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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1898)
ft J v - l h U B X Mi ii tsi Y - - i P - - r J38JiiESSLB -v a3U Zr JT VOLUME xin AROUND THE EARTH OCCURRENCES THEREIN FOR A WEEK NAVYSGREATRECORD LOST BUT SEVENTEEN MEN IN LATE WAR Considering the Engagements Fought and the Terrible Damage Done to the Enemy the Record Is Absolutely Unique Other Items Navy In Late War Seventeen sailors killed and eighty four casualties all told was the total loss suf fered by the United States navy during the war The figures have just been com piled at the navy department In Dewey s great fight at Manila bay not a man was killed and every one of the nine wounded returned to duty In the battle of July 3 off Santiago one man was killed and eleven wounded The latter all returned to duty In the attack upon the forts at the entrance to Santiago July 22 one sailor was killed and eleven wounded of which only seven were able to return to duty The heaviest loss of the navy was at Guantanamo There were twenty two casualties in that 100 hour fight and of the list six marines were killed Of the wounded nine returned to duty In the battle with the forts and gunboat3 off Cienfuegos the list aggregated eleven wounded and two killed One man is still under treatment The battle between the torpedo boat VHrislow and the revenue cutter Hudson wHh the Spanish land batteries and ar tillery ft rces at Cardenas resulted in five I deaths The WQunded afterward returned to duty In the bombardment of San Juan the casualties numbered eight- with one killed One ofthe wounded was invalided home while six returned to duty There were for other casualties occurring in as many engagements and that completes the list of naval losses Consideiing results obtained the list is said to be the most remarkable in the naval history of the world FEARS AN INDIAN ATTACK Ferris Minn Citizens Arming to Fight Hostile Indians A special dated Monday from Ferris Minn a smalPtown north of Leech Lake says A report reached here late this evening of the killing of a white man near Bear Island during the day Settleis living near the Lndian reserva tion are secU ing shelter in towns along the railroad A band of Indians number ing about 150 is reported his evening camped within two miles north of this town Aimed citizens are guarding the town expectiug an attack during the night or early morning Indians professing to be friendly were at Graceland one and one half miles west of here this evening trying to purchase ammunition MURDERS HIS WIFE Grime of a Colorado Doctor On balanced by Opiates Dr O F Mentzer of Telluride Colo ihoi ami killed his wife without provoca tion Sunday II i then pointed liisievoiver at V E Monroe of Cleveland a brother of Mis Mentzer who was visiting her Mon i oe grappled with the murderer and in the tight that ensued the doctois skull was fractured It is believed he will die of his injuries Monroe was not arrested Dr and Mis Mentzer foimerly lived in Denvei She left turn on account ot hU -cruelty and obtained a divorce in Chicago They weie lemurried six months ago Mis Mentzer being assured that the doctor had reformed It is thought ho was addicted to the use of opiates and was not at all times in his right mind APPLAUD SAGA STAS PROPOSAL Spanish People Weary of tie Policy of Isolation The Madrid correspondentsays There fias been a remarkable revulsion of public feeling against Spains traditional policy of isolation and neutrality and the papers Rre applauding Sagasta for urging at the last cabinet council the necessity of Spains taking an interest in the affairs of tlio far east This change of feeling is due to the Spanish lesentment of Englands too friendly attitude toward the United States during the war Many petitions have been presented to th government in favor of reductions in the peninsular army but they have elicited wily the declaration by Sngasta that owing to the attitude of the Carlists a deduction is impossible Commodore Watson Hurt Two coaches of the west bound overland passenger train left the -track at Colfax Cal Sunday The only person injured was Commodore Watson who goes to take eoramand of the Mare Island naval station CTlfe commodore was thrown against a window and sustained a slight scalp wound Cannibals Are Very Aotive News from Australia by steamer is lha the head hunters the cannibal natives of Rendova have of late been extiemely active They captured a village and after slaughtering many inhabitants returned home with thirty prisoners These Yera tilled and eaten at a barbaric -east SLAIN BY A WOMAN Brother of Presidents Wife - A uereu in canton unjo George D Saxton a brother of Mrs Mc Kinlay was shot dead at 610 oclock Fri day evening in front of the residence of Mrs Eva B Althouse widow of the late George Althouse 819 Lincoln Avenue Canton where he Is presumed to have made a call Five shots were fired three of Which entered his body Mrs Anna C George has been placed under arrest on suspicion of the rtfurder Saxton was un causcious when neighbors arrived to in vestigate the cause of the shooting and was dead when the physicians and officers arrived the