Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 10, 1898, Image 7

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Will be sent until JANUAY 1 , 1900 for only ONE
DOLLAR , provided .ail arrearages are paid up to date
and the dollar in advance. This won't last long.
Hrov-nlee , Neb
Branded on pit- ! . ,
.side same as on cut
both Jan-.1 *
Postoffice address
Brownlee , jOn . . ,
On left side or any
purt of animal , har-
inark right enr cut
on' ; horses i-randed
same on left hip Also
hus slock branded II
on xfnV or .shoulder ,
ir Jlv orVorO VL ,
ere or F2 Also
the following , the first on
Brmrriluo Nib
On right siJo. i ,
LK un sanio aid.
on le.
2 to Acre
I'ostofllce : uldress
Brownlee , Xel ,
P.randod on left
side : some IIJ * ft
side and tiiighan
on left thigh
Kange Duel ; Lake
i t
I'r.- , i.les .V-b
"is ti- . t side
Range. Hor- -
Postofflce address
Wnitman , Ncl' '
On left side : hoi > es
same on left shoulder
HI left side
ki > where on
in i in.11 (
up or thi"h
Middle Lonp river C , . .
l pa % .tw
and IHifTalo Lake 3i5 2S = * & $
rosioffleeaidre- !
Itiownle- > ' !
Acorn jU-J' ! ii-k : o
PostbfTlce address
Hyajinis , Xeb
On right side ; her
c same on rij.t
shonld < r
L > .similis
[ st of Moth
cr i a' > o procintt
Po toRU-e address
1Iannis , Xel )
HnindPd on right
sice ; .ni ! h p
Also have lock 1'ii.iidtc
on r.ght side m d It pen
on ri hi 11"1
Jlsuijre-SouthxvefcterM c l.cn \
Poatoflice address
hyannis. Xel
On left hip ant eft
side Also
on left hip
and leftside
brands on shoulders
Itaugc aa-m
north of Hj-annis
On n-iht hip :
' * ' i' either side
ses i ight
e seven miles north of ll > nnni- ; . 1
Postoflice address
Pullman ,
Cuttle hninded .IN on
cut ; horses hrandid
.same as cattle e'i > t
reversed ,
See block
ISangu Stever
and Sl
Lakr > and South
rostofllce address
Hyannis , Xeb ,
Bninded amhei e
on rij'ht side ; horses
ses same on left j
shoulder j i
Kanjie - - sixteen
miles northeast of
AEetzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Brand on left side
and thigh
Earmark , square
crop riirht ear
Southern branded
cattle have hut one
"half-diamond E"
- on
left side
Native eattle have
throat wattle
on Gordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Hewnwl of $ 5O will be paid to any
i erson for information leading to the arrest and
iinal conviction of anv person or persons steal
ing eattle with above orand
Marshall & Wolfcnden
Kennedv , Neb.
> ome s on the
Horses on left
Brand is small '
Kannark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Kangc Lone Tree
Sime.on Xeb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
2 on left shoulder
Kancc between
Gordon and Snake
Uiver and Niobiars
Lett ears tagged All catile dehorned
William M. Dnnbar
Lessee irom Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Xeb
) Un Either side
Left ear ol eattle
Mange head of Hay
Amelia Young.
Tody , Nehraska
On right .side.
Kight ear s.plit
Kanjie , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon.fehraski :
On rifrht side : on
njiht hip. horse
hrand and T on
rmlit s-honlder
Kan e , tonr miles
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nehraska
Horse linuid HY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
liunge. Little
White river. S. I ) .
I'sirl Tinen.'icJgen
Goidon Neb
Also 1 I onfi
y Si. . ' . '
Ilaiu l < > nulfs
north and K mie ! > .g///
east of ( U rdon
I ) C. kelson.
Cody. Nebraska ,
on right hip.
Itange , Medicine
i ake.south of
Snake nver
Jlutt Brotheis.
