B1 A r M j K I I I 5i i I i Pit ag - - 7r ft Ebj Postofflce address Branded on left side some H left side and thigh- auc on left thigh u Range Duck Lake sHine on leiLsnouiaer on letc siue vnywhere on nnimal Onlf nil nr thiih mMi Range north pronpJ Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake J G Postoffice address -Hyannis Neb On right side bor es same on shoulder right Range six miles I northwest of Moth er Lake precinct SWEENEY BROS Tnstofflp address Pullman Neb Cattle branded as on cut horses branded same as cattle exwit reversed fc See block Range Stevei and Stenheneon Lakes and South CUAMBE BLAIN CO rostoflice rddres Brownlee Neb rrindeclou either - e sairie as on cut Lollijaws JP S KOUSCHE FpstofBce address On left Bide or any part oinlmal Ear mark riRht ear cut off horses branded sameon lefUiinAlso hastock branded H on side or shoulder or JKor WorOVX oro or FZ Also HHUHgdBd igQB the following the first one bein o on side aud bin SUSS LEK AND SONS GEO IIIGG1NS Brownlee Neb Postofflce addres Brownlco Neb On rlsht side 01 LKoep same- side also LEK oh lefi side Range north o rownleo 2 to 4 miles fTIMyfiftit TTjfflnMtwJrMi JOHN J STEK Postoffice arid res Brownlco Neb On i IrI t side Range Horse Valley i CLARENCE K SMITH Postoffice address T7hf ivior WOtti On left side hbrses i OUSTAVK WENDLEK Also have stock branded on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range Southwestern Cherry County m Pa bv Postofflce address Brownleo Neb Acorn just hank ol left shoulder blado Horses same on left shoulder Range east ol Dearer Lake COOLEY tlmMmMML A J PLUMER fcMJirtaWJWaCTiTVMWIW Postofiice address Hyanuis Neb Branded on right side and hip W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH Postoffice address ftvannis Neh OnlefthlD anc left side Also on left hip and leftside hnrsps same brands on shoulders Range 23 miles north of Hyannis KBLVjAkH MASON COMPANY Tostofllcc address Hyannis JNeu On right hip either side On richt lTM W2M sine ileft bin hor ses right shoulder Rauge seven miles north of Hyannis Q 4- CBZ3aJB A HUMPHREY BHBR3BtdSSI Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded anywhere on right side hor ses same on left shonlder Range sixteen miles northeast of THEDFORD HOSPITAL Modern equipment Up-to-date proced ures All the newer methods In -MEDICINE and SURGERY Speclaltles Hav fever Catarrh Cancer Rupture and riles cured without the knife Disease of the eye ear stomach aud of women and all chronic diseases Will answer calls by mail or wire within a distance of 100 miles Regular days THURSDAY and FRIDAY at SENECA -and MULLEN- The balance of the week at THEDFORD Dr M VOLAEK Manager J II FRITZ 3SBotary ivtTollo Bxovvnlee - ISetoi aska work promptly attended to v TXABER GRANGE Nennedv 3Vebxasla Carry a complete line of General Merchandise uy aoiii a easa ousmess we are wwuibj iu6 our cuslimur i the lowest and uniform prices W nnH sinistra mnals and comfortable lodging at r souable rates THE STOCKMAN Win ffi Walters Irop THEDFORD - - NEBRASKA This hotel has jeGL newly fitted and guaranteed 1 o be a first class house in every respect Your pat ronage is solicited Consign Your Stock Shipments to Perrine Cook Co LIYE STOCK COMMISSION SOUTH OMAHA NEBRASKA Why pay 45 to 65 for a steel iange when you can get one for 25 Drop a postal to 1 IT Emerv Valentine Neb FIRST CLASS MILL I have established a Feed and Saw Mill 0 miles south of Cody at the mouth of Medicine- Canyon and am now prepared to grind Feed Corn Meal and Graham or turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension sniff and Native Shingles Give us a trial order J F HOOK m fESSSS CTt iriiiiiiHirTirci - m P i iMJffnBTIiir H CPSN CLOSCS ANCU i HIRE FENC8 t Stro est fence on tho market is perfectly safe aad an effectual barrier ejiii nst ail forms uf -luck Muie if No S ualvanUcd steel wire Cross iircs sccurel cluttipetL inex pensive Vrite ioj cat ilojiut eot liss i circr OLD 8TYLB OUR SIYlE Dr Dwyee Physician Siirgeou Superintendent of A Private Hospital For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed VALENTINE Ullp rtf NEBRASKA THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of - NORTH NEBRASKA JE8tray Xoticc Taken up at my residence in Sec 15 Tp 34 It 82 one bay lnrse hall face about five years old branded J AL on right shoulder aud hip One bay horse about six years old branded i left shoulder JO on left hip One iron gray horse about five years old branded V on richt ANDKEW KAltKLABUI flKiisej ueoregsa V - HUT Thomas County News Entered In the post office at