I I RORERT 1 HIKES st' > flVi ? address f'ojy. Nebraska r.rui.iM in l.-J't ildc- tit.iat.t3it.-nj1 It'll shout d.-r > irasp Ifatigovii Oiii.urjOiiln B V of ro.1v ALON/O UK A Til P.vstolllce addreis Ctnly , Nebraska Ou left side : horse" I.v Range inn 10 of ( 'site o > A WINSLOW PostofhVe a ' dress Coily. Nebraska1 P'MnIed on Hthor snlf ; horses samon Irfl shoulder Ittingp-ZJ-mi. north. east n ! KIi and south HI Niol.i-ira river. ij- : nti .v.Millr.u--i ofCoriy \ C KIEMENSCIINEIDHU I'ostolllci1 addicss Codv. Neln-ka ( } I-ft sidiiiso X on pjrhl siiouM r in l 2 iii jr.\ . \ \ . ' ) .1 ! i i : I'li'a'-oJioi' Jsw il W IV..1 Poor . .jiiiuti on Niobnua A D COLE PoKtoffiee address- Cody , Nol ras-i ! Siineisoii : < Mit. loll ship anil Mholllller l.'itnuc c.ist ands'Milh- -ii.il ; \i- < r ol ( 01 ! . CHAS. K P.OBERTS Poslofllcc address Coi'y. ' Nebraska On ether : Mile : SO IM > IS K 1. . SOUK' * i i * i i \ k II. n c..orau. ! S ! ! Coilv PRANK .1. .TONES roil\Ntbrnka On light fiilf herMS - M-S jime on left Kjnjro. ighl mil-s f Coilv OIIATILES OAUT.-IDE Postoflico address C'oni , Nfb Cattle I > rM Ji fl m > IT - ] ! , : : . ! - . { ' f ; lelr iiip 1.1 i-.itMr . I'i'i ii fllni"I'l i ou I'lJIrs K.intro on Nram ! 10 111 I Mill t ( IV , I NlOld\ JOHN SIIANGKAN Postoffii-e address Tft i \vtfii Coi\ ! and Lskc ( York J P GAJtDlNEU Postonlce addivss Cody , Nebraska Ou 'eft ' side of cat tle : horses O right , nortii .slid south of Niobrara Rivr.l--n-.ilcs soiit h \\cstof Cody FRED AND WILL1AMMAYBEE. J'ostolficc address Cody NeM On hft sl'lr : hotscs same left houbb-r liMrmark--notcli on > "uJf of rteht cr.ir soul ! ; of Kl ! i .7 II STEELE 1'oiitoJHre Cody , Nebnislca On left. side ; a o I.O or VV 1 on left side ol some c on loft hip , and hor. cs on jrvIL'i . lelt shoulder IJauirc-Mouth of I [ Dear Creek G II HEAGEll rosloillce address CodNeoraska Cat He bratuliMl it on nt on left Mdo , r nd Civt-k VIAXK ? t'ody , Nebraska On either dicaitlc iK-rdniark left ear .elifijipil anl : ri ht oar split ; lnrs : , branded .same on lelt shoulder tiir. : ' ' on Niobnira and EAHL COMSTOCK , 1 address . Lik'cciit on either ft * . : Iforseslikc cut oil left hip and C left.slioulder , ft K W A { I D foMufflcIfait cvJ. tlenffttoxMuivIrji.aiiy jieruon of mealing cattle Ol /he above bwnde , CFJAS s " address i in an , Neb of cattle : i.elPft : ri.aun SELDEIt BP.O'J'HERS Postofllce ti ldress Merrhnaii. On Icff sidr of on lelt ll.iu e. inirlh .t ' 8011th ofMbl.ilM ot Merrimun O JI KOLSOM I Ustonice addrcsi Mcrrimin , Neb Kraiidi'd on left side Kanj-e no.lh of Arcrriman E K DEVINE Postofiice adore > s Merriman , Ifranded on left side ; ho es same on left slioulder Range between , ir CiecU and the Mobiar.i iiver.il : : ii S.E. of 11 GKOKOE STOVJill Poslolll'1 : id-li''S Siciini -ii. < ' ) n leltili - : ho > > -ini' lelt should-- IlaliSH' LiMieVlisle GEOItGE J ESSEN" i'oslofficc address Mcrrlman , Neb on ither left .side or hip : hoixr s same on U It nhoi'iiler R isv : 1-IaM of Cot toii\\oiil ) Like GEN i ! , AIJHOTT & branded < ' It der A 'eft ' hiji ; nls N N N . . ' . .nrti on left .side : als.i C ' - A left siile IJangt' head .Middle l.oup I * -t flco : address Ga.Jop , Nebraska ( > „ lelt .sii'e ; : , ! - < , ; il o Jlelr hipaiso \V on side and S" ! ' - oiih'ft hip : hoi-MbS jaw liin : e-Eiht { mile1 ? " of Gallop ALBEUT NENZEL I Neii/.i-l. \ebniNka On eithersido of e.ii- te ! : ' .or-x-.s ame -t of LAN ADAMSON Postofliue adilre.ss Chesterfield , Neb. Jlr mled as on cil : ; .ionic'ron ' left hip : .some ju.st 01 e brand like on cut on left thkrh llange between ] > onlniHii and Sunke TV G SAWYER 1'ostofllce ddre&.s Oiibb , Nebraska 13u IeAUu:3i'iibcry av-cluir e of these cattle ; hor-e.sl Hoii iGfl > ho'lfler ! : some stock branded X Hnyi\hen > oii ninial Knjrc , Snake ri ; er niCHAKDS A CAIRNES CO. Cattle branded on nny part of-nnnal : between Gordon or. tlie