Gordon. Xebiaska HUT
Bange.14 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. Dueri'ellt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Tattle also branded
" " " * * " h tO on right hip
JJW Horses and mules
fKS I Branded same as cut
on left shoulder
.1. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One hunch Inanded
as on cut on lelt side
One bunch hianded
i ; I. on left hip
Horses J on left
Hange. 10 miles
sou'Invest of Gallop ,
between Mobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany. Xeb
Cattle branded ,
Fl on left ribs or
right shoulder ; SI >
ISO on rlglit hip and left
ribs ; ( > on left hip
Horses FJ ) or SD on
right shoulder i
llanue 7 mi north j
cast of Albany Neb i
Agent for Pasteur i
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
Gordon Xob
Horse brand F on
lelt shoulder
Range 10 miles
northeast of Gordon
Republicans Carry New Tor" ;
by Reduced Majority ,
Republican State Ticket Prob
ably Elected.
Republicans , ese Seven Congressional
Districts Stnte Senate Stands Twenty-
seven Republicans and Twenty-
three Democrats IJig Vote In
Greater New York.
YORK , Nov. 9. The indications
tie that Theodore Roosevelt , the Repub
lican nominee , had carried the state by
a plurality over Augustus Van TVyck of
from 18,000 to 20,000. The total Repnb- ,
licaii vote when received will probably ;
Ehow a falling off as compared with that
for Governor Black in 1896 of about 14
p > r cent.
In the municipality of New York the
old time Democratic majority was ap
proximated , Van "Wyck's vote being
about 80,000 greater than that of the
Republican candidate. This latter re
sult was helped in some measure by the
result in the borough of Brooklyn
( Kings county ) , which in 1896 gave
Black ( Rep. ) a plurality of 25,682 , but
yesterday gave a Democratic plurality
of about 16,830.
Brooklyn is the home of Judge Van
"Wyck , but this fact does not wholly ex
plain the practical reversal of pluralities ,
which , it is possible , is attributable to
lukewarmness of the friends of Jaccb
Worth , who was deposed from the chair
manship of the county committee as a
consequence of his opposition to the
plans of Senator Platt. in the mayoralty
contest last year.
The returns from many counties up
the state are incomplete and in some
cases are missing altogether. The in
dications being from computations upon
the figures at hand , point to a Republi
can plurality in the counties above
the Harlem of about 100,000 to offset
which the Democrats can show prob
ably only 80,000 plurality of Greater
New York.
There appears to be a loss of four lie-
publican congressmen in the Brooklyn
districts , the Second , Fourth , Fifth and
Sixth ; and Congressman Quigg , who
had a majority of about 9,000 at the
election last year has been defeated by
"William Astor Chanler. In the Albany
district , the Twentieth , Glyun ( dem. ) ,
has been elected to succeed Southwick
( Rep ) .
In addition to the foregoing there are ,
seemingly , Democratic gains in the
Eighth and Thirteenth districts , both
in Ihis city , Daniel J. Rio-dan being
elected in the one , and Jefferson M.
Levy in the other. This makes a total
Democratic gain of seven congressmen.
The state senate will probably stand
27 Republicans and 23 Democrats. The
last senate contained 1)5 ) Republicans , 14
Democrats and one Independent.
All Colonel Roosevelt's associates on
the Republican state ticket are probably
elected with him.
Revised figures on congressmen show
that Representative Bennett ( Rep. ) , is
re-elected in the Fifth district , Brook
lyn , and that Representative Biggs
( Dem. ) , is defeated by Prendergasr.
The vote in the Thirty-second dis
trict ( Buffalo ) is very close with tha
probability of the election of Ryan
( Dem. ) , in the place of Mahauy ( Rep ) .
Livingston ( Dem. ) , is reported
elected in the Nineteenth district , at
present represented by Cochran ( Rep ) .
In the Sixteenth congressional die-
trict , John Q , Underbill ( Dem. ) , was
succeeding W. . J
Probability Tliut Llncl Has Been Elcr'i-.i
by i'uiull Majority.
