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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1898)
Bf 1 THE QUANTITATIVE THEORY. The value of money , like that of any thing else , depends upon the great laAv of supply and demand. That is , the value or purchasing power of money , and consequently prices , depends upon the amount in circulation compared with the quantity of other things to be exchanged for mondy , and the relative demand for each. This Is a principle recognized by every reputable econo mist , liA'ing or dead , but we haA'e not room for quotations. It needs none. It Is plain , common senst When money is scarce , prices will be low ; when mon ey Is abundant , they will be high. This Is the plain , homespun way of putting it No matter IIOAV much credit may be used .this .principle must hold good , because credit to be safe , must have money for its support , and the greater the supply of money the more credit can be safely carried. In February , 1873 , the United States dropped the standard silver dollar out of its coin age , and made the gold dollar the unit of value. In June of that year Ger many formally adopted the gold stand ard. Later in the same year the States of the Latin Union limited the coinage of silver , and in 1878 they stopped it entirely. In 1874 the legal tender of American silver coins was limited to 85 In one payment During these years Scandinavia and some other small countries also demonetized silver. The effect of this was to greatly increase the demand for gold for coinage pur poses and to shut off a large portion of the same demand for silver. As a result gold rose in value , compared Avith silver , and silver fell in A'alue , compared Avith gold. But this was not the only result In gold standard coun tries the supply of new money from the silver source was suddenly cut off , and toeing limited to gold alone , those coun tries found themselves with a stock of money that failed to keep pace with population , business and products. Hence , by the law of supply and de mand , money began to rise in value , or stated conversely , prices began to fall. 'From 1850 to 1873 prices rose about 20 per cent From 1873 , when this change was made , to 1893 , they fell about 33 per cent , and since then they have fall en from 10 ( to 15 per cent more. For twenty-five years gold standard coun tries have .been doing business on a fall- Hug market There have been tem porary spurts and reactions , resulting from special causes , such as short sup plies , or increases of the money volume under the Bland and Sherman laws , but the general trend of prices has been ever downward. The inevitable consequence quence has been the Avrongf ul injury of ithe producer and the debtor , for the J > enefit of the non-producer and the creditor ; depressing business and car rying suffering into the homes of the poor Avherever the gold standard has been adopted. Valns and Price. The blindness of the goldbug arises principally from his inability to dis tinguish between value and price. Value is something in an article itself. Price as a mere relation. It is a mere relative term , and may be anything , de pending upon which AA'e use as a stand ard of value or value measuring-stick. JTo-day the price of a bushel of Avhcat Is about 90 cents. If , to-morrow , Ave put 46 % grains of gold in the dollar , in stead of 23'4as at present , the price of a bushel of wheat will be forty-five cents. Not because the value of the wheat has suffered any change , but because we have adopted a different standard of A'alue and put another price on the AA'heat If , instead of 23 % grains of gold constituting a dollar , Ave abolish the Avord dollar , and make a "dino" consisting of two grains of platinum the standard coin of the realm , the price of a bushel of AA'heat will become tAvo "dinos" or three "diuos" more or less. If , instead of 234 grains of gold constituting a dollar lar , AVO pass a laAv making a bushel of corn a dollar , a bushel of wheat will sell for three dollars ; for to-day the value of a bushel of AA'heat is about three -times that of a bushel of corn If Ave can take the market figures for it. The value of an article is inherent , depends upon the Avorth of its qualities and the demands for them , Avhereas price is a mere relation , and may be r anything ; depending upon what stand ard we adopt to measure A'alues AA'ith. * You can neA'er make a goldbug see any juerit in the bimetallist's argument un til , you make him see this. He thinks gold is stable because it never appears to fluctuate. Nothing ever set up as a standard of values could be seen to fluctuate. Its own fluctuations would H always be spoken of as rises and falls in the A'alues of other things , whereas in the other things there may be in reality no changes in A'alue , but merely fluctuations in price , due to changes of A'alue in the standard they are .measured AA'ith. In discussing changes in prices tAvo things must ahA'ays be considered an article may change in price Avithout changing in value , sim ply because the standard of A'alues has shrunk or SAA'elled ; or , it may change in price because it has -itself shrunk or SAvelled in A'alue. -Changes in the price of any or all