Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, November 03, 1898, Image 1

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The Condemned Man Still Remains
a Prisoner on Devils Island as the
CourtHolds There Are No Grounds
for Suspension of Penalty
The Dreyfus Case
Dreyfus will secure a new trial The
court of cassation of France on Saturday
-decided to grant a revision of the case and
will institute a supplementary inquiry
The court however declined to order the
release of Dreyfus
The decision of the court textually is
as follows
In view of the letter of the minister ot
justice dated September 20 1898 in view
of the arguments of the public prosecutor
denouncing to the court the condemnation
pronounced by tlie first court martial of
the military government of Paris on De
cember 22 1894 against Alfred Dreyfusj
then a captain of artillery attached to the
general staff in view of all the documents
in the case and also of articles 443 and 445
of the code of criminal procedure endeit
by the law of June 10 18G5 relative to thi
admissibility of an application in proper
tform lor revision
The court declared tlie application to be
-in proper form and legally admissible
and stales that it will institute a suple
mentary inquiry and declares there is no
ground at the present momentfor deciding
-on the public prosecutors application for
suspension of penalty
The judges of the court were occupied
for three hours and a half in considering
the judgment The public whose ad
mission o the court was regulated with
the greatest care awaited the decision
with marked calmness During the sus
pension of business the public crowded
into the lobbies and there was evident
-anxiety to hear the verdict There was
no demonstration when the court rose
The decision created no public excitement
and complete tranquility prevails on tliQ
-Story of Miss Koudebush a Survivoi
of the Mohegau Disaster
Mits Maud Roudebush who is -better
on the operatic stage as Miss Maud
Roudez one of the survivors of the Mohe
gan disaster arrived in this country Sun--day
on the uttaid liner Eruria Miss
Roudebush was drescd in deep mourning
-and her face lure ttacea of the strain and
-hardships she endured when the steamer
was wrecked When seen by a reporter
Miss Koudebush in reply to a question
The opinion of John Hyslop that tho
life boats weie difficult of access I believe
is true and I can say myself that they
were double railed as has been slated and
that the rail around the boat was almost
s high as ones chin They were chained
-down and when I went on deck I saw
some of them which apparently no at
tempt had been made to launch 1 do nof
know what caused the accident
Penwells Are Fined 20 and Costs
for Inciting the Riot
The trial of Orve and Max Penwell
sons of operator G V Penwell and Louis
Jehle of Chicago charged with inciting
the riot at Paua 111 of September 28
when negroes and union mineis fought a
battle on the principal business streets of
the city was called in Judge Crosbys
court Saturday morning The Penwells
were lined 23 each and costs The case
against Jehle was dismissed The Pen
wells will appeal to the circuit court
Anarchists in Ponce
A sensation was created in Ponce Porto
Rico Saturday on the arrival of the
steamer Philadelphia from the Spanish
main by the discovery in the handbags of
two passengers of a number of explosive
-cartridges containing dynamite The dis
covery was made bv the customs officers
and the passengers were arrested on thei
supposition that they were anarchists
The police who fear that others belonging
to the gang have escaped are making a
strict search
Biff Grain Shipments
More than 690000 bushels of wheat aud
corn cleaied the custom house at Phila
delphia Saturday on steamers bound for
European ports The shipments of wheat
and corn from this port since January 3
have aggregated over 25000000 bushels
Great Fire in Cashmere
A great fue in Serinagur one of the
capitals of Cashmere in the Vale of Cash
mere India destroyed all the public
buildings and many residences Sunda3T
One man was lulled The damage is esti
mated at 5500000
Noted Presbyteriun Divine Dead
Samuel Mutchmore one of the most
prominent ministers in the Presbyterian
church died at his home in Philadelphia
Sunday from kidney trouble He was
69 years
Sails for Manila
The transport Zealandia with the First
aud Second battalions of the First Ten
nessee regiment comprising 590 men
sailed from San Francisco Sunday for
Question of Granting New Trial Be
fore French Supreme Court
The court of cessation of France which
s to decide upon the question of reopening
the case of Dreyfus opened at noon
Thursday in Paris and was filled with
people but there wa3 no demonstration
As a matter of precaution only ticket
holders were admitted MaitreLaborio
who waseonnsel for Zola during the lat
ters trial was among the lawyers occupy
