Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 01, 1898, Image 6

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LOOK ? *
4 ?
4 ? CLOTH tot
4 ?
4 ?
4 ?
4 ? t *
4 ?
4 ?
49 We shall offer for sale for the next w
49 ? *
49 to
49 49 60 Days , 300 Suits
4 ?
49 49 Of Gents , Youths and Ohildrens
19 Clothing at just
4 ?
4 ?
49 below actual value
49 Don't fail to call and look at
| j those bargains and thereby
49 ' -
J ? save money
Office over T. 0. Hornby's store
Stairway on * vest side
Operations as nearly painless as
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at Estabrook Hoose on Cherry St.
\V7 a TT T 7f 7T A T T T !
Oarrio > 5 a full line of ster
ling silver novelties
EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
$1.0O Per Yettr in Atvatic * *
Entered at t&e 1'ost-oJHce at Valentine. Cherry
county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full.
The Market
Tlic following shows the prices quoted for
cattle at Omaha yesterday. November 30.
Good Steers. 1,400 to j.nco ib § 4 < 55.r. ( ? ir
Good Steers. 9uO to 1.:00 : : fl ) 400tb470
Common to fair steers ' . . . 3502400
Good to choice Native Heifers 3 00@3 < > 5
G < ed to choice Native Cows 3 30@3 cr.
Common to Medium Cows 2 ( XX&3125
Heavy Feeders , fair to choice 3 r OS3 75
Kairtogood , Tootfjoooib : n < y3rJ 13
Yearlings ami Snickers 37fXR,47f
Fair to oed Western Reeves 3 50&3 ft ft
Fair to Rood We-tern Cows 2 755 : i 0 (
Fair to uood Western Heifers 2 75@3 40
fem itiff Events.
Hi h School entertainment Dec. y.
Valentine Teachers' Association Dec. ! 0.
Christmas , Sunday , December u. .
Fur coats at T. C. Hornby's.
Sewing1 Machines at T. C. Hornby's
Try the 15ct Jams at T. C.Hornby's
H. E. Dewey , of "Woodlake , was in
town Saturday.
E. 12. Bonnell , of Lincoln , was in
town Tuesday.
Ed. Clarke went to Omaha on bus
iness Saturday.
G.H. Sealer and daughter , of Cody ,
ttere in town Saturday.
Parsons , the Photographer , Dec
ember 1 to 12. Don't miss him ;
W. S. Garcelon came up from Long-
pine Monda- night on business.
W. D. Morgareidge was in from
Simeon a couple of days thia week.
G. W. Ladely , of Newton , was in
town last Fridaj * and Saturday on
Geo. Higgins and K. Kissel , of
Brownlee , were in town on business
the first of tne week.
School Supt. Morgareidge , went
to Crookston last Saturday to be in
attendance of the teacher's assoiation
of that division.
S. F. Gilman and a party of friends
spent several days of the past week
on the river , hunting quail. The
birds were plentiful but wflcL
J-'OP v.ii.zr. . air tlg\t wooes move ,
The Twelfth Infantry will apend the
winter in
FOR KENT. A four-room house.
Enquire of E. I. Mills.
Hon. John Shore is moving" into the
Fischer property this week.
B. J. McGuire , of Loup , was in
town Tueaday , paying" taxes.
Bert Gillette is in town again , tak
ing" treatment of Drs. Dwyer.
Dr. Dwyer was called to Rosebud on
professional business , Monday.
Wanted , at The Donoher , a laund
ress. Will pa } ' $4.00 per week.
The county clerk's office took in
830.00 in fees for recording , Monday.
Work on the Carlson and Efner
buildings is being pushed rapidly this
One paper , one year , one dollar.
NEWS-DEMOCRAT. This is cheap as
Henry Stetter is having the roof of
his saloon building braced and re
Childrens Cloaks at T. C. Hornby's
FOR SALE- Two fine jacks , at
reasonable prices. Enquire at this
The stockmen of Brown county are
talking of organizing a stock as
Messrs. Nye and Erickson , of near
Kennedy , were in town several days
last Aveek.
The NEWS-DEMOCRAT from now un
til Jan 1st , 1900 , for only $1.
Rev. J. M. Bates will hold services
at the Episcopal church next Sunday
morning and evening.
J. A. Hooton trilks of giving a
dance at Cornell Hall and a big sup
per at his hotel , ere long.
