Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 22, 1898, Image 1
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT. VOLUME xm. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 22 , 1898. NUMBER 48. THE WORLD PIER LATEST NEWS FROM EVERY LAND , WRECK ON A TRESTLE EXPRESS TRAIN LEAVES THE RAILS NEAR GUOIN , IND. ; One Man Killed and Eight Injured Big Street Railway Deal Closed- Check for Millions Given in Paj'- inent of Same Other Items. Wreck on a Trestle. A wreck occurred on the Indiana , De- calur & Southwestern Railroad at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning fifty-two miles west of Indianapolis , near Guion , Ind. The Indianapolis express left the tracks west of a trestle fifty feet high and passed over the trestle , which was sixty feet long , with sevex coaches off the rails and bumping r ing along the ties. The rear car had just left the trestle when a spreading of the rails ahead of the baggage car piled the seven cars into a heap. The baggage car and smoker were ground almost into splinters , and all of the cars were badly wrecked. There were about fifty pass engers on the train , which , it is claimed , was running at nearly sixty miles an hour to make up lost time. One man was killed and eight injured. BIG STREET RAILWAY DEAL. Check for $2,28OOOO Is Given at St. Louis. William J. Orthwein , acting for his father , Charles F. Orthwein. on Saturday signed a check for $2.280,000 in payment for the stock of the National Railway Company , which owned and operated what are known as the Hamilton syndicate lines of street railway in St. Louis. The formal transfer of the property was made in Chicago Monday. The check , with one possible exception- thai given in payment for the Missouri Pacific Railroad was the largest ever signed in St. Louis. It was ceitified by the MissisM'ppi Vclley Trust Company , and is only a part payment on the property of the National Company. The deal is the biggest yet made in street railroad properties in St. Louis , and prac tically was closed / > n December . The consideration is said TO have been $3.000.000. HAS A FIGHT WITH ROBBERS Ttailroad Detective Shot in Ohio Supposed Crook Killed. James Foster , a railroad detective , caught two men robbing a freight car early Sun day morning at Columbus. Ohio , and was shot twice. He returned the fire , but fell from loss of blood. An hour afterward Fred Deering , a special policeman , went to Au gust Brokawiski's house , suffering from a pistol shot through the stomach , and died without making a statement. A revolver with three chambers empty was found on him. Brokawiski w as arrested. A lot of stolen goo-Is was found in his house. SAILS FOR AMERICA. Peace Commissioners Passengers on the Steamer St. TJOUIS. The American peace commissioners sailed from .Southampton , England , for America Saturday on the steamer St. Louis. Judge Day said the treaty of peace will probably be delivered to the president De cember 24. but it wa.s impossible to say whether it would be presented to the pres ent congress or the succeeding one. This matter the president w ill decide. Two Farmers Killed by a Train. Fred Kehle and Theodore Nassing , wealthy and piominent farmers , who lived a few miles from Nameoki. 111. , were run down and instantly killed by the south bound through Alton pas. > enger train Saturday night. The\ had been to the village on business and were returning Lome in a dog cart when killed. Kusshi Not to Build Canal. In a communication to the state depart ment Consul General Ilolloway , at St Petersburg , says the Russian government has no purpose of building a ship canal to connect the Baltic Sea with the Black Sea und suggests that American newspapers be .informed of the fact. Baron Ferdinand Rothschild Dead Baron Ferdinand James de Rothschild i dead. He was the second son of the late Baron Alphonso de Rothschild , married a cousin , Evlina. sister of the first Lord Rothschild : was a member of parliament ; was a junior member of the Rothschilds o London and Paris. A Spanish Guerrilla Shot. A Spanish guerrilla who landed at San tiago Saturday to settle his affairs , was recognized by the Cubans and fatall > wounded. A Cuban has been arrested 01 suspicion of being the assailant and if the crime is fixed upon him. Gen. Wo < 1 intends to make an example A Score are Drowned. The Ueamer Pierrcmonl has been in a collision with the steamer lllios in the North Sea. The lllios foundered and