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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1898)
. & . TilcGAA. f'reston , S. D. Left or either side of cattle jtilsoV left .side < > f neck. Sval- lo\v fork rh.'ht car undurbit left ; right ear nuil ; > cd off : il-rbn lot P-IV Soire on left | aami MHHC \vittle left jaw Oilier In-auus Ictt side or any part of animal. IcftsiJtf-or any partof animal , branded the following , lelt Also some cattle "bearing " the follow ing brands : A'c't ' neck ; X left side or shoulder , W leit hip 01 thich norse brands at lows leu i ii it-it Ictt ni | or thigh thigh thigh , ortfcigh , hip. Anyone sellinghorses or cattle tearing the above brands wfil be prosecuted. Information regarding tlieft liberally rewarded , Uange at Uarncy bprings uud Coltomvood. HERBERT O. UISONETTB. MANAGER. Postoffioo address Pine Rjdjri1. S. I ) , rattle branded as on cut , II OK on left side ; some K VST , I , on either side : Some on loft side ; ono older block , .any where on annual , llorsos K li on left hip Some Kanpe- Seven miles nonh- anywhere on eaecof Pine Ridge , in Shannon Co JOHN GHOST BEAU , MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridpe , S. I ) Cattle branded It C on left hip ofcatMea- ! oacnt : somebninded on k tsde ; lsor > JL on lelc side : liorsis came on left shoulder Ranee Wounded Knee and Walcpam- uii Lakc.Shannon Co. L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebraska. On l ft side , iiangc Pole Creole. SHOUT HORN BULLS for sale Geo. H. Hill. Gallop , Nebraska On leflsldo Eange-10 miles couth of Merrimau P. W. Prtiden : Merriman. Neb. Koine in-'iKled ' same as cut on both liips. it'ime Nortbe t-t of Mornmau Geo. L. Colernan. Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses O eft shoulder Ranee Ten miles west of Snake River Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side : horses same left shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush Like and South Geo. W. Monnier. Merrlman , Neb. Left shoulder and lefttnlchsome on left hiphor- ; ses same left thigh Range East and Southeast ilerrnnaii Grant Bixler. - - ; Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Merri f SJjgXS &Z man. H. R. Sears. Cody , Nebraska Mostly on rightbip ome on both hips Range-iledlclne Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson . Cody , Nebraska On left side and On thigh ; fcorses same X on left side T Range Between ' MARTIN KEj BEAR. Postofflce address , Pine Ridge , S.D. On left sid ; ; hoses sameleftthig-i. Range Wolf Creek. A THOMPSON Postofilco Addresr Simeon Neb Stock branded same ta cut be hind leftshoulder Range on the Schlaglo W G CARSOK Tostofflce Addres Simoon Neb Stock branded Sri left hip same is cut Range , head- wprtors of the tclilagle BEARSPostofflo3 Postofflo3 address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a-- oncutleftsidesomc ; on left hip Horse. | same on left shoul It der Range , Bquan Lake WORGAREIDGE and SON Pos'offlce address Simeon eb Cattle branded on cut ; or IJ or V D on left hip with bole in rght ear when uu- der2-yrs old ; horsea same as cut and U Kange Gordon Creek and Niobram Klver ALBERT WHIPPLE Postofllce address Rosebud , S. D. Branded on left side some SOS Horses on either bhoul- derSome Some an branded on either shoul. lerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Poslofflce address Kilgore , Neb. Cattle branded on either side as on cut. same on hip Some on left side VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofflce address Allen. S. i Left sidealsc ; | on lolt norse 10 on hip. Range Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofflce address Merrimnn , Neb. On left sideear-mark ; under slope horses J S on leit shoulder Range ten miles northeast of Merrl man. S. H. KIMMEL. KIMMEL.'u'd. 'u'd. S. D. Also B U n left side Ca tie un ! rent on both ears ; horses branded 4 ( n left shoulder Range On A nte- lope and Sprin Creeks Joseph Fail-head. Lavaca. Neb. leftj side Als on left side also same re verted on left thigh Horses shoulder nange-Between Fair head Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody. Nebraska. Left side on larg < cattle. On sm left horses . . . left shoulder Rango-Southenst o Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dewlap. Range Ranges 38 and 37 , between .Nio brara and the Snake. . James Goodfello\v and Son. Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; hor. -es JG rignt i > ni and mostly on ja\r Range Between MIO N'in'r-i-a and Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. .Fostofflce adddi > sa Cody , Nebraska. ' left side ; some T 'oft eldc , horses left Ehoulder SHORT ii'oev stock. Range Between N'lobrara * M Me Snake. HOP \VALLIHQFORD Postofflce Tidrtreas Cheterneld Neb . CattH ? branled on left itco and nip ; left eairop ed ' trare ; somep nleftildu on left Ehoulder horses brand - _ = , ed cross an chor on left shoulder. 8 E and A B MCALVEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake G KIME Tostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as ou cut or on hip ; torses same. Some on lelt side and bar on hip uange , one Tree Valley FLOYD KIME Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brandjd on left hip or side 01 both Horses with n on lefc shoulder , Range nusn Lake , Gordon and Korlb Loup N 8 ROWLEY 'us1 office address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on ft side and hinrhnr- os on Icft aotilderjalso the on eitner hlE ? i ( he l.tter ofa sght sldei Also on on either side Ranee , Bordman between Biff Bend and the Springs WYK & rostofflce address Valentine , Neb Cattlebrandedsame as on cut ; some on left side and hip ; horsea same on leit shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Ilordmaii ; Horse range. Steer Creek , between the .Niobraia and Snake D L McLANE I'ostoffice Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded s cut on either > ide ; aso ) F L R nil -F R Horses branded on left shoulder and cells . , * three links tango ir.outh of Cottonuood , RED SHIRT Postofllce Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on laft side same as cut. Horses brand eden left shoi'hlcr with a K. Ranch In Mtlle White < l\ PEKRY PARKER 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded me as cut. Horses , P on left loulder Range.Mouth of tordmun CLEMENT WHIRLIND Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I ) Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horsea branded same on left shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE 'ostofflce address KonncdvNeb Cattle branded on Jtsido and hip lorses same on left t. oulder Some - . S on left side v Range.Rush Lake.Gordon and North oup KI3IE Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with botb ears cropped square Horses same as cat tie but on left shoul der IIRS Wnir's cat tie , also. U BI nauge.Gordon Greet Q LADELY istofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded me as cut or on hip - Horses L on left ink Range , between ; irdon creek and ie Loup D B 6TONER Postoffloo address No.vion Neb Cattle branded a : on cut Also U on shoulder , sr on side. I on hip leftside Also C on left lav in addition to U B on side Range o Gordon creek aud south E W RAYMOND 'ostofflce Address Co Rosebud , 8. D CoOi lattle branded left ' Oii' M& * i' boulder and hip & " ' * Ra Horses branded { a nd rith c.oly eat 8 on OEORGR PETR Bonesteel.S D Some A B-E left Bide and left hip Horses M. on left hlpand some same on loft shoulder No horses sold un less brand Is Invert ed making j\i \ Range head of "Whet Stone M J. "WALKER Postofflce Addresit Simeon Neb Cattle branded on riehtsule ; horses same onleftshoul- der. Range , sum mer. on nakenv er , 4 miles from mouth ; winter , i miles south of Sim con C W BENNETT Postofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded \ ith 7 en left hip asosame ! as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river J VT IVrjRLEIGH ? ostofflce Address Simeon , Neb. Caltle and horses branded same as cut on leftside Range between Gordon and Snakr creeks and on the Nlobrara river B LORD Postofflcs Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflce Address Rosebud B I Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH. Postofflce Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded ; ame as cut a Dla- uond T Horses branded he same. Ranch n \ \ into Thunder Jrtek ROBERT FINLAYSON PflBtofflce addres- Newton Neb Stock brande same as cut Range on Gore'o GEORGE DECORY. Postofflce Address Rosebud , 8 D Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postofflce Address Rosebud , S P Stock branded left shoulder three Inches long ; side four Inche , 'ony. Brand record "i 22 yrs , Ranch oi