.
Olves relief in KITE minutes. Sender
or & FKEU trial package. Sold by
rufjpists. One ! > ox sent postpaid
n receipt of 81.00. Six boies u.OO.
iddress TUGS , roriun. ruin. , PA.
The IVcird Indian Dance.
In an Indian dance the performers
are usually arranged in a single or dou
ble row or in small groups , and eilher
maintain their positions throughout or
vary it by moving slowly around in a
circle. The particular movement by
which this is accomplished is an alter
nate stamping of the feet or prancing ,
which not even the mo t enthusiastic
admirer of things Indian would call
graceful. The movement is also invari
ably accompanied and timed by a
chant , sometimes weird , but always
monotonous , and the music which often
lends its aid is evolved from a drum
or by rubbing one stick over another in
which notches have been cur , or more
commonly by what boys call a "bull
roarer. " an instrument consisting of a
flat piece of wood to the middle of
which a string is attached. By rapidly
whirling Hie wood about the head a
loud purring or subdued roaring is pro
duced. This is supposed to have a pow
erful influence in exorcising evil spirits
or in notifyiug-good spirits that atten
tion is desired. In addition to these in
struments the rattle is very much in
evidence in many dances , and is an im
portant part of the paraphernalia. Hat-
ties are often made of shells-of gourds ,
partly filled with pebbles , sometimes of
a frame or circlet of wood about half
an inch deep , covered with tightly
stretched skin and mounted on a suit
able handle. In ninny of the dances ad
ditional rallies are used , consisting of
turtle shells bound on the legs of the
dancers at the knee , and having attach
ed to tlrem a bunch of deer or sheep
hoofs , which give out a rhythmical
clank as the performers stamp in uni
son. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . *
"A woman has to have some con
fidence in her husband , " remarked
Mrs. Meeklon.
"I don't quite see why , " replied the
wife in a rathe.- hard tone.
"Because she can't help herself.
Now , wli'-n I went to the polls to de
posit my ballot you had to rely on niy
honor lo make me vote ihe way you
told me to , Henrietta , you know you
did. " Washington Star.
An Unprincipled Acr.
Mrs. Severn Did you ever hear ol
such a thing !
Mrs. Sixtus It certainly was mean
of him to go to Dakota to oppose the
divorce after she had journeyed all the
way out there to secure it. Philadcl
uhia North American.
Easy Chances.
A slip may sprain , a thump may
bruise ; easy chances for pain and trou
ble. An easy way to cure right off is to
use St. Jacobs Oil. It takes no chances
and knows what it can do.
rsttsburg has been called the city ot
bridges. No fewer than fourteen
bridges span Ihe Mouougahela and Al
Jeghany rivers within the city limits.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot
re : ch HIP ? cit of the disease. Catarrh is a bleeder
or constitutional disease , and in order to cure it
jou i u t take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
i nre is taken intern : lly , and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this country for
years , and is a regular prescription. It is com
posed of the best tonics known , combined with
the best blood purifiers , acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for
testimonials , free.
F. J. CIIKNKY & CO. , Props. , Toledo , O.
Hold by Druggists , price 75c.
Admiral Schley is one of thirteen
children and has two uncles each the
father of others 13. He is no believer
in unlucky numbers.
A catalogue of 301) ) prizes , suitable h
every taste and condition , mailed on in-
( [ iiiry. Prizes given for saving Diamond
"C" ' Soap wrappers. Address Cudah.v
So.-ip Works. South Omnhn. Neb.
The average number of horses killed
in Spanish bull fights every year ex-
c-i-eds 5,000 , while from 1,000 to 1,200
bulls are sacrificed.
( i
For Infants and Children.
u iye Bought
simiiaUng UieToodandRegula-
ling the Stomachs andBovrels of Bears the
Promotes pfgesfioivCkerful-
ness andRest.Contains neither of
ppiurjrtMorphine norlfineral.
fhytrmxat' -
f terra Sctd -
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , SourStomach.Diarrhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and LOSS OF Sl/EEB
Tac Simile Signature of
. .
He What is this , dear ? She Pounc
take. He Isn't it rather small for it ;
weight ? Indianapolis Journal.
Molly I wonder why those chicken ;
are called leghorns. Dolly Don't yoi
see the little horns on their ankles-
Brooklyn Life.
"There's a lady pianist at the museun
who plays with her toes. " "Umph
That's nothing ; my baby does thatl"-
Yonkers Statesman.
"You look nice enough to eat , " ex
claimed the youth. "And so I do , " re
plied the maiden , "three times a day. '
Ohio State Journal.
