Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 01, 1898, Image 12

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exclKingp are productive of uji.cerlainiy
and'loss in commercial tr.'nisactions
difficult to eiaggrrat.V Prof. FoSwell
say.s. "Therp art ; -1J12 prs : of'exchange '
dcpPsulSn.s oil tin * rafi'o ; : ' , !
arid silver.The'who > o'f Huso and-Jtlie
trade that rests on ilsc'ui are J.cjft to
fluctuate with every pacing change in
the bullion market , Every , calculation
of business and linamv hi thesp pars N
enough to turn the line profit of mod
ern trade into a loss. Take one of
thorn the par between the rupee and
the sovereign. The variation of this
' par in a single year has so upset the
calculations of the Indian Finance
Minister as to turn a surplus of 1.000-
000 into a deficit of ! ,000.000. " The
fall in .silver exchange has been a con
stant protection to the industries of
silver-using countries and a bounty on
their exports. While their mints were
open to silver both Japan and India
profited by this process amazingly. The
progress of the former country for
twenty years under the silver standard
was absolutely unexampled among na
tions , and similarly the trade and man
ufactures of India thrived. Rut hard
ly were the mints of India closed in
1893 , and scarcely had Japan taken her
initial stops toward her recent adop
tion of the gold standard , when each
began to feel the evil effects of a con
stricting money supply , falling prices
and the competition of thp countries ,
like China and Mexico , whose mints re
mained open to silver. During thp four
sale for use in the arts of about half a
billion silver dollars , and the contrac-
lieu of our circulation to such a quan
tity as should bo furnished by our dis
tributive share of the world's gold , plus
such a paper circulation as the banks
could keep actually redeemable in gold.
AItfrcl < l on Kccent Klcctions.
When viewed as a whole , the 1808
election was favorable to the Demo
crats. While the Democrats in Con-
gre-s and out of Congress forced the
adminisiraiion into the war they knew
that it would give it a tremendous po
litical advantage , for they knew the
war must be successful , and a success
ful war always strengthens the party
in power. The Republicans should
have received much larger majorities
than two years ago. Instead of that
they have lost forty Congressmen and a
large number of others had their ma
jorities almost wiped out. One more
such a Republicai victory "will destroy
that parly and forever end the hypoc
risy and false pretense now reigning in
Washington , The Democrats have not
lost a single State they carried two
years ago , but , on the contrary , have
elected a Governor in Minnesota , "which
is equal to a miracle. That element of
the Democratic party wnich has fa
vored the abandonment of all principle
and has urged harmony for the sake of
spoils has had a chance to try its
scheme and has utterly failed. In
Pennsylvania , Delaware , New Jersey ,
New York , Connecticut and one or two
other States where they had refused to
indorse the national platform they have (
suffered humiliating defeat , although In'
some of these States the conditions fa-l
And the Administration at Washington still-
Chicago Democrat.
years succeeding the closure of rb
minis India's excess of exports eve
imports fell off over 60 per cent. , whil
that of Mexico increased more than 4
per cent. Japan has been compelled t
witness lately a marvelous awakenin
In China and to feel her hated am
humbled rival seizing the comrnereia
and industrial advantages which sh
herself had previously enjoyed , a
against the Western nations , am
which the adoption of an artificiall ;
limited money accommodation ha
compelled her to relinquish. Britisl
capital is fleeing from India , her Indus
tries are languishing , prices are falling
the burdens of taxation are increasing
and the mutteriugs of popular discon
tPiu lend to the situation a politica
complexion of extraordinary gravity
as affecting English supremacy in In
din , and , indirectly , the peace of th <
world. It is safe to describe the situa
tion as intolerable , and to predict tlia
the nations will not permit it to con
tinue mucli longer.
Condition Intolerable.
