Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 20, 1898, Image 11

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    t V
sr nanp
If it was only health we
might let it cling
But it is a cough One cold
no sooner passes off before
another comes But its the
same old cough all the time
And its the same old story
too There is first the cold
then the cough then pneu
monia or consumption with the
long sickness and life tremb
ling in the balance
JflHrO M Jft IF 3
loosens the grasp of your cough
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is removed all in
flammation is subdued the
parts are put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away It
has no diseased tissues on
which to hang
Dn Ayers
Cherry Pectoral
draws out inflammation of the
Advlco Fpocm
Remember we have a Medical Depart
ment If you have any complaint what
ever and desire the best medical advice
you can possibly obtain write the
doctor freely You will receive a
promptreply without cogt
Address DR J C ATER
Lowell Mass
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Si rup
Co only and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co
only a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Sykup Co with the medi
cal profession and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy It is
far in advance of all other laxatives
as it acts on the kidneys liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them and it does not gripe nor
nauseate In order to get its beneficial
effects please remember the name of
the Company
A Natural Black is Produced by
Buckinghams DyevS
50 etc of druggists or RPHatlfic Co NashuaNH
UtAtiTFIl Complete Out
HftniLUnt best Roods
grown Good waves paid
weeklv Farm Seeds sell
by sample on sight Minnesota Trees
Plants Flowers etc Good salesmen make
Big Money For particulars write at once
Get Your Pension
Write Ctt OFAEEELL Pension AgDntWasMagtoa DC
f fa 1 to 6 dj I
A Ounnteed j
f Cbtl not to stricture
IrslPrtTcaU cetUfioB
V cmctxiuno
v v u s a y r
JJo Big 6 for unnatural
diicharces inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranes
ratmeia and not
iTHeEvmsCheUICALCo ent or poisonous
Sold fcy Irafftfsts
or sent in plain wrapper
by expresi prepaid for
100 or 3 bottles 275
Circular sent on request
Best Cough Syrup TaatesGooa TJso
in time Sold by druggists
Training the Children
John said Mrs Wisely to her liege
lord the other evening I want to have
a very frank talk with you Do you
realize thit the boys are old enough
now to observe and are beginning to
form their characters
Of course I do Great boys
Yes and we want them to be great
men They naturally look tip to you
John more than to anybody else For
their sakes you must be careful in
what you do and say You fell over a
chair the other day and used some very
improper language I heard Willie re
peat it when he stubbed his toe in the
back yard
The little rascal lie didnt
chuckled the father
Yes John and they pretend to smoke
cigars and pour drinks from an imagin
ary decanter Cant you set them a bet
ter example
Say little one I heard Amy playing
keep house one afternoon lately When
callers were announced she sent nut
word that she was not at home When
she did consent to receive anyone she
combed them down to beat the band be
fore they were admitted One was an
old frump another was an intolerable
bore and a third better a good deal be
at home cleaning house or looking after
her children You couldnt have dune it
better yourself
I see what you mean sir No use of
rubbing it in But wait dear in a
softer voice lets both do better Its
for their sakes you know
Ill go you and they shook hands
As John left that evening he slipped
up on the front steps and made the air
blue Around the corner he lit his
cigar Mrs Wisely had some animated
gossip with a neighbor And yet the
children seem to thrive Detroit Free
Wheat 2 a Bushel
Some farmers are holding their wheat
because they think the price will go to 2
a bushel The price however may go
down and thus great losses will follow In
all matters delays are dangerous particu
larly so in sickness At the Grst sign of
biliousness dyspepsia indigestion or con
stipation cure yourself with Hostetters
Stomach Bitters
Is That It
Little Edward Tapa why do they
call those funny looking two wheeled
carriages hansoms
Tapa I think its because it takes
some hansome balancing on the part
of the drivers to keep from tipping
the horses up in the air
28 Summer Ave
Newark N J May 24 1S96
The Piso Company Warren Pa
