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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
i l Ji < IH . thigh Harniark , square [ crop right ear Southern brandrd 'iltle have hut onn hair-diamond K" 01 -ft s-ile Nalive rattle ha\ , , tliront wattle Kantre on Gordon and Snake 'rvcks Horses have same bniiid on left thigh A Ilvicunl of $2SO will he paid to an\ person for inforinutioii leading to the arrest aw DnHl conviction of any person or persons steal lug cattle with ahove brand S KOUSCHE Postoffice address Hrownlee , K On left side or any part of animal. liar- mark right enr cut off ; heroes Stranded same on left hip. Also has stock branded II on aide or shoulder , orJKorWorO'Vl , orO or FZ. Also the following , the f rst on being on side and bin LEE AND SONS Postof3oeaddreh Bnnvnlco Nub On rlrht sido. eLK LK on same side also LKIJ on It- ) ' sirfoKango Kango , north rowiilee , 2 to * miles GEO IIIGGINS Y Postofllce address Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; some II left side and thigham amen on left thigh Kange Duck Lake add ivy 3jtfsf' = ' Br.nvnlee Neb < & ? > * g tside Range. CLAIILXCK K SMITH Postofllco address Whitman.Xe f | On left side ; hort-eb same mi leftshoulder HI left side 'inywherp ' on inimal. OnOT hip or thigh La Range north prongfc Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake GTJSTAVE WENDLIiR PostofflcB address Brownie * N-b Acorn jus' bu : k oi eft shoulder blade Horses same m : shoulder It a n He fas ! > Heaver l ake J G COOLEY Fostoffice address Hyannis , Neb on risratside ; horses ses same on right shoulder ngc six miles u rth\vest of Moth er Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h p Also bavt'htock branded on right side and hip Horses nit right hip Range-Southwestern ( .hern County. AV E STANSEIE ANJ ) D O BAUGII Fostofllcc address Ryannis , Nel On left hip and left side Also on loft hip _ and _ ' leftside ho'rees same brands on .shoulders Range 23-miles orth of Hyannis feV MASOV rnMPANY Postofllce address Hjannis , Neb On right hip ; ! L ! either side ( ) ii right ses right Kange seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENFA' BROS Postofllce address < Jltn , > . Pul1 ma 11 , Nel Cattle branded us on cut ; horses branded same as cattle e reversed S , See block Range Stever and Stepbenpoif Lakes and South A HUMPHREY Postollice address Hyannis , Neb Branded anywhere on right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Kange - - sixteen miles northeast of | ftv Tlyann J. A. Adarnson. _ A'alent-ne. Neb * * On left side or hip VX4 - left side or hip On left side Jtangpon Xlobrara P ' OTl " 1 ! " ' Br < vrcli.e , N Branded on tltlier side same as on cut a -10 i oth Jaw.j Marshall & Wolfunden Kennedy , Neb. Some s on the left hipHorses Horses son left shoulder IJrand is small Harniark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Range Lone Tree Lake Jam Hudson Simeon Neb Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses -Some horses Lazy on left shoulder Kange between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara Lett ear.s tagged All cattle dehorned William M. Dunbar Lessee from Heine & Kroegcr Cody. Neb DUn Either side low AlS ( on _ _ _ _ _ right Left ear 01 cattle Split Kange head ofSUay Creek Amelia Young. rody , Nebraska On right side. Right ear split Range , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Sordon , Nebraska On right sider'S' 01 right hip. o hors < brand and T on right shoulder Vteo cattle branded \i \ w on leftrside "Range , fowl miles south of Irwin mmm&M * ilenrv Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse hrand IIV on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river. S. D. Carl Tinenliagen , Kange 10 miles north and C miles " east of Gordon 8 i. " 1) . C. Nelson. : Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Kange , Medicine i ake. south of Suake river Jfutt Brothers. ; Gordon. Nebraska Jlange.14 miles north of Gordon. F. C ! . Duerl'ellt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska rattle also branded tO on right hip Horses and mules i.randed same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut on left side One bunch branded f I. on left hip Hordes .1 on left shoulder Hauge. 