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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1898)
Makes the Muscles Slroiisr. From hard Avork or excessive exercise soreness and stiffness sets in and lays up. St. Jacobs Oil Avill cure it after a few applications and make the muscles limber and strong. John CJiiincy Adams' Ghost. One of the most curious and alarm ing of the audible phenomena observ able in the Capitol at Washington , so nil the watchmen say , is a ghostly footstep that seems to follow anybody who crosses Statuary hall at night. It was in this hall , then the chamber of the UOUSP of Representatives , that John Quincy Adams died at a spot in dicated now by a brass tablet set in a stone slab , where stood his desk. rkle $ Hon. XV' . A. JltacCorklo , 32r-Gov. of West Virginia , adds his name to the long list of Statefcincn benefited Po-ru-nii by - - Jle heartily recommends Pc-ru-na as a ca tarrh remedy and tonic. Hon. W. A. Ex-Gov. of West Virginia. CHARLESTON , W. Va.March9,1598. Pe-ru-na Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. GENTLEMEN : Your Pe-ru-na , as a tonic , is certainly unexcelled , anA in a number of cases that have come under my observation where it has been used for catarrh , or any disease which has its origin in that malady , it has been of great benefit. Pe-ru-na has rny hearty recommendation , both as atonic nnd catarrh remedy. remedy.W. W. A. MAcCORKLE Po-ru-na is a permanent and scien tific cure for catarrh. It is purely vegetable and works in harmony with nature. All druggists eell it. Ask : oiy druggist for a free Pe-ru-iia Almanac tor the year "Nothingbut wheat as far as the eve could reach on cither side what you might call a sen of wheat" was y.hat a lecturer , speakinp of Western Canada , said while refer ring to that country. 1'or particulars as to routes , railway fares , etc. , apply to N. Itnrtholo- mew , ytli Street. Des Moincs , Iowa , Agent for the G3Vruineut of Canada. A Natural Black is Produced by DUimlllg liulIi § 111UWhiskers. SOcts. ofdrueeit * ° rn.P.Hali8cCo.Nashua.N.H. Make-op B le. . ing Rule. THIS IS INTENDED ONLY FOR COUNTRY PRINTERS WHO WISH TO START IN BUSINESS FOR THEMSELVES. WHAT IS THE > USE OF YOUR WORKING ALL YOUR LIVES FOR SOME ONE ELSE WEEN WITH ONLY $100 YOU CAN START IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF. We Have Sold OUR $110 OUTFITS TO AT LL'.KST TWENTY-FIVE YOUNG MEN IN THE PAST YEAR AND THEY ARE NOW RUNNING A BUSINESS OF THEIR OWN. ARE MAKING MONEY AND BUILDING UP THEIR BUSINESS - ' NESS AS WELL AS HELPING TO BUILD UP THE TOWNS IN WHICH THEY LIVE. WE CAN SEND YOU SAMPLE COPIES OF THEIR PUB LICATIONS. There Is no Use "PEGGING ALONG" ON A SMALL SALARY ALL YOUR LIVES. PICK OUT A SMALL TOWN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD , write us about it , AND WE WILL HELP YOU GET STARTED BY SELLING YOU ONE OF OUR $110 OUTFITS. FOR FUR THER INFORMATION ADDRESS , CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION , 411 Douglas St. , Sioux City , 3owa. Music , Music , Music. All for Six i = Cent Postage Stamps Ono hundred acd fifty-six popular songs , sen timental , pathetic and comic , with Avords and nuslc complete , and catalogue of latest sheet music and song books. Cheapest iheet music stora on earth. Address , 'r. I'.Dcau Sheet Music Store , Sioux City , Jo Get Your Pension PENSIONS DOUBLE QUICK ! Write Cast. 07AB2ELL , Pesncn AgeaLWabisctM , E.G. CURE YOURSELF ! Use Big O for unnatural rlnltoSd ji.\ I discharges , inflammations , OBtrantetdJ irritation ! or ulcerations el to itrteturt. of mucous membranei. fcrtau eonugion. Painless , and not a trin- HEEVASSCHEMICALOO. 6c > t or poisonous. Sold by Drajrgfst * , ' or eent in plain wrapper , by express , prepaid , for 1.00 , or 3 bottles , f2.75. Glrc lar eent on request. A- Mean Man. Mrs. Bingle-George , there's just one thing I vranl to say to you before you embark in this enterprise , ami is " Mr. Dingle Errcusc mo , my dear ; but I've got to go downtown io-ciay. Walt till Sunda ; . Then I shall llave the whole day to hear it. SOLVING THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE CONTINENT. Thio Is What la Mow Hcin r Done on the Fertile I'rairiea of "NYcstern Canada. The rapid progress that is being made in the settlement of tlie fertile prairies of Western Canada is leading to the in vestigation of its resources by those in terested in having proA'isiou made for those living in the croAvded East , for those Avho have been struggling for years on impoverished farms , for the renter Avho is unable any longer to bear up under the strain imposed by