- K 1 I i 1 fel 2 ft WBrlllNIIwyniriiiiiiiiiwiMmn ij iiii 111 iiiji - 1 11 u L in m y ili r 1 - A 1 1 y f j 1 y f i j lJb IyW JUSSS A M MORRISSEY ATTORNEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB C A Wells uy J B Wklls WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County Bank OWMOREY ttATOHMAKER - AND - JEWELEE Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods J S ESTABROOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E church V AKRNTINE NEB It Costs No More to become the possessor of a high grade reliable 0L Cloak than it does one of those ill fitting and cheaply made garments with which the country is flooded We Have Samples of srv yB3BxB iff PiEi gjgl More than 200 styles for Lacrcs and Chil dren from 400 up to 50 00 Label inside the collar its a guar antee of correct style peifect fit and superior finish youre buying the best that made a Cloak that graces and beautifies the figure as no other garment can Our reputation for handling the best of everything is emphatically or themselves It Tlmphpr thpir - - -- and Heually aimointed guardian Mimss hacaek A Plaiiitifis Herein men uieirieiiuuu m whj District Court or Cherry county Nebraska asainst said delendent James Adanison the object and of whieli was to foreclose a certain raortKae executed by the delendent to J M Thacher mw decwtsetl Said plaintiffs are the legal heirs of the said J M Thacher deceased upon nJS of the mva andtheswfiofthenwJi aim the nwji of the ne 20 r 2G to secure the pKyment of a certain nrotiilssory note dated April X ISO2 for the Mini of S200 due and payable April 25 IS03 Thatihereis now dpe upon said note and mortgage the sum of S OO and Intcrcst at to per cent trom April 23 18W FlaintifTs pniy for a decree that the defend cut be reinlrerf to pay the same or that said prcnilsesinay be sold to satisrr tbe amount You arereciuired to answer said petition on or before the lOlb day of October 1898 VifiOXSiAO TiiACUKuei el nyJWTPCKiiir xo ltotoUffe Attorney im WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT GOOD Editor and Publisher Official Taper of Cherry Jaun ty Nebraska 100 Per Year in Atlvanc PUBLIU1IED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subooribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full THIS AND THAT Comlnu invents Senaror Mntz Oct 2S Election Day Nov 8 District Court Nov 14 Fine line of hats at T C Hornbys Full line of school tablets at IMly creuV 34 Fine line of dried frwits at T C Hornbys 37 Senator Mufz speaks at Crookston October 5 Full supply ot hay grain and ieed at Pettycrews 34 Nothing has yet been heard of our runaway printer Arthur Bowring of Merriman was m town Tuesday Buy Chase and Sanborns coffee and tea at T C Hornbys 37 J E Burns was over from the Hose bud Indian schooWhis week 30 Aches of Corn for sale in the field Enquire at this office Frank Drayton went to Chicago Monday morning on business W It Paige of Chesterfield regis tered at the Donoher Tuesday T L Ackerman the well known Stanton drug man was in town yester day For Sale A first class 6 coiumn folio Adams hand cylinder newspa per press For Sale 41 head of calvesand 10 yearlings D Stinard Valentine Nebraska 37 Chas Bredeson was over from Rose bud Saturday and stayed in town un til Monday C M Sageser is in Omaha this week and Doc Johnson is running the barber shop J J Guth wife and son Feddy went to Omaha this week to take in the exposition The west bound passenger due here at 1233 yesterday morning did not arrive until 810 Once again we wish to call attention to the bad condition of the sidewalks on Main and Cherry streets Max E Viertel was down from Crookston last Saturday and made the purchase of a bill of lumber Prof R H Watson has beer very ill during the past week but is rapidly recovering his normal health Eastbound passenger No 4 on the F E is run in two sections east of Longpme every day this week Friends of reform report rousing meetings at Cody and Merriman when Senator Mutz spoke there L N Layporte wetit to Marshall town Iowa the first of the week to see his mother whose health is in a critical condition expressed m our uoaic department UnrAOP Wallincrforri a stock brand 0- -v f fy j i patron oi uns IUIUUV juiiiuiii rta - CXaiXlilie OUl VjrOOClST tending to business in Valentine the And you willlsecomc our customer QUALITY FIT and PRICE Are the features upon which we rely for business THE