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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1898)
WILLIAM A. ALLMAN. Postcffice address Pine Ridge. S. D On side and hip Horses on right shoulder Range-Wolf Creel ALIJERT LAMP. . Postofflce ; v Allen , s. D. Cuttle same as on 'ut ; horses on li-lt hip came as cattle ou left shoulder Itauge Bear Creek WILT JAM PROVOST. Postofflce address Albany , Neb On right side ; hors es left shoulder Range lie id o : Slinking Water FRANK ? ALWAY , JS. Postofflce address Allen , S. D.I As on cut ; also s left hip ; half top circle 1'S on left side ; also on left side Horses left hip Range Corn Creek fHARLES RICHARD , SR. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. On left sidehor ; cs same without bar. on left shoulJer. Range Porcupine District. CHARLES CUNY. Pocbrjflce ? address Manderson S. P. On left side Also _ cli-ar around both hips like a breeching har ness , iwrs rs as cut on left thigh : countcr brand 7 ; right o\er the T HENRY JONES Postofflce address Mandcraon , S. D. . On left side Horses same on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee Creek. A CHAS TWISS. Poatoffic ? addres- * Mauderson , s. On left side Horses , left shoiddcr ' I Ranee White River IJOIIN GRAHAM. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on hip Range Pass Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side ; horses ame left shoulder Range-White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. Left shoulder or siue Horses same on shoulder Range Woandea Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. Postofficc addre.ns Porcupine , S. D. Left side and hip Horses same on thouldcr I&nge Porcupine Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. Postofficc address Allen , S.D. On left side ; also B w on left side Horses same on left hipRange Range Corn Creek SHORT HORN. P 4toTice address P.IICRidge. . S. D. On leit side ; horses eanie-oii shoulder lUijge Wounded Knee. JUDGE THUNDER BEAR. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On Left sldehorses ; same on left hip Range Wounded .Knee GEORGE FiRETIIUNDES. Postofflce addrc&s Pine Piidu'e , S. D , On leftside ; horses same ! elt shoulder. Rringe Near Pine Ridge Agency. JAMES GRASS. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. On left shoulder and hip ; horses same on hip Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HORSE. Postofflce add r25S Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle same as cut ; horses same on left hip. Range-Spring Creek JOHN LEE. Postofficn address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left side Horses left thigh Range-Wolf Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postofflce addres3 Merriman , Neb. On left side ; horses PR on left thigh Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postofflce addres Interior , S. D. Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. JOHN POURIEU. Postofflce nddrx f Manderscn , S. P , On left side ; also on jaw Horses on left shoulder. Range Mouth Wounded Kuee and White river. JAMES TWISS. Postofflce address Porcupine. S. D. On left side ; horses same on left hip Range Porcupine Creole THOMAS TYON. Postofflce address Pine aidjre , S. D. Anywhere on left side Horses same left hip CHARLES U. GIROUX. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same on lef' shoulder. Ranue-Wolf Creek MANUEL ROMERO. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , 3. D. On left side left shoulder | l Range-Spring Creek and Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. Posloffice address Allen , S. D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postoffice address Manderson. S D Left side or hip Horses o" on left shoulder Bange-White river and Mouth Wouud- ed Knee. JOHN MT3STETH. Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D On left side lange Porcupine Creek. GEORGE HARV6Y , Postofflce address Porcupine , 8. D. On left sidb Horses same on lef6 shoiildt-r Range-White river and Mouth of Spring Creek , ANTOINE HERMAN. Postoffice address Kyle , S. DOn - On left ououl/icr On left side Also hnrst s on left thigh nange l'o.atoe Crcok R. C. STIHK. ivs'office address Pine Ridge. S.D H5 and 55 oa left side Horses 115 on left * ' " ' ' " - : also 5 n loft tl i-h -White nlvcr WILLIAM VLANDRY. Postoffice address Allen. S. D. On both sides On side aud hip Range Little White River. NICHOLAS JANIS. Postofflce address t Kyle. S. D. Cn left side Horses same on left ho .Ider ! Range Big White Hivcr. