Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, October 13, 1898, Image 11

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Pleasure ISven In a Picnic
Colonel Yerger Well how did you
like the picnic
Gilhooley I was so jlad to get home
again that I was glad 1 went Glasgow
Our Treatment of Spanish Captives
Never before In history was there a case
Vliere a defeated and captive enemy re
ceived such generous treatment as we give
the Spaniards Equally astonishing are
cures brought about by HostettWs Stom
ach Bitters Never has there been so suc
cessful a medicine for stomach and liver
disorders like dyspepsia indigestion bil
iousness and constipation
Suitable Garmcnt3 lor Alaska
The skin of the reindeer is so im
pervious to the cold that anyone cloth
ed in such a dress with the addition of
a blanket may bear the intense rigora
Of an arctic winters night
Seems to Get Ripe
One complaint seems to get ripe In
autumn and that is Neuralgia To
600tbe the pain strengthen the nerves
hnd rid the system of it use St Jacobs
On the best known cure
No man has a right to do as he
pleases except when he pleases to do
right C Simmons
Ladies Can Wear Shoes -
One size smaller after using Allens Foot
Ease a powder to be 6haken into the
shoes It makes tight or new shoes feel
easy gives instant relief to corns and
bunions Its the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age Cures and prevents
swollen feet blisters callous and sore
6pots Allens Foot Ease is a certain cure
for sweating hot nervous etching feet
Sold by all druggists and sho -stores 25c
Trial package FREE by mail Address
V Allen S Olmsted Lock Bos S52 Le Hoy
A true and genuine impudence is ever
the effect of ignorance without the
least sense of it Stoelp
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
The average age at which men marry
Is 277 years while the average age at
which women marry is 25 years
Follow It Up
Sit down and cool off suddenly and
then regret it for stiffness and soreness
Is bound to follow Follow them up
with St Jacobs Oil and you will have
nothing to regret from a prompt cure
The University Press at Oxford has
appliances for printing in 150 different
4 I
Pisos Cure for Consumption has saTed
me large doctor bills C L Baker 422S
ftegent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec 8 95
Texas will have no timber in fifteen
years if the present rate of cutting
1000000000 feet a year continues
FITS Permanently Cared No nu or nerrousnesi
after ant dajM use of Dr Klines Great None Re
storer Sena for FREE 6800 trial bottle and treatise
DE B H Kline Ltd 931 Arch St Philadelphia Pa
Among every 1000 bachelors there
ff thirty eight criminals among mar
ried men the ratio is only 18 per 1000
Sirs Wlnslows Boothino Stbtjp fop Children
teething Eortens the earns reduces Inflammation
allays pain cures wind coUc 25 cents a bottle
A man who possesses wealth possess
es power but it is a power to do evil
as well as good A S Roe
WANTED Case of bad health that will
Sot benefit Send 5 cents to Rtpans Chemical Co
ew York for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials
Erave actions are the substance ol
life noble words its inspiration
Fall Medicine
Is Fully as Important and Beneficial
as Spring Medicine
Hoods Sarsaparilla is just the medicine
to keep the blood rich and pure create an
appetite give good digestion and tone and
strengthen the great vital organs It
wards off malaria fevers and other forms
of illness which so readily overcome a
weak and debilitated system
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Is Americas Greatest Medicine
J -5
Hoods Pills cure indigestion 25 cents
- fr51SSS5g
Established 1780
i cf J4
n Hi
Hi PilH
fli i Eiil
celebrated for more Jg
than a century as a g
delicious nutritious 3
and flesh forming 5
beverage has our
well known
Yellow Label 3
on the front of every J
package and our
trade markLaBelle r
Chocolatiereon the
Dorchester Mass
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
or robber coat If you want a coat
that will keep you dry in the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker If not for sale fn your
Mirfi writ Af afAfvti
j i uwck ttottpn magi
Misfortune Overtook Royal Couples
Who Journeyed There
While no one need feel surprised that
Emperor William should desire to un
dertake the trip to Palestine yet there
are many -who regret that his Zion
