WOOD BROTHERS LIVE STOCK A D COMMISSION MERCHANTS SCUTH OMAHA AFD GHiGACO. WALTER E.'WOOD. ( Vtttle Salesman. HENKY 0. LKFLKII. Hog Salesman WE FURNISH MARKET REPORTS FREE OF EXPENSE. Write to UP. / § ) Write to us. MAN INCORPORATED , ESTABLISHED 1862. 3HIGACO , ILL. SIOUX CITY , IA. ST. JOSEPH , MO. SO. ST. PAUL , KINN. . LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS ms I30' 2 m $ EXCHANGE BuiioiNG SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA JOHN L. CAHSOX , Financial Manager. D. B. OLNEY. Cattle Salesman. J. M. COOK , Hog Salesman. .1. A. McINTYIlK , Hog Salesman. C. A. CALDWELL , Cishier. COX , JONES & COX LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itoom 1OS Kxchitngc r.eferences : JNION STOCK YAHDS PACKERS' NATIOJNAG NATIONAL BANK BANK. Telphone 141 We have a large clienti'pp among Xehraska Fecders and can always neat Omaha prices to Ranch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFORE SHIPMENT. FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY > / / LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS Capital $10OOGO.GO Directors : HnloMmen : F. W. FLATO , Ju , President. ED II. Hi ir > [ X PAUL FLATO , Vice President. JIM S. UOKN \ f uttle fcatesme , , t' I J. C. DAHLMAN. becretary. E. W. CAIIOAV , Hop Salesma JOHN D. SEITZ. Ilrcn HITCHCOCK , Sheep " ED H. KIED , JOHN P. CLARY , Cashier SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500,000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS If li f > * 30l { { TOOK EXCHANGE SESTAUEANT. OPEX DAY AND NIGHT. E. T. MILLEB , Proprietor. LODGING FoFsTOCKMEN 40 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS 262' H STREET , South Omaha. Three Doors From Corner BATES : $1.00 to 11.50 Per Day. / Telephone No. 67 § 5.00 to § 7.00 Per \\'e & ' R j V BOTEL. MRS. JOHN REED , Proprietress. STOCKMEN'S PATRONAGE ESPECIALLY SOLICITED , ffith St. Between L and M Streets. South Omaha , Nebr * A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. It ha been repeatedly demon traied in the past that Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can sitiafy yourself as to the truth of that dlarement by comparing the sales at Sioux City , last year , with those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold rattle at Sioux City. This year Sioux City is in the field for fat cat tle HS well as feeders. The r at beef slaughtering plant of the Cudnhy Packing Co. is ready for business The capacity of the Stock Yards lias been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. Ko charges , except for feed ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market. he Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN IT. KEENTC , General Manager FIRST CLASS MILL I iwe established a Fewl and Saw Mill 9 miles south of Cody , at the mouth of Medicine CAiiyon. and am now prepared to grind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sniff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J , F. HOOK , ANCHOR WIRE FENCE , . . Stronzest fence on the market , is perfectly safe and an effectual barrier against all forms of stock. Made of No. 8 galvanized stool wire. Cro s wires securely clamped. Inex pensive. Write for cat SCO alogue , Meut. this paper OLP STYLE. OUR 6TYUC. . NELSON CODY , KEBK. Has recently started in business and offers bargains to nil cash buyers of Groceries Corn Chopped feed /'Voter Salt Wire , Soft a nil Hard Iiise , Ifctlfttff. Oils a ltd all kindx of Ranchers' Supplies T H. FRITZ o \vnlee , - work promptly attanacil RJ-E : WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher C'oininixnionertt' Proceedings. VALENTINE , Neb. , Jan. 4 , ' 99. J3oard met pursuant to adjournment. Present. P. Sullivan , chairman , and T. P. Spratt. On motion the following settlement of fees received by county clerk for the year ending January 4 , 1590 , was ac cepted. Cash fees received as county clerk for year 1898 : Fir&t quarter ? 