the Pierremont was badly damaged. It is be lieved twenty persons were drowned. King Oscar HI. The Copenhagen correspondent of the London Daily Mail says that King Oscar II , of Sweden and Norway has been sud denly taken ill and is now confined to his bed. ONLY FEMALE G. A. R. MEMBER 'Aunt Lucy" Nichols Is Granted a Pension by the Government. "Aunt Lucy7 Nichols of New Albany , Ind. , has been granted a pension of $12 per nonth by special act of congress. Lucy is he only female member of a G. A. R. post n the United Slates. She served through the war with the Twentjthird Indiana , participating in twenty-eight battles. She 'ought , nursed the sick and co&ked and washed for the others. She joined the regiment at Bolivar , Tenn. , running away rein her master. He traced her to the : amp of the Tw enty-third , but she begged protection and the soldiers kept her. Her laughter , who was with her , died at Vicks- burg. Lucy was with the regiment at "Washington when it was mustered out , am ] accompanied the men to New Albany. PUTS SEVEN MEN IN IRONS. Captain of the Tauric's Method of Handling Unruly Stockmen. When the White Star steamer Tauric , from Liverpool , arrived at New York , she had seven of her passengers in irons. Their names are William Sullivan , Jame Donovan van , Thomas Ellis , Charles Nichol , Otto Steele , James Parker and Timothy Hornby , all cattlemen. The men are accused of breaking into the ship's stores on Decem ber 3 and appropriating 192 bottles of ale and other commodities. The captain of the Tauric says that the men became intoxi cated after drinking the stolen ale and were so unruly and violent that he was compelled to put them in irons. Upon the arrival or the vessel the captain turned the accused over to the police. ANOTHER DEATH AT BUTTE. The Fumes from the Smelters Claim One More Victim. Thomas Donlan , an old time miner , was a victim Thursday from the smelter fumes , which still cover the city of Butte , Mont , like a poison saturated blanket. John Egster , at one of the hospitals is at the point of death , and Miles K. Diamond , it rough rider and Richard Sullivan are in a critical condition , all of them suffering from the smoke. An effort was made to suppress the smoke nuisance , but no one could be found to sign a complaint against the smelters. LARGE RANSOM IS DEMANDED Filipinos Ask Spain $2OOOOOOO for Release of Prisoners. There is great irritation at Madrid at the continued refusal of the Filipinos to re- a the Spanish prisoners , who are said to exceed 10,000 in number. The insur gents are now demanding that Spain pay as a ransom for these prisoners the $20,000- 000 which it is to receive , according to the terms of the peace treat\ . from the United States as compensation for monej expended in the betterment of the Philippine Islands. Cattle Must Be Certified. At the request of .some of the large cat tlemen of Montana Governor Smith issued a proclamation modifying the quarantine regulations of the state , which prohibited the importation of cattle from states south of Kansas and Colorado during portions of the i ear. Southern cattle , under the new ruling , may be imported at any season of the year. pro\idinu : that they are accom panied by certificates from some competent officer , showing ihatthey luncbecn dipped according to the formula prescribed by tin , department of animal industry. Itoss Surprises the Terrible Turk llali Adali. the terrible Turk , got a sur prise party at Indianapolis. Ind. . Frida\ night. Duncan Ross pulled him over ii. the collar and elbow bout , and not under standing the style Adali broke holds. Hos.- got the fall , it being the second one. in out minute ami a half. The Turk took tin Greco-Roman fall in four minutes and tin catch-as-catch-can fall in fne minutes. He .simplj crushed his man to the mat ii ; both falls. Gillett's Brother Also a Victim. J. W. Gillett. hardware and implement dealer , has turned over his business al Woodbine , Kan. , to his creditors. Gillett b a brother of Grant Gillette , the abscond ing cattle king , and held $190,000 worth ol cattle paper issued by his brother. The cattle which J. W. Gillett supposed he owned have been found to be mortgaged to others. To Go to the Philippines. Orders have been issued for the im mediate preparation of the following regi ments of regulars for service in the Philip pines : Twelfth , at Jett'erson barracks : Twenty-second , at Fort Crook. Neb. ; Third , at Fort