Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 01, 1898, Image 10
hi SP A SAGE BRUSH : : : : : : NIGHTINGALE. y jr JTTY Ml MS is not comnu mine , nor can it truthfully a r \ JL X _ firmed lhat it is at all sugge ? hv of romance. Yet Kitty Minis Avas remarkable young Avoman , but th was due as much to her unusual su roundings as to her undoubted person ; charms. Simon Minis , Kitty's father , was tl landlord of the Aurora Hotel , the on ] tavern in the mining IOAVU of Expei ' ence , Nevada , thai agreed lo fumis accommodations for man and bea ; and kept its pledge to the letter. Simon Minis was known far and nei fls "the doctor , " and ho felt not a litt : proud of the tille. "I ain't never grac dyated , as ye mout sa3 % " he Avould e : plain to strangers Avho came for a pr < scription , "but thar's IAVO pains I S ( on relieving every lime , and they're th pains that most troubles folks in thes diggings they're hunger and thirs Are you troubled that Avay , friend ? " The population of Experience AVJI mostly transient and largely compose of rough min < > r.s , many of them foreigi ers , who helmed to have acquired th English language in a very profane a1 mosphere. The gentler sex Avas not Avell reprc sen ted. Four sets of cotillons exhausl ed the supply. P.ut had the ladies been representei by the usual proportion , and had Es perience boon many times more popi lous , still Kitty Minis must have bee ] the bell < \ Her edtit-ition wa.s limited to a no very familiar acquaintance with th three Rs. But the miners , one and all were ready t' > wager their "bottom del lar" that as a singer "Kitty Minis coule give the odds to Neilson , Patti and UK hull caboodle of 'em , and then come ou many lengths ahead. " Judged by the effect of her efforts. n < priina donna that ever trod the board ; could surpass her when she sang "Tin , , 3one starry hours give mo , loA'e , " ' Avhicl ' was always folloAved by a slorui oi "angkoros. " But she oame out the slrongcsl ir " "Way Down Upon do SAvance Ilibber' and "Home' , Sweet Home , " songs thai invariably produced a gre > at deal 01 coughing on the part of her boardee" auditor ? , and the use of handkerchiefs just as if they Avore troubleel AvitL sudde'i colds or dust in their eyes. Of course Kitty Minis had suitors and of cour.se she was the cause oi niuch heartburning among her maiij admirers , for it must be confessed she was not ignorant of her charms , and she used her charms Avith a fascinating tyranny against which the strongest did not dare revolt. Rufus Ford , the superintendent of the mine , was a confident , fine-looking felloAA' , and he boarded at the Aurora Hotel. Up to the time of his meeting Kitty heva * in profound ignorance of poetry as an art. But his soul was touched so that he attempted to com pose a song : u Avhich ho designed hav ing "da/ling Kitty Minis * ' at the end of every stan/.a. He failed miserably in the effort , as a more practiced rhymer might have done. "If the name hael only been Ford , " he said , "I'd had no trouble Avith it. There's 'adored' and 'floored' and ' ' and " 'gored' and "And VAvored , ' " said Tom Reed , com ing to the foreman's aid. Mr. Ford refused any assistance in this direction that savored of profanity , and it may be added that he had no ad miration for the young man who volun teered hs h lp. Tom R u was a tall , well-built man of six and twenty , "bashful as a gal , " his companions said. He was the only man in Experience AAIO neither drank nor gambled. It was Rufus Ford's privilege to sit at the table on which Kitty Minis Avail ed. He vas always Kitty's first part ner at the dances , and the very first time a buggy drove elown the one street of Experience Kitty sat in it beside the young superintendent. The older men joked with Simon Minis , , and though the landlord AAMS nou-committ.il. he gave the impression that he would not object to Rufus Ford son-in-law. as a - - The you-nger men gradually dropped off one at a time , reluctantly leaving the field to Rufus Ford ; the only excep tion was Tom Reed. It might bo said. liOAA-ever , that Tom Reed was never really in the field. He did not board at the Aurora Hotel. & 1TTT SUMS MOUNTED A CHAIR AXE THE FAVOKITE SOXGS. Kitty had never "sweetened