W. D McGAA. Crp.ston , S. D. Left or either side of cattlealso Vleft side 'i neck. Swal low fork n.lit rar , intderbit I"t ! : right an imiilied oil " - Some on left jaw stud > uir.e L fj watt ! le.lt jaw < Jfi ! < r utanus left nn > pan of . . si ie or : uiv ) i''rt of ai.iin. 1 , iiu bran le.l the following , i -t : Also sotno cit'le W ; i ? fi SF3 bi-arin * tnc luilow- iiiS brands : A ' ' It " ' ' I . X K-Jt.i < ! co : ei , W < : ii | tt . . : : 11. . < ii it it i. it ! . . ; thig'i ' thighlliigh. orltiigh. hip. Asvnnc sellmliorses or jj.ittlc bvarlni : the bninds vul ! lc : prosecuted liifofinalion reg-irdnig Uwlt lilc r.illy rcxvarded , Kange at y } > | irhig.t uiul Coitonwood. JIKltP.ERT O. JJiMJNETTE. MANAGER. * K _ . TV Po-ofnre ! address CU.S3 . * ' " " J'KlC * ' . * > tuSC wrr * , j . r-tttl < - l.ninded as o : M ! * : r M. O OMIT . . .mvwheri'on Horses K 1C h.rt , , ! JOHN GI0C.T DEAR , MANAGLlt Pns'i ffi- address on lei * s. le ; ' - - \ Ktn e iiiilVaUp.im - < - : ( K4vv.x. ,7 inlUKcSliani.ouUo. U. . - ' . .1 L. C. Pevlon. ' ; - | SHOUT iiorty uur.i X'A forsulc Geo. n. Hill. Cii k-fi > ide T-H--IO miles ' : ! , ot Mcrrunaa P. . Veb. I'l IHll same as'cue on botn Kiii ' N rtbei-i 01 .Mornmoti Geo. L. Golem an. ro\v. , Nebraska On lei t side ; horses O eft shoulder iaise : Ten miles i\estof Snake Kivor Falls Alex Burr. Pullman , Nebr. On right side ; horses sime ; left bhoulder. nerd mark-Dew lap Range Brush South Geo.V. . Monnier. Tlerrimaneb. : . Left shonlder and left thitrjsom ( . S nn left hiphoi- sesame left j i'ge Ea st and bouuieost Merrniian Grant Bixler. - _ _ - - - Mcrriman , Neb. Some on left side ; some on left hip ; horses same lef1 thigh. Kaugo Six miles Northeast of Merri man. II. E. Sears. Cody. Nebraska Mostly on righthip some on borti hips Range-ilodicine Lake S. J. Goodin. Cody , Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same. Range North of the Snake C. Even son. Codv. Nebraska On left side and I th.ph ; horses ? amo K on left sitle Range Betv/cen Snake and JKiobrara. 7 MARTIN UKD BEAU. Pos'office address Pme Ridge , S.I ) . On left bid : horses same left ting i. Range-Wolf Greek. A THOMPSON PostoHIeo Addres. Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut be hind leftsiioulder Range on the Kchlagle TV G CAP.SON Addrcs Simoon Neb Stock branded DI : left hip 43 CUt D M SEARS SEARSPostoffio Postoffioaddie.s Kennedy Neb Cattle branded a-- oncutIcftsidesomc ; * * > Vl > 1 * r'TnW1yl T T = = i * JS3a iJ Lake MCRGAREIDGE and SON I'os'.offlce address Simeon No' ) Cattle br.Midi-u as .n cut ; or 1 J or V I ) < > a left hip with hole i'i rght ear u hen nu- ili'r2-vrs old ; horses same as cut and I J fantre Onion Crrek and Niohrari itiver ALBERT WniPPLE Postofncp address Rosebud , S. D. r.--tj- Kw * raiBrv Branded on left ci' ' ' r S r& ' r-l om.-sos -r shol ! ! lerthus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER 532 > * * ' - FoslofTJoo address f ; ] Kil-oie , Neb. / " JJiJi'T ; . _ ! § * 5/ S * * fjr ? k T > ii C attic ; branded on fe ySff ? t * ' . 'V vJ < .t i.-jOi s. - V ; < . , > * 5j ROBERT BAD \VOUXD. Postoffice address ? s Allon.s r > , : . . . - Ilangc-Corn Creek T. F. FRANKS. Postofficc addivss Mernninn , Nob. On left hideear-in.u k under slope Horses J S on left shoulder Range ten miles northeast of IMerrl- 111:111. s. n. se'n d. S. D. Also B U c n left side. Ca tie un ! rent on both ears ; horses ss branded ; < n left shoulder tfW W . Kange-On Anto- ys ww ' ° Pe antj Sprin. Creeks Joseph Fairhead. Lavaea. Neb left- side Als on leftside also sanu reverted - verted on left thigh Horses / WICK ; " " " T5r WJ shoulder m. /W Rfe1 nHji ( > M j ' ui . , u v , x . . / * V.Nrajw < sti ; _ iangeBtv.ern Fair $ 5- ixz&Er--- * liead Lake and Snake river Clarence Cutcomb. Cody , Nebraska. Left side ou largi cattle. On email slock left side ; horses Ai left shoulder itange-Southeasto' ' Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleishman. Cody , Nebraska Left side ; S F left shoulder ; herdmark- dew lap. Range ianges 30 and 37 , between KIo- brara and the Snake. James Goodfello\v and Son. Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; nor. ses JG rignt suu and mostly on jaw itance Between tlie Nio' ' r ' "i und Medicine Lake. W , H. Carter. rostoffice Cody , Nebraska. On left side ; some XT left eide , horses T left shoulder SHORT IIOUX StOClC. Range Between Niobrara and the HORACE VTALLTNGFORD Postofflce address Chebterfleld > 'eb , Cattle branded OH left side and ear ciop ed square , some nnJpftsld- . on choronklt shoulder. 8 E and A B 3ICAI.VEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses same on left shoulder Range on bquaro Lake Q TV KlilK address Kennedy xeb Cattle branded as in cut or on hip ; liorfces sauia. Some on leltsida ou uange , one Tree Vailoy FLOYD KI31E Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle brand jJ on Ieft hip or sldo 01 i n on left shoulder , Range Rush Lake , Gordon and xorlh toup N 3 ROWLEY ? oyofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on fit side Mid lnphnr- es on left houlderaso ; ! the M ; Jformezl2ZE7- - s either hip W & § on < & ; liFAlso ( gjj - ! < 5 ? Aay ) Also on on either hide Bordnmn between Big ceod and the Springs ? N Vic & rosrofiiep address Valentine , Neb Cattle branded same as on etit : some on lelt side and hip ; Irorsei saw * on left shoulder. Cattle range , Gor don and Bordman ; Hor"e range , Steer Creek , between the .Mobraia and Snake D L McLANJ 1'uStofTce Address Rosebud , S I ) Cntile branded s eut on either j.de : a'so F L R ndF R Horses branded i on left shoulder -agffg three links 'tango mouth of Cottonwood , RED SHIRT Postofflce Address RosebudS D with a K. Rai.cli in Little White PERRY PARKEU 'ostofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded < me as cut. Horses , P on left loulder Ilange.Moutk of I'ordraun CLFMENTVHIRLIND Sfll DIE-I Postoffice Address Rosebud , S D Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on icft shoul der. Range , on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE 'ostoffipp addrpss Kennedy Neb Tattle branded on tt side unf ! hip orscs same on loft oulder Some S on left side nange.mish 1 Lake.Gordon 3 und North KI3IE Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded on left side with both ears cropped square norses same aa cat tle but on left shoul der Has Woir'a cat tle , also , U BI KangeGordon Greet G W LADELY 'ostofflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded me as cut or on hip Horses L on left ank Range , between lorflon creek and ,10 LOUD D B BTONSB Postof2c9 addresi Newton Neb Cattle branded a : on cut Also U on shoulder , K on side , I on hip leftside Also C on left lat in addition to U B 1 on side Range 0:1 : Gordon creek and south B W RAYMOND Postofflce Address Rosebud , 8. D Cattle branded left boulder and hip Horses branded , virith only one 3 on Lit hip GEORGF PETE Bonestoel.R D Some ABKloftslde 'and left hip Horses Mon left hip and some same en loft shoulder No horses sold un less brand is invert ed making K Range head of Whet Stone j "WAT/KEP. Postofflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle branded or. . 'isdit side ; horse- saineonleftshoul. der. Range , sum mer. on nakfrr. er , ; miles froj.i foCa mouth ; xMntfr , - , C TV BENNETT Pnetofflee Address Simeon Neb Stock branded \ ith rn left hip as cut Range , between Gordon and Snake ereeks and on Hiobrara river J TV ostofflce Address Simeon , Neb. Cattle and horses branded same R" cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snikr and on the river JOZN B LORD Postoffloa Addres Simeon Neb Stoek branded same as cut baok of right shonlder ; ia 2&i-w.'i53.li4rS5t'Jj and ou right hip Range , on the Niobrara REUBEN QUICK BEAR. Postofflco Address Rosebud S I Cattle oranded san . as cut or on hip Ranch on Elacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH , i'ostofflce Address ! , end T Horses branded he tame , _ Ranch a Vvuitc Thunder Ort-ek ROBEKT FINLAYSOX Postoffice addres Newton Neb Stock brande' same as cut UangeonGonio Cro k GEORGE DEPORY. Postofflco Address Rosebud , S D Cattle branded on left side same as outIforses Iforses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope oreek east of Rosebud BEN BEAUOVIS Postoffice Address Rosebud , S T : Stock brandeJ left shoulder three inches long , side four Inchcc long. Brand record -.1 22 vrs. Ranch on Jj.Iorse Creek Postoffice Address Rosebud. S D Cattle branded