Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 20, 1898, Image 1

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Elaborate Arrangement Made by the
Conspirators to Assassinate Mon
archs ol Italy and Germany Fire
in a Pan a Mine
To Kill Kaiser and King
The Alexandria correspondent of the
London Daily Mail telegraphing regard
ing the anarchist plot against Emperor
William which was discovered on Friday
The plot against the kaiser is hourly
proving more important each arrest
closing new ramifications The docu
ments found disclose a plot to kill King
Humbert already well matured Fifteen
persons all Italians have been arrested
The oiiginal plan was to throw a bomb of
guncotton and fulminate of mercury on
Emperor Williams carriage in a narrow
street of Cairo When the Egyptian trip
was abandoned elaborate arrangements
were made by the conspirators to send
a confederate to Jerusalem to carry out
the plot during the dedication of the Ger
man Church of Our Redeemer
Started by an Explosion Negro
Workmens Close Call
A bad fire is burning in Pan a Coal Com
panys shaft No 1 atPana 311 It was
started by an explosion of gas in the north
at noon Sunday and so far it has been
impossible for the company to extinguish
it When the explosion occurred there
weie about forty negioes at work in ad
joining chambers under Pit Boss Ben
Franklin Some of them were knocked
down They made their way to the ele
vator and were hoisted to the surface It
was then discovered that one man was
missing He was in the passageway where
the explosion occurred but was not in
y jured A mule which he was driving was
severely shocked It is thought the lamp
Jae wore on his hat ignited the gas and
this started the fire
Sunday evening John Hawking a ne
gro miner employed at Pana shaft No 1
fatally shot Isaiah Ross also colored as
the result of an all day quarrel The
shooting occuned in the companys office
where Ross sought safety and was done
with a Springfield rifle a number of which
the company kept there to arm the negroes
in case the strikers should attack the shaft
Maj Butler commanding the militia will
disarm the negioes
Free Fight Results in the Death of
Sergeant Heise
Saturday a number of volunteers and
regulars at Camp Shipp Anniston Ala
became engaged in a free fight and the
Thud Tennessee volunteers piovost guard
was summoned One of the guards whose
name has not been learned fired a shot
from his Springfield The bullet crashed
through the brain of Sergeant Heise
Company F Second infantry regulars
killing him instantly It then cut off the
thumb of Coiporal Conroy of the same
company It next shattered the arm of
Private A R Giffen Company C Third
Tennessee and finally lodged in the
shoulder of Private Oliver Shepperd
Company F Second infantry Heise who
was killed went through the Santiago
campaign and was promoted from private
to sergeant for bravery shown in the
charge up San Juan hill
Steamer Colby Collides with and
Sinks the Schooner Nassua
Capt John T Nagle of Toledo Ohio
received a dispatch Saturday from the
captain of his tug Saugatuk stating that
the steamer Colby had collided with and
sunk the schooner Nassau at the mouth of
the Detroit River The Colby was bound
up liver and the Nassau was headed for
Buffalo with a cargo of wheat The crew
of the Nassau was saved by the Saugatuk
The schooner was struck near the bow
The dispatch stated that a misunderstand
ing of signals caused the trouble The
loss will reach nearly 50000 on the
schooner and it is understood the Colby is
badly injured in the forward parts No
one was killed
Brewery Deal
The prospects are that the big deal
Whereby an English syndicate is to se
cure through purchase possession of the
Cincinnati breweries will be completed
some time during the present week All
of the preliminaries have been arranged
but there is yet some difference between
the syndicate and Lion and Horancourt
breweries It is understood that the dif
ference is in regard to the price but it
will be adjusted satisfactory before
inany days have elapsed
Gen Lees Wife Very 111
Gen Fitzhugh Lee telegraphed Gen
Greene in Washington Sunday that the
condition of Mrs Lee was so critical that
be could not talk business He asked Gen
Jlreene to take command of the First
vision Seventh corps and Greene left
Washington Sunday for that duty
Explosion of Gas in a Colliery Near
Tamaqua Pa
Five men were killed and eleven injured
by an explosion of gas Thursday after
noon in Collery No 8 at Coal Dale near
Tamaqua Fla A fire originated in the
mine some months ago and shifts of men
were put to work driving holes from the
gangway through which water was to be
forced upon the flames While the men
were building a dam to back up the water
the gangway caught fire Nearly 500000
gallons were turned into the holes and
almost instantly a terrific explosion oc
curred followed in quick succession by
