Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 12, 1899, Image 1

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" " * -
- Speaker Heed Says There Is No
Question in His Mind that on Ac
cepting Commissions in the Army
Thi'Ir Scats Were Vacated.
Cai/t Draw Tivo Salaries.
A report was published In Washington
Saturday night to the effect that the house
fconimittea on Judiciary had informally de-
< } 5.cd ( I/T unanimous vote that the scats of
: MCSU.J Wheeler of Alabama , P. Campbell
pf IKuois , and Colson of Kentucky have
been vacated by the occupancy by these
centlemen of commissions in the array.
If embers of the committee deny this state-
- pient in toto. It is true , hoAvever , that
'Speaker Reed has not certified to the ser
vices of these members during the month
of December. Speaker Reed , Avhen asked
fl ? ! . his refusal to sign the certificates for
the I lecember salaries for the three gentle-
JTU r whose seats are involved , said :
. ' A s soon as 1 was advised by the Avar de
partment tnat Messrs. Wheeler , Colson and
Campbell Avere officers of the army I , of
course , declined to consider them as mem
bers of the house , as in my opinion there
can be no question as to their haA-ii > j : va
cated their seats. If it Avere otherwise , "
continued the speaker , "it would be possi
ble for the president , finding a majority of
pay five against him in the house of repre
sentatives , to override the Avill of the peo-
. le by simply appointing six members of
the majority party to positions in the army ,
and thereby place the minority party in
control of the representative branch of the
national legislature. "
treets Arc Barricaded and Build
ings "Kerosened. "
the sp clal emissary of Gen.
Manila jjmi Iloilo , arrived in
III * . _
* M > WVJ * fw - - V
l 1 * * fTll
IM- left was practically iWian d ; Tue
streets Avere barricadel. airSfc lt : was re"
that ? had een
ported principal buildiiAg
"kerosened. " the insurgents h-JmS threat
ened to destroy the A\hole busin\e5s section
bylireatthefirst shot ol boi bardment-
The banks Avere snipping theii 0 1116
to the United States transport
port and other vessels. The fai ?
of the American vice consul has gof.
on board the Xcwport. Col. Potter reports A P |
that President McKinley's proclamation
bad to be type vrritten aboard ship , S"
printers on sJii > > re declined to do the
Privates IL-rrj * Silvey and Frank
Patrick of the Sixth United States artj'
-\\hile guarding a Avater boat astern of the
KVj.ort . , were attacked by the natives of
tinorew. . Private Silvey's skull Avas frac-
tuivil , fatall } , and Private Kirkpatrick fell
- oorliiKird , but escaped with a flesh wound.
Four Dead and Two Injured Because
of a Tcuiiesst'/Wreck.
Four dead , two injured , one of lhe e per
haps fatally , and the loss of property to
the Southern Kailway to the amount of
' about $100.000. is the result of a Avreck
which occurred Sunday morning on the
KnnxvilleandOhio branch of the KnoxA'ille
. division of the Southern .Railway , one and
ono-half'-niiles west of Elk Valley , Tenn.
A .Onble-header freight train , loaded with
coal andmerchandisecrashed | into a mixed
local passenger train while both Avere run
ning at the rate of thirty-five n-Hes an hour.
The cM-.ginesmet head on , the force of impact
being terrific. The coining together of the
two trains Avas so sudden that the trainmen
-were unable to jump to save their lives.
The passenger train Avas running fifteen
minute late , and all freight trains had been
notified that the passenger train Avas on a
late run. and the only cause for the accident
that can be g\cn is that Engineer Maxey ,
of the freight train , misread his orders.
Immediately after the crash the wrecks
caught fire. The passenger train carried
about twenlx passengers. Xone of these
were injured.
SocialistDemocratsof Massachusetts
The socialist Democratic party of Mass-
achsetts held a mass convention in Boston
Sunday , at Avhich Mayor Chase of HaA'er-
hill , presided. It Avas voted that all
possible honorable assistance be given to ,
the trades union movement. It Avas voted
to hold a state convention in Boston in
May for the nomination of candidates for
state offices. A state committee Avas also
"chosen. .
