Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 24, 1898, Image 8

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    k Costs No More
io become the possessor of a
high-grade * reliable
than it does one of those ill
fitting : and cheaply made
garments with which the
country is flooded.
We Have Samples c
than 200
Look Label inside the
for collar it's a guar
antee of correct
thz style , perfect fit
and superior finish
an astnincc that
you're buying the best that's marie a Cloak
that graces and beautifies . the figine os no
other garment can.
Our reputation for handling the
best of everything is emphatically
in our Cloak Department *
Examine our Good *
And you will become our
customer ,
FIT and
Are the features upon which
we rely for business , -
Office over T. O. Hornby's ston
Stairway on .vest side
Operations as nearly painless a
All work executed with prom pines
: md accuracy
. .
Otlice at residence eiislof M. K. ehurcl
Fine line of plain and fancy jt-\v
dry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly execute1'1-
done in the best manner
Full line of spoiling goods
I 4
'N HEW8-
' .v 'Ki. .DOD , Editor and Publishe
* " " " ' " " ' * " " *
i 7 " - i '
iHJJf / 1'npcr of Cherry l.'owii
ty , Kcliruhkn.
fl.t.0 ior Year in Atlvttttet
Kindred at I lie l * hU HJce at Valentine. Clierr ;
ti'Miuly. > 'el ra Ata. as Sccoml-r-lass matter.
This paper will be mailed regular ! ;
to its subscribers until a definite orde
'o discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid infull. .
On and after .Tamr.uy 1 Hj ) al
subscribers who arc in anvars to this
paper two years or more will have thei :
accounts placed in the hands of attor
neys for collection. We must hav <
money , and tnat right away. We lmv <
offered liberal inducements for patron.-
to pay iu advance , and if they do no
choose to take our oiler , the } ' will bi
the o.ily o.ns to lose by the transaction
Anyone who p.iys a u ur in advance ,
either for subscription or brand , will bi
credited to .Januarv 1. 1/00. !
TIit M
The fol'owiitj ' ; > lio\vs ij" ' : iriii'.s quoted f i
cattle at Omaha yehter < l-ty. .Viivomlier JK
( .rod sti-eis. i.-is-o to t..xo i-- : -4cVT - > i
end Slver.s. ! HKto 1 : ; ( ( ) fr - . . 480 40 ,
Common to fair Starrs 4i'5' ' ? > 47. .
( iood to fhok-e N'ativ * ' lU'lTors.- a WJ ) ,
( 'mod tochoire XatiVeCows $ : Ky & 76.
I'diiiiiion to Mednuii Covvx 'JiOJii
Heavy 1-Vcders , lair lo choice . " 50J 3 'J
Fair to good , 7 . ( tKHlb 8 . " > 0 < g4 4
Yearlings and Stoclcers 3 75ft 17
KairtOKOodVeser I Jeeves 3 70' 10
FaJr to fiood Western Cows : - 2 00@5 3
Fair to Kood Western Heifers 27f > @ 34i
Fur coats at T. G. Hornb3T's.
Sewing- Machines at T. C. Hornoy 'i
Try the loct Jams at T. C'.Hornby'i
B enj. Uoberts of Irwin was in towi
Bob. D3'er of Rosehud , is in town
this week.
Crabb&Vincent arc" movingint <
the Barker buildiny.
Ed Clarke spent Saturdir and Sun
tiny on the reservation.
Jas. Nolan of Harrison , registered
at The Donoher Tuesday.
S. S. McClean of Brownlee. v.'as h
' - business.
town 3'esterda\-
The NEWS-DEMOCRAT from now un
til Jan 1st , 1S)00 ) , for only $1.
Those two jolly young1 boj's. Ton :
and Jerr- , are in town today.
Bennett & Lord , of Simeon , were
in town on business Saturda3" .
Win. Hook was down from Codjor
business the first of the week.
A. B. McAlvey was in from Ken
nedy on land office business. Monday
Major Chas. E. McChesne } * was ovei
from Rosebud Tuesday , after annuity
mone } ' .
Wm.Beamer.who attended court a :
a juror last week , sta\'ed in towr
visiting friends all week.
Frank Bra\-tou returned home Sat
ur da\T night from a six week's busi
ness trip in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Fred Gordon returned hoim
from Fremont , where she has beer
attending school. Sunday night.
