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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1898)
u i h era es sumo left shoul Jlango en 9aafce south of Ccdr. ALOX30 HEATU Pastofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side ; horses left shoulder Range uorui ol Tuicimb Lake 8 A WINSLOW rostofficc address Cody , Nebraska Branded on eitbcr side ; horECS same on left shoulder Range 3-mi. north- cast of Kli and south of Niobrara river. 13- ml southwest of Cody A C RIEMENSCHNE1DEK Poslofflce address Cody. Nebraska On left side ; also X on right shoulder and 2 "ii 3V- ; * ' MI li-lt l.U ls < ' 8 ° . jaw RHiitre--Old Pooi Ranch on Niobrara A D COLE Fostoftice address Codj' , Nebraska Same as on cut , left vide and shoulder. Range east and south- aud west of Cody CHAS. E ROBEP.TS Postofflee address Cody , Nebrask- On either .sid- some II K K ; .sonit I" 1 ! " 1 : * Ij i Kause Lorthvest o ! Cody FRANK J. JONES Postofllce address . Cody.Nebracka On.rijtht aide ; horses ses name on Itft ihoulder Jlanjje. eight miles west of Cody CHARLES GARTSIDE Postoffice address Cod > , Neb 11idc : : ilSC i- t lelt hip i'f cilil ( tml left .shoulik-r on Raurc D 10 mi noiulr.\ est Cod > JOHN SIIANGRAN Feitofflct address Cody. Nebraska On left nide Also on left s Horst * . ? * ; on left * houde ! > r Kanje betTrepn Cody and Lnke Crock J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cattle - tle : horses O right arm Rangp , north and south of Niobrar > rl'J-miles h Kiv , - sout \ ; est of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE. Fostoffice address Cody OP left side ; horses same left shoulder riannark notch on underside of right oar Range east and south of Kli J II STEELK Postoffice add-p Codv , Nora . ! On left side ; a or W L on le ol some cattle ! Also on loft and horses left shoulder Rauee-Mouth of Bear Creek G H SEAGER address Codr , Neoraska GaUI * branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses tame Suako Crcok FRANIt 3IOOLE Poitofflce address .1 Cody. Nebraska On either dettle herdmark left ear clipped and riuht ear spjitjhorfles branded same on loft shoulder Range on Niobrara and MedicineCanyon EARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. address Vftlentine. Neb | ent jtra either deoi HorsBBlike cut 011 left hip and C leftshoulder .OO REV/ARD for sufficient evi- i $ > convicG any } > enrtu of stealing cattle of t.r cattle , ho - < li-i .c left shi'i iir Raj t ; between Bear Ciecand Niobrara River , 9-mI southeast of Merrirnan SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address . Merriman , Neb i On left side of " _ r 'tie ' ; also fj3 horse.- ETal on left Srtsho'IdifCSJ \ tt bad Range , nortli a.-- < south of Mobrar. Jiiver,0-misouthe Pt of Merriman G H FOLSOM Post office address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range north of Merriman E F DEVINE Postofflce address Merrimau , Neb Brai ded on lef ; side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and tin- \ i ib i a ra ri ver.'J i r. i S E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVER Merriman. Neb On left side ; hors'-s ' same left shoulder Rnnge Little While River South Dakota GEORGE JESSEN Postofllce address Merriman. No On ither lelt sid ( or hip ; horses same on left ihouhler R Mgr-EastofCol tonwood L-ike GEN R , ABBOTT & MONAIIAI * Po > tofflce address Ilyannis. No' nue sto"k ? \ ] randed C It-it 'ler A leit hip ; \T K % : tn\\\.ere ! . n left side ; also r A left side Range head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoffice address Gallop , Nebraska On loft side ; also W I left side ; also J-left hip ; also W on side and Son hip ; horses S on left jaw Range-Eight miio south of Gallop ALBERT NENZEL 'oslnnVe- address Ni'iizel. Nebraska Mi , 'ither siils of eat- ' ! : horses same : iM2e northeast of enzel DAN ADAMSON Postofflce address Chesterfield , Neb. Br nded as on cut : .some 5 on left hi ] ) just one brand like on cut on left thigh Range between Bordman