M r i i If it U 1 11 21 i W D dIcGaa Creston S D - i OiM 5a tiraffii5 any part of animal part of animal the following left Also some cattle bearing the follow ing bntuds a left neck X left side or shoulder thiirh Cattle branded li C on left hip of cattle as on cut some branded on lc ft side also r n on lea side horses same on left shoulder Range Wounded Knee and Kvl isa iU IF I Left or either side of cattle also v left side ot neck Swal low fork rifiht car underbit left right ear nubbed off un derlet lef ear Rome on left jaw and some wattle left jaw Other brands side or left aide or Some bran Geo L Coleman Cody Nebraska Cgg On lei l side horses O eft shoulder mime Ten miles wcatof Snake Kiver Falls m Cf on left side left any SSa aed VJM mmmm norse brands at lows V lolt On left side S3 el WMi WM 8 ftj K - or left Ishoul der lull iic leiueitmp or thigh thigh thigh ortnigh hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the above brands will be prosecuted Information regai ding theft libprally rewarded Range at uarney Springs and Cottonwood HEItKERT O BrSONETTE MANAGER MtmWm tw3l JK5H Some Range- Seven miles north oast of Tine nidge in Postoffice address lme Ridge S D Cattle branded as on cut HOB on left side somcBKELon eithersmc Some on left side some older ltfjvq btock anywhere on animal Horses E K Tizs onlefthip KSpji anywhere on rgteSSZ riitlit side rMS Shannon Co 70ITN GHOST BEAR MANAGER Fostofllcdaddress Tine Ridtre S D miLikeShannonCo su fzS lit s KI L C Peyton - -- c i j Gallop Nebraska Cn leftside Kange 10 miles Eoath of Merriman tS Cti Lavaca Nebraska On left side ltauge Pole Creek SHOUT HORN BULLS for sale Geo H Hill 3 4L GS m w mn igasaaaafea P W Pruden i23 5 rfocOiii tKh TC Merriman Neb Some branded same as cut on botii hips mnge Nortboibl of Iilorrimaa BgSi Alex Burr dylnmliJ Pullman Nebr On right side horsos same left shoulder nerd mark Dew lap Range Brush Lake and South Geo W Monnier Jlerriman Neb Left boulder and lcftthiglisome on lcfthiphor ses same left thitrh eggaiAa nangc East and Southeast Merrniian Oi1 ff m Igj 1 Grant Bixler - Merriman Neb Snnift on left side some on iuic inp horses samo lef6 thigh uange Six miles Northeast of Merri v man H E Sears Cody Nebraska Mostly on righthip 6ome on both hips Range Modicine U Lake WAv Rrft - - j S J Goodin Codv Nebraska C Evenson On left side and thigh horses samo Range Between Snake and JSJobrara Codj Nebraska Cattle branded as on cut horses same Range North of the Snake 1 J sasss r tt ui i V SttyBwnpeyjJJtjfii fiSssi MARTIN RED BEAR Posloffice address Pine Ridge SD On left sido horses same left thigi Range Wolf Creek cassJsap A THOMPSON -ST W G CARSOH Postofflce Address Simoon Neb Stock branded an left hip samo ss cut Range hend warters of the Schlngle PoBtofflce Addres Bimeon Neb Stock braudei samo as cut be hind leftsiipulder Range on the Bchlagle itjcv arsnir Eini a D M SEARS PostofSoa addres Kennedy Neb Cattlo branded as oncutleftsidesome on left hip Horses same on left shoul der Range Square Lake BJGRGAREIDGE and SON Postofflco address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as on cut or IJ or V D on left hip with hole in rght ear when old horses same as cut and I J Range Gordon Greek and Niobrara River t v i Hf Ml ALBERT WHIPPLE PfctAXfcCi aEaHBSStel Jt5ffiyrj882 cither Postofllce address Rosebud S D Branded on left side some SOS psssa Horses on Sgii WHCarter postofflce adddress Cody Nebraska On left sido some XT left side horses T left shoulder SHOUT HORN Stock nango Between Niobrara and the Snake s2lf der tggiH j branded on SsUga either shoul tftlertlms FRxNK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore Neb Cattle branded on either side as on cut same on hip s23 Some on 1CI k fc side h 5i raf t3 ROBERT BAD WOUND Lavaca Neb left- side Als on lett side pgw verted on left thigh Horses shoulder Ssa left iiange Petwccn Fair head Lake tind Suake river Postofflce address Allen S D I oft cirlp nsr on leit side norse 10 on J T F FRANKS Postofflce address Aiernman ieu On left side ear mark under slope Horses J S on lett shoulder Ran go ten miles northeast of man left hip Range Corn Creek S H KIMMEL i efisss Rosebud S D Also B U cn left side Ca tie unicrcut on both ears hofses branded 4 cn left shoulder Range On Ante lope and Spring Creeks Joseph Fairhead Clarence Cutcomb Cody Nebraska Left sido on large cattle On gE small slock s left side MPMi horses Ai t2Sax left shoulder liange Soulhcast of Cutcomb Lake Shadbolt and Fleisliman Cody Nebraska Leftside S F left shoulder herdmark dew lap Range Eanges 3G and 37 between