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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1898)
i . . % ) ' LOOK at to tote to those tote to tote to BARGAINS tote tote tote to MILES tote to tote in tote to tote to tote 49 49 CLOTHING tote tote 49 to * ? tote at tote 4 ? to 49 tote 49 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT tote tote tote tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 4 ? tote 4 ? tote 49 We shall offer for sale for the next tote tote 49 to 49 tote 49 49 60 Days , 200 Suits tote tote 49 tote 49 Of Gents , Youths and Childrens tote tote 49 to 49 tote 49 Clothing at just tote tote 49 to 49 49 OT tote tote tote 49 I to 49 \j tote 49 tote 49 49 below actual value tote tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 49 49 49 49 Don't fail to call and look at 49 49 49 those bargains and thereby 49 49 save money 49 QR.C.RJAOKJSON DENTIST Office over T. 0. Hornby's store Stairway on west side Operations as nearly painless as possible. j r - - - J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at Estabrook Ilonse on Cherry St. VALENTINE , NEB- 0. W. MOREY | THE VALENTINE WATCH , MAKER AND JEWELER } Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties ASKFO FOR SALE AT ALL SALOONS IN THE CITY j V A. M. MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEE < ! . A. WELLS J. Ji. WELLS WELLS BROS. ENTIST Office over Cherry County Rank A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Qtiigley's Drug Store Nights-Upstairs-Red Front & Kice'H Price 33 pounds of Beans for § i a 3 pounds of O it Meal for i o < 20 pounds of Prunes for i o < 20 pounds of Ilaisins for i 20 pounds of Broker. Rice for i 40 bars of Soap fory i o < One Gallon Sorghum for - Candies , 8 , lOc & I5e. Nuts. lOc and 15c. The Gold Medal Settled. Omaha , Dec 25. There has beei ] considerable controversy here over the gold medal which has been claimed by others , but it has finally turned out that the Fred Krug Brewing Co. , of this city did receive the gold medal for Cabinet beer over all other beers for purity , strength and excel lence of quality , at the Trans-Miss issippi exposition , and Krug , not only has the gold medal in his possession , but has also received a diploma signed by members of the executive com mittee of the exposition saying the gold medal was awarded to Krug Cabinet beer. ' .Vliy pay $45 to § b5 for a stee- range enoa can get one for § 25 ? Diopa postal to I. H , EMEBy , Valentine , WESTERN MLWS-lftMflSBAT EGBERT GOOD , Editor and Publinbar Official Paper of .Cherry Conii- ty , Kebraxkn. . $1.OO Per Yetir in Advnncr PUBLIbHED EVERY THURSDAY. EnKred at t ho Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subo ri bers until a definite order to discontinue is received aud all ar rears are paid in full. Vontiny Events. New Year. January 1,1899. County Commissioners. January 3 and 10. K. 1' , Mask Carnival , January 20. There will be a special session of Minnechaduza Lodge No. 192 , A. F. & A. M. , Saturday , December 31 , 7:30 : p. m. sharp. All Master Masons in good standing" are cordially invited to be present. W. W. THOMPSON , W. T. BULLIS , Secretary. W. M. Pete Decory is over from Rosebud. Fine line of clothing at T. C. Horn by's. 48 New line of fine shoes at T. C. Hornby's. 48 A full line of feed always on hand at .fettycrew's. Martin Dew was up from Woodlake Monday afternoon. Ed Clarke had business in Omaha the first of the week. Ira T. Richardson is in town from his ranch near Chesterfield. Miss Cora Gillette spent Christmas with her parents in Ainsworth. A large stove has been placed in the waiting room of the depot. P. J. Donoher returned home fiom his trip to Illinois , Saturday night. Hugh Mone was in town from Cody Tuesday looking after business affairs W. G. Ballard was in from his Dewey Lake ranch on business , Tues day. Born , Wednesday evening , Decem ber 28 , to bol Morey and wile , a baby girl.W. . T. Kincaid visited friends in Stanton a few days the first of the week. Charley Wellford spent Christmas with his parents at Boiling Springs ranch. Ely Valentine and H. E. Dewey were Wood Lake visitors in Valentine , Monday. evening.'D. Attorney Morrissey haa been down to Omaha the past week on legal business. Wanted 1,000 bushels of shelled corn and 5JO bushels of oats at W. A. Pettycrew's. 48 Sheriff Strong and force were en gaged Friday and Saturday branding some of his horses. § | M. F. dynes is visiting in town. He will return to his job at Lancaster Saturday morning. The projected meeting of stockmen at Chadron has been given up on ac count of a lack of interest. Dr. E. H. Dwyer has been appoint ed a member of the local pension board of examining surgeons. Word from Brownlee says Fritz & Lewis will go out of the merchandise business the first of February. Valentine was very quiet the first of the week. For several days the town had but one attorney in it. Gus Carlson has put the shelving in his new store building and will soon begin to stock up with hardware. B. B. Teeters Bros. , of Newton , be come patrons of our brand depart ment with this issue of the paper. It is believed that a gang of cattle thieves has been located in Brown county. Evidence is being secured. Mr. and Mrs. Farnam left town Sunday morning for a few days recre ation on the ranch , iii Gillaspie pre- einct. Professor R. H. Watson , Mrs. Craw ford , Etta Brown and Edith Stark at tended the state teachers' association at Lincoln this week. The "Turkey Club" has been dis solved by mutual consent , it proving very unprofitable for some ot mem bers , hence its demise. Miss Bruner , a former teacher in the public schools of Valentine , came up from the eastern part of the state Saturday to spend the holidays with her friends here. Lois Hills , who has been employed to teach the grammar school vice Etta Brown , resigned , is expected to arrive here tomorrow night. To Cure n Colil in One Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablet s. All rugKislB refund money if it lails to cure. i5c. ! The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Company H has been reorganized at Chadron with A. G. Fisher cap tain , Ed Godsall first lieutenant , and Tom Smith of Crawford second lieu tenant. E. Spencer , now section foreman at Thacher , was in town on business Monday , and called to settle for two copies of this paper , one of which goes to his father in Iowa. There