former having expressed the opinion that death was instantaneous three bullets having entered the vital spots Ilis position indicated that he had been on the step to the Althouse residence when the shots were fired It is common talk that Mrs George made frequent threats of taking Saxtons life Many of these throats are said to have been sent through the mails and the federal grand jury sitting in Cleveland last fall indicted her for alleged improper use of the mails Mis George gave bond and the indictment so far as is known is still alive Sample C George the husband is now reported to have been married to a second wife more than a year He is reported married in Wheeling to Miss Lucy Gra ham Alliance and the marriage was kept a secret until after the settlement with Saxton on the charge of alienating his wifes affections As soon as George got his damage money from Saxton he an nounced his second marriage Mrs Gcoigo claims Saxton deceived her and deserted her for another CLEARING UP AN OLD MURDER Dying Woman Tells Story of the Decapitation of Victim Eleven years ago Louis Ball was foully rnuideied at Washington Court House Ohio his head being cut oif with a r z r and his head and body laid across the railroad track in such a manner as to make it appear that he had been killed by a railroad train Abraham Huffman was arrested for the crime but was leleased for lack of convincing evidence Oiheis were suspected but it looks now as if the deathbed confession of Mrs Jeffieys of Hillsboro Ohio just made in tho presence of four persons whom she called to her death chamber will reveal the identity of the murderer Mxs Jeff reys implicated herself another woman four men giving their names She said that she held Balls head while a man 2iit it off with a razor that the blood was allowed to flow into a tub which was after wards concealed under a house and that the other woman held Ball on her lay while his head was being cut off Tha men carried the body and head to the rail road track to cover up the crime The persons implicated live in and about the city A big sensation is looked for STRIKE ALARMS PARIS Sixty Thousand Men Now Idle in the French Capital The strike of laborers in Paris has ex tended to nearly all the building trades and it is feared the railroad men will joir the movement Work on the cxhibitior and underground raihoads has complete ceased Sixty thousand men are on strike and the situation Is causing con sternatiou The attitude of the strikers i increasingly aggressive and fights betweer the strikers and tho socalled blackleg are incessant involving the interventior of police troops and mounted guards whe have been obliged to lepeatodly charge the strikers There is great apprehensior lest agitators turn the strike movement lc political ends BOUND FOR PHILIPPINES Number of Spanish Troops Have Ar rived at Singapore Dewey has cabled the navy depart men that ho is advised hat a number of Span ish troops have arrived at Singapore bound for the Philippines- to le enfoice tho Spanish garrison Big Theft of Lumber 1 James R Wicker and John C Gentry owners of a saw mill in the South Parkt and Benjamin Wolf and Matt Dolphin have been arrested on a bench warrant from the United States district court charging them with the theft of 50000C feet of timber from government land in the South Park Colo John L Russell government timber inspector caused lb arrest to bo made No Successor to Winnie Davis The Virginia grand camp of Confederate Veterans in session at Richmond adopted a resolution to the effect that there could bo no successor to Miss Winnie Davis as the Daughter of the Confederacy tho title having expired with her death Money Disappears from a Bank A Winnipeg Man special says At noon Thursday 60000 in bank notes was missed from the vault of Maulsons bank here The vault had been opened by the regular combination Officials and police refuse to give any details Mrs Botkin Must Stand Trial GoYcBudd of California decided that MrsCordelia Botkin must go to Deleware to stand trial -for the murder of Mrs J P Dunning and Mrs Joshua Dean He will honor the requisition of the governor cf Delewaie Reduced the Price of Coal The operators of 111 have an nounced a reduction of 25 cents a ton for coal They claim that with negro labor t hey can mine and sell coal cheaper than with unipn labor e r L SSrf JiV ra f 1 HrTj - Mismanagement Charged in the Na tional Linseed Oil Co A second bill praying for a receiver for the National Linseed Oil Company has oeen filed in the United States court in Chicago by John R Evans of Indiana Mr Evans avers that ho owns 1150000 worth of tho companys stock and repeals he charges of mismanagement made in the first bill It is declared in the bill that ippointment of a receiver is imperative in order to sccuie the interests of the stock holders FIGHT CALLED OFF 3iT WESTERN NEWS DEMOCRAT VALENTINE NEBRASKA OCTOBER IB 1898 BOSTON GOES TO CHINA Bails for Manila with the Gunboat Petrel Emperor Not Dead- The United States cruiser Boston and the gunboat Petrel accompanied by the collier Nero havs left Manila Bay for China The Chinese legation in Paris publishes an official communication