commodities may arise from either one .of These causes , or from a combination of both. As J before said , If AVO make 46 % grains of gold a dollar instead of 234 * grains , a bushel of wheat AA'ill sell for 45 cents , although it has suffered no change -in value , merely a change In price. Gold , as long as it is made he sole standard of value , can never fluctuate in price , because it is estab llshed by law that 23 % grains of gel < shall constitute a dollar ; and no matte ] hoAv great or how small the value o ; these 23 % grains may be , that is ifc price. Make a goldbug see th. s < points and the battle is half won. Ii nine-tenths of all the gold in the worlc were Irrecoverably'sunk to the botton of the ocean , it is reasonable to sup pose that the one-tenth that was lefi would increase in value eight or nim fold. It would increase in value a1 least eight or nine fold. But 23 grains of gold would still be a dollar Although increased in value ninefold it Avould appear to suffer no fluctua tion. We would simply speak of nine fold decreases of value in all other things. This is an optical delustion. It is simply due to the fact that gold is set up by law as the standard of value the standard for setting price. The same things that are true of it as above would necessarily be true of any other article adopted as a standard of values a measure for setting price. Clinton Collins. Comment on the I/aw of 1792. It will be seen by the law of 1792 that the unit of value was the silver dollar of 371 % grains of pure silver. It remain ed the unit of value until the rascally act of Feb. 12 , 1873 , was passed , ns I shall show by subsequent laws. The Spanish milled dollar , as the same was then current , was made the basis of our monetary system. The eagle was "to be of the value of ten dollars or units. " The half eagle was to be of the value of five dollars or units , and the quarter eagle was to be of the value of two dollars and a half dollar. The eagle Avas to contain 247.5 grains of pure or 270 grains of standard gold , and all of its subdivisions were to be exact frac tional parts of the whole. That is to say , the half eagle , or the five-dollar piece , was to contain half the number of grains of gold that the eagle con tained , and the quarter eagle , or the two dollar and a half piece , was to con tain one-fourth as many. The dollar , or unit , which is the monarch of the system , contained 371 % grains of pure or 416 grains of standard silver. Its fractional parts , half dollars , quarter dollars , dimes and half dimes , were to contain one-half , one-fourth , one-tenth and one-twentieth as many grains re spectively as the dollar. The ratio of the two metals was fixed at 15 to 1. Both gold and silver were made a legal tender in the payment of all debts. The coinage of both metals was free and unlimited. The standard was dou ble. The gold dollar and the double eagle were not coined until after March 3,1849 , as no such coins were provided for until then. An examination of the law will show that the double eagle waste to be of the value of twenty dollars , or units , and that the gold dollar was to be of the value of one dollar or unit The law of 1849 recognized the silver dollar of 371 % grains of pure silver as the standard , because the gold coins , created by that act , were regulated by it It was the standard up to 1873. Gold Standard Never a Benefit. The closing of the East Indian mint administered almost at once a disas trous check to the export trade of that country. Her currency has been con tracted ; she has struggled with a food famine and a money famine at the same time , and everything now indi cates that the attempt to force the gold standard upon her will fail. After a career of unparalleled prosperity upon the silver standard , Japan changed to ; old , and the wheels of her marvelous progress at once felt the pressure of a jrake ; her people are complaining of lard times , and she is losing her gold ibout as rapidly as she coins it In Russia and Austria the whole industri- il atmosphere is full of the complain- ngs of those engaged in production , es- iccially the agricultural classes , and ilrnost without exception they ascribe Jielr troubles to the attempt to fasten lie gold standard upon them. It can je truthfully affirmed that the gold standard has never benefited any coun- ; ry as a AA'hole ; that it has simply en- -iched the moneyed plutocracy at the ixpense of all legitimate business ; that t has been an unconscionable wrong : o the debtor class ; and that it has left i trail of suffering in its AA'ake wher- > ver established. And the end is not ret. It must be understood that the * old standard has by no means reach- ; d the maximum of its pressure. Not mly are efforts being made to extend it > ver more and more countries , thus in creasing the demand for gold , making nouey scarcer , and forcing down ) rices , but even in the countries that ire already upon that standard , or try- ng to get there , the gold men are seek- ng to intensify its effects , by discard- ng , so far as possible , the full tender iih'cr which circulates Avith it This is lotably true in our OAVII country. Who Gets These Vast Slims ? England's greatest