At present the experiment of the golc
standard is In a state of incomplete
ness. In almost no country has it ye
been installed in its entirety. To go 01
with It to the logical conclusion of th (
gold valuation system is a practical im
possibility , while it is equally out ol
the question for the world to remain ir
hs present monetary condition. Let us
oxamjne these propositions somewhal
more fully. The gold standard in Its
simplicity means the abolition of everj
other kind of money of full debt-paying
power except gold alone , and the use ol
various forms of credit based on golcl
In the ordinary- transactions of busi
ness. We may see an Indication of this
Intended consummation In the various
schemes of "monetary reform' ' recently
proposed and now pending in Congress ,
the so-called Gage plan , that of the "In
dianapolis sound-money convention , "
and That embodied In the McCleary bll ]
now on the calendar of the House of
Representatives , all of which share the
aim so distinctly announced by the Sec
retary of the Treasury , to commit the
country more thoroughly to the gold
standard , and agree in thedr essential
provisions. They contemplate the re
tirement of all forms of government pa
per money , our greenbacks and treas
ury notes , and the reduction of out
standard silver dollar Into a mere prom-
IBG to pay in. gold. The Inevitable re
sult of such a course would soon be the
absolute disuse of silver for money ex
cept as small change , the melting and
vored the Democratic victory. I v
derstand that nearly every Deinocra
Congressman elected in these Stat
was unsuccessful because he told 1
constituents , if elected , he would su
port the national platform. That fran
ulent sideshow called gold Democra
will now pass out of existence , and t
Democratic party from the Atlantic
the Pacific will line up on high
ground. It will assume the aggressi
and not only fight for the mighty pri
ciples enunciated in 1806 , but it w
make itself the champion of strugglii
humanity. It will pull this country o
of the pool of coiTiiption into which t !
Republicans have dragged it , and it w
lead our people toward a higher civi
zation. Tuesday's election will mal
Mr. Bryan more formidable than 1
ever was , because it is going to brii
to the front the great principles whi <
he has 'idvooated. John P. Altgeld.
Changes in New- York Politics.
Ne\v York can change its politics wi
greater facility than any other State :
the Union. In electing Roosevelt by
majority of 20,000 it upset a Democrat
plurality of 00,000 given a year ago
the election for 'Supreme Court Judg
The result in 1897 was a radical r
versal of the vote in 1896 , when M
Kinley carried the State by 268,000 m
jority , and that was again an overtur :
ing in the status of the vote as it stoc
in 1892 , when the Democrats carric
the State by 45,000. Kansas City Sta
Quay Tr'umnhs Again.
Standing under the shadow of an ii
dictmentwhich , if honestly prosecute !
would probably laud him in the pen
tentiary , Matt Quay proudly points 1
the election returns in Pennsylvani
as a personal vindication. He not enl
assumes that his own garments ai
now white as snow , but he gives voic
to virtuous indignation in speaking c
those who attempted to defeat "his
candidate for Governor and "his' ' cai
iidates for the Legislature.
Slow-Working : Peace Commissioner !
Judging from the deliberate way 1
which the American Peace Commii
sloners are acting , there may be sonu
thing in the statement that the Spat
Ish war was a Republican war. Thing
are not being closed up in the way I
which Democrats have been , in th
habit of closing them. Imagine , if yo
2an , Andrew Jackson submitting to th
ielay and the Spanish and Europea
Insults eaat are being heaped upon us
Peoria Herald.
Icussian Fcrfs Managed to Ev
Their MasterCommand. .
Marriages by order were so conn
that among our servants each Urn
young couple foresaw that they mi
be ordered to marry , although they .
no mutual inclination for each ot ]
they took the precaution of standing
gether as godfather and godmothei
the christening of a child in one of
peasant families. This rendered n
riage impossible , according to Ituss
church law. The stratagem Avas v
ally successful , but ouco it ended i
drama. Andrei , the tailor , fell in 1
with a girl belonging to one of
neighbors. He hoped that my fat
would permit him to go free , as a tai
in exchange for : i certain yearly p
ment , aud that by working hard at
trade he could manage to lay so
money aside and to buy freedom
the girl. Otherwise , in marrying <
of my father's serfs she would In
become the serf of her husband's m
ter. However , as Andrei and one
the maids of our household fores
that they might be ordered to mai
they agreed to unite as godparents
the christening of a child. What tl
had feared happened. One day t ]
were called to the master , and
dreaded order was given.