form ally denying all reports of the death of the emperor of China The German warship Kaiserin Augusta has left JKiro Chou for Taku at the en trance of the Pei IIo River with thirty marines who were sent to Pekin to act as a guard for the Gorman legation there Prince Henry of Prussia will command the squadron in China PRAYS FOR A RECEIVER Attempt to Pull Off the Mill Abandoned The Corbolt McCoy fight has been de lared off At a meeting in New York of the men interested in the fight Wm B Sray manager for McCoy showed a let ter he had received from David Nugent Manager of the Hawthorne Athletic Club of Buffalo in which he stated that owing o the many complications that had arisen the club had decided to call the match off Murderer in California Chief of Police Lees of San Francisco has oeen requested by tho Denver police to ar vest R O Becker supposed to be hiding m that city Becker is charged with the oiurder of Otto Goctte a sheep herder who disappeared from his ranch foity aiiles from Denver two weeks ago It is supposed that the murder was committed ror the purpose of robbery as his sheep were sold for 8200 by a man supposed to be Becker 5 Ijittle Girl Commits Suicide A special from Dallas Tex says Jen nie the 14-year-old daughter of J II Stephens who lives in Gonzales tried to commit suicide by eating the heads of 212 parlor matches She died a day later After eating the matches Jennie regretted her act and tried to save herself by eating bacon and lard Instead of being an anti dote for the phosphoius poison the lard r and bacon hastened her death Granulated Sugar Reduced Tho American Sugar Refining Company of New York has made another rediu ion in its prices All domestic grades were reduced of a cent bringing granulated sugar down to 5 cents It is reported that Howell Co representing the Na tional and Mollenhauer opposition re fineries are quoting granulated sugar at 5c C Admiral Howell Relieved Admiral Howell has been relieved of the North Atlantic squadron and his flag ship the San Francisco has been ordered out of commission at Norfolk The com mand of the squadron devolves upon Coiu modoie Philip whose flagship the New York is at tho New York navy yaul Life Loses Its Charms Early Al Curry a youth of 21 ended his life at Mount Hope Kan by taking morphine because his father ordered him to leave home and never return He had been snmi what way waid and his father had 1 elped him out of several difficulties MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 10 Mft tn CH HO lnro cl iSnrnf fnn Jf 1U UVVt UUfeO DUIUUlUk hKlUlil 300 to 9400 sheep fair to choice 250 to 475 wheat No 2 red G4c to 66c corn No 2 29c to 30c oats No 2 21c to 22c rye No 2 45c to 47c butter choice creamery- 18c to 20c eggs fresh 13c to loer potatoes choice 27c to 35c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 550 hogs choice light 300 to 400 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 red 05c to 67e corn No 2 white 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 24c lo 25c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 350 to 400 sheep 350 to 450 wheat No 2 06c to GSc corn No 2 yellow 29c to 30c oats No 2 22c to 24c rye No 2 46c to 4Sc Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 250 to 425 wheat No 2 07c to 69c corn No 2 mixed 30c to 32c oats No 2 mixed 23c to 25c rye No 2 47c to 49c Detroit Cattle 250 to 550 hogs 323 to 400 sheep 250 to 425 wheat No 2 67c to G9c corn No 2 Uow 30i to 3lc oats No 2 white 25c lo rye 49c to 50c Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 67c to C9c corn No 2 mixed 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 21c to 22c rye No 2 48c to 49c clover seed 375 to 385 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 63c to 64c corn No 3 29c to 31c oats No 2 white 23c to 25c rye No 1 46c to47c barley No 2 43a to 45c pork mess 775 to 825 Buffalo Cattle good shipping steers 300 to 575 hogs common to choice Sf0 to 425 sheep fair to choice weth ers 350 to 500 lambs common to Jxrra 5700 to 575 New York Cattle 300 to 575 hogs P300 to 450 sheep 300 to 475 wheat No 11 red 73c -to 75c corn No 2 35c to 36c oats No 2 25c to 27c butter creamery I5e io 22c eggs West oru I6c to 18c J c FIGHT TO THE HEATH HOSTILE INDIANS ENGAGE OUR TROOPS AT BEAR ISLAND Major Wilkinson Five and Many Reds Are Killed General Out break of the Savages and Attack on Minnesota Settlers Is Feared Hostile Indians and the small detain ment of troops under General Bacon met in deadly conflict at Bear Island hike Leech The casualties of the two days fighting are six soldiers of the Third in fantry including Major Wilkinson and Sergeant Cobb two friendly Indians and many Pillagers killed nine soldiers wounded The number of Indians killed is unknown The Pillagers carried their dead to the rear as rapidly as they feE The Indians have learned that pine trees do not afford the protection they did in former years The Krag Jorgenson bul lets plow through two ordinary trees As soon as the Indians learned this they fell back The redskins proved to be wonder ful marksmen however nnd spotted their men Reports from Deer River say that there are about 400 Indians within five