Famous Knight of Pythias Dead.
Frederick Silberg.oue of the most famous
Knights of Pythias in the country , died at
his home in Cleveland , Ohio Sunday. Sil-
berg Avas six feet live inches tall and
" weighed 310 pounds. He was one ol the
axmen known as the "Big Five , " and he
had for years led the parade at the national
- encampment.
Gives $1OOOO to Princeton.
It was announced Monday that Geo. A.
Armour of Chicago of the class of ' 77 , had
given $10,000 to Princeton university to
Found a classical department in the uuiver-
jity library. For the next three years he
' frill give $2700 annually for the further sup <
port of the department. . . '
Their Operations Extended Over
Two Continents.
Earon and Baroness Edgar de Bara , alias
Geo. B. Henschel and 3Iiss E. Wilson , who
Avere arrested atSt. Augustine , Fla. , charged
AA'ith using the mails for fraudulent purposes ,
were given a preliminary hearing before
United States CommissionerGoodell. They
were positively identified Dy Carrier Hogan -
gan of the Chicago postoffice as Hen
schel and Miss Wilson , Avho operated the
Edison Phonograph Company in that city
in November last.
The direct charge their swindling
schemes are said to be numerous is the
fraudulent use of the United States mails ,
through Avhich they operated their biggest
and most successful fraud , Avhich found
victims both in this country and in Great
Britain. Posing as the Edison Phonograph
Company , Avith offices at room 512 , 115
Dearborn Street , Chicago , they sent circu
lars aud letters broadcast , and sold , by
means of these , bogus agencies for ingen
ious slot machines which were never man
ufactured. It is said that they collected as
much as $100,000 from Great Britain alone ,
ind as much from the United States.
Harrison Men Control Illinois State
Central Committee.
The Democratic state central committee
of HlinoiSfin session at Springfield , declared
itself for the Chicago platform and for
William J. Bryan. Mr. Bryan was present
and made an address , thanking the com
mittee for the personal compliment and
congratulating the organization on its dec
laration in favor of free and unlimited
coinage of silver. The adopted resolutions
indorsing silver and Mr. Bryan by unanin
mous A'ote were something of a surprise for
it Avas expected that several of the com'J
mittee Avith leaning toward the gold standard -
ard Avould oppose any declaration in favor
of the platform of 18915. Aside from the
declaration of party policy the meeting of
the committee was of interest because of
the contest concerning its organization be-
tAvecn the Harrison and Alt geld factions.
The Chicago men controlled matters.
Confession of a Dying Girl Fnipli-
cates Her Father.
George Vance , a Clearmont , Mo. , grain
dealer , is in the XodaAvay County jail ,
charged Avilh murder. His daughter
Gertrude , aged 38. has been _ keeping house
for him and her two half brothers. The
girl became violently ill Tuesday and
later confessed that her father Avas the
author of her ruin. She said he had as
saulted her under threat of killing her and
that he had told her if she spoke of the oc
currence he would cut her throat. The physician -
sician who heard the confession caused
Vance's arrest on a charge of murder after j
the girl's death. To prevent a lynching
\ \ _ _ Avas hustled out of town and kept
"concealed until Thursday , when he Avas
" lodged in the XodaAvay County jail.
\ Calvin S. Briee's Estate.
" Although the value of the late Calvin S.
JJrice S personal property in New York is
fixed attmly $600,000 in petition for letters
of administration on file at the surrogate's
office it 15 jxrobable that his Avhole estate ,
Avhen formally taken into account Avill
amount to about $7.000.000.
Killed Five Hundred Dervishes
Particulars regarding the recent battle
on the Blue Nile have been received from
Caiuo. Col. Lewis , it appears , when he
routed Emir Fedil , the last remaining for
midable dervish chief , killed 500 of his
followers and made many prisoners. The
emir , however , escaped.
Proves Ungrateful.