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Posloffice address Kyle. S. D. On leftside and hip Horses , jf S. left thigh. Range-Bi" Wbite River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. Postoffice address Kyle , S. D.I ) n left side or hip. HTICS same on left thigh ; also J OOS left , ide. Ear-mark , tip and under-bit River CHARLES JONES. Postoffice address Porcupine , SD. . On left Lip and Jaw Horses same oren < > on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P. BISONETTE- Postofflce address IManderson , S. D. ) n right siilo lorses p C on left lip tlange-Rock Sprinj JULIA DAVIDSON. jPostofflce address Kyle. S. D On rljrht shoul- derand hip Horses J on left hip Ranee-White River and Mouth of Medicine Root ELICK SALWAY. ' . 'ostoffice address Allen , S. D. > n snoulder side and 'iip. Horses S 3 on left shoulder. Range Corn Creek E. G. BETTELYOUN. PostofTice address Pine Ridge. S.D. Anywhere ; horses same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. PostoHlce nadress Merriman , Nco. Stock branded : is on cutalso ; A left shoul der , B leftside , Cleft hip. Range Little White river , S. D. I will pay S1CO for sufficient evidence to convict anyone of stealing cattle bear ing these brands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postoffice address Cody , Neb- On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creeft South Dakota ROBERT RANDALL. Postoffice address Allen. S. D' On left side Horses saj tie on left shoulder ar Creek ANDY WILLIAMS. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. Mostly on left side , some on right elde Horses fiama left Sbonlder Bsoge-Lake Creek , 09B& Dakota. BENJAMIN JANIS. Po.itofflce address Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses " "K on hi p. Range Medicine Root Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postollice address Allen , S.D On leftside "li Also on left i side Ear markFt ear split and liang- ing i > angc-Bear Creeu ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On lei t side a-jd hip. Horses same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Postoffico address Allen. S. D Left side and hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek A. W. MEANS. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On both sides Horses same minus half circle on top.on left thigh Range-Little Wnite river. WILLIAM TWISS. Posloffice address Manderson , S. D. On left side Horses onlcftthitfh Range-Big White river ELEX ADAMS Postoffice address Manderson , S. D Left side or hip on horses and cattle : also 2 on shoulder , ( ) on side and Q OH left side of cattle. Arrow reversed on all cattle sold. Range Mouth Wounded Kuee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb On side ; also R on Jaw Horses R O on thigh Range-Lake Creek and Little White river. SETH GARY. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb. On both side and hip Herd-mark , dew-lap Horses same on left shoulder Banpe-Lake Creek and Little White river. JOSEPH KOCER. Postofflce address Gordon , Left side and hip Horses , left shoul der. Range-Little White river , Soulli Dakota. E. COFFEY AND SONS. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb. On left side and E onJawsomeJCou right hip and J On jaw j lorses PE and JQ on shoulder. Range , Little White river , Sjuth Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side Horses same on left shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young stock Ran e--Lake Creek % gfand Little White river J. J. PECK. Postoffice address Cody , Neb. On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range neadPass Ilreek , South Dak. C. H. LITTLE. 