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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
C'rcslon , S. D. Leftor cltlier s of cattle ; also V sltl f . neck. Sw law toik rljiht c underbit left : ri car mUslieO oft : drrbit IP ? r . r Soire n lort t juv : and some t wattle left jaiv Other brands y part < ? f animal. left si Je or anv | " pan of aniniat , Some branded il Ibe foltowing , left ii1"U Also some cattle ii1"E R the follow- lHM .T TH kmjj P * iieok ; X IdftsWe or shoulder , \V lett lap Thigh _ _ _ PWB i nrmijj m jjii. On left side Horse brands at Sows fun it it ii-u iciini | > thigh thigh thigh , ortaigh , hi Anyone selling fcorses or rattle 'hearing ' < above brands will be prosecuted. Informal 'regarding theft liurr.allv rewarded , llange Harney Springs and Oottonwood , HERBERT O. BISONETTE , H address Pine Ridge , S. Cattle branded as put , HOR on side ; eoineU' eitherside : Some on left side ; s ino older stock , .anywhen animal. Horses E on left Sonic anywhere Jlange-Seven miles nonh- eastof Pine nidge , in Shannon C JOHN GHOST BEAU , MANAGER Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S. D Cattle branded B Gen on left hip of cattle us on cut : some branded on lilt side ; also n ft on lett side ; horses same on left shoulder Kange Wounded Knee and Walcpam- itii Lake.ShannouCo. L. C. Peyton. Lavaca , Nebrask On left side , itangc Pole Ci eel SHOUT iioux for sale Geo. H. Hill. < 3allop , Nebraska On leftside Kange-10 miles south of Merriman P. W. Pruden. M erriman. Neb. Some bninde same as cut on bet Northoi > ot rilernman Geo. L. Colernan. Cody , Nebraska On leftside ; horses O eft shoulder nance Ten miles webtof Snake niver Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right sidp same lef shoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brnsl Like and South Gto. W. Monnier. Jlerriman , Neb. Left shoulder and left thichsomc ; on lefthphor- ees same lefc thitth j angc East and Southuast jlernihan Grant Bixler. I - - - * - ' . _ - - , Merriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Range Six miles Northeast of Merri J * man. H. E. Sears. Cody. Nebraska Mostly on rlghtblp ome on both hips Range-Medicine Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cnt ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Evenson. Codv , Nebraska Cn .left Bide and thigh ; twrscs same x on left side . Range Between fcp and S MARTIN RED BEAR. Postoffioe address Pine Ridge , S.D. On left sld ; ; ho sen same left thlg i. Range Wolf Creek , A THOMPSON Fostodco Add SlmeenNet 'Stock bran same as cut hind leftshou ) Range on Bchlagle TV O CARSON Postoffice Addres < - Simoon Neb Stock branded sn left hip same is cut cutRange Range , head er the ichlaglo BEARSPostoffloa Postoffloa addr Kennedy Neb Cattle branded oncutleftsideso ; on left bip nor same on left she der Range , Sou Lake MGRGAREIDGE and SON Poatofflce address Simeon I\eb Cattle branded as on cut ; or U or V D < > n left hip with hole \ MI rght ear when nu- % < ler2-yrs old ; horsea same as cut and IJ Hange-Gordon Creelcaud Niobrcru River ALBERT AVHIPPLE Postofflce address Rosebud. S.D. Branded on left siri some SOS Horses on cither shoul der . Some : n branded c either shou ler thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER rostofflco address Kilgore , Neb. battle branded on ; itherside as on ut. same on hip Some on left side K VA ROBERT BAD WOUND. Postofflce address Allen. S I Leftsidealsc i& on lolt oni& norse 10 on ipfr hip. Range Corn Cree T. F. FRANKS , ostoffice address Merrimnn , Neb.1 nleftsidcear-mark ; ndcr slope orses J S on left loulder lange ten miles irtheast of Merrl- au. S. H. KIMMEL. ROSO'U d. S. D. Also B 0 < n lef side Ca tie un 1 < rent 01 both ears ; horse : branded 4 cu lef Bhoulder Range On Ante lope and Spnn Creeks Joseph Fairbead. ivacn. Neb. left- side Als , m leftside , ; o same ro- rted on left tbigii > rses nge-Rctween Fair ; id Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody. Nebraska. . i. ii t Left side on UUlTi * 5M ttttS left side ; horses left bhouldi-r nange-Southenst o Cutcomb LaKe Shadbolt and Fleishman. ly , Nebraska : t side ; S 1 ? left inkier ; herdniark- vlap. ange Ranges 30 137 , between Nlo- ra and tlie Snake. James Goodfellorc and Son. Cody , Nobrask-i On left side ; hor. ses JG right s. and mostly on j.uv itanae Betuecn the Xin' r'ra aiid Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. toffice adddr < ? 