Snelling. Minn. ; Fourth , at Fort Sheridan , 111. The dateof embarkation and the point of Bailing has not yet been fixed Ship Is Seriously Injured. So serious are the injuries sustained by the battleship Massachusetts as a result of the mishap which occurred a few days ago that naval constructor Bowles estimates the cost of repairs will be at least $24,000. Constructor Bowles estimates that six weeks at least will be necessary to com plete the work. Leedy Calls an Extra Session. Gov. Leedy of Kansas has called an extra .session of the Kansas legislature to meet December 21 , to enact legislation for the regulr.tion of railroad charges. Two Children Cremated. The residence of Carl Weld , at Halsteau , Minn. , burned last Friday and his two children , who were alone at the time , were cremated. Fireman's Fatal Devotion. The collapse of a wall during a fire in a livery stable in Chicago Friday killed two firemen and injured a number of others , THE WEEK IN TEADE BUSINESS WORLD AS SEEN BY DUN & CO. Washington Printer Throws Bricks Into the Residence of the British Minister at Washington One Mem ber of the Family Injured. Dun & Co.'s Review. . R. G. Dun & Co/s Weekly Review of . Trade says : December is adding a surpris ing close to the most surprising year of American history. Xovember surpassed all other months of the century in volume of business and production , and thus far December is doing even better , in output of pig ) iron , in activity and strength of securi ties. ; But that is saying a great deal , for in all these and other tests Xovember was the aL best month of American financial history The 1 woolen industry also comes to the front with very extensive purchases ol wool by large houses and small , helped b\ material concessions at Boston , so thai sales at the three chief markets have been 17,968,700 pounds , of which 13,860,200 were domestic , against 15,807,100 last year , ol which 7,448,000 were domestic. The trans actions show a demand fairly up to that of the most prosperous years heretofore. A much improved demand for goods ha ? started many mills long idle , and the pros pects for the next season with wool at more reasonable prices has decidedly improved The exports of wheat continue heavy , from Atlantic ports , flour included , 5,592 , U2 bushels , against 8,588,590 last year , and from Pacific ports , 741,991 bushels against 1,520,612 last year , so that for f we weeks the outgo has been 11,871,54f bushels , against 9,401,555 last year. The corn movement is the most astonishing feature of the business , the exports for three weeks having been 7,707,302 bushels against (5,826,891 ( : last year and the price has advanced Ic for the week Failures for the week have been 261 in thf United States , against 329 last year. ATTACKS EMBASSY. Bricks Thrown Into the Residence of the British Minister. The police of Washington , D. C. , have under arrest Joseph W. Pearson , a printer 26 years of age , who made a violent attacli on the British embassy with bricks , whicl he flung into the drawing room in whicl the members of the family of Sir Juliai Pauncefotc were seated. Miss Pauneefoh was struck by a brick , but fortunately its force was somewhat spent and she escapee with a slightly injured ankle. Severa' windows were smashed and the magnifi 2iit cut glass of the main entrance doors was broken and ruined. The total dam age done , it is estimated , will amount tc F700. The offense may be a very seriou ; one should he be adjudged sane , as specia laws govern the case of foreign legation ; and embassies. The department of statt has decided to secure a writ of inquiry intc .he sanity of Pearson. If adjudged insani he will be sent to an asylum. The mattei is taken coolly at the embassy. It is under stood no special action will be taken by th ? British ambassador. SHOW FOR NEXT YEAR. Omaha Exposition to Be Continued Under Another Name. Omaha will hold another exposition nexl year. This decision was arrived at at z great mass meeting of business men , bank ers and professional men Friday night last The show will be called the Greater Amer ica Exposition. Twenty-five well known business men will act as incorporators and put the enterprise on its feet without delay The meeting was marked by its briefness and its unanimity in favor of the cxposi 'ion ' for next year. In duration it occupied i few minutes more than an hour , but ir that time the amount of subscription passed the $100,000 mark