Thedford Ne braska as second class matter John Krickbaum was in on Tuesday Dr Clark was called to Dunning on Monday Geo Kellar was in town on Tuesday smiling and shaking hands with friends McMillan shipped two cars of stock part of them being from Krickbaums ranch County Treasvrer Talbot was here early in the week looking after the de J linquent tax list Squire Posten has recently purchased the land formerly occupied by Mr Cooke at Seneca George Higgins and two brothers were here attending to the shipment of some stock on Monday The postoffice has been moved to the old Dr Dangsdon office postmaster West having purchased it County commissioners Walters and Crawford were attending the meeting of the board on Tuesday Mr Farley of Aurora Nebraskawas here Tuesday and went out with Mr Etinger to buy some cattle Fete Rouche was over on Monday looking ior a doctor for hisr wife who was left here for treatment Mr Etinger owner of large of Dundee Illinois cattle ranch interests was here early in the week Mr Felix Posten Sr of Seneca was at the meeting of the commissioners and has been appointed justice of the peace for Seneca M Dunham of Kennedy came in with Dell Ayers TJ S mail carrier from Brownlee Saturday evening Mr Dunham visited Hanford over Sunday at the Uphaui sheep ranch Niobrara Falls Since our last writing Miss Sara Ad- amson visited her brother John fora day Lynn W Parker visited his parents a couple oft days last week R Grooms returned Monday from a trip to Sparks on business Felix Nollette Wm Archer passed through this vicinity Tuesday with a bunch of cattle they had purchased from Sparks Bros Reese and Reed went up to the Ger man settlement Sunday after some pigs they had purchased Sergeant Elmer Cole was in town the first of the week and applied for an ex tension of time on his furlough The Sergeant is rapidly regainingjiis health and spirits and another month will patch him up as good as new Jake Anthis came over from Brown lee Monday to file on a homestead Lon Mosher has commenced digging his tater crop Thinks he will have enough to feed the old woman on this winter John Mark fell through his hay rack a few days ago and it is reported that he broke a couple of ribs BAD BOY Kennedy Charles Austin has returned after lo eating his iamily for the winter in Loup City Mr John Bardson is here visiting from Edgmont Sears Bros started October Ijwith a fine bunch of steers for the South Oma ha market The dance at Charles Kimes last week was attended by some of our Kennedy young folks Miss Lizzie Kime is visiting in Lone Tree valley this week James Steadman of Pass was in Kennedy on the l J A Gee has commenced building an ice houBe in his grove in the west end of the valley Some hay is being bought about the vicinitjT for 150 per ton while others are holding for 200 Quite a number of cattle have died on the lakes close to Kennedy suppos ed cause black leg TJ S Monthly report of school in DistNo 2 dumber pupils enrolled 27 Those not absent nor tardy raunie Malvin Ora and Rhoda Hooper Byrdie and Johnnie Melton Carl and Frances Con nelly Jjred Cottle and Earl Ward Daily average attendance 16 JENNIE MORGAREIDGE Teacber Eli Precinct F R Yanish and wife took in the Gordon Fair last week William Selder of Sioux City was up visiting and looking after his interest in the Selder Bros ranch He filed on a quarter section of land while here P Sullivan Henry TIeckul J P Gardiner and E E Crane ctelivered cattle at Merriman last week E F Devine seems- to be right in the push these days While in Gordon recently we drop ped into the Journal office and was having a very pleasant chat Avith the editor when we noticed posted on the wall liNo Loafers Allowed in Here The only thing we could do was to beg the editors pardon and julr our freight Alva Green of Merriman was seen mieandering around this neck o woods onoday last week Hugh Bovill and Fred Robinson each sold1 a bunch of steers Jast week A sister of Mrs Selder of Hot Springs has been visiting with her the last week or ten days Blackleg is quite common through this pirt of the county at the present time SANDY lfAnna Kissel Avife of W R Kissel of Brownlee Nebdeparted this life Sept 28 1898 at her home six miles north of Brownlee She fell asleep quietly after three weeks illness with typhoid dys entery Anna Lee sister of John R and Jas M Lee was born near Monaghah ire land December 20 1834 She came to America m January 1851 and lived a few years in Bradford Co Pennsylvania moving thence to Wisconsin where in 1857she married Win R Kissel and came