3 Cody , Nebraska , left side ; some 1 left side , horses left shoulder- ax IJORX stock , ingo Between ] rar.a and the HORACE WALL7KQFORD Chciterfleld Neb Catt'e branled ou left ide and Ulmlgft car croo fcdf&vSSj square : sointt > | | ief shoulder horses brand ed cross an chor oaTcf t shoulder. 8 B and A B JICALVEY Postofflce addre : Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on cut ; horses sa on left shoulder nange oa Squ , Lake Q W K1ME rostofflce address Kennedy j eb Cattle branded AS on cut or on hip ; j& g } uorses same. Some lcla on ST..TJ.Range , ' .one Tree Valley FLOYD KIME Postofflce addres : Kennedy Neb Cattle brand jd < left hip or side both iiorses with n < lefc shoulder , nan , Rush Lake , Goidi and jforlb Lotip N fl ROWLEY address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on ft Bide and hipihor- 03 on left .ioiUderalso ; 551 the 'Stformei ° n either the latter on ight side Also Bfi on on either f v ' - ' % h 4W > 4 Qlt\l\Z * VSra g Ranse. Bordmnn betwee * * * nig Bend and the Springs KYE & rostoffice address Valentino. Neb Cattlebrandodsan as on cut ; some o left side and hi ] horses same on ie shoulder. Cattle range , Go don and Bordmar Horse range , Stec Creek , Ue tween tli jS'lobraia and Snal ! D L SIcLANE L'ostoffice Address Rosebud , S D Catile branded s cut on either * .dealso ; F L R nd F R Horses branded j on left shoulder . . J and colts three links ilauge mouth of Cottouuood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address RosebudS I Cattle branded 01 left side same a : cut. Horses brand eden left shoi'ldc : with a K. Ranc. in Little "While FERRY PARKER ostoffice address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded .me as cut. Horses , P on left soulder Range.Mouth of srdmun CLEMENT "VVHIRLIND SOI Poatofflce Address Rosebud , S 1) Cattle brand oc left hip like cut Horses branded same on ieft shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE stofflcs nddre a KonnedvNeb ? t'ttlo branded on 't ' side and bip irses samp on left milder Some vl on ieft side nange.mish Lalce.Gordon I and North J D KIMJE3 KIMJE3Postofflce Postofflce tddresa Kennedy Neb Cattle brnnJod on left sldo v.'ith both enrs cropped square Horses same as cattle tlo but ou leftshou'- der lias W lr'fl cat tle , also. U P I Mange.Gordon CreeS G W LADELY stonice address Newton Neb Cattle branded us as cnt or on hip lorEea L on left ik Range , between rdoa creek and Lbup D B STONEH Postofilco address Newton Neb Cattla brandpd a on cut Also U on shoulder , s on side , I on hip left side Also O on left lav. in addition to U B 1 on side Range 0:1 : Gordon creek aud south B W RAYMOND tofilce Address Rosebud , S. D tie branded loft aider and hip orses branded i only one 3 on hip tJEORGE PETB elS D Some A3 Eleft side and lelthip Iiorses Mon left hip and soroo ssmo on left shoulder * No horses sold un. less brand is invert ed making j Rangu head ot Whet Stone M T , Postofflce Add Him con Net Cattle brande rhrbtsnle ; ho same on left sh der. Range , s mer. on Snakn er , 4 miles fi mouth ; \\inu miles south of ; con C TV BENNETT Postoiflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded \ ilh 7 on left hip alsa same as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake creeks and on tbo . _ NIobrara river J \V "BURLEIGH " ostofflce Artdr Simeon , Neb , Cattle and her branded same cut on left side Range betwe Gordon and Snc creeks and on 1 Nlobrura river B LORD Postofflce Addraa Simeon Neb Stock branded jame as cnt back ) f right shoulder ind on right hip Range , on tha iobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflco Addres Rosebud S Cattle onmded sai as cut or on hip Runch on Bla i Pipe Creek TODD ostoffico Address Rosebud SD Cattle branded imo as cut a Dia- iond T Horses branded ie same. Ranch i \\liiw Thunder rtek ROBERT FINLAYSON Postoffico addres Newton Neb Stock brands same as cut Range on Gor'o Greek GEORGE DErORY. istofflce Address Rosebud , 3 D Cattle branded i loft side same as itUorses Uorses branded I ) on left hip Uanch on Lone id Antelope creek stof Rosebud BEN BEAUOVI3 Postofflce Address