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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1898)
IVlLLlAttA. ALLMAN. Postcfflce addres Pine Ridge , S. On side and hip Horses on right shoulder Range-Wolf Crc ALIJERT LAMB. . j . 'Postofflceaddr ' ss Allen. S. D. Cattle same as on ont ; horsna on It-It hip same as cattle 0:1 left shoulder Range Bear Crcok WILLIAM PROVOST. Postofflcc address Albany , Nt On right side ; hoi es leu shoulder Rnugc Heid Stinking Water FRANK SALWAY , JR. Postoffice address Allen , S. D.C As on cut ; also S S left hiphalf 'top circle FS on left side : alee on loft side Horses * i left hip RangeCorn Creek CHARLES RICHARD , SR. Postomce address Porcupine , S. 1 On left sidehors ; < same without ba on left shoulder. Range Porcupii District. j CHARLES CUNY. Poct ofiicc address Manderson S. 1\ On left side Also clear around both hips like a breeching har ness , norsisas cut on left thigh : countcr brandy ; right o\er the T HENRY JONES Postofflce address V Mandcraon , S. 1 On left side Iiorses same on le ! shoulder Rongo Wounde < Knee Creek. CHAS TWISS. Fostoffice address Manderson , S. On left side Horses left Bhouldcr -1 - Range White r.iver UOHN GRAHAM. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. I On left side Horses same on hi 9k Range Pass Creel ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. 1 Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On leftside ; horses same left shoulder Rango-White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postofflcc address Porcupine , S. D Left shoulder or sld < Horses same 01 shoulder Range Woundec Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. Left side and hip Horses same on ihoulder Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. Postoffice address Allen , S. D On left side ; alec B AV on left side Horses same on lef I hipRange Range Corn Creels SHORT HORN. Postolice address Pine Ridge. S. D. On lelt side ; horses tame 0:1 shoulder Range Wounded Knee. ( ilsS sls JUDGE THUNDER BEAR. Postoffice address Mandcrson , S. D. On Leftsldehorses ; same on left hip Run Wounded Knes GEORGE FIRETHUNDE3. Fostofllco address Pine Ilidce , S. On leftside ; lion samelettRhouldT Range Near 1'i Ridge Agency. JAMES GRASS. Postomce address Porcupine , S. D. On left shoulder and lup ; horses same on hip Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HORSE. Postoffice ad'lrass Pine Ridge , 5. Cattle same as ct horses same on h hip. Range-Sprint , ' Crei Postomce address Pine Ridge , S.D. OH lef ; side Horses left thigh Range-Wolf Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postofflco addresa Merriman , Ne' On left side ; horsi P it on left thigh Range-Lake Cree : South Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postoffice address Interior , S. D. Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. jonx FOURIER. Postoffice addrx / Manderscn , S. I On left side ; also on jaw Horses on left shouldei Range .Mouth Wounded Knee and White rivei JAMES TWISS. L'ostofflce address Porcupine , S. D. On left sldti ; horses iame on left hip I ! ange Porcupin o ? rcek THOMAS TYON. Postoffl > e address Pine Ridge , S.T Vnywhere on left sid Horses same left hi ; CHARLES H. GIROUX. ostoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. ) n left side Worses same on shoulder. Rr.nse-Wolf Creek MANUEL ROMERO. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , 5 , D On left side Horses left shoulder Range-Spring Creel and Wounded Knee , SAMUEL SMITH. 'osloffice address Allen , S. D. > n left side lorses same on left IP. 'ange Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postofflce address Mandersou. S D Left side or hip Horses o" on left shoulder Range-White rivet anil Mouth Wound ed Knee. JOHN MESTETH. ostoffice address Porcupine , S. D n left side Also a left side ange Porcupine reek. GEORGE HARV6Y , 'Postofflce address Porcupine , 8. D. On leftside Horses same on lef1 sfe nld r Rgfi e-White river and jftftith of Spring ANTOINE HERMAN. Postofflce address Kyle , S. On left shoulder On left side Also horses onlefttbigb mnge Po-ai Creek R. C. STinK PC stoffice address Pine Ridge , S 115 and 55 on left sideHorses Horses 115 on left cjwi' > n- : also 5 n loft tl.igh itange-White River ' WILLIAM VLANDRY. Postoflice addre : Allen , S. 1 On both sides On sn and hip Range Litt White River. NICHOLAS JANIS. Postofflce nddress Kyle. S. D. On left side Horses same on left ho .Ider nange Big White itlver. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Postofflce address Kyle. S. I On leftside and hi Horses , y Q le thigh. Range-Big Whll River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. Postofllce address Kyle , S. D.l Jn left sldG or hip. Horses same on left th igh ; also J CQg left ide. Ear-mark , tip and under-Lit Range-While River CHARLES JONES. Postoffice addresa Porcupine. S. I On left hip and jai Horses same oren < on left shoulder Range-White Rive JOHN P. BISONETTE. ' 'ostoffice address Manderson , s. D. ) n right si do lorses P B on left tip ange-Rock Spring JULIA DAVIDSON. , Postoffice address Kyle. S. E On rljrht shou ! derand hip Horses J on lei hip Ranee White River and Monti of Medicine Roe 3reek. ELICK SALWAY. 'osloffice address Allen. S. D. ) n snoulder side and lip. lorses S 3 on left ihoiildcr. Range Corn Creek E. Q. BETTELYOUN. Postoffice address Pine Ridge. S. D Anywhere ; horse ; same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. 'ostofTlce address Morrimau , Neo. lock branded : is on ntjalso A left houl- er , B left side , Cleft ip. Rsmge Little ynite river , S. D. I will pay S100 for ufficient evidence to onvict anj'one of teaiing catile bear- 521 ig these urands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postofflce address Cody , Neb On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creefi South Dakota. ROBERT RANDALL. ostofflce address Allen , S. D- n left side orsessalie : on left loulder unge B ar Creek BANDY WILLIAMS. Postofflce address Merrlman , Neb. Mostly on left side , some on right side Horses same left Shoulder Range-Lake Creek , | South Dakota. BENJAMIN JANI3. Po.itofflce adc'regs Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses " * K on hip. itange Medicine Hoot Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postoffice addrrs ! Allen , S On left sidt ; 4- Also on left ; [ side . , Ear mark i { car split and ha ing iangc-Bear : Cn ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On left side and hip. Horecs same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Postoffiee address Allen , S. Left side and I both Horses same on 1 thigh Range Bear Crc A. W. MEANS. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On both sides Horses same minus half circle on top.on left thigh Range-Little Wbite river , WILLIAM TWISS. Postofflce address Manderson.S. On lelt side Horses onleftthijrh Hange-Big \ \ h river ELEX ADAMS. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D Left side or hip on lorses and cattle ; ilso 2 on shoulder , O m side and O on left > ide of cattle. Arrow everscd on all cattle ; old. Ranee Mouth IVounded Knee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postoffice ad dress Merriman , > 'c On side ; also R < jawHorses Horses R O < thigh Range-Lake Crei and Little Whi river. SETH GARY. ; * ostoffice address Merriman , Neb ) n both side and hip lerd-mark. dew-lap lorses same on left houlder Raupe-Lake Creek nd Little AVhite iver. JOSEPH KOCER. Postoffice address Gordon , Ne Left side and h Horses , left shou der. Range-Little Wlii river , Soutli Dakot E. COFFEY AND SONS , 'ostoffice address Gordon , Neb. tnleft side and E n jaw ; some , JCOU ieht hip and J On iw lorses FEandjc n shoulder. Range , .ittle White rher , utli Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postofflce address Merriman , Nel On left side Horses same on le shoulder ; waddle ui der neck of youn stock Rmge Lake Crce gjand Little White rive J. J. PECK. ostoffice address Cody , Nob. nboth Bides Worses CC on left ilgh tonge HeadPass reek. South Dak. C. H. LITTLE. 