Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 27, 1898, Image 12

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I i
Rnin and Snow in North Dakota and
Manitoba Threatens to Destroy the
Entire Unthrashccl Crop Northwest
Parmers Arc in Despair
Reports from the wheat fields of North
Dakota and Manitoba are of the most dis
couraging character It has been either
raining or snowing for nine days In
Manitoba only about S000000 bushels of
wheat of u crop of 20000000 bushels has
been thrashed and the balance standing
in slacks and shocks is threatened with
destruction Farmers almost despair of
saving the balance of these crops The
barley and oat crops are also all out in the
The rain and snow throughout the lied
river valloy and North Dakota caught
many of the farmers with their grain un
Ihrashed and the present prospect is that
much of it will remain in the stack until
spring This is especially the case in the
interior townships and localities at a dis
tance from the railways and villages Just
what the loss will be it is impossible to
estimate but it is safe to say that the
greater portion of that which remains in
the shock throughout the winter will be of
little value except for fodder
Samples of wheat brought to Minneapo
lis which had been exposed to the rain
were so thoroughly bleached and swollen
as to resemble the Washington and Ore
gon product Such grain will have to be
dried out and cleared before its vaiue can
be determined The estimates on the
number of bushels thus affected in Mani
toba is 7000000 On the same basis 10
000000 to 15000000 bushels would be
damaged si incited river valley and North
Dakota and the total loss may amount to
seveial million dollars
The bad weather has very materially af
fected the general movement of the crop
armors are unable to come to market
crop expeditiously Many of the mills in
the Northwest are runniug day and night
and the stock on hand has been consider 1
bly reduced All in all the Northwestern
crop has largely deteriorated from the
early estimates
Trial Trip of the Davis Near Portland
Results in Explosion
Seven men were killed by an explosion
on the torpedo beat Davis which Avaa
making her official tria1 trip on the Colum
bia river Thursday The accident occur
red near Skamokawa about seventy five
miles from Portland Ore
The Davis rtarted from Walkers island
falls upon the builders
killed was in the Government service All
were employes of the builders
York on a somewhat extensive scale By
the last of February some twenty two cars
will he put on the lines handling the West
-Twenty-third and East Thirty fourth
street ferry traffic all propelled by this
power The storage reservoirs will be ex
pected to carry enough energy to send
each car at least twenty miles
Volunteers Claim Bounty
Missouri did not do much for her volun
teers before they went to war Missouri
paid her men nothing Now some lawyers
Lave discovered in I ie statutes a provision
that the Stale shall pay each man a
of 75 per cent of his total Government
pay say S0 per man
Plus Tobacco Plan Fails
The plan to form a plug tobacco trust
has failed It is said the American To
bacco Company broke faith with the small
concerns It is said a combination of union
manufacturers will be formed
Great Military ond Civic Display a
Climax to the Jubilee Festvities
The crowning spectacular feature of the
weeks peace jubilee celebration in Chi
cago occurred Wednesday when the great
military and civil parade passed through
the streets of the business section and
was reviewed from a stand in front of the
Union League Club by the President
Gens Miles Shafter and Chaffee Secre
tary of Agriculture Wilson the Chinese
and Corean ministers and other
and the elevator men cannot handle the I13
weather was very disagreeable
threatening rain at any moment with a
cutting wind from the lake which chilled
the sightseers not extra warmly clothed
But these things seemed to have no effect
on the numbers and enthusiasfn of the
throngs which packed the sidewalks
throughout the entire line of march filled
the numerous stands and every available
point of view from the windows and roofs
of tall buildings on either side A wave of
cheers greeted the marchers in line par
ticularly the military part of it and more
peculiarly the soldiers and sailors returned
from Cuba
At 9 oclock in the morning the police
hustled every vehicle off the streets in
cluding the street cars in the entire dis