To ( Jure n Cold in OIK * H > : iy.
Take laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. Al
druggists refund money if it iails lo cure. 25c
The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
A number of our young people had
a dance in the Ludwig house in the
west part of town , last Friday night.
The ice on Lake Minnechaduza is
about six inches thick and smooth aa
glass. Skaters are enjoj'ing it br the
Hon. John Shore has rented the
Fischer propert } ' on Cherry street
and with his family will move therein
Dan Handj * and several others of
the Rosebud contingent of Valentine
workmen returned home during the
past. week.
Earl Comstock treated a number of
his friends-to oysters at The Donoher
Monda3T evening. The editor was one
of the friends.
Of one thing we are certain and
that is" this : Even the most ardent
anti-annexationist is todain favor
of taking Turke3 .
G. W. Bnrge of Kennedy dropped
a. dollar in the slot Monday morning
ind heard the editor's dulcet voice
murmur words of thanks.
Miss Caveny of Fremont , came down
from Cod3 * . where she had been visit-
ng her1 mother , the first of the week ,
ind js visiting friends here.
The Ladies of the Presb3'terian
; hurch gave a supper in the old Re-
imblican office last Friday nightj arid
; v'ery thing in sight was eaten.
We" have had a splendid autumn
tnd winter has held off remarkably
veilbut we'll.bet a dollar that lots of
> eople haven'f got their sheds fixed
or winter yef ,
Wanted , at The Donoher , a laund
ress. Will pay $4.00 per week.
C. M. Sageser is under the \veathe
this week , enjoying an attack o
"grip. ' '
The South Omaha Daily Drover
Journal and the Stockman Lave cor
Water pipes in the Cherry Count
Bank building brvsted Tuesda3' nigh
and the building was Hooded nex
The genial J. McLane , of the Rose
bud reserve , was in Valentine severa
da3T8 the past week combining busi
ness with pleasure.
Bert Gillette , who has been at th <
Dw\er hospital taking treatment fo
catarrh of the stomach , returned t
Ainsworth this week much improve !
in health.
I. M. liice came down from hi
homestead in the western part of th
county Saturday and is enjo3'ing him
self circling around with his man ;
friends in Valentino.
The Nebraska legislature this wir
ter will be republican , biit the NEWS
DEMOCRAT has made arrangement
weereby it is enabled to give tin
proceedings in full. Now is the tim
to subscribe.
g Dr. Ed D\vyer , who has been prac
ticing medicine in South Omaha , ai
rived in Valentine Saturday and wil
enter into partnership with hi
brother. Dr. J. C' . Dwyer.
Martin Christensen returned horn
from Rosebud Mondaj * night , afte :
flve week's work at the agenc3r. H
hasn't done am'thing but talk de
rnocrac3r since , and is rapidly makin ;
up for his deficienc3' during the cam
G. H. Fritz has sold the Key a Pah ;
Call to W. M. Skinner who has one
again changed the paper's naui * am
politics. It is now the SpnnjjfvieT
Herald , republican in politics. Brc
Frit/ has not 3'et decided what he wilde
do this winter.
I. M. Rice has accepted an agenc
for the Nebraska Mutual Insuranc
Co. and will make this his head
quarters for the future. We undei
stand that he will go intopartnershi ;
with J. M. Carpenter shorthr and ope :
a general stock of merchandise.
Business is rushing at the Indiai
freight depot and it keeps Colone
Tucker's head push. Messrt
Monshouer and Zarr on move all th
time , while the genial clerk , Home
Smith , records the proceedings in ;
manner that bespeaks great credi
for him.