and showed aboiv $3,000 to spare and a couple of thousanO names were added , making 85,000 to tin petition that is being sent to Congressmar David H. Mercer at Washington. THREE KILLED OUTRIGHT. Locomotive Strikes a Loaded Sleigh Containing Five Persons. A south bound engine , light , on the Pon- tiae. Oxford & Xorthern Railroad Frida ; vight stnick a sleigh containing five people near Imlay City"Mich. , throwing them out seriously injuring two and killing thre < outright. The party in the sleigh had beer visiting and were returning home. Tht driver was told by one of the party then was no train before 7 p. m. . and started t < cross the track. A light engine running oackward struck the rear end of the sleigl and the occupants were thrown high int < the air. Innocent Man is Freed. Innocent of the crime of which he ha ( been convicted , Mike O'Donnell slippet from behind prison bars in Xew York i free man after serving ten years of hi ; sentence of thirty. Circumstantial evi dence and individual character convicter him of the crime of robbery. Emporia Cattleman Missing. William J. Jones of Emporia , Kan. , i prominent cattleman , mysteriously disap peared Saturday night , and it is said h mortgaged cattle he did not own to Elmorc & Cooper , a commission linn of Kansa * City , and presumably to other paiiies. Mountaineers Hang Him. Pleas Goin , the mountain desperado who killed Hunt Kesterson and fatallj wounded Fred Burke on Clinch River ir Lee County , Ya. , was on Saturday nigh- swung to a limb by an infuriated mob o mountaineers. . CALVIN S. BRICE IS DEAD. Noted Financier Succumbs to an At tack of Pneumonia. Calvin Stewart Brice. the well-known financier and former United States Sena tor from Ohio , died of pneumonia Thtirs- ' day afternoon at his home in Xew York. Mr. Brice was first taken ill on Saturday , but his condition was not regarded serious until Monday , when symptoms of pneumo nia appeared. ' Calvin S. Brice was born in Denmark , 0. , Sept. 17 , 184o. He was c. s. BRICE. Ke Brice , a Presbyte rian minister. After having received a common school education young Brice en tered Miami University at Oxford , Ohio. He was then but 13 years old. When the war broke out he was among the first to volunteer in the university company , and in 1862 lie was enrolled as a member of Company A of the Eighty-sixth Ohio vol unteers. After serving for a year with the army in West Virginia , Brice returned to the university , being graduated in 18G3. Early in the following year he recruited a company , which vas assigned to the 180th Ohio volunteer . When he left the army Brice had bi-en promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. At the close of the war Col. Brice took up the study of law. and was admitted to practice in 1SGG. He practiced with great success until 1880 , when he abandoned the profession to t. * - . ? charge of various enterprises in which he was interested. While practicing lawr Col. Brice became interested in politics. He was chosen delegate-at-large to the national Demo cratic convention held at St. Louis in 1888 , and as a reward for his services at the convention he was elected chairman of the national campaign committee. Col. Brice was elected United States Senator from Ohio in 1890 , to succeed Senator Payne , and served one term. He liad lived in New York City two years , .but maintained a residence in Lima , Ohio , lie leaves a widow and five children , three sons and two daughters. CAPTAIN SIGSBEE TOO LATE. Fails to Reach Fortress Monroe in Time to fail on Texas. Captain D. Sigsnee did not have the satisfaction of sailing into Havana har bor , his first visit there since the destruc tion of the Maine , in command of his own ship. It was considered in naval circles as n rather dramatic thing for Sigsbee's ship to be the first to reach Havana in csponse to a call for the protection of American interests there , just as he was sent to the Cuban capital in the Maine for ; i similar reason. B ut they do things in n hurry in tbe navy nowadays , and Captain Sigsboe ? ould not reach the Texas before she steamed out of Hampton roads. A tele- irrum was sent to Captain Sigsbee at Fortress Monroe by the department tell- ng him to take the first train for Tampa and take passage on the regular passenger vessel , thence to Havana. CARLISTS LOSING GROUND. Spain Wants Italy to Watch DonCarloa and Prove Its Friendship. The Carlist movement in Spain is evi dently beginning