trict between Van Buren street on the
to run two hours at a minimum speed of I ilh aiTu 7
south and the river on the north the lak
io ii
twenty two knots Everything went well
on the east and the river on the west
until Skamokawa was reached Sudden
ly an explosion occurred and the engine
room was filled with boiling water and
steam enveloping the men at work in
there A river steamer happened along
just after the accident The Davis pas
sengers and the killed were transferred to
her and she towed the disabled torpedo
boat to Astoria
The Davis was built by Wolff Zwick
er of Portland and this trip was to be the
final one for acceptance by the Navy De
partment The boiler was of tubular pat
tern and was designed to carry 230 pound
of steam pressurn Through some defect
some of the tubes gave way This filled
the closed firohold with steam and the
men there were caught like rats in a trap
As the boat had not been accepted the loss
they were kept off till the parade was
The storm of the previous three days
had marred the decorations but they were
j mostly restored and the entire district was
ablaze with bunting It is estimated that
thirty thousand men were in line
Needy Soldiers Will Benefit from Chi
cagos Society Function
Twenty two thousand dollars was raised
for the families of the soldiers and sailors
who are in straitened circumstances as a
result of the late war by the Chicago jubi
lee ball nt the Auditorium It was a
brilliant and enthusiastic society function
graced by the presence of the President of
None of the men the United States army and navy heroes
Minneapolis 31 ills Kreak All Records
in Making Flour
The Minneapolis flour mills are engaged
at present in breaking a II previous records
and the wheels are whirling night uid
day Sundays not excepted The desire to
get as much flour through as possible be
fore navigation closes is partially respon
sible but there are also many orders to
fill One of the large local companies was
obliged recently to purchase 25000 bar
rels of Hour from the Piilsbury company
to keep up with the demand
Intended to Proclaim Spanish-American
Republic in Cuba
According to a private telegram received
in Washington frnn Havana Captain
General Bianco Gee Pando and other
prominent Spaniards had at the time of
the surrender of Santiago organized a
plot to prociaim a Spanish American re
public in Cuba The preliminary steps
had all been taken and had the plot suc
ceeded the United States might have had
another war on hand
ljrvptian Geological Survey
For more than a year now the Egyptian
Government has been carrying on an im
portant geological survey in the moun
tains along by the Red Sea and in the
Sinai Peninsula English geologists are
engaged in the work and their duty is to
investigate the mineral possibilities of the
country report on matters of archaeolog
ical inteicst draw maps etc The places
they expUre have not in some cases been
visited for perhaps 2000 years and they
and many other notables The gowns of
the women were of the richest and the
uniforms and peculiar highly colored cos
tumes added attractiveness to the scene
The welcome accorded President McKin
ley was hearty and prolonged The Presi
dents boxes and those occupied by the
diplomatic corps were draped with flags
Excitement at San Francisco Over
Doings of Medical tudents
San Francisco is somewhat excited over
the revelations concerning the skinning
of bodies at the Cooper Medical Institute
the medical department of the State Uni
versity and the dissecting room of the
city and county hospital According to
indisputable evidence young physicians
in the employ of the health department of
the city and students at the medical
schools mentioned have been engaged in
the ghoulish practice of skinning cadavers
for months past and regular stations
have been located where the skins are
taken to be tanned and manufactured into
Revenue Bureau Modifies Regulations
of Manufacture
The internal revenue bureau has issued
a circular modifying the regulations gov
erning the manufacture and sale ofmixed
flour Under the new ruling wheat flour
i must be the principal constituent in the
mixture The circular also provides that
l any card or advertising matter for inser
j tion in a package of mixed flour must first
be approved by the commissioner of in
ternal revenue and must not be of such
character as to deceive the consumer as
to the content of the package
are finding many evidences of mineral Wns Asked tc Go to Paris huh win