statistican , Mul- uill , after the most careful and paJns- aking calculations , estimating our en- rgy by foot-tons , horse poAver , steam , tc. , concludes that the United States 5 nearly equal to Great Britain , Ger- aany and France combined. He says : It will be impossible to find a parallel o tine progress of the United States in he last ten years. Every day that the un rises upon the American people it ees an addition of $2,500,000 to the ac- umulation of the wealth of the re- iiiblic , which is equal to one-third of he daily accumulation of all mankind utside of the United Stites. " If we produce one-fourth of all the world' * wealth daily , can we not return to thai free and unlimited coinage which we sustained for two generations when W did not produce one-twelfth of itj wealth ? Fat Man Who Failed. General Greely has been so indiscreei as to confirm Richard Harding Davis in his account of General Shafter'j bungling conduct of affairs before San tiago. But General Greely is not tin only military man who has found faull with the all too fat and all too bump tious Shafter. General Miles , the senioi Major General of the United States army , a real soldier , a man who knows how to fight and who can mount a horse without the assistance of a der rick , saw some of Shafter's mistakes and corrected them. Shafter is now posing as the hero of Santiago , and is venting vulgar and coarse invectives against newspaper men who have told the truth about his stupidity. As Alger's political pet , Shafter was sent to Santiago , where , but for General Wheeler and the other officers of courage and sense , he would have made a fiasco out of the attack and have turned the advance into a re treat And It is as Alger's pet that Shafter now endeavors to bulldoze and browbeat his way to fame. But it is useless for Shafter to fctrut and swear. History cannot be cursed out of existence by a very fat man with a great command of profanity. The evidence of Shafter's physical and mental collapse before Santiago is too strong to be denied. Shafter will be remembered , if he is remembered at all , as the fat man Avho failed. Chica go Democrat Opposed to Banks of Issue. In a letter to John Adams , dated Monticello , Jan. 24 , 1814 , Thomas Jef ferson said : "I have ever been the enemy of banks , not of those discounting for cash , but of those foisting their own paper into circulation , and tlius banish ing our cash. My zeal against those in stitutions was so warm and open at the establishment of the Bank of the United States that I was derided as a maniac by the tribe of bank- rided as a maniac by the tribe of bank- mongers , who AArere seeking to filch from the public their swindling and barren gains. " To Mr. Gallatin , Oct. 16 , 1815 , he wrote : "We are undone , my dear sir , if this banking mania be not suppressed. The Avar , had it proceeded , would have up set our government , and a new one , Avhenever tried , will do it. And so it must be while our money , the nerve of war , is , much or little , real or imag inary , as our bitterest enemies choose to make it" In Ancient Times. At a very early period of the world's history nearly all nations adopted gold and silver as the money metals. We learn from the Bible ( Genesis 13-2) ) that Abram "was very rich in cattle , in silver and in gold. " In Genesis 23- 16 , Abraham weighs out to Ephron "four hundred shekels of silver cur rent money with the merchant. " We are told in the twenty-eighth chapter of the Book of Job that "wisdom can not be gotten for gold , neither shall silver be weighed for the price there of. " The fact is , no other known sub stances are so well adapted for mone tary use. The chief properties in the order of their importance has been summed up by JeA'ous as follows , to wit : 1 , utility and value ; 2 , portabil ity ; 3 , indestructibility ; 4 , homogene ity ; 5 , diA'isibility ; 6 , stability of value ; 7 , cognizability. Tricky Partisanship. We deplore the attempt on the part of Republicans to use the war for partisan advantage and for the pur pose of distributing patronage and con tracts to faA'orites. The guilt of those who caused the sufferings of our sol diers in camp and field will never be punished by a Republican administra tion or a Republican Congress. Men never accuse , try and convict them selves. Honest Father of Democracy- . Late in life , returning to the scene of his birth and early life , in address ing the inhabitants of Albemarle County , Virginia , Thomas Jefferson was able to say : "Of you , then , my neighbors , I may ask , in the face of the world , 'Avhose ox have I taken , or AA"hom liave I de frauded ? Whom have I oppressed , or of whose hand have I received a bribe to blind mine eyes therewith ? ' " .Laconic. A couple of Quakers hold the record Cor "brief letters. One of them , wishing to learn if a correspondent in a distant town had any neAvs to communicate , posted to him a sheet of paper on which july a note of interrogation was Avrit- ten. The reply came in the form of a blank sheet , indicating that there waa aothing at all to communicate. Actors seem to bear away the palm tor brevity in letter writing. Quin had i misunderstanding AA'ith Rich , the manager of Covent