Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 27, 1898, Image 6

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PLWsaaBMMBCTyiM wnWilww j
ijiCKjlM 3CrrV
j m - I
1r Costs -No Mor
fo become the possessor of a
high grade reliable -
r p
o - o
than it does one of those ill
-fitting ani cheaply made
garments with which the
country is flooded v
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
r elr constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done iu the best anaiuieiN
j l
Full line of sporting goods
Ged Elliott
A fitock of the tin est
Ierf nines Toilet Soais etc
Wall Paper
Paints Oils Varnish etc
Office oveiji
Vherry Crotrtfi Hank
Cloaks aod Capes at T C Hornbys
Messrs Webster and Anderson each
shipped stock to Omaha last week
Tinime Irwin of Irin had four
jWc Have Samplel
J 200 H
up to
Label inside the
collar ilif
anterfieff correct
stvie ceriecr ni
- tndJUperioti3nish
an assurancetnai
TanibuyingtheJjestthatVtnade aClok
that Braces and beautifies the figure as no
iber garment can
Our reputation or handling the
best of everything is -emphatically
gxprcaaeiJ in bur Clcaic Department
Examine our Goods
And you will become ouf
Frraid J 1
Arc the features upon which
we rely fbr business
K -1
o ei o
iBUT GOOD Editor and Publisher
cinl Paper of Chrrry
100 Per Year h AtttuinC
i Entered at 1 he rost offlce at Valentine Cherry
coaptebraik3 as iqeond class matter t
I This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears arepaid in full
f o ill imJg w nt
fudge Jackson- Octoiier -T v
Senator Mutz Oct 2S
Teachers October
v Cropkstou
Hjoctlon Day Nov S
Valentine Tnicliers Association Nov 12
iisrictCourt Nov 1 1 I
t j The Market
The foilowiiijr sdiows the STiccs quoted for
eatllc at Omaha yesterday October 20
c oii Steei s UOOto InnoltiT 84 S2 i 3
oi prOMUnlJ0wlb 4 11115 25
i Coiiiiiinij to lair Sirer 4UO4 50
Good to afiiKeNHHVo lJelirrs -- 3Xtfi4 50
flood to clioii e TCiKTyVClftWE VV 30t0O
Commnn tn Mcdiiitii flows
Heavy Feeders fair lb choice
Fair to jiooil 7no9001h
Yenrlf ifamliSrockLni
t airto jiAoiL ftddferii He
C Hbrnbvs
- X 1 I -I Di I IICMIil
eves -
Kalrtooon western rows
Fairtoyabd Western Heifers
aa I Iieayy
0003 05
Vi234 25 I
i 754 75
3 7f14i
2 503 7u
3 252 3 90
iclutlmiiit T
ul Longpinc was in
town Friday
x 3-
VVE Haley aiul vi 1 e retiiVn t iPf 1 om
-- - r
Omaha Sunday
Full supply of hay grain and feed
at Pettycrcyls 43 4
i i
- Frauk Frush was in town from the
cow country Tuesday
M Christensen has been in Rosebud
Tres OsJnUivan returned home to
0 Xeill Monday morning
Dawson Uall Bhipped a traiii load
qfcattlt from Cody Monday
O P Billings of Xoiden marketed
four cars of cattle last Monday-
C II Watson met his wife here Mon
day morning anil went to Omaha
Jim JillaspiewiuoQniHha M011
day morning he exposition
E Sparks and fa mi v -went to Omaha
Monday morning to attend the ex
C A Johnson of Wood Lake had
six carsof cattle on the Omaha market
Mr James HreukTaiider has been
clerking inDaveuport Thachers store
the past week
J X SteadmanandJir Bachelor
ere in frbm near Koutiedy on bus
iness Monday
J M Slavin of Irwin had two cars
of cattle shipped to his address from
Omaha Monday
Amandst Heinert completed her visit
r 1 i - 1
here Monday
rrjorninjj Hud
home to Ainsworth
Messrshord Uennett Lwo of our
most prominent stockmen were in town
the first of tie week
The F E makes a rate of 550 to
Omaha anTeturn tomorrow Oct 28
Good for three days
EmilWei8flpggandv wife formerly
of this ilace but now of Deadwood are
visitidg in town this week
A marriage license was issued iues
day to Clarence Dibble and Lama E
Tremble both of Mernman
Prof K D Satterlee of Xeuzel is
in town today shaking hands and look-
I ing alter business matters
C II Cornell went to Omaha Tues
day morning to take one last look at
fading glories of the exposition
The Indians who were with Buffalo
Bill during the past season returneu
home to Piu Bidge last week
car 01 grub un i - - tracted meeting at the Presbyterian
Judge Westpver his been very ill at
his htime in itusriviue but is nfjrovin
p 1
ranktriliette is in town today look
ingover thesitUatiln and teldngf
2 democrat wagons and 1 spring
wagon good as new fox sale cheap
Mrs Caherly of prtJVashakie
Mt yisixed wMi Mr E J
Very little is being said or done on
the court house question this year
Perhaps everyone is like the editor -tired
Little Louis Stetter has started in
the stock business in earnest He has
a heifer and a pony and his brand is
A T reversed 7
Oupt H t Smithers of Denver who