will be a meeting of the members of St. John's Saturday after noon , to hear reports of officers , and Rev. Bates will hold regular services Sunday morning' aud evening. ' " " ' " 'D. M. UhderwoocTShofT'- ' - " - * " * Suicide or mu rder ! Coroner Lewis received word last evening-that D. M. Underwood , pro prietor of the Cody hotel , had com mitted suicide , and in company with Sheriff Strong went to investigate the matter. In conversation with the sheriff this morning we learn the fol-1 lowing facts : About 6:30 : last evening Underwood j complained of feeling sick at stomach - ' ach and went out of doors. A minute or two afterward a shot was heard , and those present rushed out to dis cover the cause and fonnd Underwood lying at the east end of the porch , a bullet wound through his head and a revolver with one empty chamber at his side. The unconscious man was carried into the house and died about twenty minutes later with his wife and family at his side. The revolver was not positively identified , the bullet entered the left temple and left at the right , and the the jury rendered a verdict which is noncommittal , but the general belief is that Underwood killed himself. Troops For Fort Niobrara , A dispatch in this morcing's papers says : Three troops of the First cavalry and headquarters have been ordered to Fort Robinson , and two troops of the same regiment to Fort Niobiara , coming from Forts Rile } ' and Sill. At Forts Robinson and Niobrara are already located two troops of the First cavalry , and the incoming of five troops more will give Fort Robin son a full battalion of four troops and Fort Niobrara the remaining three troops of the seven in this depart ment. Andrew Christiansen , at one time a blacksmith at Brownlee , some time ago bougnt a line saddle of Fritz & Lewis , giving as security a mortgage on the saddle and his riding horse. He then traded the horse off , sold the saddle to John Smyser of this place and joined the army , under the im pression that the laws of this country were like those of tiie old , and that he could not be tried by a civil court. He has learned more of American law since tnen and now languishes behind the bars of the county bastile awaiting trial tomorrow on the charge of selling mortgaged property. A new postoffice has been estab lished at the Bullis store on the Kpse- bud stage road and the state line , about fourteen miles northwest of Valentine. W.T.Bullis is postmaster , and the office is named Britt , in honor of one of the old settlers in that neighborhood. The office will receive a daily mail , and will be a bi ne it tea a large number of farmers , many of whom have already ordereu their mail sent to the ne\v oflice. The first mail went out yesterday morning. Miss Clara Watson came up from Grand Island last week to take the position of assistant in the Valentine postoffice. Miss Watson is well known in Chei ry county and will no doubt give complete satisfaction to the patrons o ± the office. Mrs. A. M. Sherman is helping in the office this week until the new assistant learns her duties. The former assistant , Minnie DeWoodT , returned home to Ainsworth Sunday morning. To accommodate our patrons we have decided that those accounts not now in the hands of attorneys will be held until January 8 , before they are given them. Those who have not re ceived statements will do so January 1 , and if payment or provision is not made during the week , the account will be given attornej's. Everybody two years or more in arrears will hear from the collectors. Hon. John Shore started out to the ranch the first of the week where he went to wind up affairs preparatory to put in tne winter as a legislator from this district. John is tne only fusion member that was elected last fall west of Holt county , and will prove a factor with the "powers that be" at Lincoln. John J. Newberry and Florence E. Morgan were married in Cody Christ mas eve , at the residence of Squire Mogle. that gentleman performing the ceremony with dignity and dis patch. Our informant tells us the groom { > set 'em up * ' to all the boys , and adds that there's nothing small about Johnny. F. G. Russell , who was treasurer of Boyd county for two terms , and an old friend of J. A. Hooton and the editor , came down from Gordon Sun day morning and is visiting the var ious school districts of the county collecting and looking after the busi ness of the American School Book Company. A rumor is going the rounds to the effect that soon after January 1 the F. , E. will extend the run of trains 5 and 6 from Norfolk to Longpine. If this is done it will be possible for a person to go from Valentine on the afternoon freight , arrive in Omaha next morning and return that night. J. B. Sweeney came up from Gor don on the freight Wednesday eve ning. He has been sojourning in the eastern part of the state for some weeks past , mostly on business con nected with his ranch. Joe is making rapid strides in the way of cattle dealing. Rushville Standard. O. D. Carey was down from Crooks- ton Tuesday and called at our sanc tum. The weather was so warm that he drove all the way without gloves , and was actually warm when he ar rived in town. This weather is quite a contrast to the kind we had twelve or fourteen years ago. Mrs. Good and the baby returned home from a seven weeks' visit at Longpine , Monday afternoon , and the home of the editor is once more bright ind cheerful. It seems just like get- tin ? married again to have' woman ir und the house , m n nj i i By trading with r ER GENERAL MERCHANTS We will have a bigger stock duricg the year 1899 than ever before , and that is SAYING A WHOLE LOT , BUT IT IS TRUE T Doesn't care for large sales. He wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Ranch orders a specialty ODS coats , Robbers , Felts. In iact anything in men's wear Practical Tailoring in Connection. D. Stinard , Clothier. Are acknowledged to lie the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOE" WTISD MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentine Nebraska D. S. P. O. Parsons Photographer . Has rented the i. G Sliaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be here Irora 1ST TO 12TH-OF EVERY MONTH Irat-class Work i ! ! every rarticnfar Guaranteed. See Samples ot Workat the Kcd Froa Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods CALL AND GET PRICES"X , * i CORA GILLETT.