F. T. Lee , a prominent stockman o
the Loup county , was in town Tues
da3 * and advanced the price of hi
subscription to this paper anothe
year. From him AVC also learned tha
the general merchandise firm o
Fritz-cS : Lewis , Brownlee , had sold on
to a Mr. Skirving. of Stuart , who i
to take possession the first of tlv
From all reports we would judgi
that C' . P. Jordan's establishment a
Rosebud is one of the neatest store
in this section. The outside fron
is of stamped steel , painted ti
resemble Milwaukee brick with ston <
trimmings , and has large plate glas
windows. The ceiling of the interio
is of stamped steel artisticall3r de
signed , and having been painted Ir
M. Christensea is a thing of beaut ;
and will likewise prove a joy forever
Our readers have all-heard of th <
great prairie fire which swept south
ern Brown county a short time ago
but its origin has been shrouded in
tm'sterv" . While in Ainsworth Satur
3a3' we were told ba couple of ranch
men that the3 * had at last solved tht
conundrum relating to the fire's cause
Asked for the solution they said : "The
ivhole thing is clear as mud. Judge
Toliver passed through our section P
Ia3 or so before the fire , and he was
naking sach a hot campaign for the
: ount3 * attorneyship that lie set the
jrass afire. "
C. H. Thompson , who went as a
lelegate to the state meet of the Im-
) roved Order of Redmen. returned
lome SaturdaHe reports a verj-
nteresting and enthusiastic state
invention. Cicero was honored 03'
: he Great Sachem with an appoint-
nent as Guard of the Forest of the
Jreat Council , and a full attendance
s desired at the next meeting of the
ocal lodge , Sitting Bull Tribe No. 22.
o hear his report of the Great Couu-
il. The pipe of peace will be smoked
.nd it is probable that corn and veni-
On will be provided.
Andrew M. Morrissey has many
riends in Chadron and Dawes county
: ho will congratulate him most heart-
[ 3' upon his election as c junt3 attor-
eof Cherry count } * . Andrew is one
f the best young1 men who have left
Ihadron to seek fortune elsewhere ,
le studied law in the office of Hon.
illen G ; Fisher and has made a suc-
essful reco'rd for himself during the
irne that he has b'een in practice.
Le has the necessar } * requii emento for
access and , barring his politics , Au-
rew is a most worthy young man in
very respect , Cbatfjrbji JoU'raU'
< jro\viiijr.
The growth of the cattle market a
Kansas City is very apparent when on
studies the figures for the past fe1
years. The receipts for the month c
October were 231,300. which is 43.5G
more than a 3ear ago and is the larg
est month's receipts ever arriving a
the Kansas City stock yards. Th
previous big month was Septeinbei
1896 , when the figures were 229.94- :
The prices , too , are better than th
average of the past twelve years
The top price for native steers i
October waj $5.50 ; in 1894 the to
price for the month was $6 ; in 189i
$5.60 , and in 1891 , $ i > ; In all othe
years of the twelve the top figure fo
October was below $5.50.
Last Friday at Davenport & Thacl
er's a customer fell to the floor i
great pain. As no doctor was aboul
it was impossible to give the pee
man relief. Mr. Louis Loeb of Roc
Island , Illinois , manufacturer of tha
well known Hi Hi Bitters happene
to pass , and hearing the cries of th
sufferer ran in , opened his sampl
case and gave the patient one drin
of Hi Hi Bitters and he was immed
ately relieved.
Our reporter was not at the rescu
but looking up Dr. Loeb wanted t
interview the gentleman but bein ,
rather bashful all he would say wa
that Hi Hi Bitters was good for wha
ailed 3-011. and it was a common oc
curence to save people's lives.
iit't * a X iv Trial
A. L. Morgan , who was sent to th
penitentiary a year ago for obtainin
mone } ' from C. li. Watson on fraudi
lent representations , has been granl
ed a new trial br the etl'orts of Judg
Broady before the supreme court , an
was brought here Sunday night am
now occupies a cell in the count
jail. Strong efforts are being mad
to have the case against him dis
missed , and as the expense of a nei
trial will at this time be more tha
double that of the first trial , to sa
nothing of jailor's fees and boar
for six months , it is very probabl
that the efforts being made in his bt
half will be successf ul. Judge Kir
kaid will be here next month on othe
business , and the prosecuting attoi
ncv may at that time dismiss the cas
Twelve rear * Old
The Republican passed the 12t
milestone of its existence last week
and appropriately celebrated th
event by moving into a neat , new an
substantial office of its own. We ar
glad to note both these evidences o
the Republican's prosperity , an
trust that after we have been her
for twelve years we will be able to g
it one better and move into tw
buildings. Bro. Barker has worke
hard during his life in Valentine , an
his success must be a gratifA'in :
thing. Like most newspaper men hi
has had to bear mam * "slings an
arrows of outrageous fortune. " bu
now that he is able to lie on "flower
beds of ease , " we with all others wh
love Valentine and its business entei
prises make-our obeisance and AVIS'
him continued success.