"We are always obedient to y <
will , " they replied , "but a few wei
ago we acted as godfather aud g
mother at a christening. " Andrei a
explained his wishes and intentions.
The result was that he was sent
the recruiting board to become a i
Military service in those times v
terrible. It required a man to sei
twenty-five years under the colors , n
the life of a soldier was hard in the
treme. * < * Blows from the g
? cant and the officers , floggiug w
birch rods and with sticks , for
slightest fault , were the normal st
3f affairs. Thp cruelty that was <
) laycd surpassed all imagination. * '
Thus Andrei had now to face
twenty-five years the terrible fate o
soldier ; all his schemes of happin
liad come to a violent end. Atlantic.
Shaved in Time.
The following story is commonly
lated as true in France. Old Ilarpag
was fast approaching his end. 1
sufferings were very urcat , but he co
Cortcd himself with the thought tl
is he could not eat there was so m\
saved at any rate.
"Well , doctor. " he said , in a fee
roiee. "how loni * have T yet to live ? '
"Only half an hour. Would you li
.lie to send for somebody a clergyiu :
L'or iiibtaucp ? "
Ilarpirou was silent for a few n
inputs : he passed his baud over ]
- hill. bri&Miiiir with a grizzly beard
several days' growth , when a sudd
: hought struck him , aud turning to 1
lector IIP iraspcd , excitedly :
"Quick solid for for a. barber ! "
The brher soon afterwards arriv
tvith his shaving tackle.
Ilarpa.uon. whose voice was getti
iveakev.n ! : i'rt him : "You charge tv
) oiicp for siiavingV"
"Thar's thp price. " was the answer
"And how much is it for shavi
-a cojpseV"
The barber patiMMl a inomeut , a
hfii slid. "Five shillings. "
"Then shave me quickly , " sta
npivd old Ilarpagon. casting a feveri
rlancp at the watch which the doct
still lu > ld in his hand.
IIas tuo feeble to utter r/uotli
, vonl. bri tlu- doctor understood t
m'tr : .p ] > i'tl .and said :
"Fiftcm minutes more ! "
A smile of satisfaction stole over t
'carrtri's ot" the patient. The barl
; et to wi-rl : . and in : i A pry short tii
iniftlrod his task , notwithstanding t
iprvnus t-.VJtellings that distorted t
'ace ol' ths dyinti man. When t
; ) orat : ui was over old llarpagou utt (
'il ' : \ siu'i of relief , and was heard
\l' " > -c'r ; :
"TJia4' : ! cnoil ; ihiuic four shillings
ml t. n ; ' : : cf s\ved : ! " Aud he breat
. In--Tit-Kits.
(11. ( : - - -
pi-otn 3"iv > ? j ot * Celebrities.
Mi. ; : i'-r.--s ; < : ; ml beauties ma
! iV'r IiK-r mi > out of the sales
" : ' : -,1'u -ou'arhs. Few of the pulr
L.\ : T.-.V iih-a of thpnnns paid by pli
' VIM i"f'i' " - - ' ( ) ! ' ' selling rights
! . - e - . i- ; < . -Vilite-l ! with being the fh
; . ) ! : ' . .l-'y : > exa : l'cv for the pri1
ic ' : ! ' t.ik.iu : IIIN portrait. A photo
: rti'.i'-r ! : epl Iw'iicriHsr him for sittim
" . ( lv 1-zv. : as'if'd and obtained
uini'n * nri honorarium. On lear
n : : i'.f1 ; Friy : K-'inblp refused to < .