miles of that village comprising the White Oak Winnibigoshish and some of the Leech and Bow String hands They are camped on the banks of Bnll Club lake It was reported that they were holding a war dance and they may yet be called MAJOR M C WILKIN SOX Officer Killed by Minnesota Indians on to assist the Pillager braves A couple of runners were in Deer River from Leech lake and it was learned through men who knew them that they were scouring the section calling councils and asking assistance at Leech lake An instructor in the Indian school at the agency says that despite protestations of friendship the agency Indians are in an ugly mood and when they talk unob served and freely among themselves their sentiments are warlike He fears that trouble will come from this source before the affair is settled People in and around Walker are apprehensive cf the outcome and are demanding that the redskins be pursued until they are broken in spirit and thoroughly cowed They say that if the trouble is allowed to drop now it will be but a short time before they again bqcome defiant and that life and property will not be safe Inspector Tinker has wired the Secre tary of the Interior asking for at least 5000 troops Three companies of infan try under Lieut Col Harbach number ing 215 men and divided into four detach ments landed on Bear Island to re-enforce Gen Bacon A Gatling gun and 1000 rounds of ammunition accompanied one squad which left Walker for the scene of hostilities A slaughter of every Indian on the island is predicted unless the tribe surrenders or retreats beyond reach of the troops now in the field Rumors have spread that the Bear lake savages are being re enforced in large numbers n by tribes from Cass and Red lakes A general uprising is feared by settlers in northern Minnesota The War Department issued orders for three more companies of soldiers at St Paul to pre pare for service The calling out of a bat talion of Minnesota volunteers was also authorized FIGHTING RECORD OF THE THIRD Regiment Was in Thickest of Fight at Santiago The Third United States infantry which was sent against the Bear Lake Indians was one- of the first regiments to move in 1EKC1I LAKE AGEXCV the late Spanish war and underwent all the hard fighting in Cuba For several years it has been stationed at Fort Snell ing Minn It was first sent to Mobile and later was transferred to Tampa The Third accompanied Gen Shaffers expe dition and landed in Cuba June 21 It was one of the first regiments to take up the inarch fromBaiquiri to Santiago It narrowly escaped the fire sent into the ranks ot the rough riders and was being hurried toward the firing line when the Spaniards lied Fora time the Third was stationed at Siboney doing guard duty with the Second On July 1 the Third participated in the fight on San Juan Hill and covered itself with glory bylaking an active part in driving the Spaniards from their trenchps The regiment lost heavily m the second days fighting and throughout the cam paign occupied posts of danger v Journal -X ccatkr NUMBER 88 - - RESIDIKJE OF CHIElF AT BEAR LAKE FKAR AN UPRISING Minnesota Farmers Greatly Dis turbed by Hostile Actioa of Indians Excitement prevails along -the line of the Northern Pacific from St Paul to Brainerd The people although quite out side the region of danger appear to think a general Indian uprising is at hand and to feel that in any such- event they ought to be at the front Farmers in blue over alls hickory shirts and slouch hats troop to the trains and ask questions of the conductor and the passengers as to how go the fortunes of war at Leech lake As a rule none of the questions is answer ed a c all satisfactory to them but still the country people come and stand about the platforms patiently waiting for news At St Paul the Fourteenth Minnesota volunteer infantry is holding itself in readiness to go to Leech lake The citi zens of St Paul are much agitated over the situation and wired the authorities at Washington to send at least 1000 soldiers Bear Island in order that further slaughter of brave men may be averted If there is nervousness among the peo ple between Brainerd and St Paul it is as nothing compared with the state of mind of those further on in the direction of the seatof trouble These farmers and villagers feel they have a very personal and immediate interest in developments and this interest leads them to stay awake of nights within arms length of their rifles Reports from the region of Cass lake tell of increasing alarm there Whether it be justified or not men are coming in from their farms bringing their wives and children and such effects as they can carry and with their dogs trailing at their heels They wish to atlly themselves with their white brothers of the villages for de fense against the belligerent Chippewns who ar meandering through the woods in 8 The Bear Islander who was rescued from United Staes Marshals aud who Is the cause of all the trouble small bands painted and equipped for massacre TROOPS TO PROTECT SETTLERS Minnesota Artillery Batteries Or dered to Leech Lake District Batteries A and B Minnesota artillery were ordered to proceed at once to Walk