wealth including old emerald mines Stay at Manila
Secretary Long said that the reports
Compressed Air Motors that Admiral Dewey would return to the
Compressed air as a motive power is to United States were erroneous as the Navy
be practically applied very soon in New i Department had no such information It
i has beeu suggested to Admiral Dewey sev
eral times that he go to Paris to advise
the American peace commission on the
situation in the Philippines but he has
adhered to his purpose to remain at Ma
nila until the Philippine question has been
settled or all danger of trouble there has
Novel Court Decision
A novel decision has been given by a
New York jury in the Supreme Court in
the suit of Mrs Grace Frezevant against
Mrs Mary L Freevaut claiming 50
000 for alienating her husbands affec
tions The verdict was as follows A
rich woman cannot alienate the affections
of another womans husband if he is poor
For being poor he will try to win the
affections of the rich woman and she
should not further suffer pecuniarily if
she reciprocates the poor mans love real
or orcteuded
Sheriff After a Desperate Battle Cap
tures Kansas Robbers
After a desperate fight lasting nearly
three hours Sheriff Mackey of Salina
County Kansas and his posse of five dep
uties made the most important capture of
bank robbers that has been madCin years
The officers believe they have the gang
that has been causing so much trouble all
over the State especially the western
part within the past two months
Blackey Clark one of the robbers and
who js thought to be the most noted crook
was fatally shot in the back and others of
the gang were wounded Deputy Sheriff
Lykens was hit in the arm by a bullet
Each party was partially sheltered by
trees and over 800 rounds of ammunition
were used The battle took place in the
edge of the timber just out of Salina
where the robbers who were mounted
had been to purchase feed and ammuni
tion Sheriff Mackey called to the rob
bers to halt but they returned his request
with a volley which felled the sheriffs
horse He got behind the dead animal
and the officers opened fire Blackey
Clark was the first one hit and with a
shriek he fell His comrades under a
hot fire rushed out and brought him to a
place of safety where he lay nutil the rob
bers finally surrendered
Department Wants to Re Establish
the Foreign Stations
The Navy Department is hampered in
its desire to re establish the foreign uaval
stations by the limited number of full
term men in the service The enlisted
force now includes about 8000 men who
enlisted for the war only and it is neces
sary to keep them on the North Atlantic
or home station on account of the proba
bility that peace will soon be officially de
clared and they will be entitled in their
discharge papers Nearly all of the 12
500 long term men of the regular navy jnv
with Deweys fleet or on battleships of tin
North Atlantic station It will be nccc
sary to place some of the armored voc-
out of commission if the ships are sen to
foreign stations and the department
wants to keep nil battleships and armored
cruisers in active service
German National of L ittsbnrjjr Goes
Into Liquidition
The German National Bank of Pitts
burg has closed its doors The directors
in a public statement announce that the
bank is solvent and that all depositors will
be paid in full The suspension of the
bank can be traced directly to two causes
the carrying of too inatiy securities of
the Natalie Coal and Coke Company and
heavy loans to Charles Burkdorf until
recently cashier and Adolphus Groetzin
ger the present president on insufficient
collateral The suspension of the bank
was precipitated by the confession on
Monday last of Adolphus William C and
O H Groetzinger and A Groetziuger
Sons to Edward Groetzinger of judgments
aggregating 490723 12
t VTi
America Recognises Only Cuban Mu
nicipal Indebtedness
The American peace commissioners
have been instructed to recognize and give
standing to Cuban municipal indebtedness
This is not an important matter from a
financial standpoint as the amount can
not be large but it is peculiarly signifi
cant in view of the stand taken by the
commissioners in regard to the so called
Cuban debt They rejected the Cuban
debt proposition largely on the theory that
the money represented by the bonds was
not expended for the benefit of the people
of the island and therefore should not
be a burden on the new Government