10 miles southwest of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albany. Neb CattK1 branded If l on left ribs or right shoulder ; SI > SD FD on right hip and left ribs ; t ! on left hip JlorsesFDorSDon right shoulder Uange 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur JJiacK Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Also Horse brand F on , left shoulder Kange 10 miles northeast of Gordon Wheeler Bros. Cody Neb Also II on right side Range Chamberlain J'lats and Snake Hirer Mirquirdi : t liowlns OTTO STKUUK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left ihoulder Kpme of cattle have various older brands. 0 S < m < left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. K nign Formerly Gee W Mnnnier much 5-miles east of Alerrinian. from F.E. & M. V. II. K. south to Leander Creek. Mar- t wctt to KdwlH.R , t r.inier , l . . , . . i - * , v. Mr. Ibtie went to town on the llth. WM Kime returned from town last , week. J vv M 'ICi-e i- now hunting in the sand hills. .Marshal ! & Wolfeudeii have placed a large bunch of young cattle on tbelr ranch. The dance given bv M. Dunham and wife was well attended and all n * : ort an enjoyable tune. Dan Sear.- , has taken a bunch of cattle t winSei from 11. F.-H ! U- , " 1 1'i-a. ( yrns Wolft-nken ib building a good h-'use 01 his claim in Ix > i.e Tree Valley. Eugene Noble ana came un from Mayweed wood to work for Marshall & Wolfeuden thi : winter. Mr. Sxinner. of Loup City , visited will Austin and Erickson several days last week. Xiobrara Falls. F. Itcece is husking corn for John Howers. Miss Sarah Adamson visited her brotber anl family. J.on Mosher is visiting friedds on this side of the river. Mrs. Keed is again stationed in her home on the south s do of the river. Blake Fisk is preparing to build himself a house to move on his claim. Mrs. Jleece was detained in Valentine several days last week caring for the sick. After a long absence I will try and give the doings from this neck of the woods. L. W. Parker returned a few days ago from a visit to his parents on the reservation. Mrs. C. A. Johnson is daily expecting the ar rival of her brother Iroiu Iowa. This brother ind sister have not met for more than 'JO years. IJAl ) JlOV. Sliecp Alley. Quite a change in the weather. Miss Myra Cass is visiting in the hay flats. Frank Jones is very sick with the measles. Grant Crager is over on the reservation hunt- ng. ng.Jiert Jiert Nichols says he can learn more hunting tmn going to school. George McNamee isagiin located in the river and we are glad to see you. The Woodmen will dedicate tlieir new hall by giving a free supper Thursday night. There will be a grand ball at Win. Seller's Christmas Eve. Everybody invited. Thomas Leeper and Mrs. Goucher started for Uurwell last week in a covered wagon. Golda McNamee is very low with typhoid fever ; Mrs. Peterson is attending to her. We seen Win. JJnrris * old white horse stand ing at the aamc old place eating post hay last Saturday. Oscar Smalley has gone to the orphan's home to winter.Vm. . German will go as soon as he ; ets over them asles. We heard a gentleman say there were more graduated fools in Cherry county than any nhrr county in the state. Go to the front Brother. BIG FOOT. Tl e Atclnnson Globe man wisely re marks tlmt a bride always starts in by giving her husband half the clothes ? lose , but within three weeks the man inds all his belongings hanging on four lails. In his writeup of a Thanksgiving" Danquet at Pullman the correspon- lent of the Whitman Sun saj-s : "Toasts were pronounced by Will Pullman and Albert Metzger which vere appropriate for the occasion. Mr. Metzger referred to his defeat "or the