Gentlemen Pisos Cure for Consump
tion was recommended to my mother by
ti friend and I got it although not hav
ing much faith in patent medicines For
over thirty years mother has had a most
racking cough whenever she takes the
least cold and no medicines have ever
teen able to touch it She took your
medicine two days and her cough stopped
entirely has not even had a hacking since
and she sleeps better and feels better
than she has in years I want to tender
you my most grateful thanks We shall
never be without Pisos Cure for Con
sumption in the house Respectfully
Snagsby is the most devoted golt
man I ever met The only meat he
eats is sausage
Xo links Cleveland Plain Dealer
The Fields of Sport
From the fields of sport we go to bed
and get up full of pains and aches The
next night by the use of St Jacobs Oil
we are soothed to sleep and get up
The King of Siam has a bodyguard of
female warriors i e 400 girls chosen
from among the strongest and hand
somest of all tin ladies in his land
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
The excavations in progress for the
home of Gautama Buddha have
brought to light buildings more ancient
than any yet found in India
Whats the best disinfectant sod remedy for skin Irri
tations and defects Glenns Sulphur Soap
Hills Hair and Whisker Dye black or brown 53c
Kind words prevent a good deal of
that perverseness which rough and im
perious usage often produces in gener
ous minds Locke
31 rs WlnfllowH Boothino Sybtjp for Children
teething softens the gums reauces inflammation
allays pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
When we advance a little into life we
find that the tougue of man creates
nearly all the mischief in the world
Iaxton lined
WANTED Caseof bad health that
not bcneilt Send 5 cents to Rlpans Chemical Co
New York for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials
England has about 150 packs of fox
hounds and about 15000 horses are
kept specially for fox hunting
The Fall
With its sudden changes its hot days and
chilly nights dampness and decaying veg
etation is peculiarly trying to the health
A good Fall Medicine is as important and
beneficial as Spring Medicine Hoods
Sarsaparilla keeps the blood pure wards
off malaria creates a good appetite gives
refreshing sleep and maintains the health
tone through this trying season
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Is Americas Greatest Medicine
Hoods Pills cure all liver ills 25 cents
A Fair Face Cannot Atone for
An Untidy House
ri Use
Whats a wife when a man can af
ford to own a good dog
A man generally wears his first dress
suit about the way he carries his firsl
The more trust a good woman puts
In a man the more she will generally
find in him to trust
If the women get to working in Chris
tian Science on love affairs there wont
be any hope for the men
Women are better than men are
Men very seldom love their enemies
but women most always kiss them
When a girl tells another girl that she
is engaged to two men at once she tries
to talk in a hushed subterranean voice
You can always tell from the outside
of a house which is the spare bedroom
by the way the window curtains ar6
fixed up
A married woman is probably anx
ious to get all the girls she knows mar
ried off so the man cant teach them to
crow over her
The mission school habit is probably
the strongest while it lasts but the
sachet habit makes a giiTs family a lot
more uncomfortable
The reason why it takes a woman sc
long to make up her mind is because
she wants to think up all the ways she
can possibly change it
A woman has to have a lot more pa
tience to let the cat in and out than she
has for her husband because if she
didnt it would leave her
if the average man were as brave
and handsome as his wife believes he
is he would probably have married
some other better looking woman
Built for Use Against the English
During the Boer War
This says the Wide World Magazine
represents a cannon made by the Boers
for use against the English during the
Boer war The intelligent looking gen
tleman standing beside the field gun
is the sole inventor and maker of this
not too deadly weapon It is composed
of ordinary tire iron such as is used
to day for the huge wheels of Boer trek
wagons and even the imposing look
ing carriage upon which the gun is
mounted is nothing more than the after
part of a cumbrous bullock wagon
Machine Especially Designed for Gen
eral Physical Training
A machine especially designed for
aquatic and general physical training
