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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1898)
ft R V ft u I ft - i -ff - IW I WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT VOLUME XIII THE DAYS BOMS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE AEE GIVEN MORE TIME EVACUATION OF CUBA TO BE EXTENDED A MONTH The Gold Output of the World in 1897 Increased Nearly 30000 OOO Over the Preceding Year South Africa Holds First Place Evacuation of Cuba Reports from the American evacuation commission in Havana indicate the season is not yet sufficient advanced to make it even reasonably safe lo send any large number of American troops to the island According to the latest advices it probably will -be December 1 before additional troops will be required in Cuba This statement in connection with the assur ances that the Spanish officials are ear nestly trying to complete the evacuation of the island has tended to reconcile the authorities to a postponement of the date for the complete evacuation a month be yond the date originally fixed Gen Wade the president of the Amer ican commission at Havana has informed the war department lhatCapt Gen Blanco Jaas offered the Spanish soldiers to securer their honorable discharges from the army and give them back pay if they desire to remain in Cuba The Spanish commis sioners on the evacuation commission esti mate tiiat about 15031 soldiers will avail of this offer but Jen Wade believes that the actual flgtire will be much larger BIG OUTPUT OF GOLD increase of -Nearly 30000000 Over the Year 1S9G The director of the mint in his annual report says The value of gold produced in the United States during the calendar year 1897 was 57JG3000 The South African Republic holds first place producing gold to the value of 57G J3S61 Australasia 55684182 and Russia 3245763 There was a notable increase in the pro duction of gold in the world during 1897 over 1116 The United States increased 4275103 The South African Republic made the remarkable gain of 13851192 Australasia increased 10502249 and Russia 1709970 The United Slates produced during the year 53S6000 tine ounces of silver and Mexico 539I3H0 line ounces a de crease for the United States of 4974800 fine ounces and an increase for Mexico of 825675S line ounces While many or the most productive silver mines of the past are closed down the increased production from lead and copper ores has offset this loss The worlds production of silver 103 096090 line ounces is large in excess of any previous year that of 1895 when the production was 107500963 ounces being the next largest At the average price of silver for the year I e bullion value of the silver dollar was 0467 THREE MEN DROWNED Small SkilT Capsizes in Lake Mich ijran One Body Recovered A Chicago dispatch siys A small skiff in which Louis Baben son of a wealthy brick manufacturer of Kvanslon William Schaffer and another man whose identity has not yet been established capsized in Lake Michigan about live miles off Wil met Sunday and all were drowned The men started out duck hunting A high sea was l mining and after drifting out about the miles the boat was overturned The unfoitnnate hunters clung to the overturned craft for over an hour but weighed down -with their heavy canvass coats the pockets of which were tilled with ammunition they lfnall sank The bod v ol Schaffer was recovered INDIANS SENTENCED Offending Pillagers Fined -00 and lleeeive Terms in Jail The trial of the Bear Island Indians who surrendered at Jlu Leech Lake agency and went ino the United States 30urtat Duluih for trial on Hie charge of resisting a United States officer at the agency on September 15 last was coui pleted Saturday evening After being ut thirty five minutes the jury at 6 oclock brought in a verdict of guilty in each casu and sentence was- immediately pns cd by Judge Loehien With nut two reception- each was lined 100 in addition to a jail sentence Strangle Her Children Eliza Bennl wife of a well-to-do me chanic of Toronto strangled her three chil dren Ethel aged S Stanley aged 3 and Harold aged 11 years The woman is evidently demented She said she did not want them to grow up wicked Cottou Mills Shut Down The Chace Sagamore Wampanoag Weetamore and Stafford cotton mills at Pall River Mass shut down Saturday in accordance with the agreement of print cloth manufacturers to curtail production lor four weeks Lillian Russell Free Again Lillian Russell is again free from matri monial ties Signor Perugini whose wife she had been since January 21 1891 Sat xrrday received a decree of divorce in the chancery court in Jersey City ers THE WEEK IN TRADE The Business World as Seen by It G Dim Co R G Dun Cos Weekly Review of Trade says With a growing foreign de mand for American products exchange is influenced mainly by political uncertain ties abroad While Europe waits for the outcome between England and France about the Upper JSiIu the financiers of all European countries