F.E. &M. V.R. R. and Ilyannis on R , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address. RAJWUCTT RICIIAUUS. Cbadrou , Ncbniska .f W OSTKANDKK I'o t'iirce ; iiflirss ! li'iilivilie. . Neb MII 'efi ib.ah or hip : horse- , . , " leir thigh Kanrc-I ! I end \vators of Gordon Creek MOREY & HEWETT fL Ji Po'-toflico ' address r , . - j.rr \ Gordon , Xeb Ou left-side of cattle . _ _ of some SS/K 4 L'ange south iM Snake 35-ini south- MI EIIICKSON & AUSTIN Postofliue address Kennedy , On left side and hip ; dorses O > r A eit Jaw RaiiKo two miles lorthwcst of Jvi-n- I AV'SON & BALL CJio-.t TfieId. Neb Cattle branded o-i left hitbas on nit : ajbp Vlolt iieekHinlJS lelt. hip ; some V left neck. V left .shoulder and X It-it biujhorses VZ left hip. IJan e Snake JJlverIlt32.M ! ; GEORGE G lIOTII'.rELL § Postofllce address llman , Neb as on cut ; "lefthip south ; iiid east of Pullman P PULLMAN PostoHIi-eaildiCss Pullm-tn. Ncl. . ? yy. 2-wtf Bnnib'd ; > N on cut ; * j on cm > > 'ile ' I' mi hi | > ; ilso I' "u ii \V on it. . i I' oil h ! ! > of . Limp CIIAS S IIOYT Postollice address - Pullman , NebS * * - , > 3Hirwp- S - ' i i5r"1(1l ( on ljn sik > l ii ; ' dIZ .7 L KOSEUEKHY Postofllce ddrrs-s Pullman. Neb Pii-anded on left hin : horses sumu < % rd- mark-double dew-lap ll ne south and j ea.st of i'.nisli Ilili S II D Y Postolnce address Pulluiau , Neb rtgv Branded ou left side * wd A reward , of ? l)0 ( \\iil be paid for in formation lea/lint : to the arrcsl ; ; : ul lioal conviction of any person for killimr. drivinujoff oreoneoal iii-r any of my cattle II A P.PCK L L MORR1LL Po..tofliee address Ou loft side ; a'so ' S un loft hip : horsi s 5 * left shoulder lianieii"Hiik's : north of lljannis H C MASON Postofiice address < LJ3 Nd * * ® * Tlynnnls. r \ n lelt Fide : some same on iefi s i hi ] > Si > me 0:1 li'll liili Rniigi'-Mothfr Lake .summer rai' c'-limg- ham , Sheridan C < . A SAULTS PoslolTicc address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snakr JOE CULUEUTSON I'oit. ffico address Ptilhmin. Neb Br.uidcd on left .stele ; horses T T on rjJtt shoulder : a crop nd slit in left ear ofc.ittle Halite -I'cuKs of N'or h LOIIJI JJivcr C JENSKN' ostoffiee n * dre s Gallop , Nebraska Lett side on ] ) i-i\ate --toc-k and fight s on cattle held also on left side oT cat tie Horses C' . shoulder. Raugekiuht mil -s" south , of } ( Jallo'p JULIUS Po-t'ilTicc ad Iress Gregoiy.eb Branded on cu Range tuo miles north ofCireyory D'N GOURLiYY < . ; cr . - . . „ * . & < 2 Postofliue uddi ess Rnshville , Neb On left hip ; : JsO Oon left side : horses left ang OIJE CHURCH Postofllce address Mcrriman , N-'b Dn left sFde ; also 2J4 ou npht sirtn toracs a left shoulder tango no. th and iontli of Mcrriman ' PostofFke address ' Allen 3 D On ri"ht side and lic.iililer. horses , i Miiiie ' n right , thi h Bear Creek MORRIS JA"NIES Poetoftice address Rosi'nud. S. D. Cattle I ) ramie I on left .side ag on cut uorses on let' thigh Krugeon Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN Postoffiee address Allen , S. I ) , ' On left shoulder and hip ; some 1 on j left shonldr.iiu on left side. Ear- mai k-left car crop'd Range-Bear Creek C A GAL.LIGO Postofiice address Maiulerson , S. D. Left side and on \ouug stock. Oln stock bivm'ed lelt sine W ? Jlorssi's leu thigh Ranpe-Roek Springs Iasin ? JAMES BUSH Postollice addre > Allen S On lett 5-idM Also on 1 fi side Horses on h ft hi ] nange Boar Creek R M FADDIS Postoillce address Pas-j , Neb Itaiige , Nonh Loup River CIAULESLONG ! MAN Postofflce address All.Mi S On let t side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE DAVIS , PoSoffice address Simeon , Neb Rranded on rigl.t si. on li it I'ip Horn's ou rijrlit ' boulder as on cut Range-Goidou and Snake CHARGING BEAK Post office ad dress Allen S I ) on left .mc.uid thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek STEADMAN BROS Postofllce addioss