the landlord , and for the farmer who , un able to purchase farms for his sons in his OAVII neighborhood , has to look around for leAver priced hinds. The in vestigation shoAvs that it is impossible to meet these conditions successfully outside of Western Canada. Already millions of bushels of wheat are being grown there each year , while as many is 50,000 head of cattle Avere shipped out this year. A representatiA-e of "The ( iermania , " Mihvaukee , one of the lead ing German papers in the United States , recently'made a trip through Manitoba , Assiniboia , Alberta and SaskatchoAvan , Avhere lie the free government lands of Western Canada , and in a future issue Avill appear extracts from flattering let- tc-rs contributed to the Germania and other papers by their special correspon dents. As an inducement for immigrants to make their homes in Canada , the Cana dian Government offers 1GO acres of land free of cost to each settler , and in formation can be had of any agent of the Government. He Knew It. The Gc-od Man Do you know that there are breakers ahead of you ? The Wicked One Ye hie yes. I s'pose my hie wife and her mother' ] ! break my hie head when I git home. There Is No Be sure not to let rheumatism stay in the system longer than you can get n bottle of St. Jacobs Oil to cure it. There- is no telling what part it may strike or IIOAV much misery it may give. Calendar is derived from a , Avord meaning to call or proclaim. As used IIOAV , a calendar proclaims the time as Oxed for civil purposes. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All drugcists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet Most men remember obligations , but not often to be giateful ; the proud are made sour by the remembrance and the vain silent. Simons. We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonial" are proven to he not " genuine. THE PiriO ( . > . . Warren , Ta. The fastest flowing river in the world is the Sutley , in British India. Its de scent is 32,000 feet in ISO miles. A bos of Glenn's Sulphur Soap la equivalent to mans sulphur baths. on't forget H. Hill's Hair and AVhlsker Bye. tlacl : or brown. 50c. The absent are never Avithout fault , nor the present without excuse. Franklin. j\Irs. Wlnslow's SOOTHINO STKUP for Children teething : soiteus the cums , reduces inflammatiou illaj-B pain , cures Trind colic. 25 cents a bottle. The site of Christ's Hospital , London , Is about to be acquired by the Midland Railway Company for the erection of a central railway station. We never did ; but we have seen the clothing at this time of the year so covere.d with dandruff that it looked as if it had been out in a regular snow storm. Nojieed of this snowstorm. As the summer sun would melt the falling snow so will melt these flakes of dandruff in the scalp. It goes further than this : it prevents their formation. It has still other properties : it will restore color to gray hair in just ten times out of every ten cases. And it does eAren more : it Feeds and nourishes the roots of the hair. Thin hair becomes thick hair ; and short hair be comes long hair. We have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It is yours , for the asking. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the ute or the A'lpor , write the doctor about it. Probably there is some difficulty with your general - eral system which may ha easily re moved. Address. DE. J. C. AVER , Lowell , Mass. FOLK GONG. This 5s the lore the old Avife knows Who sees the storm dnuv nigh , And Avind and cloud together close The AvindoAVS of the fcky ; "Thelorth AA-IMU is man's Avind , Entangled Avith his fate ; In tlmtlie joyed , in that he tinned , It chants his love and hale. "Tho Avost Avind is the an gels' wind , lie .sweeps their lyre strings ; And Avhero the gray storm clouds are thinned We see their rushing Avings. "The east wind is the devil's Aviiul , And stings Avith fire and ice ; But the south Avind is God's Avind , And blows from paradise. "And Avhence they go none mortal knows Who hears them riding by ; Wo can but Avatch them as they close The AvindoAvs of the sky. " Westminster Gazette. THE BTJKAWATS. EEMS to me , Tiny , the folks might quit. " The tAVO stood on implanted ground an odd strip about a hundred yards Avide , running both Avays as far as the eye could reach , AVhile on either side the ranks of corn toed tlie line , seemingly afraid to encroach one inch beyond their mark. It AA'as deep , fertile prairie land , COA-- ered IIOAV with the characteristic coarse grass and gum weed , but as capable of good yield under cultivation as the fields on