four lighter explosions of such force that
the gangway was torn up for over 300 feet
and the workmen were blown about in all
directions Rescue gangs were put to
work and an hour later it was thought
that all the dead and injured had been
To Be the Third Power on Sea
When Vessels Are Completed
The remarkable rapidity with which
the naval power of the United States is
being increased at the present time
may be realized when it is stated
fifty five war vessels are now under con
tract for the government and the ag
giegate tonnage far exceeds that of the
vessels building at any one time in the
civil war This vast construction pro
gramme which excites more attention
abroad than at home has been authorized
gradually by congress until the vessels
soon to be completed will place the United
States third in the rank among sea pow
United States Then to Take Formal
Possession ol Porto Rico
Gen Brooke telegraphs the war depart
ment from San Juan Porto Rico that the
evacuation commission has notified the
Spanish commander that the United
States would take formal possession of the
island October IS that the latter had as
sented to the arrangement saying they
expect to have all the Spanish troops out
of the island by that date IC not they
will concede possession The joint evac
uation commission has completed its work
and adjourned finally The United States
troops will enter San Juan and hoist the
American flag on that dale
Lieut Col AVi throw Accused of
Gross Misconduct
Charges of a very sensational and se
rious nature have been preferred against
Lieut Col C L Withrow of the Tenth
immuncs at Lexington Conduct unbe
coming an oflicer is the general charge
and the specifications include habitual
drunkenness and negro cohabitation He
is accused of frequently having fired his
pistol in the middle of the night while in
toxicated thus disturbing the camp It is
thought he will be tried by the court mar
tial now in session Col Withrow re
cently married a prominent Brooklyn so
ciety lady
Owego N Y Bank Closes
Charles G Dawes comptroller of the
currency on Saturday wired the cashier
of the Tioga National Bank of Owego N
Y of which Senator Thomas C Piatt is
president to close the doors of that insti
tution receiving no more deposits and
transacting no more business The recent
examination by Examiner Van Brooklyn
disclosed a large defalcation on the part
of E i W Stone the assistant cashier of
the bank
Haywood Waives Examination
Benjamin J Haywood former state
treasurer of Pennsylvania waived a hear
ing at Philadelphia on the charge of con
spiracy with United States Senator Quay
Richard S Quay and Charles McKee of
Pittsburg to misuse the funds of the state
on deposit in the Bank of Philadelphia
Mr Haywood gave bail in the sum of 5
000 David H Lane a leading Republican
politician becoming his security
Kansas City Gets the Penant
The Western League base ball cham
pionship has been awarded to Kansas City
by the magnates of the league who as
sembled in Chicago to wind up the years
business Indianapolis claims to the
championship were considered but did
not meet with the approval of the execu
tive board
Can Use the Volunteers
Adjutant General Corbin says regard
ing the request of Governor Tanner that
the Fifth Illinois regiment be placed at
his disposal that the regiment would be
ordered to assemble for the governors use
if it should be found necessary The men
are now on furlough
Death of a Venerable Minister
Rev Elmer Yocum died at his home in
lulbouine Wis Saturday aged 92 He
was one of the best known of all the min
isters in Wisconsin having preached in
every county in the slate to which he came
fifty years ago
Abolitionist Fairbanks Dead
Calvin Fairbanks the abolitionist is
dead at Angelica N Y aged 82 years
He was twice sentenced to prison in Ken
tucky for violation of the slave laws
Great Chilian Frauds
Frauds amounting to millions of dollars
have been discovered in the arsenal of
Chili Senor Navarre the chief account
ant has committed suicide
Gets Next Episcopal Council
San Francisco has been definitely se
lected as the next meeting place of the
Episcopal triennial council
Of the Fifty Passengers and a Crew
of ISO but Thirty One Escape
According to Reports Mrs John
Sherman Near Death
Shipwreck Off British Coast
The Atlantic Transport Companys
steamer Mohegan formerly the Cleopatra
of the Wilson Furness Leyland line
which left London for New York with
fifty passengers and a crew of 150 is
ashore off the Lizard between the Man
acles and the lowlands It appears thai
when the Mohegan struck a gale was
blowing and the sea was running high
Only thirly one have been saved
This intelligence was forwarded from the
coast guard by telephone to Falmouth
The steamer Mohegan then the Cleo
patra arrived in New York on August 11
last on her maiden trip from London She
is a single screw steel vessel of 4 510 tons