on [ ft thigh or hip , ime as cut Horses branded ; . : me on left shoul- Jcr BEN TURGEON P jstofflce Address Bonesteel , S E Cattle branded on left side same as cut and right eaj crop pea. pea.Horses branded Ton left shoulder AVso with cir cleA WSI. F. SCHMIDT. Postofflca Address Rosebud , 8 , D,1 Branded same as on nut or with under < .heSrIgntoar ; Blip nnd dulaped. Horses branded ; ame on left hip ALEX BORDEAUX. - _ _ Postofflee Address Rosebud , S I Horses are brand c on left thigh ; cattl. . on left side with hi' crop on left ear. Also cat tle MB wit hue jcrop on ear Guatave Gunderson. Sody , Nebraska On left side ; horses L on left shoulder. range-Between Snak md the Nlobrara JOHN a IJARNAN. PostoHlco address Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Also and AE be Horsen on Icit shoulder Panjre Goo'o CreeJc and North Loup L K EELDING PostoHice address Brownlee Neb On right side or tiln On ! crt sfrtc or hip ; or . L ou Range , Calf Creek j B and E T SMITH Postofflce aadress Brownlee > "eb Caltlo and liorses on left side ; also horses ses on right side .Qoose Creek E R. VANDEGRIFT. Postoffice address Brov.nlee. N'eb Same as on ctt Riise ; between Goose Creek .u d tj H North Loup J. M. II ANN A. Postoffice address S < nec.il , iNL'b Bninded as ! on cut , some P on risht and some Kfl on right hip lwK33S Range--Calf&iEa Creek Valley in vfcer- ounty E. E. ORR. Postoffice address Newton , Neb. derRancre. Rancre. between * ' , ' % north prong and ILy y , Noith Loup and - " - - - Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY. Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb. Cattle and horses Branded 011 left bide or hip Uange , North Loup R. M. FADD1S. r tirW * ? - * 1. L. MERCURE. Postoffice address Seneca.Neb 9n r' ht side , or J on Cither hip iS.ii'gf , Southwest < iSeneca P. CRIER. CRIER.Postoffice Postoffice address Seneca , N"b. On left hip On right t > r loft hip Ranee , be- twt.cn Seneca u" < ! Norway on il.Jdl B W PEARSON Postoffic" address Brov.'nlec Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range , Goose Creek JOHN H SALZMANN Postoffice addres- Brownlee Neb On left hip. The herd mark is a dew. lap Range on Creek. FRANK T LEE Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Tattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range 4 nides northeast of hrowulee L A GERMAN Pcstfflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded e't ersideihor es sai'.e onleftshoulder.a vo have care u : < branded SP lined. Loup DICK MCNALT , Pestoffice address Brownlee Neb Onloftsidcand hip also 8 oiv left hip Range , North Loup CHARLES H 1'ostofTlcfl = ddrcs Hrownlee. Nebr Eithfi Tighr or left Mdu on caiLlo Horses ame on lett sho-ilder Left ear cut on" nl c.ntle icangc , Loup riv er HENKY FAULHABER < - § & $ * > POBtOfliCC : Brownlee. Neb Cattle on left rhit Hordes same od f left shoulder i DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Pass , Nel > Cattle on Iff Has charge of 1-randed < MI liurscs r.e Horses on left shoul der JOHN flTALOUD - , | A Postoffioe nddreii Brownlee , Neb Cattle and horae'I on right side j Range , BigCreea ; D E PERKINS PostoRlce addr.'sa Halser , Neb On left hip ' auge , Loup River TALDOT & GALLOP PostoflVe addresfi Senee.t , Neb. Cattle 1 leftside GEOKGE GRAY PostcfHcc address > le oid. Nebr On left tup PrAG on right hip or side Range. Loup and ( Msiual CKONIN BROS. ce address 'I heuford. Nebr OP n.'ht side Saline , between Loup and 1 WALT HARDY. Postofllre address Sei'eea , Neb Left J-ide on cittle ; . If It on leftside 5 ? 5 ? mien ' vVi' S on right hip liml Ran e.soutU . , = ] g Miilclle Loup. Jl'LILS HLCiiMAK. Posters co address Brownlee , Nel Si me as on cut Raiige souUl L < Brownlee .t/A .tAaj % M. DUNHAM. rostotllce aadress KenneCv , Neb Stock branded on left Bide as on cut. Range Gordon Creek. K GRANT Postofflee addra j Brownlee Neb On left side Range. Loup Rl < gjy&SgggS ? IRA SPENCEK Posto.Tice address Brownlee Neb Branded on leftside Hange , Calf Creek and Swan Lake Val ley ORB Brownlee Neb On left side Range , Swan La J R WALLINGFORD Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Stock branded same as cut on left side . Rome branded with barcttderaeath W anywhere on ' t.