but which is also finely adapted to road
and track work is soon to be exhibited
by an eastern company under the di
rection of which it has been construct
ed In effect this new apparatus for
gymnasium and road use is a bicycle
and rowing machine combined As the
accompanying illustration indicates the
machine is propelled by oarlike attach-
ments It is propelled steered brake
applied gearing changed and bell rung
all without changing position of the
Most Renowned Pianists
vomou hiive divided with the men
almost equally the honors of excellence
ns soloists on the piano violin and oth
er instruments Among the men the
greatest names are Thalberg Henselt
Mayor Dreyshock Heller Litolff Kul
lak Hans von Bulow Hans von Bron
sart Taiisig Bendel Schulhoff Scholtz
and Brassin Among the ladies are to
be found Theresa Milanollo Wilhel
minc Neruda Teresina Tua Arma
Sonkrah Wilhelmine Szavardi Clara
Schumaun Mary KreVs Engeborg
Brousart Anna Mchlig Sophie Mentor
Arabella Godtlard Marie Wieck An
nette Kssipoff Vera Timanoff Mar
garethe llerr Stern Laura Itappoldi
and Martha llemmert The leading
piano artist of the present day is Pa
derewski who undoubtedly stands at
the head After one name of acknowl
edged excellence is mentioned the num
ber of those who stand second Is so
great that discrimination might prob
ably be unfair
The man who invented advice never
intended that any one should take it
This was not in the specifications
Whose duty is it ait yonr house to put
I down the windows when it rains
Gratifying Letters to Mrs Pink
ham From Happy Women
I Owe Von My tifo
Mrs E Woolhiser
Mills Neb writes
Dear Mrs Pinkham I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound The
doctors said I had consumption and
nothing could be done for me My
menstruation had stopped and they
said my blood was turning- to water I
had several doctors They all said I
could not live Ibegan the use of Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
and it helped me right away menses
returned and I have gained in weight
I have better health than I have had for
years It is wonderful what your Com
pound has done for me
I Feel Like a Noxv Person
Mrs Gno Leach
1609 Belle St Alton 111 writes
Before I began totake your Vege
table Compound I was a great sufferer
from womb trouble Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month
causing me to be so weak I could not
stand I could neither sleep nor eat and
looked so badly my friends hardly
knew me
I took doctors medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it My drug
gist gave me one of your little books
and after reading it I decided to try
Xydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound I feel like a new person I
would not give your Compound for all
the doctors medicine in the world I
can not praise it enough -
And why did you not take a drink
asked the aid
Because replied Cervera he of
fered it to me from a bottle New
York Evening Journal
The Lions Petition
Sultan Muley Abderrahman of Mor
occo was very fond of wild animals
and had coolness of nerve in dealing
with them He was one day passing
through the court of the palace mount
ed on a magnificent white charger
when a lion which he had been in the
habit of caressing sprang up the side
of the horse and placed his paws upon
the sultans knee
The horse wild with fear snorted
and reared and the sultan held him
In with a firm hand Those who saw
him say that he was not in the least
disturbed He put his hand on the
lions head and stroked it Then he
turned to the chief officer of the court
and asked
How many pounds of meat are given
to this lion daily
The officer told him the quantity
Let the lion have ten more pounds
said his majesty and the beast as if
an actual petition had been granted
withdrew from the horses side and lay
down again quite pacified
These animals said the master of
the horse understand what is spoken
although they have not the power of
speech to tell what they want
Mashallah gravely responded an
other Youths Companion
An Accommodating Girl
He Oh wad some power the giftie
gie us to see ourselves as others see
She Here Fido Fido Fido I I won
der where that doggie is
He Why do you want the homely
little wretch in here
She I merely wished to give you a
chance to see yourself as others see
you Cleveland Leader
Frances Harry says he just wants
to fall down and worship me all the
Her Mamma Oh well dont mind
that dear After youre married he
wont let it interfere with his busi
Not Professional i
When tney had the colllflloa on tHC