register 480 feet long by fifty two feel
beam and about thirty six feet in depth ol
hold Her commander is Capt Griffiths
commodore of the Atlantic transport fleet
She is one of the five vessels recently pur
chased from the Wilson
line by the Atlantic Transport Com
pany to replace the Mohawk Mobile
Massachusetts Michigan and Mississippi
which were sold to the United States gov
arnment to be used as transports
Britains Warlike Spirit Aroused
by Roseberys Speech
All England is ringing with warlike
spirit as the result of the speech of Lord
Rosebery leader of the liberal party and
Gladstones successor atEpeom He gave
defiance to the whole world aiming es
pecially at France and warned all nation
that Englands day of moderation and
conciliation at insults had passed Re
ferring to the situation at Fashoda wlieie
Maj Marchand had hoisted the French
flag and refused to get out Loid Rose
bery said the situation was critical and
ital to British interests
Wife of the Former Secretary of
State Stricken with Paralysis
Mrs Sherman wife of the former secre
tary of state John Sherman suffeied a
stroke of paralysis and now lies at her
home in Washington in a very critical
condition The stroke has affected her
entire right side and even in brief periods
of consciousness she is unable to speak
Mrs Shermans health always has been
exceptionally good and while she is well
advanced in yeais her physicians hold
out the hope that she may recover from
the present attack although they realize
that the chance is small
Military Plot Against Government
Officials Balked
It is announced that a military plot
against tho French government has been
discovered and thwarted The plotters
were to have taken action Sunday in the
absence of the minister of war
The Matin says the plot was not in favor
of the pretender to the throne but for the
purpose of changing certain officials of the
government without touching the pres
ident Premier Brisson promises to take
action in the matter
Hard Fighting Reported Between
Insurgent Factious
It is reported Macabulos chief of the
five northern provinces of the Philippines
has rebelled against Aguinaldo and that
hard fighting has taken place between the
two opposing factions It is understood
Spanish emissaries are undermining
Aguinaldos influence and trying to in
duce the natives to demand that Spain re
tain the Philippines
Double Chicago Hauging
George H II Jacks former chief oi
police of Muskegon Mich and John Dug
gan were hanged in Chicago Friday after
noon Jacks was executed for the murdei
f Andrew J McGhett an aged collectoi
for the purpose of robbery Duggan died
for the murder of Robert F Griggon a
saloonkeeper also for the purpose of rob
Me I n tyre Found Guilty
The navy department has made public
um findings of the courtmartial in the
case of Chaplain Mclntyre of tho battle
ship Oregon for criticising his superioi
officers in a lecture at Denver aud in inter
views He was found guilty aud sentenced
o be dismissed from the service
Early Snowfall in Chicago
Snow fell in Chicago for over an houi
Friday night It is the first this season
and the earliest is twenty six years A
gale accompanied the snowfall making
the navigation on Lake Michigan im
Classed as Privateers
The treasury department has been ad
vised that the governor general of the
Dutch East Indies has issued a proclama
tion that all American yachts having war
correspondents on board will be treated as
Is Over 100000 Short
A partial report by the expert who has
been examining the books of ex Tax Col
lector Keogh of Holyoke Mass shows a
probable shortage of 118000
JChe Largest Live Stock Exhibit
Ever Gathered Together
Abtfit 2000 animals comprise the live
stock show at the Trans Mississippi Ex
position at Omaha the largest number of
animals ever gathered together for show
purposes at any one time in the United
States The quality also is exceptionally
fine Tn this respect even the wonderful
display of the Worlds Fair is entirely out
Almost all of the exhibitors are owners
of large stock farms and the entries they
have made are the pick of their pets
Rarely has any one breeder bought more
than one variety The Ilolstein cattle
shown by W B Barney I W Chappell
and Stephens Son are attracting a great
deal of attention as are also the Red
Polled variety shown by S A Converse
J W Martin and McElvey Son There
area few exhibits from Canada in sheep
and swine that are somewhat different
from the varieties that aie so commor
with exhibitors from this country They
include a pen of Yorkshire hogs and a
couple of flocks of Lincoln and Cotswold
The 2600 head of stock include about
800 cattle 1000 swine 600 sheep and 20C
There are twelve varieties of cattle on
exhibit The display of Ilerefords is
especially line comprising nearly 200 head
mostly of a very high grade The ex
cellence of the display of Herefords is due