Pursuing the same line of argument it is
held that money borrowed by the cities of
Cuba was spent locally and directly for
the benefit of the communities and should
therefore be continued as a lien upon the
property upon which the loans were orig
inally made The logic which frees the
island from obligation in connection with
that portion of the Spanish bonded indebt
edness labeled the Cuban debt clearly
establishes the validity of the distinctly
municipal debts as a continuing claim
There is no data at hand to show the ag
gregate amount of the Cuban city indebt
edness hut it cannot be monumental as
investors would not make extravagant ad
vances on that sort of security
Plowing and Thrashing Stopped by
the Snow and Rain
Reports from various points in Minne
sota and the Dakotas say farming opera
tions are much impeded by snow and rain
Kennedy Mian hud twenty consecutive
hours of innv and rain Thousands of
acres of wheal and flax are still in shock
and the tiedh are so Mift that machinery
cannot be moved It is too wet to plow
and less than 10 per cent of the plowing
is done Lisbon Minn reports from six
inches to a foot of uuw on the ground
thrashing stopped and the prospects for
resumption far from promising Consid
erable flax in scattered localities is still
on the ground At Marion Junction S
D the snow was accompanied by a strong
northwest wind drifting it badly Aber
deen S D says a strong northwest wind
has been blowing and it is snowing hard
At Tyndall S D several inches of suow
has fallen and it lies in heavy drifts
Back Bone of the Yellow Fever in
Mississippi Broken
The force of yellow fever in Mississippi
is broken and if the weather remains cool
next week will mark the end of the epi
demic Small towns are discarding the
shotgun and quarantine guards are look
ing for other work
Brings J75l0H in Gold
The steamer Mariposa arrived in San
Francisco from Australia and Honolulu
She brought 7JC000 English sovereigns
equal to about 3700000 the largest sin
gle shipment of specie Vhich has yet been
received from Australia
I I H - KlA 2XZaMj I JM I f jll I
Mr Coal Gong uuwnV
Mr Mercury Yep
Mr Coal Then Im going up
Caused by a British hell Fired Dur
ing 1812
During the war of 1812 a British war
ship fired several shots at Ashtabula
Ohio Some of these have been preserved
as relics The other day onepf them ac
cidentally got into a heap of sprap iron at
the Phoenix iron works It w ent into the
furnace and a terrific explosion followed
The furnace doors 4verc blown to atoms
The workmen were in other parts of the
foundry and no one was injured
Kew Peach Tree Disease
A new disease has appeared anioug the
j peach treesjji the vast orchards of south
western Michigan It is said to be more
serious than the dreaded yellows Sev
eral large orchards in Saugatuck town
ship alone about trees are said to
have been destroyed
Three Are Dead
At the home of Henry Goldback in
Trenton N 7 three persons died of toad
stool poisoniug and four others are in a
dangerous condition
Some of the army critics of the navy
hint that the Spanish phantom fleet had
its origin in spirits rather than spooks
Philadelphia Ledger
They should send a regiment of im
munes against those Chippewa Indians
Immunes Yes baldheaded men
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Now that the Spaniards are leaving the
island it appears that Cuba would be a
habitable place if it were not for the
Qubahs Philadelphia Ledger
An exchange says Admiral Dewey is
still on deck Well by the blessing of
God thats just whore we want to keep
him Atlanta Constitution
One complaint of the redskins is that
big game is disappearing And with an
end put to their scalping chances they
cant even go hunt the hair Philadelphia
It is understood that in case the peace
negotiations are broken off Admiral Cn
raara is in readiness to make another
rouud trip dash through the Suez canai
Kans13 City Journal
Porto Rico U S A
The Stars and Stripes have been prop
erly raised and saluted and Spains occu
pationof Porto Rico is gone St Paul
Pioneer Press
The acquisition of Porto Kico is the first
substantial evidence before the world that
in the hundred days war between this
country and the kingdom of Spain not
only did the victory rest with our arms
but that there are fruits of victory Bos
ton Globe
The annexation of Porto Bice takes
place under favorable auspices The peo
ple of the island have not been distressed
by civil war and yet they welcome the