or ! > - tlun ou. and then Ada Cave
' i d.T.riudpd J5ii i ipcpived 300. Ma
.111 . ? rs ; ii , IP ward < the elo e of her c
eer , u- ; ! to ive-'ivp TOO guineas a s
iuj ; . and Mrs. f'ornwallis AVest , at tl
eight of her popularity , had near
all'a < much again. Itpcently a firm
'arisiau pliU'togr.ipliers arranged wi
arnh I t > nil > 'irdt for a series of sittiu ;
t , " < > guineas apif PP : and for the prh
> ge of taking thp latest snap-shot
Irs. Laugtry. a linn of West End ph
> grapliprs had to pay 1300. Glasgo
Active rapid and decisive that
IP text of the present age. The c
> rity with which great events eve
late is illustrated by the experiem
t' the Maine merchant skipper wl
; ft Mauila in a sailing vessel for
oyage around the Cape , stopping ;
t. Helena. When he started thei
as no expectation of war ; when 1
iaclied Maine the war was over. Th !
the way the whirligig whirls.
More "Ways than. One.
Dyer Bullion lost a cool million ye
> rday.
Duell Got caught in wheat ?
Dyer No. His daughter manned
) unt Puck.
The lack of money is the root of nio
Attributes of Money.
Money must be a commodity of 1
Ited purchasing power given fluencj
general purchasing power.
Those Avho take this view diold t
general value is no gain over limi
value , and so that money value Is
other than commodity value.
But general use gives a larger
niand , and this use is as a pricema
and not value maker , while the limi
be com
use as a commodity cannot
ered as under the actions , powers i
functions of money at all , nor c
therefore , mouey be in any relative v
considered at or compared to comm <
ties at all.
As a * matter of fact , the commer <
value of no mouey is known , whal
so called being its exchange value o :
fictitious , for money cannot be redu
to a commodity ; yet there are th
who think present money is so def <
Ive as a commodity standard or me
ura of value that other commodll
should be used by the device of In <
numbers , thus making two inconsist
cies , the index numbers being based
the effect of money in action , whicl
not liked , and money itself put in c
trol of things not money.
Tihe basic error is in considering i
commodity as money or as fit .to
money because of intrinsic purchas
power. When any commodity is so c
sidered it is but a step to consider
the labor cost of its production as
real guide and another to taking any
all labor as a base instead of mone
Harring disposed of money as a c (
modity it does not follow that ther <
no truth in the proposition as a wih <
or that paper or anything can be s
fluency , something wider than c
rency. There is held to be only <
limit to tihe article selected as mone
it should not be able to purchase
A thing not so necessary as air n
have limited value. It may have va
2ven if unnecessary. The time \
when paper had limited power or
tnand on it , but the power of print
ilenominations on it was never limit
Just here it is seen that all of "a" cc
aiodity , substance , must be used , a
by use of weight or other natural lii
DU denominations , a limit must be 1
before an article can be given gene
power or be money.
With a natural limit it is not ut
; ? sential that the material of money
) f something already in use or tra
aor is the original power of the ma
rial ever relevant matter.
Natural limitation is not possible
japer , so it is not money under I
jroposition , lackiug general power ,
: ause consent cannot safely be given
its USP , and so use , the greatest part
ralue , cannot be a power of paper
money. As a commodity of limil
power the material of money ought
satisfy few desires , while as money
should satisfy many desires and so
3f more value. J. P. Dickson.
Fallinjr Prices.
What is it that determines the rewa
) f labor ? Supply aud demand. Legls
rton cannot affect the supply of lab
jxcept through immigration and ch
abor laws , etc. Legislation , howev
? an , and does , affect the demand for
jor in many cases.
And bimetalllsts believe that the <
nonetizatlon of silver by causing ti
ng prices has materially diminish
; he demand for labor that would oth <
vise exist.
The goldbug says to the labor !
nan : "Prices will rise under free co :
ige , and your wages will buy less th
: hey do now. "
If rising prices mean injury to t
aboring man , why is every rise
> rices pointed to by the gold press
L sign of returning prosperity ? Did a
workman ever get an advance in wag
vhen prices in that industry were fa
ng ?