to Nebraska In the spring of 1888 she came to Cherry county so she is entitled to be called an old settler Mrs Kissel was of Godly parentage and in early life made profession of her faith in Christ She was for many years a member of the Covenanter j church at Fremont and Wahoo but a I few years ago she identified herself with the etiioaist churcli ot Jirownlee In the even tenor of her life she sustained a godly profession She was laid to rest in the Brownlee burying ground Thursday afternoon Sept 9 the service being conducted by the Rev Wm C Paden of Wahoo as sisted by the Rev Campbell Her hus band one son andfive daughters mourn the death of this good woman Geo ODonnel and wife are stopping at the Gordon Hotel Hugh Bovill and Fred Robinson of Meirimau each shipped cattle this week Nellie Dobson of Merriman is visit ing this week with Mary VanBuskirk It is said there were fully a hundred drunk Indians in town this week One of these days whed it is too late our cit izens and town authorities will awaken to the sad realization that it is danger ous business to fill a red mans skin full of rotgut whiskey and turn him loose within the bounds of civilization Gor don Journal Andrew Yaryan -of Pullman ship ped out two cars of cattle Sunday night to the South Omaha market Dr Bradley was called to Mulled to prescribe for Rev Hulburts daughter Gracevwho was threatened with typhoid feveiv Thirty jsix cars of cross anchor cat tle from the campanys Wyoming ranch were unloaded at this place Monday to be ranged north east of Pullman Whitman Sun The free silver republican voters of the 14th senatorial district are request ed to meet in convention in Ainsworth Tuesday Oct 11 1808 for the pur pose of placing in nomination a can didate for state senator All republi cans who believe in the remonetization of silver are cordially invited to attend J G ACKErMAN Chairman 4 J H Shore fusion candidate for re presentative accompanied by his wife stopped in town a few days to visit re latives while on his way from Omaha to his ranch in Cherry County Mr f Shore learned of his nomination when arrived at Bassett He left for Cherry County on Monday Springview Call Mary Boule of Valentine is visiting hoy aunt Mrs Gray L K Alder sold a big bunch of cat tie last week to F E Gillette to be delivered Oct 17 The Excelsior roller mills shipped a carload of flour direct to London last I Thursday Ainsworth Star Journal ML r - -- g itfi w 1 - - Will lie sent until JANUARY 1900 for only ONE DOLLAR provided all arrearages are paid up to date and the dollar in advance SThis wont last long THE PURCHASING POWER OFMQNEW r Is what gives it value When you spend that dollar sec that you exchange it where it will bring the bestjreturns A heavy purchaer figured this out and now buy Loots and Shoes Hats and Caps Clothing and Provisions Fuel etc of 2622 i mm- Three Doors From Corner fmln ii - 44 iILaJSV Iff i yl Ml 41 XaW 1 All weather is alike to mcw I wear the kind that RETAIN THEIR SHAPE Thafsths kindPmlook ng for Ill order a suit from their agent iraxasr diafcty MADE TO ORDER BY EDWARD E STRAUSS CO Americas Popular Tailors Cnicago AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE IN THE U S AND TERRITORIES RATES 100 to 150 Per Day 500 to 700 Per We k Iiavefouml that Edward E Strauss Oos Famous Custom Tailored Suits and Overcoats X c f FRITZ LEWIS BROWNLEE NEBR flTOCK -EXCHANGE RESTAURANT OlEX DAY AJJD NIGHT 1 E T MILLEE Proprietor -- LODGING FOE STOCKMEN 40 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS- - v South Omaha IT IS Ei ST tollect1ie difference now but the experience costs money If you want- TO BE HAPPY v - HVlli you wm proilt by the advice offotliersttwho i5 - T -A 4 4 are the best to be had anywhere at the i PEI0E 1200 is the starting point of these handsome suits but no matter what you pay you will find the quality is is- W0ETH DOUBLE y 300 samples to select from r CALL ON - w - THE RED FROT JACKSON BRAYTON VALENTINE NEBRASKA Telephone No 67 3L REED HOTEL MRS JOHN REED Proprietress STOCKMENS PATRONAGE ESPECIALLY SOLICITED 25th St Between L and M Streets South Omaha Nebr TRAINS RUN to the GROUNDS R E M V R R js5 n SAVE TIME You will know what a grand success -the Trans Mississippi and international Expo sition is and it would be impossible for any one to tell you about it YOU MUST SEE IT v s j SAVE TIME TRAINS RUN to the GROUNDS - SJ Agents have rates with long limits raps with shorter limits ana frequent spefeil rates for special occasions and F5EMV RR Trains Run To The Grounds SAVE TIME Jt 7 M M il