either side. "Tiny , " said Sim , as if deliberating , "you an' me's of age. " The girl quivered a little , but she looked at him resolutely. "And there ain't no reason why AVO should stay here all our lives. I'm a strappin' feller , an' though I hate to leave loway , I reckon there's other States Avhere a man could work fer fer himself an' Avife. " "O , Sim , you ncA'er mean fer us to run away ? Why , 'tAVOiild kill maAv , an' Aunt Susan an' Aunt Eliza ! " gasped Tiny. " 'Twouldu't kill 'em , " he responded. "Think o' me , danglin' on a string nigh onto tAA'o year a'ready ; it's a Avonder it ain't killed me , that's what ! There ain't no other AA'ay but fer us to go be fore the preacher , an' Avheu Ave're man an' Avife , both our folks can kick all they're a mind to. There's no use in AA-aitiug , ' neither , is there , Tiny ? 'Ta'll never forgive your ma , nor she him. You an' me's a tremblin' here on the ragged edge o' diskivery every min ute , an' I tell you I Avou't stand It a great Avhile more. There , there , Tiny ! I ain't meaniu' to be cross , but ef you've got Avomeu folks to leave , I've got men folks. There's father ; he's the obstiuatist old man you ever see , an' I know it ; it's jest him to see a pretty dotter right Avithiu reach , an' him to refuse her , because it's you. It's a comfort to feel ef you're marryiu' into sech an obstinate faoubly , you're mar- ryin' outen one about as bad. All the same , I hate to leave pa an' Uncle Sim , an' old John , thet's ben our hired man. an' fed hogs with us , sense before I was born. ' 'But I'm a-goin * to leave 'em , Tiny , an" you an' me'll start off into the world an' lind a place fer ourselves ; then the Saulsburys thet's left can light it out AA'ith the Taylors thet's left , an' Avel- coine. Say you'll come , little girl , say you'll come ! " Tiny looked up at Sim then , Avith the look a AA'oman gives a man only once In her life , and that when she herself goes Avith it , and then the tears sloAvly welled into her eyes. "O , Sim , " she consented , "but we'll come back an' bid 'em good-by ! " "Yes , " he replied , straightening him self to his G feet 2 , "yes , after the Avexldin" I" Hardly had the tAvo parted indeed the shaking tassels of the corn yet be- 1 rayed the opposite path each had taken when an old man stepped grim ly into the dear strip , the stubbly beard on his set , square jaAV sheAving a sandy gray in the sun. A scant skirted oaliro dress and a sUt sunbonnet , Avith a long , pointed nose and an obstinate chin appearing Avithin it , glided from the sralks on the other side , as if to meet him. "When too late to retreat they spied each other old Tom Saulsbury juid the widow Taylor. "Hem , " he said , gruffly. "M-m-m ! " she said at the same mo ment , Avitli a little screech in her A'oice. "I noA'ur s'posed I ueA'er thought " she stammered. "No , you never s'picioned I Avas nigh ; nuther did I you but I do s'piciou , noAv , you've be'n about yere long enough to see Avhat's goin'"on betAA-een my boy an' your girl. I give you my Avord , Mis' Taylor. I never tlrumpt of it before , an' I stumbled on it to-day. " "I couldn't 'a' believed it of my Tiny unless I'd follered her ' a-purpose , an' seen it. I'd be'n AA'oudering this long time Avhat tuck her so often in this di rection , " the Avomaii half sobbed. "I heard IIOAV she spoke of her moth er , moni , an' I hope you likeAviss heard jest IIOAV Sim mentioned me , fer in the main he done mo justice an' himself credit. Sim's a strong , hard-world n' young man , an' an improvement on hN father , I should jedge. Should you , morn , sayin' he Avasn't a Saulsbury , now , feel comf'table tliet your dotter should hev him ? " "Tiny's a darlin' good girl , actiA'e an' williu' , an' always healthy , an'che'r - fnl. Don't seem' 's ef she Avas old enough , an' yet well rutlier 'n 't she shouldn't marry at all , like Susan an' Eliza turrible old maids , both of. 