are trying to foice upon each other the burden of providing cash for the enounous demands of the United Slates England has so managed as to make France and Germany send most ot the gold and the resulting war ot exchanges between foreign nations checks for the mo ment the movement of gold this way Yet these and all other causes do not so far hinder business as to prevent an excess over the most prospeious years The out go of wheat staggers all prophets of dis aster but while the price has advanced 3 cents at the west the rise would have been much greater but for the feeling that the enormous foreign demand may not last While cotton spinners are said to have agreed upon a selling agency and a cur tailment of production there is a better demand for staple goods anil prospect of a still better demand in future In woolen goods also there has hcen a marked im provement during the last week and bet ter sales with extensive inquiry There is much hesitation in the iron and steel trade partly because the outcome of the various combinations in Bessemer pig steel rails bars wire nails and the like cannot yet be definitely anticipated Fail ures for the week have been 221 in the United States against 221 last year and 24 in Canada against 36 last year MARCHANDS REPORT Fails to Mention Gen Kitcheners Arrival at Fashoda Maj Marchands report telegraphed from Cairo to Paris does not mention the arrival at Fashoda of Con Kitchener It only gives an account of the incidents of the expedition with an elaborate descrip tion of the loute followed the places oc cupied the manner of occupation the raising of the flag the force left at each point and treaties of submission concluded with the tribes in addition to referring to the encounter with the dervishes It is believed in certain quarters that Capt Baratier is the bcaier of a verbal report which the French authorities are not will ing to trust upon the British telegraph lines The report telegraphed only goes so far as the beginning of September- and says hat on August 20 supplies of the party were abundant The reason for the omis sion of any mention of the arrival of Jen Kitchener at Fashoda is said to he the fact that the report of Maichand was not read A hen Capt Barallei left Fashoda TELLER IS DISAPPOINTED If They Cannot Have Silver Dnitleni They Will Vote tor Fusion Regarding the decision of the Colorado supreme couit awarding the name and emblem of the silver Republican party lo the Broad or anti Teller faction of that party Senator Teller said 1 am disap pointed at the ruling of J he court which 1 consider indefensible It makes the em blem an agency of fraud on the voter instead of a protection as intended by the statute The silver Republicans will vole the fusion ticket which will be filed by petition It will take more than a decis ion of a bare majority of the court to dis courage the tine fiieuds of silver Our enemies may have the emblem hut tin fusion ticket will be elected ly a great majority COL BRYAN EXCUSED From Testifyinjj Before Investigat ing Commission at Jacksonville The war investigating commission con cluded its labors ai Jacksonville Fla Saturdu I h co imiissioii spent lour days in Jacksonville Col W J llryan of the Thiid Nebiaskn was called before the committee Friday lie asked to be 3xcused Troiii testifying leqiie sting that his lieutenant colonel he examined in his You will 1 hae no doubt understand my reasons for the request said the col anel 1 think the icquost very proper and reasonable responded Covernor leavei and as the commission consented to tin- concession Colonel Iryau was escu eil with the request that he send up nis iieu enaut colonel Sam Daughter Weds Mrs Kalheriue R lipin daughlei ot miilionarc S W Alleiton of Chicago and Hugh Richard Johnstone son of the tale Judge Edward Johnstone of Keokuk Iowa were married in New York cilyand started at once for Kurope on a iiue months tour Satmdav Killed by n Ireinatttre ttxplosiun During the tiring of the president si iute atKokomo lud Friday James Jouei was instantly killed by ihe premature ex plosion of a cannon Another man waj seriously injured and may die lii Hung Chang as a Benedict J Newspapers received Thursday from llbng Kong and Yokohama published tlni amazing statement that Li Hung Chan and the dowager empress of China hav been secretly married- Drey fust in Paris An evening newspaper in Paris an nounces that Captain Dreyfus is already in Paris and is now confined in the fort ress at Mont Valerian lo which he wa secretly brought I X VALENTINE NEBRASKA NAVAL STATION AT SAN JUAN Orders Issued Placing Admiral Schley in Command Admiral Schley has by orders of the navy department been placed in command of the naval station at San Juan de Iorto Rico So far the department has no knowledge of the value or the naval prop erly contained in this station when it was evacuated by the Spanish officials Ad miral Schley has requested that he be per mitted to retain in service for a