'ostoffice address Merriman , Neb. On either side Horses same on hp Also either Range Lake Creek South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. Postofflce address Merriman , Neb ) n both sides jsome n right side and ilp lorses same wlth- ut bar , left thfch lange-Lake Creek GARNER BROTHERS , Postofflce address Cody. Neb Anywherr onca'tle ; lorss. on leit shoul der. Range north of EH G. O. FA1RHEAD. Pcetofflcp r.ddress Mcrr'.iin. : .V Cattle on left ndj : ' -l bin ; some left side only. Horses , 6 o i left shoulder Range , between Cotromvood l.a' < e , Leander and Bear Creek W. R. WHITE. Poslofflccnf'dress Merriman , Neb On either side ; some \ SU Eon leftsido Range Southeast of Merriman FRANK LIVERMORE , Postollli'C nddrcs > ' Nob. i On both i or animalalso i I * un hip or bhou Rnnso i ittl White River and _ M Mith of Ceu..i 3 Creek , S. D. J. O'ROTJRKE. Posto.Tlce ad dress Kyle , S.D. On left side and hip. Hors s , J on left shoulder Range Big "White E. F. ROYLES. Postoffice address .Merriman , Kcl-- As on pur. loft si-It Range between NIO i- - t Reservation VETAL VLANDRY. Postofflce address Cot'.y , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with underneath the brand Horses on left shoulder _ Range Little White River and Mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postoffice address Pine Bidge , S. D Left side of cattle ; left shoulder of hor- SCJ Range White C.y ! Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postofflce address Allen , S. D. On left side and thigh. Horses on left flank Range Head of Pass Creek. GUS CRAVEN. Postofflce address Manderbon , S. 1 . On left sid a Her es , on h-ft hip wi'i o .t D. r under neath. B tn e-B g Wl 1 e river. BAPTISTB TOURIER. Postofflce address Mandersor , S. On left side. Horses same on left shoulder ; counter , brand , horse head on rlzht shoulder. Ranqe-Wlmo river and Wounded Knee CHARLES C. MARRIVALL. Postofflco ad.-lress Albany , Neb. On right side Horses same left Hip Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postofflce address Manderson. S. D. On either side Horses same left shoulder-low Ranjje "Wounded Knee and White river GEO. R. BROWN. Postofflce addiess Manderson , S. D On left side ; u.'so around hip-b n 'PI : side. Horses same on left Moid T. Range-Little White river and Brown Lake. LEWIS SHANGRAN. Postofflce address Kyle.S.D. . On left shoulder and side Also on left side Horses , ZS on Racge Big whits river , JOHN PALMIEST ) Po'.tofflco address " " Kyle. S. D. On left side of cattle ; left shoulder on tiors. rs ; also 121 or \ \ " on left side ol cattle. Range 01 : BR ! White River. ANTOI-VE JANIS. : graS3p PC s'officc address rmeKMKO.S.D. * ® | ' $ Left side on cattle ; ' ' & - - " - " i 'AzyjiZiU / / . . . . . . - trr \T ? XKJP -r * fctel 'Pit ' thtgb 0i ! orse8. S' SJgR . Rmje " Creek JOE RICHARD. Postofllce adr'S3 Allen , S D. On right side - - Eagle Nest Creek. ELICK RICHARD. Postoffice r d ' rcss A ; 'en. s p , On I. ft > iUe oi calt ! lefl Ran 40-Eagle Creek JOHN SWALLOW. ( . Postofiice address Aliei'.S. D. Left side on catt.'o. Horses , underlined II on left shoulder Range-Little White River LEWIS VEON. Fostofnce address Flue RIdgo. 3. Dj As on out Ran e on Laki Creek. JENNIE SEAR3. i'ostcrirc address Mandenon ; , S. D in left eide and Jaw Range on White over J. O. KOOK. PostofHce rrt'lrcss Ai.-i. : s. On lefts v Horses. u * > n thisli White t .ver aU Pass Ci o U j. n. PUGH AND SOM > . 'ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D i 'nttlo branded as on ut Horses' on left lioulder Range Flint Butte i Little White River DAVID COTTIER. Postoffice eddres * Allen , S D On left side , n oi ear split Range LUtleWliS4 River r BENJAMIN CLAYMOKE. i'ostofflee address Allen , S.D. < n left side ; also C T sbou'der. B side , 0:1 hip Horses. C 0:1 shoul- ior and underlined .Lou hip. Ranee ittlo White River LEWIS COTTIER. PostofHce address Allen , 5. ! * On left side ; also ai underlined DH eg left sldo f'f soaiai richt ear split Horses , 4 on rsat ! hip Range-LIttleWhitt Hirer L. FISHER. 'ostoffice address Interior , S. D. : tock branded as on .it , left side and Jaw Range Potatos "reek ! . B. LESSERT. Postofflce address Merrlm-in. Xefc , On left aide ; aluo OB same side , S.V underlined - derlined Horses , underlined M on left thigh Itangtf-Little Wultt Hiver JOSEPH KNIGHT. ostofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left hip ; wattle n neck Horses same on left loulder