'em Avhy , yes ! But a Saulsbury O ! " Mrs. Taylor protested pointedly. The old man shifted his weight to the other foot and gazed into the clouds. "Mis' Taylor , AA'e've be'n engaged in uplioJdin' a principle nigh onto twenty rf JIOAV , an' I don't knoAV Imt what we've about wore it out. Still , ef hain't but a rag left of the old flag , I'm bound to grip the flagstaff , an' I s'posc you're the same ? " "I hain't changed none ! " she re turned , vindictively. "But boin * si well pleased with Sim for his goin' ahead as he please , spite of the parents on both sides ; also seem' with my own eyes what a modest an' sensible girl you've raised , an' idee oc curs to me by which we can git shet of the whole thing in a selt'-respectin' manner. MN" Taylor , do you still hold your patent from the government , em bracing this here strip o' land ? " he in quired. The slat bonnet nodded violently. "And rutlier'n go to law about it you will consent to leave it a sorter neutral strip as long as you live ? " Again the bonnet agitated. "Well , I still hold my patent , too , clearly definin' it as a part of my do mains , plainly betrayin' the mistake in surveyin' which our almighty gov ernment 'has ' made. I'll never go back of my promise nuther , about leavin' it in the nateral nerarie while I keep my claim. Xow. when in the course of uatur you become an' angel , would it be proper to suppose "the old maids bein' otherwise provided fer , as I've always heard to suppose thot you'd leave your farm here in loway to your sole issue ? " "It would , " Mrs. Taylor replied , won- deringly. "My farm bein' ekally good an' pro ductive land , I should , in like case , an' givin' fer once employment to a law yer , leave it to the only child I have in the world , an' 'thet's my Sim. Then , as I understand it , these two farms could be attached as wings to this here strip of 100 yards wide an' 820 acres long. Xow , while them tAvo young things are stealin' their weddin' trip , there might be a log raisin' on tins spot , me to do the haulm' with the help of Uncle Sim an' my hired man , John " "An' me to furnish two webs of cloth of my own an' Susan an' Eliza's spin- nin' , an' the quilts an' a set of pewter dishes ! " said Mrs. Taylor , rising to the enthusiasm due the subject. "But , mum's the word , mom ! Let 'em run away an' welcome , an' when they come home we'll give 'em a wed din' party on their own farm , even if it is only a narrer strip of perarie. An' , mom , in the light of the ; e bloomin' af fections , specially seiihC we've both give up our bone of contention , does it strike you thet we two's got a matter fer quarrel furdor after twenty years of dretful onneighborliness ? " While Sim and Tiny wore making their few simple preparations , they thought it must be because their minds so ran on their plan that their little world seemed also making prepara tions. Tiny even went so far , once , as to fancy she smelled wedding cake. It was , indeed , an odd elopement , and , in the bundle fastened to her sad dle horn , Tiny latter found a white shawl that had been part of her moth er's wedding finery , and the side combs she had forgotten to put in the package hidden under the roots of a tree that morning. The bridal couple were gone the week they had planned , and on their return a gracious sight met their view for , during their absence , their own house had risen as if by enchantment ; smoke curled from its chimney , corn bread was on the hearth , and hominy in the pat , ami friends crowded to welcome them home. Exchange. Father Mathew. Father Mathow's face was gentle , but lighted up with an animated ex pression , in which it was impossible not to trace the spirit of disinterested benevolence which actuated him. Ills voice was soft and his accents winning , and a suggestion of sympathy and for bearance pervaded his whole person : those he addressed seemed at once to recognize his authority , perhaps be cause there was no assumption of it. His height was sufficient to be to a certain extent commanding , but the chief source of his power a'bove ' others was in the suavity and self-eomman'd of hi.s manner , and none , of whatever religion , who knew how simple and self-denying were hi.s habits , could help respect Ing and esteeming him. Father Mathew , like most Irishmen , was open-hearted and open-handed , and far too generous for his means ; he gave away everything he had at his disposal , and as another outcome of his Hibernian character , some things which were not at his disposal ; the consequence was that ono day in Dub lin , while zealously administering the pledge , the bailiffs suddenly came upon him , but instead of tapping him on the shoulder and informing him in their pleasant little way that he Avas "want ed , " they knelt at his feet , and , after asking his blessing , showed him the Avrit obtained against him by a metal manufacturer for a balance of account ami respectfully arrested him. From Mrs. Pitt Byrne's "Social Hours Avith Celebrities. " The Tired Old Woman. There was an old woman who always wa.s tired , She lived in a house where no help was hired. Her last words on earth were , "Doar friends , I am goinj ; \Vhere sweeping uin't done , nor churning , nor sewing ; Anil everything there will he just to mj wishes. For