Rosebud , S I Stock brandeJ lef shoulder three Inchc ; long ; siae four inchc 'one. Brand record 41 22 vrs. Ranch ci lorso Creek D. B1AY stoTico Address Rceebud , S D Entile branded on t thigh or hip ne as cut Horses branded ne on loft shoul- BEN TURGEON P jstolflce Adrtres Bouesteel , S L Cattle branded 01. left sidosaT.ieas cu : and right caj crop pod. pod.Horses branded' ! left shoulder j Also with cir ! cloA war. F , SCHMIDT , itofflce Address Rosebud , S , D , nded same as on or with unacr S ; riROt oar lip L dulaped < m m * orsos branded ie un left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - _ Postoffice Address Rosebud , S ] Horses are brand t' on left thigh ; c.ut. on left side with h crop on Gustave Gunderson. 7 , Nebraska eft side ; horses i left shoulder. je-Between Snak the Nlobrara JOHN H HARNAN. Postofflco address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Also and AE he Horses on left shoulder Ranpo Goo'e Creek. and North Loup K BELDING Fostoflloe addi Brownlee N On right side hip g On left sfde 3a or hip ; or / ? . L on H left hip. Range , Calf Cr j B and E T SMITH PostofQco address Brownleo Neb Cattle and horses on left side ; also horses ses on right side Ranare.Goose Greek E. R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address Erownlee. Ni Saino as on cu' Range betwcci Goose Creek H North Loup J. M. HANNA. rostoffice address Seneca , Neb. Branded as on cut ; some Jil and some ou right hip Range Calf . . . Creek Valley iu Otier- county E. E. ORR. Postofllce addres Newton , Neb. Cattle branded an where on left sld horses on leftshoi der Range , betwet north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses branded on left side ) r iiip ICange , North Loup R. M. FADD1S. Postoffice nddree Pass Neb Range , North Lou River I. L. MEUCURE. 'ostofflco address Seneca. Neb On right Kg side , or J on either hip lange , Southwest fSeneca P. GRIER. Pos'ioffice Seneca. On left Irp On right t r Ip'thlp Ranee , be tween Seneca & \ \ Norway on M d ll- Loup B W PEARSOtf rostofflce address Brownlee Neb ime as on cut Horses same on t shoulder uige , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZSIANN Postoffice addres Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dew. lap Range on Goo-c Creek. FRANK T LEE stofflce address Jrownlee Neb ttleonleft side ; rs"s same on left mlder. Range 4 lea northeast of ownleo Newton NC'J C'attle branded > : : ' ersidehorsns ; sun ' onleftbhouldcr ao liaverare "i t < branded SP undt DICK MCNALL tofilce address rownlee Neb eftsidcand hip 8 oa left hip ge , North Loup CHARLES H Postofflce addresi Brownleo , Nebr Either right or left side on cattle Horses same on leit shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Range , Loup riv er p. HENRY FAULHAP.ER Postofflce addres * Brownlco. Neb Cattle on left elda Horses sama on left shoulder Raso. Loupriycj DAVID STEADMAN" Postofflce address Pass , Neb Cattle on leftsitl- Has charge of cattle br.tnded on & 3 righteideandj/ horses right hip Somehorsea on loft shoul der JOHN CHALOUD Postoffloe address Brownlee , Neb Cattle and horses- on right side Range. Big Creek. D E PERKINS Postofllce address Halsey , Neb On left hip 1 ange , Loup River TALBOT & GALLOP Postoffice addres * Seneca , Neb. Cattle branded on- left sule Horses branded on left shoulder ? Range between - _ tween Middle Louj and Dismal GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address 1helfod. Nebr On left hip DrAG on right hip \ Dr side Range. Loup and Dismal CRONIN BROS. Postoffico address > Thedford.Nebr ' On right side Range , between Loup and Dismz- WALT HARDY. 'ostofflce address Seneca. Neb eft side on cattle ; orscs , left lotilder.aleo [ i left side some on right hip J Hange.soutU Ide ! Loup. JULIUS JIECKMAN. PostofHce address Brownlee , Nefc S ine as on cut Range south oj- Brownleo M. DUNHAM. stofflce address Kennedy , Neb ) ck branded on left leas on cut. lange Gordon 26k , K GRANT PostofSce address Brownlee Neb" On left side Ran e. Loup Rltffr IRA SFENCETt stofflce address rownleo Neb randed on left slda ige. Calf Creek LSwon Laka Val- OHH , On lef s sdc f fi Range. Swan J R " VALLrN"GFOP.D itofflce address - ICennsdy Neb tock brantfeJ saacut oa left Pome branded barunder = eali ; aywbcre ca ! ci $