Wm. Ballard , a promnent ranch
man from in south of Woodlake , was
in Valentine over Sunday.
Notice Jackson & Braj'ton's new ad
this week. The\ * are offering some
wonderf ul bargains in clothing.
If the court house bonds are not
contested by tomorrow they will
probably not be contested at all.
Clarence Walcott raflled off a fi ne
t am of horses last Thursdaj' . Win.
Steele proved to be the luckjman. .
Mr. E. L. Davis of Woodlake , was
in town last Saturday on matters of
business , and made this office a call.
H. K. Brown , of Sparks , has moved
to town and is living in the house just
east of Welch's , on Catharine street.
Mrs. J. M. Carpenter was seized
with a paralytic stroke j'esterdaj-
morning and for a time her life was
The steam laundry is once more in
running order , repairs for the engine
having arrived from St. Louis Mon
day morning.
Bert Hammond is going to St.Louis
some time this week , to spend the
winter with his mother and taste the
joys of city life.
The evenings are pretty cool just
now , but the bo\'s will stand on the
corners and wait for the .sermon to
end just the same.
Full line of school tablets at Petty-
crew's , 'iii
O. E. Merritt came up from Long-
pine Sunday afternoon , on a short
visit. But Orie says he went to bed
early that night.
W. E. Haley purchased the old
Vachon blacksmith shop and has
moved it onto his residence lots where
it does duty as a barn.
Mrs. James Pettj'crew. of the north
table , has been in town several days
this week on a visit with her sister ,
Mrs. W. A. Pettycrew.
A. R. Greene , a U. S. land office inspector
specter Irtnn Washington , has been
in town this week examining into the
condition of the local office.
Henry Young , of north of Cod } ' ,
was in town the first of the week
after a visit with his brother-in-law.
John Neiss , on the reservation.
We are informed that Nels Pole.n
has sold the City Hotel to J. A.
Hornback , of Sparks , who will take
possession the first of the year.
To Cure n Cold in One E > ay.
Take Laxative Kromo Quinine Tablets. All
jlsts refund money if it luils to cure. i.5e.
The "c-miinu has L. H. Q. on cadi tablet.
John Berman and R. Hanson tied
on the vote for road supervisor , and
the other da\- each one sneaked in
and resigned in the other fellow's
East of us and west of us hard bliz
zards have raged this fall , butC'herry
county , at least this portion of it , has
so far escaped. This seems to be "
favored locality this year.-
James Wellford and family will
lye on Quigley's Boiling Springs
ranch this Jwinter. Jim started for
the ranch yesterday , pverland , and
his wife will go tomorrcrw.
Springs. He reports everything in
good condition in his part of the
Robert Robinson has purchased the
Brayton lot , north of Cornell's , on
Virginia street , and will build him a
dwelling house. i
A. Kurikie and John Grooms tied on
the vote for road oveseer in Sparku ,
and on the draw Tuesday Kuakie was'
awarded the certificate of nomination \
Gus Carlson is siding hi * new build
ing with stamped steel , resembling
stone , backed with asbestos paper ,
making the building practically fire
Oscar Mathews has on exhibition at
Smyser's barn a gray eagle which
me'isures seven feet eight inches from
tip to tip. It was killed near Sparks
by A. Kuskie.
Crab b & Vincent now have a fine
store room , and one of the best cellars
in town. They are not yet thoroughly
settled in their new quarters but will
be in a few days.
Peder Thorsen , one of our foremost
stockmen in the west pai t of the
county , was in town yesterday on his
way south to John Bachelor's to buy
some young cattle.
Dan Ludwig sells more wagons than
any other person in Northwest Ne
braska. He has just received another
carload of wide tire wagons and a car
of "Wind Motor" windmills.
Remember , if 3011 are in arrears
two years or more for subscription to
this paper , your account will be given
attorney for collection. Don't blame
us for this , because we must make
The Epworth League will give a
"waif or "weight" social at Horn
by's hall next Friday evening. Many
are wondering what it is but the war
to find out is to attend. Everyone
cordialry invited.
Christmas comes on Sunday this
year five weeks from next Sunday.
What could be more appropriate as
a present to a friend than a receipt
for a year's subscription to this
paper ? Think it over.
Born , to L. C. Sparks and wife , yes
terday afternoon , November 30 , a big
"boy baby. Score one more for ( Jherry
street. Levi is the biggest man in
town just now , and even Uncle Dan
Ludwig feels important.
