LIVE STOCK i * . / : B" //7 { M&teK 15940. y . 1 / < -E DAILY RECEIPTS 53OO HQGS2750 CATTi 700OLHiL\ /DAILYSLAUGHTERIN6- CAPACITY I7.50O lOCOO gOOO * * N\ k / AILY CAPACITY U .YARDS asoooi 5,000 50.000 ' " \ i , WOOD BROTHEKS LIVE STOCK ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA AND CHICAGO. WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman. IIisyuY C. LEFLER. Hog Salesmai WE FURNISH MARKET REPORTS FREE OF EXPENSE. Write to us. ( Q ) Write to us I ( t P v W I INCORPORATtD , ESTABLISHED 1862. 3HIGACO , ILL SIOUX CITY. IA. ST. JOSEPH , MO. SO. ST , PAUL , MINN LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS ROOMS 130132 AND 134 QHIITM fiMSHA OUU I H UIVIAnM X NEW EXCHANGE BUILDING , J > HN L. CARSO.V , Fitmncia ! Manager. D. H. OLNFA , Cattle- Salesman J. M. COOK. HOJJ Salesman. ,1. A. McINTYlth , Hog Salesman. C. A. CAI DWELL , Cashier. * " * " " i 1 S" Nh k LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA itoom 1OH KefVrences : UNION STOCK YARDS PACKERS' NATIONA L NATIONAL BANK BANK. Telpbone 141 * haTplarueclifiita > rp.nm iig Nebraska Feecle-s and can always oeat Omaha prices to Kaiich customers \OTIFIK1) BEFOltE SHIPMENT. FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY LIVE STOCK SALESMEN AND BROKERS i § lOOCiO.OO F.V. . FLATO. , Iu , I' ED H. REID ) . , A1 ? " ! . FLATO.'iv < - President. JIM S. noiiN f Cjittlpfcal < .sme J. C. DAULMAN. > ecivtaiv. E. W. CAIIOW. [ log Salesm.r JOHN I ) SEITZ IK'Gii HITCHCOCK , Sheep " KD H RIED , JOHN P. CLAIIY , Cashier SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Correspondents : DRUM-FLATO COMMISSION COMPANY Capital $500,000.00. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS A Few Facts For Cattle Dealers. It Im l > eon repeatedly < lemontra < ed in the pant that TY I A. Stands at top as a market for Range Feeders You can satisfy yourself ; is to the truth of that dlarement by comparing the s-iies at < ioux 'ity , la t vear , with those at any other competitive market. You can also ask your neighbors who have sold cat.tle at Houx Hity. Tins vear Sioux Citv is in the field for fat cat tle as well as feeders Phrreat beef slaughtering plant of the Cud-ihy Packing To. i reulor < business The capacity of tlie Stock Yards has been greatly increased and you will find excellent facilities for handling your business. N"o Charge ? , except for fr"d ordered if your cattle are not sold on our market. r * he Sioux City Stock Yards Co. JOHN H , KEENE , General Manager. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRA1 EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publishe There is to bo a change in the whole 1 sale circles in Toledo. Eight traveling salesmen are to take shares in the ne\v business , and the e'ght positions th < men leave are sought after by nin < nundred applicants. Still some peopl < will say there is no one loafing. Del phos Herald. C. F. Coffee , the Sioux county cattle man , accompanied by Mrs. Coffeespeni , the latter part of last week in this citj visiting their son and daughter who an attending the Chadron academy. Aftei a short visit here Mr. and Mrs. Coffee and their youhgest son left for Texas where they will spend the winter. Chadron Journal. There is war on in Dawes county be tween two factions of the republican party and in which THE N EWS of that place takes a prominent part. The NEWS accuses Geo.Ecklesa , promi nent republican , with receiving § 700 of "boodle" from the state committee to influence voters , and publishes a letter from J. A. Ilabegjrer and L. A. D. to sustain its position. Many of our citizens are hoping that the rumor now going the rounds , that the Illinois Central will purchase the Short Line , is true.Ve hope they will get it , for if they do they will never be satisfied until the road is ex tended to the coast and we all know what this would mean for this city. II would herald the dawn of bettor , brighter days. O'Neill Frontier. If a stamped envelope is spoiled in addressing , the purchaser is entitled tea a return of postage on presenting it at the office where the envelope was bought. It seems strange that the United States postoffice department does nothing to keep the people in in formation , jilso call attention to the time and expense saved by the use in certain cases of the double or return postal card. Not one person in fifty , perhaps knows that a letter can be re called by telegram at any time before it is actually delivered to the one ad dressed. These advantages should not be reserved for the few who have learned bv chance. Ex. Say , reader , picture in your mind , if you can , the hideousness of the treason able skunk who would make the asser tion and it was made many times be fore election that a vote against