time two or three civilian employes who are ac quainted with the station This Jias been granted It is the intention of the depart ment to send another naval officer to re lieve Admiral Schley of the command very soon and to maintain a permanent station at this most important strategic point in the south BIG STRIKE ABOUT OVER Injunction Against Cleveland Wire Workers Disenheartens Men The backbone of the big strike at the American Wire Works at Cleveland Ohio operated by the American Steel and Wire Company has been broken though -Walter Gillctt the leader of the men de clares to the contrary The granting of an injunction restraining the strikers from interfering with the operation of the mill by Judge Hammond in the United States circuit court undoubtedly disenheartened the idle men About 100 of the strikers have gone to work in the American mill and the II P nail mill owned by the same company and others will follow ILLINOIS STRIKE SITUATION Superintendent Lukens Released on Bond Warrants Tor Others Superintendent Lukens filed a bond Friday at Virden 111 and was released from arrest lie left for Streator and was accompanied to the train by a heavy guard of troops Warrants for the arrest of T C Loucks president and W S York secretary of the Chicago Virden Coal Company were issued Deputy Sheriff Webster went to Chicago to serve them Several shots were fired after daylight Friday morning at the stockade around the shaft creating considerable excite ment It May Mean Something- Adispatclr from Portsmouth Eng says Ihe admiralty issued orders that no dock yard repairs be commenced upon ships of reserve squadrons unless it can be com pleted within forty eight hours Balloouists Turn Miners A letter has reached Vancouver from St Michael saying that the balloouists sent out to search for Andree weie there They have given up their balloon trip and staked twenty five claims Offers to Loan to Transvaal A dispatch from Pretoria says that Mi Hope representing an American syndi cate offers to loan the Transvaal govern ment 12500000 at 5 percent and 24 per cent commission Bookkeeper and 10000 Gone It has been discovered that Chas J Nciiniug of Louisville Ky a bookkeeper in the Bank of Louisville is a defaulter to the amount of 8000 to 10000 and has lied Hanged for Killing- Soldiers Seven Mussulmans who were tried aim ouvicted of murder of Brbish soldiers on he Island of Crete during the recent out break at Candia were hanged Wednesday Railroad Tunnel Caves In Tunnel No 27 on the Cincinnati South ern at Ilarrinian Tcnn caved in Thurs lay for the second time in a week The cavein is said to be an extensive one Proctor Re Elected Senator The Vermont legislature met in joint session Wednesday and re elected Red field Proctor United Stales senator ttARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 500 hogs shipping grades 300 to 4ii sheep fair to choice 2r0 to 9475 wheat No 2 red 53c to GGc orn No 2 30c lo 32c oats No 2 22c to 24c rye No 2 40c to 50c butter choice creamery 20e to 22c eggs fresh 14c to 10c potatoes choice 2e to 35c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 red 53c -to 00c corn No 2 white 20c to 31c oats No 2 while 24c to 20e Sr Louis Cattle 300 to 375 hogs 350 to 400 sheep 350 to 475 wheat No 2 70c lo 72c corn No 2 yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 22c to 24c rye No 2 47c to 4Sc Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 400 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 GSc to 00c corn No 2 avixed 30c to 32c oats No 2 mixed J4e to 25e rye No 2 50c to 52c Detroit Cai tie 250 to 550 nogs f325 to 400 sheep 250 to 450 wheat No 2 07c to 50c corn No 2 veliow 31 r to 33c oats No 2 white 20c to 27c rye 50c to 51c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 08c to iOc eorn No 2 mixed 31e to 32c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c rye No 2 50c to 51 e clover seed 435 to S445 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring t4c to One corn No 3 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 24c to 20c rye No 1 49c to 51c harley No 2 44c to 40c pork mess 775 to 825 Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers 300 to 575 hogs common to choice 350 to 425 sheep fair to choice weth ers 350 to 500 lambs common to extra 500 to 000 New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 500 wheat No 2 red 75e to 70c corn yj 2 3Sc to 39c oats No 2 27c to 29c butter creamery 10c to 23c eggs West era 18c to 19c OCTOBER 27 1898 I STATE OP NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM i Mysterious Mnil Robbery Near Al liance Two Pouches Orc for Ln colntand One for Black jfiills Cut Open Amount Taken Unknown Mail Robbery Near Alliance A daring and mysterious railway rob bery at or near Alliance in the noitn west ern part of the state occurred Oct 15 Two letter pouches one destined for Lin coln on the east bound Burlington train the other for Black Hills and Montana points on the westbound were cut