When prices are falling factor ]
; -lose down or run only part of the tin
aboring men lose their : obs and go
swell the army of unemployed , and <
; ry man seeking a job is a menace
: he employment of those who are , so
; peak , on the ragged edge.
What does it profit a man out of e
iloyment to be told that prices are
ow that his dollar will buy a grc
leal ?
Moreover , the laboring man , as
eady pointed out , is dependent on t
prosperity of the farmers , who ma
ip the bulk of those who purcha
jvhat the workingmen produce.
Japan and Gold.
The only reason that has been si
jested for the change in the moneta
system of Japan has been that
idopting the gold standard she cot
sorrow money in Europe more readi
Chis was both absurd and untrue.
To surender the great commercial i
rantages which she confessedly bad i
able to born
; he poor return of being
noney with greater facility was p
> osterous. It was almost idiotic. H
jommerciaJ advantages were rapic
placing her in a position to be al
; ether independent of borrowing.
of told
formal adoption
But the mere
; old standard could not improve t
'redit , because it gave her command
10 more gold. If she ontained the o n
jrship of that metal she had to buy
prosperous she was t
md the more
nore she could buy.
If the establishment of the g (
jtandard deprived her of commerc
advantages , which it certainly did , tl
letracted from her prosperity and
lured her credit instead of improving
rhis is BO perfectly clear that It Is !
banishing how any person calling lii
financier can fail to see It
War Horses Got Jnot as Ilomcaick
the * oldier Hoys.
" rpmarl
"And those volunteers ,
the n'an with the ponderous diauic
iiorspshoe embedded in his bosom. " ;
not thp only warriors that pine : i\\
and die from nostalgia. Horses j
far more susceptible to the disc :
thpy were so in 1
than men that is.
civil war. and I don't see any reas
to suppose that thentemporamei
have changed since then.
"Of course , whcu a poor , four-IpgJJ
brutp , with no shoulder straps , con
down with nostalgia the doctors do
dignify it with such a dude diajino ;
They simply report that such and sn
horses in such and such a troop i
'off their feed. ' aud let it go at th
But it is precisely the same thii
the disorder develops in precisely t
same manner and the pquiup victi
of it manifest identically the su.
symptoms , and , what is more , 1
chances of their dying from it are
finitely greater than are those of a s
dier. simply because it is impo il
to bolster up their courage by telli
them they are going home soon. Tl
is the only medicine that will keep 1
disease in check , aud. of course , y
can't administer it to a horse uuh
you speak its language.
"And whpu you come to think abr
" with the ponderous d
it , the man
mend horseshoe continued , "the pre1
lence of the disease among an
horses is the most reasonable thimr
the world. As is the case with the v
of the w
uuteers , a great
horses coine from the country. Th
Avere bred and raised in the couuti
and until they were drafted into t
service they spent all their clays
the restful quiet of the farm. The g <
eminent prefers to buy country hors
both for political reasons and bccan
the animals are more likely to be fr
from the pavement soreness and otli
disorders which , aillict city horses ,
also has its buyers select animals pn
ty well along in years anywhere frc
five to nine years old.
"When these rustic beasts are to
suddenly from their rural homes ai
plunged into the bustle and coufusii
of camp life it affects them just as
does their masters who have eulistc
Most natural thing in the world
should , because both have bei
brought up the same way. You tal
a city bred man or a city bred her *
And they would go through a thirt
year war with never a touch of nc
"Loss of appetite is the first sym
torn of equine homesickness. Ilors
that at home were the most hear
feeders become daiuty aud particuk
aud refuse to look at anything offer <
to them. Then they become restle
and nervous , pouud their feet to piece
if you don't watch them , and fro
sweet-tempered , honest workers tin
become ornery and sulky rogues , uul
[ or everything. It doesn't take lor
to kill them off less time than it dot
to 'do for' a soldier. Two weeks w :
[ ix them generally. Working withoi
nourishment is as disastrous as figh
ing on an empty stomach , and tl
beasts soon contract a cold or a feve
ind either die or are killed.