his coffee by looking into it" a plan that was thought to save her father much sugar. He had never danced with her , thougfo once when he did muster up courage tc ask her hand for the next sei she was engaged. Tom Reed spent many of his spar * hours at the hotel , watching for Kitty * .Minis and pretending not to see hei when she came in sight. Ou her 19th birthday Tom Sent her a bouquet of wild flowers lie Tiad gath ered in the hilis that morningMn hone * of the occasion the whole camp took a holiday-and in the center of the flow ers he hid a golden heart which he had himself rudely fashioned from a nugget he had long kept by him. It was rumored that Rufus Ford had sent to 'Frisco for a "dime-ant ring , " and that Kitty would wear it at the dance that evening. As often before , the dining-room of the Aurora Hotel did service as a ball room that night , and from the crowded doorway Tom Reed looked at the danc ers , and he caught the flash of a jewel on Kilty's hand. After Ihe dancing had progressed some lime Ihe men about the walls be gan shouting : "A song ! A song from the sage brush nightingale ! " Having no cold to urge as an excuse , and being as willing to oblige them as they were anxious to have her , Kitty Mims mounted a chair amid great applause and sang the fa- Voritc songs. During the evening Kitty managed to get near to where Tom Reed waa standing , and she whispered : "Thank you , Tom. " His eyes did not deceive him. Some of his flowers were in her dark hair , and the golden heart hung from a chain that encircled her smooth , white throat Tom Reed did not wait longer , but went to his cabin up the mountain side and lay down , but it was not to sleep. He could not define his feelings , could THERE STOOD KITTY , WniTE-FACEI EXCITED. give , if questioned , no adequate caus < for the tuinultous joy at his heart. H ( was too happy for reason , too much ex cited for rest. It was near daylight when he ' fel into a doze , but in his dreams he stil saw the blossoms in her hair and the heart of gold upon her breast. She was calling his name louder- louder. She was beating on the door. "Tom Reed ! Tom Reed ! For God's sake come out ! The mine is on fire ! " He sprang up and threw open the door. There stood Kitty , white-faced and excited. "See , Tom ! see ! There are eight men in the shaft and all of them mar ried - " Tom Reed did not wait to hear more. He saw the pillar of smoke shooting up from the mouth of the mine , about which the people crowded , the bravest not daring to descend the fatal opening. Even Rufus Ford had lost his head and seemed paralyzed. "What are you about , Tom Reed ? Don't go down , man ! Don't ! " shouted the people. "Stand by ! the fire has not touched 'the shaft. Pull up usual signal ! " That was all Tom Reed said. The next instant he was lost to sight Ho had gone down the chain , "hand ovei hand. " After long minutes , a. signal came up from the smoking depths. The station ary engine was started , and the bucket rose , holding four blackened , half-suffo cated men. Again the signal was given and again the bucket rose , with four other men , and one of them gasped out : "For heaven's sake , lower away ! quick ! Tom Reed is roasting ! " The bucket flew down the shaft , from which lurid heat gusts now came with the smoke. An awful lapse of agonizing seconds , then came a faint signal to "Haul up ! " The bucket flew to the surface envel oped in flame. A cry of horror burst from the throats of strong men , and Kitty Mima fell , fainting , beside the blackened , blistered form that was snatched from the mouth of the pit. "Any other man but brave Tom Reed would have died , " was the gener al comment weeks afterward , when it was found Tom would live live , but never again to look up at the sky and the hills that he loved. "Why why did you go down ? " asked Kitty , as she sat feeling her fingers they had no jeweled ring now. "I thought of the wives of the mar ried men , Kitty. I was single. What mattered it so that I saved them. " "Hush , Tom ! " He felt a tear on his hand and he knew her' lips were near his sightless face. "You will want a wife now , Tom. Let my eyes do for both. Father is will ing. " It is the privilege of queens to pro pose , but then