Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 27, 1898, Image 11

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Do you get up with a
Is there a had taste In
your mouth
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges
tion vou are frequently
dizzy always feel dull and
drowsy You have cold
hands and feet You get
but little benefit from your
food You have no ambition
to work and tho sharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body
What is the cause of all
this trouble a
Constipated bowels
will give you prompt relief
and certain cure
Koep Yaup Btcud Ptsse
If you have neglected your
case a long time you had
better take
also It will remove all
impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
and will greatly strengthen
your ncrve9
Vrc Sfco OacioC
There may be something ah out
your case- you do not quite under
stand AArito tho doctor freely tell
him how you are suCterinir You
will promptly receive the best
medical advice Address
Dr J C Ayer Lowell Mass
A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture 1
i Breakfast
C SI ltt Absolutely Pure
Gosts Less Tfisn ONE cemt a Cop 5
f Be sure that you get the Genuine Article
nude at DbRCHESTER MASS by J
Established 1780
C -
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat If vou wantacoat
that will keep you
est storm buy the Msh brand
Slicker If not for sale In your
town write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
A tape worm eighteen feet 10117 at
Jeast came on the scene after my taking two
CASCARETS This I am sure has caused my
bad health for the past three years I am still
taking Cascarets the only cathartic worthy of
notice by sensible people1
Geo W Boavxbs Baird Mass
Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do
Good Xcver Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c 50c
Sterling Utmtij Company Chicago Montreal New Tort 313
Sold and guaranteed by all drug-
I U BAU cists to CUKE Tobacco Habit
OKes relief in FITS rninutcs Send
on FKEEtrial nacliairo Sold Uv
lOrctrpists One Box sent postpaid I
as receipt or 51 uu six doicssouv
address THOS rOPlilH fUILA Px
WflHTFIl Complete Out
wHmLUllt best Roods
drnwn fJnod Avaes rjaid
wpftklv Farm Seeds sell
by sample on sight Minnesota Trees
Plants Flowers etc Good salesmen make
Big Moxey For particulars write atonce
nniurrnn Should write ror our ew
PkIRTFRS1111601 tatsonery
I Illll I KllUsampleB The completest ever
leased Squx City Newspaper Union
s t Sioux Citr lov
GW Curiono end Laughable Phases
of Human Nature Graphically Por
trayed by Eminent Word Artists of
Our Own Day A Budget of Fun
Giving It Away
Little Eddie Your nose looks just the
same as it always did
Mr Sparkleigh Of course Why
nhouldnt it
Little Eddie I heard mamma say
when Mr Willikins came to sec Sister
May night before last that your nose
was out of joint
First Cat Why so sad to night
Second Cat I feel so lonely and neg
lected Ive been weeping and wailing
for an hour and nobody his thrown
anything at me
There aint much patriotism about
that fellow who just passed us
Why did he refuse to go to war
I dunuo whether he went to war or
not but he aint got a solitary one of
them little flags pasted on his wheel
Then They Glared
Ethel All no I shall never marry
Maude Oh dont say that Why you
must have at least half your life before
you yet
Did 3011 find things as they were
advertised at that summer resort
Yes exactly the same You see the
proprietor of the place never had any
experience in the business before this
His Nine Jjives
i t J UbI m
wf0Viterw m l
til Srlf w
The Dog IIow did you feel when
that empty bottle passed you
The Cat Five of my precious lives
flashed before me in an instant Xew
York News
Her Only Ailment
Parson Black Hows yo mammy dis
mawniif Ephraim
Ephraim Shes well cepn shes got
company Xew York Evening Journal
According to Humor
What a beautiful figure that Miss
McClellan has
Yes Four hundred thousand in her
own name I believe
All in Her Mind
Henry Henry she said in a
frightened whisper
Whats the matter he sleepily ask
Get up and light the gas quick Im
sure theres somebody under this bed
Nonsense- v he replied You im
agine it Go to sleep again We havent
any members of the Feace union in
this family
Information Wanted
Bobby go immediately and ay ash
your face
Whos comin ma Or are you goin
to take me somewhere
In the School of War
Strange what good lighters society
men turn out to be