Nio brara and the Snake gTpriiiiwYifgiSrf James Goodfellosv and Son Cody Nebraska On left side hor ses JG right side and mostly on jaw itange Between the Niolrira and Medicine Lake IKAX3J eftsj jvii va lder horses brand sSiEm cd cross an chor on left shoulder ki ffS1 EJksEs - - II I y i tf 1 TTjii D L McLANE Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Catile brauded cs cut on either mii ini i i ti ri tzj 3 iiwVtZ shoulder three links C Range mouth of Cottonwood f Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 D Cattlo branded left houlder and hip Horses branded with only one S on LrtbJp mmnemsuimtrt wnwfrgfrflgBWilH Wii f0pj HOR A CE - WALLINGFORD Postofjlce address Chesterfield ycb Cattle Draaaert on left side and nip lelt Uai tljivu snuarc Horn on left side S3SS on SSB left Ghou l l - S B and A B MCALVEY Postofflco address Kennedy Neb Cattlo branded as on cut or on hip horses same Somo cWwig on lettsido SfigDlyandbaron L - bonas jiange Lone Tree Valley W i iiiSSa KsasgsteSBsfflsdasgi Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded as on cut horses same on left shoulder Range on Square Lake K1MB FLOYD jwSwEgfflajSBa KIME Postofflce addross Kennedy Neb Cattle brandjd on left hip or side ot both f Horses with h on lefc shoulder nange rusU Lake Gordon and North Loup N 8 ROWLEY Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattlo branded on lett side and lefttgpSgl ltIioulderaloPM I3 the pJsal UbHw on eitiier hip s the latter on igntside r iTmr7 j rnr afnrBgMMg Also on on eithecslde Range Bordman between Big uend and the Springs NYE T5A0HJPL0R Wfesl rostoffice address Valentine Neb Cattle branded same as on cut some on left side and hip liorsea same on left shoulder Cattle range Gor don and Bordman TTni cn rnnmp yt Creek beteen the Kiourara anu bnaice s RED SHIRT r Postofflce Address SSOB oup ca a w ostonice address Nowton Neb Cattle branded tame as cut or on hip Horses L on left 3ank Rango between Gordon creek and Jie Loup i5 M flMHS siteiS3feir RgsssEsgasgig Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left side samo as cut Horse3 brand SjKrt nonieib snuuiuui Kgaa with a iv itancn mgaagggaaaaa m tue white ilver District FERRY PARKER Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded aineascut Horses P on left iioulder RangeMouth ol Bordman CLEMENT WHIRLIND SOLDIER rostoffice Addross Rosebud S D Cattle brand on left hip like cut Horses branded same on left shoul der Range on Big White River THEODORE DOYLE jostofflce address Kcnncdvlfcb Cattlo branded on otc sido and hip liorsea same on left ihouldcr Some on left sido nangeitush LakeGordou and Nortb J X KIME Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Cattlo branded on loft sido with both oars cropped squuro norses samo as cat tlo but qnieft shoul der 119 Welra cat tlo nlso UBI naage Gordon Crecfc LADELY a0tfJi2VTk B STONFR Postornce address Newton Neb 1 Tzjf jrjSiBi5frBB8fM Cattlo branded a ofl cut Also U on shoulder won side Ionhlp rleftside Also 0 oh left Jaw in addition to U Bl on side itange oil Gprdbn creek and south E W RAYMOND Jg Mfe GEORGE PETE fonesteelSD ome ABE left side and left IiId on left U lilpand somo same v cn ion anouiaer Nohojaessbldun lessbrandis iilvecc ed makipg h Range head ol Whet Stone On left slde horses I on left shoulder Range Between Snak and the Niobrara WVKgSp r Sr fSfe ii i jiTi iiiiwii ajToal Hja M L WALKER c w Postofilee Address aini6on jnpo Stock bTdnded with 7 on left hlp also same as cut Range between Gordon and Srike creeks and on the Niobrara river rostoffice Address SimeqnNeb Cattlo branded on rlaht6ide horses same on left shoul dor Range sum mer on Sjjake riv er 4 miles from mouth winter 4 mllQS south of Sim con BENNETT vSTaSSSi1 J W BURLEIGH JOZN B LORD Postofflce Addres Simeon Neb Stook branded same as cut back of right stiouider and on right hip Rangeon the Niobrara Postofflco Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river QjSp5g5 REUBEN QUICK BEAR Ilillllllii Posloffice Rosebud bmB h Postofflce Address Rosobud S I Cattle oranded sam as cut or on hip Ranch on Blacl Pipe Creek TODD SMITH Address 5 3D Catile branded same as cut a Dia mond T Horses branded the same Rancli on Whito Thilnder Creek ROBERT FINLAYSON Postoffico address Newton Neb Stock brandel same as cut Range on Gordo Creek GEORGE DECORY Postofflce Address Rosebud- D Cattlo branded on left side same as cut Horses branded G D on left hip Ranch on Lone and Antelope creek east of RoseTjud BEN BEAU0VI3 fHBf D rostoffice Addross Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horses branded same