open and registered letters and packages of value taken The robberies were dis covered by the respective mail clerks after leaving Alliance who promptly notified Superintendent Butler at Lincoln The amount stolen is unknown but many letters were taken The postal author ities are at work on the case No suspicion attaches to the postal clerks Pound Guilty of Robbery Thejnost important case ever tried in Brown County and one which occupied the attention of the court a week was dis posed of when Ihe jury found Arthur Johnson guilty Johnson was charged with robbing the Elkhorn Railway depot at Johnstown Johnson is a grandson of Harrison Johnson who will be well re membered by the old residents of Ne braska He resided in Omaha and at one time was the owner of 103 acres where the court house now stands He wrote a his tory of Nebraska The jury recommended clemency aim Johnson was sentenced to eight years in the state penitentiary Just before the judge pronounced sentence Johnson fainted and it was an hour be fore ho sufficiently recovered to permit the court to continue Guardsmen Will Be Paid The members of the Nebraska National Cuard who went to Lincoln witli the First andSeeond regiments and who were re jected by the mustering officer are at last lo bs paid off An order has been issued by the governor appointing Adjutant General Barry as the paymaster lo pay ff these claims and it is expected that shortly after election ihe men will get their money The time put in by the men at the camp before they were rejected was about ten days each and the total amount of the claims so far is 5228 83 There are a few others lo come in which will run the amount up to fully 7000 Narrow Escape The eastbound freight which was wrecked by a broken rail about two and a half miles west of Wahoo recently was re moved and trains were soon running again Fourteen freight cars were off the track and six loaded wih grain were smashed into kindling wood The returning ex cursion train had a narrow escape having passed over the same track nor an hour oefore the freight The excursion train was heavily loaded with children relurn ig from the exposition No one was in iured in the freight wreck though a re port was out that three tramps were mxd p in the cars of grain Thieves at Columbus About 8 oclock the other evening dm the hour of services at the M tthodist Church at Columbus thieves entered the frontdoor of Ihe parsonage just at the renr of the church by the aid of a skeleton key and stole nearly everything in sight A new suit of clothes an overcoat a mack i tosh about 7 in cash all of the table niL erware jewelry and other valuables including Rev Mickles Union Pacific half fare permit The total loss is nearly 5100 Loses a Leg Mr Haley a brother of E V Raley an old settler of Crete while crossing the B M tracks in that city was struck by a freight car on the switch The car ran over the mans leg terribly lacerating the member Amputation was necessary Mr Raley came from Illinois only two days before on bis first visit to the west ami had just returned from a days sight seeing at the Omaha exposition when the accident occurred Body of Unknown Man Found The body of an unknown man was found beside the 13 and M tracks a few mile from Fainmry Fiom the evidence before ihe coroners jiry it appears he climbed u the trucks of the west bouid iram at Kesterson two miles east of where he was mind Deceased had been working with Jautpbell Bros circus His name is nn tuowu as he signed the circus pay roll with the nickname of Whiskers Dedication of Mechanics Hall The formal opening of the new Mechan es Hall atiheSate University will occur i iday October 28 The exercises- during he day will be at the uuiveisity ami in Lie evening at the Oliver Theater Go iloicoiub AssiMaiu Secretary of War Meifvlejohu ihe faculty of the university and a lTumber of othei prominent of the stae will participate Found Dead Jans Mickelson ho has lived alone in a small house at Nebraska City for many jvars past was found dead in bed Heath ippareutly resulted from an attack of paraiys s An iuqieoL wa deenu 1 Caught by a Confidence Man Emil Wiese and Hans Boeltger of Hen nington attended the exposition at Omaha and as a result of their experience with a conlideuce man they are a watch and 8 Hach wiser Ponca Woman Suicides The wife of George Geddes who lives seven miles west of Ponca took a large dose of strychnine and died in coiivuImoiis an hour She had been despondent for some time Hurt in Foot Ball Game Arthur Campbell sou of Mr ami Mis J A Campbell of Hastings had his rgnt arm broken just ab vo he wrist whilj olaying a game of toot ball V A Freight Depot Hunted Flames were se u insuring from the E M freight dpol at Kearney a few mornings since and before lire alarm could be turned in ill enirebuilding was on lire Just how the tire started is a mystery as no one had been around the building for several hours and there was but a small lire in the stove The building