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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
T LOOK & 2 2 * * 2 * 2 * at 2 * 2 * 2 * those 2 * BARGAINS ! LEE in 4 ? 49I 4 4 ? ? CLOTHING fifr at 4 4 4 ? ? REDF NT 4 * 2 * 4 ? We shall offer for sale for the next 49 4 * 43 4 ? 60 Days , 200 Suits 4 ? 4 ? Of Gents , Youths and Childrens 4 ? 4 ? Clothing at just 4 ? 43 4 ? 49 4 ? 4 ? below actual value 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? Don't fail to call and look at 49 those bargains and thereby 4 ? save money QR.O.R. JACKSON DENTIST Office over T. 0. Hornby' * store Stairway on tvest side Operations aa nearly painle s as possible. J. S. ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Ofiea afcTUtabrook Honsp on Cherry St. VALFNTINE , NEB- . i U-A. UA.O.W.MOREY O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties FOR SALE AT ALL SALOONS IN THE CITY The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Ey , Susquehaniia Ryeand Cedar Creek I ouisville. Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's Wines TokaAnsellica.PortSherry : and Black her y in wood , claret , Rie I ig , Sjiutn-nea. Conks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bot- tlog. Damiana and oth er Cordials. | Also Ag nt for Fred Kings Celebrated Hz- ra Pa'eBjsjr for hw'j nsa , and Psbsi ZK Expo-t Be T T.THOMPSON .THOMPSON , A. M. MORKISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE , NEB C. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. DENTISTS ! Office over Cherry County THEDFORD HOSPITAL Modern equipment. Up-to-date proced ures. All the newer methods in MEDICINE and SURGERY 9pecinltlo Hay fever. Catarrh. Cancer , Rupture and Piles cured without thft knife. Disease of the eye. ear , stomach and of women , and all chronic difteuiM. Will answer calls by mail or wire within a dittance of 100'miles. Regular days : THURSDAY and FRIDAY at SENECA -undMULLEX- The balance of the week at THEDFOBD. Dr , M , . OLA.EK , Manager C. M. SAGESER , TONSOR1AL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS , WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT'T. ' BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty , Nebraska. $ I.OO Per Yettr in - * - - " - " PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY.fc at the Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebnnka. as Seoond-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order Co discontinue is received and all ar rears paid in full. Cominff JBventM. High School entertainment Doc. 1C. M. E. Oyster Supper , December 1C. Clara Hamner. December 15.1C and 17. Christmas , Sundjtj , December'J5. County Commisiii.ners. January10- New Year. January 1.1899. Attention Sir Knights/ You are respectfully requested to meet at your Castle Hall promptly at 8:00 : p. m" on Tuesday eveningDe - cember 20 , for the purpose of electn ing- officers and the transaction of other important business. E. J. DAVENPORT , C. C. Fur coats at T. C. Hornby' * . Full line of feed at Pettycrew's. Wm. Hook is in town from Cody. Childrens Cloaks at T. C. Hornby's Sewing Machines atT. C. Hornoy's Try the loct Jams at T. C.Hornby's County commissioners meet Jan uary 10. Doll Cabs 35 cts up , at O. W. i. 45 Bob Gillaspie is in from the ranch this week. W. A. Taylor is clerking- for Car penter cS : Rice. W. E. Hollidny was down from Cody Tuesday. FOR RENT. A four-room house. Enquire of E. I. Mills. The Shakespeare Club is meeting regularly once again. Stella-Mae Williams is over from Rosebud this week , visiting. Roger Brothers 1847 knives , $3.75 per dozen at O. W. Morey's. 45 C. J. Anderson came down from Cody on business yesterday morning. J. A. Anderson came over from Rosebud Monday and went east next mornmjf. 'Doc'1 and Will Higgins were in town irom Brownlee a lew days the past week. J. W. Stetter goes to Richmond , Virginia , to spend the winter , today or tomorrow. J. H. Neiss .spent several da3rs in town this week , combining business with pleasure. Joe Burleigh spent a couple of days in town this week , looking after busi ness matters. Dr. Walter G. Tucker came up from Stanton Tuesday niyht and is visiting his parents here. G. Gorsuch , of near Newton , came down from Cod3T yesterda3' morning to look after business matters. Crabb & Vincent have laid in a large supply of Christmas candies and nuts , for Christmas entertain ments. Mabel J. Coats , of Belmont , New York , weat to Rosebud Monday to act as governess in the f arnily of Rev. Clark. Being up-to-date in all things , Jackson & Brayton are now selling Hawaiian coffee. It is said to be splendid. To Cure n Cold In Oiir I ny. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. ' All rofnnrt money if it iails to cure. U6c. The genuine has L. li. Q. on ench tablet. Thos. McClean , of Brownlee , nas in town last week looking after some business before the land office and made this office a pleasant call. The ladies of the M. E. Church will serve fresh oysters , sandwiches and coffee at Mr. Carlson's new store building , Friday evening , of this week. Come. W. E. Efner has opened his new harness shop , just north of Stetter's , and is ready for customers. Arthur Sherman will clei k in the store and also work at the bench. The railroad company have a large force of men at work this week , and are putting up about twenty cars of ice per day from Lake Minnechaduza. The company expects to put up 450 cars in all. At a meeting of the citizens of Wood Lake , Tuesday night , they de cided to have a Christmas Tree and a short program Christmas eve. Ever3rbody islnvited to attend , also to bring presents for their friends. The tree is free for all this year. The public school at Brownlee where the number of bo3 s is larger than the number of girls , the ratio is about 4 to 1 in favor of the boys. Two explanations of this unique state of affairs suggest themselves , to-wit : The teacher is 3roung and pretty ; Loup precinct is strongly democratic in politics. During the month of November 133 chattel mortgages for $223,063 were iiled with the county clerk , and 101 for B94,332 were released. One city- mortgage for $1,000 was filed , and two for 81,401 were released. Only- two farm mortgages for a total of $600 were filed , and three for $2,650 were released. Large assortment of ner Booka at T. C. Hornby's Don't forget the bargain ccunltr at Pettycrew's. 47 Don't fail to see O. W. Morey's dis play cf holiday goods. " 45 P.-F. Nelson , of Cod * , was in town Saturday : on land business. Go to O. W. Morey's Jewelry Store for to3's and holiday goods. 45 Chadron is preparing to hold a live stock institute some time in Januar3r or Februar3' . Dr. A. N. Compton was called to G. W. Burge's ranch , near Kennedy , Saturday , and found a two-year old child suffering from pneumonia. The little one was improving when the doctor left there , Sunday forenoon. The chattel mortgage record was broken in Cheir3T county when one of our prominent stock firms near. Cody- filed a chattel mortgage Monday for 860,400 on 1,766 beeves. The instru ment required $29.75 worth of revenue stamps to make it legal , and will be due in less than a year. This mort gage is for a little more than $34 per head on each animal. Theodore Tillson sold his livery stable to Clarence Walcott , Monday 1 morning , and that gentleman will make this his permanent home. Theodore still owns the feed stable , but Clarence will have the exclusive livery business , and with his outfit of teams and buggies , his energy , ac quaintance and good humor , he should grow rich rapidly. Geo. Campbell , dr3r goods : Bert Heel , groceries : J. W. Dixon , drugs. Say , there's a trio of traveling men that's hard to beat , and they were all in town at once this week , and each of them did a splendid business. The three are totally unlike , in looks and business , yet it would be hard to find a better man for either of their places , and if we may judge b3' the way they were rustling business here they are certainly bonanzas to their firms. Two new business houses opened for trade this week. Carpenter and Rice have their stock of groceries now complete , and will have the bal ance of their stock on hand shortly. W. E. Efner has a fine new stock of harness and supplies , and with two expert workmen are prepared to meet the wants of all. There are now two harness shops in the count3r , and much of the trade which has been going out of the count3 * should come to Valentine. The treasurers of Douglas , Lan caster , Richardson and Cherr3r coun ties , failed to return their collections in time for the December school ap