Tommy "Why are single womei
called spinsters ? " Pa "I expect it' ;
because they arc always spinning i
web to catch a man , my boy. " Loudoi
Manager If young Gotrox backs tha
play of yours he is a fool. Miss Foot
lites That's all right. Fools rush ii
where angels fear to tread. Towi
Mrs. Bangle They say that half tin
world doesn't know how the other hal
lives. Bangle Then It must be the ?
"don't read the patent medicine testi
monials. Judge.
Pupil What , in your opinion , ' - professor
ser , is the most difficult mathematica
problem ? Poor Professor ( grimly- )
Tryiug to make both ends meet , . 1112
dear sir. Tid-Bits.
"You know , after all , " said the younj
father , "a baby does brighten up UK
house. " Single Skeptic "I daresay
I've noticed the gas burning late ir
your room recently. " Moonshine.
He "What lovely flowers. Do yoi
know , they remind me of you ? " She-
"Why , they are artificial. " He "Yes
I know ; but it requires close examiua
tiou to detect it.- Chicago News.
A servant girl in a Birmingham fain
ily was taken to task for oversleeping
herself. "Well , ma'am , " she said , " ]
sleep very slow , and so it takes me s
long while to get me night's rest. " Tit
First member musical committee
"Does the new soprano's voice lill tht
church ? " Second member "Hardly
The ushers tell me there are always
vacant seats in the gallery. " Detroit
"Well , I'm glad o' one thing. Out
Jim seems to have good religious com-
p'uy. " "How is that , mother ? " "His
last letter says he's comin' home in a
converted yacht. " Cleveland Plain
"I see , " said the elderly boarder ,
"that the paper says that the foe re
treated doggedly. I wonder what sort
of retreat that was ? " "Presumably , "
said the Cheerful Idiot , "they took to
their barks. " Indianapolis Journal.
Judge "You are accused of stealing
six reams of paper , three gallons of
ink , and five gross of pens. What have
you to say ? " Prisoner "Your honor ,
I am a novelist , and I was merely col
lecting material for a new story. "
Traveling Man A chop and a cup ol
coffee , quick ! My train leaves in twen
ty minutes. Waiter Yes , sah. .Seven
ty-live cents , sah. Traveling Man DC
you want pay in advance ? Waiter-
Yes , sah. Yo' may be gone befo' it's
cooked , sah.
"I have an invention which will revo
lutioni/e the world , " said the boaster.
"There ought to be a great demand for
something like that in Central and
South America , " replied the matter-of-
fact man. Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele
"And these places where you vote , ' '
said the gentleman from Europe , "you
call them the polls ? " "Yes , " said the
North Carolina citizen , "we 'call 'em
that. But the warmth around 'here
makes 'em spcm a good deal more like
equators. " Washington Star.
Burglar Bill ( "to his new cell-mate )
So you're a musician , are ye , air got
sent here fer stealing a pianny ? Well ,
ve won't do much musical practicin' in
dis place , I'll bet. Newcomer Oh , I
lou't know. If I get hold of a file I'll
probably try a few bars. Exchange.
"I'm ready , " shouted the speaker , "to
meet calmly any emergency that may
irise. " At this moment the platform
collapsed and the speaker exhibited
great , perturbation. "How about that
ne ? " they asked him later. "That one
lid notarise. ' ' Indianapolis Journal.
"Now that you've got your dog
ngain , " snld the rough-looking man ,
pocketing the reward , "you might ask
me if I wouldn't like something to
Irink. " "You forget , sir , ' ' sternly re-
alied the owner of the animal , "that I
said in my advertisement , "no ques
tions asked. " Chicago Tribune.
Dudley ( to phy icianl-Both women
ite fruit for s'upper , and I suppose it
svasn't quite ripe. My mother-Jn-law
kvas taken sick first : but believing that
my wife would be soon seized with a
similar attack , I deferred sending for
rou until you would be able to kill two
jirds with one stone. Life.
"Yesterday , ' ' said Jabson. "I refused
L poor woman a request for a small
mm of money , and in consequence of
ny act I passed a sleepless night. Tlie
ones or her voice wore ringing in my
ars thft whole time. " "Your softness
> f heart does you credit , " said Mabsor.j
'who was the Avoman ? " "My AVife. "
fnr.ity Fair.
Farmer Jones "You want a job , eh ?
! never seen the likes uv you looking
or a job before. " Weary Wrambler
'Oh ' , it's a mere fad with me ! I want
. ' job fer de same reason dat ladles go
lumming I want ter mix right in wid
er family , " and git morally shocked ,
nd- see jest how de odder half lives ,
nd all dat. " Puck.