Kitty was a queen , and she is none the less one now that she is Mrs. Reed and the landlady of the Aurora Hotel. If Tom Reed ever bemoaned his ca lamity no one knew it not even the wife , from whom he could have no crets. Utica Globe. When God is carving our rough block Into an angel , we weep over the chips. WRECKS AND DERELICTS. Vesuvius Very Successful in Kenio injr These Menaces to Navigation. A stranded vessel is not a menace navigation , and is therefore loft sever ly alone ; lint a Avreck sunk in a fe fathoms of water , in the track of coa.e wise shipping , is a dangerous obstru tion. The large , heavy masts 'of sunken coaster might rip up the bo lorn of a colliding vessel , and a ledge < rock would not be more fatal than tl submerged hull. In one year the Ur ted States Hydrographic Office , whic is a branch of the Bureau of Navigatic of the Navy Department , has receive nearly two thousand reports of wrecl and dangerous obstructions , and orde ed the destruction of as many of thef as was practicable. This work is doi with torpedoes. After the oxplosic there is no torpedo left , but there also no wreck. It is impossible to say how inuc damage has been done by collision wit wrecks and derelicts , as ships abaudoi cd at sea are called. Sunken wrccl- are hidden dangers. The sky may 1 clear and the sea-way light ; they smii the unsuspecting victim from tl depths , and add one more to those di : asters which are the more tragic for tl : awful mystery that surrounds then During the seven years from 1S87 t 1894 forty-five such collisions nine , c nearly one-fourth , resulting in tofc loss , the others in great damage wei reported to the United States hydr < grapher. Of the nine fatal collision : five were with wrecks , and four wit derelicts. The Yanlic , the Dispatch and th dynamite cruiser Vesuvius are arnon the vessels of the United States nav which have most actively waged wa upon sunken wrecks. The U. S. S. Sa Francisco also has the honor of havin destroyed a derelict , in which operatio she was , however , obliged to resort t all usual methods of naval attack cept boarding torpedoes , ramming an shelling. Capt. Crowiushielcl , whe commanding the Kearsarge. remove a curious obstruction to navigation ol Cape May. A schooner was reports sunk there in twelve fathoms of watci Capt. Crowinshield was surprised , o : reaching the spot , to find the heels o two masts not the upper , but the low er ends protruding fifteen feet abov water. In some inconceivable mannei these masts must have become uns'ter ped from a sunken vessel , and th heels had swung up , the ends of th spars being held down by the rigging One mast was shattered with torpc floes , the other pulled out by the Kear sarge and then destroyed. It Avas no necessary to break up the hull , as ther < was enough water above it. rJL1he Vesuvius was very successful a a. wreck-destroyer. Some of the ot structions are difficult to locate. Thi same wreck may be reported in thre < different positions by as many differ ant vessels ; and with so many clues t < follow itis not easy to run down tin game. The Vesuvius has found a wrecl with only two feet of spar protruding ibovc water and two feet of spa : sticking out of the broad Atlantic i : rather like the traditional needle in th < haystack. St. Nicholas. rhc Unclaimed "Remnant of Africa The superficial area of Africa is esti mated ait 11.300,000 square miles. Th < partitioning of the continent since 1S : as established the following areas 01 lireefc ownership or controlling sphere ; > i' influence , which show that all bui ibout 500,000 square miles has passed : o the domination of European conn .ries : France , P .000,000 square miles Ureat Britain , 2.190,000 ; Congo Free state , 903.000 ; Germany , 884,000 ; Tor ugal. 823,000 ; I ly , 3-19,000 ; lhe ! Boei itepublics. 