"Out of a consignment of 200 horsi
sent to the army corps with which
rt-as stationed in Tennessee , more tlia
) iie-third of them became absolute'
useless from sheer homesickness i
ess than a month. Twenty or thirl
lied and the rest we disposed of t
jest WP could.
' Another circumstance which pi-
luces equine nostalgia among arm
lorsps is the" fact that a great majoi
bppn separated froi
: y of them have
i mate. Avith whom thpy have been a
ustomcd to work for years. The m
nent they realize their partner is mis
nir thpy ire into the most abject inouri
ntr. and refuse to bp reconciled. Tin
uid time again I have seen horses li
rally grieve themselves to death 5
in army ca.np because their farmnial
, vas separated from them.
"T'.KTP ' may be < ich a thniir a < mul
lost-ilu'ui. but 1 never saw any arm
mile that il' tir.r have sand PIIOUS
( i kp p it to himself. " Xew Tor
Too 3iidf st to 31 sc.
Mrdo-'ty ; s a great bar to MICCOS
I'h % Intc d'Amnale was a priiv of th
ouse of Orleans enormously \vt-altlp
his that it wa
: ; ul so popular in youth
hortrhr that he eouM easily play th
ole of Louis Napoleon and secure hi
iwn election as Prpsidcnr or Stadtho
ir > r of Francp. But he died in the pc
itinir to which he was horn. Th
jHirli'h writer wlio tpll < the story wa
.tandintr . near th. ' door at a state ba
v'orn the duke entered.
"Announce me. " he said TO thp s& ]
; uir. "as ( General IP Due d'Aunmle.
' [ "h * man stepped forward , but th
iuke topped him. "No. T = ; IP Du
1'Aumale. simply. " IIP corrected. B <
oiv rhp servant could open hi * mout
he duke interrupted him agai
uitisly. . "Announce me as Hi
loyal Highness the Due d'Aumale.
ut nirain IIP stopped him. ' ! wi :
lot bp announced at all. " and pa < ? se
nto the room in silence.
"Then. " said the writer. "I undei
teed why IIP never had bt-en king o
tadrholder of France. "
PreferH Sometliinsr Else.
Visitor Why do they call Col. Swa
" HossV"
t'rby "Old
Native Because they can lead him t
rater , but they can't make him drin
t. Puck.
How It Happened.
Mrs. WackumHow did that naught
toy of yours hurt himself ?
Mrs. Snapper That good little boy o
ours hit him on the head with a brict
-Ally Sloper.
We suppose the hardest task in th
vorld would be to persuade a rec
vorthless man to join a suicide dub.
x V" * " i ff zff ? y * * M
l \ T & \f s -
t- IYJ
of the
The report of the surgeon general
shows that on the thirty-one vessels
Atlantic squadron
[ > f the North
Sampson there were only
ed by Admiral
twelve deaths out of a. total of 5,510 men ,
which was at the rate of 2.17 per 1,000 ,
and only three of the twelve died from
liscasc one from pneumonia , one from
consumption and one from alcoholism
rhrcc were killed or died from wounds
ind six were drowned. In Admiral
Dewey's squadron of eighteen vessels and
deaths , at
2,201 men there were
the rate of 2.05 per 1,000 one from ehol-
from appendicitis , one
ira morbus , one
"rom drowning , one from suicide , one
Torn alcoholic poison and one from
ivounds. This is the most remarkable
-ecord that was ever known in any navy
n the world.
