Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 08, 1898, Image 7

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    1 Illlll.tll.
I herry Co.
Brand on left hit
ana thigh
Earmark , sq.ia
crop right ear
Southern bnindi
ealtli- have but 01
-half-diamond I" ' (
Native oattle ha'
throat wattle
Range on Gordon and Snake Oreeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jtvicant of $251) will be paid to ai
person for information leading to the arrest ai
final conviction of any person or persons ste :
ing cattle with above brand
Postoffiee address
Brownlee , X
On left Bide or any
part of animal , linr-
mark right ear out
off ; horccB ( minded
SHine on left hip. Also
has stock branded II
on side or shoulder ,
or JKorWorO'VL ,
ere or FAlse _ . . . _
the followinp , tlie f rst onnmx \ on sirt" nnn hi
Brownlee Neb
On rlcut side , eLK
LK on same shit
also LEK on M
Kango , north
I It t
, rownloo , 2 to '
y Postofflce address
Brownlee , Neb
Branded on left
side ; .some H left
side and thigham
on left thigh
Itftnge Duck Lake
' " il t side
Postoflice address
Wnitman , Ne'
On left side : hordes
same on left shoulder
f B on left Bide
ys3uiywherp eng
} g 5 inimal. OiiRl
hip or thigh I *
Rantre north prongfcSS
Middle Loup river '
and Buffalo Lake 3f
I.rownle- b
Aforu Jus liael ; m
teft shoulili-r blad
Horses samf oi
-It 9'inuUlfi
r l- ;
Postofflce address
Hyannis Neb
On right side ; bor
es same on right
npe six miles
northwest of Mother -
or Lake precinct
Postofllce address
Hyannis , Nel
Bninded on right
side and ht
Also have stock branded
on right side and hip
on right hip
Range-Southwestt-rn C hern
Fostofllce address
hyannis. NY1
On left bin anc left
side Also
on left hip
" Htid left side
horses same
brands on shoulders
Range 23-miles
north of
' 'ost office address
Hyannis , Neb
On right hip ;
j either side
On ngbt
horses -
ses right
Range seven miles north of Hyannis.
Postoflice address
Pul man , Xi
Ctttt'e branded iou
em : horses branded
same as cattle eM t
r ver ed S ,
See block
Range Stevei
and Slephenooir
Lakes and South
Hyannis. Neb
Branded any when-
on right side ; horses
ses same on lefi
Range - . sixteei
miles northeast il
i ! l' > Hyann
J. A. Artamson.
. Valent'ne. Neb
On left side or hip
A4 left side or hip
On left skle
Kangpon Niobrara
Postofflce address
Bro\wilee , Nt
Branded on elttw
side same as on cut
also both
Marshall & Wolfcnden
Kennedy , Neb.
.Some s on the left
Horses S on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
oain lludson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattl
Left shoulder on
Some horses Liiz :
r2 on left shoulder
Kange between
a Gordon and Snake
1 Kiver and Niobrartf
„ _ „ . , rrr > . . . .1 Hi ver
Left ears tagged All cattle dehorned
\Villiam M. Dnnbar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Either side
Left ear oi cattle
Range Iib'a'd oFHay
Amelia Young.
rody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear split
Range , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon , Nebraska
On right side ; f on
right lap. - horst
bnmd and T on
right shoulder
A.leo cattle branded
EJ $4 on leftjside
Hange. fowl miles
jonthof liwiiu
Henry Young ,
Cody. Nebraska
Horse brand HY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river , S. D.
Carl Tinenhagen
Range 10 miles
lorth and G miles
? a&t of Gordon
I ) C. kelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
I ake. south of
Snake river
ITutt Brothers.
Rordon. Nebraska
liange.14 miles north
F. ( \ LhuTt'el'lt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
rattle also branded
OO on right hip
Horses and mules
. .randed same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Jordon , Nebraska
) ne bunch branded
.s on cut on left side
One bunch branded
* l. on left hip
Horses t ) on left
Range. 10 miles
oiithst of Gallop ,
letween Niobrara
.nd Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Neb
* Cattte branded
lftt on left ribs or
right shoulder ; SI >
SO FD on right hip and left
ribs : con left hip
Horses FI ) or SI ) on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi north
cast of Albany Neb
Agent for Pasteur
Black Leg Vaccine
Josppli Fickel
Gordon Neb
Horse brand F on
ft shoulder
Hange 10 m'les
ortbeast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb
Also It on right
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Marqnardt .t Ilnwlns
'attle brand OM on
fr shoulder Some
f cattle have various
Iderbrandv OS on
'ft hip. Horse bni'd
\ on left shouldei.
llHUtift Fpriherly
! eo W Monnier
: mchri\mileseast of
lerrimau.from F.E.