the republican ticket was a vote for Spain. This remark was made , as we say , many times , but never , no neveruttered by a loyal American citizen. The re mark was the utterance of a tory spy , of an enemy of this country , of a tad pole for the Jew Shylocks of Europe who own the republican party of the United States. The anarchists that were hung in Chicago in 1887 were loyal patriots compared to the miser able paltroon that would make such a remark. Wahoo Democrat. We are going to spend twenty mill ions of dollars for a whole lot of valu able property. We will invest our money in islands and savages. Twenty millions for the Philippines and every thing therein contained. We will get eight millions of people of various colors and assorted sizes , millions of acres of land on which we can raise cigarettes and centipedes , a continuing revolution that commenced with the dawn ot history and will last until the day of judgment. We will get the cholera , the black plague , small-pox , leprosy , the whole list of malarial fevers and also the pestilence that walketh in darkness and the destruction that wast- eth at noonday. Nobody ever got so much for so little money. The depart ment stores can't hold a candle to us , and the ninety-nine-cent fellows aren't in it. Our hired men who are nego tiating this trade say that when the } * get the islands , they will make them an open door for all nations. The Non conformist does not favor this , for if the door is always open the poor Phil ippines inav catch cold and besides we may not be able to keep an open door. The natives may close and lock it. and pile up the furniture against it. Be sides , also , it is doubtful if > re will own that door even when we buy it. Our title may fail. We may not be buying of the true owner. It would be a great bargain if we could get eight millions of slaves at two dollars and a half a piece , but does Spain have the right to sell a whole nation into foreign servi tude ? It seems to us that we have read somewhere that all men are created equal and there is no just gov ernment Avithout the consent of the governed. But this is probably a glit tering generality , written for effect and don't mean anything. But law or no law , justice or no justice , we are going to buy this property before it is taken off of the bargain counter. Nonconformist formist Live Stock Notes , j The Stock Growers Journal says "Montana cattlemen are not going on of business because it has not paid ii recent years. This year has been on < of the best the range cattlemen hav < had in many years , and as a whole , tin 1 business has been profitable. " The sale of property belonging to th < Sylvester estate was held at the rancl last Saturday. There were 129 head of cows and calves which sold at $40.50 The balance of the stock , dry cows yearlings and calves , 46 head in al were lumped off at § 6.50 per head horses sold from $3 to * 20 per head. Alliance Grip. Five hundred head of the Southern cattle owned by T. G. Cooper. F. E , Jandt and others , were unloaded here on Friday of last week an were an in teresting sight to a number of our citi zens , who are not accustomed to seeing such small animals with hoofs and horns and calves by their sides. Craw ford Bulletin. - Combined receipts at the four lead ing markets , Chicago , Omaha , Kansas City and St. Louis , for the past eleven months were approximately 3,820,000 cattle , 14,396,000 hogs , and 3,744.000 sheep , a decrease as compared with re ceipts for the same period last year at the same points of 188,500 cattle , and an increase of 994,000 hogs and 210,000 sheep. II. G. Newcomb and C. A Sheldon received eighty-four head of fine Dur ham stock cattle from Iowa about the middle of November. Among the lot are several bull calves , under a yeai old , which are ahead of anything we have seen in this country for fine shape and size. This country is not over stocked with animals of that kind. Crawford Bulletin. A special from Cheyenne , Wyoming , says : Some of the sheepmen of this state are making the experiment this winter of buying alfalfa in Nebraska at $2 per ton and Chipping sheep to the hay to be fed during the winter. Some diversity of opinion exists as to wheth er it will pay. With the hay at the nominal price of $13 per ton , those best informed contend it will bo a paying investment , notwithstanding the trans portation charges. At Deadwood this week Peter Car- berry and Howard Smith , tried for the alleged stealing of fifty head of cattle- winch were shipped to Sioux City from L. P. Stone's ranch , were acquitted. The defense claimed that Stone lured Carberry and Smith to t > hip and sell the cattle. The cattle were heavily mort gaged to W. E. Adams , of that city. Stone