portionment , and consequently the schools will get several thousand dollars less money this month than formerly. Treasurer Thackrey sa3's that one reason for Cherr3' count3's delay arose from the fact that he ne glected to deduct all his fees when he made his returns , and the auditor would not receive the money until the necessary correction was made. Gents gold filled 20 year , screw bezel and back , nickel works , Elgin watch , for $12 99. Gent screw bezel and back , silverino Elgin works , § 4.99. Ladies 5 years , 0 size , Elgin , $14.99 Gents watch chains , seven 3rears , for $1.49 ; five years , $1.24. One hundred patterns chains , luc to $8.00. Ladies 48 inch Soldered Link Chain with gold slide , S2.50 to $6.00. Solid Gold , good weight , children's rings , 75c to Si 25. Same for Misses , 99c to $1.99. Scarf Pins , oc to $3.50. Gold filled Bracelets $1 25 to $5.00. Very stylish Toilet Cases , $1.25 up. Leather Writing Tablets , $1.35 up. 1,5000 or 2,000 Toys , Ic to $3.00 Shoo-n Rocking Ilorses , $1.00. Toy Tea Sets , 10c to $1.00. Sets Toy Furniture , 9 pieces , 15c Books 5c to 65c. Games , 5c up. Picture Trames from 35c to $1.00. Dolls , Dolls , too many on hand ; take them at some price. Igirif you want Christinas presents : and cannot come to town , send me the number of children. bo3rs or girls , ages and amount you wish to pay , $1.00 or up , and I will make a good selection , and pack and ship same. 0. W. THE JEWELER E&tray Notice. Taken up October 8 , 1898 , ten miles south of Cody. Nebraska , one white cow brained ( ) on left .side and onu red calf with no brand Takunupby Taken Up. At my place near Wood Lake , one two-year old iteer , of Herelord stock , branded O ] L m both hips , and X on left side just back of lore leg. Ouner is requested to rtinove said st-er or it will be sold according to law. 45 PAUL Sale of Etttrnj/n. Having complied with the provisions 9f the law regarding the taking up and odvertising of estrays. and no claimant putting in an appear. aiiL'e ; now therefore the undersigned will offer for sate to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , at hiB place iVi mile east of Xenzel. Nebraska , January 9.1880. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. , tfiree horses describe * ! as follows : One yray horse about eix years old , branded X on right hip. One bay horse nboutsix years old , bran ded on shoulder and hip. One bay horse about six years old , on front shoulder sad O on left hip. AfiBKEW JvORALETVSICI Mill f rices for Fee < t. Bran , bulk . . . . 50c per cwt $9.00 ton Shorts bulk 60c per cwt $11.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00" Chop Feed 70c " $13.00 " Corn 65c " Oats $1.00 " FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 9 miles south f Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to grind Feed , Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sniff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J , F. HOOK. . y "V-tJ- jf at the Prices You Like An examination of our Is a Pleasure to Young and Old OME EARLY and make your purchases and get the cream of tliis stock , which was bought to save you time and money. Our store is replete with bighearted bargains at bighoartcd prices , and in it you will find something for every person , and something for every purse. Bring the Hi tie ones and let them see Santa Olaus7 headquarters. jVTail orders will be given prompt attention GENERAL MERCHANTS HANT Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts. SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulars call on Ranch orders a specialty Fattlham & Dl DlDS , Felfs. In iact anything in men's wear Practical Tailoring in Connection. D. Stinard , Clothier. Wide Tire Wagons , / * Are acknowledged to lie the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD In addition to tin's 1 have just received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in rny line elsewhere Valentine Nebraska D. S. Ludwig P. O. Parsons Photographer Has rented the A. . G Sliaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be he < Jrom 1 ST TO 12TH OF E EBY MONTH First-class Work iu every Particular Guaranteed. See Sample * of Work at tiie Red. Fro * Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing'Goods CALL AND GET PRICES CORA GILLETT.