Xot at all wearing a high collar
makes a man ferocious
Why He Was Troubled
Jack Come old man cheer up What
if she did break the engagement shes
not the only fish in the swim
Tom Oh I dont care anything about
her breaking the engagement but you
see Ive got to go right on paying in
stallments on the ring for the next six
months Thats where the icy breeze
comes in Chicago News
He Wanted Incitement
She Did papa give his consent to
your marrying me
lie Yes but he made me join his
poker club
She What for
lie He said Id get his money any
way and that he might as well have
Eome excitement in parting with it
Sew York Press
Feminine li othusiusm
Wallace Bow does it happen that
you have no flag flying from your
Ferry My wife insists that we shall
wait until the neighbors have all
bought theirs and then get a bigger
one Cincinnati Enquirer
Then Twas Bedtime
Oh be quiet
Well what is it
What did the Dead Sea die of
London Sporting Times
Hogarth sister is tor be
presented vat court uex heasou
Cecil Maj Tutuff Thsus nawthin
me brudder wuz before de court yister
day an his case wuz continered till
nex Aveek avcu hell bctiun agin
A Rank Outsider
Why wouldnt they admit Scribely
to membership in the Xcaa York War
Correspondents Club
They said he wasnt eligible It ap
pears that he simply described Avhat
was done by the fighters instead of
telling the goAernment hoAV to run
One in a Ihousand
Wonderful man that Billings
Hoav so
You knoAV he is ahvays playing prac
tical jokes on people
Well when Ave Avere out SAvimming
the other night somebody tied his shirt
full of knots and he didnt threaten to
lick the smart Aleck if he ever found
out Avho it Avas
A GrowiiiR List
Well I see that one Chicago girl is
the Avife of the Governor of the Philip
pines and another is to share the Aice
regal throne of India
Yes and I knoAV still another Chi
cago girl A ho is at the head of affairs
Who is she
My Avife
Not His Fault
Fweddy Avhy dont you let your
mustache groAv
Why dont I let it Good heavens
deah boy I do but it AAont Boston
The Remains
Did you save anything out of thai
wheat Aenture
Oh yes a check stub Philadel
phia North American
At the Bottom of the Sea
Who commands the Spanish arma
mada asked the teacher in history
McGinty answered the boy avIio
AA as neAer knoAAn to study his lesson
Detroit Free Press
Their Criticism
Sykes Say Bill dat Charlotte Cor
deea is a great pjay A young gal
rushes in anstabde villain in a bath
Bill Well dats AAot he got for
bathin Denver News
Its fortunate exclaimed the genial
optimist very fortunate
To Avhat do you allude
The fact that there are only tAvelve
clubs in the baseball league If there
Avere one more Aved probably be in
thirteenth place a great deal of the
time And that Avould be Aery un
lucky Washington Star
A Reasonable Deduction
Yes she exclaimed I dont believe
any lady could listen to him for fiA e
minutes Avithout being fascinated
What a simpleton the fellow must
be he groAvled Chicago News
He Miss Luckione AAas certainly
born Avith a siher spoon in her mouth
She Well it must have been a table
spoon or no one Avould have noticed it
New York World
The Tables Turned
Mr Oldchap Are you interested in
fossils Miss Gushley
Miss Gushley Oh er this is so sud
den New York World
A Necessary Adjunct
Why is it you ahvays Avill drag me
out to these stupid garden parties
Well Harry you want me to
have to scramble for my oavu ice cream
do you
How He Got a Rest
How Avell you look Dibbs When
did you get back
Get back It was my wife win
went away
Pith of Indian Corn in War
The American consul general at St
Petersburg gi es this account of a trial
of cornstalk pith made by the Russian
admiralty board on the proving grounds
at Poligon near St Petersburg A coffer-dam
six feet long siv feet deep and
three feet broad was packed with
blocks of cellulose made from the pith
of Indian corn stalks The material
was supplied by the Marsden Company
of Philadelphia A six inch solid shot
was fired through the dam striking it
about tAveuty inches from the bottom
The shot passed clear through both the
iron walls and the cellulose packing
Less than half a pound of the cellulose
was carried out by the projectile The
water compartment of the dam was
filled giving a pressure of nearly five
feet of water on the perforated surface
In just half an hour a moist spot began
to shOAv on the outer surface of the
dam but it Avas evident that the moisture-
had come along the bottom of the