178,000 ; and Morocco , Egypi ind the-Soudau , controlled by Europe md Liberia , an independent republic in aggregate of 2,401,000. To-day Grea < ! Britain , France and Germany are the uost powerfully represented. Italj las more territory there than she can uanage , and Portugal is strong princi pally for her coast advantages and as i buffer" possession. Henry M. Stan- ey believes that the most marked ad : ance in the continent in the next cen- .11 ry will undoubtedly be in Soutli Africa , because that region is the mosl initable to the constitution of the Eu- opeau , and the principal danger to be ipprehended is from Ulie antagonism vhich exists between the English and Dutch races. Queen TVilhelmina in England. A year or two ago , Wilhelmina and ler mother visited England , Queec Srnma being a sister of the widowed Duchess of Albany. Tlieir visit was eli i , private nature , and the little Queen njoyed going about as other persons lo , shopping to her heart's content , vithout fear of recognition. The two [ tieens were present on the opening lay of the Royal Academy. And upon caving Burlington House , it was no- iced that the Queen Regent stood .side for her daughter to enter the car- iage first ; but the little Queen sinilee ] .nd sweetly said : "After you , mamma. " Of course , Wilhelmiua was received > y Queen Victoria , but with semi-state nly. Indeed , this meeting of these two [ iieeiis is said to be unique in history. : he youthful Queen of Holland jour- leyed down to Windsor Castle , where he was graciously welcomed and em- traced as a sister sovereign by hei Lostess , Queen Victoria. St. Nicholas , Treatment of Mexican Prisoners. The term of a prisoner in Mexico is ivided into three periods. The first is ccupied with penal labor , the second 3 spent in the training school , with mall pay , and the third is preparatory 3 freedom , with paid .work and many irivileges. Cruel words seldom cut a lazy persou ' o the quick. Bismarck , who once defined univi Kill suffrage as the government of house by its nursery , had unlimit contempt for the.common people. Soi one observed in his presence : "You c ; make a mob cry anything by paj'ing ew men among them a groseh < apiece to start the shouting. " "Yes. b you need not waste your groschen , " ci murred the premier. One morning a gentleman call upon Douglas Jerrold to solicit a su scription on behalf of a mutual friei in want of money. "Well , " said .Terrol "how much does Smith want tli iimcV "Why , just four and tv naughts will , I think , put him straight " " .Terrold "p "Very well , answered , me down for one of the naughts tli time. " Trof. Wilson , of Edinburgh Univc sity , was recently appointed honorai physician to the Queen. On the mor ing of his appointment he infornu his pupils of the honor he had receive by means of a blackboard in the labo atory , thus : "Prof. Wilson informs h students that he has this day been a pointed honorary physician lo tl Queen. " During his temporary absent from the room one of the students ad ed the words : "God save Ihe Queen ! " Recently on the Bubbling AVell roa Shanghai , two tars from II. M. S. A gerine were disporting themsedves I wobbling along on "bikes. " A cell sion took place one of the men landir on his nose in the road , while the oil er disappeared , machine and all , into ditch. The gentleman in the road SJ up and failed to see his chum , so 1 yelled : "Bill , where the blazes ai you ? " "Sounding , boy , sounding , came the response , as the iudividu : addressed emerged into the road , coa ed from stem to stern with green slin imd mud , and dragging the inachiii after him by one wheel. * The late Mr. Gladstone , when pren ier , was invited to attend one ( Punch's famous dinners. He was t meet Harry Furniss , AVho had "disco ered' * the Gladstone collar , and was i Lhe habit of caricaturing the statesina weekly by representing him alruoj buried in his own collar. Mr. Furnis liiul , of course , been told that he wa to meet Mr. Gladstone , and the entir company looked forward with amus < meut to the night when the ideal an Lhe actual should thus confront eac Dther , The evening came , and Mi Gladstone with it ; but he wore a littl band of white linen , behind which nc iven the lobe of the ear could be coi sealed. He had appreciated the sitiu : : ioii and provided for it. The other day a distracted uiothe jrought her daughter to see a phys : iau. The girl was suffering fror 'general lowness. " The doctor prc scribed for lier a glass of claret thre jrnes a day with her meals. Th uother was somewhat deaf , but appai ; ntly heard all he said , and bore off he laughter. In ten days' time they wer ) ack again , and the girl was rosj checked , smiling , and the picture o icalth. The doctor congratulated him self upon the keen insight he had dis ) laycd in his diagnosis of the case. " mi glad to see that your daughter is s < nuch better , " he said. "Yes. " exclaim id the grateful mother ; "thanks to you lector ! She has had just what you oi lered. She has eaten carrots thre < hues a day since we were here , am lometimes ofteuer and once or twici incooked and now look at her ! " One day while at Versailles , durim he French war , Lord Ode Russel vent to call on Bismarck , but foiuu lim closeted with Count Harry AT dm , who was known as the "Ape , " rom his fantastical ways. Before Ion ; Lniim came out , fanning himself Avitl iis handkerchief and looking as i ibout to choke. "Well , " he gasped. " an not understand how Bismarck rai tear that smoking the strongest Ha anas in a stuffy little room. I had t < teg him to open the windowWhei lussell entered the room he found th < 'haucellor fanning himself beside ai pen casement. "What strange taste : ome people have ! ' ' he exclaimed \rnim has just been with me. and IK vas so overpoweringly perfumed tha had to open the window. " AVhon Mrs. Norton wain the hey da.A f her loveliness , a very beautiful Ital in Avoman came to London bringing -tiers of introduction. Mrs. Nortoi sked a small party of fashionabh eople to meet her at dinner , amon.i fhoni Avas Lord Normanby. a great ad lirer of pretty AVOIUPU. All the HUM reiv enchanted Avith the boautifu ! trangcr and all th" AVOUJCU rathei L'alous. One of her great beauties Avas profusion of splendid hair , dressed i innumerable plaits. The Avomen de ided they Avere not all her own. Be ore the evening Avas over Lord Nor- lanby expressed his admiration of the wonderful hair , and intimated IIOAV nu-li he should like to see it lot doAvn. Since you Avish it. my lord/ ' said tin ; omiii. and fortliAvith unplatted one ia < sivo coil after another. Avhile rhc thor women looked on. devoured Aviili nvy. "I am doing for you. my lord , rhat I do not do for everybody. " said lie houri. casting up her line eyes at lie enraptured Lord Normanby. from mlor her mantlof flowing locks ; "it ; throe weeks now since I la < n undid ly hair. " Which . innoum-emout iii omo degree consoled the English an-es for their inferior locks. Striking an Average. Ordinarily a man may make H iairlv Dinpetent juryman Avith A-ery little uoAvledge of mathematics. Xcvorthe- s. an acquaintance AVllh the simple problems of arithmetic is desirabl even in the jury-box. Here , for exan plo , is a case cited by a lawyer in tli Chicago Times-Herald. I Avas counsel for the plaintiff in suit brought to recover damages cause by a rumiAvay horse. My client ha boon knocked doAvn and slightly brui : od just enough upon which to case lawsuit. I had a very strong case : in fac there Avas practically no defense , an the defendant Avas a rich man , so I as ! ed for two thousand elollars , hoping t got half lhat amount. Well , Avheu the jurj- came in the rendered a verdict for the plaintif Aviih damages assessed at eight thoi sand six hundred and eighty-seven do : lars. Of course the judge promptly sc Ihe A'erelict aside as excessive , and had lo begin over again. Some days laler I met the foreman o the jury , auel asked him hoAV in th world they arrived at such a verdict. ' Well , I don't quite understand it mj self , " he said , scratching his head. "W all agreed for the plaintiff on the firs vote , but each felloAV had his own idea as to the damage. I was in favor o one thousand dollars , another fello- thought it ought to be tAVO thousan , dollars , and another stuck out for sev en hundred dollars , and we were gel ting all tangleel up , when one of thi jury suggested that we strike an aver no-f * . " " v.