Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 17, 1898, Image 11
Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this , and you will find it in From the first dose the quiet and rest begin : the tickling in the throat ceases ; the spasm weak ens ; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for paeumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough , Write to the Doctor. Unusual opportunities and long ex perience eminently qualify ns for riving you medical advice. "Write iTBaljr all the particulars In your case. T ll uswhat TOUT experience naa been with our Cherry Pectoral. You Rill receive a prompt reply , without coat. .Address. DR. J. C. AYER. Ix > well , Macs. As Black as your YourWIiiskers A ffstupai Black with Buckingham' ® Dye , 50 cts. of druggists or R.P.Hal. * & Co. , Nashui.N.H. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYflUP Of FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives , -as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX FIUtNCISCO , Cal. LOUISVILLE , Ky. NEW YOKK. K. Y. It is ever so much harder to prove that we are right than to let people be lieve that we are wrong. Philadelphia Times. _ STATE OF OHIO. CITY OF TOLEDO. I . , . LUCAS COUNTY , ( FKAKK J. CHEXEY makes oath that lie Is the senior partner of the llrm of F. J. CHEXEY & Co. . doInR business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid , and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of CATAKKII that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pres ence , this Cth day of December. A. D. 18SG. ( ) A. W. GLEASON. J SEAL f Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and1 acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , Ohio. C5 ? Sold by druggists. 75c. The first use made of lireships by the Euglish was during 'the engagement with the Spanish Armada , in July , ' 15SS. _ He cried out in agony , and they ran to the neighbors for help. Sciatica was torturing him. Better run for St. Ja cobs Oil , or have it handy. It is known to cure the worst rases. Coffins for Australia. Having invaded the markets of the tvorld with most other articles , Ameri can manufacturers arc nov. making ar rangements to sell thousands of coffins to the Australians , in competition -with tUe Birmingham makers. , A Girl's Essay on Boys. At a recent board school examination for f ' one of the tasks was an essay on ) ) and this was one of the compo- Bitioi just as it was handed in by a girl of 12The boy is not an animal , yet they can be heard to a considerable distance. When a boy hollers he opens his big mouth like frogs , but girls hold their toung til they are spoken to , and then they answer respectable and tell just how it was. A boy thinks himself clever because he can wade where it is deep , but God made the dry land for every living thing , and rested an the seventh day. When the boy grows up he is called a husband , and then he stops wading ami stays out nights , but the grew up girl is a widow and keeps house. " The "American Boy" Battleship. Every American hopes our school boys will succeed in tlu'ir efforts to raise $3- 000,000 to he used in building a battleship. ( It costs great sums to build a warship , but j you can build up your health with Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters at small expense. This remedy is for all stomach , liver uruj bowci disorders. A Lost Child's Protector. Vvith only a faithful dog for a com panion , the G-year-old child of Edward kleintop , of Eldred Township. Monroe County. Pa. , was lost in a dense woods for tee days aud two nights. The little tot accompanied a party on a huckle berry tour , and strayed away. A searching partj' finally found the little follow trudging along vriih the dog , about fc'ir milcu from where he was first missed. When happy in It ? mother's arras the child said : "I t-'eep d all night , and doggie was ol se to ni2. I laid my hetid on him for . " . i/il'.ow. I did not have anj-- thing to CM , but I nicked a lot of ber ries , and I am cot hungry now. " Every living thin ? has pains mid aches sometimes , and the ; : ches and pains of humankind have a friend iu St.- Jacobs Oil , which stands by in need tq cure and restore. Patcrna1 Sarcasm. "Dear Father , " wrote young Throg-i gins , who hac'gone to war as a lieuten- j ant against rbe parental wish , "E haven't anything to sharpen my raze ; } on. Plnase send me a good strap. " "Dear Son , " replied the father " 'sharpen your razor on your shouldeij straps. " Chicago Tribune. llow to "revent It. "Puffins answered an advertisement ; in which somebody offered to sell him , the secret for preventing trousers from getting fringes around the bottom. " "What did they tell him ? " "To wear kickerbockers. " Tit-Bits. COULD NOT SLEEP. Mrs. Finkliani Believed Her of All Her Troubles. Mrs. MADGS BABCOCK , 1TG Second St. , Grand Rapids , Mich. , had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains , now she is well. Here ire her own words : "Your Vegeta- ) le Compound has nade me feel like a new person. Before I be gan taking it I was all run down , felt tired and sleepy most of the time , had pains in my back and side , and