ism should have Jed him to permit his
wife to accompany him on the jour
ney and among superstitious people
much apprehension is felt and express
ed in connection with the project For
it is a strange peculiarity that hardly
any royal couple have ever visited Je
rusalem together without being shortly
afterward overtaken by misfortune
Only recently the visit of the Archduke
and Archduchess Charles Louis of Aus
tria was followed by the sudden death
of the former who as second brother
of the Emperor Francis Joseph stood
next in the line of succession to the
throne and who until that time had
enjoyed perfect health
Another imperial couple whose pil
grimage was followed by still more dis
astrous results were the Ciown Prince
and Crown Princess of Austria Ti
quarrel which culminated in Rudolphs
shocking death at Meyerling followed
immediately on their return to Vienna
from Palestine while the stay in Je
rusalem of the Emperor Williams eld
est sister Charlotte who was accom
panied by her husband Prince Bern
hardt of Saxe Meiningen and attended
by Baronand Baroness Yon Kotze had
as Its natural sequence what is now
known at Berlin as the AnoTSymous
Letter Scandal in which Princess
Charlotte and her husband wflCre so se
riously compromised as to render their
departure from Berlin necessary while
Baron von Kotze himself after fight
ing innumerable duels being crippled
for life and subjected to imprisonment
is now living in retirement with his
It was likewise just after the tour in
the Holy Land of the Grand Duke Ser
gius of Russia and his wife that every
capital of Europe was ringing with
stories of the most incredible brutality
and savagery on the part of the Prince
to his lovely and popular consort who
was compelled to appeal for protection
to her brother-in-law the late Czar
and Prince Frederic of
uncle of the present Empress of
Germany died suddenly at Jaffa on his
way back from Jerusalem whither he
had gone on his bridal trip He left
behind him an American widow a
daughter of David Lee of New York
who had been created by the Austrian -Emperor
a Princess of Noer on the
occasion of her marriage and who is
now the wife of the Prussian Field
Marshal Count Waldersee the succes
sor of Moltke as chief of the headquar
ters staff of the German army
These are only a few of the large
number of analogous cases that could
be cited in this connection But they
are sufficient to show that supersti
tious people have some grounds for ap
prehending misfortune in the event of
the Kaiser taking his wife with him to
Jerusalem For curiously enough
those who make the pilgrimage alone
and who leave their wives or their hus
bands at home appear to escape the
fate that overtakes those royal person
ages who neglect this caution and
with the exception of Empress Eu
genie who lost her throne a few
months only after her return from the
Holy Land the Emperor of Austria
the late Emperor Frederic of Germany
the Prince of Wales King Leopold of
Belgium the Empress of Austria the
Crown Princess of Sweden King Os
car the Crown Prince of Italy and
Prince Henry of Prussia have all been
able to visit Palestine without being
overtaken by subsequent misfortune
Modern Society
Rather Fight than Talk
At a roof garden entertainment in
New York the other night there was an
illustration of Roosevelts popularity
and the enthusiastic spirit which pos
sesses the people A well known im
personator of prominent characters in
troduced into his act several military
features He appears as General Miles
in the celebrated uniform as Admiral
Dewey and Colonel Roosevelt dressed
in his Kharkee uniform When he ap
peared on the platform in this costume
Monday night the audience was star
tled by a prolonged the war
whoop of the Rough Riders which
came from a young man who sat at one
of the side tables drinking beer with a
party of friends and fondling a pair
of crutches Everybody arose and
looked that way and the war whoop
was repeated In less than a minute
everybody on the roof knew that a gen
uine wounded Rough Rider was in the
audience and although he was only a
private they made him take the plat
form and tried to induce him to make
a speech But his tongue was par
alyzed and although he might have
faced the Spanish batteries without
trembling he was frightened half out
of his wits by the demonstration of the
audience W E Curtis in Chicago
A Valuable Find