has been visit lug Ins son LiQiit Smith
ers at Fort Niobrara left for his home
Mm day moruing
Or A Eckles and W II Reynolds
two republican statesmen from Dawes
county were in town looking over the
situation Monday
llev Sloan came down from the west
Tuesday morning and is holding pro
church this week
The sidewalk on Main street of Val
entine are us a role a disgrace to the
property owners whose duty it should
bo t6 build ueW ones
ou should not fail to attend the
raeetiugsat the Presbyterian church
tins week Tho revivalist who is con
ducting them is a fine talker
A W Crites democratic candidate
for county attorney ot Dawes county
lias withdrawn in favor of I N
A lief orm Rally
The Hon W P Price will spealc at
Cornell Hall tomorrow nighty and all
believers in free silver and the present
state administration should not- fail to
be present Mr I rice is a -free silver
republican an eloquent speaker -and
by his connection with the
iernnlent asclerk hi the auditors oriice
is well qualified to uilft oiVState issues
willalso speak1 to his constituents at
this time and tell the truth regarding
the investigation of the various state
institutions While they- were under re
publican control The senator will
alsO present a TGw facts on revenue re
form in this i state much on the lines
advocated by this paper for the last
two years
The telegraph operator at Thacher
has besn removed and push eugineKo
11 seut east -
Mrs Kate Xorniin wjis in town
M jnday and Tuesday went to Gordon
twhereshe will visit a short time
Mra J 1 Vjil is visiting in Lincoln
and takmg apjii graduate course at
the Consei vattjiyot music in that ciay
J L Jordan bal live cars aud Uuit
Bros tvo cars of cilile on the market
from Gordon jsVilay Ed Ross
had one fr ni Irwih
Jim Hudson of Sars told us yes
terday that he and nis brother last-Sun
day killed an old ceyute which had it s
ear and tail cut off Who did the
The Drovers Journal of Monday
says that W C and M J Johnson of
Mullen who while engaged in farmiUg
do some feeding were oh the market
with several loads of cattle
F M Goodthe editors father some
times known in political circles as
Old Harmony went to Omaha Tues
day morning after a couple of months
work in the interests of the paper
During the last month this paper
has dropped about 40 deadheads from
its list and more are to follow Here-
after any paper sent out of the state
will have to be paid lor in advance
G P Crabb smd wife returned Sat
urday moiniug from Omaha Mrs
Crabb is getting along very nicely
silice having a surgical operation per
formed at the M E hospital in Omaha
The republicans of Valentine pre
cinct have nominated J M CTarkson
for assessor L jSt Lajpofte for con
stablo Geo Camm and John Borman
for overseers of highways ia their re
spective districts
Judge Ivinkaid held a special term
of court here Saturday and sentenced
Lejuard Squires who pleaded guilty to
the charge of stealing a horse from
C E Sherman to fourteen months ii
the penitentiary
J A Ilomback was in town from
near Sparks yesterday with 20 bushels
of onions which he disposed of to our
merchants lie informs us that he
raised 300 bushels of ahe fruit on of
an acre of ground
Johnny Stetter was in town from
Cody Monday and inforned ye editor
that he and his partner had gone into
the stock business to a considerable
extent The brand of Stotts Stetter
T UV bar will be found m another
A woman at Gordon last week pulled
a gun on a man and made him pay a
little bill she had against him Every
newspaper man along the line will
make sin effort to employ that woman
as a collector of delinquent sub
James Gillespie brought in three
cars of cattle from Cody and from the
same place with shipments of two cars
each were A Coleman Frank Fuesch
and W Hell and two cars wererecivrd
from Geo Campbell of Gordon Drov
ers Journal
W W Anderson the gentleman
from Pierre S D who purchased the
old Dewey ranch front Geo Schwalm
was in town the past wsek looking
after his interests Mr Anderson will
not locate here personally but will have
a representative on the ranch
From the Valentine
cuAT we learn that J S Estabrook
has rented a hotel in Vaentine and
opened up the Estabrook House
Heres to you Joe Your Gordon and
Lavaca friends will remember vou
when they come to Valentine Gordon
The voters of Atkinson last week re
fused to bond their precinct to enable
the railroad from Atkinson to Butte to
be built It is now said the promoters
of the road will start a town between
Atkinson and 0NeilI and bringing