such terrible headaches ' all the time , and could not sleep well nights. I al so had ovarian trouble. Through the advice of a friend I began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound , and since taking it all troublcshavo gone. My monthlyj sickness used to be so painful , buthavej not had the slightest pain since takingi your medicine. I cannot praise ' - < - > ur Vegetable Compound too much. .My husband and friends see such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in ray face. " Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn , Mass. , for advice , which is freely offered. Simla , India , is built on the side of a Bteep hill , aud the roof of one house lq often on a level with the foundation o ? one in the next tier. Are You Going to Florida ? Do you want maps , rates , routes , timq card or other information ? If so , addresa H. Vv. Sparks , T. P. A. , 23i Clark Street , Chicago. A captain in the navy ranks with q colonel in the army. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump tion cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols. Princeton. Ind. . Mar. 26. ' 95. Restaurant dining is becoming more fashionable than over in London. Alabaster Is scarcely more Immaculate than the com- pleilon be.iutired with Glenn's sulphur ? oap. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye , black or brown. 50c. Victory belongs to Hie most persevering Napoleon. Mr . "WJnsiow * ; * booTHino STHnr lor Chlldrei teethiBK : soltciis the k'umn. reduces inflammation. allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Paris has named one of its streets Fashoda. WANTED.-Case of bad health that R-I-P'A-N'S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to moans Chemical Co. , Nerr York , for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials. i Greece is about the size of Vermont. C ASTORIA" Per Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LET US ALL LAUGH. i JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VARIOUS HUMORISTS. Pleasant Incidents Occurring the World Over Sayings that Are Cheer ful to Old or Yonnjj Funny Selections that You "Will Enjoy. A Jolly for Papa. She And what shall I say in case papa asks me what your prospects arc ? He Well , er you might say that I am figuring on securing one of the most prominent , influential and wealthy men in the city for my father-in-law. That ought to fetch him. Similar but Different. Weeks Young Brokleigh certainly Reserves a great deal of credit for keep ing up appearances on such a small in come. Meeks Well , don't you think for a minute that he isn't getting it. He owes nearly every man in town. Merely Strategy. "Wai , Jim , wet d'ye think about the Tzar o' Rooshia. and this here universal disarmament business ? " Jim Well , it's like me and my ole woman when we lias family trouble. The one what proposes peace is de one what ain't got hold o' de poker. He AVasn't Worth Much. Smith Brown isn't working very much this summer , is he ? .Tones Why , he told me the other : lay that he had been working for all he was worth. Smith Well , it amounts to the same- thing. A Sense of Melody. The man who does not enjoy music ( vas being forced into a conversation on the subject. "Of course , horns are necessary for orchestral effect , " the technical enthu siast was saying , "but I derive most pleasure from the violins. Don't you ? ' ' "I can't say that I do. You see , the fish vendors never play the violin. They nearly always blow a horn. " Washington Star. His Nntural Impulse. Mrs. Peck Suppose that you and I were all alone upon a desert island , what is the first thing you would do ? Mr. Peck ( impulsively ) Try to get away. New York Herald. A Delicate Hint. Miss Cutting I have been troubled a great deal with that tired feeling of late. Softleigh Aw , indeed ! Weally I'm. aw vewy sorwy to heah it , doncher- know. Is theah any thing I , aw can do to affowd you weleaf ? Miss Cutting Oh dear no. I , er don't want to hurry you at all. One Victory. ' 'I see here that an American army of- Qcer has married a Spanish girl. " "Well ? " "That is one crushing victory for the Dons , anyhow. " Philadelphia North Imericau. Sleepless Slumbers. Brown My wife says I Talk in my sleep. Jones Well , you're lucky. Brown How so ? .Tones My wife does all the talking In mine. Chicago News. Not an Asylum Subject. Stranger That man is evidently frascy. Why is he not put in an asy lum ? Native His property is so heavily mortgaged that none of his relatives want it. New York Weekly. Hardly Worth AVhile. Jaggson ( running against marble /tattle in hall ) Grashus , Maria , y'r ( hie ) hau's * r cold. Shouldn't wait up f'r me s * long , darling. He Got Her. "Humph ! " growled the multimillionaire aire , "so you want my girl's hand , do you ? Have you lots of enterprise ? " "Well , " retorted the hardy swain , "I'm after the only daughter of just about the richest and meanest man in these parts. " New York World. A Missing Word Fake. His tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. "I I that is , " he faltered , you " And then he suddenly caught her to his bosom. "You know what I would say ! " he cried. Frigidly she