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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1898)
WILLIAM A. ALLMAN. i address Hue Rl.lgu. S. I ) . On side and hip Unr.M'F /m m-fmS onnsht * F/frV * i- ' * * ' * ; . " / MidiiiiJci 7 ( 1 &y i jj i- / , , , \v ; 1 f j w'3 KJ ' Range - Vou v r .i ft . * an PH t' r ALBERT LAMB. rostofficc address Allen. S. D. Cattle same as on cut ; liorsos on left hip FUIMCUS cattle on left Bhouldcr iRange 15car Creek WILLIAM PROVOST. Postofficc address Albany , Ncl > . On right , side ; hors es lelt shoulder Rmige Haul o ! Stinking Water FRANK SALWAY , JR. rostoffice address Allen. S. D. .As on cut ; also S S jiefthip ; halt ( top circle I-'S on left also on left side Horses M left hip -I'orn Creek RangeI'orn CHARLES RICHARD , SR. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. On left sidehorses ; same without har. on left shoulder. Range Porcupine District. CHARLES CUNY. Manderson S. D. On left side Also clear eround both hips aike a breeching har ness. iiorsjs as cut on left t high : counter l > rand right over the T HENRY JONES Postolllce address Mander-)0ii , S. D. On left side Horses same on left shoulder Range Wounded i Knee Creek. Postoffice address Manderson. S. . On left side Horses . left shoulder ' Uange White itiver [ JOHN GRAHAM. Postoffice address Pine Ridge. S. D. On left side Horses same on hip Range Pass Creek ELNORE LITTLE CHIEF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side ; horses ame left shoulder Hange-White river WILLIAM WALKS ON THE GROUND. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D. Left shoulder or side Horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knee PRETTY HIP. JR. roBtoffice address Porcupine , S. D. Left side and hip Horses same on shoulder Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE WHITE FACE. Postofiioe address Allen , S. D. On left side ; also KIV on left side Horses same on left hip Range Corn Creek SHORT HORN. rostoflice address Pine Ridge. S D. On leil side ; horses same on shoulder Range Wounded Knee. JUDGE THUNDER BEAK. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On Left sldejhorscs same on left hip Range Wounded ; i GEORGE FIRETJIUNDE3. Postoffice address Pine Rtdue , S. D. On leftside ; horses same Iclt shoulder. Range Near Tine Ridge Agency. JAMES GRASS. Postoffice address G J Porcupine , S. D. On left shoulder and hip ; horses same 011 hip Range Porcupine Creek. JOSEPH FAST HOUSE. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S.D. Cattle same as cut ; horses same on left hip. Range-Sprinjj Creek JOHN LEE. Postofilce address Pine Ridge , S.D. On leftside Horses left thigh Range-Wolf Creek. PETE RICHARD. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On left side ; horses r R on left thigh Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. JOHN FARNHAM. Postoffice address Interior , S. D. Left side or hip or both Horses same on left thigh Range-Jackson Co. JOHN POURIElt. Postoffice addn. t Manderson , S. D. On left side ; also on jaw- Horses on left shoulder. Range Mouth Wounded Knee and White river. JAMES TWISS. Postoffice address Porcupine. S. D. On left side ; horses same on left hip Range Porcupine Creek. THOMAS TYON. Posfoffico address Pine Ridge. S. D. Anywhere on left side Horses same left hip CHARLES H. GIROUX. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left side Horses same ou let1 shoulder. Ranee-Wolf Creek MANUEL ROMERO. Postodlce address Pine Ridge , 3 , D. On left side Horses left shoulder Range-Spring Creek and Wounded Knee. SAMUEL SMITH. Postoffice address Alien , S. D. On left side Horses same on left hip. Range Corn Creek JOSEPH BROWN , JR. Postoffico address Manderson , S. D Left side or hip Horses o" ca left shoulder JElange-White river and Month Wound ed Knee. JOHN MESTETH. Postoffice address Porcupine , S. D On left side Also m on left side Range Porcupine Creek. GEORGE HABVCY , 'Postofflce address Porcupine , S. D. On left side Horses same on lef * shoulder Range-White river and Mouth of Spring Creek. ANTOINE HERMAN. Postofflce address i Kyle , S. DOn - On