Prtss Neb g& Brand on lett si. Kange. Bid. L.tle amiVam - c F.COOPEU Postollice add i ess KennedN Cattle hmndid on left side same as cut Stock eve one year old Iff on right side : horses .same on lelt shoulder Range south & west ol IL-ickherrv Lake and t urlew Also some branded on left leg JACOBSONf DROTHFRS Postofiice address } Gregory , Neb ' On left side ; some same wit ill on left , shoulder horses lelt shoulder ] Range Gordon - don rid Goose Lake DAN WEBSTEK Postollice address llarlaii , Nebraska On left side or hip : horses branded same lelt shoiil ier Range between Nio In am and Snale riv" L-r < . soutli of Merri- mau 0 J KELLAK lost oil. e add rest Brown ! Ncbr On efrside Range , betweer ' 'oose Creek and Loup A T BRACKETT 'ostoffice address Riege Neb .rnndcd on left side Jaugtf-Thre1 miles ; outheastof Georgia kiloio Hnnided on left side Kange-Sontheast Bf Georgia H SCnULTZ Portofliee address McCann Neb * Stock branded as on tut Range North and south of Georgia WILIIELM ANDERSON Postollice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on lelt hip Range between the > Mobrara and Snake JOHN DUBI1AY Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side , jaw or hip Range La ! < e Creek , South Dakota. A. E. CAPWELL Postoflif-e addrr ss Pullman Nei On lelt Mdcofiltle Itangu North Loup 1IAKNAN BROS. - anit side . in B.idgei JOE HOOKS Jit , Posroflice address Allen S J ) On left side ; her os sfiiue on ti'ijjii Sante Roar Creek S S BEEKLEY PostofSee addr j Kennedy Xt-b on SnaKt r.on.iiiun II V Postofliec ; : ddreas Gregory. Neb On leftside ; also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake J W PIKE & SONS Postofllce address Crookston , Neb Branded on eitbe Some | E n right hip h 1'an e Between Snake andBordman n".ir Chesterfield E E AND II E WOODRUFF [ 'ostoffice address Ilyannis , Neb ( On left liij ) and loft side. Also stock branded on lelt side and reversed S on right . shoulder ; also right niptml left -side Range-Mother Lake M RICHAUDSON Postoffice address J McCana Neb Br.inded on leftside Ranjje McCann A T DAVIS 'ostoffiee address Ilyannis , Neb On ri-jht side bo.-o juleft iso ! cnttlo O O > n rUht si i Range 10 miles lorth of Il\annis R A WESTOVER Postoffice address Lakeland. Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder ] Sonic on right side Range in Bro\vn and Cherry countie- ; * at headwaters of the Calamus river R. HANSON & jstoflice addres" Valentine. Neb Cattle branded on it't hip ; horses the aine Range CM Drr Val- Allen - I ) On left shoulder and baron side ; horses same on thigh Range-Bear T J ASHDURN Postofllce addres Valentine , Neb Branded oh right side ; horses same llange-10 miles east of Valentino on the Niobrara. Joseph W. Bownct r. O. address Merrunan , Ntihr. Right ear'cropped Hole iu center of left ear Range Lake creek S. D Joe Vlondray r > Cody , Nebraska Left side. Left ear cropped. 1 V on left shoulder ol horses. Charles Benard Rosebud S. D. Range ! Big' White' ' and Bad Rivers Charles C. Tackctt Rosebud , S. I ) . Range head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Rosebud. S. D. Left side. Left ear cropped Horses branded VB. Range Little White River , at mouth of Cedar'"reek. Louis T. Richards Mcrriman , Nub. Paul Didier Rosebud , S. D. Horses _ Cattle , hole in each car Range Big ami Little White River * Louis F. .Richards , Mcrriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same 'on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle Jolm Do Cory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hipKange Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Thomas Farren Rosebud , S. D. ID 1183 either reft ide or hip TQT | " C * I * li l [ > " shoulder Range head of mtclope Charles Richards Merriman , Neb Newman Bros. & Xation3. tHj . Nebraska n point left shonl- 2r. Also O o on slot left slnulder Also - on left shoulder line on left hip J < m luff si