PED FRONT James Adamsna Hepiicfciif Will take notice that on the 30ih day of Aujst 1598 ViKfINIA G THACHKK VIKOIKIA H rHACHKU CvniAKINK WLTilACHKU aim l lTvir Thacakk A forepart of the week J W Burleigh and Geo Davisstock brand patrons of this paper were in from Simeon on business several days the forepart of the week Cal Francis has resumed his old po sition with Jim Ray this week and in tends holding it down through the winter and possibly longer David Ilendershott a prominent political worker of McCann precinct was at the hub Saturday and reports the good cause not waning About thirty five soldiers wives went to St fiouis to join their hus band i Monday evening A special car was provided for their accommo dation Will Morgarejdge makes a Very elliuient county superintendent Sev eral teachers look examination Satur day and several more will be in next Saturday Last Saturday was a busy day at the lumberyard of D S Ludwig that gentleman among other sales dispos ing of three top buggies one spring and two farm wagon Mr Wilson brother-in-law of John Shore was up from Kennedy last Sat urday and expressed himself as well pleased with Cherry county having just lately come here from Ohio Miss Fannie Clarke resigned Iter position in the Star Journal office last week and Tuesday left for Omaha to accept a good paying clerkship at the expDsitioD AmswotlU JotirasL iv- - - - S - aa - Ladies and gents summer shoes at coat at Petty crews - 3 A Farnliam Dikemau are working 1111 turn trripprv tiiiiiiiMK I J I IjtWV JjVWj ww F Fischer is improving his residence property by a large addition Born to Mrs Goldie Beed Tuesday morning a fine girl baby Mother and daughter doing well 2 democrat wagons and 1 spring wagon good as new for sale cheap 34 E Bkeuklandeb J J House II L Klein and Mrs A 15 Clark of KosebuU were in town Sunday and went east the next morn ing 1 A Simpson state examiner of county treasurers as in froai Dewey Lake Tuesday where he is hunting ducks On account of Prof Watsons illness our school notes are a minus quantity this week W S Barker wife and sister-in-law went to Omaha Tuesday morning to spend a week at the exposition and visit friends Capt R G Smithers of Denver arrived here Tuesday morning to as sume Command or Iiia troop now sta tioned at the fort J J Newberry F Mogle and Joseph Jackson were down from Cody yester day on land business Mr Newberry making final proof on his claim Judge Broady was up from Lincoln the first of the week looking up the records in the Morgaa case He feels confident that he can get Morgau out of the pen In the absence of the pastor of the M E church next Sunday Rev s W Ilolsclaw will occupy the pulpit in the morning and Rev James Johuson of Crookston in the evening Senator Mutz will speak in Crooks ton next Suturday evening October 15 He will be accompauied by the local candidates for ullice and a good audience should greet him iSeble Bros of the Danish Pioneer Omaha and A Neismann of Chicago arrived here last night and in company with M Christensen went tD the lakes this morbiug for a few days hunt 1 have a customer for 320 acres of good hay laud not necessarily to be in one bodv but in same neighborhood Write me fully 11 Glover 302 Karbach Block Omaha Nebraska Died at the residence of her son-in-law Frank Kletecka on Monday morning October 3 Mrs Mary Sed lacek Funeral services were held Monday afternoon by Rev O SBaker Twelve stock owner realizing the benefit of an advertisement have this week ordered their brands published in this paper Some of them appear this week and the balance will follow next week By the commissioners proceedings our readers will observe that the voters of Cherry county are again to express their wishes at the polls tins fall whether or no this county is to build a 12000 courthouse A II Metzger came up from his ranch Tuesdayand met his sister here The spent yesterday in town and this morning went to Omaha Both Mr Metzger and his sister are very pleas ant peopie and we were much pleased to meet them E F Warner alias Len Squires who stole a horse from C E Sherman about six weeks ago was captured at Columbus and brought here this week He will plead guilty to the charge and a special term of court will be held to try him next week M 1 nning steward at the hospital here during the past few years and a veteran of the Santiago campaign re turned from the east Sunday