river that fellow Tape the golfce court
lawyer absolutely refused to help get
the water out of the yacht
What was the reason r
He said he never bailed anything
without being paid for it Cleveland
Plain Dealer
The Most Common of All
The most common of all ailments
from sports of all kinds are sprains and
bruises The most common and surest
cure of them Is by the use of St Jacobs
Oil which Is prompt in its action
Hard at It
Hey there cried the policeman
your lights out
I know it yelled the fleeting bi
cyclist Oils all gone and Im trying
to light out too Philadelphia North
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
t J J OWhK boston Mass
1 S C N U
HTHOSE who subscribe at once for the 1899 volume will
receive Free all the November and December issues
from the time of subscription to January 1 1899 includ
ing the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers Among the
many famous contributors to these issues will be
Rudyard Kipling
W D Howeiise
Lillian Nordica
Nov 10th issue The Burning
of the Sarah Sands Tha
story of a hero
Dec 1st issue The Water
melon Patch A story of fruit
loving boys
Dec d issue Incidents In a
Singers Wfe An American
prima donnas trials and triumphs
volume for 1899 will be the best THE COMPANION has ever published Each of the 52 weekly issues will
contain half a dozen delightful stories besides articles of rare interest Famous soldiers sailors statesmen
scholars and story writers will give their best work to readers of THE COMPANION
A Cose in Point
Who says the Spaniards are poor
Who says it Everybody says it
Theyve proved it themselves havent
Oh I don t know Cervera seems
to have made a hit with the officer
who ds in charge of the United States
naval academy all right Cleveland
Autumn Excursions to Hot Springs
South Dakota
October 4
October II
October 18
October 25
at 1480 for the round trip from Sioux
City For particulars address
H C Ciieynky General Agent
Sioux City Iowa
Gunpowder is said 10 nave been first
compounded by Schwartz about 1320
Many authorities maintain that it was
known earlier but have no trustworthy
data in confirmation of their claims
A Short FiRht
The damp of autumn nights and
mornings stirs up Sciatica and then
comes a tug of pain Use St Jacobs Oil
and then comes a tug to cure it It is a
short fight and the cure is sure
Australian savages eat the green ants
raw They stamp upon an ant hill un
til the ants run up their legs when they
scrape them off as fast as they come up
and transfer them to their mouths
DEAR EDITOR If you know of a solici
tor or canvasser in your city or elsewhere
especially a man who has solicited for sub
scriptions insurance nursery stock books
or tailoring or a man who can sell goods
you will confer a favor by teliiug him to
correspond with us or if you will insert
this notice in your paper and such parties
will cue this notice out and mail to us we
may be able to furnish them a good posi
tion in their own aud adjoining counties
The hat worn by Napoleon Bonaparte
at the battle of Eylau was sold in Paris
in 1S35 for 400 It was put up for sale
at 100 and there were thirty two bid
Tor lung and chest diseases Pisos Cure
is the best medicine we have used Mrs
7 L Northcott Windsor Ont Canada
If dreams are of no earthly use they
at least dont bother a man when hes
busy - - -
NEW SUBSCRIBERS who will cut out and send thi3 slip with name and addres3 and gl75 at once will
receive THK COMPAXiorr every week from the first November issue until January ttC0
FItEE All the November and December issues of 1898 Inclusive of the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers
FREE The exquisite Companion Calendar for 1899 richer and costlier than any of the famous Companion
Calendars of former years Designed and lithographed in twelve colors exclusively for Tas
Companion A charming ornament for the home
AND THE COMPANION for the 52 weeks of 1809 a library In Itself ji 73
Illustrated Announcement and Sample Copies Free
1 fiyLKr
The Best
Saddle Coat
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry In the hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
it Is entirely new If not for sale in
your town write for catalogue to
The Youth
43 98
S isf i m
Better than Gold
and better than any other chewing tobacco ever
made YUU are not obliged to dig tor it
1 he Ju cent piece oi
jt v a m m
is the largest piece of really high grade tobacco
and you can get it anywhere in the United States
W FAnoiUfil -
isii30r m mux
when you My again