to two principal causes viz the prom
inence of the breed as a bief breed espe
cially in the west and the fact that the
American Hereford Cattle Breeders Asso
ciation have oifeied special premiums of
8000 in this breed All the principal
show herds are lepresented and nearly
every breeder of prominence In addition
large numbers of Holsteins Jerseys and
Shorthorns are shown
Fine specimens of the Poland China
Chester White and Yorkshire varieties of
swine are shown Among the 1000 head
are nine distinct breeds
Fourteen breeds of sheep are repre
sented the Lincolnshires Cotswolds and
Leicesters predominating Altogether
they number 600 head
The horses which number about 200
head comprise twelve separate breeds
among which are especially fine exhibits
of Clydesdales Percherons and Hackneys
A special feature is to be made of saddle
horses during the week of October 10 15
and for this occasion almost all the lead
ing gait hor3es from Kentucky Tennes
see and Missouri liave been promised
This live stock show is without question
the finest that tias ever been brought to
gether both in numbers and in quality
and Superintendent Dinsmore who is in
charge of it and who has been connected
with most of the large shows previously
held in this country expresses the opinion
that it will be years and perhaps centuries
before such a largo collection of high grade
stock Is gathered together again Stock
men who fail to visit the live stock show
at Omaha which closes October 20 will
miss the chance of a lifetime
Apostolic Delegate to Cuba
Cardinal Gibbons who is in Washington
attending the meeting of the archbishops
at the Catholic University received a
cablegram from Rome Thursday announc
ing that the pope had appointed Arch
bishop Chappelle of New Orleans as apos
tolic delegate to Cuba Archbishop Chap
pelle is now at Rome
Disturbances in Morocco
Serious disturbances have taken place
in Taffit one of the great subdivisions of
Morocco and used as a place of banish
ment for political offenders A large body
of rioters captured an uncle of the sultan
and according to the latest advices re
ceived were attempting the sheriffian
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 600 hogs shipping grades
300 to 400 sheep fair to choice 250
to 475 wheat No 2 red 63c to 65c
corn No 2 20c to 30c oats No 2 21c
to 22c rye No 2 48c to 49c butter
choice creamery 19c to 20c eggs fresh
14c to 15c potatoes choice 25c to 35c
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
575 hogs choice light 300 to 400
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wfieat No 2 red 63c to 65c corn No
2 white 29c to 30c oats No 2 white 24c
to 25c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 575 hogs
350 to 400 sheep 350 to 475
wheat No 2 07c to 69c corn No 2
yellow 29e to 30c oats No 2 22c to 24c
rye No 2 46c to 48c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 66c to 6Sc corn No 2
mixed 30c to 32c oats No 2 mixed
23c to 25c rye No 2 49c to 51c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
325 to 400 sheep 250 to 450
wheat No 2 66c to 67c corn No 2
yellow 30c to 32c oats No 2 white 25c
to 27c rye 47c to 49c
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 65r to
66c corn No 2 mixed 30c to 32c oats
No 2 white 22c to 23c rye No 2 44c
to 46c clover seed 420 to 430
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 63c
to 64c corn No 3 29c to 31c oats No
2 white 23c to 26c rye No 1 48c to 49c
barley No 2 44c to 45c pork mess
750 to 775
Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers
300 to 575 hogs common to choice
350 to 400 sheep fair to choice weth
ers 350 to 500 lambs common to
extra 500 to 600
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 300 to 500
wheat No 2 red 73v to 75c corn No
2 86c to 37c oats No 2 26c to 28c
butter creamery 15c to 22c eggs West
ern 17c to 19c
Mr McKinley and Party Arrive in
the Exposition City and Are Greeted
by an Enormous Crowd Tlie Trir
Through Western States
Two hundred thousand citizens of the
transmissouri region welcomed President
McKinley to the Omaha peace jubilee
The enthusiasm of the greeting was wor
thy of the great West and the President
of the republic President McKinley was
profoundly impressed with the magnitude
of the demonstration He said as much in
words and more in actions for he made no
effort to conceal his pleasure From the
time the special bearing the distinguished
guest passed into the city until the Presi
denf entered his quarters for repose an
hour later he received a continual ovation
All ideas of confining the delighted peo
ple to the curbstones was abandoned be
fore the presidential party entered and
as it proceeded through the streets in ve
hicles the acclaiming multitude touched
the very wheels of the carriages and good
naturedly elbowed for room in which to
raise and wave flags and other emblems
of a national nature