night and is quarlered at Fort Niobrara The steward lost about thirty pounds in weight during his absence Mrs Kissel sister of Mrs C P Ueebe and J M Lee died at her home in Cherry county on Wednesday Sept 28 Rev J W Pad en and J M Lee left for that place Tuesday Rev Paden will preach the funeral sermon Mrs Kissel was formerly a resident of Fremont Wahoo Democrat - A Benson from near Arabia was in Valentine on business last Saturday Mr Benson has just recently been in Wyoming where he made the purchase of a car load of cows to be placed on ranches in his community He left a stiver dollar at this office in payment uf a years subscription to this news and stock journal The democrats and populists of Valentine precinct have nominated the following ticket which we present for the careful consideration of roar readers Assessor E Breuklander justices of the peace Robert Good and J W Whillans constables II Zelian and I M Jones road overseer district 21 J Martin district 22 R Hansen A IT Metzger is gaining friends every day and his election to the com missionership from the west is practi cally assured The infamous canard circulated about him at the beginning of the campaign has been so thorough ly refuted that it now makes votes for him Mr Metzger will make a splen did commissioner and being acquaint ed with all sections of his district will give entiie satisfaction to his constitu ents We heard it snd that ho would not quality if elected but thiv is a mis take he will not only qualify but serve the people Vote for Metzgereconoroy and business y sL34 m A nOort Meetinjr When the chairman Robert Good called the meeting advertised for Mon dav night to order about 2oo people were present m Cornell Hall After explaining the absence of Senator Allen who missed connections at Nor folk the chairman introduced the Hon T Nolan of Omaha who was cordi ally greeted Mr olan began his talk in a very happy manner and said he regretted very much that Senator Allen was not present and compared himself to dust of the earth while Senator Allen was the big boy whom God made The first portion of his speech was devoted entirely to state issues and he showed conclusively the advantages of retain ing the present state government in power for another two years Ho re viewed the mismanagement of the re publican rule of state institutions and called Dorgan Moore MosherBartley et al the camp sutlers of politics1 who thrive off the weaknesses of the people with whom they deal He eulogized Senator Allen and advised all to vote solidly for our legislative ticket Com ing to national questions he illustrated the quantitative theory of money and denominated the gold bug bond holders people of all countries who have no country of their own His remarks were frequently greeted jvith applause State Senator Mutz being in the audience he was called upon for a few remarks and spoke briefly reserving himself for his meeting here on Oct 28 Judge Broady the brainy democrat and eminent attorney who gave Strode such a hot race for congress in the First district two years ago responded to a call from the chairman and sarcas tically scored the late unlamented re publican state government His witty and sarcastic references to the butter ine and passes campaign of the enemy were greeted with roars of applause and we never expect to hear butter ine spoken of again by a republican in this bailiwick Judge Broad- also touched upon the finance question and showed that his reputation for sound logic is well merited His speech clos ed a highly successful meeting Court Aotes Upon the request of the county at torney in the interests of our tax-payers Judge Westover has adjourned the fall term of district court from October 31 to November 14 Jury November 15 This throws court after election and gives our people a better opportunity to attend court as jurors and witnesses without incon venience too The list of jurors drawn for this term follows W H Wilkinson William Beemer J W Fiulayson Samuel Hudson Thomas Stansbie George Wheeler Charles Yingst Richard Grooms Henry Iloenig Dewey Kellog H M Cramer D A Piercy C W Manchester Allan Williams D D Dunn J B Stoll Reuben Kissel H Wallingford Thomas Hudson E W Mudge Frank Weeks Daniel Adamson C S Gould O W Ilahn Afraid ot Indians The cattlemen of the Western Dako ta ranges are becoming uneasy over the peculiar actions of the Indians in the stata and