Our los arft I'mU'i Donor's t/ar .
Col. Dixon , of the Richardson Dru :
compam' . Omahacame up to Chadro
the fore part of the week , and wen
out three consecutive mornings 01
wolf chases. Valentine sports hav *
offered a wager of $1,000 that the ;
have the fastest hound in a chase ii
Nebraska , and Mr. Dixon Avas here 01
these chases with a View to backinj
Ben Davis * hounds , and theA' Aven
together after coyotes and jack rab
bits to test the speed of the hounds
A backer of hounds in South D , kot ;
wants to enter the race also. Th <
contest will likely be made at Gordon
It Avas first intended to be mad <
about Thanksgiving , but it may noi
take place until near the holidaj-s
Mr. Davis thinks he has two or thre <
hounds in his pack that cannot b
beaten. GraA'hound coursing is a
common fad , and field sports from th.e
east come AA-est to enjoy the sport.
Chadron News.
They ar Thunkfiil
In conversation Avith numerous
prominent people AVC learn that they
ire thankful for the following reasons ;
Dr. Wells That Dr. Jackson's den
tist sign blew down at the same time
his did.
Ed Clarke That Valentine gave
lim a splendid endorsement even if
; he county didn't.
M. Christensen That there were
nore republican votes at Rosebud on
election da\ * than democrats.
A. M. Morrlssey That he was
W. F. Morgareidge That Daven-
> ort lost his bet on Cleveland pre-
: inct.
F. M. Walcott That he didn't run
: or county attorney.
J. J. Guth and numerous others
[ "hat the court house bonds carried.
Al Thacher That he voted the
leinocratic ticket in part.
W. S. Barker That he finally has
i new office.
Frank Brayton That he escaped
he matrimonial noose Avhile in Wis-
: onsin.
E. Sparks That only a f CAV of Us
; ater pipes burst.
Jr C. Peltijolra That his record
Doesn't care for large sales. lie wants largeprofits. .
Small profits and lots of ? em. That's what cotuits. "
If so , for further particulars call on
Kanch'orders a specialty Fafilham & Di
Have a Full Line of
ir fiflafa Ovpr-pnatQ RmhtwQ FPQ | |
3 UUillUf Ufui uUCllO ) iiiluyOSOi i OHO"
In tact anything in men's wear
Practical Tailoring in connection.
D. Stinard , Clothier.
D. S. Lu'dwig
I also carry a complete stock of
Buggies , Harvesters , Hay-rakes , Bicyclese tc
In fact everything handled by first-ilass dealers.
And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease. I most
invariably hold such customers , for my molto is "low prices and big sales. "
P . O. Parsons
Has rented tlie.G Shaw Art Callerv in this City for one year and will be here from
Firat-class Work , in every Partie'ilar ( Juamnfeed. See Samples of Work at tiie K d FYou
Millinery 7
and Ladies' Furnishing G-oods
West of Davenport & Thacliei-'s.
Childrens Cloaks at T. C. Horub3's
Full line of school tablets at Petty-
crew's. 34
Large assortment of new Books Sat
T. C. Hornby's
JIlll I't'lccKfor Feetl.
Ur-in , bulk 50p per c\vt $9 00 ton
Shorts bulk GOc per cwt § 11,00 ton
Screenings 40c " $7.00 "
Chop Feed 70c " $13.00 "
Corn G5c
Oats § 1.00 "
1 ? i.J-o
OPtM Stron iC3t cnec on
market , is perfectly sa "i
atid ail effectual barrier
ajiainst all forms of < tpck.
Made of No. 8 galvanized
Meei wire. Cross v ires
sccurd > damped. lne\
pensive Write foi c.tt
iiUiMeut. . t his
[ Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye ,
Susquehanna lyeand ? Cedar Creek
I ouisvillc. Kentucky , Bourbon Whlsky ;
Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's
Toka , A ngelIicaPortSherry and Ijlnck
benyiu wood , claret , Kicking ,
Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ;
Gasts and Clicquot in hot--
tics. Damiana and other -
er Cordials.
Also Agent for Fred Kings Celabratedfc \
ra , ? ae ! Ba r fjr fimiiy us ? ' and P fists v