packing and not along the path of the
shot In four hours no AAater had come
through the shots path The experi
ment conclusively demonstrated that a
ship provided with a coffer dam pack
ed as AAas the one used in the experi
ment could be perforated five feet be
Ioav the AA ater line without the least
danger of the entrance of Avater This
demonstration opens up an immense
market for American corn pith and Avill
prove of great advantage to American
agriculture Chicago Times Herald
Dromedaries that SmoLa
Dromedaries are said to be particu
larly fond of tobacco smoke and can
be made to do almost anything under
its influence Travelers in Egypt it is
asserted rely more on tobacco smoke
for their control over these huge beasts
than anything else When traveling
on long journeys tho dromedaries are
in many cases required to travel night
and day without rest and the beasts
are kept up to their tasks by smoking
cigars The driver carries a triangular
piece of Avood which is pierced at one
point like a cigar holder This is in
serted in the mouth of the beast the
cigar being lit and pressed into the hole
in the same fashion folloAvcd by man
The dromedary immediately closes its
eyes and puffs away through its nos
trils until the cigar is burned away
The indulgence appears to refresh it
and the keeper has no difficulty in per
suading the animal to plod on without
further rest
Shall We Keep the Philippines
While public opinion is divided as to the
wisdom of keeping the Philippines it is
however all one Avay in regard to the wis
dom of everybody keeping their health
For this purpose Hostetters Stomach Bit
ters is widely used This medicine is both
preventive and cure for malarial fevers
and stomach disorders
A Sagacious Horse
A Long Island editor fathers the story
of a horse OAvned by Samuel Webb of
Greenport which after being hitched
up each morning goes alone to its mas
ters store but one day A hen its shoe
AAas loose it Avent instead to the black
smiths shop where Mr Webb found
Are You Going to Florida
Do you want maps rates routes time
card or other information If so address
II W Sparks T P A 231 Clark Stieet
No Sunday Work AlloAved
Swinemunde on the Baltic has
strict Sunday laws Shipmasters who
enter the port are fined heavily bj the
town authorities if they have their
ships washed or painted on Sunday or
church holidays As foreigners are not
acquainted Avith the German church
calendar they are frequently caught
Just the Time
This is just the time of the year avc
feel the muscles all sore and stiff and
then it is just the time to use St Jacobs
Oil to relax them and to cure at once
Why It Is Expensive
Do you knoAV that there is one drug
which costs nearly 1000000 an
No Is there
Yes It is called physostigmine
Gee I guess it must be impossible
to get that stuff to mix with rainwat
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
Valuable Amber
Valuable discoveries of amber have
been made in British Columbia which
it is claimed will be able to supply the
pipe makers of the world with amber
for 100 years
FITS Permanently Cnred No nts or nerrousnps
after first days mo or lr Klines Great Nere Re
Btorer Send for FK13E 8200 trial bottle awl treatise
Dk B U Kline Ltd 931 Arch St Philadelphia Pa
Narrow Chinese Streets
Streets of Chinese cities are usually
only eight feet wide
Mrs WiiisIowr Soothinq Stbdp for Children
teething sotteus the icums reduces Inflammation
allays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
The inarticulate baby talk of goo
and coo is said to be the language
used by Adam and Eve in paradise
WANTED Caseof bad health thatR will
not benefit Send 5 cents to Ripans Chemical Co
New York for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials
A man cannot leave a better legacy
to the Avorldthan a well educated fam
ily Thomas Scott
Scrofula Cured
A Sore on His Limb Had Troubled
Him for Years
I had a bad case of scrofula and there
was a sore on one of my limbs which trou
bled me for three or four years I saw
Hoods Sarsaparilla so highly recommend
ed for scrofula that I began taking it and
it has completely cured me I am now
sound and well Clarence L Delaney
Waller 111 Remember
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Is Americas Greatest Medicine
Hoods- Pills are the favorite cathartic 25c
Two Letters to Mrs Pinkham
Mrs John Williams English toAvn
N J writes
Dear Mrs Pikkham I cannot be