: M. V.fR. R. south to Leandcr Creek. JIar- '
uardt 4 ? ewlus , Keribmr ,
Educational Notes u
By Prof , R , H , VATSON
Several new pupils entered sehoo
this week. The enrollment for tht
high school has reached thirty-seven ,
lackinsr just one pupil of being double
the number enrolled during the school
year of 1896 and 1897.
The first division of the high school
pupils will give their literary program
on Friday evening , of this week , and
the second division will try to excell on
Friday evening of next week. All
friend * of education are requested to be
present at both times and act as judges.
Admission to each program five cents.
Since the action'of the school board ,
at their last meeting , promising to fur
nish a suitable case for the library
books , all the pupils are inspired with
an earnest determination to build up
the library.
The Crookston Division of the Cherry
County Teacher's Association will be
lield at the school building on Saturday.
December 24 , beginning at 1:30. :
Busy work for primary pupils Miss
Literature a study of Moses' Chap-
XLII , in Skinner's Literature-
Mis. C. A. Gee.
ETow to interest teachers in association
work Gen- Downing
Discussion of civil government W. i ( .
Diacritical marking Mrs. Kramer.
Secretary. President.
Following is the regort of school dis-
rict No. 16 , Crookston , Nebraska , for
he month ending November 25 : No.
mrolled , 19 ; average attendance , 15.
i'ollowing are names of pupils neither
.bsent nor tardy : Helena , Vi .la ,
rladys and Rudolph Viertel , Mabe"
ohn on , Marion Gee , Zeta and Win.
thine MRS. C. A. GEE , Teacher
Eli PrcciBict.
We having been having squally weather the
astfew days.
Chas. Nichols , Lew Adams and Lee Sullars ,
liturned Monday from a hunt ovr scuth.
John Selder was under the weather the first of
ic week.
f. B. Nichols was plastering the M. W. of A.
tall at Merrimaii , ttiu first of the week.
Chns. Ricketts returned from Va1 en tine last
eek with his bride. The Eli bachelor club has
t another member , but we all join in wishing
ic happy couple lout : life and happii.ess
Chomas County News
Mr. Geo. Mathew's children have
een on the sick list this week.
Tete Rousche , of Brownlee , was in
lie city Sunday , returning home Moil-
Elmer Mot-erly. of Compton , was at
Walters' place on Tuesday.
The infant child of Judge 13ass died
'uesday morning.
Mr. Goddard , of Seneca , was in town
his week.
County Commissioner Walters , of
lalsey.Vas a Thedford visitor on Sit- :
Mr. Ileihnan was in on Monday after
upplies for the ranch.
Charley Russell came up from his
tver ranch the last of the week.
Mr. Dettleson , from the North Loup ,
Dok supper at Walters' place Tuesday
( Too late for last week. )
Geo. Kellar A\as at Walters' over
unday returning home the next day.
T. L. Mercure has recently placed a
uncli of his stock for the winter at
.nsley. He pays r > 0cts a month per
ead to run in corn stalks and on straw
Mr. Vandegrift. of Brnwnlee , had
usiness here on Monday evening. He
as in the other war and never tires of
liking about the present war as well
> that of'01.
The Comstock ranch received a car
: grain and mill stuff from the Bow
i Monday.
John R , . Lee. of Brownlee , was here
i business Monday.
In . M V. Clark went to Dunning on
uesdav , professionally , and from there
it to Wild Horse Flats , some forty
ile ? distant.
Oil Inspector Edmiston , and a party
' Lincoln people , were here on Satur-
iv to take claims for a big anch and
ittle company. Deputy county clerk
athews made out papers for seven
jmesteads. These parties have taken
string of claims reaching over to the
ismal There vere two ladies in _ the
irty. They will commence at once to
lild houses , put down wells and settle
i the land in good faith and make !
; rmanent settlement.
Ed. Ashley received nine car loads
: cattle , mostly COWB and calves. ,
om Alliance Monday night. They j
e good big ; stock and in jfood con-1
tion. i
Jim Dahlman , of Lincoln , was in j
te city for a few days this week on \
isiness connected with his bunch of !
) rses which he is holding- north of
; re.
Chamberlain & Mason bought ISO
iad of cows of Alliance parties ,
hlch they will put on their ranch , j
r. F. E. Mason made the purchase ,
hile in Alliance. j
The U. B. I. Cattle Company are ' !