353.43 Second quarter 395.25 Third quarter 1M2.CO Fourth quarter 454.18 Total $1,495.33 Cash fees received as clerk of district court : First quarter $41.73 becond quarter 92.15 Third quarter 75.00 Fourth quarter 82.51 Total $291.99 Total cash fees received $1,787.37 County warrants received S22.69 Claims filed against Co no war's drawn 506.9 , " Total fees and claims received $2,917.01 Amt allowed by law as county clerk $1,500.00 Amt allowed by board for deputy clerk 700 00 Clerk hire district court 30.00 Amt of expenses paid forcountv 72.90 Total § 2,302.90 Balance due county $614.11 Claims canceled to balance. Claim No. 119 ' . S 23.50 ' " 121 2.00 " 133 $00.00 " 143 40.45 " 144 15.00 " 166 100.00 " " 167 26.50 Warrart No G38 lOfi.66 Total claims and warrant canceled $614.11 I hereby certify that the within is a true and correct account of fees received by me as county clerk for the year 1898 J. W. DANIELS , County Clerk. We hereby accept the -within settle ment this 4th day of January , 1899. P. SULLIVAN | County T. P. RPRATT | Commis'nrs Whereupon the board proceeded to the office of the count } ' treasurer to make annual settlement with him and adjourned to January 5 , 1899. On motion the report of fees received by the county judge for the year 1898 was accepted. Jan. o , 1899 Board met as per ad journment. Present , W. A. Parker , chairman , T. P. Spratt and L. II. Trowbridge , and continued in the busi ness of settlement with the county treasurer during the day. Whereupon the bo.'ird adjourned to January 6.1899. Jan. 6 , 1899 Board met pursuant to adjournment , members all present , and continued in business of settling with county treasurer until noon. On motion the oflicial bond of W. G. Carson as justice , Cleveland precinct , was approved. On motion II. K. Brown was granted a holdout for $3.00 which should have been made at November meeting , 1898. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : Amos Strong , serving subpocnaes 9 25 School Dist No. 7 , use ot hoiibc 2 60 llobert Good , stationery 15 50 Lewis Bordeaux witness vs Tatc * 7 00 Xills the Buzzard " 7 00 Jlcnry Tretty Ea < ; le " 7 00 Isaac Yellow Kobe * ' 700 Thos Slansbie. house for election ' 93 2 00 " election returns 5 00 Ed Clarke defending Durling 5 00 On County Road Fund : C W Bennett road overseer Diet No 30 10 00 On County General Fund : Amos Strong jailor fees , guard duty etc 71 00 J A Hootou bailiff and hoarding jurors 1C 55 Chas E Sherman bailiff 10 00 Amos Strong atten'ng court.lU cords wood 15 75 On motion the claim of W. 11. White of ? 3 00 for use of house for election was rejected , he having filed a previous bill for $2.00 which was allowed. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : W 11 Towne fees county court 16 11 " " vs Green o 75 ' " vs Durling 10 65 I N Kussell canvassing election returns 2 00 \V E Haley " - " 2 00 W H Towne election certificates 41 60 " fees vs Squires 4 95 State Journal Co. . ballots 1893 41 80 L N Layporle witness vs Taw 2 85 " " 2 85 It . . . . O QQ L C Sparks , interpreter " 1 00 L S Ludwig witness vs Evans 1 00 Joseph Jackson , use of house 2 CO Amos Strong , jailor fees , guard duty , etc 40 00 Hiram Cornell , rent for Nov. 1898 Oo t > 7 Amos Strong , summoning witnesses C 20 Henry Young , interpreter Tate case 2 90 Henry Pretty Eagle witness Tate case 5 70 Isaac Yellow Koue " " 5 7f > J i Stafford " " 2 00 E It Thompson " " 260 J B Vancurren ' ' 2 r 0 \V 1C Towne cleaning office 2 00 ' fees vs Goodsell 4 80 Amos Strong , jailor fees , guard duty , etc IS 00 W H Wilkenson , juror , Nov. 1898 10 50 W M Reamer ditto 14 70 J IV b'inlayson " M on Samuel Hudson " 8 00 Thomas Stansbiu " . H 00 George Wheeler " 11 CO Chas Yingst " G 00 Richard Grooms " 5 00 Henry Hoeiug " 4 00 Dewey Kellogg " 7 M IIM Cn.mar " . 