We Have Samples o | More than 200 styles for Ladies and Chil dren from $4,00 up to $50-00 Look Label imide the fw collai ; H'a a guar antee of correct the style , perfect fit and superior nnnh an assurance that you'ra buying the best that's made * Cloak Aat ( trace * and beautifies the figure as no . oftor garment con. Our reputation for handling ; the b t of everything a emphatically expressed in our Cloak Department Examine out * Goods It Costs No More to become the possessor of a , -grade. reliable Cloak than ft does one of those ill fitting : , and cheaply made garments with which the country is flooded. And you will become our customer. QUALITY FIT and PRICE Arc the features upon which we rely for business , THE FED FRONT R.C.R JACKSON DENTIST Office over T. 0. Hornby's ston Stairway on .vest side Operations as nearly painless- possible. ' A. M. MORRISaET ATTORNEY AT CAW ' . . ; . VALENTINE , NEI : O.W.MOKEY MATCHMAKER - A&D - JEWELS ! Pine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executo'l nut .done in the best manner - - Jull line of sporting goods - ' " Gee , ElHott - . ' " ? / ' > * * * . * /"A t cl of the finest U''Stationery ' ' ' " Perfumes , Toilet Soups , etc. Wall Paper Paints Oils , Varnish , etc. Druggist A. WELLS J. K. W WELLS BROS. " * " Ki"TIOT o 1 i 3 I 8 * W J Cherry C j. s. ESTABROOE ; COUNTY SURVEYOR Afl srork fxeeated with promptness and accnracy Officu at nifiiif < jMce east of M. "E. church OFFICIAL VOTE OF CHERRY COUNTY Cast at the General Election held on Tuesday the 8th day November , AD , 1898 WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Publisher Market The follow iii > ; shown the nrlcwj quoted if cattle at Omaha yesterday. November 16. f4oodSte < TH. 1.400 to IJW Good Slee . 9.iO to I. : * * ) conunon to fair Stt-ers ( looil to choice Nnrtre 1 leifors . 3 rrf4 ) ( Jood to choice Native Cow * . to MotUuni C ws Heavy 1-Yedern , fair to rlioict ! . . 3 504 25 Yearlings au'd Stockers 3 75fo4 75 Fair to Kootl WVB crii IJiwea 2j ? $ i * ' 2 W&A : Fair to good Western f'owi Fair to zood Western Ilrffers 3 25@3 W/ Try the loct Jama at T. C.Hornby's 'Sewing Machines at T. C. Hornby's Where shall the court house be lo cated ? At last Cherry county is to have a decent court house. Miss Walker of Neligh is cooking at Harris' restaurant. M. F.Harrington of O'Neill wa in town on business Friday , A. M. Morriasey went to Chadron Saturday nijjht on business. W. C. Brown was elected county at torney of Keya Paha county. The NEWS-DEMOCRAT from now un til Jan let , 1900 , for only 81. ' S. W. Chestnut of Gordon % ra in town Friday on some land business. Did 3'ou tr\ ' the Norfolk Bakery Bread at Farnham & Dikeman's ? tf S. S. Beekeley of Kennedy was a pleasant caller at this office Saturday. J. B. Finney , of Ainaworth , was in town the first of the week on business. A car load of Michigan apples at Farnham & Dikeman's. Better call. 'C. M. Sageser has been assisting clerk Daniels in his court work this week. B. F. Carter was attending court from Gordon this week , on theGallop- Finney case. Wm. Ferdon and W. G. Comstock were in town from Chadron the last of the week. The editor of the Nordon Borealis made an ass df himself the week be fore election. If 3ou are looking for a good square meal at a reasonable price , call at the Estabrook house. H. E.Dewey was in town from Wood- lake the last of the week and assisted in canvassing the election returns. To uro n Cold In One l > nj" . Take Laxative Broino Quinine Taiblets. All druggists refund money if it lails to cure. S5o. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. C. H. Thompson went to Aurora Sunday morning to attend the sitting of the Great Council , Imp , O. R. M. From there he went to Omaha for a short visit , The M W A of Crookston will give a dance and supper in their hall on Thanksgiving night , Nov , 24. Every body Cordially invited. By order of Committee , Rene Canet Sold twenty-five or thir ty head of cuttle at the stock yard ? last Saturday. Bob Brace of Wood- lake was auctioneer ; and we are told : good prices were received for the flfcfc Fur coats at T. C. Hornby's. J. W. Green has moved to town from the Table to secure school ad vantages , and is living in the Fergu son property. J. C. Tolliver was elected prosecut- ag attorney of Brown county over E I. Davisson , by one lonely little vote finch was probably his own. Attorney W. W. Wood of Rushville L. K. Alder and A. W. Scattergooa of Ainsworth and Jas Morris of Johns town , attended court this week. Representative elect John Shore was in town this week receiving con gratulations from his friends. He has sold his ranch and will move to town. Capt , A. G. Fisher came down from Chadron Tuesday to look after borne court business and receive congratula tions upon his election to the state legislature. Carrie Good , of Butka , Rock county , a relative of the editor , was in town Sunday to consult Dr. Seymour in re gard to the trouble she has been hav ing with her eyes. Henry Young of Rosebud reserva tion , was in town this week and acted as interpeter in the Tate liquor case. Mr. Young is one of the prominent stockmen north of Cod } ' and is a valued patron of this paper's stock brand department. John Tqeker made his first appear ance as an attorney in the Tate case Tuesday , on the hide of the defense. J. Wesley was on the other side , and some sharp exchanges of sarcasm passed between the two , but Jphn did not get worsted. M. B. Trussell brought in the elec tion returns from Pleasant Hill and made a number of new friends while in town. He is postmaster at Comp- tou. and very seldom comes to Valen tine , but he is a very pleasant gentle man just the same. G. H. Folsom , one of Merriman's most prominent stock men , was in town last Saturda7 , and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Folsom 'is one of the most genial men we have met , and his chat was enjoyed immenseh * . He recently shipped a few cz r of stock to Souix City and sold at $ ] .8C. I. B. Nichols , of Eli precinct was in town the first of the week on business with the county treasurer , and took occasion to uia"ke the editor's heart glad and his purse fat. The Eli people all seem to be splendid folks , and Nichols is right with them. Married , at Lincoln on Nov. 10 , John Gillespie Maher and Ruby Wil- helmina Stuckey. The groom is well known throughout the northwest aa a splendid gentleman , a thorough schol- aind an all around good fellow The bride is a very pretty and ac complished young lady , well known in Lincoln. The happy couple will be at home in Chadron after December 10. Chas F. Sueaser , of the Charles F. Stisser Piano , Organ and Sewing Ma chine Co. , Crawford , Neb. is in town this .week tuning and selling instru ments , and will remain three or four weeks at the Donoher. He comes well recbmmeuded , and will make this ter ritory every four months in the fu * ture. His charges are very reason able , only $10.00 per } -car for keeping a piano in good condition. Mail ord- Educational Notes By Prof. F. H. WATSON Nine now pupils have enteroJ school his week. The ninth grade laid aside gr.immai nd physiology and took up composi- .ion and physic-1 geography last week. Miss Towne and Miss Stark both did themselves credit by the manner in which they handled the topics assigned them for our last teachers'meeting. Miss Isis Lincoln came in from he school twenty miles out in the country last Saturday to attend teacher's meet ing. She gave a very interesting class drill in orthoepy Frank Thorn and Mrs. Gee , ol Crookston , attended the teacher's meet ing in Valentine last Saturday Arrangements have been made whereby Mr. Morgareidgo may con tinue hih work in the county superin tendont's office till January 1 , and Mhs J3rown continue her work in the high school till that time. This seems to be a very satisfactory arrangement all around. Beginning with ous December meet ing the teachers of the Valentine Asso ciation will