A. K. Willis , a farmer living near
Brighton , Colo. , has been robbed of $7,000 ,
AVhich he had in a bureau draAver. Her
man Matson , a tramp to Avhom Willis had
given shelter , has disappeared and is sus
pected of having taken the money.
To Be a Fight for the Estate.
It is stated that there Avill be a contest
of the estate of the late Mrs. Lewis C. Led-
j-ard , Avhich is worth more than $1,000,000 [ )
and consists largely of real estate in Xew
York City and Michigan. Two wills have
been placed for probate.
.Roland Reed Fined in Court.
Koland Heed , the actor , was arraigned in
police court at Wilkesbarre. Pa. , Thursday
charged Avith committing an assault upon
Roger JJowell , property man at the Nes-
bitt Theater. He Avas fined $12.50 and
costs , Avhich he paid.
To Be liaised to Rank of Embassy
A dispatch from Vienna , says Count
GoluchOAVski , the Austrian-Hungarian
minister of foreign affairs , Avill shortly ask
for a credit in order to elevate the Austro-
Hungarian legation at Washington to the
rank of an embassy.
Six Thousand Weavers Strike.
The strike in the Rhenish velvet district
in Germany is spreading to Crefeld. The
Aveavers in eight factories have struck in
Eupen. Belgians fromVervirs are re-
placing the strikers. About 6,000 men are
McKinFey Is Merciful.
The president has pardoned the twelve
Leech Lake Indians sentenced to various
terms of imprisonment and fined for resist
ing an officer in making an arrest , which
caused the uprising in Minnesota last fall
Cold May Ruin Oyster Beds.
Oyster men claim that if the preseni siege
of cold weather continues , culiivated oyster
beds on Puget sound and Willaha harbor
valued at nearly $1,000,000 , Avill be ruined
The superior man is slow in his words
and earnest iu bis conduct. Confucius :
The Business World as Seen by R.
G. Dun & Co.
II. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of
Trade says : The year begins with the kind
of business demand that counts. Formerly
there had been a rising demand for ma
terials , but now the crowding demand for
finished products begins to advance prices
in the iron and steel industry about 1 per
cent. , without quotable changes in pig , ex
cept at the east. The demand has
never been greater at the beginning
of the year than it is now.
Cotton goods are in fair demand. The marC
ket is so far relieved of accumulated
_ _
plus that prices are not likely to decline
materially , even if cotton falls. The
wheat movement lias to sustain it the
largest foreign demand movement CA'er
known for Avheat and corn together , At
lantic exports being 5,215,000 bushels , Hour
included , against 2,840,318 bushels last
j'ear. This Avould give some rea
son to anticipate higher prices Avere
not the Avestern receipts 4.101,532
bushels , against 2,876,072 for the same Aveek
last year. The Avonder is that the foreign
demand for corn continues so heavy , 3,572-
412 bushels having been exported in this
Aveek , against 2,954,890 bushels in the same
week 'ast ' year. Failures for the Aveek have
been 248 in the United States , against 322
last year , and 24 in Canada against 32 last
year. _
lowan"\Vill Remain Member of In
terstate Commerce Commission.
J. D. Ycomans of Sioux City , Iowa , has
been renominated by the president for
interstate commerce commissioner. His
nomination would have been sent to the
senate last month but for the pressure
brought ' to bear upon the president to give
the friends of the other candidate for the
place a chance to be heard. Yeomans is
reappoinled upon his record. He Avas
unanimously endorsed by his colleagues ,
and this is the. first time the commission
ever took such action. All the loAva dele'c
gates * in both houses indorsed him , and
nine-tenths ' of the principal railroads of
the country and the commercial bodies of
the northAvest joined in asking the pres
ident to recognize Mr. Yeamans' services
by reappointing him.
Says the Thing to Do Is to Destroy
a Few Thousand Filipinos.