to lose ground. As a esult the Spanish Government has be- * ome more aggressive. It is now anxious "o locate Don Carlos , who has slid out of view since his reported appearance in Austria. The army is being slowly mo- tilixed in Navarre and the Basque prov- 'nces as a check to Carlist movements. These provinces are in northern Spain , jordering the French frontier. Spain has isked the Italian Government to prove its friendship by watching for Don Carlos in Italy. Kx-Gov. Waite of Colorado has become i rich man in mining. The oil wells of Senator Roger Q. Mills are said to net him about $100 a day. Ilobson is said to be writing a meinoit of his experiences in the Spanish war. Dr. Conan Doyle is described as tall , bluff , hearty , and an enthusiastic crick eter. Admiral Sampson graduated from the naval academy at the head of his class in 1S01. Secretary Gage is said to be a passion ate sportsman , and a remarkably good shot. Queen Wilhelmiua of Holland is a firm believer in and a stout supporter of the Salvation army. Dr. Scott Schley , the youngest sou of the admiral , has begun the practice of medicine in New York. Miss Flora Shaw , who is now in the Klondike , is the woman connected witb the London end of the Jameson raid. Ian Maclaren. who is to lecture in the West next sprinjr , is said to intend remain ing in this country for at least a year. W. D. ITowells , the novelist , is said tc be contemplating a trip to London , where he will be the guest of Henry James. Captain Sijr 0)cc's artist daughter. Mary Ellen , has won the competition for a scholarship in the Art Students' League. Burnett , the Harvard football player , says that he was not the original "Little Lord Fauntleroy. " That honor belongs4 to his brother. Gov. Pingree of Michigan started life a poor mill hand. Now he is the head of a business , the value of the yearly product of which is about $1,000.000. The empress dowager of. China is ( 'A years of age. Her title runs as follows : "Tzu-hsi-tuau-yu-Knng-i-shao-yu-chuaiig- cheng-shoukung-chin-hsipn-chanjr-hsi/ ' 1 J I STATE OP NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. Body of Peter Krciclibauin , the Franklin County Fanner AVho Disappeared on the 2nd Inst. , Is Found Buried in His Hog Pen. Slain for His Gold. The body of Peter Kreichbaum , the ivealthy farmer who disappeared mys teriously a week or so ago , was found De cember 14 buried in the hog pen on his farm , three miles south of Franklin. It is undoubtedly a case of murder. The sheriff will endeavor to place under arrest two men who are suspected of having com mitted the crime Will Cole , aged about 25 years , and James Tunman , aged about 45. The finding of the murdered Kreich baum has created intense excitement. Kreichbaum was a single man , well-to- do , and was not known to have any ene mies. He always kept his money at his home and at times carried as high as $1,000 on his person. He sold and delivered a lot of hogs at Franklin on Friday , the 2d inst. , and did not have the check cashed before leaving town for home. It is supposed that some person or persons who knew of the transaction murdered him and took the money , aferward burying the body in the hog pen , where it was found , Kreichbaum was last seen Friday night , December , 2 , returning from Franklin about dark and it was not until December 8 that foul play was suspected. On Monday following the hog trans action two strangers appeared at the Kreichbaum place , claiming that they had bought the missing man's farm and stock and that Kreichbaum was going to Omaha. They remained about the place nearly all the week and busied themselves hauling to town what hogs and corn Kreichbaum had and also selling his horses. ARE HELD FOR MURDER. Will Cole and Jess Tun man Charged with Killing Peter Kreichbaum. The coroner's jury impanaled at Frank- Jin to investigate the cause of the death of Peter Kreichbaum , the wealthy farmer who disappeared December 2 and whose muti- Jated body was discovered buried in a hog pen on his farm , three miles south of Franklin , returned the following verdict : ' That Peter Kreichbaum came to his lealh B } being shot in the head with a shotgun and by being struck on the head by a blunt instrument in the hands of Jesse Tunman and Will Cole. " Survivor of La Bourgogne Keturns Fred Nyffler , a prominent young fanner , who lives near Columbus , returned a few days ago from an extended visit with his relatives in the