ing the first row Mine Dreyfus was
present and was represented by Maitro
Mornard The Dreyfus appeal case was
called immediately
According to a special dispatch from
Paris to a London paper the
mob around the palace of justice
where the appeal in the Dreyfus case is
being heard necaine so dangorens that
the lawyers tied
Coroners Jury Renders Its Verdict
No One Censured
The coroners jury which has been in
session at Carlinville 111 for fourteen
days holding an inquest on the bodies of
nine of the victims of the riot at Virden
October 12between miners and guards ol
the Chicago Virden Coal Company re
turned a verdict Fiiday evening The
veulict in each instance is that the de
ceased came to his death by gunshot
wounds inllicted by weapons in the hands
of parties unknown to the jury No one
was censured and no recommendations
were made to the grand jury The grand
jury will convene November fl in special
session to investigate the causes of the
not and indict the guilty parties
Redskins in Baker Mining District
on a Shooting Affray
Word was received Thursday from Can
yon City Ore of a shooting affray ir
which Indians shot and seriously wounded
Dave Cuttings and shot the horses frou
under E Duncan and F Mosier Tht
redskins then went to the home of Jolic
High and shot him but not fatally The
scene of the trouble is on the south fork ol
the John Day River thirty miles south
west A well armed posse from Canyon
City took up the trail and trouble is ex
pected as the Indians are well armed
Five Youths Who Held Up a Train
Get Ten Years Each
In the criminal court at St Joseph Mo
Thursday afternoon Herbert Donovan
Alonzo Arteburn Charles Cook James
Hathaway and William Hathaway were
sentenced to the penitentiary for ten
years for robbing a Burlington passenger
train near St Joseph on the evening ol
August 11 Tlie robbers are mere boys
and of good families The robbery was
successfully executed but no booty wa
Lake Schooner Sinks
The three masted schooner St Peter ol
St Vincent sank Friday about live mile
southwest of Sodus on Lake Ontario witL
all on board save Captain John Griffin
who was rescued in a precarious condition
Eight persons at least perished It is
thought that the St Peter lost her ruddei
and that the heavy seas caused he lospring
a leak She was bound from Oswegs tc
Toledo with coal
Great Tobacco Combine
A syndicate composed of several east
ern capitalists are about to file articles ol
incorporation of the Continental Tbaccc
Com pan j The company will have a cap
ital of 75000000 one half to be 7 pei
cent preferred and one half common
stock This syndicate will control more
than four fifths of the plug tobacco output
of the country
Light Catch of Seals
The official statement of the sealing in
dustry for the season just closed shows e
total of but 27865 skins for the fleet o1
thirty five schooners by far the lightest
catch in many years also fewer schooneri
have of course been employed The
catch is divided thus Asiatic coast 4i0
British Columbia coast 10055 Behriw
Sea 17370
Sick Soldier Suicides
Philip It N Hildreth 20 years old a
member of Troop A New York volun
teers committed suicide in New York
City while delirious from fever con
tracted in Porto llico He shot himsell
through the head with his army revolver
Hildreth was cashier for the shipping and
export house of William It Grace Co
Drunken Fight of Soldiers
In a quarrel at Lexington Ky Thurs
day between William JI Green John
Nofwit and Ed Wilson all privates iu
Company H Seveulh lmmlines negroes
Green was shot and instantly killed bj
NofwiL All were drinking and had come
back to camp from town
Board of Trade Firm Fails
H C Gray Co commission merchants
on the Chicago Board of Tradeon Thurs
day required Secretary Stone to cice up
all accounts which were open with them
Mr Gray has served as a director of th
board for the past two years
Double Hanging in Texas
At Richmoud Texas Manuel Morris
and Peter Autre negroes were hanged
from a double gallows Morris murdered
and then outraged a 6-year-old blind gJrlt
and ihen confessed the crime Autif
assassinated his mistress
The Plague in Kussia
It is now recognized that the epidemic
prevailing at Samarkand Russia is the
truo pUgue The mortality is higher
George Taylor Is Located in Texas
but Eludes Officers
Another clew to George Taylor one of
the murderers of the Meelts family has
gone glimmering Ever since the escape
of George Taylor from the Carrolton jail
four years ago many efforts to capture
him have been made He has always suc
ceeded in eluding arrest and now he has
again slipped out of the clutches of the
police just when they were sure they had
A week ago Detective Charles Sandt
son of Kansas City received a tip from an
old crook that Taylor was living on a
ranch twenty miles from Galveston
Texas and that he was in the habit of
going to Galveston every Tuesday Sand
erson quietly slipped away from Kansas