Ex-President Cleveland , in reply to a re
quest of a representative of the Associated
Press , for an expression on the question of
expansion , said :
UI don't care to repeat my views con
cerning the prevailing epidemic of imperi
alism and therritorial expansion. The
remedy for controlling the natives of our
new possessions is obviously simple. The
misguided inhabitants of our neAV territory
AVho prefer something different from the
) lan for their control which AVC propose , or
vho oppose our designs in- their behalf ,
hould be slaughtered. Killing natiA'es has
jeen a feature of expansion since expansion
jegan , and our imperialistic enthusiasm
should not be checked by the prospective
necessity of destroying a few thousand
Filipinos. ' '
King Oscar Asked to Extend Suf
frage to 365OOO Citizens.
King Oscar has received a petition signed
by 365,000 citizens of Sweden asking an extension -
tension of the suffrage. The petition is
more moderate than the popular demand
ivliich secured for Xorway last spring the j
joncession of universal ' male suffrage. The J
SAvedish demand is 'simply that the prop
erty qualification be reduced. "Whereas
now the payment of a tax on an annual in
come of 800 croAvns ( $225) ) qualifies an
ilector in Sweden , the petition asks that
the payment on an income of 500 crowns
( $140) ) may be sufficient to entitle one to
House Passes a Bill Introduced by
Marshall of Ohio.
in the national house of representatives
Friday a bill Avas passed on motion of Mr.
Marshall of Ohio , granting the officers and
men of the volunteer army on being mus
tered out tAVo months' extra pay , if they
served outside of the United States , and *
one mouth extra if service Avas not outside
the United States , such extra pay to be in
lieu of furloughs or leave of Absence , such
as has been granted men heretofore mus
tered out.
Charged with Killing His Father
A special from Howard Lake , Minn. ,
says that Joseph Boxell lias been arrested
charged Avith the murder of his father.
Thomas Boxell. and his Avife , Lydia , on
May 15,1897. Other arrests are expected ,
as the detectives AVIO have been \vorking
on the case for a year and a half are sup
posed to have incriminating evidence.
Michigan Boys to Go to Cuba. .
Gen. Corbin lias issued preliminary or
ders Avith a view to sending the Thirty-first
Michigan volunteers now at Knoxville ,
Tenn. , to garrison duty in the province of ,
Santa Clara , Cuba. The quartermaster's
department has been directed to secure
transportation from Savannah for this regi
ment before the end of this Aveek.
San Francisco Will Have an Expo.
At a meeting of citizens in San Fran
cisco itAA'as decided to hold an international
exposition in that city in 1901 , opening in
June. Appropriations Avill be asked for
from the city , state and nation. It is ex
pected to lay the corner stone of the ad L-
ministration building on Sept. 9,1900.
Paper Mills at Lima , Ohio , Burn.
The Lima ( Ohio ) paper mills burned !
Saturday morning. Th.e loss is $125,000 ,
McKinley's Proclamation io the Peo-
of the Philippines.
McKinley's proclamation to theFilipinos ,
cabled to Gen. Otis at Manila from Wash
ington * has been issued. The following
are extracts from the instructions which
Avere proclaimed Thursday , as expressive of
the purposes of the United States Avith respect
spect ] to them :
The destruction of the Spanish fleet in
the harbor of Manila , followed by the re
duction of the city , the surrender of the
Spanish forces , practically effected the
conquest ( of the Philippine Islands and the
suspension of Spanish sovereignty therein.
When the signature of the treaty of peace
betAveen the United States and Spain at
Paris , and as a result of the victories of the
American army , the future control and disposition - (
position of the government of the Philippines -
ippines Avere ceded to the United States.
In fulfillment of the rights of sovereignty
thus j acquired and the responsible obligations -
tions of the government thus assumed , the
actual occupation and administration of
the entire group of Philippines becomes an .
immediate necessity , and the military government - I
ernment heretofore maintained by the
United States in the city , harbor and bay
of Manila is to be extended Avith all possible -
ble dispatch to the whole of the ceded ter-
Instructions then follow in regard to
making known to the inhabitants that the
authority of the United States will be ex-
tended ; that personal rights Avill be pros
tected ; that the Americans come as friends ,
and not invaders or conquerors. The proclamation -
lamation continues :
All persons AVho either by active or by
honest submission co-operate Avith the gov1.
ernment of the United States , to give eft'ect
to these benefits and purposes , Avill receive
the reAvard of its siipport and protection.