er in the Leech lake district as a pro tection to the settlers who in fear of an attack by the Pillager Indians petitioned Gov Clough for assistance Both bat teries are equipped with two Gatling guns two rifled cannon two brass Napoleon field guns 150 sabers seventy five car bines 100 Springfield rifles and 3000 rounds of ammunition They are in com mand of Captain Bennett of Minneapolis and Captain Avery of St Paul Soldiers Fought Bravely Speaking of the conduct of his men un der fire Gen Bacon said No sSldiers ever put up a gamer fight and consid ering that four fifths of the men were re- emits their showing avbs one of which - BEAR ISLAND - every American soldier may feej protjd Poor Captain Wilkinson died like the brave officer that he was JEALOUS WOMAN MURDERS Mrs McKinleya Brother Is Sliot to Djeath at Canton Ohio Canton Ohio is in a state of great ex citement over the murder of George D Sax6n the brother of Mrs McKinley the Presidents wife Mrs Anna C George was arrested on suspicion of being the murderess Saxton was shot down short ly after dark by a woman in front of the house of Mrs Eva B Althouse a friend of Saxton and a widow who not long ago instituted peace proceedings against Mrs George alleging that she had threatened her with violence and death Saxtona lifeless body was found prostrate on the ground with three bullet wounds in it Neighbors descriptions of the woman who shot Saxton tallied with that of Mrs George She is a tall graceful woman more than ordinarily good looking and not yet middle aged Saxton was one of the successful busi ness men of Cantori and was possessed of considerable property He was 50 yeara old The murder is supposed to be the outcome of tronble of lobg stnndingTje tween Saxton and the George family growing out of the formers relations witn Mrs George Saxton lived in the upper stories of his business block and when Mrs George came to Canton six years ago from Co lumbiana County leaving her husband be hind she opened a dressmaking establish ment in the Saxton block Some months ago Sample C George the husband of the woman sued Saxton for 30000 alleging the alienation of his wifes affections The case was settled by Saxton paying the husband 1825 In a number of oth er cases Mrs George was plaintiff against Saxton and she several times created scenes in the Saxfon block in which offi cers were obliged to interfere Last fall the Federal grand jury indicted her charging improper use of the mails ia sending threatening letters to Saxton News of Minor Note Ute Indians are suspected of setting for est fires in Idaho Chili is threatening war with both Ar gentina and Peru Over 10000 men marched in a big pa rade in Brooklyn as a public protest against blasphemy Great alarm has been caused in Havana by the wholesale pardon of criminals by the Spanish officials Zinc has taken another jump coming within 1 of the highest price on record reached four weeks ago Andrew Adams formerly a newspaper reporter at Providence R I is to inarr Princess Kalulani of Hawaii Dairy products sold in Kansas last year were valued at 6000000 an increase of over 15 per cent over preceding year The ultimatum of the powers to Tur key demands that her troops and officials be withdrawn from Crete during October Mrs Julia F Trout has sued Mrs Bar bara Frieh for 10000 at Buffalo N Yt for saying she used pads to fill out hez figure iv Elbridge T Gerry and Robert Goelet have become citizens of Newport R I to escape the high rate of taxation in New York The Government has placed an order for smokeless powder at Santa Cruz Cal which will keep the plant busy for twa years The overdue transport Senator en route from Manila to San Francisdo was dam aged in a typhoon and had to be repaired at Honolulu The ignorant masses of the Philippine revolutionists demand absolute indepen dence though utterly incapable of self goveriment Three hundred men are to be recruited in San Francisco to take the place of the men with Admiral Dewey whose terms of service expire Edward Tomkins of Camden N J had himself locked up in the Camden jail to prevent himself from obeying an impulse to kill his family Two tea plates each 200 yeare old were sold for 1250 and 0 respectively at the old Satteerthau mansion Fallingston Bucks County Pa The residents of Abingdon Pa and vi cinity are raising a fund to have the high ways patrolled at night to prevent the depredations of thieves The house and furniture of M Emile Zola will be sold to satisfy a judgment obtained against him in the libel suit grow ing out of the Dreyfus case Corporal Edwards of the Seventy first New York regiment who has been miss ing since the battle ot San Jose Hill was found in a hospital in Brooklyn Mrs Annie Kline Rickert once a fa mous Confederate spy is now president ot the Stockton and Tuolumne County Rail road a sixty mile track in California The visitations of the supposed ghost ot Peter Christiano who was murdered in Orange N J some time ago are terri fying the Italian community of that town Bev A S Orne of Syracuse Ohio who has made observations in nineteen States says that 95 to 99 per cent of criminals confined in prisons were neglected chil dren