left aiioulder On left side Range PC Creek P. . C. STIHK. PC suffice address Pine Ridge , S.D 115 and 55 on left sideHorses Horses 115 on left , < : > > o" ' 'o-- also 5 tn If left thigh - River STiiSiS's sfej WILLIAM VLANDKY. f Postoffice address Allen. S. D. On both sides On side and hip ge - Little NICHOLAS JANIS. Postoffice address t Kyle. S. D. On left side Horses same on left hoJder Range Big White River. BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Poslofflce address Kyle. S. D. On leftside and hip Horses. NK left thigh. Range-Big White River. CHARLES CLIFFORD. Postofilce address Kyle , S. D. < On left side or nip. Horses same on left thigh ; also J CCg lert side. Ear-mark , tip and under-bit Range-White River CHARLES JONES. Postoffice address Porcupine , SD. . On left hip and jaw Horses same or O on left shoulder Range White River JOHN P. BISONETTE. Postoffice address Mjiuderson , S. D. > n right siilo Horses p B on left Range-Rock Sprins JULIA DAVIDSON. , Postoffice address Kyle. S. D On right shoul der and hip Horses J on left hipKanee Kanee White River and Mouth of Medicine Root ) Jreek. ELICK SALWAY. i'ostoCice address Allen , S. D. On snoulder side and hip. Horses 6 8 on left shoulder. Range Corn Creek E. G. BETTELYOUN. Postoffice address Pine Ridge. S. D. Anywhere ; horses same. Range Little White River C. W. ALLEN , MANAGER. Postoffice address Merriman , jS'eo. Stock branded as on eutjalso A lef t shoul der , B leftside , C Jeft liip. Range Little Wnite river , S. D. I will pay SlCO for sufficient evidence to convict anyone of stealing catcle bear ing these brands. WILLIAM SHANGRAN. Postoffice address Cody. Neb- On left side Horses , same Range Lake Creeft South Dakota , ROBERT RANDALL. Postoffice address Alien. S. DOn - On left Bide Horses sortie on left shoulder Range Biar Creek SANDY WILLIAMS. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. Mostly on left side , some on right side Horses sama lefc Shoulder Range-Lake Creek , South Dakota. BENJAMIN JANIS. Pontoffice address Kyle , S. D. On left side ; horses | "K on hip. ! itanjre Medicine i Root Creek. EDGAR FIRE THUNDER. Postoffice address & & * * - Allen , S. D On left mark- $ fL ( ear split and liang- fM * ? g i.ange-BearCrccK ROBERT WHITE RABBIT. Postoffice address Merriraan , Neb. On lelt side and hip. Horses same on left thigh. Range Lake Creek South Dakota. PETER LADEAUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D Left side and hip both Horses same on left thigh Range Bear Creek A. W. MEANS. Postofflce address Pine Ridge , S , D. On both siaes Horses same minus half circle on top.on left thigh Range-Little Wnite river , WILLIAM TWISS. Postoffice address Manderson , S. D. On lelt side Horses onleftthijrh Range-Big White river ELEX ADAMS. Postoffice address Manderson , S , D Left side or hip on horses and cattle : also 2 on shoulder , O on side and O OH lett side olcattle. Arrow reversed on all cattle sold. Range Mouth Wounded Knee. ARTHUR ROFF. Postoffice address Merriman , .Neb On side ; also R on jaw Horses R O on thigh Range-Lake Creek and Little White river. SETH GARY. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb. On both side and hip Herd-mark , dew-lap Horses same on left shoulder Rung-CKLakc Creek and Little White river. JOSEPH KOCER. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb _ Left side and hip Horses , left shoul der. Range-Little White river , South Dakota. E. COFFEY AND SONS. Postoffice address Gordon , Neb. On left side nnd E on jaw ; some JC ° n riu'ht hip and J On jaw Horses PE and JQ on shoulder. Range , Little White river , South Dakota. JOHN T. GREEN. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On left side Horses same on left shoulder ; waddle un der neck of young stock Ranfie.-Lake Creek t and Little White river J. J. PECK. Postoffice address Cody , Neb. On both sides Horses CC on left thigh Range HeadPass , Creek , South Dak. B C. H. LITTLE. ostoffice address Merriman , Neb. On either side Horses same on hp. Also either side Range Lake Creek jv South Dakota. JOHN GRESH. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On both Bides ; some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar , left thigh Range-Lake Creek & Little White river GARNER PostofTlce address Cody , rs'eb Anywhcrr on cattle ; horsjs. onelt shoul der. Range north of EH G. O. r AIRHEAD. PcetoJTlcc address Merriman. N _ Cattle on k'ft Md-i : u ! < i hin ; some left side only. HO'SPS. c on left shoulder Range- , between fottomsood La11 founder and bea Creek \7. R. WHITE. PostofTlce address Merriman , Neb On either side ; some S U Eon leftside Range Southeast of Merriman FRANK LIVERMORE. Postoffice address On both sides or nnvwliprp 01 animalalso ; . , , . i. on hip or shoulder a Range Little & White River. , and Mouth of Creek , S. D. j. O'ROURKE. Postofflce address Kyle. S.D. On left side and hip. Horses. J on left shoulder Range Big White River B. F. BOYLES. Postoffice address Merriman , Neb As on cut , left side Range between N'lolirxr" Kiverand Reservation VETAL VLANDRY. Postoffice address Cody , Neb. Cattle branded any where ; some with underneath the brand Horses on left -r- shoulder * ' _ Range Little White l iver and Mouth of Cedar Creek , S.D. GEORGE COLHOFF. Postoffice address Pine Ridge , S.D- Left side of cattle : left shoulder of horses sesRange Range White Clay Creek. GEORGE GIROUX. Postoffice address Allen , S. D.c - . On left side and Ml'IjiS thigh. Horses on left Hunk Range Head of Pass Creek. GUS CRAVEN. Postoffice address Manderson , S. 1 . Onleftsidd Hoi-es , on left hip win o it o. r under neath. R iiifee-B g Wl 1 e river. BAPTISTE POURIER. Postoffice address Mandersor , S. D-1 On left side. Horses same on left shoulder ; counter , brand , horse head on right shoulder. RaiiRe-Whiie river ind Wounded Knee CHARLES C. MAURIVALL. Postoffic" add : ess Albany , Neb. On right side Horses same left hip Range-Lime Kiln WILLIAM L. PATTON. Postoffice address Manderson. S. D. Dn either side Horses same left shoulderlow Ranje ; Wounded Iviico and White river GEO. R. BROWN. Postoiiice addiess Manderson , S. D. On left side ; also around hip.bonn lett side. Horses same on left SI'O.l.dT. Range-Li itle White river and Brown LEWIS SHANGRAN. Postofflce address Kyle , S.D. 3n left shoulder and side Also jn left side Worses , Z S : hlgh Racge Big White river. JOHN 7ALMIER7 } PostofHco address Kylo. S. D. On left side of cattle ; IcftshouM ron nors. PS ; also 121 or 112 on left side of cattle. Range on Big White River. ANTOINE JANIS. lelt thigh on horses. RJ ngeVound9iJi Kneu Creak JOE RICHARD. Postofficc adcrrss Allen , S. D. On right skip Range Eagle Nest Creek. ELICK RICHARD. Postofflce : d Ircss Allen , S. D , . On left side or cattle- Her o lefl Range Eag Creek JOHN SWALLOW , Postoffice address Allen , S. D. Left side on cattle. Horses , underlined II on left shoulder Range Little White nlver LEWIS VEON. PostofTlce address Pine P.Idge. S. D As on cut Ran e on Lak- ; Creek. JENNIE SEARS. Postofllce address Manderson , S. D On left side and jaw Range on White inver J. O. ROOK. Postoffice eddress Allen. S. D On left side thich Range Llttk White River cn $ Pass Crock J. K. PUGII AND SONS. I'oatoffice address Pine Ridge , S. D i rittle branded as on Horses on left houlder Kanse Flint Butte Little White River DAVID COTTIER. PostofSce sddres * Allen , S. I > - On left aide , ris&r split Rango-LittleWhlU' River BENJAMIN CLAYMORE. Postoffiee address Allen , S. D. < ( 'n left side ; also C > n shoulder. B side , " on hip. Horses. C on shoul- ler and underlined ! > Lonhip. Kance Litlle White River LEWIS COTTIER. Postoffico address Allen , 5. a On lef t side : also ai underlined DH c * left side r.f somej richt ear split Morses , i on right hip Range-Little White. L. FISHEIt. ? oit office address Interior , S. D. : tock branded as on lit , left side and jaw Ranse Potatoo Creek L. B. LESSERT. PostofTice address Merriman , y On left side ; also oo > same side. SlI uo. derllned Horses , nnderllnei : XI on left thigh sg-g-gisag ? ! River JOSEPH KNIGHT. 'ostofDce Address Pine Ridge , S. D. On left hip ; wattle n neck Horses same onleft [ loulder nange Wounded : nee Creek , ,