Within a radius of two squares , just to
.he east of the treasury , lies the great
lews-heart of our republic. The center
) this is the historic old "newspaper
ow , " a dingy row of low buildings. At
me time nearly all the important newspa
pers of the country had their offices there ,
[ n later days many have moved into more
nodern offices in neighboring buildings ,
nit still within the circle. Here are busy
> raius and bright ; so many mind-mills
nto which as into hoppers are poured day
ind night all the notable occurrences of
government , prophecies of policies , poli-
ics and a perfect hodgepodge of small
alk. and gossip , to be ground up into a
( lend flour tit for any and all palates , miler -
ler the brand : "From our special corre
poudent at Washington. "
The dome of the Capitol is probably one
'f ' the most fascinating things in Wash-
ngton after one has come under its in-
luence. It looks so simple at first so
mall after one's ideas gleaned perhaps
rom pictures in the geography , that it is
while before its grandeur takes effect.
iut after that point has once been reach-
d. it is only a question of time when you
rill become thoroughly and completely
ypnotized. The dome is no respecter of
ersons. either ; it takes artist and layman
like. It makes the arti.it think that it
; easy to draw. But of all the things
ideously misdrawn after the human
arm. none is more often than the Capitol
No one will be surprised if Spain repu-
iates the Cuban and Philippine debts. It
i a way she has of getting rid of cinbar-
issing obligations. She has repudiated
ivico before , but she will harm nobody so
inch as her own people. Nearly all the
punish bonds are held by Spaniards. The
' alone which is Govern-
.auk . of Spain , a
lerit institution , has at least 9150,000,000.
'here ' is perhaps $150,000,000 held ,
broad , mostly in France , where they'
rive been worked off among the peasants
y unscrupulous stock brokers. No finau-
er in Europe has bought Spanish bonds
> r an investment since the last repudia-
President McKinlcy was the central fij-
re in a picturesque scene at the White
Louse the other day , when a delegation
' Ute chiefs called to pay their respects
the "Great Father. " They were led by
im Johnson , an old-time brave , who had
eked up somewhere the uniform coat or
captain of infantry , and he was so proud
: this bit of finery that it interfered se-
ously with the dignity of the reception.
' by Sauce-A-Knock-
.c was accompanied
: , David Copperfield , Happy Jack and
harlie Mack. They all shook hands sol-
nnly with the President.
mployes of a Missouri Powder Mill
Killed in an Kxplosion.
Ten thousand pounds of powder , which
as being prepared for shipment in the
icking house of the Ilercules powder
ill at Lamotte , Mo. , situated on the St.
onis , Keokuk and Northern Railway ,
irty miles south of Quincy , III. , exploded
S o'clock Wednesday morning , tearing
to shreds the bodies of six men. who
ere at work in the building at the time.
Pieces of flesh and bone were found
altered over the ground a half-mile
om the scene of the explosion. These
ere gathered up in buckets by the em-
Dyes of the mill , but identification of any
the parts found was an utter impossi-
lity. Several men working in the mill ,
liich was some little distance from tbe
x-king house , were injured by broken
ass and flying debris , but cone was fa-
lly injured.
The cause of the explosion will neve'
known : no eye-witness is left to tell th
le. There was always some loose pow-
r on the floor of the packing room , and
is conjectured that some heavy article
as accidentally dropped into it by one of
e men , causing it to ignite.
itdoor Games Are Postponed Be
cause of Heat.
Thanksgiving day was observed at San-
igo de Cuba for the first time in the 300
ars' history of the city. By a proclama-
m issued by Gen. Wood , all business
is suspended at the palace , on the
reets and wharves. The employes of
e municipality had a vacation , and only
cessary work was done by the Ameri-
n troops. ;
[ t was a novel Thanksgiving day for
e Americans. The thermometers regis-
red 95 in the shade. Several projected
seball and football games were post-
ned on account of the heat. In the
eninf : dinners and entertainments were
fen by American officers and Cubans.
i-vv-Yorker Makes Hia Stake at Daw-
aon City.
Prank E. Simons has arrived in New
> rk after a year in the Klondike with
40.000 in gold dust and a total fortune
about half a million. He arrived on
e gold fields penniless. He reached
iwson City ahead of the rush. In addi-
in to prospecting , he bought a lot at
iwson City and built a two-story hoteL
B claims on the opening day and ever'
have taken in $15,000. The daily
ipts thereafter averaged § 2,000.