Garden , which re sulted in Quin's leaving in an uncere monious manner. lie soon regretted : he hasty action , and Avrote to the mau- iger : "I am at Bath. Quin. " Rich did lot think this a sufficient apology , and iccordingly replied : "Stay there , and be mnged. " Everybody remembers the letters that passed betAveen Samuel Foote and his mother. "Dear Sam , " ivrote the lady , "I am in prison for lebt Your loving mother. " Foote's inswer was even shorter : "Dear moth- jr So am I. " The nineteenth of March , 1790 , was i notably dark day in Boston. A cer- : ain lady was induced thereby to Avrite : he following note to the famous Dr. Syles : "Dear Doctor HOAV do you ac- : ount for this darkness ? " To which the lector simply replied : "Dear Madam : am as much in the dark as you are. " CHINESE SECRET SOCIETIES. To Kule or Rnin Is the Chief Object of These Organizations. Among the curiosities of the Chinese empire are a considerable number of secret societies which , taking their rise in the guilds which exist in connection with every calling , and in every prov ince , have become developed until their members include an appreciable per centage of the population , and their propaganda has become disseminated throughout the length and breadth of the country. In their organization these societies partake of the nature of the Western Freemasonry. In the days of their initiation they were regarded as brotherhoods , and their announced ob jects were the attaining of ideal per fection. Like most things in China , however , the outward guise of the guilds in question has always been very different from the published prin ciples , and there can be little question but that most of the important political movements of the past 500 years haA'e been in a large measure due to the action of these secret assemblies. All these societies cultivate secrecy to a degree that is grotesque. Then- meetings take place as a rule in the small hours of the early day , and the greatest possible precaution is observed to prevent the uninitiated attending or learning aught of the deliberations. To pry into the affairs of the Black Flags implies immediate membership under the strongest oaths , or death , and it is 'WIRE SHIRT" TORTURE. said that the latter sentence has been more than once exacted quite recently. In the time of the Taipings the Triads reserved the most hideous tortures for their opponents , and they have been credited with the reiutroduotion of the horrible wire shirt , which was a favor ite form of torture frequently exerted for the benefit of evildoers in China during the last century. The wire shirt is a piece of wire netting , with a mesh about an inch across. This is placed under the victim's arms and tightly fixed round his body , so tightly as to cause the wire to cut into his flesh , which is squeezed through each separ ate interstice until the skin projects a quarter of an inch or so outside the wire. Thus prepared , the victim is ad jured regarding his treachery , or of fense , whatever it may be , and he is then shaved with a sharp knife , the blade being drawn close over the wire in all directions. After the operation is completed the miserable wretch is released , a writhing mass of flesh wounds , which are speedily settled on by the flies and other insects. The vic tim hardly ever recovers. Cases have been known in which salt or tea dust has been rubbed into the fresh-cut flesh. There is little doubt but that , should these secret societies ever succeed in bringing about a successful revolution in China , the land would speedily be given over to a repetition of the horrors which Avere so common during the earlier Mohammedan risings of the last century. TANDEM OF TWO BICYCLES , "Wheels Cnn Be Coupled by Means of the Apparatus Shown Here. Two bicycles can be coupled together to form a tandem by using the appa ratus shoAvn. The front Avheel of the bicycle to be placed at the rear is re moved and the ends of the fork are clamped to the frame in front by means of plates. The springs allow for the play of the Avheels on rough roads , COUPLING APPARATUS USED. and the turning of the head of the rear bicycle permits curves and turns to be made as readily as with a two-Avheeled tandem. An advantage of this coup ling over the ordinary tandem is that the pOAver is applied to tAvo Avheels in stead of one , thus lessening the strain on the driving wheel. A Providential Rescue. The good ship Regular , Avhile on a voyage from LiA'erpool to Bombay , Avas caught off the Cape of Good Hope in a gale. She sprung a serious leak , and captain and CI-OAV had to take to the boisterous sea in open boats. They had run so far off the course of vessels that there Avas small prospect of res cue. "What seemed the direct inter- A-eution of Providence Avas evident in their case , " says Commander Fasco , in "A Roving Commission. " Captain Roi of the French frigate L'Alcinune , AVIO rescued the captain and crew from the boats , tells IIOAAit Avas brought about. He Avas on the deck of his vessel at the moment , as af terward appeared , when the sinking ship was abandoned , and remarking to the officer of the Avatch that it Avas time to change the course of I/Alc- niene , he Aveut beloAV to