American troops and have changed their
nationality willingly Some of the old
Spanish families may return to their na
tive land but the great body of the peopie
will fraternize with the Americans who
will flock to Porto Bico to give r a new
character Philadelphia Ledger
The flag of the United States is flying
over Hawaii and Porto Bico in undisput
ed possession No one challenges our sov
ereignty there for all time It is an im
portant step in the development of the
great republic Both Hawaii and Porto
Bico are geographically American terri
tory In one we kept out and in the other
removed a European flag The righteous
ness of both acts will be admitted in his
tory St Louis Globe Democrat
Settling with Spain
We take it Spains attempt to collect a
war debt of 600000000 of the Dnited
States is a waste of time Syracuse
Sagasta should take something for his
nerves Hardly a day passes on which he
is not troubled with visions of new alli
ances Baltimore Herald
What is more natural than that Dewey
should be an expansionist Hs judgment
is as good on this question as his fighting
was on May day Springfield Union
If our peace commissioners in Paris are
at all uncertain in their plans they might
read President McKinieys addresses on
his Western trip as a bracrr Syracuse
The Spaniards are just no v profuse in
their advice to the United States lo kc u
out of the colonial business It may be
good advice but it has the appearance of
being dictated by self interest Bingham
ton Bepublic
Ui w
tyr S
m -
1 I
Describes the Philippines
Ive been re readin about th cotin
fury Tis over beyant yeer left shoulder
whin yeer facin cast Jus throw yeeij
thumb back an ye have it as ac rate a
anny man in town Tis further thin
Boohlgarya an not so far as
Its near Chiny an its not so near
an if a man was to bore a well through
frm Goshen Indiany he might sthrike it
an thin agin he might not Its a
counthry full in goohl an
precious sthones where the people can
pick dinner off th threes an ar re starv
in because they have no step ladders Th
inhabitants is mostly naggurs an Chiny
men peaceful imiusihrus an law abidin
but savtg an blood thirsty in their meth
ods They wear no clothes except what
they have on an each woman has five
husbands an each man has five wives
Th r ret goes into the diM ard th same
as here Th islands has been owned by
Spain since before th fire an shes
threated thim so well theyre now up in
ar rnis agin her except a majority iv
thim which it thruly loyal The natives
seldom fight but wliiu they jret mad at
wan another they Whin
a man sometimes they hang
him an sometimes they dicharge him an
hire a new motormau Th women ar re
beautiful with Jangm hlii black eyes an
they smoke seeirars but ar re hurried an
incomplete in their dhress We import
juke hemp cigar wrappers sugar an
fairy tales frm th Ihlippeens and export
six inch shells an th like- Iv late th
Phlippeenes has awakened to th fact
that theyre behiid th times an has
received much American amminition in
their midst They say th is
nil tore up about it Chicago Journal
Bismarcks Brain
rrince Bismarcks brain according to
the estimate of the anthropologist Otto
Amnion was probably the heaviest known
to anatomical science Herr Amnion in
consultation with Prof Sena fer the sculp
tor concludes from the measurements
taken for Schafers bust that the brain of
the old statesman weighed 1807 grammes
or over G5 4- ounces and consequently
exceeded in weight that of any known
Bobber bands infest Porto Rico and pil
lage and buru plantations
J n laner
Ex Quees Lii did not present a claim
before the Hawaiian commission for in
demnity or compensation for the hundred
of thousands oi acres of choice land in the
Hawaiian Islands formerly vested in the
royal family and which were seized by the
Dole Government She refrained rrom
presenting her claim to the commission be
cause she was advised that the ruling
would be against her and that a formal de
cision by the commission might have great
weight with the Congress of the United
States to whom she must finally appeal
for recognition in any event The two
Hawaiian members of the commission
were openly opposed to her pretensions
and Senator Morgan one of the three
American commissioners h believed to
lean the same way That would consti
tute a majority of the commission re
gardless of the attitude of Senator Cul
om and Mr Hitt the other two Ameri
cans Believing the cards io be thus