All others will be brought within lawful
rule , Avith firmness if need be , but Avithout
severity so far as may be possible.
The proclamation concludes :
In the fulfillment of this high mission -
- IIIllj - -LUAllllJllV- \JL UJIO All AA i * J.j.n'J * sup-
porting a temperate administration of affairs -
fairs for the greatest good of the governed ,
there must be maintained the strong arm of
authority , to repress disturbance and overcome -
come all obstacles to the bestowal of the
blessings j of a good and stable government |
upon the people of the Philippines under
the free flag of the United States.
Cutter Hush Has a Chase.
The revenue cutter Richard Rush had an
exciting experience at San Francisco. The
Canadian sealer Enterprise attempted to
leave the harbor in defiance of the law , and I '
Avith a customs official on board. The Rush
cleared for action and started in pursuit ,
overtaking the Enterprise outside the heads. ; j i
The Enterprise is liable to seizure and a. I '
heavy fine for being in American Avaters
Avithout having made proper entry. It put
in in distress some time ago and sailed , but
later returned to port.
Xo One Killed in Wreck.
According to the statement from the
office of the Kansas City. Fort Scott &
Memphis Railroad in Kansas City , none of
the passengers on the westbound train
wrecked at Thayer , Mo. , were injured and
that Engineer Ed Daugherty of Spring-
tield , Mo. , and his fireman Avere slightly
hurt. The Avreck was caused by the en
gine striking a spike placed on the rail.
Want Free Trade with Us.
A petition has been received by the sen
ate from the American Association of Porto
Rico , asking for the establishment of free
trade relations between that island and the .
United States and the abrogation of the |
tariff \ established by the military authorities -
ties I , and also for the retirement of the
Porto ; Rican currency and the substitution
of ( the money of the United States.
Mauser Ilifles Sold.
The Mauser ritles stored in the United
States armory at Springfield , Mass. , Avere
soid Thursday. The price ranged from $2.80
for guns beyond repair to $17 for those ir ,
first-class repair.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime.
$3.00 to $6.25 ; hogs , shipping grades ,
13.00 to $3.75 ; sheep , fair to choice , $2.50
to $4.50 ; wheat , No. 2 red , GSc to G9c ;
corn , No. 2 , 37c to 38c ; oats , No. 2 , 27c
to 29c ; rye , No. 2 , 53c to 55c ; butter ,
choice creamery , 20c to 21c ; eggs , fresh ,
2Gc to 28c ; potatoes , choice , 30c to 40c
per bushel.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to '
$5.75 ; hogs , choice light , $2.75 to $4.00 ;
sheep , common to choice , $2.50 to $4.25 ;
wheat , No. 2 red. G9c to 70c ; corn. No. 2
white , 35c to 3Gc ; oats , No. 2 white , 30c
to 31c.
'St. ' Louis Cattle. $3.00 to SG.OO ; hogs.
$3.00 to $3.75 ; sheep , $3.50 to $4.50 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; corn , No. 2
yellow , 34c to 36c : oats. No. 2. 28c to 80c ;
rye. No. 2 , 5Gc to 58c.
Cincinnati Cattle. $2.50 to $5.50 ; hogs ,
? 3.00 to $4.00 ; sheep. $2.50 to $4.25 ;
wheat , No. 2 , 70c to 71e ; corn. No. 2
mixed , 37c.to 38c : oats. No. 2 mixed , 29c
to 30c ; rye , No. 2 , 55e to 57c.
Detroit Cattle , S2.50 to $5.50 ; Logs ,
$2.50 to $3.75 : sheep and lambs , $3.00 to
$5.25 ; wheat. No. 2 , 7ic to 72c ; corn , No.
2 j-ellow , 37c to 39c : oats. No. 2 white ,
30c to 32c : rye. 5Gc to 5Sc.