and Snake W G SAWYER Postoffie ddress Oasis , Nebraska Bn Qtfisenbery hiv * - cluirgo of these c file ; lioixc-D.SOII lef shunlrtt-r : some tockbrandedX n ywhere on animal Range , Snake river RICHARDS & CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on any part ofMinim I : also the following brands : torses branded me. same Range between Gordon on the P.E. &M. V.R. R. and Ilyannis on B , &M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAUTI.KTT RICIIAKUS. Chadron , Nebraska , J W OSTRANDER r"o < tofSVc > address Rnshvillc , Neb On left thigh or hij ) ; liorses 3 left thigli Range-Headwaters if Gordon Creak MOREY & HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon , Neb OM 'eftside of cattle horses same left ' ) i der ; also ] 2 tO and left sid on left tide of some Range south > tiSnake35-mi Eouth- uorduu ER1CKSON & AUSTIN 'ostofflce address Kennedy , Neb1 ) n left side and hi ] ) ; torses O or A on sitjaw Range two mil , . lorthwest of Keu- edy ill < > t 1C. I l.C IV ttltfj left hip : some V lefc neck. V left shoulder and Z left hiihorses ; VZ left. hip. Range Snake River,81,32,33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; a n ) i lefthip Range south and east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postoffice address Pullman. J Branded as on cut ; Also P on'si ! < on side r on liii. also 1 * on siioiili.ei- . W on side I'on hip Range north jrong of North Loup CHAS S HOYT Postoffico address Pullman , Neb P.nui'i' ' ' ( ! on Ijtt side al'-o 00 on left side ; ; ll < o " " between eyes and n > sti of I'uiliufin J L ROSEP.ERRY I'ostofrtt-c dilr3 J'ullman. Neb Rranded on left , bin ; horses same ' * ' U- inark-donble do\v-Iap Kange south and east of Brush Ilili DYE Postoffiee address Pull ian , > : < ! . Branded on left sid > A I'evvanl ofQ' . will bejpaid for in lormation leading t- llio arrest and fnuu conviction of anj person for killing , i riving oil or conceal ing any ol my cattle II A BUCK "ost' > fi'rr.TidfO s Hyannis , Neb Briindc'l n lelt side llnngi' eighteen miles north of Hvannis L 3IOPtRILL I'ostoffice address H.-ijnis : , NI- ' On left side ; also < * on left hip ; IIOINI t 5 left shoulder Range L'5-miles north of Ilyannis II C SIASON Postofllce address Hvannis. Neb uii left side ; some .ame on ieti sielt nil iip Soii-i on left hi ; Horses - lliingt'-Mother Lake iiimmor rangre-Bing- liam , Kheridanj o. A SAULTS Postofflce address Kl 3pK Gregory , Neb Sfe M I * -fe On , cft Ble ] or , llp : horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley and Snakr JOE CULBEUTSON Po3tfT.ce address Pullman , Neb Branded on h-ft side ; horses T T on r ghi shoulder ; a crop s-nd slitin left ear ol'eitlle ; Range Forks of North Loup River C JENSEN Gallop , Nebraska Leu M.JC on , i\ . . , stok .1-1.1 - ! , on cattle held on Scft si hold , lcft JlorM's shoulder. Ran. ; 1 . . , . , mils s.mtli of JULIUS PETKKSON' Postofflce ad-Jress Gregory. Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory D N GOURLEY H -simile. Neb On lelc hip ; also * SS ) ' ! ' U side ; horses left shoulder QBE CHURCH Postofflce addres Morriman , Neb ) n left side ; also ? .v cOn right side jorses o left shoulder , iuuge no i th and outh of Jfernman . iior.ei i sameonrlghtthiuhl Range-Bear Creek e ; ilORRIS JANIES Poatolllce address Roseoud , s. D. Ciittle branded on left aiile ns on rut Horses } on lef thigh Rrngc on Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postofflce address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on g 8 left shouldraurt j l on left side. liar- mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek "RANK A GALLIGO Posioflice address Manderson , S. D. Left side and on voting stock. O'c stock br.'Ui'e' ' If tt si. Horses thigh Range-Rock Springs Basin JAMES BUSH 1'oitoJJicead dre s All > n leit , ' ; i iA r 1 f ; side Horses on left hip Kange - Bear Creek R II F ADDIS' Postollice address Pass , Neb Range , Nor. h Louj Riyer CHARLESLONG MAN Postofllce address Allen