disengaged herself. "An other missing word fake , " she mutter ed , pale , but calm. Detroit Journal. A Hopeless Cane. "I wonder if Miss Antique will ever- stop being giddy ? " "Never ; because she will never con fess that she has reached the years of discretion. " Harper's Bazar. So Sarcastic. Willie I once knew a girl who nearly died from ice cream poisoning. Nellie The very idea ! I would never have dreamed of such a thing happen ing to a girl of your acquaintance. Indianapolis Journal. s Proper Idea. Little Brother Polly , what is a hero ? Smaller "Sister ( promptly ) A 'Meri. can , o' tourse ! Judge. His Own Way. "Blykins has his own way in his house. " "Yes. But his wife always tells him what it is going to be "beforehand. " Piek-Me-Up. What's the Use. "Did you ever think what you would do if you had Rothschild's income ? " said Seedy to Harduppe. "No ; but I have often wondered what Rothschild would do if he had my in. come. " London Judy. Easy to Fee. Pretty Teacher What were out hands given us for , Bennie ? Beunie (8 ( years old , gallantly ) To bold. Judge. Bold Man. She But haven't you heard thai , there are microbes in kisses ? He ( carelessly ) Oh , yes ; but I am an immune. Somerville Journal. No Way of Keeping It. "He left his umbrella in the office safe. " "Yes. " "And that night somebody stole the safe. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sweetness. "Some of the days when summer i& merging into autumn are wonderfully line , " remarked the girl who likes the poetry of nature. "Now and then there seems to be a great deal of sweetness in the air. " "Deede ( ley is. honey , " replied the colored woman. "As I wus comin' past de ma'sh , ev'y now an' then I seen places whah de air wus chock full o' reed birds. It do seem a shame , wif so much sweetness floatin' around , dat it should be so hahd ter git at. " Washington - ington Star. Stated the Facts. "Kathleen , my husband was dissatis fied with his breakfast this morning. " "Your husband dasseii't say that to me face. " Browning King's Monthly. Method in His Madness. "Yes , he went out rowing 011 the lake and rocked the boat when he got in the deepest part. " "Oh , I don't know about that. He managed to tip the boat over and drown two of his crsditors. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. Might Be Done. The Poet wonder if one would rhyme "darling" with "quarreling ? " The Savage Bachelor What are you writing an epithalamium ? Cinciu. nati Enquirer. Previous 3Jractice. "You don't look strong and rugged enough to be a policeman. Have you ever had any experience or training in that Hue ? " "Well , sir , " said the applicant , "I rung the parish church bells for ten years. How's that for bein' a pealer ? ' ' Chicago Tribune. The Trouble. Anxious Mother How is it that you have so much trouble with your house keeping ? You told me your wife could cook. Adult Son She can. "Then what is the matter ? " "She won't. " NCAV York Weekly. At the Country Grocery. First Villager Where's Col. Boaster ! Don't see him around here lately. Second Villager Oh , he's been sick in bed with the asthma ever since tlw war broke out. Boston Courier. Reminiscent Joys. "I gave my husband a dose of sul phur and molasses for his blood. " "Was he willing to take it ? " "Yes ; but he said it wasn't half as good as that his mother used to make. " A Sense of Melody. The man who does not enjoy music was being forced into a conversation on the subject. "Of course 'horns ' are necessary for or chestral effect , " the technical enthu siast was saying. "But I derive most pleasure from the violins , dou't you ? " "I can't say that I do. You see , the fish vendors never play the violin. They nearly always blow a horn. " Wash ington Star. If handsome is as handsome docc , some good-lookiLg girls are cajthing but handsome. There is one thing that does not mind the weather , and that is rheumatism ; and one thing that does not mind rheu matism is St. Jacobs Oil , as it goes to tvork upon it and cures right off. London has 13,56-1 policemen , or 19 to every one of Its 6SS square miles. Sixty per cent of them do night duty. Farmers' Alliance. To the Members of the Farmers' Alli ance and Industrial Union : I have made a careful investigation from the best sources of reliable Information about the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.'s Remedies , and found that they were giving good satisfaction. I therefore deem It but an act of simple justice to our members tr say that I believe that the claims made by the company for their remedies will be fully realized by those who will give them a fair and rea sonable trial , lours fraternally , Jno. C. Hanley , Business Agt. P. A. & I. U. St. Paul , Minn. , Oct. 28,189S. The wonderful success that has at tended the introduction of " 5 DROPS" is unprecedented in the history of the world. Think of it ! It has cured more than one million and a quarter sufferers within the last three years. This must appeal to you ! One million and a quar ter people cannot s\ll be mistaken. If suffering from Rheumatism , Sciatica , Neuralgia , Backache , Asthma , Catarrh , Sleeplessness , Nervousness , Nervous and Neuralgic