their road to the new ton n wijl call it
I M Rice has left the county tras
ureis office smd will move ento liis
claim in Irwin precinct where he will
put up a neat corrugated iron house
and settle down foa the winter Mr
Bice is a fine man and We predict that
he will make a soccess of his embryo
stock ranch 1
Clarence Martin is recovering from
what promised at one time to be a seri
ous attack of lung fever
John DeWoody wife and daughter
Miss Minnie of Valentine vpnt down
to the exposition Snnday
Prof Berkley returned home from
Porto Rico Saturday He is looking
pretty thin and no wonder after his
The acetylene gas plaut has played
out so far as to the Omaha concern
and the affair ordered removed The
company here may try tinother
Treasurer Thackroy toolcus 0 task
in lastSveekrs Rijpublidan for1 wilfully
noftrorf irnr fln fnfe - in li
C 7r Tr1 n 4- 1 f
reader is able to see that iiVour article 1
hist Aveelc showing EdTslluplieiiy but r
two points lo vbe brought 1 3
out viz First Ed Clarke wa iustru jjt
mental in having a cert iin bunch of
cattle which he represented as belong- ti
ing to J M Shivinattaclued for luxes
Second he anneared a counsel for W ii
b Jones who replevined the cattle on v
tlie plea that the title tothcui luid not p
ret passed toSlavhiahtl won his case l
thus throwing tho cosls 7000 on the
county Mr Thackrcy in his letter
says -
Mr Clarke stated he had seen cat
tle unloaded at Irwin and was informed
thev were to be turned in on Slavins
This is a half admission of point
number one- Again
Mr Tucker got Mr CJlarketa assist
him in the defense
Another half admission you see
Will Mr Thackrey ddnynhe follow
ing charge r
Ed Clarke was to a great -extent the
cause of the distress warrant against
Slavin being issued giving as his ex
cuse for being interested that upon
several occasions while he was county
attorney attempts had been made to
collect this Slavin tax later when
Jones replevined the cattle from Amos
Strong Sher ff and J E Thackrey
Treasurer Etl Clarke appeared as at
torney for said Jones and had the costs
of suit taxed to the county
This is our charge The case is a dirty
one At the time of its occurrence
W S Barker J E Thackrey Judge
Walcott and other republicans were
loud in denouncing Clarke for his work
Voters can you trust a mail to be your
prosecuting attorney who will do such
a thing Will any self respecting at-
torney condone such a trick Follow
ing is a letter from Commissioner
WooDLakk Neb Oct 24 1803
Editor Western 2N avs Democrat
You asking for tho particulars in regard to
the Slavin tax case atrhand and I will explain
why the commissioners tried to recover delin
qlleilt taxes Irom Slavin
P Sullivan commissioner- stated lo me that
Ed Clarke had told him that Slavin had stock
n the westernRartotf the county that could be
levied unon - m
This was afterwards brought up in board
meeting when Ed ClarTtr was present and he
confirmed the6tatcmentAn it was decided to
have the treasurer collect the taxes bj distress
We were Surprised at the next meeting to lind
that the county had lost tlie case had 7000 in
costs to pay and that Ed Glarke had acted as
attorney for ihe defendant I asked him why
lie did so and he said that he -saw an opporr
tuuity to make some monejAvhichJie needed
He did not claim it was Judge Tuckers case
and that he acted in theabsoncc of the judge
but that he thought it auhouorable means ot
obtaiuing money
As for Mr Clarke personally I have nothing
but friendly feelings but you ask fbr the facts
and I give the reasons lor trying to collect taxes
from a man who has always been represented
as a continual lax-shirker- - Yoir truly
W A Pakkek
WeareinreQeipt of two letters from
Farnlinm iSolmson
Married at Sutherland Lincoln coun
ty on Tuesday October 18 1S9S Mr
C J Farnham and Miss Eunico John
son The happy couple arrived in Yal
entine Saturday morning and will
make this their future home The
groom is a member of the firm of
Farnham Dikeman of ihis place and
though he has been here but a short
time already has numbers of friends
among our citizens While we have
not had the pleasure of meeting ilie
bride who was a school maam before
her marriage she lias been represented
to us as a handsome and accomplished
young lady We extend to this voung
Commissioner Sullivan The first says
I met Clarke oil tile street jiwfc after getting
into town and before 1 had gt to the clerks
otlice aud he told me about Slavin having the
cattle and that there was no question about the