- v."But you couldn't have done that,1 said I. "That's just what we did , " said th. . foreman. "Each man put doAvn what hi thought right , and I added them to gether. I know there seems to be some thing wrong about the verelict , bu hanged if I can see Avhere it is ! " WHAT THE LAW DECIDES. Hunting for game , with a loaded gui is held , in Cornwell vs. Fraternal Acci dent association ( N. D. ) , 40 L. R. A 4oT , not to constitute a A'oluntary ex posure to unnecessary danger. The use of a buzz-saAV by a cashiei to saw off blocks from a board for his own use is held , in Hess A-S. Preferred Masonic Mutual Accident associatior ( Mich. ) , 40 L. R. A. 444 , not to consti lute an exposure outsiele of his pre ferred occupation. A purchase of lauds on behalf of a syndicate by real-estate agents Avhc are members of it and also act as agents of the vendor , is held , in Fer guson vs. Gooch ( Va. ) , 40 L. II. A. 234 , unenforceable against the other mem bers of the syndicate. A wilj giving all testator's property to a woman Avhom he appoints as one of his executors , and aftenvards mar ries , is held , in Ingersoll vs. Hopkins ( Mass. ) , 40 L. R. A. 191 , not lo show on its face that itas made in con templation of marriage so as to pre vent revocation by the marriage. The examination of legislative jour nals is held , in state , Cheyenne , vs. Swan ( Wyo. ) , 40 L. R. A. 195 , to be the eluty of Ihe court when there is a lispute as to the enactment of a stat ute which is published , and the consti tution requires the journal to be kept ind that no bill shall become a law without a vote by ayes and noes on the final passage entered on the jour- First American Collejje of Forestry Considering Ihe manner of ils endoA\-- ment , it is particularly fitting that the irst adequately equipped college of for- jstry in the United States should be or ganized by Coriu'll University. This las been done under an act of the Leg islature instituting the New York State College of Forestry , and placing t under the government of the univer sity. The college starts on its work iVith an initial appropriation of 30,000 icres of forest land in the Adirondack Mountains , and the hnv contemplates he technical management by the col- ege of the entire forest area of the State , which it is thought will ullimate- y approximate ' ' ,000,000 acres. The college "rooms" are the forests : hemselA-es , and the lessons to be aught aim at the selection , of trees of ho highest economic value and their Motivation on a system promising the nest rapid growth. For many years lie great forest tracts of the Uniled > iales have been subject to unrestrain- id denudation. NOAV. cultivation and onservalion are found necessary. This irst State college of forestry Avill deter- nine the kind of trees that can be : roAA-n to the best adA'antage and hoAV his groAvth can bepromoted. . Cut Up the " \Vrong : Hat. A Scotch university professor , irri- ated to find that his students had got nto the * habit of placing tlieir hats and ano-s on his de k. instead of in the ioakroom , announced that tine next ar- : clo of the kind placed there would be k'stroyed. Some days later the pro- cssor was called for a moment from. he classroom. A student slipped into : is priA-ate room and emerged AA'ith the irofessor'a hat , Avhit-h he placed con- picuously ou the d 'sk , while his fel- JAVS grinned and t rom bled. The pro- essor. on rot urn ing. sa\v the hat , hought some rashly obstinate student iad boon delivered into Lis hands , and , nldng out his knife , he out the offeiia- ng article to piocos. Avhile vainly at- c-mpting to conceal -the mile of trr- iinph that played about hLs eounte- anco. Ho wa < in a very bad temper ho next day. Pittsburg News. Bis Kast India Tin Factory. The largest tin factory in the world ; situated on Sulo Brani , an island in lie Bay of Singapore. It turns out loiuhly 1.200 tons of tin. more than ho product of Cornwall and more than hat of Australia. The ore comes from iolaugor and Perak in Malacca Gossip is always * hou lived unless it 3 properly ventilfuoel. It's sometimes dilHeidt to get even ntb a man who credits you. CONVICT'S ODD FAO& Expresaiou Cansed'byFa Abnormal Nerves. alysis of the Facial . man. Angello Del. Belle was the first convicted of murder in the first degxepl receive tue to In Ohio not sentenced not sentence/- penalty of death. Ho was he is yet insanity , to death because of not Insane. He is confined In the prison . Del asylum , though ho Is not a lunatic. but seems to Belle is a native Italian , Engllsb nor Italia understand neither comprehends nothing that is said tc punishment , and la him , is oblivious of . Sines a puzzle fto the