are protesting vigorously over the almost abandonment of the only aiilitary post where protection is afforded While these rumors may be idle still we cannot forget that these same idle rumors occurred just eight years ago and the inattention of the war depart ment resulted in a massacre of nearly fifty soldiers of the 7th cavalry at Wounded Knee Sturgis Press D C Nelson of Cody was in town on business this morning Mr Nelson has recently started in the merchan dise business at Cody and iniaddition handles feed grain and wire He also has lumber on the road which will be the nucleus of a first ciass lumber yard Mr Nelson was in this business several years at Ogden Iowa Cody has long needed a business of this na tore and we believe Mr Nelson will receive a good patronage The boys of the Twelfth Infantry who were left behind to look after Fort Niobrara when the regiment went to the front left for Jefferson Bar racks St Louis Mo Monday morn ing to join their regiment The regi ment property which was left behind was loaded during last week Captain Woods was in charge of the detach ment G W Wheeler was in town from Cody yesterday and ordered his new brand TCup inserted in this journal Mr Wheeler some time since sold all the cattle he had with the three half circles brand and has discontinued its use This office turned out some very neat job work for the Box T outfit this week All cattlemen should have stationery with their brand and loca tion thereon We do this work neatly and cheaply ard of Thanks To lli3 sympathizing friends who so klndlj as sisted its during the illness and burial of our be loved mother Mary Sedlacek we wish to extend our sincere thanks Makv Kletecka Fannib Skaks KllAJflC Skdlaceic Geohge SeiJlaokk Notice to Creditors In the County Court of J Cherry Conly f In the matter of the estate of leter Christenseu ilGCGilSCtl To the creditors of said estate Yen are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Valentine in said county on the 22d day of October 1898 ato oclock a m to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and al lowance The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is seven months from the 30th day of March A D 1808 and the time limited for navment of debts is one year from tiuid 30th dayof March 1S0 Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this 5th 3ay of October 1808 - W It Town E SEAlc County Judge CLOTHING SALE KHI aWTt - i X 9 It I f fci x s SiS Kl jlZ3 r 77 rrmrr m To make room for other goods we are going to close out all Mens Youths and Boys Clothing regardless of cost Davenport Thacher GENERAL MERCHANTS THE OLD TiME MERCHANT Doesnt care for large sales He wants large profits METHODS CHANGE Small profits and lots of em Thats what counts r SEE THE POINT If so for further particulars call on Kanch orders a specialty Fafllhani DlkemaH Victory We have won it by carrying the most complete stoek in tne county of Hats Caps Boots Shoes Clothing Mens Furnishings and Rubber Goods All Kinds All Prices Call and see the latest in Ladies Mackintoshes the Skirt Mackintosh D Stinard D S Ludwig VALENTINE DEALER IN LUMBERiiCOAI I also carry a complete stock of Buggies Harvesters Hay rakes Bicyclese tc In fact everything handled by first 3lass dealers WHEN IN NEED OP WHAT I CARRY CALL AND GET MY FIGURES And they will be so reasonable that our friendship shall never cease I most invariably hold such customers for my motto is low prices and big sales P O Parsons The AINS WORTH NEBRASKA Photographer tins reuted the k G Shaw Art Gallery in this City for one year and will be here i Druggist C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Mose3 building HOT AND 010 BATHS The OWL rom NOVEMBER 1ST TO 12TH First class Work la every rartlcular Guaranteed See Samples of Work at the Jcd Froi f Millinery and Ladies Furnishing G oods CALL AND GET PRICES West of Davenport Thachers CORA GILLETT Geo Elliott A stock of the finest Stationery Perfumes Toilet Soaps etc Wall Paper Paints Oils Varnish etc SALOON Golden Sheaf Pure White Eye Susquehanna Byeand Cedar Creek I ouisville Kentucky Bourbon Whisky Pure Grape Cognac Brandys Wines Toka A ngellicaPortSherry and Black berry iu wood claret Kieling Sauternes Cooks Imperial Gasts and Clicquot in bot tles Damiana and oth er Cordials Also Agent for FrefrKrags Celebrated ft Pale Bear fipfimidr ns5 and Pabsts Expo t Ber CHTHOMPSON r ft 4 y