consult the chart. "I went into my cabin , " he says , "for the sole purpose of consulting the chart , but paused for a moment to glance at a book that lay open on the table. There I fell asleep , a most unusual thing for me during daylight. "I slept on , I knew not how long , but when I waked it was dark and I Avaa both cold and hungry. My last waking thought had been of changing the ves sel's course ; and I went on deck , sup posing that had been done , but found the ship still steering east. " 'How is this ? ' I asked ; 'did I not direct the course to be altered ? ' " 'I was told that you were going to consult the chart , ' replied the officer , 'and then fix the course. ' " 'So I did ; what time is it ? ' I asked. " 'Past midnight , sir ; this is the mid dle watch. ' " 'All right , ' I said , 'we will continue on this course until AVC get sights for longitude in the morning. ' "Before that Avas done we had sight ed one boat and rescued its crew ; and AVC kept on the same course until found the second boat. " Skillful Callers. The alligator is said to be in such re quest that it is rapidly disappearing from the settled parts of Florida , and even becoming scarcer in such remote regions as the Everglades. A constant Avar is waged against it by the taxider mists and the dealers in curiosities. A writer in Popular Science News says that the young are frequently lured frqm their lurking places by a poor imitation of the grunts of the mother , and men expert in mimicry sometimes capture large numbers in a day. The little creatures respond promptly to the calls , and pour out of the cavities in hot haste to see the- caller. " ' callers" the The most expert 'gator writer ever knew Avere SAvamp rangers , both white and black , Avho were born and brought up AA'ithin a short distance ; of an alligator swamp , and kneAV every intonation of the sauriau's A'oice. These men AA-ould make a matron charge wildly across a broad stream by } imitating the frightened cries of her young , or lure a decrepit , old bull from his cave by imitating the grunts of the , female. Thej' could , in fact , delude both old and young , and often earnetf good sums by their art. "Natural" Spelling. It seems incredible that any person of intelligence can seriously ad\'ocate the adoption of AA'hat may be called in dividual spelling , yet Auatole France and Francisque Sarcey agree an con tending that the conventional rules o spelling are arbitrary and tyrannical , and that people should just be left alone to choose any combination of let ters which may seern to them to indi cate the word that they Avish to pro duce. The Avorld of readers laughed when Sam Weller maintained , in the course of the immortal breach of prom ise trial , that the orthography of a word "depends tipon the taste and fan cy of a speller ; " but it ds a little curi ous to find two distinguished men of letters indorsing his A'iew of the mat ter. Whether the toleration of any such unlimited license would not tend to produce a confusion Avhich Avould be a far worse eril than any occasion ed by the existing uniformity is a ques tion as to which there may be more than one opinion. But the objection to this go-as-you-please method on ety mological grounds are surely Aveighty enough to secure its condemnation. Live in the Sunshine. There is no better medicine than tut fresh air and sunshine. When the weather permits , live out of doors a ? much as possible. Patients at many sanitariums lie out of doors on cots every month in the year. To be sure , they are well protected A\ith blankets and have a hot jug or bag at their feet. Some physicians prescribe sleeping in the open air for their patients , and in some cases it has proA'ed very bene ficial. A family living in a suburban city found it much more comfortable during the extreme heat to pitch a tent in their pleasant back yard and sleep there instead of in the heated cham bers. It seemed out of the question to get the houses cooled off during the heated term , no matter how hard people ple tried. Not a breath of air seemed stirring , with every AvindoAv open ; but the tent Avas found delightfully com fortable and restful. Pointed. Study of local peculiarities ; is one ot the first conditions of trade success. It is said that German pins and needles in China have completely displaced those jf better quality made in England , be cause the English persist in putting theirs up in black paper , Avhich to the Chinese stands for ill luck , Avhile the 3ermans , understanding this , put : heirs up in red paper. Avhich has a nore cheerful omen. Boston Journal. Pleasing the Birds. A scientist once put an automatic mu sical box on the hiAvn , and spent many lours Avatching the robbins. bluebirds uul other birds gathering about it. A ooking glass put up Avhere the birds ran see themselves in it is also very at- ractive , Avhile a combination of a mu sical box and a looking glass pleases he birds more than anything else one ; ould put out for their amusement. The War's First Volunteer. Prescott. Ariz. , claims that it fur- lished the first volunteer in the present rar , and that from that place the first ompauy started to the front. The vol- inteer Avas Capt. O'Xeil of the rough idcrs and