prison physicians. his confinement his face has begun t twist over toward the right. At firsi the doctors thought it was an. Illusion but measurements show that the head is contracting on one side. A prominent physician , quoting Dq Bastion's treatise on facial disorders " of this case is a said : "The diagnosis matter of considerable difficulty. It i reasonable to suppose , however , that Deputy "Warden Dawson's remark thai the man's mentality was of too low an order to admit of insanity Is incorrect Del Belle is suffering from what Dr Bastien calls the 'reaction of deffenenu tlon. ' His mind has descended to th < brute plane. He has allowed his mind to become such a blank that it has lost its usef ulnoss , and has now begun to show the effects of lethargy. "Del Bello's experience ought to lw warning to those who let their 'angry passions rise. ' He has allowed anger to sway him to such an extent that the I > ET. IIICM.O. nerves of the brain have become aft'ect- ed and have lost their functions. Owing to violence the trunk of the nerves first became affected , the inflammation gradually spreading until the facial nerves became entirely paralyzed , al lowing the face to assume an abnormal expression. " It AVas Pink. While standing on top of Lookout Mountain a few days ago I was carried back -to memories of dear old Bill Nye , for wo " ad stood upon that same spot some years before , and a guide told us that we could see seven States from that point of view , namely : Tennessee , Virginia , Kentucky , North Carolina , South Carolina , Georgia and Alabama. "Where's North Carolina ? " Nye in quired. The man pointed to a particular place in the purple horizon. "What makes you think that is-North Carolina ? " Nye asked. "Oh , we know by the direction and the conformation of the mountains there , " the man replied. "Well , I know that is not North Carolina lina , " Nye declared , with some vehe mence. "And you would think it too if' you would stop to think. Hero is a. , map of the United States , and you can. Bee that North Carolina is pink. Be sides , I know it is pink. I live -in that State considerably , and I have helped to paint it red , but of course I go away sometimes and then it fades-a little , leaving it pink. No , sir , you can't stuff , me that way. The place you are point ing at a colorblind man could see is. purple. " Nye said' those things so seriously that the man -was almost dazed. He- gave Nye apuzzled look , and then went on pointing , out other sisters in the late- Confederacy. Chicago Times-Herald. A Use for Lilqueliccl Air. It is reported that a use has- been found for liquefied air , the possibilities , of which have been matters of discus sion among scientific men for some time. According to the Mining. Report - er , , a discovery was made recently by T-- which it is-now practicable to- use lique fied air la underground work , such as. mining , driving tunnels , and sinking : shafts. It is said that under proper con ditions the liberation of air from tho- liquid can be effective in generating power with which to run. drills under ground , .pumps , hoisfcSy ete. . . while cool air can also supplied : in the deepest mines. The liquid air can also be used , in freezing sof ground , making -tunnel cuttip-g less haa.rdous and tedious. 1C there is any reliability in this reported discovery , and its success can lx prac tically demonstrated , it will make n new departure in the lines of work named , and once again tuaJce the geniua of science the soul of industrial prog. , ress. Ancient Etiquette. , An ancient piece of "tiquette in Hol land insists that ithe Queen or King , Avben being dressed for their corona tion , should stand on a linea cloth "un spotted from the world. " The Duche-- * of Albany , who ds a beautiful embro.u- erer , daintily surrounded , the one used at her niece's coronation toilet with suitable texts of Scripture in Dutch. Polile Shopman ( showing goods ) "Here is something I would like to call your attention to , madam. It is the very latest thing out. * Mrs. Bounder ( absently ) "U there's aaytbing out later than my husband I'll take it , if only for a curiosity. * ' Every girl ought to have a brothex. or two , to take the conceit ; out of. hersL