Uaptnin Davfc.
Captain Dave , of the Piute tribe o
Indians , is a character in his way , am
ha.s achieved considerable reputatioi
as a wit. Civilization has done mud
for Captain Dave ; among other thing
it has taught him the Yankee way o
replying to one question by asking an
other. This is well illustrated in th
story which the Evening Chronicle o
Virginia City , Nevada , tells :
Some white men were joking Captaii
Dave the other da j about his claim tha
he could tell all the various tribes o
Indians. But as usual , when one at
tempts to get ahc d of Captain Dave
they came out second best. One ques
tion put to him was as follows :
"Captain Dave , doesn't Shoshoni
look pretty much same as Piute ? "
"Yep. "
"Doesn't Shoshone dress all same ai
Piute ? "
"Yep. "
"Then when Shoshoue talks Piute
how you tell him ? "
"When Dutchman talk English , hov
you tell him ? " came the laconic bu
pertinent reply , in faultless'pronuncia
Germany and Asia Minor.
It is inevitable that Asia Minor shal
eventually pass from Mohammedanism
and whether Germany accomplishes tin
task or not , the Sultan must yield to
Christian nation. It is just as inevitable
that diseases of the digestive organs musl
yield to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
which are usually called dyspepsia , con
stipation and biliousness.
Aii Old-Timer.
Hix That was a pretty good stor ;
Hoax told this morning.
Dix Yes ; but it has shattered my be
lief in an old axiom.
nix What one do you refer to ?
Dix The one in which we are led t <
believe the good die young.
In "Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes
During Avinter your feet feel imcoml'ort
able , nervous , and often cold and damp
If you have perspiring , smarting feet o
tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. I
warms and rests the feet and make
walking easy. Cures swollen am
SAveatiug feet , blisters and callous spot *
RelieA'es corns and bunions of all pail
and is a certain cure for chilblains an <
Trost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by al
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Tria
package mailed FREE. Address Allei
8. Qlmsted. Lc Roy. N. Y.
A simple and very efficient disinfect
ant to pour down a sink is a smal
quantity of charcoal mixed with cleai
Gates' Mexico Tours.
First tour leaves Chicago Jan. 17 ; sec
Mid tour leaves Chicago Feb. 11 , 1S99
Price of ticket includes all traveling ex
penses for thirty days. These tours an
nade by special trains of palace cars , in
ihuling dining cars. For descriptive books
iml r-'itos write lo Chas. H. GaLcs , Toledo
Good taste rejects excessive nicety ; i )
treats little things as little things am"
, s not hurt by them. Feullon.
Write It Down.
Write It down in a book , so you car
see it every day , that St. Jacobs Oil i
: is sure to cure Lame Back or Lum
bago as you write it down. It does its
best Avith ft and leaves behind a cure
that stays.
Coal is dearer in South Africa than
in any other part of the world. It is
cheapest in China.
To Care a Cold in One Day
Fake Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Inigeists refund the money if it fails to cure ,
! 5c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Don't forget that it is wicked to bet
md lose ; no man has the moral right to
jo wrong.-
I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con-
iiimptiou far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan
L'lnnistcad , Kent , England , Nov. 8 , ISDo.
The total lougih of the world's tele-
iraph system has now reached 4,008-
)21 ) miles.
Positive , soap ; comparative , good
oap ; superlative , Diamond "C" Soap.
Happiness is in the present ; the fu-
ure is the morrow which never is
Many diseases considered incurable -
* curable are catarrh
under other names.
Simple catarrh in
the head is called
incurable. Con
sumption is ca
tarrh of the
lungs , and its
victim is , no
doubt , past help
in the more ad
vanced stages ;
but great num-
crs of people die of consumption
eedlcssly. It is certain that every
hase of catarrh , including" many cases
f consumption , arc cured by the right
reatmcnt. Pe-ru-na , Dr. ITartman's
reat prescription , attacks catarrhal
iseases scientifically and cures them.
> r. Ilartman explains it fully in his
ooks which arc mailed on application ,
fere is a letter from Mrs , Ilarmeiiing ,
faze ManieVis. . , who is one of many
urcd of consumption by Pe-ru-na.
he bays :
\--ru-na Medicine Co. , Columbus , O.
DEAB SIRS : "I cannot praise your
jmedy too highly. Last winter I had
i grippe and hemorrhage of the lungs
) lloAved. All the doctors around here
) ld me I had to die of consumption ,
hen I thought I would ask Dr. Hart-
lan for advice , which I did. He pre-
iribed Pe-ru-na for me , and I took it
jcording to his directions and "was
ired. I advise , everybody that is
oubled with lung disease to take Dr.
artman's treatment. I am sure they
ill not regret it if they do. I am now
ijoying good health , and can thank
e-ru-na for it. "
jiuMn < c tiie Dirt.