and contents arc a complete loss and it is one of the most disastrous fires which has occurred in Kearney ior some time Just what the liss is cannot be ascer tained but there was a fresh and com plete stock of goods in tire building that had just arrived for a new department store Several cars of freight standing on the track were also damaged some One belonging to William Keller loaded with celery was considerable damaged by smoke but the cars were not burned The coal office of the Kearney Coal Company located near theburned building was also slightly scorched but nothing was se riously burned but the depot The build ing was erected about 1830 3Iatrimonial Infelicity Attachments were issued at Fremont a few days since against the property of Dr J T Clark The doctor who has been a sirccessful dentist there left town sudden- j ly leaving a portion of his goods and a few small debts behind His wife is in Kansas while the doctor is supposed to be in Chicago It is reported that the doctor was too intimate with the wife of a rail road man and on being found out was given twenty four hours by the injured husband to make himself scarce The railroad mans wife left about the same time and it is thought she may have gone with the doctor or arranged to meet htm somewhere The railroad man lias started on the trail of the dentist Must Sign the Certillcate r Judge Letten of Beatrice has handed down his decision in the application of W H Harris of Crete for a mandamus com pelling G E Emery float representative committeeman from Gage County to sign a certificate of the nomination of W S Grafton for float representative He grants the writ Leave to file a motion for a re hearing was granted and the issues will bo made up and the case taken to the su preme court The only ruling favoring the defendant was on the point of the right of Chairman Grant to vote wnen tie was claimed Makes Serious Charges Herman Aussel a German farmer living in Cuming County went to Stanton a day or two ago and entered formal complaint acainst Herman Hendricks and Henry Wragge charging them with getting him drunk on alcohol and then relieving him of a note for 9253 and 735 in cash and smeared his face and boly with pine tar The note was one given to Aussel by Hen dricks and the object of his visit was to attempt lo collect the amount Aussel shows bad treatment and the arrest of Hendricks and Wragge will follow Nebraska Bank Closed National Bank Examiner Whitemore tei emaphed the comptroller of the currency October 10 that he had closed the First National Bank of Neligh It reported September 2D 1338 Capital stock 50 000 surplus 3037 due to depositors 108055 bor owed money 10000 circu lation 11263 total resources 183243 A noiice posted on the door of the institution stated that it had closed pending an ex amination and that it would resume busi ness again Burglars Frightened Away An attempt was made at Brady Island the otfier night to gain tutranee to the general ineicliaudise store Ol D II Eavey in which ihe postoffice is located by re moving the screen and glass fiom a win dow at the rear of the slore The noise aroused Willard and Walter two sons of the proprietor who sleep in the store and the burglar evidently a novee was frightened away by two shots neither of which took effect Suspicion points to tramps Still a Mystery The indentily of the dead Irdy found east of Wymore over a week ago still re mains a mystery and notwithstanding the fact that efforts are being made to com municate with people mentioned in letters found a few yards from the body all at tempts so far have been in vain This case will probably remain unsolved along with a iong list of other deaths and mur ders which have occurred in Gage County and have never ben solved Burned to Death Samuel McDowell aged about 05 lived alone in a sod house on a small farm about live miles northwest of Bart ley The com bustible material of the house was con sumed by lire and the dead body was found under debris some distance from the position of the bed Incombustible material bad fallen upon the bead and part of the body and protected them fron the lire Found Dead Fred Curtis of the firm of F Curtis Jc Son real estate dealers and moneylenders of Fairmont was found dead in the street lie bait done his chores about the house and started out to look for some hogs that had gotten out of the pen He met several persons not thirty minutes before he was found dead Apoplexy is thought to have been the cause Catholic Knights The Catholic Knights of America held their state congress at Ilartington October 17 and 18 The session was interesting throughout there being delegates from all parts of the state present Joseph Rue sing of West Point was elected state pres ident for lie next two years The next biennial congress will be held at Graiu Island j Accidental Shooting While engaged in target practice at Tamora Dorr Brainerd accidently shot himself through the foot The attending physician