Toledo-Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 70c to
72c : corn. No. 2 mixed. 35c to 37c ; oats ,
No. 2 white , 27c to 29c : rye. No. 2 , 54c
to 5Gc ; clover seed , $4.25 to $4.35. 1
Milwaukee Wheat. No. 2 spring , G6c
to GSc ; corn. No. 3. 33c to 34c ; oats , No.
2 white. 2Sc to 30c : rye. No. 1 , 53c to 55c :
barley , No. 2. 44c to 51e ; pork , mess ,
$9.75 to $10.25. ;
Buffalo Cattle , peed shipping steers ,
$3.00 to $5.50 ; Logs , common to choice ,
$3.25 to $4.00 ; sheep , fair to choice weth
ers , $3.50 to $4.25 : lambs , common to
extra , $5.00 to $5.50.
New York Cattle , $3.00 to $5.75 ; hogs ,
$ .00 to $4.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.75 \ \ ;
wheat , No. 2 red , 80c to Sic ; corn , N'j.
2 , 44c to 46c ; oats , No. 2 Avhite , 35c to cj
butter , creamery , 15q to 22cj eggs , "West
ern , 27 < ? to 29c ,
L'late Teachers' Association Meeting
at JJincoIn One of the 3fost Sue-
cessi'al Conventions in the His
tory of the Association.
Teachers Meet at JjiiicoFa. .
A large number of teachers gathered at
Lincoln on December 27 to attend the three-
tlays' ; meeting of the state association. The
enrollment on the first day reached 625rbut
before the session came to an end fully 1,000
delegates < Avere in attendance. The first
'general ( meeting at Oliver Theater was
opened 1 A\ith prayer by Chancellor Mac-
Lean , after which President J. F. Saylor
nf 1 the Lincoln schools gave the visiting
teachers < a cordial welcome to the city and
congratulated them on the outlook for so
successful a meeting .
This year the importance of union be
tween the home and school life received
much ' attention at the hands of experienced
educators in both the sectional and general
The nominating committee recommended
the ! election of the follow ing officers : Pres
ident , C. F. Beck , deputy state superin
tendent l of instruction : executive com-
mitteeinan , J. W. Dinsmore of Beatrice ;
secretary , Annie E. Xeeland of Box Butte ;
treasurer , J. E. Dalzell of Lexington.
Xo sooner had the report of the
committee ( been read than an
amendment ! Avas offered , substituting the
name . of Prof. Charles Fordyceof Wesleyan
University . for that of C. F. Beck. When
the association emerged from the fire of
motions , appeals and points of order which
followed , it Avas found that the Fordyce
faction Avas at the top of the heap. The
defeated forces made a few further strug
gles , but the report as amended finally
went through.
An amendment was adopted creating a
section < for superintendents and principals
of schools. The constitution Avas also
changed to allow each section to select its
own members of the educational council ,
as had been the rule until last year.
The educational council submitted a re
port from its committee on legislation ,
recommending < the passage of school laws
rii the order of their importance as follo\vs :
1. Free high school attendance law.
2. Effective compulsory education law.
> 3. Bill establishing school district libra
4. Bill providing for suitable and separate -
arate out-houses.
5. Removal of six-mile limit , to enable
formation of large districts ,
6. Teachers' examination quarterly.
7. Bill relating to endorsement of county
S. Bird day concurrent resolution.
1) ) . Kindergarten certificates in State Xor-
mal School.
10. Kequiring districts to file itemized re-
A resolution was presented at the same
time { , urging upon all educational institu
tions of the state the necessity of united
work for the passage of these needed laAvs.
The entire report Avas adopted.
Xew officers elected in the different sec
tions are as follows :
College President. Mr. .Sutherland of
Grand Island College : secretary. Prof. Lees
of the University of Xebraska.
Grammar-President , Prof. C. A. Fulmer
of PaAvnee Citj : secretary. Miss Viola
Heflin of Lincoln.
Primary President. Miss Celia Bourgert I
of Xebraska City : secretary , Mrs. Cora
Berge of Lincoln.
County Superintendents President , Su
perintendent V. O. Anderson of Seward :
secretary. Superintendent Stella Smith of
Hancock County.