) in considerable improving thin ]
inter on their ranches near Mullen. ;
his company is one of the heavy ( i
ock firmB of the great sand hills ' j
mntry. Mr. G. G. Ware of Dead-1 ]
oed , South Dakota , is president of
le outfit , and "W. R. Chadbourne is
ic efficient manager. They are
lildingf barns and the } ' already have
70 large warehouses at Mullen. It
ill only be a question of a few years
hen the sand hills will be the rich-
spot in the state as it has ever--
linp ; necessary to make it one of the
; st ranch countries on earth.
' I
Deals largely with our new Possessions
Will deal principally with your POCKETBOOK and it doesn't make any difference whether
jj your Pocketbook be large or small , thin or plethoric , we are sure to have something to exactly fit
your circumstances.
/ Jj Has never been equalled in Valentine
V OOOS for qnantity-qnality or price , and we
are certain we can save you some money by selling you Christmas goods. Our assortment in
the following lines is most complete.
Photo Albums , Toilet T 'Ait S\ Q nave an
Cases , Manicure Sets , Little WnCS endless vari
Glove and Handkerchief Sets , Necktie Boxes , ety of Toys , Games , Picture Books , Alphabet
Autograph Albums , Trinket Boxes , Collar and Blocks , Humming Tops , Iron Trains , Horns ,
Cuff Boxes , and those beautiful J Drums , Swords , etc.
An elegant line T T-T -Fiiie Confec-
of. Smokers" Sets , her bverybody aon Good
Fine Meerschaum and Briar Pipes , Cigar Boxes Books in beautiful bindings , Christmas Tree
Holders and Caes Cigars in boxes of 25 , Ornaments , Ladies and Gents Pocketbooks
50 and 100. and Purses , Perfumery and Stationery.
The largest assortment ever shown. Every purchaser
of a doll , at any price , will be presented with a ticket
entitling him to a chance on the big doll in our show window , which
Will be Given Away on Christmas Eve
r * h
a r iiR
as f
c JStetter.
Cody. J'cbraska
Hninded on loft side
liimge. Tin Can Lake
and .Morgan Flats
Gorsuch J3ros.
iewton ,
attle brandeil
s on cut
> ft side or hip
lance on OonioIT
A tutor who toote.l the flute
Med to teach two young tooters to
Said the two to the tutor
3 it harder to toot or to tutor two
tooters to toct.
While stopping at Colorado Springs trying
> regain my fulling health and hearing , the
r Aerial Medication , which has since done
> r mo what no other treatment could do , al-
lough I have had the advantages of the best
cill our larger cities aiTord. The bestspeeial-
tsin Louisville and elsewhere tried to cure
LO of catarrh , but gave me no relief. 1 spent
lirteen months at Colorado Springs , but
lined no benefit until I luckily beard of
erial Medication. After using it only flvo
lys I had a remarkable experience. A
; oody discharge passed from my head for
vo days , and from that lime my head \vag
ear and free from pain , the noises grew less
itenseandsoon ceased entirely. My hearing
nproved HO much that I could hear ordinary
mversation very well and could hear : i
atch tick.VIthin four months from tb'
me I beean its use my hearing , which hi.tl
jen failinir ten years , was restored , the f. ar
il noises that had made a sweet night's Plerp
thing of the past with me. disappeared. . i
id also thesevere pain and fctopped-np l cl-
ig in my head. I feel it my clut v to reqiu . < = t
10 publication of this , in order that others
my profit by my experience. Miss Helen
ebbs , Cynthiana , Kentucky.
For ft short time only I .IEUTP to rpntl < oem
om catarrh , deiifness. tlirout uml lum :
wlicines for three months immnrnt tret' . Tin
111 prove that Aoritl nioilipntirii ciiico * Tur
mptom form and particular ; nclrtrcsn
, H. MOORE- Da , f Cd Clnclnuatl , OLlo.
Our stock of General Merchandise
49 into the new REPUBLICAN Bnilding frfr
opposite the Postoffice and have a *
bigger stock than ever. Recently
* ?
K received new line of Clothing , and frfr
* ? fr
S9 Footwear. Complete line Stone &
ware , also Grain and Feed.
E. T. MILLEE , Proprietor.
South Omaha
Three Doors From Ci imr
RATES : § 1.00 to § 1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67
§ 5.00 to S7.00 Per We k.
MRS. JOHN REED , Proprietress.
' 5th St. B twee 11. ? ndM Streets. Scath Onialia , Nebr
I T Ui
Kennedy. Nebnska
Some on left
Horses on
left shoulder
H A. McQnade.
Valentine. Neb .
Branded o'u either
J R Saugo I'etreen
I Lake
' i