It was a few minutes past 9 oclock
when the lieadlight of the presidential spe
cial glistened on the great bridge separat
ing Nebraska and Iowa The thousands
surrounding the station greeted the ap
pearance of the locomotive with shouts
prolonged The steam whistles and bells
of the city took up the acclaim and for a
few minutes the whole city resounded
with a perfect medley of discordant
sounds President McKinley was ready
to alight almost as the train came to a
halt and before the platoon of police could
press back the crowd which closed around
the presidential special The members of
the reception committee boarded the train
in Council Bluffs and to them the Presi
dent remarked upon the ease of the jour
ney adding Such a welcome would
make any one forget the fatigue of a
thousand such journeys
Second Train Arrives
Scarcely had greetings been exchanged
when the army and navy special arrived
The two trains had crossed the State
practically as two sections running the
last 100 miles almost in sight of each oth
er As the occupants of the two trains
mingled on the platform the reception
committee assigned the visitors to car
riages and the procession moved toward
the center of the city President McKin
ley Mayor Frank E Moores of Omaha
and President Wattles of the exposition
occupied the front carriages and others
spread out for a distance of several hun
dred yards King and 500
of his knights composing the secret enter
tainment organization of Omaha acted as
escorts to the President They formed a
cavalcade that added much to the beauty
of the procession The
knights formed into platoons as outriders
escorting each carriage in fours
Thus the procession passed north on
Tenth street to Farnain and west on Far
nam to the city hall where the distin
guished guests alighted to witness the fes
tivities of the evening Every turn of the
wheels gave the President new surprises
as to the magnitude and enthusiasm of
Omahas peace jubilee crowd The caval
cade only tried to keep the jubilant crowds
back six feet from the carriages of the
chief executive and his party but even
this was futile and the vehicles were im
peded in their progress by the weight of
human bodies When the army chiefs
vehicle passed the shouts and wild ac
claim of the crowd was scarcely less than
that with which the President was greet
Ovation Given the President by Peo
ple of Illinois and Iowa
Wherever the presidential train stopped
In Illinois and Iowa the demonstrations
were enthusiastic beyond precedent At
the stations through which the trains
rushed at full speed the enthusiasm was
not less evident but the people were com
pelled to content themselves with a cheer
and were rewarded by a wave of the hand
The presidential train arrived in Chi
cago about 7 oclock in the morning ovei
the Pennsylvania road and was swung
around to the Chicago and Northwestern
by the belt line The engine which pulled
the presidential train out of Chicago was
one of the most powerful ever made and
was bedecked with flags and bunting un
til it looked like a triumphal car
The Presidents journey through Illi
nois and Iowa was a continuous ovation
The first stop was made at Dekalb and
here the President spoke a few words in
response to the crowds enthusiastic wel
come At Clinton Iowa a great crowd
wns at the station when President Mc
Kinleys train rolled in Senator Allison
joined the presidential party here The
President appeared on the rear platform
and was received with tremendous cheers
The President left the train for the first
time at Cedar Rapids A platform elab
orately decorated stood near the track
and from here Mr McKinley delivered an
address which brought cheers from 10000
lusty throats
Waldron 111 Safe Is Blown Open and
Promissory notes some of them negotia
ble valued at 17000 and 50 in money
was the booty secured by expert robbers
who forced open the door of If Y Swans
office in the village of Waldron 111 and
blew open the safe with dynamite From
the skillful manner in which the work
was performed Chicago men are suspect
ed A hole was drilled in the safe door
and the combination blown out The
hinges were torn off Portions of a burg
lars kit were found on the floor with
some tools that had been taken from a
blacksmith shop close at hand forcibly
entered by the thieves
Northwestern Nebraska Association
Formed at Chaldron
The Northwestern Nebraska Sheep
Breeders and Wool Growers Association
has been formed in Chadron by tho prom
inent sheep men in that section of tha
state Similar associations are organized
all over the United States and work in
unison with the national association and
the state and county associations Tho
object of the organization is to promote
the interests of the wool growers of north
west Nebraska and for their protection
against fraud and swindles to prevent tho
stealing of sheep and to enforce the stock