Orders have been received at Fort
Niobrara and the troops there have
cleaned up four more sets of quarters
which it is expected will be filled by
as many companies of the Twenty-
second Infantry , from Omaha within
a week.
Joseph Wisser , of Nenzel , was in
town Monday and called at these
headquarters for a little chat. He
has just taken 400 head of 2-year olds
to winter for a Rapid City firm at
$2.50 , and feels very hopeful for the
G. W. ' Lehr , who was station agent
at this place in the early nineties but
is now located at Hastings , was in
town during the past week shaking
hands with old friends and looking
after some business interests he has
in the south country.
The rumor that Bon Longland and
Roland Robertson were to take pos
session of the Valentine Steam Laun
dry on December 1 , has preen to be
an error. Dick Zelian will continue
to run that g eat cleaning institution ,
and has no t hought of going else
While coming to town Tuesday E.
Charbonneau's horse fell on him about
four miles this side of Arabia , break
ing his left leg junt above the ankle.
He was brought to town and Dr. E. H.
Dwyer reduced the fracture. One
bone of the limb was broken and the
ether was splintered.
The annual parish meeting of St.
John's church will be held Saturday
evening at 4:110 : at the church. Re
ports of officers for the year will be
received and officers for the ensuing
year will be elected. Other business
for the good of the church will be in
order. All confirmed members have
a voice and vote in this meeting.
A letter was received here last Fri
day morning from DeWitt C. Huff
man , our runaway printer , adressed
to C. H. Wellford and the writer ,
postmarked Paola , Kansas. We are
sorry DeWitt wrote the letter , be
cause heretofore we have contended
that this was the first time he had
committed any criminal acts but we
can no longer do it. DeWitt expresses
no regret , no sorrow for what he did
here , but rather thinks he is entitled j
to thanks for not "working' * the mer
chants for another hundred dollars.
He says he hates everybody in Valen
tine except three persons , and boasts
that he is wanted in many other
places for forgery. Since leaving
here he claims to have been in New
York , Philadelphia , St. Louis and
other large cities , and says he is up to
his old tricks , "on the road and living
off of other people's money. " a
He claims to have forged two checks
at Crawford prior to his advent here.
also four at Deadwootj. . . * '
"What your wants for Christmas
are , you will make a mistake if
you don't call on us to supply them
We're just unpacking our holiday
goods , and will tell you all about
them next week. They're elegant
Doesn't care for large sales. He wants large profits.
Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what counts.
If so , for further particnlara call on
Ranch orders a specialty
We Now Have a Full Line of
9 uiuu uumuf e
In iact anything in men's wear
Practical Tailoring in connection.
D. Stinard , Clothieiv * .
Wide Tire Wagons
Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growin e ( V >
demand I ordered and
In addition to this I have just received a car of
Which I am selling very cneaply
Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere
7"alentille Nebraska D. S. Ludwig
. O. Parsons
. .
- i i
Has rented the \ . G Shaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and vrill be hare from
. .
First-class Work in every Particular Guaranteed. S -Samples of Work at the lied Frm
and Ladies' Furnishing Goods
"West of Davenport & Thacher's.
XL ill Iri < 'Cii for Fred. \
Bran , bulk 50c per cwt $9.00 ton |
Shorts bulk GOc per cwt $11.00 ton j
Screenings 40c " $7.00 " !
Chop Feed 70c " $13.00 " !
Corn 6f > c '
Oats $1.00
I have established a Peed and Saw Mill
. ' ) miles south of Cody , at the month of
Medicine Canyon , and am now nrepired :
to urind Fc d. Corn .Meal and Graham ,
c turn out all kinds of Lnndjer and dimension -
mension .suilT. and Native Shin l'es
Give us a trial order.
tiovnlee , - j
-All work promptly attended to v is i ? -
Full supply of hay , grain and feed
.t Pettvcrew's. 4
Larg-e.assortment of new Pocks at
Golden Sheaf Pure White
* „ . , ,
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Greek
Louisville. Kentucky , Bourbon Whiricy
Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's
berry in wood , '
claret , ttp : Unff
Sauternes. Cooks '
Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in bet
tles. Damiana and oth
er Cordials.
Also Agent for f red frn s Gslebratsd \
ra , Pale Bear for f.imily QSB ,
Exuo.'t BR ° J