City and landed in Galveston but the
bird had flown Some one evidently had
tipped Taylor and he has again disap
Two Light Draft Gunboats to Be
Sent to the Philipines
Two more men of war will probably
follow the auxiliary cruiser Buffalo to the
Asiatic squdron Orders have already
been given to the gunboat Helena to pre
pare for her long trip through the Suez
Canal to the far east and as soon as she is
ready she will start The Yorktown it is
understood will soon be placed in com
mission on the Pacific coast and will start
for Manila In addition to these gunboats
it will be necessary for the department
within the next few months to send an
auxiliary cruiser carrying another draft of
men to take the places of those on the
Asiatic station whose terms of enlistment
have expired
Nathaniel Childs Takes Morphine
and Then Shoots Himself
Nathaniel Childs press agent of the
Way Down East company died a suicide
at the Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia
Saturday lie had swallowed forty five
grains of morphine after which he shot
himself in the head The act was com
mitted October 25 but through the efforts
of friends the affair was kept secret and
Childs was taken to the hospital where he
lingered until Saturday Despondency is
given as the reason for the act Childs
was one of the best known men in the
theatrical world
Case of Religious Fanaticism
A case of fanaticism of the worst typt
was discovered at Los Angeles Cal when
Nell Thompson colored died while being
taken f ion tlie homo of Mrs Minei va
Williams who is said to call herself a rep
resentative of Christ aud who has been
preaching the doctrine of fasting as a
means of grace The Thompson woman
practiced this doctrine having gone with
out food for eight days and sleepingon the
river bottom on a piece of matting in pur
suance of what is said to be Mrs Will
iams teachings
Opposed to Penitentiary Products
The national convention of the whole
sale saddlery dealers in session at Cincin
nati adopted resolutions requesting con
gress to put hides on the free list and tc
buy no goods manufactured in penal insti
tutions The association the last year
spent 18000 to dispose of a plant at Joliet
111 and they are now after the plant
working under contracts in the Maino
To Punish Chinese Soldiers
In response to the demand of the British
minister Sir Claude MacDonald the em
press dowager of China has issued an edict
directing the punishment of the Chinese
soldiers who attacked a party of English
railway engineers at the Marco Polo
bridge on the Pekin railroad
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 000 hogs shipping grades
300 to 5400 sheep fair to choice 250
to 475 wheat No 2 red 66c to 67c
corn No 2 31c to 33c oats No 2 23c
to 24c rye No 2 49c to 51c butter
choice creamery 21c to 23c eggs fresh
17c to 19e potatoes choice 30c to 40c
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
550 hogs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 red 69c to 70c corn No
2 white 32c to 33c oats No 2 white 26e
to 28c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
350 to 400 sheep 350 to 50a
wheat No 2 70c to 72c corn No 2
yeIlow31c to 33c oats No 2 25c to 27c
rye No 2 50c to 52c
v Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 4O0 sheep S250Fo 425
wheat No 2 6Sc to 70c corn No 2
mixed 34c to 35c oats No 2 mixed
25c to 27c rye No 2 54c to 56c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
325 to 400 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2
yellow 35c to 36c oats No 2 white 26c
to 2Sc rye 53c to 55c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 71c to
72c corn No 2 mixed 32c to 34c oats
No 2 white 23c to 25c rye No 2 51c
to 53c clover seed new 510 to 520
Milwnukee Wheat No 2 spring 67e
to 68c corn No 3 32c to 34c oats No
2 white 26c to 2Sc rye jSto 1 50e to 52c
arley No 2 46c to 47c pork mess
775 to 825
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 575 hogs commou to choice
P350 to 400 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 Iambs common tc
jxtra 500 to 575
New York Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
P300 to 400 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 77c to 79c corn No
p 39c to 40c oats No 2 28c to 30c
butter creamery 16c to 24c eggs Westi
era 19c to 21c
Thirteenth Annual Convention of
Nebraska Christian Endeavor Un
ion at Hastings Good Attendance
and Much Enthusiasm
State Christian Kndeavorers
The thirteenth annual convention of the j
Nebraska Christian Endeavor union was
held at Hastings Oct 21 22 and 23 There
were 400 delegates in attendance The
convention proved a success as the
weather was favorable the attendance
was large and everybody seemed to be
gieatly enthused The various programs
as arranged weie interesting and instruct
ive and every meeting was well attended
The following information is gleaned