ST. PAUL , Nov. 9. Minnesota has not
only always been considered a doubtful
state , but that is certainly her position
this year. Two years ago McKiuley
had a plurality of nearly 51,000 for
president , and Clough for governor was
elected by 3,500. notwithstanding some
adverse local conditions of the state
ticket. This year the state is not only
doubtful , but at midnight was being
generally nlaced in the Democratic
column , at least so far as the governor
is concerned. Eustis , the Republican
candidate , ran behind his ticket in most
of those precincts w ere the vote on all
the candidates was given , so that the
fact that much fuller returns will bo
needed to decide between the guber
natorial candidates is looked on as pre-
Bumptive evidence that the rest of the
Republican ticket is probably elected.
The legislature , which will probably
elect a successor to Senator Davis , is
conceded Republican. The Republicans
have certainly elected four congress
men , the other three being doubtful
rather than positively Democratic.
CHEYENNE , Nov. 9. The following
statements were given out by the chair
men of the state committees : Repub
lican "Returns are coming in very
slowly. Twenty precincts only have
been heard from , including four in the
city of Cheyenne. They show heavy
Republican gains over 1800 for Moudell
for congress , and the state ticket is run
ning with Moudell , excepting that
Richards , Republican candidate for
governor , is running slightly behind his
ticket in this. Liramie : county , where
there is a slight falling off. Indications
are that Moudeli is elected by a large
plurality and that the entire ticket is
elected by smaller pluralities. "
"The Democratic party will elect
the entire state and congressional
tickets with majorities ranging between
600 and 1,800. "
CHICAGO , Nov. 9. Five and probably
six congressmen have been gained in
Illinois by the 'Democrats and the next
congressional delegation from this state
is likely to be evenly divided , 11 Demo
crats and 11 Republicans. It is possible
for the Republicans to have 12 of the 22
congressmen , as all the returns are not
yet in , but the indications are for an
even split on the delegation. The en
tire Republican state ticket is elected by
about 22,000 plurality. In Cook county
the vote has been very close , the Repub
licans carrying the county and the Dem
ocrats the city of Chicago. The Demo
cratic plurality in the city is about 3,000
and the Republicans' plurality about the
same in the county.
Boutelle , ( Rep. , ) Sixth district , is pro
bably defeated as are Mills , ( Rep. , ) in
the Fourth and Lorimer , ( Rep. , ) in the
South Dakota.
Sioux FALLS , Nov. 9. Returns from
the state are meager. Republican gains
have been uniform , but small. Chair
man Herreid of the Republican state
committee expresses the belief that
Philips ( Rep. ) , for governor , is elected ,
with the entire state ticket and Burke
and Gamble for congress. Chairman
Kidd of the Populist state committee
said : "We have carried the state by
3,000 and have elected both congress
men. "
COLUMBUS , O. , Nov. 9. Chairman
Blake of the Democratic state central
committee , conceded the state to the
Republicans by over 40,000 plurality
and Chairman Daugherty of the Repub
lican state central committee , claimed
the state by ( J0i > 00. The congressional
delegation renijv.as as at present , 15 to
G , each party carrying- precisely the
same districts &s at the presidential
election two yearn ago.
TOPEKA , Nov. 0. At midnight Chair
man Albaugli of the Republican state
committee claims the state for Stanley
( Rep. ) , for governor , by 5,000 , and
Chairman Ridale of the Fusion commit
tee claims the state for Leedy ( fusion ) ,
by 11,000. Late returns from Atchison
are cutting down Stanley's vote and
Fusiouists claim Governor Leedy ( Pop. )
will carry Atchison county.
NASHVILLE , Nov. 9. The Democratic
executive committee claims 25,000 for
McMillin. The Republican commit
tee concedes McMilliu's election by 10-
000 majority. The legislature shows
Democratic gains. Congressmen : Eight
Democrats , two Republicans. Tote is
light throughout ; the state.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Nov. 9. The vote
yesterday , judging from returns now in ,
is from 10 to 20 per cent lighter foi both j
parties than in 189G. The whole Demo
cratic ticket is elected. The light vote
is due to the feeble resistance offered.
RENO , Nov. 9. About one-third of
the vote is counted here. Everything
points to McMillan's ( Rep. ) election , as
well as the Republican Iccifclative ticket.
South Carolina.