ownership I toldJiim that if such was the
case I would have the treasurer send out a writr
of attachment but did not go to the treasurers
office that evening- and when I did o in the
piorning found he had alread issued the writ
upou Clarkes information I understood Dur
ing the day Clarke came to the commissioners
ofilce and made practically the same statement
I thlnk all members of the board vero present
and I aur positive he saidthere was no question
about the Ownership I remarked that the old
man Slavin had nothing in his name and
Clarke replied no he has not but the taxes
and cattle are all in the sons name I have
not seen th article in the liepublican
The second letter says
I have just read the article in the liepublican
and Ipronouuce it a wilful and malicious false
hood so far as my name is connected with it
Clarke broachedlhe matter tome before I got
to the hotel as 1 stated in my other letter 1
have never stated to Carkeor anyone elsethat
Slavin Avassh iping cattle iuto the coutity or
owned any in the county in fact I thought he
did not have aiything that the county could get
So far as I know the warrant was taken out
after Clarke saw me in theiovening and before
1 got to sec the treasurer next morning without
any consultation with rae which ofcourse he
had a right to do as the board always allowed
the treasurer to issue a warrant when he asked
to All this talk 6f two -or three weeks before
it was issued is all bosh 1 know nothing
about Skiviu offering or going to draw a check
audi reiterate that Clarke stated to me that
there was no question but Slavin owned tlie
cattle P SurwvAK
couple our heartiest congrattilationsf
and hope their lives may be long a nd
filled with joy
Death ot Mrs Hunter
After along and severe illnes of can
cer Mrs Frank Hunter died Tuesday
morning about three oclock and was
buried the same afternoon the Rev
J G Sloan conducting funeral services
at the Presbyterian church She was a
good woman well known and liked
and while her death came not unex
pectedly it nevertheless caused a gloom
of sorrow to fill many hearts
Louisa A Allen was born in Iowa
May 20 1859 When fifteen years of
age she united with the Christian
Ohurdh and in J875 was married to
Wm EobertsonT One child was bom
to them Roland She became Ithe
wife of J Frank Hunter in 1881 and
-six children wpie the esuU qf the
fioito all Twtf ttfe of tfttin ate living
Sam Hudson
side ranch
s Trraai
m H Vtia J
h 8 aa
r a a a - mrm
Sll itei M E
Doesit care for- large sales He wants large profits
Small profits and lots of em Thats wliafoourits
If so for further particulars call on
Hauch orders a specialty Fafnham DikeUfcail
We have won -it by carrying tlie most complete stoek
v- in tne county of
Hats Caps Boots Shoes Clothing Mens
Furnishings and Rubber Goods
AH Kinds - All Prices
Call and see the latest in Ladies Mackintoshes -
the Skirt Mackintosh
I also carry a complete stock of
Buggies Harvesters Hay rakes Bicyclese tc
v In fact everything handled by first- slass dealers- v
And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease I mo3t
invariably hold such customers for my motto is low prices and big sales
O Parsons
is in from the Sunny-
Go to T G Hornb for fancy
Serious Accident
While coming to town with the Kennedy-Chesterfield
mail- Tuesday the
team driven by H EEverdell ran away
at the top of the hill on the south side
of the Niobrara and plunged madly
through the canyon At John Marks
placed sharp turn occurs in the road
and at this point the stage over turned
throwing Everdell to the ground and
smashing the stage Tlie driver struct
the ground with his right shoulder and
tore tho ligaments of the hones loose
He -was Drought to town and Dr Lewis
cared for the in jury
Jlitl Prices for feed
Bran bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
ShOrts bulk G0c per cwt 11100 ton
Screenings 40c 700
ChopFeed 70c 1300
Corn G5c
i M it
Velvet Candy at T C Hornbys
Full line of school tablets
nas renieu uie au naw Art lianery minis uityior one year and will be here from
First class Work in every Tarlicular Guaranteed
See Samples of Work at the Kcd Fron
- r1
f il
3 i
and Ladies Furnishing Goods
West of Davenport Thachers
Golden Sheaf Pure White Bye
Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek
Louisville Kentucky Bourbon Whisky
Pure Grape Cognac Brandys
- Wines
herryin wood claret Riesling
Sauternes Cooks Imperial
Gasts and Clicquot m bot
tles Damiana and oth
er Cordials
Also Agent for Endings Celebrated Jfc
rjt Pale Beer for My US6 and Pabsts