Headaches , Heart Weak ness , Earache , Croup , LaGrippe , Mala ria , Creeping Numbness , Bronchitis and kindred diseases , send 25c to the Swanson - son Rheumatic Cure Company , 107 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. , and they will send you by return mail a trial treatment or a large bottle , 300 doses , prepaid by mail or express for § 1.00. No household should be without this great remedy " 5 Drops. " Agents appointed in new territory. What is often called indolence is the unconscious consciousness of incapa city. H. C. Robinson. As/stem which has become run down by the try ing weather of the past summer is not in a condition to meet the severe wmter of this climate and will easily fall a prey to disease unless a proper tonic is used. Dr.Wi II Jams'Pink Pills for Pale People are the best medicine in the world for build ing up and strengthen ing an enervated system ; Do not confuse these pills with ord inary purgative pills.They do NOT act on the bowelsthereby further weakening the body.They build up the blood and strengthen the nerves ; Major A. C. Bishop , of 715 Third Ave. , Detroit , Mich. , is a well-known civil engineer. He says : ' 'When I had my last spell of sickness and came out of the hospital Iwas a sorry sight. I could not regain my strength , and could not walk over a block for several weeks. I noticed some articles in the newspapers regarding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People , which convinced me that they were worth trying and I bought two boxes. I did not take them for ray complexion but for strength. After using them I felt better , and know they did me worlds of good. I nm pleased to recommend them to invalids who need a tonic or to build up a shattered constitution. " Detroit Free Press. At dll druggists OT direct from the Or Y/iUiarm Medi- Cine. Comp&ny , Schenect&dy , N.Y. . Price fifty cent * per box. " 3io r * Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition gives the Highest Award and GOLD MEDAL to Cudahy's SOAP Does Better Work and Goes Further Than Any Other Laundry Soap. One Trial Convinces. A large assortment of Prizes of useful and ornamental nature given for saving of wrappers. Ask your grocer to give yon a prize list or we will mail you or.e upon inquiry. THE CUD AH Y PACKING CO. , South Omaha , Neb. The Annual Subscription Prizes to a large list of standard Magazines , Ifonthlies and Weeklies , including the Ladies' Home Journal , Munseys , Cosmopolitan , McClnres , Puritan , Ladies' \Vorld , The Woman's Home Companion , etc. , etc. , are fully explained on each -wrapper. The new enlarged 1899 Prize List will be ready for mailing about November 15th. It contains nearly 200 handsome premiums. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mail you one free of charge. WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS , USE U ft TC UTsecurcd or EC-E7 illistsrsci. Search free I A I Lit I Col amer&Co.4FSt. Washington.D.C Get Your Pension PENSION DOUBLE < S * QUICK ! ; . O'PAEEELL. Pension Azesi.Wajhiagtca. S.C. CURE : FOR . . - . . . . > . . . ALL ELSE FAfLSi . . Cocgh Syrup. Tastes Good. TTse ] in. time. Sold by drggyiata. ON SUMPTION Catarrh In the Head Is an inflammation of the mucous mem brane lining the nasal passages. It is caused by a cold or succession of colds , combined with impure blood. Catarrh la cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla , which eradl-j cates from the blood all scrofuloas taints , , rebuilds the delicate tissues aud builds up , the system. Hsrnember * i Hood's Sarsapariiia Is America's Greatest Medicine. El ; six for 15. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 25 cents. Eurtotan 'IV 'IV - . ' < 'IV 'IV 'IV Our Book 'IV About Nebraska And our monthly paper , the "Corn ' f Belt , " should bo read by every farm- renter who wants to become a farm- 'IV owner ; by every farm-owner who is * ' . tired of trying to maku money off * * is. p high-priced land ; by every father who wants to give his sons a start on the highroad to Independence. It is an interesting , practical , truth ful book. In a straightforward , sim ple fashion it tells you everything you 'IV need to know about Nebraska. Its Js climate , people , schools , churches , 'iv railroads , markets , soil and crops. It 'ivy explains why the Nebraska farmer 'Vv makes money in spite ot hard times js and low prices ; why land is cheap : 'VV and how it is as easy for an intelligent * x and Industrious man to BUY a Ne 'Vv" braska farm as it is to rent one In any * state east of the Missouri River. > 'K Write for a copy. Free. J. 1'KANCIS , U Gen'l TUBS. Agent , Omnhn , Neb. WRITING TO ADVKUT1SKRH WHEN plcnso say you saw the advertisement In this paper. S. C. N. U. - 47-98 CURE YOURSELF ! Use Big 6 for unnatural tn char e8. inflammatione. irritations or ulcerations , . not to iUieture. of , -jlPr.fiMi eocujioi. . ma con i membranes. , Painless , and not astrin- 'SWUHEEVANSOHEMlMLCo. gent or poisonouj. 1BHcmiUTi.o.r ! Sold by rncri t , U.S.A. 7. I or sent in plain wrapper , by ezpren , prepaid , for 0 U I.1.-00-or 3 bottlw. | 2.73. Circular tent on rtqueat. ME > T10N THIS PAPER ircxx wurua TO onatasu.