office of county commissioner n a manner that won him many "riends , and had Thanksgivinpr occuf- ed prior to .the election and his dis- rict all been present Mr. Metzger vould have been elected and tve be- ieve a future politician. Mr. Metz- rer allow us to prophesy that your lefeat was good and you can remain n your present position without re- rrets. " The Clara Ilanmer company which s playing at Cornell Hall this week is he best AVG have seen in Valentine. Phe star handles her parts with splen- lid technique , Fuller , who p'ays the leavy parts , is an ideal villain , and Frosto's songs and dances are nearly lerfect. Williams , comedian , is excel- ent in his characterizations , and the ompany's "silly boy" is an artist with iis feet and face. None of the special- ies nave been repeated except Frosto's vonderful dance and will bear re- jetition every night. The women of he company play their parts with far nore vigor than is usually the case in epertoire companies and every player s a star and specialty performer. The lompany has played to three crowded louses this week , and will play to three nore. From here they go to Chadron nd thence to the Hills. ! \ ( ' a 11ii ii GRATITUDE. iih iib My heart is filled with sincere gratitude for o hecompleterestorationofmyhearing , which I b tad. suddenly failed during a very heavy cold , \ j1 ud for over a year I was almost totally deaf. ; i wouldraisefrom my throat little hard lumps hat looked like chalk. I had a fullness , topped-up feeling nud frequent bloody dis- harges from the nostrils. Phlegm dropped ) nto my throat a great deal and the slightest old would cause intense headachea. I could lot hear public speaking , and in conversation tiy friends were obliged to talk very loud , j 0 t was in August , 18971 used Aerial Medication , i l t restored my nearing completely , stopped J ( > he terrible noises in my bend , rin i onred mo i f catarrh nnd thront affection , from which I tl lad been a great sufferer since 1890. In ono IJ nont'n I could hear us well as ever I could , s' nriat the end of three months I had recovered h ' omplctely from the disease that hud aillicted ! ' no in its worst form. My health and hparlng " lave been perfect ever since , and I earnestly 6 lesiro that others may benefit by my experto nee with this wonderful treatment. Mrs. Minv un L. Blauvelt , 382 Rhode Island Street , ' ' JuflTalo , N. Y. j FREE. v Aerial Medication will positively cure deafness , li atirrl ) , thruat and Inni ; diseases. To prove this T ( " rill , for a short time , send medicines for tlirea j ionthH' treatment free. For symptom form anil articulars address i r. LL , MOOIVEj IVIvlT , POQ CInoInonti , ' OUirf * Deals largely with our new Possessions 4S. Will deal principally with your POCKETBOOK and it docsirt make any diiVerenoe whether your Pocketbook be large or small , thin or plethoric , we are sure to have something to exactly fit your circumstances. Has never been equalled in .Valentine for quantity/quality or price , and we are certain we can save you some monev bv sellinp ; you Christmas ijoods. Our assortment in i * * O * J the following lines is most complete. Photo Albums , Toilet T7 T 'j-jL / " % c have an * Little Ones Cases , Manicure Sets , rot UM , . Glove and Handkerchief Sets , Necktie Boxes , ety of Toy , Garni * , Picture .Books , Alphabet Autograph Albums. Trinket Boxes , Collar and Blocks , Llumniing Top ? , Iron Trains , Horns , Cuff Boxes , nnd those beautiful Hetlttllionis Drums , Swords , etc. 1 An elegant line 3 7 T i 1 1 Fine Con tec- of Smokers' Sets , ror everybody ti , . , oQ-Good Line Meerschaum and Briar Pipes. Cigar Boxes Books in beautiful bindings , Christmas Tree Holders and ( ! a > es Cigars in boxes of 25 , Ornament ? , Ladies and Gents Pocketbooks 50 and 100. and Purses , Perfumery and Stationery. The largest assortment ever shown. Every purchaser of a doll , at any price , will be presented with a ticket entitling him to a chance on the big doll in our show window , which Will be Given Away on Christmas Eve MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE I'KOMPT AND CAKEFPL ATTENTION raria iQH& or Several head of "liox X" cattle and torses. Amos Strong , Valentine , Neb. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON ) ffice at Quigley's Drug Store. N ights-Upstai rs-Red Fron t Stotts A : Stetter. Cody.yebraska Branded on It-It side Kauge. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats Gorsuch Bros. fewton , Nebrask attle brandu'l s on cut Sonic ; ft side or hip tanse on Gord"oTi Ireek \'ot icK of Sn If. Vhttttel JIot't Notice is hi.-reby given that by virtue of a hattel mortgage , da'ed on the 'JGth dav of Feb- uary , 160S , and dill } ( ile'l in the "tlii-e f flu- unty clerk of Cherry county. Xrbraska. on he 20th day of Febrnarj. Mix. anil cx.Tii.rd by 'hurlct ; Sears to ) [ . II. < 'lnugh to spcurf tie ! pa\- ii-nt of the .SUT or.l.-j-jr on. and upon which here is now due the s in of si."l.l oo. default aving IK en made in the i > a > n .ent of said sum. nd no suit or proreedinsr at "law having been ustituted to recover saui debt or any part hereof , therefore 1ill sell the property"there - 11 described , vi/ : I-orty-two hea l officers. randed Ton left hip and 1-aroverCS on right ip : twelve heifers one > c r old. branded barer \er CS on right hip ; seven heifer-one year old , run Jed Ton left ip and bar over ( 'S on ip.aud eiglit cows from three to Kjears old , " ninded baroxcr ( on tight hip , "at public uetion at the house of Krne > t Howileii , Ivewane irecinct , in Cherry county. Nebraska on thi rd day of Jaiiuary. A. D'lfiis ) at 11 o'e'lock a in. f said day. H. II. Oi.oroH. Mortgagee Hy A. M. MOHUISSKV. his Attornev ated December 15. 180S. 47 f ol ice of Stilt- Under Cfsalfcl Mort- Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a battel mortgage , dati d on the Pili day of .Tune. 808. nnd dulj filed in the office of the county h-rl ; of Cherry Co. Neb , on the 9th day of .Inn- . > 98. and executed by Charles Sear * , aiid lilrnest ears to H. H. Plough to .secure tin * payment of he sum of 3X930.00. and up < u whi.'h there is iow due the Hum of ? 4.00500 , default having een made in thf payment of said sin. . and no uit or other proct eding at law having been siitutcd to recover said debt or any parr hereof , therefore I will sell the property"there - n described , viz : Twenty head of steers three ears old , branded 7 on right hiu ; sixteen heul f heifers and steers , two years old. branded" m right hip ; sixty-eight head of steers t > vo ears old , branded U on right hip : six head of lorpes six ye-irsold ; two head of horses four ears old ; three n-ares. two with colts bv tlu-ir ide. and seven head of horses and colts one earold ai'il over , at public auction , at the IOUSP of Krnest I'owdeu. Kcxvamj precinct. 'berry county , isebraska. on the .ird day of anuary. one o'clock p. in , of said day. Dated JJeceniuer 15 , S93. H. H CLOUOH , Mortgagee fi By A ) M * filoitmss&Y ; hTsJ NT 4 S3 ? Anything in the line of Clothing , 49 Hats or Caps , Boots or Shoes , tote to 4 ? Staple or Fancy Groceries , tote tote tote 4 ? Stoneware , Dry Goods tote 49 Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed , tote to tote to Be sure to call and get prices at 4 ? 49 tote gTOCK JiiXGHANGE EESTAUBANT. OPEX DAY AND NIGHT. E. T. MILLEB , Proprietor. LODGING FOE STOCKMEN 40 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS- 282 ; If STRE3P. Sonth Omaha. Three Doors From C-ir . ; EATES : $1.00 to § 1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67 5.00 to 87.00 Per We k. R HOrH . .MRS. JOHN REED , Proprietress. STOCKBEN'S PATROHABE ESPECI4LLT SOLICITED , ? t. B iweai ! , iniM Steels. Sc ath Omaha , Nebr T. T Hii Kennedy. N .Some on left Hnr e on left shoulder 11 A. McQtiade. Valentine.'Neb , , , JJnuulfcd on cither side . . t , . . llange between 7'haoher and Swan Kike