gin to tell you hoAv I suffered before
taking your remedies I was so Aveak
that I could hardly walk across the floor
without falling I had womb trouble
and such a bearing down feeling also
suffered with my back and limbs pain
in womb inflammation of the bladder
piles and indigestion Before I had
taken one bottle of Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound 1 felt a great deal
better and after taking two and one
half bottles and half a box of your
Liver Pills I was cured If more would
take your medicine they would not
have to suffer so much
Mrs Joseph Peterson 513 East St
Warren Pa writes - r
Dear Mrs Pikkiiam I have suf
fered with womb trouble over fifteen
years I had inflammation enlarge
ment and displacement of the Avomb
L had the backache constantly also
headache and Avas so dizzy I had
heart trouble it seemed as though my
heart was in my throat at times chok
ing me I could not walk around and
I could not lie down for then my heart
would beat so fast I would feel as
though I was smothering- I had to
sit up in bed nights in order to breathe
I was so weak I conld not do any
I have noAv taken several bot
tles of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound and used three pack
ages of Sanative Wash and can say
I am perfectly cured I do not think
I could have lived long if Mrs Pink
hams medicine had not helped me
Barefaced Insult
Algernon Lookout there What are
you doing
Insolent Barber I am trimming your
eyebrows sir I dont find anything
on your face to shave Chicago Trib
Aluminium Tor Grain Backets
Aluminium is being tried for grain
buckets by the India Wharf Brewing
Company of Brooklyn The buckets
are attached to an endless chain and
it is thought by making them of alum
inium that the decrease in Aveight
would result in a saving of power and
experience has proved the correctness
of the conclusion
It Can Be Made to Go
The melancholy days have come
has rheumatism come with them It
can be made to go right off by the use of
St Jacobs Oil Avhich cures and leaves
no trace behind
He Got Her
Humph growled the multi-millionaire
so you want my girls hand do
you Have you lots of enterprise
Well retonted the hardy swain
Im after the only daughter of just
about the richest and meanest man in
these parts New York World
Fits Cnrcd in a Ncav Way
Visitor Your druggist sold you a box
of our Cure Ail pills We Avould like a
testimonial from j ou
Mr Klublusher Well I used to gel
fits Avhen
Ah and our remedy cured you
As I AA as saying I used to get fiti
when I came home from the club 2
gave your pills to my Avife and since
her demise I have not been troubled at
all Philadelphia Record
Distinctly Marked
Were there any marks about him
by Avhich you would know him again
asked the policeman Avho had arrived
at the scene too late to be of any ser
Yes sir said the indignant young
woman whose pocketbook had been
AArenched out of her hand by the dar
ing scoundrel I left two long finger-
lJ nail marks on his face Id know him
j all right enough NeAV York Evening
Journal -
While Yon Sleep
Do not have too- much air blowing
through your room at night or Neural
gia may creep upon you while you
sleep But if it comes use St Jacobs
Oil it AAarms soothes and cures
A Snap
Talk about snaps said the man on
the 110S bicycle
And just then it snapped Indianapo
lis Journal
Pisos Cure for Consumptionhas been a
family medicine with us since 18G5 J R
Madison 2409 42d are Chicago 111
The Slain Thing
American Was it Sampson or Schley
who sunk your fleet
Don Give It up But I know we werd
sunk Philadelphia North American
Dewey Publishing Company Westfleldmaw
wants agents everywhere for Lite of Admiral Georgo
Dewcj and Uewey Family History nicely lilimraied
Thrifty Canadian People
The savings banks of the dominion
have on deposit 49000000 of the
money of the people of Canada
JF December the name k
i v vhen you buy agamJr
A Good Tale Will Bear Telling
Twice Use Sapoliol
9 Ji
jis m ioss it zx u aqjacucauinx i fciij
Iowa r arms lor ale72pcrocre cashbarai
rcroiVBBtU paid JnljaIiSiQHSslt
fin 1 to 5 dy
Aw Ourantted
f fto not to itrietarr
irreTtnu eosucion
S pl
Use Bis f for unnatural
discharges inflamniationi
irritations or ulcerationa
of mucous membranes
i ainiess and not
iTHEEvAHSChEUICALCo cent or poisonous
Sold by UrasslMtA
or sent in plain wrapper
r express prepaid for
1100 or 3 bottles 273
Circular sent on requsst
- 44 98
Best Congh Syrup Tastes Good Tee
in time Sold by druggists