COLUMBIA , S. C. , Xov. 9. The Dem
ocratic sta e ticket was elected without
opposite. A very light V&te. wae-
Is what gives it val.it. When
you spend that dollar see that you
exchange it wnere it will bring the
best returns. A heavy purchaer
figured this out and now buy ? Loots
and Shoes , Eats and Caps , Clothing
and Provisions , Fuel , etc. , of
E. T. MILLER , Proprietor.
STREET , South Omaha. f
Three Doors From Corner.
RATES : $1.00 to $1.50 Per Day. Telephone No. 67
So.OO to 87.00 Per We It.
R H : D HO'
MRS. JOHN REED , Proprietress. .
St. Between L and M Streets. South Omaha , Nebr
if. o
- ' Subject to ehanse , slightly
Well it id all over. ; aicl ws can ret
to work once more. The campaign
\vati a hard fouylit one.and the leadens
on both sides did their best to win.
At thi.s writing it is impossible to say
who will carry Cherry county , but in
all probability it will be the f u ioni ; tc >
The XKWS DKMOCKAT made a clean
honest fiyht for its favorites , and lias
nothing to retract , apologize for or
be ashamed of. In a spirit of fair
ness , however , we wish to say that
the circular issued by the reform
committees erred in a couple of par
ticulars. For instance. Mr. Petti-
jolin's record on the school board
shows that he has nut in every single
instance voted ajfainyt < htrry county
teachers. This is wrcnyf. and hi" the
hurry of writing and insuiaj't e cir
cular the facts were jiven on hear
say evidence. Once again : in ligur-
ing up the length of Miss Drown * ex
perience as a teacher from Petti-
' , ' 'terms"and " "
john's circular and "years"
were counted as years alone. Instead
of2 years the circular should have
said about lif teen years.
The XEWS-DEMOCHAT has tried to
be fair , and we believe it has been.
The election has been won and lost ,
and its share of 'loror censure will
be borne with becoming dignit\\
Next week we'll tell you how it all
I. X. Russell is in town from New
ton , and brought the returns from
vJiliaspie j-recinct.
J. E. Garner a cousin of the Garner
bovs at Eli. and an old timer in this
county , was in town this week on his
way from Gillette. "Wyo. to Deer field.
X. C. , which latter place he will
m.tke his home in the future. He
will take a car of Cherry county
horses with him , for-sale.
Fur coats at T. C. Hornby's. i
The republicans of Valentine pre
cinct cast O' ) straight votes while the
fu ionists scratched their tickets.
Vfhere vrere the republicans v.-ho in
tended to vote for "Honest John
rfhore : ' " When will our people learn
to vote 'for men representing th'ei'r
Sound money democrats have not
been accorded tr.e consideration by
this administration that it luisgiven the
most ardent advocates of Bryan , and
\e.i. the .soft .soap expended toward
th : : n would more easily wash out the
dark spots of Algorism then the white
wash now being used , if applied instead.
Alliance Grip.
j Attorney W.G. Shnonson on Mon-
j day night sold to Al Thompjon the
i "Sand Ijeach" ranch , belonging to
I John Milliken , Sr. ' together with all
; cattle and hors23. Tim consideration
| was about $ 23,000. There sire tliirty
j miles of a three-wire fence and embraces -
[ braces over S , UOl .ic-res. It was a
i irood saie.
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Xeb
Also 15 on
Range Chamberlain
Hats and Snake
work promptly attended to * * = -
Win. 2. Walters * Prop.
Modern tviiimnent. | Up-to-date
Hrw > . All the newer Methods inr.
K a-id Su'HGKP.Y
SjfecialtlesHavfevtr. . Catarrh" . Cancer ,
Rupture and Piles cured \\-ithnnt the
kinte. Disease of the eye. ear- stomach
ai d of v.omen. and ; ill chronic diseases.
Wlllanswei c.i5riy ! ! * mail or wire within
a distance of ice n-iles. latnl r days-
. . . '
. : = ; - ami JH'LLKX-j
The balance of ilie week'at Tl'iCDFOKD.
& ' , M1 , Vj te