S On lelt side of cattl" Range Bear Creek GEORGE N DAVIS Postoflice address Simeon , Nell Branded on right side or hip r on left hip Horses on rigit ! shoulder as on cut Range-Gordou and Snake CHARGING BEAR Postofflce address Allen S D On left -MUU Kiid thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek STEADMAK BROS - > ' > * * and ilucc Creek C F COOPER Postofflce address Kennedy , > Cattle branded on left side same as cct Stock over one year olden on right side horses same on left shoulder Range south & west ot Hackberry Lake and ( urlew Also some brands u eft lr ; .TACOHSON BROTHFRS Postofflce address Gregor > , Neb On left side ; : > iue same with I on I t DAN WEBSTER Postolfice address Harltn , M-iirask. On left side or hip ; lior - - - hr'imlrrt same left shoulder Range between Nto' ) am and Snal-e riv" ? rs , south of Merri- niau PostoTn e addresi Brown'i'ebr I On eft side I Range , betweer : Geese Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT 'ostofflcc address Riege Neb tranded on left aide tange-Three miles ontheast of Georgia Range-Southeast of Georgia H SCHULTZ Potottice address | McCann Neii 3 - > tock branded as on rut Range North ait south of Georgia WILHELM. ANDERSON I'ostoffice address McCann Neb Bmnded on left side horses same on left hip Range between the Niobrara and Snnke JOHN DUBRAY Poitofflce address Merriinan , Nel On left side , jaw 01 hip Range Lake Creek South Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Post office nddrr Pullman Neb Dn left side of rattle .Jange North Loup -HAR.VAN BROS. r _ / - . - * . - - s f w % | / , JOE ROOKS JR , Posfoflice address Allea S i ) Onlefts'de ; horses same on teigh Range Bear Cteek S S BEEKLEY s PostofPce Ke'.nvdy .Vrb Cattle branded 7 on ' BorMnun H V DOWNING Postoffiee addreas Gregory. Neb On leftside ; also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake J W PIKE & SONS Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Branded on eithe side of animai. co lK ] Some n right hip Range Between Snake andBordman near Chesterlield E E AND II E WOODRUFF Postoffice address IIj'annis.Nei' On left hip and leit side. Also stock branded Even on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also ri hip and left side Rnnge-Mofher Lake RICHARDSON i Postollic McCann Neb Bmnded on leftside Range McCann A T DAVIS Postoffiee address Iiy.innis , Neb On right side lion * on left bho'dde ' also cattle o < ) on riirht si i Rauge 16 mile north of H anni R A WESTOVER Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder Some on right side Range in Brown and Cherry countie- ; nt headwater/ the Calamus river. R. HANSON. E'ostoflice address \ alentinc. Neb Cattle branded on left hip ; horses the same Range en Dry Yal- ler * Kiron side ; horses > : : mc5 on thigh Range-Bear T J Postofflce addres Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same ot Valentino on tlio Niobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address .Merrnnan , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D. Toe Vlondrav Cody. Nebraska Left side. Left'ear cropped. i T on left shoulder ol horses. Gliarles JBenard Rosebud S. D. Rangej.Big White' ' and Had Rivers Charles C. Tackett Rosebud , 3. D. Range head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud. S. D. Left. side. Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar ( 'reek. Louis J. Kichards Merrlman. Neb Paul Didier RoseZmd , S. D D Florses Cattle , hole in each ear Range Big and Little White Rivera Louis F. Kichards Meirhuau N Henry Pratt Rosebud S. I ) . Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle John DuCory Rosebud. S. n. branded if ) 517 mi left side Horses J I ) ou Uff hip u in aevcr C on Thomas Farren Rosebud , S. D. ID 1183-either left de or hip tiorspc F on left Horses-shoulder Range head of Antelope Charles Richards . Web Newman Bros. & Nations * 'ody , Nebraska ) n point -hoi' ler. Also O on mint left shoulder Also JJ on left shoulder lame on left hip On loft side