This meeting Avas declared to be one of
the most successful in point of interest and
attendance in the history of the State
Teachers' Association.
Recognizance Bond Forfeited.
Sheriff Xelson of Beatrice went to AVy-
more the other day and attached two resi
dence properties , which formerly belonged
to Isaac Creeven. but which are HOAV re
corded in his daughter's name. Creeven
Avas arrested over a month ago charged
Avith a criminal assault upon an 8-year-old
girl , and Avas released upon his own recog
nizance. i Before the preliminary he trans
ferred J his property to his daughter and left
lOAvn I , and the attachments Avere upon the
forfeitures ' of the recognizance bond.
Martin .Johnson Is Located.
The mysterious disappearance at Omaha
in February , 18 % . of Martin M. Johnson , a
Swedish farmer and milkman , Avho Avas
pupposed to have been murdered , has at
fast been solved. P. A. Froid of Moline ,
111. , Avhose daughter. Ellen. Johnson is
about to marry , has .sworn to an affidavit
ptating that after Johnson left Omaha he
Appeared in Moline. Avhere he has some
relatives , and he. Froid. had a conversation
with him in October. 18W5. Froid had known
Johnson for t\\entj A ears.
Xebraska Man for President.
The eighth annual meeting of the Xe
braska and Avestern Iowa implement deal
ers Avas held at Omaha. The following
officers Avere elected for the ensuing year :
President. C. A. shumway , Lyons ; vice
president. J. E. Skedan. Malvern. Iowa :
director for two A ears. J. B. llymans , Den-
ison , Iowa : for three A ears. W. D. Gould ,
Hartington. The other officers Avill be
chosen by the board of directors.
'Auditorium tt > r Omaha.
Business men Aho are interested in the
erection of an auditorium in Omaha for the
accommodation of large bodies which may
desire to assemble in Xebraska's is
met a few evenings since to consider is
for the furtherance of the project. A temporary
porary organization Avas perfected and arrangements -
rangements Avere made for the appoiut-
ment of committees to take the matter in
Club Rooms Thrown Open.
The apartments of the Buffalo club have
been opened to the friends of the orgr niza-
i tion at Kearney. The rooms occupy the
fifth floor of a doAvn-town block and hess
' club has a membership of eighty business ?
men ,
. . *
IJist of Promotions iii't rc Third' 2
braska Volunteers.
The following promotion's in
Nebraska have been made" fry Gov.
comb : Captain Harry S. Bhngan ,
pany K , to the rank of major-to-date from' '
December 12,18 ! 8. vice McCIa promoted ;
First Lieutenant William Onlheiser ,
Company K , captain Company K , vice
Dungan , promoted ; First Lieutenant ; Will
iam G. Doane , Company C , to * rank of
adjutant , to date from October 20 , 4808 , vice
Beck , resigned : First Lieutenant Oscar II.
Allen , Company B. regimental c/uarter-
master , to rank from Iecember20 , J8S8rvice
Schwind , resigned ; Second Lieutenant.F.D.
Mills > Company H , first lieutenant , to rank
from December 31 , 189S , vice Olillioiser ,
promoted ; Second Lieutenant Henry M.
MorrowT Company C , first lieutenant Com
pany C , to rank from December 81 , 1SS > 8T
vice Doane , promoted ; Carlos A. llo\tcsr
second lieutenant Company B , first lieu
tenant Company B. to rank from December
81,1898. vice Allen , promoted ; First Ser = -
geant George E. Hall , Company II , second :
lieutenant Company II , to rank from Db-
cember 31,1SD8T A-ice Mills , promoted ; First :
Sergeant Thomas It. White , Company O , .
second lieutenant Company C , to rank ,
from December oL ISflS. vice Morrow , pro -
Klcvator at Creighton Burned.
W. II. Butter-field & Son's elevator at :
Creighton was burned the other day. The
fire originated in the engine room and Avas
soon beyond control. The capacity of the
building Avas 22,000 bushels. There were
8.250 bushels of grain in the elevator , of
which about 4,000 bushels Avere corn. The
loss is estimated at § 7,000 with $15,000 insur
ance. IL A. Cheney fell from the roof of
the new depot while working to save that
structure , but Avas not badly hurt.