laws of Nebraska The following officers
were elected by the association
President William Agnew
Vice president William J Darrow
Secretary J S Romine
Treasurer W W Wilson
Executive committee II M Wilson A
II Krout James B Parker U S Agnew
and William McGannon
Body Found at Wymore
While out hunting Joe Litty and lied
ley Wasi of Wymore discovered the badly
decomposed remains of a man in a field a
mile east of the city It is thought that
facts have developed which may yet lead
to the identification of the body Dur
ing the latter part of August a work
man employed on the 15 M found a
package of letters about 100 yards from
where the body was discovered and after
reading a few of them he tied them up and
placed them at the foot of a large tree and
when he learned the news of the discovery
of a body in that vicinity ho informed the
authorities of what lie had found and ac
companied them to where the letters were
The letters were addressed to James L
Priest Beatrice and one was from his
mother at Grand Inland Another letter
was from a brother in Omaha who said if
James would come to Omaha he would
see that he was taken care of and would
make arrangements whereby lie could take
treatment for the cure of the morphine
Freight Wreck on Union Pacific
The Union Pacific had an expensive
freight wreck eight miles north of Beatrice
Train No 55 was running at a high speed
when the engine ami eight cars loaded
with grain and mcichandise left the track
and were piled up in the creek and on tho
ight of way some of them being made
into kindling wood On the engine were
Engineer Charley Burt Fireman John
ITrozee and R A Lallen The engine
vas thrown from the track and went
plunging into the ditch without a seconds
warning and all three men miraculously
escaped injury except Burt whose shoul
ler was displaced Frozee was covered
with coal from the tender and had to dig
his way out Neither can tell how he got
Mysterious Disappearance
J 11 Wilkins a well-to-do German
farmer who has been living in Columbus
the last two years has mysteriously dis
appeared He was at a neighbors Sun
day morning only two blocks from home
and since leaving there nothing has been
heard from him He collected several
hundred dollars Saturday as rent from his
properly on Shell Creek and it has been
learned that he depositeil 100 in the Com
mercial Bank ne probably had t00 or
5800 with him Parties have been search
ing through tho coontiy but can find no
trace of him No cause can be assigned
Tor his leaving home He was about 55
years of age
Dies of His Injuries
Marion Waters a young man who was
thro jvn from a buggy and seriously in
jured at Plattsmouth died from his in
juries without having regained conscious
ness He was out riding with a lady
friend whom he took home about 9 oclock
He then started from Wintersteen Hill for
town The next known of Waters he was
found near the fuot of Wintersteen Hill in
an unconscious condition Waters skull
was fractured Some think he was slugged
while others think he fell out of thebuggy
while the horse was running down the
Kedaces Companies to 81 Men
Tho war department will conform to
the modified request of Governor flolcomb
in regard to the Nebraska regiments
Governor Holcomb suggests thattbe num
ber in each company of the First aud
Third regiments be reduced to the mini
mum of eighty one soldiers thus allowing
a number of discharges from both regi
ments This will keep both regiments in
the service The First Nebraska is at
Manila and the Third Col Bryans is at
Jail Delivery at Clay Center
A jail delivery occurred at Clay Center
a few nights since and Frank Denton and
John O Nelson are at liberty They
sawed their way out and evidently escapf
a hand car as the section honse a
broken open and the car gone These are
the same men who were captured at
Trumbull in the act of looting a store and
were filled with shotby Postmaster Elliott
Report from Col Bratt
Adjutant Barry is in receipt of a volu
minous report from Manila of the orders
given by Colonel Bratt during his incutn
bency of office The report gives a mltite
account of all orders and transactions be
ginning with May 10 at Camp Alvin
Saunders at Lincoln at tho last oxders
given August SI at Camp Bewey at
Soldiers Skull Fractured
Nelse Rassmussen of Cornpamy 31
Second Nebraska was seriously injured
it Chapman a few days since Eass
mussen was returning to Omaha and while
passing through Chapman had his head
ant of the window and was struck by the
point of the hook on the mail crane The
skull was fractured
Freight Wreck
A wreck occurred on the Union Pacific
recently between Beatrice at Pickrel
which resulted in seven cars going into
the ditch and being badly smashed No
one was hurt
Fatal Accident
Henry Watson was thrown from a horse
he was riding at Hemingford and instantly
Irillifl tho fll KraoLinff liie niinlr Wof
was 40 years of age and unmarried