fatherland. He left the state last spring and was a passenger on the ill-fated French liner La Bourgogne , which went to pieces and sank off Sable 1 I Island , and where 400 lives were lost. Mr. Nyffler was in the water clinging towreck- ' ag'e for over eight hours before he was res cued , and was then taken back to Xew York and made another start on the trip. Teacher Badly Burned. At the carnival exhibition given at Paw nee City Miss Myrtle Roper , one of the teachers in the city public school , took part in the exercises and was dressed in cotton batting. A match had been accidently dropped on the floor on which she stepped , and it exploded. The cotton readily ignited and in a moment was ablaze. This occa sioned a panic in the audience. The flames on Miss Roper's clothing werespeedil\ subdued , but not before her body was se verely burned. Physicians were hastily summoned and relieved her sufferings. Xeligh Bankers Indicted. E. A. Reimers and O. C. Keimers. presi- j dent and vice president , respectively , of the First National Bank of Neligh , have been arrested on indictments returned against them by the federal grand jury. ; | They are charged \\itii violations of the j federal banking laws. The cashier , who was indicted willthem. . Iras disappeared. [ The bank failed in October. j Slot Machines Are Driven Out. Fifteen hundred dollars' worth of iiiekel- in-the-slot machines must be turned to ward the wall at Waj ne. The chief of police made the rounds and notified the dozen different business houses in the city , where such machines are located , that they must be taken out. The order does not in clude the smaller machines which are played for cigars. Surgical Experts to Meet. Between Christmas and Xew Year's the Western Surgical and Gynecological As sociation will hold its annual meeting in Omaha at the Paxton Hotel. It will be held on Wednesday and Thursday , Decem ber 28 and 29. D. S. Fairchild of Clinton. Iowa , is president of the association and George H. Simmont of Lincoln is secretary. To Re-Enter National Guard. Adjutant General Barry has directed VTilliam Hayward. recruiting officer , to muster in Company C. Second regiment. which is to be stationed at Xebsaska City. Hayward was captain of the Xebraska City company which was mustered out ( last spring when it went into the government - . ment service. j Sentence Commuted. j Governor Holcomb has commuted the , sentence of Henry Hecht to one year , one 11 uonth and twenty-three daj s. Hecht was I sentenced from Douglass County to two years in the penitentiary for manslaughter. 11 I and under the commutation he will be a free man this week. Tax on Insurance Companies. For a long time the village trustees of Dsceola ha\-e been discussing the matter of issessixig fire insurance companies for the Benefit of the fire department and they aave just passed an ordinance taxing all fire insurance companies $5 a year. Measles at Farnam. An epidemic of measles has taken pos- session of Farnam. rendering U D/icessary / to close the public schools. BONDED DEBT OF THE STATE Report from Auditor's Ofilce Shows Some Interesting Facts. The bond clerk in the auditor's ofllcc in Lincoln has compiled some interesting fig ures on the bonded indebtedness of the various counties of the state. The total outstanding Ixmds of the counties amount to $5,011,043 , the interest ranging from 10 percent , down to Two counties are still pa } ing on 10 per cent , bonds , Polk on $40.000 and Saunders on $2,000. Many of the others where the rate of interest was high have lately refunded and obtained a lower rate. According to the report just compiled Otoe County has a larger amount of indebtedness according to the population than any of the other counties. In Otoe the total is $550,000 , as compared with an assessed valuation of property amounting to $4,70o,7G7. Douglas County has $657,000 outstanding , with an assessed valuation of $21,025,552.41 , while Lancaster has $350,000 , with a valuation of $9,137,191.71. Hiehardson County is in the best shape in the matter of bonds , having only a little over $8,000 outstanding , as compared with a valuation of property al most equal to that of Otoe County. In thp two years ending Xovember SO , 1898. county bonds amounting to $001,000 were issued. The amount of precinct , municipal and school district bonds outstanding is not known , but the report shows that during the last two years the issue has been : School district