, Thief Kscapes IVom Custody.
ft. * Leon was arrested at Shelby fet
stealing a bottle of perfumery Avorth
about $3. He had pawned the
perfumery and some gold shirt studs M
for ji small board bill. A man
Avho boarded at tiie same place with Leon
had missed a silk handkercheif and Avhile
the ollicers were showing him the assort
ment , the prisoner made his exit through
the side door and escaped.
May Become Thurston's Bride.
it is currently reported among society
people of Omaha that Mis ; , Gertrude Clark
of that city and Senator John M. Thurstoii
are engaged to be married , the event being
placed by rumor not sooner than a year
hence. Henry T. Clark , father of the
young woman , refuses to confirm the report.
Mrs. Thurston died in Cuba somewhat less
than a year ago. Miss Clark is a favorite
in local society.
Trichinosis Attacks Farmers.
Eleven persons are reported as having
been ( poisoned by eating diseased pork.
Kellen. a fanner living near Daykin ,
butchered j the animal and eight members of
his j family and three of his neighbors who
partook of the meat are seriously ill and
j the condition of .several of the number is
critical. , The symptoms show the malady
to be trichinosis.
Thieves Steal Butter.
When the employes of the Lyons
creamery Avent to Avork the other
morning thej found one of the doors
to the creamery broken down and
several tubs of their best creamery butter
missing , valued at $70. The theft is sup
posed to be the Avork of a gang of thieves
that live in the neighborhood.
Merchants Knter Protest.
A mass meeting of the business men
of Fremont Avas held at the court room to
take action in regard to the ( Ireater Amer
ica Exposition. Hesolntions were adopted
to be forwarded to the legislature and to
the senate and house of representative pro
testing against any state or federal aid be
ing given.
Footpad Scores a Failure.
William Knipe , proprietor of a saloon a\
tVuburn , Avas assaulted on his Avay home
the other night by a highwayman. He
succeeded in freeing himself from the
- of his assailant after receiving several
jn-asp _ _ _ _ . _ .
* " * .31
heavy blows and escaped , Knipe is badly
bruised about the head.
Liivery liarn Burned.
The large building known as tha
checkered barn , belonging to H. P. Calkins ,
at St. Paul , Avas consumed In tire the other
night. All the horses Avere gotten out.
Mr. Calkins had no insurance and the loss ,
amounts to $1.500. The cause of the fire is.
not known.
Delinquent Farmers Catch Up. .
The farmers in the vicinitj oFDunbar.are
gathering the last of the conw.ropthat.thej-
Avere unable to crib because- the snovr
of November 20. A week of good Aveather
Avill see all the delinquent.- good , shape. .
Dry Goods and Shoes Stolen. .
The general store of J .15. Munrty.afeWin-
side Avas robbed of about 500 worth of
goods , mostly /noes ami dres >
Xebraska Short > ;
Xiobrara is Fovmiiiff : i oompjsiiy ofe
Xational Guard.
A farmers" institute will be
pahoe January 27. and 2S ,
Columbus ice dealer lvavt harvested'I
second crop of ice this season.
Creighton g nin deafer * . art1 unabJe-to.se *
cure cars to ship th % gcaiu tha.t ; is coming
to market.
The new Method Church a Syracuse
has been dedicated. The a $ > ociatiou is
out of debt.
Enough namfc > ha\V been xwured to per
mit oT the organization o.f u company of
state roilitia at Schuylcr.
The Bassett Gun Club i.s hjivlng a hand
somely engraved silver menial made , Avhich
'is to be emblematic of the rlub champion
There is considerable anxiety at Gordon
for fear the Indians may catch the measles
and produce a general outbreak on the res
Sheriff sales are becoming rather scarce
in "Webster County. Since the last term of
the district court but tAvo orders have beei
, issued by Clerk Burden. i
- l \ -V - 4 - ' l .