where they don't eat , there's no wash ing of dishes ; And though there the anthems are con stantly ringing. [ , having no voice , Avill set rid of the'sing ing. Don't mourn for me now. don't mourner /or me never. For I'm going to ilo nothing forever and ever. " Exchange. When a man can't do anything else lie can develop into a chronic kicker. Lots of men fall over themselves in Driving to get ahead of others. Oat of the Fire. The newspapers of the large cities record , almost daily , some terrible con flagration. Often they record , also , the heroism of the firemen in their efforts to save the life and property. Harper's I Hound Table gives a graphic descrip tion of a f > re in New York. A great tenement-house was burning like tiuderwood in cue of the poorest quarters of the metropolis. The stairs had gone up in smoke before everybody had left the building , and even the iire- escape down the outside of the build ing was cut off by the flames. A girl of 14 or l. > was frantically shrieking for help in one of the top windows , and a mother was wringing her hands in pitiful despair doAvn in the street. The chief called for \olun- teers to save the girl , and three men came forward on the instant , without hesitation and without waiting to count their chances of success. This is the custom in such cases , for no one would take the responsibility of ordering a fireman to his probable death. A strong young fellow , who had yet to win his spurs , was selected for the , and he disappeared quickly through the doonvay of the adjoining building. When next the crowd saw him he appeared at the window just under the roof , and grasping the tin cornice of the burning building next to him , he swung out into the air , and made his A\'ay , hand over hand , for thirty feet through the dense smoke that rose in black clouds from the lower AAindoAvs to the sill where the girl had been seen. She had fallen back into the room unconscious , and was overcome with smoke by the time he reached her. A thousand anxious faces in the street be low were tortured with fear for the hero. A hundred muttered prayers went up for his safety as the fireman disap peared into the black cloud , and a thou sand throats sent up a lusty shout of relief as he appeared again at the win dow a moment later with the limp form of the girl in his arms. The World's Supply of Wheat. All English expert claims that the wheat producing soil of the world is unequal to the strain that AvSll be put upon it. Even now when the food supply is ample , thou sands die because their disordered stomachs achs fail to digest the food they take. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters strengthen and tone up the stomach aud digestive or gans. Disconrajrinjr. "What makes you thiub she doesn't love you. " "I've been taking my meals there every Sunday for the past six months , and she still has to ask me how I take my tea. " In "Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During \vinter your feet feel uncomfort able , nervous , and often cold and damp. If you have perspiring , smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and SAveatin-g feet , blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for chilblains and frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package mailed FREE. Address Allen B. Olmsted , Le Roy. N. Y. Weeping Willow in .England. It is said that the first weeping willow in England was planted by Alexander Pope , the poet. There is raoro Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together , and until the last few years vras supposed to toe In- aurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease , and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment , pronounced It incurable. Science lias proven catarrh to bo a constitutional dis ease , and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the only con stitutional euro on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoon- ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for sirculars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , Ohio. by Druggists , 75C. A Baltimore man who was so afraid some one would get his umbrella that he locked it in his safe. That night the safe was stolen. Strong as a Steel Kamrod. If you Avant to feel your spine is n pipe stem ready to snap , just get lum bago. If you want to feel as strong as a steel ramrod , use St. Jacobs Oil ; i has magic. Method is the very hinge of business ; and there is no method without punci tuality. Cecil. A catalogue of 301) prizes , suitable t i-very taste and condition , mailed on in quiry. Prizes given for saving Diamom "C" Soap wrappers. Address Cudah > Soap Works , South Omaha , Xeb. The list contains many seasonable am ; suitable holiday gifts. Action may not always bring happi ness ; but there is no happiness with out action. Disraeli. Why not yon ? Other aeent3 maklne $2 to 55 per day. Send 3c lor Eampl- and bow to secure asreucy SAVDON & THOMPSON MFG. Co. , 566 Lake bt. . Chicaco Good humor is the best shield against the darts of satirical raillery. C. Sim mons. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the X7 / / / /s * . .xy _ Signature of DECISION FAVORS CAGTOaiA. Judge Grosscnjj Grants an Iiijiinctinn Auaijujt Imitators of This Vnliinlilc Remedy. A uecis'.on of s noral intprcst was deilv- orod lately at Chicago by Judge Pcti-r S. ( Jrosscup of the United Btntis Circuit CViur * , giving tlie Centaur Company ot Xi'Av York City , manufacturers of Cus tom. a world renowned remedy , an in- jir.ctii.n ajr.vnst the members of the Chi- capo firm 01 * IJnrd , Venn & Hirsciion , acting as asonts of the P'.ulier Mcilicino Company of Dnlutli , Minn. Judge Grosscup , in his decision , finds that the defendants manufactured , put up and sold imitation wrappers. labels nnd packages , a preparation known as "Gas- toria. " The court held that suoh manu facture and use of original label was a gross violation of the Centaur Company's right's. Tie ! jiul e thereupon issued on injunction restraining the defend ants from imitating the original citstorin labels for Centaur Company. Messrs. llamline , Scott ami Lonl appeared as atlornrys for the Centaur Company. During the hear ing of ll.e case an aflidavit was read from Dr. Samuel Pitcher , tlie originator of thr preparation castoria , in Avhioh lie stntofi that the Centaur Company only Iirul the right to use his formula and his name. Charles II. Fh'tchcr , president of tht company , lias been mo t active in Iracinp the source of spurious ? goods that \vtre found on the market and offered for t-le as the ival article , lie discovered that The imitation was first put on the market l y the Sager Drug Company of Duluth , Minn. , and that Mr. Kurd and others handled the preparation in Chicago. The sale was found so easy that the ngonta proceeded to put up a preparation of th'-ir oAvn , thus checkmating their prim-ipttls. The decision just rendered covois both im- t ations. The Centaur Company are now taking steps to proceed criminally against druggists Avho have been talked into lay ing in a stock of the counterfeit "Cas toria. " _ New Driving Gear for Biejcles. A Frenchman has patented a now driving gear for bicycles , in AA-hich tfoe chain , instead of running over the ordi nary sprocket wheels , is connected to t\vo small wheels mounted on the frame , the teeth of the sprocket Avheela meshing in the outside of the chain. The opportunity to do mischief ! a found a hundred times a day , and that of doing good but once a year. Vol taire. _ _ While there's life there's Soap Diamond mend "C" Soap. To live is not to live for one's self alone ; let us help one another. Meusn- der. WANTED. Caswof had health that Il'I-P-A-N not bpnellt. Send 5 cents to KIpnn s ChetRic&t Co. . Now York , for 10Rami > Ios Jird l.OMJ testimonials. Admiral Dewey has l een a wd- DAver for more than twenty years. Pains Darling from one point to anutlur. n ifl and swollen joints , inilaminaiifin , i suffering , are characteristics of tism. All these painful symptoms are cured by Hood's Sarsapanllavhieh purifies the blood and neutralizes the acid which ij the cause of rheumatism. Why cnntinua to suffer when you may be relieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medu-iix for Rheu > matism. Prepared by C.I. Hood & Co. , LoAvelKMasa. Hood's Pills cure all Liter Ills. 2E cents. THE EXCEiENCE GF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes knoAA'n to the CALIFOKXIA. FIG SVBUP Co. only , and AVC wish to impress * : pen all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs , is manufactured by the CALIFOKXIA FIG SYBUP Co. only , a knoAvledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA Fia SI-KUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It-is far in advance of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and boAvels without irritating' or Aveaken- ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHAXCISCO , Cal. LOUISVILLE. Kr. NEW TOUK. > . T. 01 TrBlTsccure * or nssy all : : trrtd. Search free , I A I LR I Col.air.r&Co 4 FSt. Washir. tonD.a S. C. N. U. - Gl-98 Best Cout'h in nee. Sold by druggists. It Was Before the Day of I They Used to Say "Woman's Work Is Never Done. "