bon'ls , $247,077 ; precinct , $11,500 ; municipal , $184,500. The publication of the above article in the daily press brought about corrections in two instances. It seems thatin Doug las County the amount stated should have been $268,000 larger , a set of railroad bonds never having been registered , and when they were refunded there was again a fail ure to register on the books * > f the auditor. In Otoe County a reduction of $65,000 from the figures shown as asked for. that amount having been refunded some time ago , and the clerk having failed to furnish a certi ficate to the auditor. Appoints a Commissioner. The governor has appointed Silas S. Wii- lard of Chicago to act as commissioner of deeds for the slate of Xebraska at that point. The governor is authorized to ap point such commissioners in other states , to facilitate the signing of deeds or the trans ferring of property that lies in this state and is owned by eastern parties. The com mission holds good for four \ears from ( h date of appointment. Echo of the Bartley Case. What defaulting ex-State Treasurer Joseph IJartley did with the proceeds of a $20,000 warrant is at present disturbing state officials. Suit was brought some time ago against the Omaha Xational Bank for the face of the warrant. The bank filed its answer and places the burden on tJm Chemical Xational Bank of Xew York. The case will be tried this week. Cash for Xebraska Regiments. An Omaha paper has sent by telegraph $1,000 to the First Xebraska regiment located at Manila , and $1,000 to the Third Xebraska regiment , commanded by Col. Wm. J. Bryan , now at Savannah , Ga. , pre paring to start for Cuba. This money was contributed by over ' 3,000 contributors and is sent to the two regiments to provide for a Christmas dinner. Death of Ray's Victim- Frank Cheeseman of Brownville died from the bullet wound inflicted by-George Hay on Xovember 2. Cheeseman , who is a barber , had surprised Hay at his home after having warned him to keep away. Cheeseman is said to have fired the first shot and he received one in return which " resulted in his death. Ask for a Xew Building. The recent meeting of the board of re gents of the university was devoted to work on the legislative budget. While no report is given out , it i. > understood that besides the regular appropriations a new building at the farm and an annex to on on the campus will be asked for. Mayor Graham Acquit tod. 3Iajor Frank A. Graham of Lincoln was acquitted in the district court of the charge of bribery , following an indictment by the grand jury. Tin * ! > peeilic count on which he j , was tried was acceptance of a $50 brll o from a city employe in order to retain bin position. Xebraska Short Notes. The Methodists of Holbrook have decided to build a church. A big wolf hunt near Gaebner resulted in the death of one wolf. Xorth Loup people are making an effort to secure a public librarj. About half of this season's crop of com is in the field on farms around Syracuse. The American Bank of Sidney reports that their deposits have increased over $20- 000 in the last few weeks. Kay Holt and Charles Rose of Syracuse have patented an acetylene gas generator and will undoubtedly make their fortune. A live pigeon shoot will be heldinTllden on Monday. December 2(5. ( A liberal purse will be awarded the winner. Enough birds are assured for an excellent match. W. Pi. Olmstead of Winside cultivated ten acres of sugar beets the last season but lost the major portion of them on account of being unable to secure help to harvest the crop. The Methodist Church at Xorth Platte w as destroj ed by fire last week. Prayer meeting was being held when the fire broke out. It is supposed to have caught from a defective flue. J. T. Wilson of Njwe County has a broken leg. resulting from a horse he waH riding falling oa him. Madison Methodists have dedicated a new church. On the day of dedication there was a small amount due on the church and this was raised and $200 more sub scribed with which to buy an orj'an. S. J. Weekes and R. H. .Tenness , registei and receiver of the O'Xeill land office , will go to Fort Hartsuff. abandoned military reservation , and dispose of the balance ot unsold , land at auction to the highest bid der. During their absence the TJnjted States land office will be close.O. for bTjjsi- ness , but will be kept open for information. Improvements in the way ; of new ma chinery are contemplate lor the rQ house at Sidney.