7 . ' .0 I ) A Piercy " s 50 EW Manchester 770 Allen Williams " 4 70 D D Dunn ' 3 00 JBStoil " 1100 Horace Wallingfonl " 10 oo Thomas Hudson " 8 10 E W Mudge " 9 50 Frank Weeks " 4 5 D\iiifcl Adamson " 10 CO ' > W Halm " G 50 Win Storey , talesman C 00 Win Shelbourn " G 00 J S Estabrook C 00 Henry S Claybaugh , witness vs Diirlini ; . " 60 Mrs. " " ditto 5 60 Gee M Trolfer " 5 00 . . . Gee Hammond 4 QO Amos Strong " 4 00 Lizzie Hurling " 4 00 Wm Amiuons " 7 50 Win Hornsteln " 5 f > 0 Win Ayers " 5 80 Nora Ayers ' 5 80 Maggie Sisler ' 7 SO On County Bridge Fund : , U F Pettycrew , bridge w rk 4 00 i On County General Fund ; J Mogle , justice. lUchey case 5 35 .1 A Rose , constable " 8 75 Wm Dunbar , witness " i 50 Chas AClaik " i 50 Arthur Williamson " 1 50 L N Layporte , constable , Goodsoll case 3 90 Frank Fischer , witness , " 1 00 L N Layport " " 1 00 Nels Polen " " 1 CO William Longlana " " 1 00 Gee Hammond " 1 00 J A Hitt " " 1 00 Araos Strong " " 1 00 George Hershey " " 100 On County Bridge Fund : Will Archer , repairing bridges C 00 On Jiotion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied on personal taxes due : Will Archer 0 00 George Hershey C8 L N Layport 4 90 Win Dunbar 1 50 J A JtoiC 8 75 Jacob Moglc 1 53 U F Pcttycrew1 03 J W Sisler G 88 Win Ayers 3 33 Wm Ammon 73 Goo Hammond 50 Ceo M Troffer 5 oo Henry Claybaugh 5 60 Win Shelbourn G 00 Win Storey G 03 Tho.nas Stansbic 18 00 ChasYingst / 00 Kichard ( { rooms 210 Henry Hocni 4 00 Dewey Kellogg 7 50 W A Parker 471 DA Piercy 8 50 E \V Manchester 7 70 Allen Williams 4 70 D D Dunn 3 00 .1 B Stoll 9 91 O \V Halm 5 50 H G Wallingford 10 00 Thos Hudson 8 19 Frank Weeks 4 65 Daniel Adamson 10 00 J W Finlaysou 2 35 amuel Hudson 8 50 E W Mudgc 9 50 J S Estabronk 5 3U Kobcrt Good 15 50 Ihos Stanshic 7 tf ) J A Hooton 3 13 C \'V Bennett lit 00 Chas E Sherman 10 00 Wit Towne 175 W E Haley 200 Whereupon the board adjourned to January 7th. " Jaunuary 7 , 1899. Board met pur suant to adjournment ; Chairman Par ker going out to iospect the new bridges recently constructed across the Gordon , Boardman and Snake. Commission ers Spratt and Trowbridge took up business in the usual manner. On motion the report of fees received by Amos Strong as sheriff for the year 1898 was accepted. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : Foster Thunder Hawk witness Tate case $5 00 On motion the claim of school Dist. .No. 7 for $5.00 for use of house for election was rejected for icasou that a previous bill for $2.50 had been allowed for that purpose. On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on county general fund : W F Morgareidge , framing Trans-Mississippi diploma school exhibit ? 2 oo Amos Strong , viewing dead body of D M Underwood , summoning inquest , etc 14 40 Marlin Richardson , use of house a oo A J Barnes , juror Underwood inquest 1 00 C H Stoner " " " 1 00 AXewberry " " " 1 00 Frank Mogle " " " 1 00 Conic Morgan " " " 1 00 L E Stuart " " " 1 00 Ames Strong , jailor fees , guard duty 10 days and nights in December 40 00 On County Road Fund : Wm Body road overseer Dist 51 5 00 On County General Fund : D S LudwiK coal lor county 16 05 T C Hornby supplies for poor 7 35 Gee Elliott " " county 300 Hiram Cornell rent for Dec. 1898 GO G7 On County Bridge Fund : D C Nelson lumber 1 20 On County General iuind : W II Towne fees Christiansen case D 05 W F Morgurciiige expense 4th quarter 'OS 0 50 tlohn Fiitz witness fees ( 'hrblian en case 7 oo J 11 Leo ditto 7 00 CSKeesc " 1 00 L X Layporte constable" : t 50 John Smyser witness " 1 00 F M Waluott salarv 4qr county attorney 162 50 P Sullivan commissioner fees 21 fcO W IJ Towne expenses paid .VI On County R ad Fund : Peter Yogt road overseer district 7 2s CO On Count } ' General Fund : Lr II Hornby supplies for county 43 18 W F Morgareidge salarv 4qr Co Supt 210 75 Hobt Good stationary i 60 n E Sherman , fe"s Squires case 16 95 On County Road Fund : Wm