from the secretarys report
Congregational 143
Presbyterian 14S1
Christian 142
Lutheran 25
Evangelical 553
United Brethren 24
Baptist 18
Methodist Episcopal It
Protestant Methodist 11
United Presbyterian 8
Eree Will Biptist 8
Reformed 4
Advanced Presbyterian 3
Peoples 2
Chmchof God 2
Seventh Day Baptist 1
Men 1
Solution of a Mystery
The mystery surrounding the identity
of the body of the young man who was
faund dead near Wymore recently has
been cleared up John Krapp of Cortland
had a brother named Peter Krapp who
lisappeared from home about July 15
The former has positively identified the
the clothing as that of his brother
The deceased he sa3s was partly
ilemented and was frequently talk
ing of going to South America which he
axpecled to reach by walking How he
came to his death being physically strong
is more of a mystery than ever As long
as the remains were thought to be those of
T E Priest of Omaha the conclusion was
eaehed that bellied from an overdose of
morphine How the Iatters letters came
o be in the vicinity of the dead man is
aot apparently explained
Boy Commits Suicide
Mead Clark the 11-year-old grandson
Df Walter Holston a leading farmer north
of Trenton and a prominent citizen com
mitted suicide by shooting himself with a
through the left breast He came
into tovn to school in the morning but
decided not to attend and went on an
errand for which he received 75 cents
Afler completing the errand he visited a
school in the country aud did not arrive
aome till about 5 oclock His grandfather
reprimanded him mildly for staying out of
school when he went into the house and
jsed the revolver with the above result
Supposedly Murdered
Meager particulars of the murder of
Lawrence R True son of Mr and Mrs
M B C True of Tecumseh at Cincinnati
aave reached the former city He had left
iucinnati presumably on a freight
iteamer for St Louis and as he had up
wards of 100 on his person it is believed
no was killed for his money and thrown
jverboard His body with the throat cut
Ami otherwise lacerated was found float
near Lawrencoburg Ind
Clairvoyant Under Arrest
C O Corbett the clairvoyant who
lumped ids board bill at the Commercial
Intel in Bancroft last week was arrested
it Wayne turned over to Constable Rossi
ier and taken back to Bancroft for trial
Corbett is also wanted at Elk Point S D
where he went under the name of W J
Paullinglou which is supposed to be his
true name and wheie he is charged with
numerous offenses
Gamblers at Grand Island
A oout three weeks ago the doors of the
aiiibliug rooms at Grand Island were
again thrown open and everything has
itu c been tunning wide No interference
js attempted by tlie police department and
I he dicks of the roulette wheel have been
heard on the streets by pedestrians pass
ing some of the saloons The mayor and
cit council are being severely criticised
New College Building- Dedicated
An elaborate ceremonial at Lincoln one
day last week was the dedication of
Hid building devoted to the college of
mechanical arts just completed on the
lite University of Nebraska campus
President Chaplin of Washington Univer
sity St Louis deliveted the dedication
Wreck at Lincoln
A wreck occurred in the B M yards
at Lincoln in which two men were badly
injured A switch engine left the track
and the fifteen oars following it were piled
up in a promisoous manner Several of
thecals were reduced to kindling wood
Killed His Affianced Wife
John Melchort an exposition employe
shot and fatally wounded his affiance wife
Lillian Morris and then turned his weap
on on himself anil blew his brains out at
Omaha last week
More Telephones for Nebraska City
Nebraska City is to have another tele
phone exchange An ordinance granting
a iraucnise to nenry a uoit oi oc ijouis
passed the city council and was approved
by the mayor
Farmers Are Busy
The cold wave of the last week has given
way to more pleasant weather and the
farmers are taking advantage of it and
getting their corn in cribs as rapidly as
Suicide Near Millard
Mrs Mohr living two miles south of
Millard committed suicide by hanging
herself in an outbuilding The cause of
tba deed is unknown
Collision on the Union Pacific Kills
Three Men
A collision on the Union Pacific at Sil
ver Creek resulted in the death of three
men and the serious injury of one other
The dead are Samuel Hindman en
gineer William Rattan fueman B Shau
non brakeman Seriously injured John
Griffing brakeman An extra freight
train stood on the sido track and the
switch being left open freight No 27 go
ing at a good rate of speed crashed in the
rear end of the extra The engine was
badly wrecked and four cars reduced to
kindling wood
Samuel Hindman engineer of 2So 27
was taken from the wreck unconscious
but died in a short time William Jtanan
the fireman was caught in the freight
cars being thrown several feel and was
wedged in between timbers and parts of