Have you heard from your brother
who went to the Klondike asked one
Boston man of his neighbor
Oh yes was the reply Hes just
struck luck
Not yet but hes discovered a place
to get baked beans
Spains Fiist Victory
Well I see that the Spaniards have
finally won a victory
Where When
The Spanish company that bid for
the job of -transporting those prisoners
captured by Shaf ter beat all their comr
petitors Cleveland Leader
No one can talk about his sickness
without becoming tiresome
The lazier the man the more he com
plains about dull times
Knowledge Worth Havlnjf
The knowledge which we crave and
work for which we look and findwhich
we rejoice in as a newly found treas
urethat is the knowledge be it small
or great that is worth having It is
like the food for which we hunger
it gives us fresh power and fuller life
It matters far less even what this
knowledge Is than the way in which it
was gained The most systematicand
well prepared course of sttfdy worried
through by a student whose only care
Is that he may get his diploma is of
far less value to him or to the world
than the vital thought of the young me
chanic who anxious to master the se
crets of his trade patiently studies its
details discovers its principles and
infuses into it his own fresh and liv
ing force perhaps in the form of some
new invention or perhaps in a more
skillful touch or more delicate finish
than it has yet received Saturday
Evening Post
St Jacobs Oil curca Rheumatism
Et Jacobs Oil Neuralgia
St Jacobs Oil Lumbago
St Jacobs Oil Sciatica
St Jacob3 Oil Sprains
St Jacobs Oil Bruises
St Jacobs Oil Sorenes3
St Jacobs Oil -- Stiffness
St Jacobs Oil Backache
St Jacobs Oil Muscular Aches
Criminal Waste of Good Liquor
Rev Mr Chokely My dear sir
cWhither are you rushing with that
murderous weapon
Colonel Kahtah Lam searching foh
the man who put brandy in my mince
meat suh I wish to kill him suh
Rev Mr Chokely My dear sir 1
am rejoiced to find such sentiment in
this community But
Colonel Kahtah That brandy must
have been at least fohty yeahs old suh
Washington Post
Autumn Excursions to Hot Spring
South Dakota
October 4
October 11
October 18
October 25
at 1 180 for the round trip fiom Sioux
City For particulars addrets
II C Ciieynky General Agent
Sioux City Iowa
Too Much of a v atch Dog
Mr Easymark I thought you said
that brute you sold me was a good
watch dog
-Dog Fancier Well isnt he
Mr Easymark 1 should say not He
barked so loud the other night that
burglars broke in without our hearing
hem New York Evening Journal
Where a Cat Naps
London has a cat whose partiality
for a nap in warm spot is so marked
that she has selected the top of -a dy
namo in a power station She sleeps
there calmly and peacefully while the
machinery around and within six
inches of her is running at a rate of
2000 revolutions per minute
DEAR EDITOR If you know of a solici
tor or canvasser in your city or elsewhere
especially a man who has solicited for sub
scriptions insurance nursery stock books
or tailoring or a man t who can sell goods
you will confer a favor by telling him to
correspond with us or if you will insert
this notice in your paper and such parties
will cut this notice out and mail to us we
may be able to furnish them a good posi
tion in their own and adjoining counties
Vaccination and Voting
In Norway people who are not vac
cinated are not allowed to vote at an
Why let your neighbors
know it
And why give them a
chance to guess you are even
five or ten years more
Better give them good
reasons for guessing the
other way ItTs very easy
for nothing tells of age so
quickly b gray hair
Is a youth renewer
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
oolor of youth
H It never fails to restore
color to gray hair It will
stop the hair from coming
out also
It feeds the hair bulbs
Thin hair becomes thick hair
and short hair becomes long
- -
It cleanses the scalp re
moves all dandruff and
pi events us lurniauon
We have a book on the
Hair which we will gladly
send you
If yon do not obtain all tha ten
fits you expected from tna dio of
Vigor write the doctor about it
PxmWy there Is soma Ufflonltr
wnk your general system wubb
Modern Improvements in the Piles of
Stone on the Rhine
However badly the men fared in the
good old days when these castles were
used the condition of women must
have been a hundred times worse not
of the women only who lived in the