Archer road overseer Distil 21 00 U II Folsom 10 25 00 J F Hook " " " 17 3S 00 GcoMTroffer 53 2400 J A Denison " ' " s 23 00 S M Woodward ' " 13 25 00 .lohn Ormesher ' " 25 27 00 J It Lee " 43 22 00 Albert Neiuel ' " G 19 00 On motion the otlicial bond of L. Laufer as road overseer Dist. Xo. 30 was rejected for reason that it was not filed before the expiration of the time allowed by law. On motion L Laufer was appointed road overseer in Dist. No. 80. On motion the following amounts | were deducted from the above allowed ! claims and applied upon personal taxes ; due : i C E Sherman ! 1 6 ! DC Nelson 1 au Gee Klliott 3 0) J It I.fC 7 00 .1 W Smyser ! GO L X I.nyport 57 John Frit/ 7 00 C S Kecce 1 00 | A .1 Barnes 1 00 Frank \orli ! : 1 00 L E Stuart 1 00 A Xewherry l no F M Walcott 15 r.0 Gvo H Hornby 18 I * D S Ludwig 1C 05 T C Hornby 7 X Kohr Good 1 CO .lolin Ormesher 1 13 " J A Denison 15 G4 J K lee 22 00 Wm Body 3 75 S M Woodward u 91 T P Spratt 7 43 ZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO. G. SOHWALM. PROP. This market always keeps a supply of FRESH-FRUIT-AND- In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Hams , Breakfast .Bacon and Vegetables AtStetter'a Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON | HEADQUARTERS FOR $ WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGAFS S ifc Of the Choicest Brands i > VALENTINE NEBRASKA MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits * and < * Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent , First door South of Valentine Bank , * Q JA i The DONOHER g if- is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOlcTlIWEST NEBRASKA Hoi and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Simple Rooms crcrefcrcr HERRY OUNTY HANK Valentine , Nebraska Evpvy fucility extended unslompr.- } consistent with conserv'.itive banking I'ArliP.iige liougiil find sold. Loans upon good security solicited at roisonib ; : f r.-iU-s. County depository K. ISI'A IMvS. President CIIAIlLES SPARKS Cashier C. 11. CORXELiy , M. V. NiCHOLSSON , Cashier VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Ranking Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange < JorrtsjOiiiIeiit8 ; Chemical National Hank , New York. First National Hank. Omaha Nebr. Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Reforenc-e Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , NEB We charge no commission. On motion the following claim was ! allowed and warrant oulered drawn on county general fund : T P Spratt S1G 10 On motion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied on personal ta < cs due. Alhcrt Neir/.el in fX ) Ceo M TroftVr 03 .1 F Hook 8 i.5 Win \rchcr 18 c ; { Peter Vo t 16 04 ( ; H Folspin 'J5 00 Whereupon the board adjourned sine die. J. W. DANIELS , fountv Clerk. J. C. DWTER. E. H. DWFER DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. ALENTEiE.NEBRASKA TjjEDFQRD HOSPITAL Modern pqui iwiit. Up tn-iiatu proced ures. AH the newer iv.i-thods in -M.riHMNKail.SUHGKKY .Siipciallk's llav ft'vor , CnJarrJi. Caiirer , Iii : ! > lir ! < ! slid I'Ucs t-nrctl without the knifr. Iisea < f nf the ojo. car , stomach : n < 1 of iMUjH'ii. MII | all phronio discuej. WUI : uss\vi'r rals ! lij mail or wire within : i < liHl4iicM > f too miles. ItK lar ( lays : THUisiYiml : KUIDAY at SENECA -amlMUI.LKX- The balance ofthc week atTIIEDFOltlX Dr. M. . OLAEK , Manager The SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Bye , Susqtiehanna R'eand Cedar Creek L ouisviile. Kentucky , Bourbon V/hisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAn ellicaPortSheiT7 and lilaek berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasta and Clicquot in bot- tli-s. Damiana and oth er Cordials. * so Agent for M Kings Cslebrated Ki- TJ , Pale B33r for hmily use , and P .bsts Expo t BfiT C. H. THOMPSON , . . Win. sK. Prop. THEOFORD - - NEBRASKA.