It cannot be said that the oyster Im
presses one as being a cleanly creat
ure ; yet he dislikes dirt , and gets rid
of it in his own way. In the hollow o
most oyster-shells will be found dark
blotches , the size of a linger-nail , which
look not unlike blisters. Thi-se spots
seem to be a discoloration in thr > slu-il.
The silvery surface is unbroken oT
them , though the Irlack or dank blue
places bulge slightly above Uie sur
rounding AVhi' < > shell. Touch tin
spots with R fork , and they are easily
broken , showing a layer of shell of
tissue-paper thinness covering small
masses of mud , which may be scraped
away until , beneath , the ordinary
white oyster-shell is reached.
Faith in the Doctor.
An exchange quotes a stovy said to
haA'e been told at a "charity dinner. "
A man was brought into the accident
hospital Avho was thought to be dead.
His Avife was with him. One of the
doctors said , "He is dead , " but the man
raised his head and said , "No. I'm not
dead yet ; " whereupon his Avife admonished
ished him , saying , "Be quiet ; the doctor
ought to kuoAV best. "
A scientist estimates the time sfnco
the earth became sutlicleutly eool&l to
become the abode of plants , nml ani
mals to be about 20.000.0UO years , with
in limits of error ranging between 15.-
000.000 anil r.O.nOO.OOO years.
Ask your grocer for list of prizes to
users of Diamond "C" Soap.
A horse vlll live twenty-five days
without food , merely drinking water.
Mrs. Wlii'.lovr'.H ijnoTiu.Nc ; Ynur : nr < : iitit- ! -ii
ffctlnnj ? : EOlteiis the tfums , rcaiite * ina&initiatiuu.
allays pain , cures wind colic. ' < cents s tx > Mii >
One pound of sheep's wool Is capable
of producing one yard of cloth.
WANTED. Cnj.eori > : i < l health thatn-I'P-A N'-wll !
not bt'iipflt. St'iul 5 cents to Ul-vuin Chpnrloft1 Co. .
New York , for lo.oainiilfs ami ' < " ' t % tincmal3. ! !
Defeat is a school in which truth al
ways grows strong.
Earnest Words From "Women "Who Have Been Believed of Backache-
Mrs. Pinkham Warns Against Neglect.
DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I have "been thankful a thousand times , sinoe I wrote
yon , for what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. I followed your ad
vice carefully , and now I feel like a different person. My troubles were back
ache , headache , nervous tired
feeling1 , painful menstruation and
I took four bottles of Vegetable
Compound , one box of Liver
Pills , and used one package of
Sanative Wash , and am now well.
[ thank you again for the good
vou have done for inc. ELLA E.
BUENNER , East Rochester , Ohio.
Great numbers of such letters as
the above are constantly being re
ceived by Mrs. Pinkham from wo
men who owe theirhealth andhap-
piness to her advice and medicine.
Mrs. Pinkham's address is
Lynn , Mass. Her advice is of
fered free to all suffering women
who are puzzled about themselves.
If you have backache don't neg
lect it or try heroically to ' 'work it
down , "yoiT must reach the root of
the trouble , and nothing will do
this so safely and surely as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. Backache is accompanied
by a lot of other aches and wearying sensations , but they nearly always foine
from the same source. Remove the cause of these distressing things , and 3-011
become well and strong. Mrs. S. J. SWAXSOX. of Gibson City , 111. , telli her ex
perience in the following letter : t
" DEAR MRS. PIXKHAM : Before using your medicine I was troubled with head
ache and my back ached so that I could not rest. Your medicine is the bt"-t 1 have
ever used ; it has relieved me of my troubles , and I feel like my self again.
Thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham.