a monument to his memory s to be erected on the court house plaza f Prescott. Making AVar on His Foes. Vienna has a cabman Avho has been ined twenty times for trying to bring icyclists to grief. RECENT INVENTIONS _ _ i Collars , cuffs , shirt fronts and likej articles usually made of linen are being ] made of aluminium coated with AA'hita Japanese varnish , on which designs inj imitation of Aveaving and sewing am marked. " ) In a newly designed fur.nace a sys-i teui of pipes is placed inside the largoj pipes to lead cold air into the furnace , ; where it Is AA'armed without leaving the ; pipes and passes out again to heat the * rooms. A German has patented a wind mo tor to assist in the propulsion of a cycle,1 a frame secured to the head of the ; wheel carrying a winged wheel whickj is geared direct to the hub of the fronti wheel. , A resident of Johannesburg has ob-t tained a patent on a step-ladder Avhichj has projecting arms on one side Avhicl * spring upward as the ladder is opened } and support a handrail at the right1 place to steady the climber. To prevent sparks from locomotives } from setting fire to buildings a ueAAr : spark arrester has been designed , con sisting of a pipe running from thet boiler to the top of the smokestack to > force AA'ater through a sprinkler aga'nsti the sparks. Prismatic or plain Avindow lights , fort use in transoms and basement win- doAA's , are being manufactured Avith ! perforations in their surface to alloAvi A'entilatiou , the entrance of Avater being - , ing prevented by the inclination of the * openings or by external hoods. Kerosene lamps are automatically lighted by a HCAV electrical device im which a battery is placed in the base- of the lamp , AA'ith an induction coil in. the post , to cause a spark to pass across ? the Avick from one electrode to another ! AA'heu a SAvitch in the base is closed. Electric treatments are given to cy clers by a neAv handlebar Avhich has metallic grips connected Avith a small generator mounted on one of the Avheels. In another form of the same ' ' AA'ith contact deA'ice shoes are proA'ided plates and the batteiy may be conm'ci- ed to seAving machines or organs. To stop a train Avhen the tract spreads or a bridge burns a safety brake appliance has been designed , consisting of a Y-shaped plate hinged : at the bottom to the rail and held in place by a cord until the latter is bro ken , Avhen the plate springs up to en gage a brake-operating lever on the en gine. A n < Avly patented puncture-proof pneumatic tire has tAA'o layers of trans versely placed metal plates molded into the tread , the inner plates breaking joints with the outer roAV , Avhile the edges of the plates are prevented from injuring the rubber by a silk cord or similar soft packing inserted in the tire. j Stamps can be quickly affixed to letters - * ters by a HCAV machine in Avhich the stamps are AA'Otmd on a roller in a han dled frame , to be forced across a moist ened pad and deposited on the enve lope , the action being obtained by a depending - pending lever Avhich touches the em elope - lope before the under side of the iia chine reaches its loAvest point. HaldaneMcFalliMme. Sarah Grand's stepson ) has served in a zouave regi ment , and the hero of the forthcoming novel of West Indian life is a zouave. The chief characters in the story are- negroes. Kobert ilk-hens , author of "Flames" and other inflammatory noA'els , is about to visit Algeria. He is at AA'orlc upon a iieAV story , the scenes of Avhick are laid in La Trappe and London. It is said to deal Avith society "operatic , acrobatic and otherwise , " Avhatevei that may mean. A book revicAver for the London M : 51 seems to be surprised and indignant because a certain publishing firm sent him a book and a nice little readymade - made notice Avhich Avould saA'e him the trouble both of reading and of Avritinir. Can it be that this scheme , which is ancient in America , is neAv in England ? Itudyard Kipling's IICAV book , AvhN-h is to be entitled "The Day's Work. " Avill be published in the autumn. The- book is the product of the last three or four years and contains practically all the vigorous Avork that Mr. Kipling has - put into his short stories during that time. Some of the contents will be : "The Ship that Found Herself. " "Bread T'pon the Waters. " "The DeA-jl and the Deep Sea , " " 007" and "The Maltese Cat. " Mr. Barrio , of Thrums , has Avritten an introduction to the English edition of Cable's "The Grandisshnos. " Any one Avho has been in New Orleans A'-iil recognize the force of his opening sen tence : To sit in a laundry awf read The Grandissimes' that is the quick est Avay of reaching the strange city of Now Orleans. " Mr. Cable's "reception in London has very properly been de scribed as enthusiastic. A recent number of La Ilevue de- Paris publishes letters to shoAV that Alexandre Dumas tils was himself the Armand Duval of "La Dame aux Ca- melia-s , " the real heroine being Marie- Duplessis. It adds this anecdote by Sarah Bernhanlt : At Marly , about 1884. I asked Alexandre Dumas to giA'e me a personal description of Arniand Duval. "That Avill not be difficult , " said he , smiling ; "I have only to send my portrait AA-hen I Avas 20 years