begin the sttrly of Dr. Mc- Murry's famous book , ' 'The Method of the Recitation. * ' Every teacher be longing to this association should send to the "Public School Publishing Co , " liloomington , Illinois , at once for a copy and study carefully the first three chapters before our next meeting. Price of book postpaid is eighty eight cents. ' Dr. C. R. Jackson has in his dental parlors over Hornby's store one of the finest operating chairs we have ever seen. It ib an hydraulic , quadruple action , n'ckel plated and up-to-date arrangement which will make a man forget the horrible sensations which usually overcome him when he visits a tooth carpenter's shop , and cause him to marvel at the ingenuity of the man who invented it. Dr. Jackson is alread- working up a nice little prac tice in his profession , and is making friends by the score. We are glad of this for many reasons : First , he is a nice 3oung man : second , he is a good dentist : third , we believe in assisting a new enterprise when the field is not crowded. Dr. Jackson comes here well recommended , both by facult3 * of the Indiana Dental Colle ge and the people for whom he has worked for the past two or three years , and if an3 * of our readers are bothered with aching molars or have . been "gumming if when the\ ' visited the dinner table we advise them to call on him and mend their ways. Walter Flowers has a home made photograph camera , and though it is simple in construction he says it works to perfection. A. W. Scattergood made this office a pleasant call Monday. His cases in court were disposed of satisfactorily and he expects to come up again next year. Born , to J. E. Thackrey and wife , Monda3 * morning , a bouncing 10 pound babybo3' . This explains why our count } ' treasurer looks so pleasant this ttagtf i ALL Kir CALL ON 1 HER GENERAL MERCHANTS HANI Doesn't care for large sales. He wants large profits. METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of 'em. That's what coauts. . SEE THE POINT ? If so , for further particulara call on Jfranch orders a specialty Fat nhaill . Di Now Have a Full Line of * \ * % f\ / * % GOODS Fur Goats 9 UfQi > ayuiuu9 In iact anything In men's wear Practical Tailoring in Connection. D. Stinard , Clothier. D. S. Ludwig DEALER IN LUMBER * COAT I also carry a complete stock of Buggies , Harvesters , Hay-rakes , Bicyelese tc In fact every thing handled by first-slass dealers. WHEN IN NEED OP WHAT I CARRY GAIL AND GET MY FIGURES And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease. I most invariably hold such customers , for my motto is "low prices and big sales. " VALENTINE NEBRASKA P ( f ? Q TOO/"V Y l O . w. JL di bOIlb Photographer Has rented the A. . U Shaw Ait Gallery in this City for one year and will be here irom 1ST TO 12TH OF EVERY MONTH * " ' / r First-class Work in every Particular Guaranteed. See -Samples of Work at the Keel Frou Millinery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods CALL AND GST PBIOES. West of Davenport & Thacher's. CORA GILLETT. C'hilclernb C'loaka at T. C. Hornby's Full line of school tablets at Petty- crew's. 34 Larjre assortment of nev- Books at T. C. Hornby's Full supply of hay , grain and feed at Pettvcrew's. 3-i XL ill .Prices fo Bran , bulk 50c per c\vt § 9 00 ton I Shorts bulk GOc per cwt § 11.00 ton j Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 70c " $13.00" Corn G5c u Oats § 1.00 " 0. M. SAGESBH , TONSOR1AL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOI AND GOLD BATHS , The OWL Golden Sheaf Pure White Rye , Susquehanca. Byeand Cedar Creek I oufsville , Kentucky , , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grape & Cognac Brandy's TokaAngollicu.PortSherryand lack berry in wood , claret , Riesling , Sauternes. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Clicquot in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. Also Agent for Fred Kmgs Celebrated Ez ra Pale Bear for family ns ° , and Pabsts Export Bs-i. X , C.H.THOMPSON ,