'ostoffice ' address Merriman , Nel On either side Horses same on hp Also either Range Lake Cree : South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. ) stoffica address Merriman , Neb i both aides ; some i right side and P jrsessame with- t bar , left thigh inge-Lake Creek Al GARNER BROTHERS , Poatofflcft address Cody , Neb Anywherr onca'tle ; l.orsjs , on leit shoul der. Range north of Ell G. O. I"AIRHEAD. Pcstofficr nddrcv Merrljiuin. X Cattle on lefi M a < fl hin ; some U side only. " Ho ses , Co : t < shoulder Itangc , betwct-n Cofoir.vood I a' < Leandcr and Cc Creek W. R. WHITE. fostofflceaf'dress Merriman. Neb On either side ; some SU Eon left side Range Southeast of Merriman FRANK LIVEUMORE. Postollicc nddresi f iv\v \ No On both s animal ; also r shO"l . < While River an Mo.ith of Ce. . . Crock , S. D. j. O'ROURKE. Postoffice address Kyle , S. D. On left side and hip. Hors s , J on left shoulder Binge Big White River B. F. ROYLES. Postofflce address JMurrimun , > < \s on ont. If ft sii Range * in ti Reservation VETAL VLANDRY , Postoffice address Cody , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with underneath the brand Horses on left shoulder _ Range Little White River and Mouth of Cedar C reek , S. D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. I Left side of cattl ? left shoulder of hot BCJ Range White L'ir : Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D. On left Bide and thigh. Horses on left flunk Range Head of Pass Creek. GUS CRAVEN. Postofflce address Manderson , S. I On left sida Ho ; es.on i-i hi ] wi'i o .t o. r under neath. R n c-B g W ; 1 S river. BAPTISTE POURIER. Postoffice address Mandersor , S. D On left side. Iiorses same on left shoulder ; counter , brand , horse bead on right shoulder. Range-White river and Wounded Knee CHARLES C. MARRIVALL. Fostofficnd'Uess Albany , Neb On right side Horses same lef hip Range-Lime Kill WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postofflce address Manderson. S. D , Dn either side Horses 6 une lefi 3houlderlow Ifaiuo Wounded Knee and White river GEO. R. BROWN. Postoffice addiess Manderson.S. D. On left side ; a'ec arnijiitlhp-b-n > > ll side. Horses same on left N' o d r. Rango-Little White river aud Brown 3 Lake. LEWIS EHANGRAN. 'ostofflce address Kyle , S. D ) n left shoulder and Ida Also m left side lorses , Z S high Racge Big Iver. Postofflce address Kyle. 3. D. On left side of cattle : leftshou'd ron hors. rs ; also 121 or 112 on left side of cattle. Range on White River. ANTOINE J.\N1S. Pcs'offlce addresa Pine RIdss.S. D. Left side on cUr ! ; it thigh on horses. .11 RinRf Woundol f 9 Knee Creek _ . JOE RICHAICD. rostofT.ce adi'riss Allen , S. D. On right sldf on left hip Range Eagle Xest Creek. CLICK RICHARD. 3 - J'ostofllcc . d rvsi Ai-e.i. 1 D , On lefts.i Crcou JOHN SWALLOW. Postoffice address Alien , S. D. Left side on cattle. Ilorjcs , underlined II on left shoulder Range-Little White River LEWIS VEON. Postomce address Pine Ridge. 8. I > t As on ot Rtnjc-ou Creek. JENNIE SEARS. roEtcfHcc address Mandcnion , S. D ) n left side and jaw Range on White ; iver J. O. ROOK. Postofflce p pA'ten. A'ten. S. D On lefts 'i ? Horses , > * : rtgh ( thich ll.Littk . White i iv . r B Pass Cr k J. R. PUOH AND 'ostofflce address Pine Ridge. S. D 'attle branded as on ut Horses on lef * houlder Range Flint Butte -Little White River DAVID COTTIER. Postoffice r-ridrcr * Allen , S I > On left side. rgU split River BENJAMIN CLAYMORE , i'ostofflee address Allen , S. D. m left side ; also C n shou'dcr. B side , on hip. Iiorses. C o.i shoul- ler and underlined iLonhip. Ranee ittle White River LEWIS COTTIER. Postofflce address Allen , 5. Dk On left side ; also aj underlined DII cq left side n { somei right ear split Horses , 4 on right hip nange-LIttle WLla Itlver L. FISHER. 'ostofflce address Interior , S. D. tcck branded as on at , left side and javr Range Potato e : reek ! . D. LESSERT. Postofflce . , Onlefcsldealoon ! same side. SAI UQ. derllned Horses , underline JjWhlU WhlU S aa aiver JOSEPH KNIGHT , ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left hip ; wattle i neck Horses same on left loulder * nange Wounded nee Creek.