dots not consider the wound dangerous Forgets Mis Board Bill Prof Corbit who went to Bancroft several days ago and billed himself as a clairvoyant left the Commercial Hotel for getting lo settle a board bill of several dollars - r -VI ATDIBER 40 One of the oilicers of the battleship Iowa tells of a thrillinfr scene which oc curred on its deck soon after Cerora mo his oilicers came aboard after th destruc tion of their squadron Captain Eulate had offered his sword to Captain Evan and ihe latter had returned it saying that he could uot accept it from so brave a man The party was invited down to the skippers cabin to take something As Eulate entered the companion way he stopped ani turned lifted his cap and ia a most dramatic way extended his arms and exclaimed Adois Vizcaya At that instant as if in response to his fare well there was a tremendous eruption from the burning cruiser and immediately after a deafening explosion One of rhe magazines had blown up Eulate buried his face in his hands and sobbed It was some moments before he recovered from his agitation After our regiment had marched seven mile toward Santiago writes a soldier wo were ordered to go into camp on ths crest of the high hill which overlooks the valley in front of San 7 nan We had scarcely pitched our little shelter tents when a fierce rainstorm came up It pour ed down in torrents I naturally supposed the soldiers would be disgusted tiiat tlj should happen just after their long tire some march but when the storm was at its highest I heard shouts of juy outside and I ventured to look from under the sheltering canvas to ee what the commo tion was about and there stood about naif of the regiment stark naked taking what thv called a hath and the harder it rain ed the more pleased they seemed Maj Smith looked out and could not resist the temptation and in a few minutes he too was enjoying a nice cool bath ass A correspondent who journeyed to San tiago on the transports with the regular- and the volunteers who set sail from Tampa describes the way in which tha men whiled away the time At nigitf hs chief occupation was singing He says that if you want several hundred or lOUC men to sing one sing that song must btj either a hymn a Sunday school song or The Suwanee Itiver Almost every man in the fleet could sing the first verse of America Nearly all could sing the first verse and chorus of Suwanee River But when the leading singer started up Kock of Ages Hold the Fort Just as I Am Without One Plea or Je sus Loves Even Me nearly every man on the ship would lift up his voice and sing the song with vigor fervor and degh o V The Wasp which goes to the naval re serves at Chicago was the first vessel to enter the harbor of Ponce and Midship man Curtln the graadnephew Curtin of Pennsylvania went ashore and demanded the surrender of the place in a most audacious manner He acted as i he had a fleet of battleships instead of the lit tie yacht behind him The com mandant replied that he was only a sub ordinate otlicer and was not authorized to surrender T- boss was up at tlu eiry three miles away Get him on the tele ohonc roared the mldshipmife and tell him that if he does not surrender in hair an hour Ill bombard the town It wa ucky for rhe Wasp and particularly fo roung Curtin that the rest or the flee irrived very soon A soldier at Montauk Point graey rc lited the following incident as an illustra Jon ot the terrific heat during rhe summer it Tampa fie said that the company that he belonged to was ou the tiring rauze going through their regular target prac tice and although every one took the greatest possible care with his aiming and the company he belonged to was rhe best shooting company of the regimen tv every shot missed the target The cautaiit could not make it out so he ordered the bugler to sound cease tiring and was walking up to the targets to x e what was wrong when about half way up the rang ae saw a great stream of molten lead The sun was so hot that it had melted the bul ets bf fore they could reach the targe RTlHEfl rvy mm fW Dwighx Moody the evangelist is tUl to lave received SI 250000 for his gospel aymns ongressman William Alden Smith of Mchigan wast newsboy ia Grand Itapids ly twenty year- ago General E H Hobson the piesdent of the Wix rans of the M ext ra n War served aiso in rhe civil war Miss Hath White of San Francisco w said to be jv so striking a resemblance to the Liberty on tire new dimes that her Iriends her the model The death of Byard recalls the fact that he and hs father were the two Sena ors fron Delaware just after the close jf the civil war This i a political fact virhout a para He Mss Mary French McKay has become oromineut in Denver by elaimiug to be the er woman fencer in the world and of fers lo prove her title anywhere and at my ine Jean Francois Millet fiis who is now Iraveiiug ia America has said that what mpressed him most ia this country i j the- iiisz vent ration ia which his father3 work is held