the engine It was half an hour after tho
collision before ho was extricated ne
died a little later John Grilling brake
man of the extra was caught between the
cars and sustained serious injuries Brake
man Shannon was fatally injured being
thrown from the car to a considerable diS
A K Spencer Arrested for Enticing
a Girl Away from Home
AESpencer a cook is locked up in
Omaha charged with having kidnaped 36-year-old
Helen Hopkins from her home
The girl cannot be found Spencer having
secreted her and he refuses to tell where
she is A trace of her was obtained at 81S
South Tenth Street but when the police
went to search for her she was not to be
found She had been left at this number
by Spencer but upon his arrest had left
and secreted herself somewhere in the
west bottoms It is learned that she has
assumed the name of Helen Williams
Spencer according to Mrs Hopkins the
missing girls mother coaxed her eldest
daughter who is married to desert her
husband and go west with him four
months ago She said that he deserted
her daughter in Denver and relumed to
Omaha lie had not been in the city a
week she says until he coaxed Helen
her next to youngest daughter to elope
with him Mrs Hopkins is prostrated
over tlie loss of her daughter
Sheep Dipping Plant
The Fremont Stock Lards and Xand
Company has put in a sheep dipping plant
near the packing house in that city The
plant which is a large one and equipped
with all the latest conveniences has a
capacity of 1200 sheep a day The dip
ping solution which is prepared in large
boilers is conducted to atank The sheep
are driven into it down an inclined walk
or passage and come out on a similar walk
at the other side The company expects
to do a good business dipping sheep this
winter as an unusually large number of
sheep are being unloaded at the yards
near the packing house to 13 fed and
Bloody Fight at Beatrice
A bloody fight occurred at Beatrice be
tween a man who claimed to live at Omaha
but who refused to give his name and a
young horse trader named Blowers The
two had traded horses the stranger to
give Blowers some money in addition
Not having the cash he asked his wife for
it She evidently did not want the trade
to he made and refused to give her hus
band the money whereupon he set on her
and began choking her As he picked up
a board and was going to strike her Blow
ers interfered aud a hard fight followed
The woman was badly injured
Cattle Lost in the Storm
W I Walker of Omaha who has a
large cattle ranch on the Winnebago res
ervation north of Bancroft lost thirty
two head of cattle in the recent storm
At the beginning of the storm the herd
numbering some 600 head was driven
with the storm to the south until a creek
was encountered whero by a jam thirty
two head were crowded into the stream
and trodden under foot forming a bridge
for the remainder of tho herd to cross on
Mr Walker estimates his lo3s at upwards
of 1000
Shooting- Quail at Wymore
Notwithstanding the fact that the open
time to kill quail did not begin until No
vember 1 for the last month hunters have
been killing quail in the vicinity of Wy
more in lare numbers and the true sports
men are very indignant that such a fla
grant violation of the game law is per
mitted Quail are plentiful this season
and hunters have no trouble in bagging
two or three dozen in a half days hunt
and they are doing it so openly that sev
eral arrests are likely to be made
Thieves Steal Mules
Grigor Landrammer and Grant Blair
two farmers living a few miles from Fair
bury lost a span of mules each in one
night by theft The teams were taken
from their stables and one span evidently
hitched to a buggy and the other led The
thieves were tracked forseveral miles and
it is supposed drove into Kansas Land
rammer lost a carriage harness aud Blair
a draft harness
His Friends Are Anxious
Fred Schmietenkof who worked on a
farm near Richfield has been missing for
some time and friends were in Omaha the
other day making iuquiries about him
Little information of him was obtained
Some of the missing mans friends suspect
foul play but they are notpiepared to say
at the present lime just why they suspeci
Worthless Check Swindle
Several merchants of Omaha have beet
victimized on the bank check swindle I y
an individual representing himself to be
H Metcalf an employe of the Hall Safe
Company He is supposed to have got
ten ahead of the town to the extent of sev
eral hundred dollars
Killed by a Train
An Italian named Charles Foley who
has been working on the section for the
Union Pacific Railroad for some time past
was run over and instantly kilied by a
freight train near Buda He was terribly
cut and mangled his head being nearly
severed from the bod v
i -
Stubborn Do us Have Bowed to Your
Uncle Sam and It Is Now BelieTed
that Peace Negotiations Will Pro
ceed More Rapidly
It was announced in Washington Fri
day morning that the peace negotiattons ia