' I would advise an y one troubled with female weakness to take your mtidi-
l shall also recommend it wherever I can as a great reliever of pain. "
A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. PinKham's Advice ana Medicine
"Thoughtless Foks : ! Have the Hardest
Work , but Quick Witted
People Use
contains o\erlWWU ( quotations , lU.OJO illustration * . the lasvevt.mo'-t
complete and lowest priced ciitnlo uo ever pubiit-hm NAMES THE
ever , ) tiling in drocrrlcc , l > rug > , llrj Uoctis , Jiotlon. , < lilnir.r , ( tnl ,
Dre M , Moots aart Shoes , Matches , Jewelrr , IccL > , lUrdnnrr , S n r ,
Agricultural Implements , Kurnltcrc , llaracjn , haJJIr. , Hiircifi , Hmlng
Machines , t'roeter. , Organs , I'lano , . Jlmliallnstrcnif r.lt , , I i.rnlkti ! , < ; < < ! ,
uni , UevolTer * , l-UhlngTarklt. Blcjtlcn. I'hpioiraphlr ( . .n.d , fte. Te.ls
j ust what your storekeeper at home must pay for ever * thinrhf Imjs
nndwill pi event him frum orcn-harxintc y a on anyibiRK } * " " buy ;
explainsjusthow to order how muoh the fr lchf. nprr tnail wiU
BeonanytUlnstoyoiirtoun. THE BIQ BOOK COSTS US NEARLY SI ,
the postage alone isSOcents.
Cut this advcrtiK-mcnt out
ttampstohelpimytheSOeeiiti po lai ; andtheltt IlOf.U will l.c tnt
toyouFKEE by m il postpaid , and if you don t E2y it is vortli l'X
times the 15 cents you send , as a key to the lowest wb 'ic-ala pricta
of everything- , say so , and wo will Imm4lnelreiuru ; our 1 * t ct .
"It is a monument of business information.Minneapolis
( Minn. ) Tribune.
"A wonderful piece of work. " Washington Xattnrml Tribune.
"The catalogue- a wonder. " JIancliester N. I ! ) Union.
"Sears , Koebuck & Co. is one of the largest Louies o ; its ! < d in
Chicago. " Chicago Inter Ocean.
"The bit ; catalog-vie forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could possibly be sent into o. district.- '
.Boyce'a Monthly , ChUaco.
'Their catalogue is a vast department etorc boiled down. " Atlanta Constitution.
"The catalogue is certainly n. merchandise encyclopaedia. " Chicago Epworth Herald.
"A law should bo passed compelling the use of thte catalogue in ail publirsphools. " The lion < " . . A J-fUtit"iiru
We coultl qaote thousands of similar eitracti. HEXD15 CLMSATOM'E and TOO ulll recede the-i'lli. liooL b rrlorntjait.
\ddress , SEArJS , ROEBUCK & CO.lnc.\ ( CHICAGO , ! LL. , U. S. A.
SparroAVs Fight .Like Game Cocks.
Sparrows arc the most determined
fighters among the birds , the bull dogs
among the four-footed animals being ,
the nearest to these little pests in point
of grit and endurance.
Two of them were recently observed
in terrific combat on the roof of a
house. In the fury of battle they nearo.l-
the edge of the roof and one toppled
over. Instantly the other Hew on the
top of him and forced litrn to the pave
ment , where the contest was resumed
as fiercely as ever. They took no no-
lice of a bystander who approached the
angry birds and picked up beth of
them. After carrying them a little dis
tance he set them free , but their spirit
was unbroken , and they went at it
again , bill and claw. By and by one
of them gave in and fled , but his rival
was not generous enough to let him
be , for he gave chase , but whether he
caught him or not the onlooker was un
able to learn. Wherever they may roam
these birds may always be relied upon
for impudence and quarrelsomeness.
No Pnuishuient Too Severe.
Mrs. Blinks A Berlin editor has
been sent to prison for three months
for printing a joke about Emperor Will
iam. Don't you think that outrageous ?
Mr. Blinks ( thoughtfully ) Well , I
don't know. Perhans it was a pun.
New York Weekly.
Not an Exception.
Softleigh So you aw , don't think
the clothes make the man , Miss Cut
ting ?
Miss Cutting Well , they didn't In
your case , at least
"Nothing but wheat AX
far as the ' > * oulil reach
oil either S'IPnimtyoj
migbtoa , ! . t-aof wheat *
was what a lecturer.
s p e a k u y. "t Western
Canada , sa. 1 wh ! e refer
ring to tnat wintry.
1 For part -.Jars as to
routes , railway far s. etc. . apply to N. I5irtholo-
inew. : C 5th StrPPt. DCS Moines , low.t. Ajjeat for
the Goorniac-ijt of Canada.
Lt Prlncip * ; SzABlntr U. 8. reocion Btu a.
3 jr > . in but vir. IS a4jvdk nnx clxltnt iUr
Iowa Farms tor sal * . $2 per acrtf cashba
; crop/Setil paid. J * MoJhali , Stouisf ity. ;
D A T C WTcurcd or = : = t ree.
iM I Li ! I Cal'amcr&Co 4Fbt. gto. , D.C
* .
Use Big for unnatural
aiicnargej , inflammationa ,
Gaarantred irritations or ulcerationi
I to . of mucous membranei.
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