on loft shoul der Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Stock branded left shoulder three inches long side four lnchec long Brand record d 22 vrs Ranch on aorae Creek BRAY BEN TURGEON f yfariffBrfv P jstofflce Address Boncsteel S D Cattle branded on lef t side same a3 cui and right eai crop pea Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with clr cloA Wil F SCHMIDT Postofflce Address Rosebud S D Iraaded same as on ut or with under Che S right ear slip anddulaped Horses branded ame on left hip ftzssR Sfcy Kn ALEX BORDEAUX Postofflce Address Rosebud S 3 Horses are brandEJ on left thlgb cattb on left side with h9l crop on left JpSpS ear Also cat jripy tie ji b wun noift crop on car reacfr Gustave Gunderson Cody Nebraska yScfliBbc mBi lfeS30 Wwu p Tgyyg -- - iMiiiMHBMfliMlsigS iMniiiifiTii wjtV aigglBSU g i n W - i n 11 -7 - - - M MMI r rT - wfM - r - s - r am e - r rt - v - t - - a 1 r3 V Te CHARLES H FATJL3ABB f - JOHN B IJARNAN Postofflcj address Brownleo Neb Same ason cut Also and AE be tegia norses on left shoulder Range Goope Creek and North Loup S M B dayygssgs L K BELDING j b and Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattlo and horses on left sido also hor ses on right side RanfireGoose Creek J M rostoffice addross Seneca Neb liranued as fzggj on cut s9me and some uASnm on right hip kafl Range CalfB Creek Valley in oner county E T E E 0RR Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range 4 miles northeast of Urownlee Postoflloe address G Brownlee Neb On right side or hip SJliSFii Onleftsfde 0S or hip or Kgi L on b2J left hip Range Calf Creek SMITH E R VANDEGRIFT Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Samo as on cuv Goose Creek acd North Loup HANNA rk - v Iv Postofflce addres s Newton Neb Cattlebranded any where on left side horses on Ieftshoul der Range between north prong and North Loup and Gordon Creek JOSEPH KENNEDY Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattle and horses branded on left side or hip Range North Loup m R M FADD1S ssssam Postofflce address Seneca Neb Postofflce address Pass Neb Range North Loup River I L MERCURE On right side or J on either hip Hange Southwest of Seneca wW tBPW Vk GRIER Foslofflce aCGrcai Seneca Nh On left hip On right or left hip Ranse be tween Seneca f ill aud Norway on Middle Loup B W PEAR30H Postofflce addresB Brownlee Neb Same as on cut Horses same on eft shoulder Range Goose Creek JOHN n SALZfANN er Tk x - 33 mMk FRANK PostoJTice address Brownlee Neb On left hip The herd mark is a dew lap Rango on Goose Creek T LEE L A GERMAN MMMMs Pestoffice address Pcstfflce address Newton Neb Cattle branded cith ersidejhorses same onteftshoulderaso have care ot stocK hmnilnll SP lined Range North Loup DICK MCNALL Brownlee Neb Onleftsidcand hip also 8 on left hip e Range North Loup J Postofflce address Brownlee Nebr Either right or leftside on cattlo Horses same on lett shoulder Left ear cut off ol cattle Range Loup SS giiisiig HENRY FAULHABER Bb1 sm ui e - Postofflce address Brownleo Neb Cattlo on left side Horse3 same on left shoulder IQ ToTirr Tjiiin rluci m DAVID STEADMAN Postofflce address Paca Vnh Cattle on leftside Has cnarge oicmue oranueii uu rightsidcand norses nub it i it Somenorsea n loft oh n 111 3 der JOHN CHALOUD Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Cattlo and horses on right side Range Big Creek D E PERKINS r Postofflce address HalseF Neb Onlefthip 1 ange Loup River Qnr rfc TALBOT GALLOP Postofflce address Seneca Neb Cattle branded on left ide Horses branded on leftshouldei Ranee be tween Middle and Dismal LOUp GEORGE GRAY Postofflce address feA S Cfe i IhoifoidNebr Onlefthip DTaSSU OrAB on ngnc mP 6Sgg or siue Range Loup and Dismal y Postofflce address Seneca Neb WALT HARDY Left side on cattle horses left shouIderalso on left side some on right hip Rangesouth Middle Loup lS5S CRONIN BR03 SSyL JULIUS HECKMAN M DUNHAM fLr Rostoffice aadres3 Kennedy Neb Stock branded on left side as oa cut Range Gordon Creek B E ORB i3m same as cut on left side Some branded with bar tmderieath -- y anyjwnera on lett v 3ld VJiari w Postofflce address Thedford Nebr On right side Range between Loup and Disma Postofflce address Brownlee Neb 8 me as on cut Range south ol Brownlee Wip3WsjM y Wmmm W K GRANT Postofflce address Brownlee Neb On left side Range Loup Rlrer IRA SPENCER Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on left side Range Calf Creek and Swan Lake Val ley Postofflce addres Brownlee Neb Onleftsfde Range Swan Lre J R WALLTNGFORD Postofflce address Kennedy Neb Stock brands T sa K S