stacked against her she concluded to ig
nore the commission entirely and lay her
claim before Congress direct TheDole
people hold that she has no standing what
ever and no rights in the premises which
this Government is bound to respect
The thirteenth annual report of Carroll
D Wright commissioner of labor -will
make a book of 1200 pages and some
months will probably elapse before copies
are ready for distribution It has beeu
the policy of the bureau e er since its es
tablishment to discuss each year some one
topic and to lay before the public such
statistical and other information gathered
by the bureau during a number of years
as relates to the one subject chosen for
investigation This year the effect of the
use of machine1 upon labor and cost oC
production is the topic discussed Previ
ous reports have covered such subjects
as industrial depressions convict labor
and strikes and lockouts It has been1
found necessary thus to specialize iu the
annual reports in order to bring out faets
and figures sufficiently minute to have any
statistical value
The capitol guides meet queer people
sometimes One of them was showing vu
party cf well dressed gentiemen and Iadiesi
around the building and as they looked
prosperous and took great interest in his
explanations of objects of interest he laid
himself out to do a good job and make an
impression for -revenue only After they
had completed the tour of the great build
ing the spokesman of the party evidently
a prosperous business man said to the
guide You have been very kind to us
Yon have shown us the Supreme Court
the rotunda statuary hall the Senate
chamber and the hall of the House of
Beprcscntatives as well as many othet
tilings 1 never knew about Now if yt
will show us where Congress meet- we
will letyouofT
The Chief Justice of Canada is appar
ently determined to take no chances on se
curing the fee which he earned for acting
as arbitrator in th cae of Victor Mc
Cord the American citizen against the
Government of Peru He telegraphed the
State Department that he had formulated
his decision and placed it in the keeping
of a Canadian bank The telegram a No
contained the information that Justica
Strongs fee was 2000 The State De
partment took the hint at onee and halt
of that amount the share of th United
States was sent to the Chic Jiiee
The treasury tables show that daring
the nine mouths ending Set 30 exports
from the United States exceeded imporli
by 390j5000 The total export for
the nine months are 8091S000 and tho
total imports S 175173000 The exports
for the period named are larger by nearly
ipj juuu rjv man ror tne corresponding
period of ISO which ip to that time was
high water mark The imports on thes
contrary are smaller for the last nhio
months than they have heen for any cor
responding nine months for fifteen years
The consular lrau issues a bulletin de
voted entirely to the
use of nuN as an
article of human food The bulletin con-
tains reports from corrals and consulac
agents in France Italy Syria Covea and
other rruit raising and fruit eating coun
tries The bulletin leads up to the mora
that we in the United States have all the
variety of the soils and climatic conditions -
necessary to produce every kind of tft
and that if proper attention wery giveuy
their cultivation hv people would btj
greatly benefited thereby
Senator Tlmr n of Nebraska viil -tire
fnni the StHt m h hJ 0 s
present term in UK k announced
forma My some time ago that he would not
accept i re election thereby scrvhj 7W
nee to an iiiat rii re won- be a fri c fieM
for scat The cltsnis that ifc yin
oeeome a r sirient of thc an sml plft
a great law firm thre
When Judge Day ami Willi Mvra
i -
ley ursi met
tir were emploved
P1wltC21CSnr Ctit Evolved less
than 2o 11ns
thirty y as0 hoJhj
st urcimrn iiavinir jrr mine to Canton
Ohio to practice law The case was tried
m a llacksinith jhcp In the
ner of Stark County a country juitica of
the peace presiding
A statement
prcpar lv ox
perts of the Treasury Dejnrtmetft fis
the cost of the war up to Scp 1 r sM ygi
000000 ud estimates that tne expeul
durng the remainder of the lendnr
will agzrcsate about 115000000
tional or C2STi0n0oeo i ail
Americans Whin G
Uecent census report
Officers of ihcnrcof
that orty before they left-Hon- report
then was as os fight beiweeutnlfe
- nl German t nr I which the rr
mer v ere v orim
The Corean mimr
or juxten
on agricuj
pro lut of Massachusetts ahowl V
4dl worth and 52lJ052l4
land val
i I