may be prosecuted by Adams. This is the end of one more of the rustling cases in which the. notorious Hank Smith figured as chief engineer. Northwestern Stockman. There is a report going the rounds of the press that a new industry to be started in Chicago will bring a new food into our markets in the shape of canned rabbit. A representative of the great rabbit-raising industry in Great Britain is looking for a large tract of land near Chicago that can be turned into a tame rabbit farm. Here rabbits will be raised by the million. Their flesh will be canned and shipped nil over the country. The meat of the tamed rabbit is consumed in great quantities in France , Great Britain , Germany , Belgium and Holland in fact in all the civilized countries of Europe , and is said to be especially relished by epicures. Paris alone is reported to consume weekly over 190.- 300 pounds of tame rabbits , or 10.000- , 300 pounds annually. A Fort Pierre , South Dakota , dis patch says : "Cattle on the range never went into a winterin any better shape than this one. The long , open fall has allowed them to put on fat to sustain them in case of severe weather later in the season. The dry weather of the fall has allowed th grass to cure well an the ground , and it is about as good liay m this shape as it would be if cut and stacked. While the dry weather lias assured plenty of good feed , it has also made water scarce on many portions tions of the range country , and the storm of this week was more welcomed than dreaded by cattlemenas it brought anough snow to help out the short water supply , and is piled up in such shape that most of the prairie is bare for feeding , and the snow in drifts will remain longer than if spread over the prairie. As the situation is at present it will take an exceptionally' severe winter for the rest of the season to do my damage to the range stock. ntmjXotice. . Taken up Octobers. 18U3 , ton miles south of 2ody. Nebraska , one \ \ liirpiciubranccu ' on eft side add one red calf \vifli no hrand Fakeii up by ( IKQKGI : ] IAIXIV = F.stray Taken up by the iiiidorstenod on November Xl. ! > # $ . ationc one inilr north of Crookhlou. one ilack ami white heifer , and one roan -ifer , H > th between two and three years old , loth jramled S 1' on riirlit side back of the hit ) . 'J he r b requested ; to pay damages and take the away. W. N. TI7F r I M & i - > LL * * 4 GEO. G. SOHWAL'1 , PROP. Tliis market always keep.- of roi R % k L tM In addition to a first-class line of Steak.llousrs. . Dry Salt Mc.-tta Smokcil Hams , Breakfast BacoN and Vegetables Al Suifer'a Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA i .THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR 4 * a * 4 ? Wli 'ES , LIQUORS AND GIG 4 ? Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA . ' 5 * _ " > J v "if-tc"1 ? MRS , HARRIS BOARDING HOUSE AND BAKERY , Fruits < * and Confectionery Meals at all hours , Price , 25 cent , Firt door South of Valentine Bank , 4 ? The DONOHER S ? 4 ? 49 Is continually adding improvements and it is now the 4 ? 4 ? best equipped , and most comfortable 49 FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL & IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA t ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms VVV HERRY OUNTY KANK Valentine , Nebraska Evt-ry facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Kxchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonab ratt-s. County depository. E. SPAJUCS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier C. H. , President. . V. XICHOIiSOX , Cashier F VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Ban king BusincssTi-aiisactcd Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents : 31ieinical National Hank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Xebr. Highest market price paid and prompt returns. Reference Omaha National Bank. F. S. BUSH & COMPANY. 513 South 13th St. , OMAHA , XEB We charge no commission. J. C. DWYER. E. II. DWYER DWYER BROS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. FALENTINE , - - NEBRASKA _ ELSON CODY , Has recently started in business and oilers bargains to all cash buers of Corn Chopped Feeit Flour Salt Wire , Soft and Jlard Pine , Paints. Oils and all hinds of Ranchers' Suppllc * H. FJRITZ All work vfditfp'tlj ftttenawl Why pay § 45 to § bo for a stee range hen you can get one for $25 ? Drop a postal to I. H. EMERy , Valenti ne , Xe ANCHOR WIRE FENCH. . . OBEN Stronscst fence on the market , in perfectly nfc and an effectual barrier acainstall formsofto . Made of No. 8 gaitai-.nvd Steel wire. Cro- > sccurcl > clntnpcS. I pensive Write foi ' - - Mcut. tin- , . - OLD STYLE STYLETHE THE a a Wia. 31. Walters. Prop. THEOFORD - - N HAS'KA :