little farmers huts that disappeared
centuries ago they were worse off than
the cattle they tended but of the wom
en who had the best of it who were
the wives of the knights and mistresses
of the castles Just imagine the Hud
son my dear madam dotted with cas
tles a mile or two apart on both
banks from Yonkers to Albany every
castle on the top of a crag and every
owner of a castle at war with all the
others and yourself mistress of one of
the castles You have plenty of silver
ware most likely if your husband is a
good xjghter and no dearth of heavy old
hand made furniture The slits of win
dows are so small that curtains would
be of no use and anyhow as there is
no glass the rain would soon ruin
them You find that the cold stone
floors make your joints stiff and you
spread some rushes on them Your
supply of meat and other eatables de
pends upon the success of his lord
ships raids You have no woman to
associate with but your boorish ser
vautSo There is one book in the house
a prayer book but you are not able to
read it unless you are one of the ad
vanced women of the time You would
go out Then you must first climb
down the crag by a path that is barely
passable at the risk of being captured
by a neighbor You have a beautiful
view and some fine afternoon you go
up in the highest tower to watch a lit
tle passage at arms on the plain It is
something that you take considerable
interest in for your husband is in the
thick of the fight- He and his men
have clashed with Sir Adolphu and his
men and your husband may come
home laden with plunder or he may
come home on a board But you are
used to such things You go into your
chamber and kneel before the stone
crucifix where you spend a great deal
of the time Before you have reached
the last bead in the string you hear joy
ful shouts below The sorrow is not to
be in your castle this time but in the
next one Milord is safe and there
will be fresh meat for a fortnight
This feminine view of the middle age
castle industry was brought home to
me by contrast this morning when a
boatman in blue cap and wooden shoes
was rowing mo up the river not up
the Rhine but up the Moselle which
flows into the Rhine here but it an
swers the same purpose Half a mile
up the Moselle on a moderately high
peak of rock stands one of the old cas
tles There is nothing ruinous about
it it has been put in thorough repair
Not only glass in the windows but
striped awnings over some of them
and rows of potted flowers on every
broad window sill and along some of
the exposed edges of the cliff Statues
in nooks cut in the rock and iron dogs
and lions looking ready to growl No
precipitous paths but a smooth gravel
walk with winding stone steps here
and there wherever needed guarded
by an iron rail on each side While wo
were passing making slow progress
against the strong current a man in
bright livery came down the steps car
rying a bicjTcle down to the road that
skirts the river and stood there wait
ing A few moments later a lady ap
peared at the castle gate not on a milk
white steed but in blue bloomers trip
ped lightly down the steps took the
wheel from her groom mounted it and
rode away I hope she was going to
the dressmakers to buy a skirt New
York Times
Not Easily Killed
Not long since it was found necessarj
to kill a certain vicious elephant and
two physicians were appointed execu
tioners They fed the beast on aconite
concealed In carrots and arsenic sprin
kled on buns which it swallowed pleas
antly and asked for more Then one
medical gefttleonan conceived the bril
liant idea of loading a syringe with
prussic acid inducing the animal tc
open its mouth and squirting the pois
on down its throat The elephant con
sidered this great sport but the doctoi
who was working the syringe took St
much interest in the experiment thai
he momentarily forgot the deadly prop
erties of prussic acid inhaled thf
fumes and fell unconscious The oth
er physician saved his colleagues life
with great difficulty the elephant look
ing on sympathetically However af
ter it had taken enough poison to kil
2000 men according to the doctors
and three hours had passed since the
first dose it suddenly toppled over and
expired quietly
The Devil and Football
The rector of Pakeiield near Lowes
toft objects to foot ball on theological
grounds He says The various at
tractive agencies at work in the direc