Paris were proceeding satisfactorily and
that Spain had accepted the terms of the
United Stares in regard to the Cuban debtr
and all matters within the province of the
joint commission excepting the disposi
tion of the Philippines
The articles of the protocol settled arei
1 The cession of Porto Itieo to the
United States
- The relinquishment of all sovereignty
over Cuba and dependent islands ami the
cession of Cuba to the United States for
its pacification and the establishment of a
stable government
15 This country assuming no portion o
the Cuban debt
4 The cession to the United States ot
an island Guam in the Ladrone group
H The withdrawal of Spains forces
from the western hemisphere now going
The one article to be decided is that pro
viding that the United States shall occupy
and hold the harbor and city of Manila
and Sttbig hay until a pence commission
determines the rights of both Spain and
the United States In the Philippines-
The negotiations were nearly wrecked
on the Cuban debt snag The Americans
were unyielding in their refusal to assume
a single dollar of that debt despite the
threats of the Spaniards to break off the
proceedings Finally the Americans re
maining obdurate Senor Montero Itios
head of the Spanish commission tele
graphed his resignation to Madrid and af
fairs became extremely critical Hail hla
resignation been accepted the other Span
ish commissioners would have followed
suit and the peace negotiations would
have come an abrupt end This result
was averted by the action of the Queen
Regent in beggint Rios to continue
As a last resort the Spanish commis
sioners begged for mercy declaring that
should Spain be compelled to assume the
whole of the Cuban debt it would mean
her utter financial ruin This appeal was
sent to President McKtnley and resulted
in the midnight cabinet meeting in Phila
delphia Wednesday night The president
and his advisers decided again that Spain
must assume the debt and the Spanish
commissioners were forced to accept th
Havana Harbor Is to Be DrasTKetl for
The President has decided that Ameri
can warships shall he stationed in Havana
harbor as icquested by Admiral Samp
son and obir members of the evacuation
commission The delay has bneu due to
official reluctance to expose national ves
sels and sailors to a possible repetition ot
the Maine horro It was deemed discreet
to await convincing assurances from the
Spanish authorities that no torpedoes re
mained which might be exploded by dis
gruntled civilians or revengeful Spanish
soldiers These assurances have now been
fortl iming but nevertheless every pre
caution against rascality will be exercised
The naval administration has for some
time ben engaged in equipping the Eagle
auu Vixen at the Norfolk navy yard os
tensibly for surveying duty but in reality
these vessels have been provided with ap
paratus for dragging Havana harbor for
possible mines and they will be promptly
dispatched to carry out their purpose It
is not intended to send any of the largen
armorclaus to Cuba
She aud Her Entire Crew Are at the
Bottom of Lake Michigan
The magnificent lake steamer L II
Doty is lost Her erew of eighteen or
nineteen perished beyond reasonable
Joubt in Tuesdays hurricane The wreck
age brought in to Chicago by the tug
Prodigy was fully identified The Olive
Jeannette the consort of the Doty was
towed into port Friday morning On
Tuesday afternoon at 5 oVlock the towlino
between her and the steamer snapped
Then the two were as nearly as can be fig
ured thirty five miles off Milwaukee From
that time the Dotys story will never be
told The fearful but vain fight of eigh
teen or nineteen men for their lives in the
wild hurricane will remain an unwritten
page in the history of lake disasters Even
where they found their graves will never
be known
Plan to Add Spaniards and Cubans to
United States Army
In his annual report Secretary Alger
will recommend that Cubans and Span
iards who are now in Cuba lie enlisted in
the United States army for the purpose ot
doing garrison duty on the island It is
estimated that there are about 15000
Spanish soldiers who will remain in Ooba
and that a large percentage of this num
ber will seek enlistment in the ranks ot
the regular army It is also estimated
that there are about 50000 Cuban insur
gents who would gladly accept service in
the American army
Mrs Sandersons Servant Tells How
AKed Victim Was Killed
At the first days hearing of the sensa
tional Sanderson murder case at Battle
Creek Mich the chief witness for the
State testified This witness is Marie
Robertson the former servant of Mr and
Mrs Sanderson She told in detail the
story of how Mrs Mary Butterfield San
derson fed her aged husband daily on
ground glass which finally tore Mz vitals
away The witness said that teaccnsed
woman had told her she loathed her aged
husband whom she desigated an olJ