lorse Creek D. BRAY Postofflce Address Rceebud , 8 D Cattle branded on S . ft thigh or hip -.aine as cut e eR Horses branded R lame on left shoul- Mer BEN TURGEON ' _ . _ _ Pjstofflce Addrejs Bonesteel , S I Cattle branded oi left side same as cu and right caj crop peti. peti.Horses branded T or left shoulder Also with cir cleA WM. F. RCH IIDT. Postofflce Address r Rosebud , S , D , randed eama as on \ lut or with unacr -he S ; rignt ear sUp ' nd dulaped. Horses branded ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - _ Postofflce Address Rosebud , S ! Horses are brand on left thigb ; catL' on leftside with hi crop on left ear , Alsocat MBwi hni , crop on ear Gustave Gunderson. Jody , Nebraska PeOn - Dnleft side ; horses 1 on ' left shoulder. On tange-Between Snak Iso the Niobrara Rai JOHN H ITARNAN. PostoQIee address Brownleo Neb Same as on cut Also and AE b * Horses on leit shoulder Ranpn GooTe Creek and North Loup L K BELDING Postoflloe address . Brownlee Neb On right side or hip Onleftsfde or hip ; or . L on left hip. Range , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle nr.d horses on left side ; also horses ses on right side Ranffe.Qoose Creek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address Erov.nlec. Xeb. Same as on cu' Range boiween Goose- Creek atd North Loup J. M. HANNA. rostcflico address Seneca , Keb. Branded as on cut ; some , . P on right \ liip u j.ija > and some on right hip Creek Valley in Uner- county E. E. ORR. ORR.Postofflce Postofflce address Newton , Neb. Cattle branded any where on left side ; horses onleftshoul- der Range , between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range , North Loup R. M. FADDIS. Postofflce address Pass Neb Range , North Lou > River I. L. MERCURE. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb On right side , or J on either hip itange. Southwest ofSeneca P. GRIER. GRIER.Postofflce Postofflce address Seneca , N b. Cn left hip left Cn hip nghtcr Ill- Range , be tween Seneca a > d Norway on Miildl- Loup B W PEAR3OK" Postofllce address Brownlee Neb St Same ; as on cut SK Horses same on eft shoulder Cr Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZSIANN Postoffice addres Drownlee Neb On left hip. Tlu Lord mark is a dev. _ lap Range on Goo t Creek. FRANK T LEE rostofflce address re " Brownlee Neb \Utleonleft side ; lorsos same on left Ez i'-oulder. Range 4 an li'es ' northeast of iei Srowulee L A GERMAN Prstffice address Newton Neb ( Tattle branded p-f- cr sidehors s same onleftshoulder.aio have care -i' branded SP under lined. Range-Nortl Loup DICK MCNALL PC estofflce address Brownlee Neb nleftsidcand hip do 8 OA le'thlp ange , North Loup wit ! \ \ CHARLE3 H FAUL3ABBR PostofBce uddres * Brownlee , Nebr Either right or left side on catlle Horses same on lett shoulder Lef tear cut off oi cattle Range , Loup rlv- ; r HENRY FAULHADER Postofflce address Brownlco. Neb Cattle on left Id Horses same on left shoulder RaKge. Louprlvcj. DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftside Has charge of cattle branded on rightsidennd horsea right' ' hip Some horses on left shoul der JOHN CHALOUD rV. V. PoslofT.oe nddre - Erownlee , Jebt Catlle and horsos- on right side Range. Big Creek- D E PERKINS Postofflce address Halserf Neb On left hip ange , Loup River TALBOT & GALLOP Postoffice nddresi' Seneca , Neb. Cattle branded era left < ide Horses branded on left shoulder ] Range between - , , twoen Middle Louj and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address 1 bo u'od. Nebr On left hip DrA6 on right hip \ or side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BR03. PostofUco address- Thedford. Nebr On right aide Range , between - Loup and DSsm - WALT HARDY. Postofflce address Seneca , Neb. Left side on cattle ; horses , left shonldcr.-also on lef i side [ some on right hip J Kange.soutb i .Middle Loup. JULIUS HECKMAN. Po'Jtonice address )3rownlce , 8 me as on cut Range sou'.h Brownlee M. DUNHAM. Postonice aadress Kennedy , Neb Stock branded on left iidoasoncut. Range Gordon Dreek. K GRANT PostofSce address Brownleo Neb' On left side Range. Loup IRA SPENCEH "ostofilce address Brownlee Neb Branded on left side Jange , Calf Creek ndSwtn Lake Val- 8 E ORR PoitofUcc airtr. Oji lef : side ! . i > Tvasi 'oatofflce address Kennedy Neb Stock brandel imeaacut on left Some branded bar underneath X