tion of amusements among young men
are devices of the devil and of them
all none presents such insidious evils
as foot ball matches These things
cause people to forsake the means of
grace The devil is a successful prac
titioner and if any in this congrega
tion prefer attendance at a foot ball
match to going- to prayer meeting they
belong to Satans flotfr -Westminster
Mrs Pairleigh Does jrour husband
ever compare your housekeeping to his
mothers Mrs Warwick Not now
He used to though Mrs Fairleigh
Hoav did you reak him of it Mrs
Warwick I compared his behaving to
that of my first husband
Every time boy takes a birds egg
home his women folks abuse him II
all the birds nests were robbed there
would be no birds for trimming hats
Professional Jealousy plays havoc
With many professed friendships
Letter from Mrs Carrie P Tramper that all Suffering Women SrTouldf
Ovaritis or inflammation of the ovaries may result from sudden stopping ot
the raoathly flow from inflammation of the
ivcmb and many other causes The
slightest indication of trouble with the
ovaries should claim your instant
attention It will not cure itself and
a hospital operation with all its ter
rors may easily result from neglect
The fullest counsel on this sub
ject can be secured withoutcostby
writing to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn
Mass and asking for her advice
Your letter will be confidential
and seen by women only
Mrs Carrie F Tremper Lake Ind
whose letter we print is only one ol
many that have been cured of ovarian
troubles by Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound
Dear Mrs 1inkiiaii l was
suffering from congestion of the
ovaries misplacement of the womb
irregular scanty and painful
menstruation also kidney trouble
I had let it go on until I could nol
sit up and could not straighten my left
leg My physician gave me relief but
failed to cure me Reading the testl
monials of different women telling wlial
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound had
done for them I decided to give it a trial 3
had almost given up hopos as I had suffered
untold agony The first dose helped me And now after using eight bottles oi
Vegetable Compound one bottle of Blood Purifier one box of Liver Pills
I am proud to say I am as well as I ever was I might have saved a large
doctors bill and much suffering had I tried your precious medicine in the
beginning of my sickness All in the village know I was not expected to live
when I had the first and second attacks In fact I had no hope until I began
taking your Vegetable Compound It has saved my life -- -
A Million Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs Pinkhams Advice and Medicine
To the Rescue
grown Good wages paid
weekly Farm Seeds sell
by sample on sight Minnesota Trees
Plants Flowers etc Good salesmen make
Big Money For particulars write at once
TriPUCDC Assistants ana uraae panne a prrrte
I LnunLnO UnlonTeacbersABenciesWaatfnDa
1 rf fl v H
raww ttc
was in danger
there would be
an army of men who chew it ready
to rescue it large enough to shovel
Spain off the map of Europe No
other chewing tobacco in the world
has ever had so many friends
Remember the name
when you buy again
Brevity Is the Soul of Wit
Good Wife You
I offered the tortures of the damned
with protruding piles brought on by constipa
tion with which I was affllctfed for twenty
years I ran across your CASCARET in the
town of Nawell la and never found anything
to equal them To day I am entirely free from
piles and feal like anew man
C H Kbits 1411 ieaes St Sioux City la
Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do
Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c 50c
Btirliag Resedj Copnj Chlctgo BontMal StwYorfc 312
MnTA RAP Sold and cuaranteed by aUdroB
BU I U DAU cists to CUKE Tobacco Habit
WAMTFIl Complete Out-
tinn I LU fit- hpst crnnrtQ
papers in llltnoU
i i tin nt
or we can Innert I
- t
ic if in i40u conn
try papers for
Cliioasro Ncwapaper TJjilon
03 Souui JeHerson Street Cticaso Uu
fin 1 1 5 fiyi
fir ft I Ounsual
v v o b a y r
Uia Big S for nnnatnral
barses Inflammationi
irritations or olceratfoai
of mucom membranes
aiuisii na not
iTHeEvinsCheUICUCo gent or poisonous
S O N U -
Sold by Drarerlnta
or sat In plain wrapper
by expregi nrtpald fo
MC0 or 3 bot fle 273
Circular sent on rsqatit
42 08
Best Congb Syrup Tastat QoqjL Vm
W II A U14 M
a uuic ovuu vj urOs
V w w